Разработчик: Adobe
Язык интерфейса: Multi / Русский
Лечение: Не требуется
Системные требования:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Adobe Photoshop — программа для обработки растровой графики. Поддерживается множество графических форматов. Adobe Photoshop позволяет как создавать новые изображения, так и редактировать их. Фотошоп применяют для создания фотореалистических изображений, для работы с цветными отсканированными изображениями, для ретуширования, цветокоррекции, коллажирования, трансформации графики, цветоделения и т.д. Adobe Photoshop располагает всеми методами работы с точечными изображениями, при этом имеет возможность работы со слоями и использует контуры. Программа является безусловным лидером среди профессиональных графических редакторов за счет своих широчайших возможностей, высокой эффективности и скорости работы. Adobe Photoshop предоставляет все необходимые средства для коррекции, монтажа, подготовки изображений к печати и высококачественного вывода.
Загрузил: Unix (7 января 2014 20:42)
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Взяли: 7420 | Размер: 1,2 Gb
Последняя активность: 21 марта 2016 17:07
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AMT.zdct (4,23 Kb)
pt_br (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,17 Kb)
ro_ro (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,23 Kb)
ru_ru (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,29 Kb)
sv_se (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,1 Kb)
tr_tr (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,1 Kb)
uk_ua (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,26 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (2,66 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (2,67 Kb)
AdobeConfig.xml (56,09 Kb)
application.sif (48,32 Kb)
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en_US (4 файла)
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Filters (1 файл)
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Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
Basic.mnu (2,58 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
Basic (129,25 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
Advanced 3D (126,9 Kb)
Analysis (126,91 Kb)
Automation (126,83 Kb)
Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
Painting (126,86 Kb)
Proofing (126,93 Kb)
Typography (126,93 Kb)
Video (126,93 Kb)
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Automation (126,83 Kb)
Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
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Typography (126,93 Kb)
Video (126,93 Kb)
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howto.dat (10,44 Kb)
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Win (2 файла)
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OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
pack.inf (90 b)
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Win (1 файл)
Filters (1 файл)
Variations.8BF (63 Kb)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
Basic.mnu (2,46 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,25 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,25 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
Basic (120,51 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,28 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,28 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
Advanced 3D (116,38 Kb)
Analysis (116,38 Kb)
Automation (116,31 Kb)
Color and Tone (116,31 Kb)
Painting (116,33 Kb)
Proofing (116,38 Kb)
Typography (116,4 Kb)
Video (116,38 Kb)
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Automation (116,31 Kb)
Color and Tone (116,31 Kb)
Painting (116,33 Kb)
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Typography (116,4 Kb)
Video (116,38 Kb)
Web (116,24 Kb)
Help (1 файл)
howto.dat (11,76 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
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OS Shortcuts.txt (62 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (62 b)
pack.inf (108 b)
tw10428.dat (3,38 Mb)
ru_RU (4 файла)
Additional Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Win (1 файл)
Filters (1 файл)
Variations.8BF (64 Kb)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
Basic.mnu (2,58 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
Basic (129,25 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
Advanced 3D (126,9 Kb)
Analysis (126,91 Kb)
Automation (126,83 Kb)
Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
Painting (126,86 Kb)
Proofing (126,93 Kb)
Typography (126,93 Kb)
Video (126,93 Kb)
Web (126,79 Kb)
Analysis (126,91 Kb)
Automation (126,83 Kb)
Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
Painting (126,86 Kb)
Proofing (126,93 Kb)
Typography (126,93 Kb)
Video (126,93 Kb)
Web (126,79 Kb)
Help (1 файл)
howto.dat (10,7 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,15 Kb)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
