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Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013) Portable

Автор: roman77777 от 31-03-2014, 10:52, Посмотрело: 9 354, Обсуждения: 0

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013)  Portable

Название: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 Portable
Тип издания: Портативная
Назначение: Мультимедиа
Разработчик: Adobe
Год: 2013
Платформа: РС
Версия: 7.2.1

Язык интерфейса: Русский
Таблетка: Вшита

Системные требования: Intel® Core™2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II processor; 64-bit support required
Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) or Windows 8 (64 bit)
4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
4GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Additional disk space required for preview files and other working files (10GB recommended)
1280x800 display
7200 RPM or faster hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended)
Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model
QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance
Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, membership validation, and access to online services.*

Инструкция по установке: Первый раз запустить с правами администратора
Adobe Media Encoder удалён.

Описание: Adobe Premiere Pro CC — это мощное, настраиваемое средство нелинейного видеомонтажа, которое позволяет выполнять монтаж удобным способом. Импортируйте и свободно комбинируйте практически любые типы медиаконтента — от видеоматериалов, снятых на мобильный телефон, до формата 5K и более высокого разрешения — и после редактируйте видеоматериалы в оригинальных форматах без необходимости перекодирования.

Работайте над монтажом видео быстрее, чем раньше, при помощи мощного и удобного приложения Adobe Premiere® Pro CC. Десятки совершенно новых функций, включая переработанную временную шкалу, улучшенные средства управления медиафайлами и оптимизированную цветокоррекцию. И это только начало. Получайте доступ ко всем новым функциям сразу после их выпуска. Соберите все свои работы воедино.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013)  Portable Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013)  Portable Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013)  Portable Adobe Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1 (2013)  Portable

Загрузил: roman77777 (31 марта 2014 09:52)
Взяли: 1512 | Размер: 1.2 Gb
Последняя активность: 21 марта 2016 16:57
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 138 Качают: 232 Скачали: 316
Adobe Premiere Pro 7.2.1 (5967 файлов)
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file Detector4.bin (53,12 Mb)
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file zdictionary.dat (1,67 Mb)
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file zdictionary.dat (1,66 Mb)
ja_JP (3 файла)
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file zdictionary.dat (1,39 Mb)
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file zdictionary.dat (1,37 Mb)
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file zdictionary.dat (1,64 Mb)
ru_ru (3 файла)
file ame.app.dat (912,1 Kb)
file ame.libraries.dat (563,29 Kb)
file zdictionary.dat (1,65 Mb)
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file ame.libraries.dat (542,16 Kb)
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zh_CN (3 файла)
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file FileInfo_ja_JP.dat (12,44 Kb)
file FileInfo_zh_CN.dat (12,44 Kb)
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png ArriThumb.png (1,06 Kb)
png CinemaDNGThumb.png (1,47 Kb)
file P2Clip.xml (1,34 Kb)
png REDVideoThumb.png (1,23 Kb)
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file Adobe Premiere Pro Defaults.kys (81,5 Kb)
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file Adobe Premiere Pro Defaults.kys (81,5 Kb)
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file Final Cut Pro 7.0.kys (67,38 Kb)
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file Adobe Premiere Pro Defaults.kys (81,5 Kb)
file Avid MC 5.kys (62,38 Kb)
file Final Cut Pro 7.0.kys (67,38 Kb)
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file eulaver.xml (2,11 Kb)
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file GaussianBlur.irtp (3,35 Kb)
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file Soften.irtp (1,61 Kb)
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file ColorMatch.irtp (2,28 Kb)
file ColorMatch2.irtp (2,42 Kb)
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file fxAntiAlias(Vertical).irtp (653 b)
file fxDegrain.irtp (952 b)
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file fxLegalizePAL.irtp (389 b)
LUTs (59 файлов)
file ARRI ALEXA - SL - PROFILE.itx (384,04 Kb)
file ARRI_Universal_DCI.cube (100,41 Kb)
file ARRI_Universal_HD.cube (97,36 Kb)
file AlexaV3_K1S1_LogC2Video_DCIP3_EE.cube (112,11 Kb)
file AlexaV3_K1S1_LogC2Video_Rec709_EE.cube (112,11 Kb)
file BLUE DAY4NITE - SL - 3527.itx (3 Mb)
file BLUE ICE - SL - 3527.itx (3 Mb)
file BLUE INTENSE - SL - 3527.itx (3 Mb)
file BLUE MOON - SL - 3527.itx (3 Mb)
file BMC DNXHD - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file BMC PRORES - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file BMC RAW - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON 1D C - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON 5D - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON 5D - UEX - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON 7D - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON 7D - UEX - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CANON C300 - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file CineSpace2383sRGB6bit.itx (3 Mb)
file Clip_0_to_1.ilut (180 b)
file D-21_delogC_EI0200_B1.cube (98,52 Kb)
file F55-AXS - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file F55-SR - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file FS700 - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file Fuji ETERNA 250D Fuji 3510 (by Adobe).cube (200,92 Kb)
file Fuji ETERNA 250D Kodak 2395 (by Adobe).cube (217,37 Kb)
file Fuji F125 Kodak 2393 (by Adobe).cube (193,23 Kb)
file Fuji F125 Kodak 2395 (by Adobe).cube (214,21 Kb)
file Fuji REALA 500D Kodak 2393 (by Adobe).cube (198,61 Kb)
file GOLD HEAT - SL - 3528.itx (3 Mb)
file GOLD TOBACCO - SL - 3528.itx (3 Mb)
file GOLD WESTERN - SL - 3528.itx (3 Mb)
file GOPRO - 3200K - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file GOPRO - 5800K - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file Gamma 1.8.ilut (298 b)
file Gamma 2.2.ilut (298 b)
file Gamma_Example.ilut (298 b)
file Kodak 5205 Fuji 3510 (by Adobe).cube (205,05 Kb)
file Kodak 5218 Kodak 2383 (by Adobe).cube (217,21 Kb)
file Kodak 5218 Kodak 2395 (by Adobe).cube (223,23 Kb)
file Linear_to_Log.cube (7,06 Kb)
file Log_to_Display_Gamma.cube (28,34 Kb)
file NEUTRAL START - SL - 3560.itx (3 Mb)
file NIKON D800 - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file NIKON D800 - UEX - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file NOIR HIGH CON - SL - 3522.itx (3 Mb)
file NOIR NOUVELLE - SL - 3522.itx (3 Mb)
file NOIR RED WAVE - SL - 3522.itx (3 Mb)
file NOIR TRI-X - SL - 3522.itx (3 Mb)
file PANASONIC HPX3700 - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file Panalog4_to_Linear.cube (25,06 Kb)
file Phantom_Rec709_Gamma.cube (25,07 Kb)
file QuickTime_Gamma.ilut (140 b)
file REC.709 - NORMAL - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file REC.709 - WARM - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file RED - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file RED - UEX - SL - PROFILE.itx (3 Mb)
file Scale_64_to_940.ilut (272 b)
file log_to_lin.lut (33,37 Kb)
Simple (3 файла)
file LUT.irtp (188 b)
file PrinterLights.irtp (463 b)
file RGB709toXYZ.irtp (320 b)
MediaIO (5 файлов)
codecs (15 файлов)
file AMR.vca (82,41 Kb)
file Dolby.vca (68,41 Kb)
file FLVVCodec.vca (208,41 Kb)
file H264VideoCodecH264.dll (78,41 Kb)
file H264VideoCodecH264Bluray.dll (95,91 Kb)
file MCMHH264VideoCodec.vca (176,41 Kb)
file MCMHMPEGVideoCodec.vca (183,41 Kb)
file MCMPEG4VideoCodec.vca (136,41 Kb)
file MCmpgACodec.vca (121,41 Kb)
file MPEG4VideoCodecMPEG4.dll (67,91 Kb)
file MPEGVideoCodecMPEG2.dll (148,41 Kb)
file MPEGVideoCodecMPEG2BD.dll (89,91 Kb)
file MPEGVideoCodecMPEG2DVD.dll (70,41 Kb)
file PCMAudio.vca (88,91 Kb)
file aacaudio.vca (594,91 Kb)
postencodecmds (1 файл)
file FTP.vpe (89,91 Kb)
presets (2 файла)
DVD (2 файла)
file NTSC_PCM DVD.vpr (6,59 Kb)
file PAL_PCM DVD.vpr (6,59 Kb)
system (2 файла)
file MP3 High Bitrate.vpr (3,17 Kb)
file MPEG4 Simple Profile.vpr (7,12 Kb)
systempresets (31 файл)
3F3F3F3F_4A504547 (12 файлов)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_4D6F6F56 (11 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,61 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,61 Kb)
file HD 720p 24, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,51 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (62,47 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (62,58 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (62,58 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (62,57 Kb)
file NTSC, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,6 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (62,58 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (62,57 Kb)
file PAL, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,6 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_4D503320 (3 файла)
file MP3 128kbps.epr (17,94 Kb)
file MP3 192kbps High Quality.epr (11,95 Kb)
file MP3 256kbps High Quality.epr (17,95 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_504E4720 (12 файлов)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (13,61 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_574D5620 (15 файлов)
file Audio Only, 44.1kHz 64kbps.epr (45,27 Kb)
file Audio Only, 48kHz 128kbps.epr (51,45 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 720p 24.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (51,42 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (51,45 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (51,43 Kb)
file NTSC Half (360x264 15fps).epr (51,45 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (51,45 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (51,44 Kb)
file PAL Half (360x264 12.5fps).epr (51,45 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_41494646 (1 файл)
file AIFF 48kHz.epr (16,03 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_41564956 (6 файлов)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (34,39 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (34,4 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (34,39 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (34,38 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (34,39 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (35,34 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_44494242 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_44505820 (32 файла)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,3 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_54494646 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_54504943 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_57415645 (1 файл)
file Waveform Audio 48kHz 16-bit.epr (16,03 Kb)
4C4F5249_6D626420 (9 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (77,98 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (77,99 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (77,99 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (78 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (78 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (78 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
file HDV 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
4C4F5249_6D706732 (20 файлов)
file 01 - Match Source - High bitrate.epr (103,87 Kb)
file 01 - Match Source - Medium bitrate.epr (103,88 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 480.epr (103,63 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 512.epr (103,63 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 25.epr (103,61 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 29.97.epr (103,62 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide.epr (103,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (103,62 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide.epr (103,66 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (103,62 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 NTSC.epr (103,71 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 PAL.epr (103,71 Kb)
4C4F5249_64766420 (9 файлов)
file NTSC 23.976p Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV Progressive.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide Progressive.epr (84,08 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (84,06 Kb)
file PAL DV Progressive.epr (84,07 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide Progressive.epr (84,08 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (84,06 Kb)
4d584620_444d5846 (92 файла)
