Версия программы: 25.2.1
Официальный сайт: WinTools Software Engineering, Ltd.
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, другие
Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: лицензионный номер (3 шт)
Системные требования:
- Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (32/64-bit)
ExtraDisks - это набор инструментов для создания виртуальных дисков на физических дисках вашего компьютера, которые не изменяются и не делятся на дополнительные разделы. Программа содержит инструменты для создания зашифрованных дисков, виртуальных дисков на основе файлов и виртуальных дисков на основе каталогов. Текущая версия включает следующие инструменты: Зашифрованные диски, Виртуальные диски, Диски папок, Диспетчер запуска, Настройка системы.
Этот инструмент используется для создания зашифрованных дисков на вашем компьютере. На этом диске вы можете хранить конфиденциальную информацию, которую хотите сохранить в тайне от других пользователей. Диск шифруется с помощью алгоритмов AES128/AES256 в режиме реального времени (это обеспечивает стабильную защиту ваших данных от взлома).
ExtraDisks: виртуальный диск
Этот инструмент используется для создания виртуальных дисков без разбиения жесткого диска вашего компьютера на дополнительные диски. Этот инструмент использует файл в качестве основы для виртуального диска.
ExtraDisks: диск с папкой
Этот инструмент используется для создания виртуального диска без создания дополнительных разделов на жестком диске вашего компьютера в обоих системных режимах — расширенном и нерасширенном. Этот инструмент использует папку в качестве основы для виртуального диска и упрощает доступ к часто используемым папкам на вашем компьютере.
ExtraDisks: менеджер запуска
Этот инструмент позволяет отслеживать, добавлять, удалять, включать и/или отключать отдельные элементы автозагрузки. Настройте приложения, которые инициализируются во время загрузки операционной системы. С помощью этого инструмента вы можете отключить виртуальные диски сторонних компаний.
ExtraDisks: настройка системы
Это набор дополнительных настроек, связанных с безопасностью, производительностью системы и пользовательскими настройками и не включенный в базовые компоненты MS Windows.
The history of the development (+ - added feature, * - bug fix):
Version 25.2.1 (February 14, 2025)
+ Optimized the whole program code.
+ Updated the ButtonEx code.
+ Updated the Dutch (Nederlands) language file.
+ Updated the Korean language file.
+ Updated the Spanish language file.
Version 25.1.1 (January 02, 2025)
+ Windows Tweaks -> System Tray tweaks have been added.
+ Windows Tweaks -> File System tweaks have been added.
+ Language files have been modified.
+ The program interface has been updated.
Version 24.12.1 (December 05, 2024)
+ Dialog boxes for System Tweaker have been updated.
+ Dutch (Nederlands).lng has been updated.
+ Some spelling errors have been fixed.
Version 24.8.1 (October 07, 2024)
+ The algorithm for checking occupied files has been changed.
+ The program columns have been modified for better readability.
Version 24.7.1 (July 30, 2024)
+ Added support for terabyte and petabyte files
+ Reduced CPU load
Version 24.5.1 (May 28, 2024)
+ The Tweaker->OEM Drivers tool has been updated
+ A button to select old drivers has been added
+ Catalog and Description columns have been added to the OEM Drivers list
+ lng-files have been updated
version 24.3.1 (March 28, 2024)
+ The SetWindowPosition algorithm has been updated.
+ Minor interface changes have been made.
+ lng-files were changed.
version 24.2.1 (February 28, 2024)
+ Loading speed has been increased for Windows 10/11.
+ The Windows Uptime algorithm has been updated.
+ The WM_TIMER code has been optimized.
+ lng-files were changed.
version 24.1.1 (January 24, 2024)
+ Confirmation has been added for the Apply button of the System Tweaker tool
+ An Update button has been added for the System Tweaker tool
+ A Reboot button has been added for the System Tweaker tool
+ A Refresh button has been added for the OEM Drivers list
+ A Refresh button has been added for the Screen Savers list
+ A Refresh button has been added for the Control Panel list
+ Minor changes have been made to the interface design of the System Tweaker tool
+ polish.lng has been added
version 24.0.0 (December 27, 2023)
* The issue of buttons sticking has been fixed.
* The Apply button in Network Fixer has been fixed.
+ Black Title for the dark theme has been added.
+ A dialog box for Network Fixer has been added.
+ The Upgrade button has been modified.
+ The text for the OK button has been corrected.
version 23.12.1 (December 05, 2023)
* GetFileTitle() bug was fixed
+ spanish.lng was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 23.8.1 (August 28, 2023)
+ Splash Screen code was changed for Windows 11
+ Loading speed was increased
+ lng files were updated
version 23.5.1 (May 12, 2023)
+ ini-file was changed
+ lng-files were updated
version 23.4.1 (March 30, 2023)
+ TweakUI icons were added
+ size of Password editbox was changed
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was added
+ korean.lng was updated
+ spanish.chm was added
version 23.3.1 (February 08, 2023)
+ program interface minor changes
+ portuguese.lng was added
+ French.lng was updated
+ Korean.lng was updated
+ Spanish.lng was updated
version 23.0.1 (December 13, 2022)
+ System Fixer tool was added to Tweaker
+ Application tab added to Tweaker
+ Uninstall tab added to Tweaker
+ reduced size of decor pictures
+ lng files were updated
version 22.10.1 (October 10, 2022)
+ minor changes of interface
+ program icons were changed
+ arabic.lng was added
+ french.lng and korean.lng were updated
version 22.7.1 (August 13, 2022)
+ Mount All button was added
+ program icons were updated
+ russian.lng was added
version 22.6.1 (June 06, 2022)
* startup items bug was fixed
* points menu bug was fixed
+ registration point was updated
+ c:/temp folder was added
+ german.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 22.4.1 (April 20, 2022)
+ Invisible Man tool was added
+ minor interface changes
* minor bugfix
+ french.lng was added
+ korean.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was added
version 22.3.1 (March 21, 2022)
* size of columns of ListView was fixed
+ Stop button for Fragmentation tool was added
+ Delete Folders list for Folder Tool was added
+ Transparent window text was updated
+ Shredder icon was updated
+ Shredder decor was added
+ italian.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
+ hlp-file was updated
version 22.1.1 (February 14, 2022)
+ program interface was updated
+ french.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was added
+ spanish.chm was added
version 22.0.1 (January 17, 2022)
+ speed of program loading increased
+ lng-files were updated
version 21.12.1 (December 19, 2021)
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
* Updated Dialog bug was fixed
version 21.9.1 (December 06, 2021)
+ English help file was added
* Splash Screen bug was fixed
version 21.9 (November 25, 2021)
+ MS Windows 11 compatible
+ Scan Files algorithms were optimized
+ Scan Registry algorithms were optimized
version 21.8 (August 17, 2021)
+ Uninstall button for OEM drivers was added
+ Date and Version tabs for OEM list were added
+ sorting of OEM-drivers list was added
+ loading speed was increased
+ additional dialog boxes were added
+ minor changes of interface
+ dutch(nederlands) lng-file was updated
version 21.5 (June 28, 2021)
+ Status Bar size was changed
+ menu font was updated
version 21.3 (May 19, 2021)
+ static boxes were updated
* tab problem was fixed
version 21.0 (March 11, 2021)
+ loading speed was increased
+ program speed was increased
+ Splash Screen algorithm updated
+ lng-files were updated
version 20.12 (December 09, 2020)
* freezing bug of Dup Files was fixed
* incorrect amount of enumirating files was fixed
* interface bug was fixed
* DestroyIcon() bug was fixed
version 20.9 (October 27, 2020)
+ turkish.lng was updated
+ compiler was updated
+ minor changes of interface
version 20.7 (August 12, 2020)
+ program font was changed
+ loading speed was increased
version 20.5 (May 20, 2020)
+ loading speed was increased
+ program size was decreased
version 20.3 (March 10, 2020)
+ Google Chrome was added to Privacy
+ Opera Browser was added to Privacy
+ FireFox was added to Privacy
+ MS Edge was added to Privacy
* Defend button was fixed
+ Privacy icons were updated
+ lng files were updated
version 20.0 (December 23, 2019)
+ program interface was changed for 125% dpi
+ Erasure dialog was changed
+ Status Bar size was changed
+ menu font was updated
+ program font was changed
+ *.log1, *.log2, *.etl masks were added
+ german.lng was updated
+ polish.lng was updated
version 19.5 (October 05, 2019)
+ analysing algorithm was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 19.3 (April 03, 2019)
+ Scan Files algorithm was optimized
+ software compiler was updated
version 19.0 (January 25, 2018)
+ ScanReg algorithm was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ polish.lng was updated
+ turkish.lng was updated
* bug of CleanUn Analyse button was fixed
version 18.7 (November 11, 2018)
+ turkish.lng was added thanks to SALiH DRD
+ program compiler was changed
* freezing bug of Startup was fixed
version 18.5 (Aughust 07, 2018)
+ additional Clean Folders were added
+ Excludes list was updated
+ Scan Files busy-folders algorithm was added
+ *.log mask was added (disabled by default)
* List View sorting bug was fixed
version 18.3.1 (April 01, 2018)
+ Start Up manager was updated
+ lng files were updated
* interface bug of Duplicate files tool was fixed
version 18.2.1 (February 03, 2018)
+ Outlook mail problem was fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was updated
+ french.lng was updated
+ polish.lng was updated
+ spanish.lng were updated
version 18.0.1 (December 27, 2017)
+ Scan Files main algorithm was updated
+ Scan Registry main algorithm was updated
+ system busy files are excluded
+ system busy registry keys are excluded
+ System Status dialog was updated
+ System Status algorithms were updated
+ lng-files were updated
+ exclude lists of Scan Registry were updated
+ exclude lists saves positions
* a bug with .exe. and .dll. extentions was fixed
* minor bugfix
version 17.10.1 (November 07, 2017)
+ Scan Files patterns were updated
+ TweakUI options were changed
+ additional dialogs were added
version 17.9.1 (October 01, 2017)
* 'Display arrows on icons' algorithm was fixed
* 'Invalid Add/Remove Links' algorithm was fixed
* /n mastake of .lng files was fixed
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was updated
+ spanish.lng was updated
version 17.7.1 (July 22, 2017)
+ additional ProgressBar for Dup Files was added
+ Status Bar information of Dup Files was changed
+ Scan Status clearing every start
+ lng-files were updated
* Start/Stop bug of Dup Files was fixed
* freezing bug of Dup Files was fixed
* incorrect amount of enumirating files was fixed
* interface bug was fixed
* DestroyIcon() bug was fixed
version 17.6.1 (June 23, 2017)
+ MS Windows XP compatibility as normal
+ Polish.lng was updated
* loading problem was fixed
version 17.5.1 (May 22, 2017)
+ additional dialogs were added
+ Process List algorithm was changed
+ Kill Process algorithm was updated
+ sort-columns were added
+ Status Bar for Process List was added
+ Service List algorithm was updated
+ Polish.lng was added
+ minor changes of interface
* crash bug of Process List was fixed
version 17.4.1 (April 27, 2017)