pack.inf (90 b)
tw10428.dat (2,66 Mb)
Plug-ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (732 Kb)
ADM (1 файл)
ADMPlugin.apl (1,32 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
CropPhotosAuto.8LI (15,5 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (1,89 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (64 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (1,89 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (64 Kb)
Digimarc (1 файл)
Win (4 файла)
Digiread (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,51 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,57 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,29 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,57 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,38 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,5 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,6 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,41 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,76 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,48 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
no.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,68 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,63 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,54 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,9 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,34 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,54 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,88 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,12 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,09 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,76 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,24 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,51 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,7 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,02 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,68 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,42 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,88 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,72 Kb)
no.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,37 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,93 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,88 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,56 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,42 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,87 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,93 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,08 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,12 Kb)
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Effects (1 файл)
Filter Gallery.8BF (3,88 Mb)
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MMXCore.8BX (220 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (272 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,34 Mb)
MMXCore.8BX (220 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (272 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,34 Mb)
File Formats (16 файлов)
BMP.8BI (38 Kb)
Cineon.8BI (28 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,51 Mb)
FXG.8BI (180 Kb)
FilmStrip.8BI (15,5 Kb)
GIF.8BI (25 Kb)
IFF Format.8BI (30,5 Kb)
OpenEXR.8BI (804 Kb)
PBM.8BI (18,5 Kb)
PCX.8BI (21 Kb)
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Pixar.8BI (14 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (19 Kb)
Targa.8BI (26 Kb)
U3D.8BI (7,38 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (12,5 Kb)
Cineon.8BI (28 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,51 Mb)
FXG.8BI (180 Kb)
FilmStrip.8BI (15,5 Kb)
GIF.8BI (25 Kb)
IFF Format.8BI (30,5 Kb)
OpenEXR.8BI (804 Kb)
PBM.8BI (18,5 Kb)
PCX.8BI (21 Kb)
PNG.8BI (96 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (14 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (19 Kb)
Targa.8BI (26 Kb)
U3D.8BI (7,38 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (12,5 Kb)
Filters (33 файла)
Lighting Styles (17 файлов)
2 O'clock Spotlight (64 b)
Blue Omni (64 b)
Circle of Light (148 b)
Crossing Down (92 b)
Crossing (92 b)
Default (64 b)
Five Lights Down (176 b)
Five Lights Up (176 b)
Flashlight (64 b)
Flood Light (64 b)
Parallel Directional (92 b)
RGB Lights (120 b)
Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
Soft Omni (64 b)
Soft Spotlight (64 b)
Three Down (120 b)
Triple Spotlight (120 b)
Blue Omni (64 b)
Circle of Light (148 b)
Crossing Down (92 b)
Crossing (92 b)
Default (64 b)
Five Lights Down (176 b)
Five Lights Up (176 b)
Flashlight (64 b)
Flood Light (64 b)
Parallel Directional (92 b)
RGB Lights (120 b)
Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
Soft Omni (64 b)
Soft Spotlight (64 b)
Three Down (120 b)
Triple Spotlight (120 b)
ChannelPort.8BF (19 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (22,5 Kb)
Color Halftone.8BF (34 Kb)