file DNX 100 1080i 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 100 1080p 29.97.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 100 720p 59.94.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 110 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 110X 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 115 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 115 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 115 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 120 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 120 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175X 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 240 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 290 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 290 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 23.976 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 24 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 365 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 365X 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 23.976 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 24 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 29.97 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 45 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 45 720p 25.epr (53,06 Kb)
file DNX 50 720p 23.976.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 50 720p 29.97.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 75 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 75 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 23.976.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 24.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080i 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080p 25.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 85 720p 50.epr (53,06 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 59.94.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
4E49434B_4D503420 (2 файла)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 H.263.epr (48,15 Kb)
file 3GPP 352 x 288 H.263.epr (48,15 Kb)
4E49434B_41414320 (2 файла)
file Stereo AAC, 44.1kHz 128kbps.epr (23,45 Kb)
file Stereo AAC, 48kHz 256kbps.epr (23,45 Kb)
4E49434B_48323634 (121 файл)
file 01 - Match Source - High bitrate.epr (78,35 Kb)
file 01 - Match Source - Medium bitrate.epr (78,35 Kb)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 15fps Level 1.epr (53,97 Kb)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 220 x 176 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 320 x 240 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 352 x 288 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 640 x 480 15fps.epr (53,93 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 25.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 23.976.epr (54,14 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 25.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 29.97.epr (54,14 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 25.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 25.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 29.97.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,27 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,26 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,26 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 23.976.epr (54,24 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 25.epr (54,23 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 29.97.epr (54,24 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 23.976.epr (54,21 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 25.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 29.97.epr (54,23 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 23.976.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 25.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 23.976.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 25.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 23.976.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 25.epr (54,18 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (53,92 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (60,11 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (53,92 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (60,1 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (60,1 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (53,92 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (53,93 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (53,93 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (53,92 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (53,93 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (53,92 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - HD 720p 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - SD 360p 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - SD 360p 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 23.976.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 29.97.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 23.976.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 25.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 29.97.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 23.976.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 25.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 29.97.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 23.976.epr (60,28 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 25.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 29.97.epr (60,27 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 23.976.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 25.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 23.976.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 23.976.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 25.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
4E49434B_48323642 (9 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (44,52 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (44,51 Kb)
414D4520_6D626420 (11 файлов)
file 1 Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (48,66 Kb)
file 2 Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (48,71 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,89 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,89 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,9 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (49,58 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (49,58 Kb)
414D4520_6D706732 (15 файлов)
file 1440 x 1080i 25 High Quality .epr (79,26 Kb)
file 1440 x 1080i 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 480.epr (79,23 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 512.epr (79,23 Kb)
file HDTV 1080i 25 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 1080i 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 23.976 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 25 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 23.976 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 25 High Quality.epr (79,25 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file NTSC DV High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file PAL DV High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 (NTSC).epr (79,22 Kb)
414D4520_464C564E (16 файлов)
file FLV - Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (41,67 Kb)
file FLV - Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (41,69 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 1800kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 2500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 3500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 4500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 5500kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 7500kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 320x240, 4x3, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,29 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 600kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 640x480, 4x3, Project Framerate, 800kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
414D4520_4634564E (23 файла)
file F4V - Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (42,05 Kb)
file F4V - Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (42,06 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, HD, High, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, HD, Low, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, SD, High, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, SD, Med, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, 3G, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, Low, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, WiFi, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 1800kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 2500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 3500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 4500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 5500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 7500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,67 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 320x240, 4x3, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 600kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 640x480, 4x3, Project Framerate, 800kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
414D4520_64766420 (12 файлов)
file Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (44,83 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Highest Quality).epr (44,91 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Medium or Draft Quality).epr (44,83 Kb)
file NTSC 23.976p Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
file NTSC High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file NTSC Progressive High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file NTSC Progressive Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,8 Kb)
file NTSC Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
file PAL High Quality.epr (44,77 Kb)
file PAL Progressive High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file PAL Progressive Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,8 Kb)
file PAL Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
414D4520_68626420 (2 файла)
file Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (48,6 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (47,69 Kb)
564C4144_666C7620 (6 файлов)
file Web - 1920x1080, 24fps, 7500kbps.epr (38,83 Kb)
file Web - 1920x1080, 25fps, 7500kbps.epr (45,01 Kb)
file Web - 1920x1080, 29.97fps, 7500kbps.epr (38,83 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 24fps, 800kbps.epr (38,79 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 25fps, 800kbps.epr (44,97 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 29.97fps, 800kbps.epr (38,8 Kb)
50324D58_4D584620 (16 файлов)
file AVCINTRA Class100 1080.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class100 720.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class50 1080.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class50 720.epr (27,99 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 50.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 60.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 24.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 30.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 50.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 60.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 24p.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 Widescreen 24p.epr (27,42 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 Widescreen.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50.epr (27,4 Kb)
file PAL DVCPro50 Widescreen.epr (27,41 Kb)
file PAL DVCPro50.epr (27,4 Kb)
47494653_47494666 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,66 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
47494666_47494666 (1 файл)
file 320x240 10fps.epr (19,86 Kb)
58444341_4d584658 (53 файла)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 24p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 25p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 30p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 50i.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 50p.epr (51,54 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 60i.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 60p.epr (51,54 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 720 24p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 720 50p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class100 720 60p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 24p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 25p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 30p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 50i.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 60i.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 720 24p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 720 50p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 720 60p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file DV 25 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file DV 25 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 30 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 30 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 40 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 40 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 50 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 50 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 NTSC 24p.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 NTSC 30p.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 NTSC 60i.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 PAL 25p.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 PAL 50i.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 30p.epr (24,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 60i.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 720p60.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 25p.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 720p50.epr (23,31 Kb)