+ Windows 10 v.1703 compatible
+ 21-day trial period problem was fixed
+ compiler of program was updated
+ new sign-key was added
version 17.3.1 (March 10, 2017)
+ main algorithms were updated
+ bmp-pictures were updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 17.2.1 (January 27, 2017)
+ SysWOW64 path was added in Control Panel tab
+ Screen Savers tab was updated for Windows 10
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 17.0.0 (December 01, 2016)
+ program interface was updated
+ Tweak UI tool was updated
+ loading speed was increased
version 16.9.1 (October 22, 2016)
+ Scan Registry algorithm was optimized
+ romana.lng was added
+ german.lng was updated
+ serbian.lng was updated
version 16.7.1 (July 20, 2016)
+ Scan Files templates were updated
+ Scan Registry algorithm was updated
* Startup scan bug was fixed
version 16.5.1 (May 23, 2016)
+ Update dialog was changed
+ Start Up manager was updated
* a bug with dialogs of TweakUI was fixed
version 16.4.1 (April 20, 2016)
+ new section for Net Tweaker was added
+ increased speed of Scan Registry algorithm
+ program installer was changed to MS Windows 10
* Scan Files Start button problem was fixed
* Scan Registry Uninstaller algorithm was fixed
version 16.3.0 (March 30, 2016)
+ ScanFiles patterns were updated
+ StartUp algorithm was updated
+ minor changes of interface
* SplashScreen bug was fixed
version 16.0.0 (December 03, 2015)
+ Windows 10 Tweaks page was added in TweakUI tool
+ Desktop Icons page was added
+ Broken Associations page was added
+ OneDrive Tweaks page was added
* memory problem in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
version 15.3.1 (November 01, 2015)
* problem with right-menu buttons was fixed
* problem with MS Tools menu points was fixed
* incorrect value of transparent window was fixed
version 15.0.1 (October 20, 2015)
* hidding windows bug in Tweak UI was fixed
* a bug in System Status window was fixed
+ increased speed of Start Up tool loading
+ Tweak UI options were added
+ Windows 10 Final compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 14.3.1 (October 27, 2014)
+ ScanFiles algorithm was updated
+ ScanRegistry algorithm was updated
+ Windows 10 compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 14.0.1 (January 31, 2014)
* ScanFiles bugfix
+ Windows 8.1 compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 13.0 (December 12, 2012)
+ Duplicate Files tool was added(for Premium edition only)
+ sort algorithm was changed
+ Windows 8 style of buttons was added
+ minor changes of interface
+ some algorithms were updated
+ lng files were updated
version 12.2 (April 03, 2012)
+ new point of context menu of Scan Reg was added
+ exclude list was updated
+ exclude algorithm of Scan Reg was changed
+ lng files were updated
version 12.1 (February 14, 2012)
+ speed of Scan Files algorithm was increased
+ Shred Files algorithm was optimized
+ minor changes of interface
* a bug of Help button of Language.exe module was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 11.12 (December 15, 2011)
* bug in Services list was fixed
* Start/Stop service crash was fixed
+ refreshing algorithm of services was updated
+ lng files were updated
version 11.11 (November 23, 2011)
+ NAG Screen of Everything Tab was removed
* some bugs of lng-files were fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ program protection was updated
+ lng files were updated
version 11.7 (July 08, 2011)
+ loading speed of the program was increased
+ refresh algorithm of Processes list was updated
+ progress bar for every list of Startup Manager was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated
version 11.5 (May 23, 2011)
+ loading speed was increased
+ Progress Bar for Uninstall List was added
+ loading algorithm of Uninstall List was updated
+ Full Path column for Uninstall List was updated
+ Reg Edit button was updated
* a bug in Uninstall status was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 11.4 (April 07, 2011)
+ new tool Everything Startup was added
+ System Status dialog was updated
+ one registry exclude was added
+ switching speed was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated
version 11.1 (February 21, 2011)
+ 'Missing Shared DLLs' algorithm was added
+ 'Application Paths' algorithm was added
+ 'Scan MUI Cache' algorithm was added
+ 'Installer Junk' algorithm was added
+ 'Invalid Add/Remove Links' algorithm was optimized
+ 'Invalid TypeLib Information' was updated
+ wintoolsvista.exe changed to wintoolsnet.exe
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
* a bug in 'Extensions Errors' algorithm was fixed
version 10.8 (August 10, 2010)
+ Main Window of the program was updated
+ Status Window was added
+ lng files were updated
version 10.7 (July 17, 2010)
+ Scan Registry WIndows x64 optimized
+ menu of program was updated
* problem with Startup items under WinXP x64 was fixed
* problem with size sorting was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 10.05 (May 25, 2010)
* Language problem of System Report was fixed
+ Drives Information was added to System Report
+ Start Up Entries were added to System Report
+ Loaded Processes were added to System Report
+ Loaded Services were added to System Report
+ Software Entries were added to System Report
+ Installed Software was added to System Report
+ program menu was updated
+ Tweak UI settings were updated
+ algorithm of program size was changed
+ lng-files were updated
version 10.04 (April 07, 2010)
+ main menu icons for maximized mode were changed
+ a problem with Update Explorer button under Windows 7 was fixed
+ algorithms of Objects to Erase were updated
+ algorithm of PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER was fixed
+ Invalid CurVer Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid TypeLib Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid ProgID Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid CLSID Information algorithm was updated
version 10.02 (February 09, 2010)
+ Scan Files algorithm was optimized
+ Scan Shortcuts algorithm was optimized
+ Scan Registry algorithm was updated
+ text in size columns right arranged
+ size of columns of Scan Files list was increased
+ program installer was updated
* bug in Clean Uninstaller registry keys list was fixed
version 10.01 (January 12, 2010)
+ Date column for Scan Files list was added
+ Date column for Scan Shortcuts list was added
+ MS Tools points menu were updated for Windows 7
+ save configuration of Scan Reg Locations
+ additional buttons for right menu were added for Windows 7
+ lng-files were updated
+ minor changes of interface
version 9.12 (December 23, 2009)
+ Startup Manager was updated
+ *.bup key unchecked by default
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.11 (November 19, 2009)
+ algorithm of Privacy Erasure was updated
+ OEM Logo and Information of TweakUI Windows x64 compatible
+ support for x64 Startup items was added
+ 5 additional Startup locations were added
* TweakUI options fixed for Windows x64
* problem with recycle.bin in Uninstall was fixed
* a bug when folders were not removed in Uninstall was fixed
* lng files were fixed
version 9.10 (October 15, 2009)
* a bug under Windows 2003 Server was fixed
+ descriptions for Windows Control Panels were added
+ MS Info button for Windows XP/2k was added
+ program menu was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.5 (June 22, 2009)
* a bug with Uninstaller list blinking was fixed
* Startup manager removing bug was fixed
+ new edition of Uninstaller List
+ program icons were added for Uninstaller List
+ additional information for items of Uninstaller List
+ Search Online point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Properties point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Task Manager point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Search Online point for context menu of Processes List was added
+ Properties point for context menu of Processes List was added
+ Search Online point for context menu of Services List was added
+ Description and Publisher columns for Startup list were added
+ Description and Publisher columns for Processes list were added
+ icons of programs for Processes list were added
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.3 (May 07, 2009)
+ All Tasks button for main menu was added
+ All Tasks point menu was added
+ saving Scan Files drives configuration
+ Double Buffer for lists
+ Check New Version blinking button
* Startup bug with RunServicesOnce was fixed
* registration problem was fixed
version 9.2 (February 10, 2009)
+ On-line Tweak Guide button was added
+ Check for Update button was added
+ minor changes of interface
+ bmp-files available for translation
+ lng-files were updated
* a bug with Wow6432Node on some PCs was fixed
version 9.1 (January 17, 2009)
+ Uninstall Menu Tab was added to Clean Uninstaller
+ Task Manager button was added to Startup
+ System Status gauge was added
+ Installed Physical Memory (RAM) info for Windows VISTA
+ headers of XP menu were changed
* a problem of removing Registry keys was fixed
* a bug of Startup manager when some entries removing was fixed
* a bug of Scan Registry on PC with small RAM was fixed
* an error of Uninstaller List was fixed
* some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
version 9.0 (November 01, 2008)
+ MS Windows VISTA x64 compatibility was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point creating was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point analyzing was added
+ set focus on Edit Control of Clean Uninstaller report dialog
+ context menu for Installed entries list of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ context menu for View File button of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ mouse double click action for some lists of Clean Uninstaller
+ special icon for System Drive of Scan Files
+ file and folder icons for Scan Files List
+ a new icon of program 256x256 was added
+ icons of program menu were changed
+ context menu for Control Panels list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for OEM Drivers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for Screen Savers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for IE Favorites list of The Privacy was added
+ Logo And Support Info tab was added to TweakUI
+ Thanks To... dialog box was added to About WinTools.net panel
+ DATA.BAK Microsoft Office exclude was added
* a bug of false report in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a bug of incorrect window switch of Clean Uninstaller tab was fixed
* a bug with Delete button in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* incorrect help for View button of Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a Stop button bug of Scan Files was fixed
* incorrect key view of Scan Registry tool was fixed
* some memory leakages were fixed
version 8.9.0 (September 15, 2008)
+ main window of program was updated
+ program icon and splash screen were changed
+ backup and restore Internet Favorites
+ lng files were updated
version 8.8.0 (August 07, 2008)
* a bug with colors of main menu was fixed
+ smooth closing of window under Vista
+ color of left menu was changed
+ gradual changing of window transparency
+ arabic.lng was added thanks to AwadhA Al-Ghaamdi
+ french.lng was added thanks to Jacklours
+ italian.lng was added thanks to Rocco Mita
version 8.7.0 (June 25, 2008)
+ main interface was changed
+ german.lng was added thanks to M.Crames
+ spanish.lng was added thanks to M.A.G.