CropPhotos.8BF (116 Kb)
Crystallize.8BF (84 Kb)
De-Interlace.8BF (18,5 Kb)
Displace.8BF (52 Kb)
Extrude.8BF (36 Kb)
Fibers.8BF (72 Kb)
Lens Blur.8BF (2,01 Mb)
Lens Correction.8BF (2,11 Mb)
Lens Flare.8BF (92 Kb)
LightingEffects.8BF (392 Kb)
Liquify.8BF (2,29 Mb)
Mezzotint.8BF (26 Kb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (16 Kb)
Pinch.8BF (64 Kb)
Pointillize.8BF (84 Kb)
Polar Coordinates.8BF (64 Kb)
Radial Blur.8BF (108 Kb)
Ripple.8BF (184 Kb)
Shear.8BF (29,5 Kb)
Smart Blur.8BF (76 Kb)
Solarize.8BF (12 Kb)
Spherize.8BF (59,5 Kb)
Tiles.8BF (28 Kb)
Twirl.8BF (72 Kb)
VanishingPoint.8BF (2,88 Mb)
Wave.8BF (56 Kb)
Wind.8BF (96 Kb)
ZigZag.8BF (76 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
statistics.8BA (58 Kb)
Import-Export (5 файлов)
FireWire Export.8BE (56 Kb)
FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
Paths to Illustrator.8BE (27 Kb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,64 Mb)
Twain_32.8BA (22,5 Kb)
FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
Paths to Illustrator.8BE (27 Kb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,64 Mb)
Twain_32.8BA (22,5 Kb)
Measurements (1 файл)
MeasurementCore.8ME (92 Kb)
Presets (29 файлов)
Actions (7 файлов)
Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (12 файлов)
Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (10,19 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,05 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,02 Mb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (10,19 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,05 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,02 Mb)
Camera Profiles (1 файл)
Camera Profiles.xml (11,75 Kb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
Contours.shc (5,02 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (14 файлов)
All.csh (377,61 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (53 файла)
144 orange (25%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
144 orange bl 80% shad.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
144 orange bl 80% shad.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Bl 75% 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Bl 75% 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (7 файлов)
Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Gradients (8 файлов)
Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lights (9 файлов)
Blue Lights.p3l (30,7 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (32,33 Kb)
Cube Lights.p3l (32,59 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (30,27 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (29,76 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (31,92 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (28,88 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (30,97 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (32,13 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (32,33 Kb)
Cube Lights.p3l (32,59 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (30,27 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (29,76 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (31,92 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (28,88 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (30,97 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (32,13 Kb)
Materials (12 файлов)
Brick.p3m (376,52 Kb)
Brushed Steel.p3m (139,1 Kb)
Bumpy Plastic.p3m (136,37 Kb)
Concrete.p3m (145,29 Kb)
Fabric.p3m (402,53 Kb)
Metal Plate.p3m (373,45 Kb)
Pink Granite.p3m (306,26 Kb)
Rusty Metal.p3m (307,69 Kb)
Slate Tile.p3m (421,86 Kb)
Slate.p3m (404,64 Kb)
Stucco.p3m (174,64 Kb)
Wood.p3m (550,04 Kb)
Brushed Steel.p3m (139,1 Kb)
Bumpy Plastic.p3m (136,37 Kb)
Concrete.p3m (145,29 Kb)
Fabric.p3m (402,53 Kb)
Metal Plate.p3m (373,45 Kb)
Pink Granite.p3m (306,26 Kb)
Rusty Metal.p3m (307,69 Kb)
Slate Tile.p3m (421,86 Kb)
Slate.p3m (404,64 Kb)
Stucco.p3m (174,64 Kb)
Wood.p3m (550,04 Kb)
Meshes (11 файлов)
Cone.dae (89,43 Kb)
Cube.dae (40,34 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (53,35 Kb)
Donut.dae (269,36 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (27,53 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (298,36 Kb)
Sphere.dae (276,33 Kb)
SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Cube.dae (40,34 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (53,35 Kb)
Donut.dae (269,36 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (27,53 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (298,36 Kb)
Sphere.dae (276,33 Kb)
SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
Black - White.act (772 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (9 файлов)
Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (17 файлов)
Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Ray Traced.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Solid.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Ray Traced.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Solid.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Scripts (16 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (18 файлов)