writers (2 файла)
file FLVNativeWriter.vwr (1,54 Mb)
file xerces-c_3_0.dll (2,45 Mb)
Monitor Overlays (2 файла)
file Editing.olp (2,7 Kb)
file V1 Only.olp (3,33 Kb)
OBLRes (44 файла)
ar_AE (3 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,34 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,21 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,05 Kb)
bg_BG (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,84 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,19 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,53 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (459 b)
cs_CZ (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,66 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,97 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,19 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,1 Kb)
da_DK (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,79 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,99 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,18 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,62 Kb)
de_DE (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,86 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,37 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,62 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,62 Kb)
el_GR (3 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,14 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,79 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,46 Kb)
en_AE (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,47 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,99 Kb)
en_GB (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,23 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,65 Kb)
en_IL (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,47 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,99 Kb)
en_MX (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,47 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (459 b)
en_US (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,23 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,58 Kb)
en_XM (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,23 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,28 Kb)
es_ES (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (18,74 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (23,17 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,33 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,52 Kb)
es_LA (1 файл)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,8 Kb)
es_MX (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (18,74 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (23,17 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,58 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,8 Kb)
es_NA (1 файл)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,8 Kb)
et_EE (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,57 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,75 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,39 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (459 b)
fi_FI (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (18,05 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (22,41 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,21 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,96 Kb)
fr_CA (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,66 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,51 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,65 Kb)
fr_FR (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,66 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,27 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,3 Kb)
fr_MA (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,66 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,51 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,65 Kb)
fr_MX (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,66 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,51 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,15 Kb)
fr_XM (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,66 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,27 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,3 Kb)
he_IL (3 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,22 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,04 Kb)
file Main.zdct (1,96 Kb)
hr_HR (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,47 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,86 Kb)
hu_HU (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,89 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,49 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,34 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,15 Kb)
it_IT (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,55 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,24 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,74 Kb)
ja_JP (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,77 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,11 Kb)
file Main.zdct (1,73 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (3,88 Kb)
ko_KR (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,42 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,34 Kb)
file Main.zdct (1,63 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (3,77 Kb)
lt_LT (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,83 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,12 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,57 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (459 b)
lv_LV (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,69 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,87 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,69 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (459 b)
nb_NO (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,72 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,1 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,21 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,9 Kb)
nl_NL (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,92 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,38 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,51 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,89 Kb)
pl_PL (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,87 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,44 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,31 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,18 Kb)
pt_BR (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,72 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,12 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,12 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,84 Kb)
ro_RO (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,03 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,47 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,23 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,58 Kb)
ru_RU (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,8 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,34 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,35 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,1 Kb)
sk_SK (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,82 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,09 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,55 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,45 Kb)
sl_SI (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,76 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,05 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,62 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (5,72 Kb)
sv_SE (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,67 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (17,78 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,19 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,61 Kb)
tr_TR (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (11,61 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,02 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,3 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,99 Kb)
uk_UA (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (12,02 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (18,56 Kb)
file Main.zdct (2,45 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (4,93 Kb)
zh_CN (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (10,9 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (16,28 Kb)
file Main.zdct (1,3 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (3,34 Kb)
zh_TW (4 файла)
file ConnectionFAQ.html (10,76 Kb)
file LicenseFAQ.html (16,17 Kb)
file Main.zdct (1,31 Kb)
file oobe_launcher.zdct (3,44 Kb)
pdfl (2 файла)
CMaps (46 файлов)
file 90ms-RKSJ-UCS2 (111,02 Kb)
file 90pv-RKSJ-UCS2C (101,71 Kb)
file 90pv-RKSJ-UCS2 (3,33 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-B5pc (9,29 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-ETen-B5 (9,7 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-H-CID (3,45 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-H-Host (9,82 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-H-Mac (9,36 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-UCS2 (276,71 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-GBK-EUC (93,16 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-GBpc-EUC (5,65 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-H-CID (3,57 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-H-Host (93,75 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-H-Mac (5,63 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-UCS2 (240,41 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-90ms-RKSJ (7,73 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-90pv-RKSJ (9,77 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-H-CID (3,76 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-H-Host (7,99 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-H-Mac (6,89 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-PS-H (24,01 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-PS-V (14,56 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-UCS2 (296,17 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-H-CID (3,13 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-H-Host (17,21 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-H-Mac (12,68 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-KSCms-UHC (17,01 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-KSCpc-EUC (12,76 Kb)
file Adobe-Korea1-UCS2 (152,49 Kb)
file B5pc-UCS2C (279,46 Kb)
file B5pc-UCS2 (2,72 Kb)
file ETen-B5-UCS2 (283,23 Kb)
file GBK-EUC-UCS2 (229,6 Kb)
file GBpc-EUC-UCS2C (146,17 Kb)
file GBpc-EUC-UCS2 (2,81 Kb)
file KSCms-UHC-UCS2 (186,92 Kb)
file KSCpc-EUC-UCS2C (154,67 Kb)
file KSCpc-EUC-UCS2 (17,47 Kb)
file UCS2-90ms-RKSJ (153,28 Kb)
file UCS2-90pv-RKSJ (146,39 Kb)
file UCS2-B5pc (279,78 Kb)
file UCS2-ETen-B5 (293,79 Kb)
file UCS2-GBK-EUC (239,64 Kb)
file UCS2-GBpc-EUC (194,07 Kb)
file UCS2-KSCms-UHC (193,37 Kb)
file UCS2-KSCpc-EUC (151,26 Kb)
Fonts (32 файла)
PFM (6 файлов)
file sy______.inf (487 b)
file sy______.pfm (672 b)
file zx______.mmm (7,08 Kb)
file zx______.pfm (683 b)
file zy______.mmm (7,08 Kb)
file zy______.pfm (684 b)
file AdobeArabic-Bold.otf (300,03 Kb)
file AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf (322,05 Kb)
file AdobeArabic-Italic.otf (331,32 Kb)
file AdobeArabic-Regular.otf (292,66 Kb)
file AdobeFanHeitiStd-Bold.otf (5,25 Mb)
file AdobeGothicStd-Bold.otf (2,75 Mb)
file AdobeHebrew-Bold.otf (70,43 Kb)
file AdobeHebrew-BoldItalic.otf (73,54 Kb)
file AdobeHebrew-Italic.otf (73,46 Kb)
file AdobeHebrew-Regular.otf (71,77 Kb)
file AdobeHeitiStd-Regular.otf (11,7 Mb)
file AdobeMingStd-Light.otf (9,7 Mb)
file AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.otf (3,91 Mb)
file AdobePiStd.otf (90,42 Kb)
file AdobeSongStd-Light.otf (14,87 Mb)
file AdobeThai-Bold.otf (68,45 Kb)
file AdobeThai-BoldItalic.otf (71,51 Kb)
file AdobeThai-Italic.otf (71,79 Kb)
file AdobeThai-Regular.otf (68,2 Kb)
file CourierStd-Bold.otf (36,64 Kb)
file CourierStd-BoldOblique.otf (38,07 Kb)