* a bug with registration point in menu was fixed
* a bug with excludes in ScanReg was fixed
version 8.6.0 (May 21, 2008)
+ multilanguage support
+ additional tools were added
+ new interface
+ full unicode support
+ algorithms were updated
* bugfix of some algorithms
Version 9.3.0 (April 17, 2008)
* bug in .lng files was fixed
* some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
+ main algorithm of Clean Uninstaller was updated
+ List of excludes in links was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 9.2.0 (February 20, 2008)
+ main algorithm of Scan Files was updated
+ List of excludes in links was updated
+ Transparent Window code was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 9.0.0 (December 21, 2007)
+ Search Result dialog for Application tab was added
+ Search button for Uninstaller Tab was added
+ compatibility for MS products was added
+ Excludes list of Scan Reg was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.8.1 (November 01, 2007)
+ Excludes list of Scan Reg was updated
+ problem with HP software was fixed
+ problem with Adobe software was fixed
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.7.1 (September 23, 2007)
* bug with memory size was fixed
* bug in TweakUI was fixed
+ System Info window was updated
+ belarussian.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.6.1 (August 07, 2007)
+ main menu of program was changed
+ Show All Text Labels option was added
* bug with "Run registry editor" in CleanUn was fixed
* bug with Folders List of CleanUn was fixed
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.5.1 (June 10, 2007)
+ Start the program from USB storage menu option
+ twain_32 exception for Scan Files
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.4.1 (April 21, 2007)
+ non-trasparent interface by default
+ "Create control point" algorithm was updated
+ "Analyze control point" algorithm was updated
+ "Delete all files" algorithm was changed
+ "Scan Files" algorithm was updated
+ ScanReg exclude algorithm was changed
+ hot keys of WinTools.net were changed
Version 8.3.1 (March 23, 2007)
* bug in ScanFiles algorithm was fixed
* bug in SysInfo was fixed
* bug with system privileges was fixed
+ transparent dialog was updated
+ transparent algorithm was updated
+ some program algorithms were updated
+ Splash Screen was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.2.1 (March 03, 2007)
* problem with System Restore under VISTA was fixed
* problem with Defragmenter under VISTA was fixed
+ program fonts were changed
+ Transparent Window option was added
+ ClearType Fonts option was added
+ 93% transparent by default
+ length of some strings was changed
Version 8.1.1 (February 20, 2007)
* bug with program size was fixed
+ Windows VISTA compatible
+ program details were added
+ ScanFiles algorithm was changed
+ Excludes list was changed
+ some file excludes were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.0.1 (December 03, 2006)
* program crash in scan files process was fixed
+ three new ScanFiles algorithms were added
+ options page of ScanFiles was changed
+ a new ScanReg algorithm was added
+ list of ScanReg algorithms was updated
+ icons of ScanReg tool were updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.9.1 (September 01, 2006)
* full path for "User Temporary Files"
* problem with column size of ScanFls was fixed
* problem with ScnFls "remove" progress bar was fixed
* problem with ScnReg "remove" progress bar was fixed
+ delete StartUp item by using DEL key
+ "scan folder" algorithm was changed
+ "remove files" algorithm was changed
+ main algorithm of ScanReg was updated
+ names of "Clean Folders" were updated
+ new button "Group Policy" was added for MS Tools menu
+ some buttons of ScanFls blocked in scan process
+ some buttons of ScanReg blocked in scan process
+ some algorithms of ScanReg and ScanFls were optimized
+ some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
Version 7.7.1 (July 27, 2006)
+ Erasure dialog was added (The Privacy)
+ Erasure algorithms were updated
+ erasing status added
+ program settings (by default) were changed
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.4.4 (June 14, 2006)
* problem with UNDO files was fixed
+ Uninstall Panel was updated
+ algorithm of CleanUn was updated
+ disable buttons in Scan Reg removing process
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.3.1 (May 01, 2006)
* problem with "Bad Font" algorithm fixed thaks to Alen "Adept" Hairullin
* problem with progress bar fixed thaks to Nikita Deinega
* problem in "Shortcuts" status bar fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.1.1 (March 21, 2006)
+ warning message for CleanUn tool was added
+ warning message for Searcher tool was added
+ System Info list was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.0.0 (January 30, 2006)
+ the main compiler of project was changed
+ context menu for Clean Uninstall list was added
+ context menu for Files list was added
+ context menu for Registry list was added
+ context menu for File Mask list was added
+ context menu for Clean Folder list was added
+ context menu for Excludes list was added
+ context menu for Junk files list was added
+ context menu for Shortcuts list was added
+ context menu for Software list was added
+ context menu for Uninstall list was added
+ context menu for Backup/Undo list was added
+ context menu for Searcher list was added
+ context menu for Startup list was added
+ context menu for Processes list was added
+ context menu for Services list was added
+ context menu for Invisible list was added
+ context menu for Favorites list was added
+ CPU Brand ID, Vendor, Type... for sysinfo list were added
+ list Additional Platform Features was added
+ algorithm of Favorites list was updated
+ mouse double-click action for Favorites list
+ mouse double-click action for Clean Uninstall list
+ algorithm of Shortcut scan was updated
+ tech support address was updated
+ TreeView of Objects to Erase was updated
+ language.exe was updated
* problem in ScanReg when lowarcase letters ignored was fixed
* problem with StartUp shortcut creating was fixed
* problem with creating Exclude folders was fixed
Version 6.7.1 (December 07, 2005)
* problem with Windows themes was fixed
* problem with ScanReg Exclude was fixed
* problem with Panda Antivirus was fixed
+ main library of interface was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.5.1 (October 30, 2005)
* some problems of TweakUI were fixed
* algorithm of ScanReg was changed
+ new file masks were added
+ excludes for ScanReg and ScanFiles were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.3.1 (September 30, 2005)
* memory problem of ScanReg algorithm was fixed
* bug with leakages in services was fixed
* NetTweak bug with options was fixed
+ autoscroll for ScanFiles list was added
+ autoscroll for ScanReg list was added
+ mouse double-click action for "Startup" list
+ NetTweak options were updated
+ 10 new file masks were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.0.1 (August 25, 2005)
* problem with virtual memory in list was fixed
+ algorithm of scan registry was updated
+ 15 new file masks were added
+ traditional chinese.lng was added
+ korean.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.0.0 (August 07, 2005)
* problem with excludes(ScanReg) was fixed (thanx to Alexandr Burachewskij)
* problem with "Processes" list was fixed
* problem with "Control Panel" list was fixed
+ new tool Searcher(ScanReg) was added
+ button-menu was changed(TweakUI)
+ some interface problems were fixed
+ "Creation Time" for list "Applications" was added(ScanReg)
+ "Creation Time" for list "Uninstall Menu" was added(ScanReg)
+ some minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 5.7.1 (June 23, 2005)
* problem with lng files in CleanUn was fixed
* problem with interface in CleanUn was fixed
* problem with Stop button in Scan Files was fixed
* problem with number of processes in status bar was fixed
+ major update of main algorithm of Scan Files
+ major update of main algorithm of Scan Shortcuts
+ major update of main algortithm of Scan Reg
+ all main algorithms of Clean Uninstaller were updated
+ disable windows in process of creating/analysing of control point
+ window resizing in CleanUn was changed
+ amount of changes for CleanUn in status bar
Version 5.6.1 (May 17, 2005)
* empty item in Erase object`s tree was removed
* problem with folder type definition was fixed (Scan Files)
+ algorithms of "Erasure" tool was optimized
+ algorithm of file removing was updated (freeze effect fixed)
+ new option: "Remove empty folders of Start menu" was added
+ additional algorithm/option for "Shred Files" was added
+ New tool "Fragment deleted files" was added
+ lng-files was updated
Version 5.5.1 (April 05, 2005)
* problem with "Delete Item" (Startup Manager) was fixed
* problem with CS products of Adobe was fixed
+ File Shredder algorithm was updated
+ compatibility with McAfee products was added
+ lng-files was updated
Version 5.3.1 (March 07, 2005)
* some problems in Scan Registry was fixed
+ status for lists: Software, Installed, Services, Startup was added
+ possibility of remove several items was added to Startup Manager
+ services Tab was modernized
+ processes Tab was modernized
+ additional options for services was added
+ some minor changes of interface
+ points: Software Entries and Installed Software was added to System Report
Version 5.1.1 (December 20, 2004)
* problem with "Loaded Processes" in "System Report" was fixed
* "Apply" button was enabled (Tweak UI - Ctrl Panel)
* some mistakes in lng-files was fixed
+ czech.lng and polish.lng was added
+ minor changes of interface
Version 5.0.1 (November 07, 2004)
* floppy drive not rattle in program loading
* increased speed of removing of files (Scan Files)
* some mistakes in lng-files was fixed (thanks to Gordan Djukic)
* some interface problems was fixed for Win9x
* increased speed of loading of program
* problem with hard drive definition was fixed (Win9x)
+ new tool "Services"-tab was added (Start Up) XP/NT
+ "Processes"-tab was modernised (Start Up)