CreateImageStack.jsx (36,23 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (17,75 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,4 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,28 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (27,06 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,47 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (10,21 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (17,75 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,4 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,28 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (27,06 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,47 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (10,21 Kb)
Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,34 Kb)
Fit Image.jsx (18,2 Kb)
Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,46 Kb)
Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,51 Kb)
Image Processor.jsx (81,89 Kb)
Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,03 Kb)
Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,37 Kb)
Load DICOM.jsx (7,71 Kb)
Load Files into Stack.jsx (4,03 Kb)
Merge To HDR.jsx (14,22 Kb)
Photomerge.jsx (36,75 Kb)
Script Events Manager.jsx (48,85 Kb)
Statistics.jsx (6,96 Kb)
Styles (10 файлов)
Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,24 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,24 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (4 файла)
Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,06 Kb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,06 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
AxisWidget.dae (274,43 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (17 файлов)
OWL (5 файлов)
appbar.adm (2,77 Kb)
appbar.eve (2,75 Kb)
grid.eve (9,53 Kb)
screenmode.eve (3,33 Kb)
viewoptions.eve (3,22 Kb)
appbar.eve (2,75 Kb)
grid.eve (9,53 Kb)
screenmode.eve (3,33 Kb)
viewoptions.eve (3,22 Kb)
Default Actions.atn (21,44 Kb)
Default Brushes.abr (655,81 Kb)
Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
Default Gradients.grd (16,18 Kb)
Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
Default Patterns.pat (28,47 Kb)
Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
Default Tool Presets.tpl (62,36 Kb)
Droplet Template.exe (416 Kb)
Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
GlobalResources (154,42 Kb)
MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,35 Kb)
AFlamingo.dll (891 Kb)
AGM.dll (3,39 Mb)
ARE.dll (310,5 Kb)
AXE8SharedExpat.dll (164,5 Kb)
AXEDOMCore.dll (658 Kb)
AdobeLM.dll (2,63 Mb)
AdobeLM_libFNP.dll (2,46 Mb)
AdobeLinguistic.dll (3,64 Mb)
AdobeOwl.dll (1,2 Mb)
AdobeOwlCanvas.dll (2,14 Mb)
AdobePDFL.dll (5,75 Mb)
AdobeUpdater.dll (509,87 Kb)
AdobeXMP.dll (415 Kb)
AdobeXMPFiles.dll (490,5 Kb)
AdobeXMPScript.dll (163 Kb)
AlignmentLib.dll (1,57 Mb)
BIBUtils.dll (238 Kb)
Bib.dll (270,5 Kb)
CoolType.dll (2,62 Mb)
ExtendScript.dll (684 Kb)
FNP_Act_Installer.dll (930,26 Kb)
FileInfo.dll (871 Kb)
JP2KLib.dll (660 Kb)
LegalNotices.pdf (135,25 Kb)
MPS.dll (4,21 Mb)
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
PSArt.dll (2,64 Mb)
PSViews.dll (2,18 Mb)
Photoshop CS4 - Lisez-moi.pdf (105,8 Kb)
Photoshop CS4 Read Me.pdf (64,15 Kb)
Photoshop.dll (2,67 Mb)
Photoshop.exe (48,49 Mb)
Photoshop.exp (37,19 Kb)
Photoshop.lib (59,34 Kb)
PlugPlug.dll (332 Kb)
Plugin.dll (43 Kb)
QuickTimeGlue.dll (48 Kb)
SCCore.dll (536 Kb)
TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
VersionCue.dll (1,35 Mb)
WRServices.dll (676 Kb)
adobe_caps.dll (210 Kb)
adobe_epic.dll (454,5 Kb)
adobe_eula.dll (351 Kb)
ahclient.dll (168 Kb)
aif_core.dll (381 Kb)
aif_ogl.dll (1,78 Mb)
amtservices.dll (608 Kb)
asneu.dll (124 Kb)
authplay.dll (4,55 Mb)
cg.dll (2,59 Mb)
cgGL.dll (296 Kb)
data_flow.dll (148,5 Kb)
icucnv36.dll (664 Kb)
icudt36.dll (92 Kb)
image_flow.dll (631 Kb)
image_runtime.dll (113 Kb)
libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
registration.dll (592 Kb)
shfolder.dll (22,27 Kb)
PhotoshopCS3 (43 файла)
AMT (1 файл)
application.xml (232 b)
Plug-Ins (11 файлов)
Automate (6 файлов)
ContactSheetII.8LI (184 Kb)
CropPhotosAuto.8LI (16,5 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8bf (1,88 Mb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,82 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (60 Kb)
WebContactSheetII.8LI (1,23 Mb)
CropPhotosAuto.8LI (16,5 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8bf (1,88 Mb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,82 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (60 Kb)
WebContactSheetII.8LI (1,23 Mb)
Digimarc (2 файла)
DigiRead.8bf (180 Kb)
DigiSign.8bf (220 Kb)
DigiSign.8bf (220 Kb)
Displacement Maps (12 файлов)
12 sided (25%).psd (3,18 Kb)
Cees (10%).psd (1,38 Kb)