file CourierStd-Oblique.otf (38,41 Kb)
file CourierStd.otf (36,97 Kb)
file KozGoPr6N-Medium.otf (5,23 Mb)
file KozMinPr6N-Regular.otf (6,21 Mb)
file MinionPro-Regular.otf (213,52 Kb)
file MyriadPro-Regular.otf (94,8 Kb)
file sy______.afm (9,7 Kb)
file sy______.pfb (33,89 Kb)
file zx______.pfb (73,8 Kb)
file zy______.pfb (94,16 Kb)
Plug-ins (5 файлов)
Common (202 файла)
VST3 (31 файл)
Impulses (17 файлов)
file Classroom.wav (141,01 Kb)
file Empty Livingroom.wav (69,79 Kb)
file EndlessTunnel.wav (488,64 Kb)
file Gallery.wav (103,28 Kb)
file Hall.wav (686,11 Kb)
file In the Other Room.wav (158,88 Kb)
file Inside Car.wav (9,46 Kb)
file Inside Shower- Door Closed.wav (222,29 Kb)
file Large Bathroom.wav (277,01 Kb)
file Lecture Hall.wav (299,34 Kb)
file Living Room.wav (84,82 Kb)
file Locker Room.wav (313,49 Kb)
file Massive Cavern.wav (326,6 Kb)
file Medium Sized Cave.wav (654,55 Kb)
file Narrow Spiral Staircase.wav (201,63 Kb)
file Reverse Tunnel.wav (488,64 Kb)
file The Singularity.wav (324,13 Kb)
SurroundImpulses (17 файлов)
file Cathedral - long response with slow HF decay.wav (3,01 Mb)
file Deep Well - long, dense reverb.wav (3,06 Mb)
file Drum Room - sharp attack, short reverb tail.wav (598,46 Kb)
file Full-Size Auditorium - solid early reflections and long tail.wav (1,12 Mb)
file Large Concert Hall - defined early reflections.wav (988,52 Kb)
file Large Dome - long response, sparse reflections in time.wav (1,6 Mb)
file Large Metallic Cylinder - long low frequency sustain.wav (1,77 Mb)
file Large Tank - long tail, low frequency response.wav (1,29 Mb)
file Mid-Size Auditorium - slow high frequency decay.wav (1,26 Mb)
file Mid-Sized Room - smooth HF damping.wav (512,13 Kb)
file Mixed Impulses - different responses in each channel.wav (3,61 Mb)
file Octagonal Room - short, low frequency response.wav (727,42 Kb)
file Open Air Stadium - short, dense impulse response.wav (653,86 Kb)
file Open Air Theatre - short response across entire spectrum.wav (649,85 Kb)
file Small Room - short response with quick T60.wav (361,05 Kb)
file Space Capsule - fast HF damping and 800Hz sustain.wav (1,77 Mb)
file Theatre - complex reflections for depth.wav (1012,36 Kb)
file AnalogDelay.vst3 (4 Mb)
file AnalogDelayCore.dll (5,21 Mb)
file ChorusFlanger.vst3 (4 Mb)
file ChorusFlangerCore.dll (5,23 Mb)
file ConvolutionReverb.vst3 (4 Mb)
file ConvolutionReverbCore.dll (5,59 Mb)
file DeEsser.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DeEsserCore.dll (5,45 Mb)
file DeHummer.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DeHummerCore.dll (5,52 Mb)
file Distortion.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DistortionCore.dll (5,3 Mb)
file GuitarSuite.vst3 (4 Mb)
file GuitarSuiteCore.dll (5,51 Mb)
file MultibandCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file MultibandCompressorCore.dll (5,28 Mb)
file Phaser.vst3 (4 Mb)
file PhaserCore.dll (5,41 Mb)
file Radar.vst3 (1,58 Mb)
file SimpleMastering.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SimpleMasteringCore.dll (5,71 Mb)
file SingleBandCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SinglebandCompressorCore.dll (5,2 Mb)
file SurroundReverb.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SurroundReverbCore.dll (5,68 Mb)
file TubeModeledCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file TubeModeledCompressorCore.dll (4,34 Mb)
file VocalEnhancer.vst3 (4 Mb)
file VocalEnhancerCore.dll (5,16 Mb)
file AAF.prm (3,43 Mb)
file AEAutoColor.aex (139,41 Kb)
file AEAutoContrast.aex (138,41 Kb)
file AEAutoLevels.aex (138,41 Kb)
file AEFilterAlphaAdjust.aex (28,91 Kb)
file AEFilterBlueScreen.aex (30,41 Kb)
file AEFilterChromaKey.aex (33,41 Kb)
file AEFilterClipName.aex (43,41 Kb)
file AEFilterColorFast.aex (51,41 Kb)
file AEFilterColorRGBCorrector.aex (107,41 Kb)
file AEFilterColorThreeWay.aex (249,91 Kb)
file AEFilterCrop.aex (49,91 Kb)
file AEFilterGarbageMatte.aex (32,91 Kb)
file AEFilterGarbageMatte16.aex (38,41 Kb)
file AEFilterGarbageMatte8.aex (34,91 Kb)
file AEFilterGaussianBlur.aex (28,91 Kb)
file AEFilterImageMatteKey.aex (45,91 Kb)
file AEFilterLightingEffect.aex (81,91 Kb)
file AEFilterLumaCorrector.aex (94,41 Kb)
file AEFilterLumaCurve.aex (77,41 Kb)
file AEFilterLumaKey.aex (36,41 Kb)
file AEFilterLumetri.aex (2,82 Mb)
file AEFilterNonRedKey.aex (33,91 Kb)
file AEFilterProcAmp.aex (30,41 Kb)
file AEFilterRGBCurves.aex (92,41 Kb)
file AEFilterRGBDifferenceKey.aex (30,41 Kb)
file AEFilterRemoveMatte.aex (27,91 Kb)
file AEFilterTimecode.aex (58,91 Kb)
file AEFilterTrackMatteKey.aex (39,41 Kb)
file AEFilterUltraKey.aex (70,91 Kb)
file AEFilterVideoLimiter.aex (52,41 Kb)
file AEShadowHighlight.aex (149,41 Kb)
file AME Lumetri System Presets.xml (286,41 Kb)
file Arithmetic.aex (20,91 Kb)
file AsioWdm.dll (183,91 Kb)
file B-C-2.aex (28,41 Kb)
file Basic_3D.aex (44,91 Kb)
file Bevel_Alpha.aex (31,41 Kb)
file Bevel_Edges.aex (20,41 Kb)
file Blend.aex (22,41 Kb)
file Block_Dissolve.aex (30,41 Kb)
file Broadcast_Colors.aex (21,41 Kb)
file Brush_Strokes.aex (23,41 Kb)
file Calculations.aex (23,91 Kb)
file CellPattern.aex (43,91 Kb)
file ChangeToColor.aex (32,41 Kb)
file Change_Color.aex (34,91 Kb)
file Channel_Blur.aex (33,91 Kb)
file Channel_Mixer.aex (22,41 Kb)
file Checkerboard.aex (24,91 Kb)
file CineonEffect.aex (45,41 Kb)
file Circle.aex (26,41 Kb)
file Color_Balance_2.aex (30,41 Kb)
file Color_Emboss.aex (30,41 Kb)
file Color_HLS.aex (22,41 Kb)
file Color_Key.aex (26,41 Kb)
file ColorsQuad.aex (27,91 Kb)
file Compound_Arith.aex (23,41 Kb)
file Compound_Blur.aex (37,91 Kb)
file Corner_Pin.aex (68,91 Kb)
file DVControl.dll (119,41 Kb)
file DVControl.tlb (5,36 Kb)
file DXAVSource.dll (111,41 Kb)
file DXCaptureSource.dll (112,41 Kb)
file DXDVSupport.dll (115,91 Kb)
file DXSampleInterceptor.dll (119,41 Kb)
file DeviceControlFirewire.prm (216,41 Kb)
file Difference.aex (24,41 Kb)
file DirectionalBlur.aex (34,41 Kb)
file Drop_Shadow.aex (33,41 Kb)
file Dust.aex (71,91 Kb)
file DvFileWriter.prm (159,41 Kb)
file DxMultiGraphBridge.prm (189,91 Kb)
file DxMultiGraphBridge.tlb (4,04 Kb)
file DxmAVSource.tlb (4,7 Kb)
file DxmCaptureSource.tlb (5,29 Kb)
file DxmSampleInterceptor.tlb (2,75 Kb)
file EASequenceRenderer.prm (291,91 Kb)
file Echo.aex (29,91 Kb)
file Ellipse.aex (105,41 Kb)
file Emboss.aex (30,41 Kb)
file Equalize.aex (21,41 Kb)
file ExporterAIFF.prm (61,41 Kb)
file ExporterAVI.prm (166,91 Kb)
file ExporterBMP.prm (54,41 Kb)
file ExporterCIT.prm (199,91 Kb)
file ExporterDPX.prm (113,91 Kb)
file ExporterGIF.prm (56,91 Kb)
file ExporterGIFStill.prm (53,91 Kb)
file ExporterJPEG.prm (135,41 Kb)
file ExporterMP3.prm (514,91 Kb)
file ExporterMPEG2.prm (512,41 Kb)
file ExporterMPEG4.prm (994,91 Kb)
file ExporterMPEGPreview.prm (136,41 Kb)
file ExporterMXF.prm (540,91 Kb)
file ExporterP2.prm (367,41 Kb)
file ExporterPNG.prm (164,91 Kb)
file ExporterQuickTimeHost.prm (429,41 Kb)
file ExporterTIFF.prm (55,91 Kb)
file ExporterTarga.prm (54,41 Kb)
file ExporterUncompressed.prm (86,91 Kb)
file ExporterWave.prm (100,41 Kb)
file ExporterWindowsMedia.prm (249,41 Kb)
file ExporterXDCAMHD.prm (719,91 Kb)
file EyedropperFill.aex (22,41 Kb)
file FCPXProjectConverter.prm (2,07 Mb)
file Fast_Blur.aex (30,91 Kb)
file Find_Edges.aex (26,91 Kb)
file Gradient_Wipe.aex (35,91 Kb)
file Grid.aex (26,41 Kb)
file ImporterAIEPS.prm (445,41 Kb)
file ImporterARRIRAW.prm (246,91 Kb)
file ImporterASND.prm (361,91 Kb)
file ImporterAVI.prm (856,41 Kb)
file ImporterAiff.prm (48,91 Kb)
file ImporterBarsAndTone.prm (456,91 Kb)
file ImporterBlackMatte.prm (19,91 Kb)
file ImporterCaptioning.prm (225,91 Kb)
file ImporterColorMatte.prm (27,91 Kb)
file ImporterDPX.prm (138,41 Kb)
file ImporterDirectShow.prm (68,41 Kb)
file ImporterF65.prm (1,07 Mb)
file ImporterFLV.prm (817,91 Kb)
file ImporterFastMPEG.prm (142,91 Kb)
file ImporterFlash.prm (141,91 Kb)
file ImporterHDBarsAndTone.prm (156,41 Kb)
file ImporterJPEG.prm (127,41 Kb)
file ImporterLeader.prm (1,46 Mb)
file ImporterLumetri.prm (2,83 Mb)
file ImporterMP3.prm (638,41 Kb)
file ImporterMPEG.prm (420,41 Kb)
file ImporterMXF.prm (1,08 Mb)
file ImporterMultiStill.prm (46,41 Kb)
file ImporterP2.prm (474,91 Kb)
file ImporterPNG.prm (154,91 Kb)
file ImporterPhotoshopProxy.prm (60,91 Kb)
file ImporterQuickTime.prm (520,41 Kb)
file ImporterRED.prm (4 Mb)
file ImporterTarga.prm (32,91 Kb)
file ImporterTiff.prm (47,41 Kb)
file ImporterTransparentMatte.prm (19,91 Kb)
file ImporterWave.prm (86,41 Kb)
file ImporterWindowsMedia.prm (142,91 Kb)
file ImporterXDCAMEX.prm (350,41 Kb)
file Invert.aex (39,41 Kb)
file Leave_Color.aex (20,91 Kb)
file Lens_Flare.aex (57,41 Kb)
file Lightning.aex (39,41 Kb)
file Linear_Wipe.aex (30,41 Kb)
file Magnify.aex (31,91 Kb)
file Median.aex (39,91 Kb)
file Mirror.aex (19,91 Kb)
file Mosaic.aex (19,41 Kb)
file Motion.aex (29,41 Kb)
file Noise.aex (33,91 Kb)
file NoiseAlpha.aex (30,41 Kb)
file NoiseHLS.aex (41,91 Kb)
file NoiseHLSAuto.aex (43,41 Kb)
file Offset.aex (21,91 Kb)
file Opacity.aex (30,91 Kb)
file PSIParser.dll (139,41 Kb)
file PaintBucket.aex (35,91 Kb)
file PlayerMediaCore.prm (520,41 Kb)
file Posterize.aex (32,41 Kb)
file Posterize_Time.aex (22,41 Kb)
file PremiereFiltersMetaPlugin.prmp (301,41 Kb)
file RadialShadow.aex (27,41 Kb)
file Radial_Wipe.aex (31,41 Kb)
file Ramp.aex (39,91 Kb)
file RecorderDV.prm (248,91 Kb)
file RecorderMPEGHDV.prm (344,91 Kb)
file RollingShutter.aex (6,94 Mb)
file RoughenEdges.aex (35,41 Kb)
file SMDK-VC100-x64-4_2_0.dll (2,15 Mb)
file Set_Matte.aex (29,91 Kb)
file Sharpen.aex (23,91 Kb)
file SolidComposite.aex (28,41 Kb)
file Spherize.aex (25,41 Kb)
file Stabilizer.aex (18,12 Mb)
file Strobe_Light.aex (21,41 Kb)
file SurCodeAC3Encode.dll (11,26 Mb)
file TSSourcePush.dll (128,91 Kb)
file TSStrider.dll (105,91 Kb)
file Texturize.aex (21,41 Kb)
file Threshold.aex (31,91 Kb)
file Tint.aex (33,91 Kb)
file Transform.aex (39,41 Kb)
file TransitionsMetaPlugin.prmp (370,91 Kb)
file TransmitDV.prm (238,41 Kb)
file TransmitDesktopAudio.prm (33,91 Kb)
file TransmitFullScreen.prm (59,41 Kb)
file TurbulentDisplace.aex (87,91 Kb)
file Twirl.aex (40,41 Kb)
file Unsharp_Mask.aex (38,41 Kb)
file Venetian_Blinds.aex (29,91 Kb)
file Wave_Warp.aex (32,41 Kb)
file Write_on.aex (28,91 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (3,23 Mb)
file premiere_template.xml (54,3 Kb)
file svml_dispmd.dll (5,87 Mb)
file xerces-c_3_0.dll (2,45 Mb)
ControlSurface (2 файла)
file EuCon.acsrf (943,91 Kb)
file Mackie.acsrf (531,91 Kb)
pt_BR (4 файла)
Effect Presets (2 файла)
file Factory Presets.prfpset (476,09 Kb)
file Lumetri Presets.prfpset (296,8 Kb)
VSTPlugins (42 файла)
file Chorus1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Chorus2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Chorus6.dll (755,5 Kb)
file DeClicker1.dll (785 Kb)
file DeClicker2.dll (785 Kb)
file DeClicker6.dll (785 Kb)
file DeCrackler1.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeCrackler2.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeCrackler6.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeEsser1.dll (793 Kb)
file DeEsser2.dll (793 Kb)
file DeEsser6.dll (793 Kb)
file DeHummer1.dll (743 Kb)
file DeHummer2.dll (743 Kb)
file DeHummer6.dll (743 Kb)
file DeNoiser1.dll (803 Kb)
file DeNoiser2.dll (803 Kb)
file DeNoiser6.dll (803 Kb)
file Dynamics1.dll (812,5 Kb)
file Dynamics2.dll (812,5 Kb)
file Dynamics6.dll (812,5 Kb)
file EQ1.dll (847 Kb)
file EQ2.dll (847 Kb)
file EQ6.dll (847 Kb)
file Flanger1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Flanger2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Flanger6.dll (755 Kb)
file MultiBand1.dll (892 Kb)
file MultiBand2.dll (892 Kb)
file MultiBand6.dll (892 Kb)
file Phaser1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Phaser2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Phaser6.dll (755 Kb)
file PitchShifter1.dll (813,5 Kb)
file PitchShifter2.dll (813,5 Kb)
file PitchShifter6.dll (813,5 Kb)
file Reverb1.dll (790 Kb)
file Reverb2.dll (790 Kb)
file Reverb6.dll (797,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction1.dll (858,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction2.dll (858,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction6.dll (858,5 Kb)
file DVdevice.xml (17,32 Kb)
txt Interpretation Rules.txt (1,94 Kb)
ru_RU (4 файла)
Effect Presets (2 файла)
file Factory Presets.prfpset (479,99 Kb)
file Lumetri Presets.prfpset (297,35 Kb)
VSTPlugins (42 файла)
file Chorus1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Chorus2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Chorus6.dll (755,5 Kb)
file DeClicker1.dll (785 Kb)
file DeClicker2.dll (785 Kb)
file DeClicker6.dll (785 Kb)
file DeCrackler1.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeCrackler2.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeCrackler6.dll (797,5 Kb)
file DeEsser1.dll (793 Kb)
file DeEsser2.dll (793 Kb)
file DeEsser6.dll (793 Kb)
file DeHummer1.dll (743 Kb)
file DeHummer2.dll (743 Kb)
file DeHummer6.dll (743 Kb)
file DeNoiser1.dll (803 Kb)
file DeNoiser2.dll (803 Kb)
file DeNoiser6.dll (803 Kb)
file Dynamics1.dll (812,5 Kb)
file Dynamics2.dll (812,5 Kb)
file Dynamics6.dll (812,5 Kb)
file EQ1.dll (847 Kb)
file EQ2.dll (847 Kb)
file EQ6.dll (847 Kb)