+ "Search and remove MS Windows log-files" option was added (Scan Files)
+ "Remove log-files" object for erasing was added (The Privacy)
+ "WinTools System Report" was added ("Action" point menu)
+ "Command Prompt" was added ("Action" point menu)
+ "MS System Restore" point menu was adeed in "MS Tools" menu
+ some program icons was changed
+ swedish.lng was added (thanks to Sture Bohlin)
+ serbian.lng was added (thanks to Gordan Djukic)
Version 4.9.1 (September 30, 2004)
* problem in "privacy" tool was fixed thanks to Gene Kim
* problem with tooltips for "Clean Shortcuts" tool was fixed
+ algorithm of creating of control point was updated
+ interface of "Scan Files" and "Scan Reg" tools for XP was changed
+ algorithm of checking hard drives was changed
+ buttons in Scan Files tab was changed
+ some icons was changed
+ hungarian.lng was added thanks to Jozsef Tamas Herczeg
Version 4.7.1 (August 23, 2004)
* fixed bug in File Shredder tool
* fixed problem with icons under Windows 2000
* fixed problem in "Software Entries" list with deleting items
* fixed bug in ScanFiles when disk is empty
+ list "Software Entries" modernized
+ button "Search" for "Software Entries" list was added
+ optimized some algorithms of program
+ language file "french.lng" was added thanks to Colok
+ language file "portuguese_br.lng" was added thanks to Alexandre Pina
+ added progress bar when restore one undo file
+ point menu "Action->Reboot Computer" was added
+ Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatible
Version 4.4.1 (June 27, 2004)
* Fixed mistake with minimal size
* Fixed mistake in message loop
* Changed resizing algorithm of main window
+ Added possibility to scan only Windows folders in "Scan Shortcuts"
+ Updated code of "Uninstall Menu" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Software Entries" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Uninstall Menu" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Undo Files" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Back Up" list
+ "RegEdit" button for opening selected key in "Software Entries" list
+ "RegEdit" button for opening selected key in "Uninstall Menu" list
+ One "Undo" for one removing process
+ Analytical info for uninstall Menu (Status column)
Version 4.2.1 (May 25, 2004)
* fixed problem with program menu
+ delete empty "Startup-" folders
+ minor changes of ScanReg algorithms
+ minor changes of interface
Version 4.1.1 (April 12, 2004)
+ window maximized size saved correctly
+ Save Window Size by default
+ added new points in SysInfo list
+ added "Delete all undo" button
+ minor changes of interface
* fixed bug in "Net Tweaker" (program crash in Win98SE)
* fixed problem with window moving
* fixed bug in option "Move to folder"
Version 4.0.1 (March 12, 2004)
+ "window-resize" possibility was added
+ updated program interface
+ compatibility with big fonts for menu was added
+ added possibility to save size and position of WinTools.net window
+ added menu point "Save Window Pozition"
+ added menu point "Save Window Size"
* incorrect work of "Supress Screen Saver" was fixed
* problems with languages in dialog boxes was fixed
Version 3.8.1 (February 10, 2004)
+ WinTools.net Password Protection Mode
+ open RegEdit with selected key in CleanUN and ScanReg
+ Interactive lists:
- CleanUn: Files
- CleanUn: Registry Keys
- ScanReg: Invalid keys
+ added in ScanReg: list of lnk-excludes
+ in MS Menu added links for:
- Services
- Computer Management
+ added in ScanFiles (only for professionals):
- searching for files with zero size
- searching for empty folders
* save data in Status Bar
* fixed bug with "Scan"-button in ScanReg
* fixed bug with Progress Bar in ScanReg (in process of removing keys)
Version 3.7.1 (January 17, 2004)
* fixed problems with interface
* fixed german.lng and ukrainian.lng
+ autoclosing of programs in process of Uninstallation
+ optimization of ScanReg algorithms (added scan speed)
+ updated ScanReg algorithms:
- "Broken Volume References"
- "Broken Data References"
+ added new algorithm in ScanReg:
+ arabic.lng added
Version 3.6.1 (December 23, 2003)
* fixed serious problem in ScanFiles
Version 3.5.1 (December 15, 2003)
* fixed bug with fonts in Lists and in Status bar
* fixed bug with "~*.*" mask
+ Import/Export points added in "File" menu
+ added "MS Tools" point of menu
+ "Run..." dialog for point of menu "Execute"
+ in "ScanFiles -> Clean Folders" list added autodefines of temp folders:
- Internet Cookies Folder
- Internet History Folder
- Temporary Internet Files
- User Temporary Files
- Windows Temporary Files
- Prefetch Folder
(* - marked)
Version 3.4.3 (December 07, 2003)
* problem in "Internet Favorites" was fixed
* fixed problem with "Invisible" control points
+ added Net Tweak and The Privacy notices
+ added russian.lng
Version 3.4.1 (December 01, 2003)
+ release of "Professional" edition
+ Net Tweaker Tool
+ The Privacy tools: Erasure, Invisible Man, File Shredder
+ 800 pix size
Version 3.4 (November 15, 2003)
* fixed bug in CD-ROM excludes of Scan Reg
* fixed bug with result lists
+ minor changes
Version 3.3 (November 09, 2003)
* fixed problem in list of junk files and registry broken links
* fixed bug in check boxes of options
+ visualisation of 'Apply' in StartUp and TweakUI
+ check box for option "Set notices by default"
+ added romanian.lng
+ minor changes in help files
version 3.1 (October 17, 2003)
+ minor changes
+ added german.lng
version 3.0 (October 12, 2003)
* bug in ScanFiles exclusions was fixed
+ additionals to Tweak UI:
+ Screen Savers TAB
+ Commands Tab
+ Hardware Tab
+ more options in "Desktop", "System", "StartMenu", "Security"
+ minor changes
version 2.73 (September 24, 2003)
* bug in registry excludes was fixed
+ added list of excludes
+ added ukrainian.lng
version 2.7 (September 15, 2003)
* memory leakage was fixed
* bug in processes Tab was fixed
* bug with "Always on top" was fixed
+ added notices for tools
+ RAM monitoring
+ refresh drive size after delete files
+ backups is changed
+ MemoryBooster was removed for RAM monitoring use RAMSaverPro
+ elapsed time since Windows was started
+ german.lng was added
+ 21-days trial period
version 2.4 (August 10, 2003)
* ScanReg - bug with "-=[NAME]=-" folders was fixed
* size of "Uninstall" window was fixed
* ScanReg - exclusions` bug was fixed
* bug in MemoryBooster`s timer was fixed
+ multilanguage support for MemoryBooster was added
+ "Memory Booster" in "Tools" menu
+ Shortcuts Scan - message box "disk not found" was supressed
+ MemoryBooster, speed of optimization was increased
+ progress bar in MemoryBooster`s tray
+ added "Options" menu:
- Always on top
- Magnet Window
- Suppress "Screen Saver"
- Autostart Memory Booster
version 2.2 (August 03, 2003)
* the program lost dependence on shortcut
* the problem of compatibility with MS Office was solved
+ new tool - "Memory Booster" was added
+ single registration for all systems of the computer
+ buttons for deleting of entries from change-lists were added
+ changes in "CleanUn" algorithms
version 2.0 Final (July 27, 2003)
+ the program lost "Beta" status
+ minor interface changes
Version 1.91 Beta (July 21, 2003)
+ algorithm for scanning registry is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
+ warning messages if analysing files are absent
+ autofilling of report field
Version 1.9 Beta (July 19, 2003)
* the possibility for optional removal of keys and files in
* fixed bug in lng-files
* fixed bug which leads to damages of installations of MS
* fixed bug with fillings of templates` names
+ algorithms for registry scanning in Scanreg and CleanUn
are changed
+ new possibility to remove old entries about installed drivers
TweakUI->System->OEM drivers is added
+ smooth scrolling occur while removing files
+ smooth scrolling occur while removing registry keys
+ additional information about free RAM is added
+ algorithm for scanning files is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
+ algorithm for scanning shortcuts is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
Version 1.8 Beta (July 12, 2003)
* a mistake in documents templates is fixed
* program mistake while changing colourful icons is fixed
* mistake in the algorithm of searching removed fonts is fixed
* a mistake leading to removal swap-file is fixed
* while pressing button of control panels the list is updated
+ the algorithm for registry scanning is changed
+ english help-file is added
+ additional possibilities in the "Control Panels" tab are added
+ the button remove control point is added
Version 1.75 Beta (July 08, 2003)
* while finding cpl-files which do not belong to control panels mistake
does not pop up
+ added possibility turn off problem tools in the start up process
+ added tasks manager in the StartUp tool
Version 1.7 Beta (July 05, 2003)
* mistake with descriptions for menu points is fixed
* changing adjustemets of Windows bootup mistake is fixed
* mistake with filling startup entries from win.ini is fixed
+ possibility to hide control panels under Win9x is added
+ work with panels registered in MMCPL
+ documents template editor in TweakUI -> Desctop ->
Templates is added
+ sorting for lists with scanning results is added
+ possibility to save disks adjustmets for uninstall is added
+ message about changes made is added
+ turning off of screen saving while scanning
+ possibility to make exceptions while registry scanning
+ insignificant changes of program interface
Version 1.5 Beta (June 28, 2003)
* mistake with F1 help is fixed
* mistake with help from Language Panel is fixed
* uninstall entries scanning algorithm is rewritten
* fixed problem with uninstallation of WinTools.net
+ possibility to scan registry without administrator`s rights
+ button App Wizard for quick loading of Add/Remove programs
panel is added
+ entries support with QuietUninstallString in uninstallation
menuв is added
+ descriptions for menu points are added
Version 1.31 Beta (June 24, 2003)
* a number of mistakes in ScanReg leading to WinXP system crash is fixed
Version 1.3 Beta (June 20, 2003)
+ added help file
+ added multilanguages support
Version 25.2.1 (February 14, 2025)
+ Optimized the whole program code.