Crumbles.psd (16,92 Kb)
Fragment layers.psd (20,83 Kb)
Honeycomb (10%).psd (1,68 Kb)
Mezzo effect.psd (19,66 Kb)
Pentagons (10%).psd (1,64 Kb)
Random strokes(25%).psd (13,99 Kb)
Rectangular tiles (10%).psd (6,34 Kb)
Schnable Effect.psd (20,07 Kb)
Streaks pattern.psd (20,8 Kb)
Twirl pattern.psd (19,19 Kb)
Cees (10%).psd (1,38 Kb)
Crumbles.psd (16,92 Kb)
Fragment layers.psd (20,83 Kb)
Honeycomb (10%).psd (1,68 Kb)
Mezzo effect.psd (19,66 Kb)
Pentagons (10%).psd (1,64 Kb)
Random strokes(25%).psd (13,99 Kb)
Rectangular tiles (10%).psd (6,34 Kb)
Schnable Effect.psd (20,07 Kb)
Streaks pattern.psd (20,8 Kb)
Twirl pattern.psd (19,19 Kb)
Effects (1 файл)
Filter Gallery.8bf (3,86 Mb)
Extensions (4 файла)
Bigger Tiles (2 файла)
About Bigger Tiles.html (980 b)
~Bigger Tiles.8BX (11,5 Kb)
~Bigger Tiles.8BX (11,5 Kb)
MMXCore.8BX (240 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (256 Kb)
File Formats (18 файлов)
3DS.8BI (92 Kb)
BMP.8BI (39,5 Kb)
Cineon.8bi (28,5 Kb)
DAE.8BI (1,03 Mb)
Dicom.8bi (3,61 Mb)
FilmStrip.8BI (16 Kb)
Gif.8bi (26,5 Kb)
KMZ.8BI (1,05 Mb)
OBJ.8BI (88 Kb)
OpenEXR.8BI (528 Kb)
PBM.8BI (19 Kb)
PCX.8BI (22 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (15,5 Kb)
Png.8bi (96 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (20 Kb)
Targa.8BI (27 Kb)
U3D.8BI (256 Kb)
WBMP.8BI (13,5 Kb)
BMP.8BI (39,5 Kb)
Cineon.8bi (28,5 Kb)
DAE.8BI (1,03 Mb)
Dicom.8bi (3,61 Mb)
FilmStrip.8BI (16 Kb)
Gif.8bi (26,5 Kb)
KMZ.8BI (1,05 Mb)
OBJ.8BI (88 Kb)
OpenEXR.8BI (528 Kb)
PBM.8BI (19 Kb)
PCX.8BI (22 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (15,5 Kb)
Png.8bi (96 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (20 Kb)
Targa.8BI (27 Kb)
U3D.8BI (256 Kb)
WBMP.8BI (13,5 Kb)
Filters (36 файлов)
Average.8BF (14,5 Kb)
ChannelPort.8BF (20 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (23,5 Kb)
Color Halftone.8BF (35 Kb)
CropPhotos.8BF (116 Kb)
Crystallize.8BF (84 Kb)
De-Interlace.8BF (20 Kb)
Displace.8BF (52 Kb)
ExtractPlus.8BF (308 Kb)
Extrude.8BF (37,5 Kb)
Fibers.8BF (76 Kb)
Lens Correction.8bf (2,09 Mb)
Lens Flare.8BF (92 Kb)
Lens blur.8bf (1,99 Mb)
LightingEffects.8BF (332 Kb)
Liquify.8BF (2,27 Mb)
Mezzotint.8BF (27,5 Kb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (17 Kb)
PatternMaker.8BF (160 Kb)
PhotomergeUI.8BF (472 Kb)
Pinch.8BF (68 Kb)
Pointillize.8BF (84 Kb)
Polar Coordinates.8BF (51,5 Kb)
Radial Blur.8BF (100 Kb)
Ripple.8BF (184 Kb)
Shear.8BF (31 Kb)
Smart Blur.8BF (76 Kb)
Solarize.8BF (13 Kb)
Spherize.8BF (76 Kb)
Tiles.8BF (29 Kb)
Twirl.8BF (72 Kb)
VanishingPoint.8bf (2,86 Mb)
Variations.8BF (64,5 Kb)
Wave.8BF (45 Kb)
Wind.8BF (92 Kb)
ZigZag.8BF (76 Kb)
ChannelPort.8BF (20 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (23,5 Kb)
Color Halftone.8BF (35 Kb)
CropPhotos.8BF (116 Kb)
Crystallize.8BF (84 Kb)
De-Interlace.8BF (20 Kb)
Displace.8BF (52 Kb)
ExtractPlus.8BF (308 Kb)
Extrude.8BF (37,5 Kb)
Fibers.8BF (76 Kb)
Lens Correction.8bf (2,09 Mb)
Lens Flare.8BF (92 Kb)
Lens blur.8bf (1,99 Mb)
LightingEffects.8BF (332 Kb)
Liquify.8BF (2,27 Mb)
Mezzotint.8BF (27,5 Kb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (17 Kb)
PatternMaker.8BF (160 Kb)
PhotomergeUI.8BF (472 Kb)
Pinch.8BF (68 Kb)
Pointillize.8BF (84 Kb)
Polar Coordinates.8BF (51,5 Kb)
Radial Blur.8BF (100 Kb)
Ripple.8BF (184 Kb)
Shear.8BF (31 Kb)
Smart Blur.8BF (76 Kb)
Solarize.8BF (13 Kb)
Spherize.8BF (76 Kb)
Tiles.8BF (29 Kb)
Twirl.8BF (72 Kb)
VanishingPoint.8bf (2,86 Mb)
Variations.8BF (64,5 Kb)
Wave.8BF (45 Kb)
Wind.8BF (92 Kb)
ZigZag.8BF (76 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
statistics.8BA (59,5 Kb)
Import-Export (5 файлов)
FireWire Export.8BE (56 Kb)
FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
Paths to Illustrator.8BE (26,5 Kb)
Save for Web.8be (5,89 Mb)
Twain_32.8BA (24 Kb)
FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
Paths to Illustrator.8BE (26,5 Kb)
Save for Web.8be (5,89 Mb)
Twain_32.8BA (24 Kb)
Measurements (1 файл)
MeasurementCore.8ME (92 Kb)
Parser (1 файл)
EPS Parser.8BY (17,5 Kb)
Presets (24 файла)
Actions (7 файлов)
Commands.atn (3,09 Kb)
Frames.atn (41,32 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (23,22 Kb)
Production.atn (7,87 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (40,11 Kb)
Textures.atn (52,76 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (39,04 Kb)
Frames.atn (41,32 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (23,22 Kb)
Production.atn (7,87 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (40,11 Kb)
Textures.atn (52,76 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (39,04 Kb)
Black and White (10 файлов)
Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (12 файлов)
Assorted Brushes.abr (19,93 Kb)