file Flanger1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Flanger2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Flanger6.dll (755 Kb)
file MultiBand1.dll (892 Kb)
file MultiBand2.dll (892 Kb)
file MultiBand6.dll (892 Kb)
file Phaser1.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Phaser2.dll (754,5 Kb)
file Phaser6.dll (755 Kb)
file PitchShifter1.dll (813,5 Kb)
file PitchShifter2.dll (813,5 Kb)
file PitchShifter6.dll (813,5 Kb)
file Reverb1.dll (790 Kb)
file Reverb2.dll (790 Kb)
file Reverb6.dll (797,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction1.dll (858,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction2.dll (858,5 Kb)
file SpectralNoiseReduction6.dll (858,5 Kb)
file DVdevice.xml (18,7 Kb)
txt Interpretation Rules.txt (1,94 Kb)
XMPFiles (2 файла)
file MXFHandler.xpi (207,41 Kb)
file REDHandler.xpi (1,46 Mb)
PNG (2044 файла)
png %ConstrainedProportionsStaticImage.png (39,86 Kb)
png %P_MarkerListWave.png (43,8 Kb)
png %P_QSBottom_ea.png (44,38 Kb)
png %P_Through_Edit_Left.png (45,66 Kb)
png %P_Through_Edit_Right.png (45,67 Kb)
png %P_TrimLimitHead.png (46,66 Kb)
png %P_TrimLimitTail.png (46,65 Kb)
png %SP_FastForward_Lg_N.png (38,68 Kb)
png %SP_FastForward_Lg_N_D.png (36,43 Kb)
png %SP_Rewind_Lg_N.png (36,67 Kb)
png %SP_Rewind_Lg_N_D.png (36,42 Kb)
png %ea_welcome_proj.png (49,78 Kb)
png %[email protected] (110,25 Kb)
png %[email protected] (110,61 Kb)
png ArriThumb.png (1,06 Kb)
png AudioZoomBarInfinity.png (2,87 Kb)
png AudioZoomBarNaviZoomThumbLeft.png (2,99 Kb)
png AudioZoomBarNaviZoomThumbRight.png (3 Kb)
png CinemaDNGThumb.png (1,47 Kb)
png ColorSquare.png (1,19 Kb)
png ConstrainedProportions.png (2,95 Kb)
png ConstrainedProportionsStaticImage.png (989 b)
png CurveHandle_End.png (2,79 Kb)
png LumetriPreviewThumb.png (27,35 Kb)
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png NextScene_c.png (726 b)
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png P_AMFxMute_R.png (3,65 Kb)
png P_AMFxMute_S.png (1,11 Kb)
png P_AMFxMute_SN.png (1,17 Kb)
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png P_AMFxMute_SS.png (1,11 Kb)
png P_AMFxMute_SS_R.png (1,31 Kb)
png P_AMFxMute_S_R.png (1,31 Kb)
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png P_AMFxSendsMute_R.png (3,58 Kb)
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png P_AMFxSendsMute_S_R.png (1,24 Kb)
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png P_AddVideoCrossDissolveTrans_Md_N_D.png (361 b)
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png P_AddVideoWipeTrans_Md_R.png (462 b)
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png P_BMTrans_S.png (285 b)
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png P_BRTrans_R.png (313 b)
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png P_CLTrans_S.png (304 b)
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png P_CRTrans_S.png (290 b)
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png P_CenterVert_Lg_N_D.png (319 b)
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png P_ChannelMappingLF_N.png (1,17 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingLR_N.png (1,17 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingL_N.png (1,16 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingMono_N.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingRF_N.png (1,17 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingRR_N.png (1,17 Kb)
png P_ChannelMappingR_N.png (1,15 Kb)
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png P_Duration_Lg_R_D.png (501 b)
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png P_HSLRangeThumbLeft_R.png (692 b)
png P_HSLRangeThumbRight_N.png (715 b)
png P_HSLRangeThumbRight_R.png (706 b)
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png P_HorizTypePath_Lg_N_D.png (523 b)
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png P_JogFrame11.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame12.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame13.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame14.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame15.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame16.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame17.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame18.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame19.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame2.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame20.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame21.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame22.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame23.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame24.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame25.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame26.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame27.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame28.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame29.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame3.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame30.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame31.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame32.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame33.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame34.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame35.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame36.png (1,05 Kb)
png P_JogFrame37.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame38.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame39.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame4.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame40.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame41.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame42.png (1,05 Kb)
png P_JogFrame43.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame44.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame45.png (1,05 Kb)
png P_JogFrame46.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame47.png (1,07 Kb)
png P_JogFrame5.png (1,06 Kb)
png P_JogFrame6.png (1,04 Kb)
png P_JogFrame7.png (1,05 Kb)
png P_JogFrame8.png (1,08 Kb)
png P_JogFrame9.png (1,05 Kb)
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png P_Num2_S.png (2,78 Kb)
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png P_Num3_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_Num4_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_Num5_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_Num6_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_Num7_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_Num8_S.png (2,79 Kb)
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png P_RangeThumbLeft_S.png (722 b)
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png P_RangeThumbRight_R.png (706 b)
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png P_StartRecord_25x12_D_D.png (2,95 Kb)
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png P_StartRecord_25x12_N_D.png (2,96 Kb)
png P_StartRecord_25x12_R.png (3,06 Kb)
png P_StartRecord_25x12_R_D.png (3,05 Kb)
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png P_TLTrackKey_S.png (395 b)
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file AlphaGain.cubin (3,55 Kb)
file AutomatedConvolutionsUnrolled16f.cubin (2,03 Mb)
file AutomatedConvolutionsUnrolled32f.cubin (2 Mb)
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file COMPOP_FADE.cubin (2,49 Kb)
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file COMPOP_LUT1D3D.cubin (2,66 Kb)
file COMPOP_LUT3D.cubin (2,48 Kb)
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file ColorMatch.cubin (2,87 Kb)
file ColorMatch2.cubin (2,79 Kb)
file ColorSpace.cubin (2,32 Kb)
file Composite.cubin (73,59 Kb)
file Convolve.cubin (2,7 Kb)
file ConvolveH.cubin (2,65 Kb)
file ConvolveV.cubin (2,65 Kb)
file Crop.cubin (2,47 Kb)
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file DropShadow.cubin (4,46 Kb)
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file Fills.cubin (1,87 Kb)
file Gain.cubin (2,15 Kb)
file GarbageMatte.cubin (11,38 Kb)
file GaussianBlur.cubin (24,17 Kb)
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file LumaCurve.cubin (8,73 Kb)
file Memory.cubin (3,64 Kb)
file Motion.cubin (65,8 Kb)
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file PixelFormatConvert_422.cubin (46,98 Kb)
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file SecondaryPass2.cubin (8,77 Kb)
file SecondaryPass3.cubin (2,59 Kb)
file SecondaryPass4.cubin (2,99 Kb)
file ShadingMask.cubin (16,98 Kb)
file Sharpen.cubin (2,18 Kb)
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file StabilizerWarp.cubin (4,66 Kb)
file ThreeWayColorCorrector.cubin (18,45 Kb)
file TimeCode.cubin (2,37 Kb)
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file UltraKey.cubin (14,96 Kb)
file VideoLimiter.cubin (12,38 Kb)
file Wipe.cubin (3,18 Kb)
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file fxAntiAliasComposerV.cubin (2,87 Kb)
file fxAntiAliasH.cubin (2,88 Kb)
file fxAntiAliasV.cubin (2,88 Kb)
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file fxBloomV.cubin (3,24 Kb)
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file fxDay2NiteV.cubin (4,12 Kb)
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file fxEmboss.cubin (2,35 Kb)
file fxInversion.cubin (2,37 Kb)
file fxKeyer.cubin (2,65 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter5x5V.cubin (3,05 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter7x7V.cubin (3,89 Kb)
file fxNight.cubin (3,34 Kb)
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file fxTechnicolor3strip.cubin (2,45 Kb)
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file AdditiveDissolve.cubin (2,21 Kb)
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file AutomatedConvolutionsUnrolled32f.cubin (1,99 Mb)
file Basic3D.cubin (11,8 Kb)
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file COMPOP_FADE.cubin (2,16 Kb)
file COMPOP_LUT1D.cubin (2,16 Kb)
file COMPOP_LUT1D3D.cubin (2,3 Kb)
file COMPOP_LUT3D.cubin (2,16 Kb)
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file ColorMatch.cubin (2,46 Kb)
file ColorMatch2.cubin (2,43 Kb)
file ColorSpace.cubin (2,09 Kb)
file Composite.cubin (61,13 Kb)
file Convolve.cubin (2,51 Kb)
file ConvolveH.cubin (2,46 Kb)
file ConvolveV.cubin (2,46 Kb)
file Crop.cubin (2,14 Kb)
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file DirectionalBlur.cubin (3,17 Kb)
file DisplayConversions.cubin (3,89 Kb)
file DropShadow.cubin (3,42 Kb)
file FieldReverse.cubin (1,7 Kb)
file Fills.cubin (1,61 Kb)
file Gain.cubin (1,93 Kb)
file GarbageMatte.cubin (10,57 Kb)
file GaussianBlur.cubin (28,98 Kb)
file GaussianBlurRange.cubin (4,35 Kb)
file HDRLayer.cubin (1,99 Kb)
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file IRIDASGainOffset.cubin (2,07 Kb)
file IRIDASPrimary.cubin (4,9 Kb)
file IRIDASSimplePrimary.cubin (2,82 Kb)
file IRIDASStereoColorMatch.cubin (3,26 Kb)
file Invert.cubin (5,28 Kb)
file InvertAlphaSource.cubin (1,56 Kb)
file Levels.cubin (2,94 Kb)
file LumaCorrector.cubin (12,13 Kb)
file LumaCurve.cubin (8,16 Kb)
file Memory.cubin (3,11 Kb)
file Motion.cubin (60,66 Kb)
file PixelFormatConvert_420.cubin (38,77 Kb)
file PixelFormatConvert_422.cubin (43,2 Kb)
file PixelFormatConvert_444.cubin (83,91 Kb)
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file PixelFormatConvert_Bayer.cubin (29,38 Kb)
file PixelFormatConvert_Red.cubin (3,34 Kb)
file PointwiseFilterHost.cubin (69,57 Kb)
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file RGBCurves.cubin (15,98 Kb)
file RemoveFlickerSource.cubin (1,86 Kb)
file SecondaryPass1.cubin (3,88 Kb)
file SecondaryPass2.cubin (5,3 Kb)
file SecondaryPass3.cubin (2,27 Kb)
file SecondaryPass4.cubin (2,66 Kb)
file ShadingMask.cubin (13,55 Kb)
file Sharpen.cubin (1,98 Kb)
file SingleChannelBlur.cubin (9,32 Kb)
file StabilizerWarp.cubin (4,37 Kb)
file ThreeWayColorCorrector.cubin (13,75 Kb)
file TimeCode.cubin (1,93 Kb)
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file UltraKey.cubin (14,04 Kb)
file VideoLimiter.cubin (10,66 Kb)
file Wipe.cubin (2,57 Kb)
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file fxAntiAliasComposerV.cubin (2,46 Kb)
file fxAntiAliasH.cubin (2,88 Kb)
file fxAntiAliasV.cubin (2,9 Kb)
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file fxBloomV.cubin (3,02 Kb)
file fxCopperplate.cubin (2,76 Kb)
file fxCrayonDrawing.cubin (2,68 Kb)
file fxDay2NiteH.cubin (3,93 Kb)
file fxDay2NiteV.cubin (3,57 Kb)
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file fxDegrainPass2.cubin (4,91 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter3x3V.cubin (2,09 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter5x5V.cubin (2,63 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter7x7V.cubin (3,45 Kb)
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file fxOutline.cubin (2,71 Kb)
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file COMPOP_LUT3D.cubin (2,74 Kb)
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file ColorCorrector_Secondary.cubin (7 Kb)
file ColorMatch.cubin (3,07 Kb)
file ColorMatch2.cubin (3,07 Kb)
file ColorSpace.cubin (2,7 Kb)
file Composite.cubin (74,35 Kb)
file Convolve.cubin (3,23 Kb)
file ConvolveH.cubin (3,12 Kb)