+ Updated the ButtonEx code.
+ Updated the Dutch (Nederlands) language file.
+ Updated the Korean language file.
+ Updated the Spanish language file.
Version 25.1.1 (January 02, 2025)
+ Windows Tweaks -> System Tray tweaks have been added.
+ Windows Tweaks -> File System tweaks have been added.
+ Language files have been modified.
+ The program interface has been updated.
Version 24.12.1 (December 05, 2024)
+ Dialog boxes for System Tweaker have been updated.
+ Dutch (Nederlands).lng has been updated.
+ Some spelling errors have been fixed.
Version 24.8.1 (October 07, 2024)
+ The algorithm for checking occupied files has been changed.
+ The program columns have been modified for better readability.
Version 24.7.1 (July 30, 2024)
+ Added support for terabyte and petabyte files
+ Reduced CPU load
Version 24.5.1 (May 28, 2024)
+ The Tweaker->OEM Drivers tool has been updated
+ A button to select old drivers has been added
+ Catalog and Description columns have been added to the OEM Drivers list
+ lng-files have been updated
version 24.3.1 (March 28, 2024)
+ The SetWindowPosition algorithm has been updated.
+ Minor interface changes have been made.
+ lng-files were changed.
version 24.2.1 (February 28, 2024)
+ Loading speed has been increased for Windows 10/11.
+ The Windows Uptime algorithm has been updated.
+ The WM_TIMER code has been optimized.
+ lng-files were changed.
version 24.1.1 (January 24, 2024)
+ Confirmation has been added for the Apply button of the System Tweaker tool
+ An Update button has been added for the System Tweaker tool
+ A Reboot button has been added for the System Tweaker tool
+ A Refresh button has been added for the OEM Drivers list
+ A Refresh button has been added for the Screen Savers list
+ A Refresh button has been added for the Control Panel list
+ Minor changes have been made to the interface design of the System Tweaker tool
+ polish.lng has been added
version 24.0.0 (December 27, 2023)
* The issue of buttons sticking has been fixed.
* The Apply button in Network Fixer has been fixed.
+ Black Title for the dark theme has been added.
+ A dialog box for Network Fixer has been added.
+ The Upgrade button has been modified.
+ The text for the OK button has been corrected.
version 23.12.1 (December 05, 2023)
* GetFileTitle() bug was fixed
+ spanish.lng was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 23.8.1 (August 28, 2023)
+ Splash Screen code was changed for Windows 11
+ Loading speed was increased
+ lng files were updated
version 23.5.1 (May 12, 2023)
+ ini-file was changed
+ lng-files were updated
version 23.4.1 (March 30, 2023)
+ TweakUI icons were added
+ size of Password editbox was changed
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was added
+ korean.lng was updated
+ spanish.chm was added
version 23.3.1 (February 08, 2023)
+ program interface minor changes
+ portuguese.lng was added
+ French.lng was updated
+ Korean.lng was updated
+ Spanish.lng was updated
version 23.0.1 (December 13, 2022)
+ System Fixer tool was added to Tweaker
+ Application tab added to Tweaker
+ Uninstall tab added to Tweaker
+ reduced size of decor pictures
+ lng files were updated
version 22.10.1 (October 10, 2022)
+ minor changes of interface
+ program icons were changed
+ arabic.lng was added
+ french.lng and korean.lng were updated
version 22.7.1 (August 13, 2022)
+ Mount All button was added
+ program icons were updated
+ russian.lng was added
version 22.6.1 (June 06, 2022)
* startup items bug was fixed
* points menu bug was fixed
+ registration point was updated
+ c:/temp folder was added
+ german.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 22.4.1 (April 20, 2022)
+ Invisible Man tool was added
+ minor interface changes
* minor bugfix
+ french.lng was added
+ korean.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was added
version 22.3.1 (March 21, 2022)
* size of columns of ListView was fixed
+ Stop button for Fragmentation tool was added
+ Delete Folders list for Folder Tool was added
+ Transparent window text was updated
+ Shredder icon was updated
+ Shredder decor was added
+ italian.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
+ hlp-file was updated
version 22.1.1 (February 14, 2022)
+ program interface was updated
+ french.lng was added
+ spanish.lng was added
+ spanish.chm was added
version 22.0.1 (January 17, 2022)
+ speed of program loading increased
+ lng-files were updated
version 21.12.1 (December 19, 2021)
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
* Updated Dialog bug was fixed
version 21.9.1 (December 06, 2021)
+ English help file was added
* Splash Screen bug was fixed
version 21.9 (November 25, 2021)
+ MS Windows 11 compatible
+ Scan Files algorithms were optimized
+ Scan Registry algorithms were optimized
version 21.8 (August 17, 2021)
+ Uninstall button for OEM drivers was added
+ Date and Version tabs for OEM list were added
+ sorting of OEM-drivers list was added
+ loading speed was increased
+ additional dialog boxes were added
+ minor changes of interface
+ dutch(nederlands) lng-file was updated
version 21.5 (June 28, 2021)
+ Status Bar size was changed
+ menu font was updated
version 21.3 (May 19, 2021)
+ static boxes were updated
* tab problem was fixed
version 21.0 (March 11, 2021)
+ loading speed was increased
+ program speed was increased
+ Splash Screen algorithm updated
+ lng-files were updated
version 20.12 (December 09, 2020)
* freezing bug of Dup Files was fixed
* incorrect amount of enumirating files was fixed
* interface bug was fixed
* DestroyIcon() bug was fixed
version 20.9 (October 27, 2020)
+ turkish.lng was updated
+ compiler was updated
+ minor changes of interface
version 20.7 (August 12, 2020)
+ program font was changed
+ loading speed was increased
version 20.5 (May 20, 2020)
+ loading speed was increased
+ program size was decreased
version 20.3 (March 10, 2020)
+ Google Chrome was added to Privacy
+ Opera Browser was added to Privacy
+ FireFox was added to Privacy
+ MS Edge was added to Privacy
* Defend button was fixed
+ Privacy icons were updated
+ lng files were updated
version 20.0 (December 23, 2019)
+ program interface was changed for 125% dpi
+ Erasure dialog was changed
+ Status Bar size was changed
+ menu font was updated
+ program font was changed
+ *.log1, *.log2, *.etl masks were added
+ german.lng was updated
+ polish.lng was updated
version 19.5 (October 05, 2019)
+ analysing algorithm was updated
+ korean.lng was updated
version 19.3 (April 03, 2019)
+ Scan Files algorithm was optimized
+ software compiler was updated
version 19.0 (January 25, 2018)
+ ScanReg algorithm was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ polish.lng was updated
+ turkish.lng was updated
* bug of CleanUn Analyse button was fixed
version 18.7 (November 11, 2018)
+ turkish.lng was added thanks to SALiH DRD
+ program compiler was changed
* freezing bug of Startup was fixed
version 18.5 (Aughust 07, 2018)
+ additional Clean Folders were added
+ Excludes list was updated
+ Scan Files busy-folders algorithm was added
+ *.log mask was added (disabled by default)
* List View sorting bug was fixed
version 18.3.1 (April 01, 2018)
+ Start Up manager was updated
+ lng files were updated
* interface bug of Duplicate files tool was fixed
version 18.2.1 (February 03, 2018)
+ Outlook mail problem was fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was updated
+ french.lng was updated
+ polish.lng was updated
+ spanish.lng were updated
version 18.0.1 (December 27, 2017)
+ Scan Files main algorithm was updated
+ Scan Registry main algorithm was updated
+ system busy files are excluded
+ system busy registry keys are excluded
+ System Status dialog was updated
+ System Status algorithms were updated
+ lng-files were updated
+ exclude lists of Scan Registry were updated
+ exclude lists saves positions
* a bug with .exe. and .dll. extentions was fixed
* minor bugfix
version 17.10.1 (November 07, 2017)
+ Scan Files patterns were updated
+ TweakUI options were changed
+ additional dialogs were added
version 17.9.1 (October 01, 2017)
* 'Display arrows on icons' algorithm was fixed
* 'Invalid Add/Remove Links' algorithm was fixed
* /n mastake of .lng files was fixed
+ dutch(nederlands).lng was updated
+ spanish.lng was updated
version 17.7.1 (July 22, 2017)
+ additional ProgressBar for Dup Files was added
+ Status Bar information of Dup Files was changed
+ Scan Status clearing every start
+ lng-files were updated
* Start/Stop bug of Dup Files was fixed
* freezing bug of Dup Files was fixed
* incorrect amount of enumirating files was fixed
* interface bug was fixed
* DestroyIcon() bug was fixed
version 17.6.1 (June 23, 2017)
+ MS Windows XP compatibility as normal
+ Polish.lng was updated
* loading problem was fixed
version 17.5.1 (May 22, 2017)
+ additional dialogs were added
+ Process List algorithm was changed
+ Kill Process algorithm was updated
+ sort-columns were added
+ Status Bar for Process List was added
+ Service List algorithm was updated
+ Polish.lng was added
+ minor changes of interface
* crash bug of Process List was fixed
version 17.4.1 (April 27, 2017)
+ Windows 10 v.1703 compatible
+ 21-day trial period problem was fixed
+ compiler of program was updated
+ new sign-key was added
version 17.3.1 (March 10, 2017)
+ main algorithms were updated
+ bmp-pictures were updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 17.2.1 (January 27, 2017)
+ SysWOW64 path was added in Control Panel tab
+ Screen Savers tab was updated for Windows 10
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 17.0.0 (December 01, 2016)
+ program interface was updated
+ Tweak UI tool was updated
+ loading speed was increased
version 16.9.1 (October 22, 2016)
+ Scan Registry algorithm was optimized
+ romana.lng was added
+ german.lng was updated
+ serbian.lng was updated
version 16.7.1 (July 20, 2016)
+ Scan Files templates were updated
+ Scan Registry algorithm was updated
* Startup scan bug was fixed
version 16.5.1 (May 23, 2016)
+ Update dialog was changed
+ Start Up manager was updated
* a bug with dialogs of TweakUI was fixed
version 16.4.1 (April 20, 2016)
+ new section for Net Tweaker was added
+ increased speed of Scan Registry algorithm
+ program installer was changed to MS Windows 10
* Scan Files Start button problem was fixed
* Scan Registry Uninstaller algorithm was fixed