Basic Brushes.abr (24,63 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (736 b)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (13,27 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,04 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (116,73 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (75,52 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (20,11 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,52 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (2,27 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (226,42 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,01 Mb)
Basic Brushes.abr (24,63 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (736 b)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (13,27 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,04 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (116,73 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (75,52 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (20,11 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,52 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (2,27 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (226,42 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,01 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,67 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,19 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,73 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,09 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,11 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,52 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,54 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,7 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,69 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,73 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,71 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,72 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,67 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,19 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,73 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,09 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,11 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,52 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,54 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,7 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,69 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,73 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,71 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,72 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.txt (812 b)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (952 b)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
VisiBone ReadMe.txt (417 b)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.txt (812 b)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (952 b)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
VisiBone ReadMe.txt (417 b)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
Contours.shc (2,32 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (14 файлов)
All.csh (355,55 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,03 Kb)
Arrows.csh (14,71 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (9,68 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,14 Kb)
Music.csh (7,16 Kb)
Nature.csh (56,8 Kb)
Objects.csh (74,74 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (51,61 Kb)
Shapes.csh (24,57 Kb)
Symbols.csh (53,42 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (8,06 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,22 Kb)
Web.csh (25,12 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,03 Kb)
Arrows.csh (14,71 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (9,68 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,14 Kb)
Music.csh (7,16 Kb)
Nature.csh (56,8 Kb)
Objects.csh (74,74 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (51,61 Kb)
Shapes.csh (24,57 Kb)
Symbols.csh (53,42 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (8,06 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,22 Kb)
Web.csh (25,12 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
423-1.ADO (524 b)
423-2.ADO (524 b)
423-3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 1.ado (524 b)
424 bl 2.ado (524 b)
424 bl 3.ado (524 b)
424 bl 4.ado (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
423-2.ADO (524 b)
423-3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 1.ado (524 b)
424 bl 2.ado (524 b)
424 bl 3.ado (524 b)
424 bl 4.ado (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (53 файла)
144 orange (25%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
144 orange bl 80% shad.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 1.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
144 orange (25%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
144 orange bl 80% shad.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 1.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ado (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
478 brown (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