file ConvolveV.cubin (3,12 Kb)
file Crop.cubin (2,66 Kb)
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file DropShadow.cubin (4,21 Kb)
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file Fills.cubin (1,96 Kb)
file Gain.cubin (2,51 Kb)
file GarbageMatte.cubin (12,19 Kb)
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file fxMedianFilter5x5V.cubin (3,32 Kb)
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file msgbox.tcl (15,97 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file DNX 220 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file DNX 185 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file DNX 220X 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080i 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
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file DNX 36 1080p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
file Microsoft AVI.epr (34,59 Kb)
file P2 1080i-1080p 50Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,13 Kb)
file P2 1080i-1080p 60Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,12 Kb)
file P2 720p 50Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,11 Kb)
file P2 720p 60Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,11 Kb)
file P2 DVCPRO50 NTSC.epr (41,1 Kb)
file P2 DVCPro50 PAL.epr (41,1 Kb)
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file Quicktime DV 24p.epr (75,96 Kb)
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file DNX 220X 1080p 23.976.epr (52,92 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file QuickTime DV NTSC.epr (62,83 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
file P2 1080i-1080p 50Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,13 Kb)
file P2 1080i-1080p 60Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,12 Kb)
file P2 720p 50Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,11 Kb)
file P2 720p 60Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,11 Kb)
file P2 DVCPRO50 NTSC.epr (41,1 Kb)
file P2 DVCPro50 PAL.epr (41,1 Kb)
file QuickTime.epr (62,86 Kb)
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file Microsoft AVI DV 24p.epr (34,36 Kb)
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file DNX 220X 1080i 50.epr (52,92 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class100 1080i.epr (23,42 Kb)
file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file P2 DV-25 PAL.epr (41,09 Kb)
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file DNX 100 1080p 29.97.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 115 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 115 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 120 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 240 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 290 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 290 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 23.976 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 24 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 365 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 365X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 365X 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 29.97 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 59.94.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 45 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 75 1080p 50.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 23.976.epr (53,08 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 24.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080p 25.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 59.94.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 60.epr (53,07 Kb)
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file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC.epr (23,18 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC.epr (23,18 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL.epr (23,18 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 720.epr (23,19 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 720.epr (23,19 Kb)
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file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 720.epr (23,19 Kb)
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file DNX 145 1080p 23.976.epr (52,92 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file DNX 100 720p 59.94.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 110 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 110X 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 115 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 175X 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 45 720p 25.epr (53,06 Kb)
file DNX 50 720p 23.976.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 50 720p 29.97.epr (53,07 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 75 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 85 720p 50.epr (53,06 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class100 720p.epr (23,42 Kb)
file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class50 1080p.epr (23,42 Kb)
file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file DNX 220X 720p 23.976.epr (52,92 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 50.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file Microsoft AVI DV PAL.epr (34,36 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file P2 1080i-1080p 50Hz DVCPROHD.epr (41,13 Kb)
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file DNX 145 720p 23.976.epr (52,92 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 25.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 50.epr (52,98 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC.epr (23,18 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 PAL.epr (23,18 Kb)
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file XDCAMHD 35 PAL.epr (23,18 Kb)
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file I-Frame Only MPEG.epr (27,37 Kb)
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file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC.epr (23,18 Kb)
file AIFF48mono16.epr (28,6 Kb)
file AIFF48mono24.epr (9,75 Kb)
file AIFF96mono16.epr (9,75 Kb)
file AIFF96mono24.epr (9,75 Kb)
file AudioForAudition.epr (29,43 Kb)
file AudioForSpeedGrade.epr (10,02 Kb)
file AudioOnly.epr (29,43 Kb)
file CS Review DV NTSC Source F4V 656x480 1.25 target 1.5 max bitrate.epr (41,67 Kb)
file CS Review DV NTSC Source F4V 656x480 1.75 target 2.0 max bitrate.epr (41,67 Kb)
file CS Review DV NTSC Source F4V 656x480 3.75 target 4.0 max bitrate.epr (42,59 Kb)
file CSReview.epr (41,88 Kb)
file ContentAnalysis.epr (23,78 Kb)
file ExportFrame.epr (18,66 Kb)
file HDV1080.epr (41,17 Kb)
file HDV720.epr (41,16 Kb)
file VideoForAudition24.epr (28,18 Kb)
file VideoForAudition25.epr (29,13 Kb)
file VideoForAudition2997.epr (29,13 Kb)
file Wave48mono16.epr (9,79 Kb)
file Wave48mono24.epr (9,79 Kb)
file Wave96mono16.epr (9,79 Kb)
file Wave96mono24.epr (9,79 Kb)
EveScripts (139 файлов)
Menus (87 файлов)
file HandlerAudioClipMixer_LevelMeter_ContextMenu.eve (671 b)
file HandlerAudioClipMixer_Wing_Menu.eve (537 b)
file HandlerAudioMixer_Effect_Menu.eve (466 b)
file HandlerAudioMixer_Fader_Menu.eve (160 b)
file HandlerAudioMixer_Panner_Menu.eve (161 b)
file HandlerAudioMixer_Send_Menu.eve (356 b)
file HandlerAudioMixer_Wing_Menu.eve (1,11 Kb)
file HandlerCapture_Context_Menu.eve (851 b)
file HandlerCapture_Flyout_Menu.eve (851 b)
file HandlerEffectControls_Edit_Menu.eve (775 b)
file HandlerEffectControls_Flyout_Menu.eve (2,43 Kb)
file HandlerEffectControls_Keyframe_Edit_Menu.eve (1,33 Kb)
file HandlerEffectControls_Keyframe_View_Edit_Menu.eve (680 b)
file HandlerEffectControls_Sequence_Marker_Menu.eve (1,59 Kb)
file HandlerEffectControls_Softness_Menu.eve (428 b)
file HandlerEffectControls_Spatial_Keyframe_Edit_Menu.eve (2,26 Kb)
file HandlerEffectControls_TxAlignment_Menu.eve (483 b)
file HandlerEffects_Empty_Menu.eve (274 b)
file HandlerEffects_Flyout_Menu.eve (1,32 Kb)
file HandlerEffects_Preset_Bin_Menu.eve (568 b)
file HandlerEffects_Preset_Menu.eve (712 b)
file HandlerEffects_Shortcut_Bin_Menu.eve (242 b)
file HandlerEffects_Shortcut_Menu.eve (158 b)
file HandlerEffects_Transition_Menu.eve (230 b)
file HandlerEffects_Transition_Shortcut_Menu.eve (370 b)
file HandlerHistory_Wing_Menu.eve (641 b)
file HandlerMediaBrowser_Wing_Menu.eve (618 b)
file HandlerMetadata_Wing_Menu.eve (203 b)
file HandlerMonitor_Program_Context_Menu.eve (6,53 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Program_Marker_Menu.eve (2,33 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Program_Reference_Context_Menu.eve (4,03 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Program_Wing_Menu.eve (5,77 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Reference_Wing_Menu.eve (3,75 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Resolution_Menu.eve (647 b)
file HandlerMonitor_Source_Context_Menu.eve (8,34 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Source_Marker_Menu.eve (3,09 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Source_Wing_Menu.eve (4,95 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Track_Menu.eve (137 b)
file HandlerMonitor_Trim_Wing_Menu.eve (1,44 Kb)
file HandlerMonitor_Zoom_Menu.eve (848 b)
file HandlerMulticam_Flyout_Menu.eve (686 b)
file HandlerProgress_Wing_Menu.eve (184 b)
file HandlerProject_Bin_Menu.eve (3,35 Kb)
file HandlerProject_Clip_Menu.eve (6,03 Kb)
file HandlerProject_ContextArea_NoSelection_Menu.eve (932 b)
file HandlerProject_File_Menu.eve (414 b)
file HandlerProject_List_Header_Menu.eve (193 b)
file HandlerProject_Multiple_Selection_Menu.eve (3,87 Kb)
file HandlerProject_PreviewArea_NoSelection_Menu.eve (165 b)
file HandlerProject_Preview_Player_Clip_Menu.eve (2,57 Kb)
file HandlerProject_Wing_Menu.eve (1,48 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_AVClip_Menu.eve (5,03 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Audio_Clip_Menu.eve (4,22 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Audio_Key_Frames_Menu.eve (298 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Audio_Master_Track_Header_Menu.eve (383 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Audio_Submix_Key_Frames_Menu.eve (294 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Display_Style_Menu.eve (1,9 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Edit_Point_Context_Menu.eve (845 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Empty_Clip_Menu.eve (150 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Flyout_Menu.eve (1,72 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Keyframe_Interpolation_Mode_Menu.eve (912 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Sequence_Marker_Menu.eve (2,21 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Track_Header_Menu.eve (837 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Track_Header_Source_Menu.eve (1,32 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Track_Header_Target_Menu.eve (588 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Transition_Menu.eve (260 b)
file HandlerTimeline_Video_Clip_Menu.eve (4,68 Kb)
file HandlerTimeline_Video_Key_Frames_Menu.eve (277 b)
file HandlerTitler_Alignment_Menu.eve (326 b)
file HandlerTitler_Cap_Type_Menu.eve (229 b)
file HandlerTitler_Composite_Rule_Menu.eve (339 b)
file HandlerTitler_Editor_Wing_Menu.eve (982 b)
file HandlerTitler_Fill_Type_Menu.eve (531 b)
file HandlerTitler_Graphic_Type_Menu.eve (847 b)
file HandlerTitler_Join_Type_Menu.eve (229 b)
file HandlerTitler_Jusify_Vertical_Menu.eve (322 b)
file HandlerTitler_Justify_Horizontal_Menu.eve (322 b)
file HandlerTitler_Scaling_Menu.eve (328 b)
file HandlerTitler_Stroke_Type_Menu.eve (234 b)
file HandlerTitler_Styles_Palette_Menu.eve (1,7 Kb)
file HandlerTitler_Sub_Alignment_X_Menu.eve (229 b)
file HandlerTitler_Sub_Alignment_Y_Menu.eve (229 b)
file HandlerTitler_Workspace_Popup_Menu.eve (8,31 Kb)
file HandlerTools_Wing_Menu.eve (195 b)
file LevelMeter_ContextMenu.eve (937 b)
file PremierePro_MainMenu.eve (41,82 Kb)
file StatusBar_Cloud_Popup_Menu.eve (824 b)
file AAFExportSettingsDialog.eve (722 b)
file AddAVTracksDialog.eve (2,88 Kb)
file AddProjectColumnDialog.eve (1,03 Kb)
file AssignStereoPairsDialog.eve (2,88 Kb)
file AudioHardwarePrefsPanel.eve (1,13 Kb)
file AudioPrefsPanel.eve (4,16 Kb)
file AutoSavePrefsPanel.eve (1,12 Kb)
file BatchCaptureDialog.eve (1,51 Kb)
file BatchCaptureResultsDialog.eve (488 b)
file CapturePrefsPanel.eve (795 b)
file CaptureSettings.eve (1,18 Kb)
file CaptureSettingsDialog.eve (1,29 Kb)
file ClipGainDialog.eve (4,08 Kb)
file ClipLoggingDialog.eve (1,59 Kb)
file ClipSpeedDialog.eve (1,45 Kb)
file ClipSpeedWithRippleDialog.eve (1,65 Kb)
file ClosedCaptioningDialog.eve (556 b)
file ColorMatteNameDialog.eve (969 b)
file ConformAudioDialog.eve (903 b)
file ConformDialog.eve (903 b)
file ConformVideoDialog.eve (1,98 Kb)
file ContentAnalysisDialog.eve (2,21 Kb)
file ControlSurfacePrefsPanel.eve (342 b)
file ConvertProjectDialog.eve (1,38 Kb)
file CreateCustomDictionaryDialog.eve (1,47 Kb)
file CreateMulticamDialog.eve (4,88 Kb)
file CreativeCloudPrefsPanel.eve (1,7 Kb)
file DeleteAVTracksDialog.eve (1,73 Kb)
file DeleteCustomLanguageModelDialog.eve (541 b)
file DeleteMediaDialog.eve (876 b)