version 16.3.0 (March 30, 2016)
+ ScanFiles patterns were updated
+ StartUp algorithm was updated
+ minor changes of interface
* SplashScreen bug was fixed
version 16.0.0 (December 03, 2015)
+ Windows 10 Tweaks page was added in TweakUI tool
+ Desktop Icons page was added
+ Broken Associations page was added
+ OneDrive Tweaks page was added
* memory problem in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
version 15.3.1 (November 01, 2015)
* problem with right-menu buttons was fixed
* problem with MS Tools menu points was fixed
* incorrect value of transparent window was fixed
version 15.0.1 (October 20, 2015)
* hidding windows bug in Tweak UI was fixed
* a bug in System Status window was fixed
+ increased speed of Start Up tool loading
+ Tweak UI options were added
+ Windows 10 Final compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 14.3.1 (October 27, 2014)
+ ScanFiles algorithm was updated
+ ScanRegistry algorithm was updated
+ Windows 10 compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 14.0.1 (January 31, 2014)
* ScanFiles bugfix
+ Windows 8.1 compatible
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
version 13.0 (December 12, 2012)
+ Duplicate Files tool was added(for Premium edition only)
+ sort algorithm was changed
+ Windows 8 style of buttons was added
+ minor changes of interface
+ some algorithms were updated
+ lng files were updated
version 12.2 (April 03, 2012)
+ new point of context menu of Scan Reg was added
+ exclude list was updated
+ exclude algorithm of Scan Reg was changed
+ lng files were updated
version 12.1 (February 14, 2012)
+ speed of Scan Files algorithm was increased
+ Shred Files algorithm was optimized
+ minor changes of interface
* a bug of Help button of Language.exe module was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 11.12 (December 15, 2011)
* bug in Services list was fixed
* Start/Stop service crash was fixed
+ refreshing algorithm of services was updated
+ lng files were updated
version 11.11 (November 23, 2011)
+ NAG Screen of Everything Tab was removed
* some bugs of lng-files were fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ program protection was updated
+ lng files were updated
version 11.7 (July 08, 2011)
+ loading speed of the program was increased
+ refresh algorithm of Processes list was updated
+ progress bar for every list of Startup Manager was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated
version 11.5 (May 23, 2011)
+ loading speed was increased
+ Progress Bar for Uninstall List was added
+ loading algorithm of Uninstall List was updated
+ Full Path column for Uninstall List was updated
+ Reg Edit button was updated
* a bug in Uninstall status was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 11.4 (April 07, 2011)
+ new tool Everything Startup was added
+ System Status dialog was updated
+ one registry exclude was added
+ switching speed was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated
version 11.1 (February 21, 2011)
+ 'Missing Shared DLLs' algorithm was added
+ 'Application Paths' algorithm was added
+ 'Scan MUI Cache' algorithm was added
+ 'Installer Junk' algorithm was added
+ 'Invalid Add/Remove Links' algorithm was optimized
+ 'Invalid TypeLib Information' was updated
+ wintoolsvista.exe changed to wintoolsnet.exe
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng files were updated
* a bug in 'Extensions Errors' algorithm was fixed
version 10.8 (August 10, 2010)
+ Main Window of the program was updated
+ Status Window was added
+ lng files were updated
version 10.7 (July 17, 2010)
+ Scan Registry WIndows x64 optimized
+ menu of program was updated
* problem with Startup items under WinXP x64 was fixed
* problem with size sorting was fixed
+ lng files were updated
version 10.05 (May 25, 2010)
* Language problem of System Report was fixed
+ Drives Information was added to System Report
+ Start Up Entries were added to System Report
+ Loaded Processes were added to System Report
+ Loaded Services were added to System Report
+ Software Entries were added to System Report
+ Installed Software was added to System Report
+ program menu was updated
+ Tweak UI settings were updated
+ algorithm of program size was changed
+ lng-files were updated
version 10.04 (April 07, 2010)
+ main menu icons for maximized mode were changed
+ a problem with Update Explorer button under Windows 7 was fixed
+ algorithms of Objects to Erase were updated
+ algorithm of PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER was fixed
+ Invalid CurVer Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid TypeLib Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid ProgID Information algorithm was updated
+ Invalid CLSID Information algorithm was updated
version 10.02 (February 09, 2010)
+ Scan Files algorithm was optimized
+ Scan Shortcuts algorithm was optimized
+ Scan Registry algorithm was updated
+ text in size columns right arranged
+ size of columns of Scan Files list was increased
+ program installer was updated
* bug in Clean Uninstaller registry keys list was fixed
version 10.01 (January 12, 2010)
+ Date column for Scan Files list was added
+ Date column for Scan Shortcuts list was added
+ MS Tools points menu were updated for Windows 7
+ save configuration of Scan Reg Locations
+ additional buttons for right menu were added for Windows 7
+ lng-files were updated
+ minor changes of interface
version 9.12 (December 23, 2009)
+ Startup Manager was updated
+ *.bup key unchecked by default
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.11 (November 19, 2009)
+ algorithm of Privacy Erasure was updated
+ OEM Logo and Information of TweakUI Windows x64 compatible
+ support for x64 Startup items was added
+ 5 additional Startup locations were added
* TweakUI options fixed for Windows x64
* problem with recycle.bin in Uninstall was fixed
* a bug when folders were not removed in Uninstall was fixed
* lng files were fixed
version 9.10 (October 15, 2009)
* a bug under Windows 2003 Server was fixed
+ descriptions for Windows Control Panels were added
+ MS Info button for Windows XP/2k was added
+ program menu was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.5 (June 22, 2009)
* a bug with Uninstaller list blinking was fixed
* Startup manager removing bug was fixed
+ new edition of Uninstaller List
+ program icons were added for Uninstaller List
+ additional information for items of Uninstaller List
+ Search Online point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Properties point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Task Manager point for context menu of Startup List was added
+ Search Online point for context menu of Processes List was added
+ Properties point for context menu of Processes List was added
+ Search Online point for context menu of Services List was added
+ Description and Publisher columns for Startup list were added
+ Description and Publisher columns for Processes list were added
+ icons of programs for Processes list were added
+ lng-files were updated
version 9.3 (May 07, 2009)
+ All Tasks button for main menu was added
+ All Tasks point menu was added
+ saving Scan Files drives configuration
+ Double Buffer for lists
+ Check New Version blinking button
* Startup bug with RunServicesOnce was fixed
* registration problem was fixed
version 9.2 (February 10, 2009)
+ On-line Tweak Guide button was added
+ Check for Update button was added
+ minor changes of interface
+ bmp-files available for translation
+ lng-files were updated
* a bug with Wow6432Node on some PCs was fixed
version 9.1 (January 17, 2009)
+ Uninstall Menu Tab was added to Clean Uninstaller
+ Task Manager button was added to Startup
+ System Status gauge was added
+ Installed Physical Memory (RAM) info for Windows VISTA
+ headers of XP menu were changed
* a problem of removing Registry keys was fixed
* a bug of Startup manager when some entries removing was fixed
* a bug of Scan Registry on PC with small RAM was fixed
* an error of Uninstaller List was fixed
* some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
version 9.0 (November 01, 2008)
+ MS Windows VISTA x64 compatibility was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point creating was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point analyzing was added
+ set focus on Edit Control of Clean Uninstaller report dialog
+ context menu for Installed entries list of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ context menu for View File button of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ mouse double click action for some lists of Clean Uninstaller
+ special icon for System Drive of Scan Files
+ file and folder icons for Scan Files List
+ a new icon of program 256x256 was added
+ icons of program menu were changed
+ context menu for Control Panels list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for OEM Drivers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for Screen Savers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for IE Favorites list of The Privacy was added
+ Logo And Support Info tab was added to TweakUI
+ Thanks To... dialog box was added to About WinTools.net panel
+ DATA.BAK Microsoft Office exclude was added
* a bug of false report in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a bug of incorrect window switch of Clean Uninstaller tab was fixed
* a bug with Delete button in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* incorrect help for View button of Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a Stop button bug of Scan Files was fixed
* incorrect key view of Scan Registry tool was fixed
* some memory leakages were fixed
version 8.9.0 (September 15, 2008)
+ main window of program was updated
+ program icon and splash screen were changed
+ backup and restore Internet Favorites
+ lng files were updated
version 8.8.0 (August 07, 2008)
* a bug with colors of main menu was fixed
+ smooth closing of window under Vista
+ color of left menu was changed
+ gradual changing of window transparency
+ arabic.lng was added thanks to AwadhA Al-Ghaamdi
+ french.lng was added thanks to Jacklours
+ italian.lng was added thanks to Rocco Mita
version 8.7.0 (June 25, 2008)
+ main interface was changed
+ german.lng was added thanks to M.Crames
+ spanish.lng was added thanks to M.A.G.