527 purple (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ado (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ado (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ado (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ado (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ado (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ado (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ado (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ado (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
cyan bl 1.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ado (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ado (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ado (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ado (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ado (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ado (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ado (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ado (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ado (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ado (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ado (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl 430 493 557.ado (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ado (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ado (524 b)
Bl 75% 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ado (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ado (524 b)
Bl 75% 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
CMYK blue.ado (524 b)
CMYK brown.ado (524 b)
CMYK cool.ado (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ado (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ado (524 b)
CMYK wm.ado (524 b)
CMYK brown.ado (524 b)
CMYK cool.ado (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ado (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ado (524 b)
CMYK wm.ado (524 b)
TRITONE (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ado (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ado (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ado (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ado (524 b)
CG9CG2-1.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-2.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-3.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-4.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ado (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ado (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ado (524 b)
CG9CG2-1.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-2.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-3.ADO (524 b)
CG9CG2-4.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (7 файлов)
Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ado (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ado (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ado (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ado (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ado (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ado (524 b)
Bl 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ado (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ado (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ado (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ado (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ado (524 b)
Bl 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
BCY green 1.ado (524 b)
BCY green 2.ado (524 b)
BCY green 3.ado (524 b)
BCY green 4.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ado (524 b)
BMY red 1.ado (524 b)
BMY red 2.ado (524 b)
BMY red 3.ado (524 b)
BMY red 4.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ado (524 b)
BCY green 2.ado (524 b)
BCY green 3.ado (524 b)
BCY green 4.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ado (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ado (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ado (524 b)
BMY red 1.ado (524 b)
BMY red 2.ado (524 b)
BMY red 3.ado (524 b)
BMY red 4.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ado (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ado (524 b)
Gradients (8 файлов)
Color Harmonies 1.grd (16,35 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (21,43 Kb)
Metals.grd (657 b)
Noise Samples.grd (3,59 Kb)
Pastels.grd (10,48 Kb)
Simple.grd (10,11 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (1,26 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (5,96 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (21,43 Kb)
Metals.grd (657 b)
Noise Samples.grd (3,59 Kb)
Pastels.grd (10,48 Kb)
Simple.grd (10,11 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (1,26 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (5,96 Kb)
Keyboard Shortcuts (1 файл)
Working with Type.kys (2,89 Kb)
Layouts (21 файл)
1stFiveBySevens.txt (40 b)
EightByTen.txt (38 b)