file DeviceControlPrefsPanel.eve (1,84 Kb)
file EALoginDialog.eve (1,01 Kb)
file EditCustomMarkerDialog.eve (584 b)
file EditMarkerDialog.eve (4,38 Kb)
file EditProjectColumnsDialog.eve (1,3 Kb)
file EditSubClipDialog.eve (3,03 Kb)
file ExportAuditionMultitrackDialog.eve (2,68 Kb)
file ExportFrameDialog.eve (1,49 Kb)
file ExportMarkersSettingDialog.eve (1,29 Kb)
file ExportToEDLDialog.eve (2,71 Kb)
file ExportToHDVDialog.eve (1,43 Kb)
file ExportToOMFDialog.eve (1,55 Kb)
file ExportToP2Dialog.eve (2,05 Kb)
file ExportToTapeCustomDialog.eve (255 b)
file ExportToTapeDialog.eve (4,93 Kb)
file FieldOptionsDialog.eve (1,44 Kb)
file FitClipDialog.eve (1,77 Kb)
file FontSizeDialog.eve (571 b)
file FrameHoldDialog.eve (799 b)
file GeneralPrefsPanel.eve (6,67 Kb)
file GenericListErrorDialog.eve (1,05 Kb)
file GenericOMFTextErrorDialog.eve (741 b)
file GenericOMFTextStatusDialog.eve (602 b)
file GenericTextErrorDialog.eve (608 b)
file HideShowTracksDialog.eve (1,04 Kb)
file HistorySettingsDialog.eve (685 b)
file ImportAuditionMultitrackDialog.eve (640 b)
file ImportFromEDLDialog.eve (1,47 Kb)
file IndeterminateProgressDialog.eve (950 b)
file InterpretFootageDialog.eve (4,27 Kb)
file KeySetNameDialog.eve (870 b)
file KeySetReplaceConfirmDialog.eve (714 b)
file LabelColorsPrefsPanel.eve (1,3 Kb)
file LabelDefaultsPrefsPanel.eve (1,13 Kb)
file LinkMediaDialog.eve (4,9 Kb)
file LinkPreviewsDialog.eve (2,48 Kb)
file LocateFileDialog.eve (2,34 Kb)
file MakeSubclipDialog.eve (868 b)
file ManagePresetsDialog.eve (512 b)
file MediaPrefsPanel.eve (4,03 Kb)
file MemoryPrefsPanel.eve (1023 b)
file MergeClipsDialog.eve (3,54 Kb)
file ModifyClipAudioChannelsTab.eve (2,53 Kb)
file ModifyClipDialog.eve (602 b)
file ModifyClipInterpretFootageTab.eve (4,24 Kb)
file ModifyClipTimecodeTab.eve (1,41 Kb)
file MoveOrDeleteDialog.eve (986 b)
file MulticamEditCamerasDialog.eve (1014 b)
file NestedSequenceNameDialog.eve (617 b)
file NewProjectDialog.eve (1,23 Kb)
file NewProjectSettingsGeneralTab.eve (2,29 Kb)
file NewSequenceDialog.eve (899 b)
file NewSyntheticDialog.eve (2,43 Kb)
file NewSyntheticVideoDialog.eve (1,86 Kb)
file NewTapeNameDialog.eve (604 b)
file NewTitleDialog.eve (2,05 Kb)
file NewTitleFromTemplateDialog.eve (3,26 Kb)
file NormalizeTrackDialog.eve (906 b)
file OMFProgressDialog.eve (1,56 Kb)
file OverlayDialog.eve (10,53 Kb)
file OverlayNameDialog.eve (847 b)
file PasteAttributesDialog.eve (2,6 Kb)
file PatentAndLegalNotices.eve (532 b)
file PlaybackPrefsPanel.eve (1,35 Kb)
file PrefsEveDialog.eve (1,41 Kb)
file ProgressDialog.eve (911 b)
file ProjectAutomateToSequenceDialog.eve (5,35 Kb)
file ProjectEditOfflineFileDialog.eve (3,14 Kb)
file ProjectImportSelectionDialog.eve (1,31 Kb)
file ProjectMakeOfflineFileDialog.eve (1,08 Kb)
file ProjectManagerDialog.eve (5,17 Kb)
file ProjectMediaFindDialog.eve (2,45 Kb)
file ProjectSettingsDialog.eve (629 b)
file ProjectSettingsGeneralTab.eve (3,66 Kb)
file ProjectSettingsScratchDisksTab.eve (7,89 Kb)
file RemoveEffectsDialog.eve (1,61 Kb)
file RenameClipDialog.eve (564 b)
file RenderProgressDialog.eve (2,6 Kb)
file RollCrawlSettingsDialog.eve (3,15 Kb)
file SaveCapturedClipDialog.eve (1,48 Kb)
file SaveFilterPresetDialog.eve (1,76 Kb)
file SavePresetDialog.eve (850 b)
file SaveProjectSettingsDialog.eve (1,18 Kb)
file SelectSequenceDialog.eve (549 b)
file SequencePresetLeftGroup.eve (401 b)
file SequencePresetRightGroup.eve (541 b)
file SequencePresetTab.eve (629 b)
file SequenceSettingsDialog.eve (5,27 Kb)
file SequenceSettingsTab.eve (5,16 Kb)
file SequenceTracksTab.eve (2,41 Kb)
file SequenceZeroPointDialog.eve (805 b)
file SetTransitionDurationDialog.eve (624 b)
file ShortcutsDialog.eve (2,23 Kb)
file SynchronizeClipsDialog.eve (2,34 Kb)
file TapePresetNameDialog.eve (861 b)
file TemplateDialog.eve (2,09 Kb)
file TestEveDialog.eve (1,02 Kb)
file TimecodeDialog.eve (1,76 Kb)
file TitlerPrefsPanel.eve (1,04 Kb)
file TrackAudioMatrixDialog.eve (658 b)
file TransformOpacityDialog.eve (865 b)
file TransformPositionDialog.eve (871 b)
file TransformRotationDialog.eve (1,01 Kb)
file TransformScaleDialog.eve (1,86 Kb)
file TransitionFlipOverDialog.eve (1,04 Kb)
file TransitionGradientWipeDialog.eve (1,32 Kb)
file TrimPrefsPanel.eve (1,85 Kb)
file UserInterfacePrefsPanel.eve (961 b)
HTMLTemplate (1 файл)
file default.tpl (25,39 Kb)
SequencePresets (17 файлов)
ARRI (2 файла)
1080p (5 файлов)
file ARRI 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (6,21 Kb)
file ARRI 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
file ARRI 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
file ARRI 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (6,19 Kb)
file ARRI 1080p 30fps.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
2880p (5 файлов)
file ARRI 2880p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,97 Kb)
file ARRI 2880p 24fps.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
file ARRI 2880p 25fps.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
file ARRI 2880p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
file ARRI 2880p 30fps.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
AVC-Intra (3 файла)
720p (10 файлов)
file AVC-I 100 720p24.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 720p25.sqpreset (5,79 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 720p30.sqpreset (5,81 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 720p50.sqpreset (5,78 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 720p60.sqpreset (5,81 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 720p24.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 720p25.sqpreset (5,77 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 720p30.sqpreset (5,79 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 720p50.sqpreset (5,77 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 720p60.sqpreset (5,79 Kb)
1080i (4 файла)
file AVC-I 100 1080i50.sqpreset (5,69 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 1080i60.sqpreset (5,72 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 1080i50.sqpreset (5,68 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 1080i60.sqpreset (5,71 Kb)
1080p (6 файлов)
file AVC-I 100 1080p24.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 1080p25.sqpreset (5,8 Kb)
file AVC-I 100 1080p30.sqpreset (5,83 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 1080p24.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 1080p25.sqpreset (5,79 Kb)
file AVC-I 50 1080p30.sqpreset (5,81 Kb)
AVCHD (3 файла)
720p (5 файлов)
file AVCHD 720p24.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file AVCHD 720p25.sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
file AVCHD 720p30.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
file AVCHD 720p50.sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
file AVCHD 720p60.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
1080i (4 файла)
file AVCHD 1080i25 (50i) Anamorphic.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080i25 (50i).sqpreset (5,76 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080i30 (60i) Anamorphic.sqpreset (6,5 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080i30 (60i).sqpreset (6,26 Kb)
1080p (7 файлов)
file AVCHD 1080p24 Anamorphic.sqpreset (6,05 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p24.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p25 Anamorphic.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p25.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p30.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p50.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file AVCHD 1080p60.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
Canon XF MPEG2 (3 файла)
720p (6 файлов)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p24.sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p24N.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p25.sqpreset (5,75 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p30.sqpreset (6,28 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p50.sqpreset (5,75 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 720p60.sqpreset (6,28 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080i25 (50i).sqpreset (5,67 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080i30 (60i).sqpreset (6,19 Kb)
1080p (4 файла)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080p24.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080p24N.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080p25.sqpreset (5,79 Kb)
file Canon XF MPEG2 1080p30.sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
Digital SLR (3 файла)
480p (2 файла)
file DSLR 640x480p50.sqpreset (6,21 Kb)
file DSLR 640x480p60.sqpreset (6,24 Kb)
720p (4 файла)
file DSLR 720p24 @ 23.976.sqpreset (6,36 Kb)
file DSLR 720p24.sqpreset (6,24 Kb)
file DSLR 720p50.sqpreset (6,24 Kb)
file DSLR 720p60.sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
1080p (3 файла)
file DSLR 1080p24.sqpreset (6,48 Kb)
file DSLR 1080p25.sqpreset (6,44 Kb)
file DSLR 1080p30.sqpreset (6,47 Kb)
DNxHD (19 файлов)
720p 23.976 (4 файла)
file DNX 50 720p 23.976.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 23.976.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 23.976.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 23.976.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
720p 25 (4 файла)
file DNX 45 720p 25.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file DNX 60 720p 25.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file DNX 90 720p 25.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file DNX 90X 720p 25.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
720p 29.97 (4 файла)
file DNX 110 720p 29.97.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 110X 720p 29.97.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
file DNX 50 720p 29.97.sqpreset (6,09 Kb)
file DNX 75 720p 29.97.sqpreset (6,09 Kb)
720p 50 (4 файла)
file DNX 115 720p 50.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file DNX 175 720p 50.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file DNX 175X 720p 50.sqpreset (6,07 Kb)
file DNX 85 720p 50.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
720p 59.94 (4 файла)
file DNX 100 720p 59.94.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 59.94.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 59.94.sqpreset (6,11 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 59.94.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
1080i 50 (4 файла)
file DNX 120 1080i 50.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
file DNX 185 1080i 50.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080i 50.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080i 50.sqpreset (5,91 Kb)
1080i 59.94 (4 файла)
file DNX 100 1080i 59.94.sqpreset (6 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080i 59.94.sqpreset (6 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080i 59.94.sqpreset (6 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 59.94.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
1080p 23.976 (6 файлов)
file DNX 115 1080p 23.976.sqpreset (6,15 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 23.976.sqpreset (6,15 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 23.976.sqpreset (6,18 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 23.976 (RGB 444).sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 23.976.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 23.976.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
1080p 24 (6 файлов)
file DNX 115 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,03 Kb)
file DNX 175 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,03 Kb)
file DNX 175X 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,06 Kb)
file DNX 350X 1080p 24fps (RGB 444).sqpreset (6,17 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
file DNX 80 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
1080p 25 (6 файлов)
file DNX 120 1080p 25.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file DNX 185 1080p 25.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file DNX 185X 1080p 25.sqpreset (6,06 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 25.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
file DNX 365X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).sqpreset (6,17 Kb)
file DNX 85 1080p 25.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
1080p 29.97 (6 файлов)
file DNX 100 1080p 29.97.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 29.97.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 29.97.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 29.97.sqpreset (6,12 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 29.97 (RGB 444).sqpreset (6,24 Kb)
file DNX 45 1080p 29.97.sqpreset (6,08 Kb)
1080p 50 (4 файла)
file DNX 240 1080p 50.sqpreset (6,03 Kb)
file DNX 365 1080p 50.sqpreset (6,03 Kb)
file DNX 365X 1080p 50.sqpreset (6,06 Kb)
file DNX 75 1080p 50.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
1080p 59.94 (4 файла)
file DNX 290 1080p 59.94.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 59.94.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 59.94.sqpreset (6,12 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 59.94.sqpreset (6,07 Kb)