* a bug with registration point in menu was fixed
* a bug with excludes in ScanReg was fixed
version 8.6.0 (May 21, 2008)
+ multilanguage support
+ additional tools were added
+ new interface
+ full unicode support
+ algorithms were updated
* bugfix of some algorithms
Version 9.3.0 (April 17, 2008)
* bug in .lng files was fixed
* some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
+ main algorithm of Clean Uninstaller was updated
+ List of excludes in links was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 9.2.0 (February 20, 2008)
+ main algorithm of Scan Files was updated
+ List of excludes in links was updated
+ Transparent Window code was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 9.0.0 (December 21, 2007)
+ Search Result dialog for Application tab was added
+ Search button for Uninstaller Tab was added
+ compatibility for MS products was added
+ Excludes list of Scan Reg was updated
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.8.1 (November 01, 2007)
+ Excludes list of Scan Reg was updated
+ problem with HP software was fixed
+ problem with Adobe software was fixed
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.7.1 (September 23, 2007)
* bug with memory size was fixed
* bug in TweakUI was fixed
+ System Info window was updated
+ belarussian.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.6.1 (August 07, 2007)
+ main menu of program was changed
+ Show All Text Labels option was added
* bug with "Run registry editor" in CleanUn was fixed
* bug with Folders List of CleanUn was fixed
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.5.1 (June 10, 2007)
+ Start the program from USB storage menu option
+ twain_32 exception for Scan Files
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.4.1 (April 21, 2007)
+ non-trasparent interface by default
+ "Create control point" algorithm was updated
+ "Analyze control point" algorithm was updated
+ "Delete all files" algorithm was changed
+ "Scan Files" algorithm was updated
+ ScanReg exclude algorithm was changed
+ hot keys of WinTools.net were changed
Version 8.3.1 (March 23, 2007)
* bug in ScanFiles algorithm was fixed
* bug in SysInfo was fixed
* bug with system privileges was fixed
+ transparent dialog was updated
+ transparent algorithm was updated
+ some program algorithms were updated
+ Splash Screen was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.2.1 (March 03, 2007)
* problem with System Restore under VISTA was fixed
* problem with Defragmenter under VISTA was fixed
+ program fonts were changed
+ Transparent Window option was added
+ ClearType Fonts option was added
+ 93% transparent by default
+ length of some strings was changed
Version 8.1.1 (February 20, 2007)
* bug with program size was fixed
+ Windows VISTA compatible
+ program details were added
+ ScanFiles algorithm was changed
+ Excludes list was changed
+ some file excludes were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 8.0.1 (December 03, 2006)
* program crash in scan files process was fixed
+ three new ScanFiles algorithms were added
+ options page of ScanFiles was changed
+ a new ScanReg algorithm was added
+ list of ScanReg algorithms was updated
+ icons of ScanReg tool were updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.9.1 (September 01, 2006)
* full path for "User Temporary Files"
* problem with column size of ScanFls was fixed
* problem with ScnFls "remove" progress bar was fixed
* problem with ScnReg "remove" progress bar was fixed
+ delete StartUp item by using DEL key
+ "scan folder" algorithm was changed
+ "remove files" algorithm was changed
+ main algorithm of ScanReg was updated
+ names of "Clean Folders" were updated
+ new button "Group Policy" was added for MS Tools menu
+ some buttons of ScanFls blocked in scan process
+ some buttons of ScanReg blocked in scan process
+ some algorithms of ScanReg and ScanFls were optimized
+ some mistakes of lng-files were fixed
Version 7.7.1 (July 27, 2006)
+ Erasure dialog was added (The Privacy)
+ Erasure algorithms were updated
+ erasing status added
+ program settings (by default) were changed
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.4.4 (June 14, 2006)
* problem with UNDO files was fixed
+ Uninstall Panel was updated
+ algorithm of CleanUn was updated
+ disable buttons in Scan Reg removing process
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.3.1 (May 01, 2006)
* problem with "Bad Font" algorithm fixed thaks to Alen "Adept" Hairullin
* problem with progress bar fixed thaks to Nikita Deinega
* problem in "Shortcuts" status bar fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.1.1 (March 21, 2006)
+ warning message for CleanUn tool was added
+ warning message for Searcher tool was added
+ System Info list was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 7.0.0 (January 30, 2006)
+ the main compiler of project was changed
+ context menu for Clean Uninstall list was added
+ context menu for Files list was added
+ context menu for Registry list was added
+ context menu for File Mask list was added
+ context menu for Clean Folder list was added
+ context menu for Excludes list was added
+ context menu for Junk files list was added
+ context menu for Shortcuts list was added
+ context menu for Software list was added
+ context menu for Uninstall list was added
+ context menu for Backup/Undo list was added
+ context menu for Searcher list was added
+ context menu for Startup list was added
+ context menu for Processes list was added
+ context menu for Services list was added
+ context menu for Invisible list was added
+ context menu for Favorites list was added
+ CPU Brand ID, Vendor, Type... for sysinfo list were added
+ list Additional Platform Features was added
+ algorithm of Favorites list was updated
+ mouse double-click action for Favorites list
+ mouse double-click action for Clean Uninstall list
+ algorithm of Shortcut scan was updated
+ tech support address was updated
+ TreeView of Objects to Erase was updated
+ language.exe was updated
* problem in ScanReg when lowarcase letters ignored was fixed
* problem with StartUp shortcut creating was fixed
* problem with creating Exclude folders was fixed
Version 6.7.1 (December 07, 2005)
* problem with Windows themes was fixed
* problem with ScanReg Exclude was fixed
* problem with Panda Antivirus was fixed
+ main library of interface was updated
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.5.1 (October 30, 2005)
* some problems of TweakUI were fixed
* algorithm of ScanReg was changed
+ new file masks were added
+ excludes for ScanReg and ScanFiles were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.3.1 (September 30, 2005)
* memory problem of ScanReg algorithm was fixed
* bug with leakages in services was fixed
* NetTweak bug with options was fixed
+ autoscroll for ScanFiles list was added
+ autoscroll for ScanReg list was added
+ mouse double-click action for "Startup" list
+ NetTweak options were updated
+ 10 new file masks were added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.0.1 (August 25, 2005)
* problem with virtual memory in list was fixed
+ algorithm of scan registry was updated
+ 15 new file masks were added
+ traditional chinese.lng was added
+ korean.lng was added
+ lng-files were updated
Version 6.0.0 (August 07, 2005)
* problem with excludes(ScanReg) was fixed (thanx to Alexandr Burachewskij)
* problem with "Processes" list was fixed
* problem with "Control Panel" list was fixed
+ new tool Searcher(ScanReg) was added
+ button-menu was changed(TweakUI)
+ some interface problems were fixed
+ "Creation Time" for list "Applications" was added(ScanReg)
+ "Creation Time" for list "Uninstall Menu" was added(ScanReg)
+ some minor changes of interface
+ lng-files were updated
Version 5.7.1 (June 23, 2005)
* problem with lng files in CleanUn was fixed
* problem with interface in CleanUn was fixed
* problem with Stop button in Scan Files was fixed
* problem with number of processes in status bar was fixed
+ major update of main algorithm of Scan Files
+ major update of main algorithm of Scan Shortcuts
+ major update of main algortithm of Scan Reg
+ all main algorithms of Clean Uninstaller were updated
+ disable windows in process of creating/analysing of control point
+ window resizing in CleanUn was changed
+ amount of changes for CleanUn in status bar
Version 5.6.1 (May 17, 2005)
* empty item in Erase object`s tree was removed
* problem with folder type definition was fixed (Scan Files)
+ algorithms of "Erasure" tool was optimized
+ algorithm of file removing was updated (freeze effect fixed)
+ new option: "Remove empty folders of Start menu" was added
+ additional algorithm/option for "Shred Files" was added
+ New tool "Fragment deleted files" was added
+ lng-files was updated
Version 5.5.1 (April 05, 2005)
* problem with "Delete Item" (Startup Manager) was fixed
* problem with CS products of Adobe was fixed
+ File Shredder algorithm was updated
+ compatibility with McAfee products was added
+ lng-files was updated
Version 5.3.1 (March 07, 2005)
* some problems in Scan Registry was fixed
+ status for lists: Software, Installed, Services, Startup was added
+ possibility of remove several items was added to Startup Manager
+ services Tab was modernized
+ processes Tab was modernized
+ additional options for services was added
+ some minor changes of interface
+ points: Software Entries and Installed Software was added to System Report
Version 5.1.1 (December 20, 2004)
* problem with "Loaded Processes" in "System Report" was fixed
* "Apply" button was enabled (Tweak UI - Ctrl Panel)
* some mistakes in lng-files was fixed
+ czech.lng and polish.lng was added
+ minor changes of interface
Version 5.0.1 (November 07, 2004)
* floppy drive not rattle in program loading
* increased speed of removing of files (Scan Files)
* some mistakes in lng-files was fixed (thanks to Gordan Djukic)
* some interface problems was fixed for Win9x
* increased speed of loading of program
* problem with hard drive definition was fixed (Win9x)
+ new tool "Services"-tab was added (Start Up) XP/NT
+ "Processes"-tab was modernised (Start Up)