1080p 60 (4 файла)
file DNX 290 1080p 60.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file DNX 440 1080p 60.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 60.sqpreset (6,04 Kb)
file DNX 90 1080p 60.sqpreset (6 Kb)
DNX 36 (4 файла)
file 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,18 Kb)
file 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (5,07 Kb)
file 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (5,07 Kb)
file 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,12 Kb)
DNX 145 (3 файла)
720p (5 файлов)
file DNX 145 720p2397.sqpreset (5,06 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p25.sqpreset (4,67 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p2997.sqpreset (5,05 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p50.sqpreset (4,67 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p5994.sqpreset (5,05 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file 1080i 50fps.sqpreset (5,03 Kb)
file 1080i 59.94fps.sqpreset (5,08 Kb)
1080p (4 файла)
file 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,16 Kb)
file 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (5,09 Kb)
file 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (5,09 Kb)
file 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,14 Kb)
DNX 220 (3 файла)
720p (5 файлов)
file DNX 220 720p2397.sqpreset (5,06 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p25.sqpreset (4,67 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p2997.sqpreset (5,05 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p50.sqpreset (4,66 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p5994.sqpreset (5,05 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file 1080i 50fps.sqpreset (5,03 Kb)
file 1080i 59.94fps.sqpreset (5,08 Kb)
1080p (4 файла)
file 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,16 Kb)
file 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (5,09 Kb)
file 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (5,09 Kb)
file 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,14 Kb)
DNX 220X (3 файла)
720p (5 файлов)
file DNX 220X 720p2397.sqpreset (5,07 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p25.sqpreset (4,68 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p2997.sqpreset (5,06 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p50.sqpreset (4,68 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p5994.sqpreset (5,06 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file 1080i 50fps.sqpreset (5,04 Kb)
file 1080i 59.94fps.sqpreset (5,09 Kb)
1080p (4 файла)
file 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,18 Kb)
file 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (5,11 Kb)
file 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (5,11 Kb)
file 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,16 Kb)
DNX 440X (4 файла)
file 1080p 23.976fps.sqpreset (5,2 Kb)
file 1080p 24fps.sqpreset (5,13 Kb)
file 1080p 25fps.sqpreset (5,13 Kb)
file 1080p 29.97fps.sqpreset (5,17 Kb)
DV - 24P (4 файла)
file Standard 32kHz.sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
file Standard 48kHz.sqpreset (6,29 Kb)
file Widescreen 32kHz.sqpreset (6,41 Kb)
file Widescreen 48kHz.sqpreset (6,41 Kb)
DV - NTSC (4 файла)
file Standard 32kHz.sqpreset (5,85 Kb)
file Standard 48kHz.sqpreset (5,85 Kb)
file Widescreen 32kHz.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
file Widescreen 48kHz.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
DV - PAL (4 файла)
file Standard 32kHz.sqpreset (5,36 Kb)
file Standard 48kHz.sqpreset (5,36 Kb)
file Widescreen 32kHz.sqpreset (5,48 Kb)
file Widescreen 48kHz.sqpreset (5,48 Kb)
DVCPRO50 (2 файла)
480i (4 файла)
file DVCPRO50 24p Standard.sqpreset (5,67 Kb)
file DVCPRO50 24p Widescreen.sqpreset (5,74 Kb)
file DVCPRO50 NTSC Standard.sqpreset (5,49 Kb)
file DVCPRO50 NTSC Widescreen.sqpreset (5,55 Kb)
576i (2 файла)
file DVCPRO50 PAL Standard.sqpreset (5,39 Kb)
file DVCPRO50 PAL Widescreen.sqpreset (5,45 Kb)
DVCPROHD (3 файла)
720p (3 файла)
file DVCPROHD 720p 24p.sqpreset (6,66 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 50p.sqpreset (5,45 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 60p.sqpreset (5,45 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 50i.sqpreset (5,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 60i.sqpreset (5,4 Kb)
1080p (1 файл)
file DVCPROHD 1080p 24p.sqpreset (5,69 Kb)
HDV (8 файлов)
file HDV 1080i25 (50i).sqpreset (5,5 Kb)
file HDV 1080i30 (60i).sqpreset (6 Kb)
file HDV 1080p24.sqpreset (6,53 Kb)
file HDV 1080p25.sqpreset (5,6 Kb)
file HDV 1080p30.sqpreset (6,1 Kb)
file HDV 720p24.sqpreset (6,51 Kb)
file HDV 720p25.sqpreset (6,05 Kb)
file HDV 720p30.sqpreset (6,08 Kb)
Mobile & Devices (2 файла)
file CIF, QCIF, QQCIF.sqpreset (7,67 Kb)
file iPod, QVGA, Sub-QCIF.sqpreset (7,6 Kb)
RED R3D (10 файлов)
1K (8 файлов)
file 1K 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
file 1K 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 1K 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,91 Kb)
file 1K 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
file 1K 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,97 Kb)
file 1K 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
file 1K 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file 1K 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
2K (8 файлов)
file 2K 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 2K 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 2K 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,86 Kb)
file 2K 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,91 Kb)
file 2K 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 2K 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file 2K 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 2K 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
3K (8 файлов)
file 3K 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 3K 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,86 Kb)
file 3K 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 3K 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,91 Kb)
file 3K 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 3K 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,83 Kb)
file 3K 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,82 Kb)
file 3K 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
4K (8 файлов)
file 4K 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 4K 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 4K 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 4K 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 4K 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 4K 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,83 Kb)
file 4K 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,84 Kb)
file 4K 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
4_5K (4 файла)
file 4.5K 2.33x1 23.976.sqpreset (6 Kb)
file 4.5K 2.33x1 24.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 4.5K 2.33x1 25.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 4.5K 2.33x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,97 Kb)
5K (12 файлов)
file 5K 2.4x1 23.976.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file 5K 2.4x1 24.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
file 5K 2.4x1 25.sqpreset (5,95 Kb)
file 5K 2.4x1 29.97.sqpreset (6 Kb)
file 5K 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
file 5K 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 5K 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 5K 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
file 5K FF 23.976.sqpreset (6,09 Kb)
file 5K FF 24.sqpreset (6,01 Kb)
file 5K FF 25.sqpreset (6,02 Kb)
file 5K FF 29.97.sqpreset (6,07 Kb)
512 (8 файлов)
file 512 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,93 Kb)
file 512 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,87 Kb)
file 512 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,87 Kb)
file 512 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,92 Kb)
file 512 2x1 23.976.sqpreset (5,95 Kb)
file 512 2x1 24.sqpreset (5,83 Kb)
file 512 2x1 25.sqpreset (5,83 Kb)
file 512 2x1 29.97.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
720p (4 файла)
file 720p 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,95 Kb)
file 720p 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,87 Kb)
file 720p 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file 720p 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,93 Kb)
1080p (4 файла)
file 1080p 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,97 Kb)
file 1080p 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,89 Kb)
file 1080p 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,9 Kb)
file 1080p 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,95 Kb)
HD 4K (4 файла)
file 4K HD 16x9 23.976.sqpreset (5,96 Kb)
file 4K HD 16x9 24.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file 4K HD 16x9 25.sqpreset (5,88 Kb)
file 4K HD 16x9 29.97.sqpreset (5,94 Kb)
XDCAM EX (3 файла)
720p (5 файлов)
file XDCAM EX 720p 24p.sqpreset (5,33 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 720p 25p.sqpreset (5,29 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 720p 30p.sqpreset (5,29 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 720p 50p.sqpreset (5,29 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 720p 60p.sqpreset (5,29 Kb)
1080i (4 файла)
file XDCAM EX 1080i 50i (HQ).sqpreset (5,47 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 1080i 50i (SP).sqpreset (5,47 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 1080i 60i (HQ).sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 1080i 60i (SP).sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
1080p (3 файла)
file XDCAM EX 1080p 24p (HQ).sqpreset (5,65 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 1080p 25p (HQ).sqpreset (5,62 Kb)
file XDCAM EX 1080p 30p (HQ).sqpreset (6,12 Kb)
XDCAM HD (2 файла)
1080i (2 файла)
file XDCAM HD 1080i25 (50i).sqpreset (5,46 Kb)
file XDCAM HD 1080i30 (60i).sqpreset (5,98 Kb)
1080p (3 файла)
file XDCAM HD 1080p24.sqpreset (5,59 Kb)
file XDCAM HD 1080p25.sqpreset (5,55 Kb)
file XDCAM HD 1080p30.sqpreset (6,06 Kb)
XDCAM HD422 (3 файла)
720p (3 файла)
file XDCAM HD422 720p24.sqpreset (6,6 Kb)
file XDCAM HD422 720p50.sqpreset (6,05 Kb)
file XDCAM HD422 720p60.sqpreset (6,58 Kb)
1080i (2 файла)
file XDCAM HD422 1080i25 (50i).sqpreset (6 Kb)
file XDCAM HD422 1080i30 (60i).sqpreset (6,52 Kb)
1080p (3 файла)
file XDCAM HD422 1080p24.sqpreset (6,13 Kb)
file XDCAM HD422 1080p25.sqpreset (6,09 Kb)
file XDCAM HD422 1080p30.sqpreset (6,6 Kb)
file GlobalResources (17,87 Kb)
file LocateDialog Column Settings (7,45 Kb)
file PrivateAudioFilterConfig.xml (26,36 Kb)
file premiere_private_file_properties_definitions.xml (1,25 Kb)
file premiere_private_project_definitions.xml (10,5 Kb)
system (3 файла)
file ADMUI2.fon (12 Kb)
file ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
file premiere.sif (3,06 Kb)
typesupport (3 файла)
cmaps (180 файлов)
file 78-EUC-H (15,23 Kb)
file 78-EUC-V (3,32 Kb)
file 78-H (15,1 Kb)
file 78-RKSJ-H (15,26 Kb)
file 78-RKSJ-V (3,32 Kb)
file 78-V (3,29 Kb)
file 78ms-RKSJ-H (16,98 Kb)
file 78ms-RKSJ-V (4,33 Kb)
file 83pv-RKSJ-H (7,29 Kb)
file 90ms-RKSJ-H (6,25 Kb)
file 90ms-RKSJ-V (4,35 Kb)
file 90msp-RKSJ-H (6,18 Kb)
file 90msp-RKSJ-V (4,33 Kb)
file 90pv-RKSJ-H (8,05 Kb)
file 90pv-RKSJ-V (3,82 Kb)
file Add-H (15,28 Kb)
file Add-RKSJ-H (15,47 Kb)
file Add-RKSJ-V (3,93 Kb)
file Add-V (3,9 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-0 (3,94 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-1 (4,12 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-2 (4,14 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-3 (4,24 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-4 (4,26 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-5 (4,26 Kb)
file Adobe-CNS1-6 (4,26 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-0 (3,39 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-1 (3,55 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-2 (4,53 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-3 (4,53 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-4 (5,09 Kb)
file Adobe-GB1-5 (5,2 Kb)
file Adobe-Japan1-0 (3,44 Kb)
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file mc_enc_mp2v.dll (961,5 Kb)
file mc_enc_mp4v.dll (677,5 Kb)
file mc_enc_mpa.dll (257,5 Kb)
file mc_enc_pcm.dll (75,5 Kb)
file mc_mfimport.dll (1,04 Mb)
file mc_mux_dv.dll (62 Kb)
file mc_mux_mp2.dll (890 Kb)
file mc_mux_mp4.dll (1,39 Mb)
file mc_mux_mxf.dll (954 Kb)
file mc_trans_audio_converter.dll (96 Kb)
file mc_trans_video_colorspace.dll (329 Kb)
file mc_trans_video_framerate.dll (92 Kb)
file mc_trans_video_imagescaler.dll (324,5 Kb)
file mog_xerces-c_3_0.dll (2,37 Mb)
file mog_xqilla22.dll (3,4 Mb)
file msvcp100.dll (593,33 Kb)
file msvcr100.dll (808,33 Kb)
txt opencl_supported_cards.txt (81 b)
file pthreadVC.dll (47 Kb)
file svml_dispmd.dll (5,87 Mb)
file tbb.dll (271,47 Kb)
file tbbmalloc.dll (169,97 Kb)
file updaternotifications.dll (596,91 Kb)
file xerces-c_3_0.dll (2,45 Mb)
file zlib1.dll (135,92 Kb)

Категория: Portable

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