+ "Search and remove MS Windows log-files" option was added (Scan Files)
+ "Remove log-files" object for erasing was added (The Privacy)
+ "WinTools System Report" was added ("Action" point menu)
+ "Command Prompt" was added ("Action" point menu)
+ "MS System Restore" point menu was adeed in "MS Tools" menu
+ some program icons was changed
+ swedish.lng was added (thanks to Sture Bohlin)
+ serbian.lng was added (thanks to Gordan Djukic)
Version 4.9.1 (September 30, 2004)
* problem in "privacy" tool was fixed thanks to Gene Kim
* problem with tooltips for "Clean Shortcuts" tool was fixed
+ algorithm of creating of control point was updated
+ interface of "Scan Files" and "Scan Reg" tools for XP was changed
+ algorithm of checking hard drives was changed
+ buttons in Scan Files tab was changed
+ some icons was changed
+ hungarian.lng was added thanks to Jozsef Tamas Herczeg
Version 4.7.1 (August 23, 2004)
* fixed bug in File Shredder tool
* fixed problem with icons under Windows 2000
* fixed problem in "Software Entries" list with deleting items
* fixed bug in ScanFiles when disk is empty
+ list "Software Entries" modernized
+ button "Search" for "Software Entries" list was added
+ optimized some algorithms of program
+ language file "french.lng" was added thanks to Colok
+ language file "portuguese_br.lng" was added thanks to Alexandre Pina
+ added progress bar when restore one undo file
+ point menu "Action->Reboot Computer" was added
+ Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatible
Version 4.4.1 (June 27, 2004)
* Fixed mistake with minimal size
* Fixed mistake in message loop
* Changed resizing algorithm of main window
+ Added possibility to scan only Windows folders in "Scan Shortcuts"
+ Updated code of "Uninstall Menu" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Software Entries" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Uninstall Menu" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Undo Files" list
+ Mouse double-click action for "Back Up" list
+ "RegEdit" button for opening selected key in "Software Entries" list
+ "RegEdit" button for opening selected key in "Uninstall Menu" list
+ One "Undo" for one removing process
+ Analytical info for uninstall Menu (Status column)
Version 4.2.1 (May 25, 2004)
* fixed problem with program menu
+ delete empty "Startup-" folders
+ minor changes of ScanReg algorithms
+ minor changes of interface
Version 4.1.1 (April 12, 2004)
+ window maximized size saved correctly
+ Save Window Size by default
+ added new points in SysInfo list
+ added "Delete all undo" button
+ minor changes of interface
* fixed bug in "Net Tweaker" (program crash in Win98SE)
* fixed problem with window moving
* fixed bug in option "Move to folder"
Version 4.0.1 (March 12, 2004)
+ "window-resize" possibility was added
+ updated program interface
+ compatibility with big fonts for menu was added
+ added possibility to save size and position of WinTools.net window
+ added menu point "Save Window Pozition"
+ added menu point "Save Window Size"
* incorrect work of "Supress Screen Saver" was fixed
* problems with languages in dialog boxes was fixed
Version 3.8.1 (February 10, 2004)
+ WinTools.net Password Protection Mode
+ open RegEdit with selected key in CleanUN and ScanReg
+ Interactive lists:
- CleanUn: Files
- CleanUn: Registry Keys
- ScanReg: Invalid keys
+ added in ScanReg: list of lnk-excludes
+ in MS Menu added links for:
- Services
- Computer Management
+ added in ScanFiles (only for professionals):
- searching for files with zero size
- searching for empty folders
* save data in Status Bar
* fixed bug with "Scan"-button in ScanReg
* fixed bug with Progress Bar in ScanReg (in process of removing keys)
Version 3.7.1 (January 17, 2004)
* fixed problems with interface
* fixed german.lng and ukrainian.lng
+ autoclosing of programs in process of Uninstallation
+ optimization of ScanReg algorithms (added scan speed)
+ updated ScanReg algorithms:
- "Broken Volume References"
- "Broken Data References"
+ added new algorithm in ScanReg:
+ arabic.lng added
Version 3.6.1 (December 23, 2003)
* fixed serious problem in ScanFiles
Version 3.5.1 (December 15, 2003)
* fixed bug with fonts in Lists and in Status bar
* fixed bug with "~*.*" mask
+ Import/Export points added in "File" menu
+ added "MS Tools" point of menu
+ "Run..." dialog for point of menu "Execute"
+ in "ScanFiles -> Clean Folders" list added autodefines of temp folders:
- Internet Cookies Folder
- Internet History Folder
- Temporary Internet Files
- User Temporary Files
- Windows Temporary Files
- Prefetch Folder
(* - marked)
Version 3.4.3 (December 07, 2003)
* problem in "Internet Favorites" was fixed
* fixed problem with "Invisible" control points
+ added Net Tweak and The Privacy notices
+ added russian.lng
Version 3.4.1 (December 01, 2003)
+ release of "Professional" edition
+ Net Tweaker Tool
+ The Privacy tools: Erasure, Invisible Man, File Shredder
+ 800 pix size
Version 3.4 (November 15, 2003)
* fixed bug in CD-ROM excludes of Scan Reg
* fixed bug with result lists
+ minor changes
Version 3.3 (November 09, 2003)
* fixed problem in list of junk files and registry broken links
* fixed bug in check boxes of options
+ visualisation of 'Apply' in StartUp and TweakUI
+ check box for option "Set notices by default"
+ added romanian.lng
+ minor changes in help files
version 3.1 (October 17, 2003)
+ minor changes
+ added german.lng
version 3.0 (October 12, 2003)
* bug in ScanFiles exclusions was fixed
+ additionals to Tweak UI:
+ Screen Savers TAB
+ Commands Tab
+ Hardware Tab
+ more options in "Desktop", "System", "StartMenu", "Security"
+ minor changes
version 2.73 (September 24, 2003)
* bug in registry excludes was fixed
+ added list of excludes
+ added ukrainian.lng
version 2.7 (September 15, 2003)
* memory leakage was fixed
* bug in processes Tab was fixed
* bug with "Always on top" was fixed
+ added notices for tools
+ RAM monitoring
+ refresh drive size after delete files
+ backups is changed
+ MemoryBooster was removed for RAM monitoring use RAMSaverPro
+ elapsed time since Windows was started
+ german.lng was added
+ 21-days trial period
version 2.4 (August 10, 2003)
* ScanReg - bug with "-=[NAME]=-" folders was fixed
* size of "Uninstall" window was fixed
* ScanReg - exclusions` bug was fixed
* bug in MemoryBooster`s timer was fixed
+ multilanguage support for MemoryBooster was added
+ "Memory Booster" in "Tools" menu
+ Shortcuts Scan - message box "disk not found" was supressed
+ MemoryBooster, speed of optimization was increased
+ progress bar in MemoryBooster`s tray
+ added "Options" menu:
- Always on top
- Magnet Window
- Suppress "Screen Saver"
- Autostart Memory Booster
version 2.2 (August 03, 2003)
* the program lost dependence on shortcut
* the problem of compatibility with MS Office was solved
+ new tool - "Memory Booster" was added
+ single registration for all systems of the computer
+ buttons for deleting of entries from change-lists were added
+ changes in "CleanUn" algorithms
version 2.0 Final (July 27, 2003)
+ the program lost "Beta" status
+ minor interface changes
Version 1.91 Beta (July 21, 2003)
+ algorithm for scanning registry is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
+ warning messages if analysing files are absent
+ autofilling of report field
Version 1.9 Beta (July 19, 2003)
* the possibility for optional removal of keys and files in
* fixed bug in lng-files
* fixed bug which leads to damages of installations of MS
* fixed bug with fillings of templates` names
+ algorithms for registry scanning in Scanreg and CleanUn
are changed
+ new possibility to remove old entries about installed drivers
TweakUI->System->OEM drivers is added
+ smooth scrolling occur while removing files
+ smooth scrolling occur while removing registry keys
+ additional information about free RAM is added
+ algorithm for scanning files is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
+ algorithm for scanning shortcuts is completely updated, the speed
of scanning is added
Version 1.8 Beta (July 12, 2003)
* a mistake in documents templates is fixed
* program mistake while changing colourful icons is fixed
* mistake in the algorithm of searching removed fonts is fixed
* a mistake leading to removal swap-file is fixed
* while pressing button of control panels the list is updated
+ the algorithm for registry scanning is changed
+ english help-file is added
+ additional possibilities in the "Control Panels" tab are added
+ the button remove control point is added
Version 1.75 Beta (July 08, 2003)
* while finding cpl-files which do not belong to control panels mistake
does not pop up
+ added possibility turn off problem tools in the start up process
+ added tasks manager in the StartUp tool
Version 1.7 Beta (July 05, 2003)
* mistake with descriptions for menu points is fixed
* changing adjustemets of Windows bootup mistake is fixed
* mistake with filling startup entries from win.ini is fixed
+ possibility to hide control panels under Win9x is added
+ work with panels registered in MMCPL
+ documents template editor in TweakUI -> Desctop ->
Templates is added
+ sorting for lists with scanning results is added
+ possibility to save disks adjustmets for uninstall is added
+ message about changes made is added
+ turning off of screen saving while scanning
+ possibility to make exceptions while registry scanning
+ insignificant changes of program interface
Version 1.5 Beta (June 28, 2003)
* mistake with F1 help is fixed
* mistake with help from Language Panel is fixed
* uninstall entries scanning algorithm is rewritten
* fixed problem with uninstallation of WinTools.net
+ possibility to scan registry without administrator`s rights
+ button App Wizard for quick loading of Add/Remove programs
panel is added
+ entries support with QuietUninstallString in uninstallation
menuв is added
+ descriptions for menu points are added
Version 1.31 Beta (June 24, 2003)
* a number of mistakes in ScanReg leading to WinXP system crash is fixed
Version 1.3 Beta (June 20, 2003)
+ added help file
+ added multilanguages support
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ExtraDisks 25.2.1 Home (3 файла)