FiveBySevenAndSmaller.txt (155 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeByFive.txt (81 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeByThreeH.txt (366 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeH.txt (58 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoByTwoH.txt (176 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoH.txt (140 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (112 b)
FourByFives.txt (81 b)
FourByFivesAndSmaller.txt (167 b)
FourByFivesAndTwoByTwoH.txt (188 b)
FourByFivesAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (124 b)
ReadMe.txt (2,09 Kb)
TenByThirteen.txt (30 b)
ThreeHByFive.txt (66 b)
TwoByTwo.txt (197 b)
TwoByTwoH.txt (278 b)
TwoHByThreeH.txt (151 b)
TwoHByThreeHAndTwoByTwoH.txt (228 b)
TwoHByThreeQ.txt (168 b)
EightByTen.txt (38 b)
FiveBySevenAndSmaller.txt (155 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeByFive.txt (81 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeByThreeH.txt (366 b)
FiveBySevenAndThreeH.txt (58 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoByTwoH.txt (176 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoH.txt (140 b)
FiveBySevenAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (112 b)
FourByFives.txt (81 b)
FourByFivesAndSmaller.txt (167 b)
FourByFivesAndTwoByTwoH.txt (188 b)
FourByFivesAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (124 b)
ReadMe.txt (2,09 Kb)
TenByThirteen.txt (30 b)
ThreeHByFive.txt (66 b)
TwoByTwo.txt (197 b)
TwoByTwoH.txt (278 b)
TwoHByThreeH.txt (151 b)
TwoHByThreeHAndTwoByTwoH.txt (228 b)
TwoHByThreeQ.txt (168 b)
Menu Customization (10 файлов)
Automation.mnu (2,96 Kb)
Basic.mnu (2,59 Kb)
Color and Tonal Correction.mnu (4,27 Kb)
Image Analysis.mnu (10,43 Kb)
Painting and Retouching.mnu (11,84 Kb)
Printing and Proofing.mnu (3,17 Kb)
Video and Film.mnu (3,11 Kb)
Web Design.mnu (1,73 Kb)
What's New - CS3.mnu (4,41 Kb)
Working with Type.mnu (2,18 Kb)
Basic.mnu (2,59 Kb)
Color and Tonal Correction.mnu (4,27 Kb)
Image Analysis.mnu (10,43 Kb)
Painting and Retouching.mnu (11,84 Kb)
Printing and Proofing.mnu (3,17 Kb)
Video and Film.mnu (3,11 Kb)
Web Design.mnu (1,73 Kb)
What's New - CS3.mnu (4,41 Kb)
Working with Type.mnu (2,18 Kb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
Black & White.act (772 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (10 файлов)
PostScript Patterns (41 файл)
60's flowers.ai (5,98 Kb)
Arrowheads.ai (8,5 Kb)
Blossoms.ai (11,61 Kb)
Borneo.ai (5,83 Kb)
Deco.ai (3,34 Kb)
Diamonds-cubes.ai (4,2 Kb)
Drunkard's path.ai (7,66 Kb)
Flowers 1.ai (18,83 Kb)
Flowers 2.ai (46,98 Kb)
Fractures.ai (13,9 Kb)
Herringbone 1.ai (2,57 Kb)
Herringbone 2.ai (12,47 Kb)
India.ai (2,29 Kb)
Intricate surface.ai (28,68 Kb)
Laguna.ai (4,92 Kb)
Mali primitive.ai (14,35 Kb)
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Mexican tile.ai (8,36 Kb)
Mezzotint-shape.ai (46,12 Kb)
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Optical checkerboard.ai (11,05 Kb)
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Scales.ai (15,17 Kb)
Scallops.ai (4,04 Kb)
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Submerged stones.ai (11,93 Kb)
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Undulating lines gradation.ai (2,3 Kb)
Waffle Illusion.ai (4,27 Kb)
Waffle.ai (45,34 Kb)
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Waves.ai (4,54 Kb)
Weave-Y.ai (8,65 Kb)
Wrinkle.ai (21,2 Kb)
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Borneo.ai (5,83 Kb)
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Intricate surface.ai (28,68 Kb)
Laguna.ai (4,92 Kb)
Mali primitive.ai (14,35 Kb)
Mayan bricks.ai (8,43 Kb)
Mexican tile.ai (8,36 Kb)
Mezzotint-shape.ai (46,12 Kb)
Optical Squares.ai (3,9 Kb)
Optical checkerboard.ai (11,05 Kb)
Oriental fans.ai (75,92 Kb)
Oriental flowers.ai (74,52 Kb)
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Quilt.ai (160,34 Kb)
Random V's.ai (7 Kb)
Rough diamonds.ai (17,05 Kb)
Scales.ai (15,17 Kb)
Scallops.ai (4,04 Kb)
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Submerged stones.ai (11,93 Kb)
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Waffle Illusion.ai (4,27 Kb)
Waffle.ai (45,34 Kb)
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Waves.ai (4,54 Kb)
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Patterns.pat (298,35 Kb)
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Frosted Glass.psd (263,54 Kb)
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Leafy Bush.jpg (117,2 Kb)
Linen.jpg (123,28 Kb)
Lines.psd (212,98 Kb)
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Puzzle.psd (156,78 Kb)
Rust Flakes.psd (249,6 Kb)
Sepia Marble Paper.jpg (68,56 Kb)
Snake Skin.psd (229,9 Kb)
Spiky Bush.jpg (160,6 Kb)
Strands 1.psd (266,04 Kb)
Stucco 2.psd (253,13 Kb)
Stucco Color.jpg (128,58 Kb)
Wild Red Flowers.jpg (139,66 Kb)
Wrinkle Wood Paper.jpg (129 Kb)
Yellow Green Chalk.jpg (112,53 Kb)
Yellow Tan Dry Brush.jpg (92,72 Kb)
Burnt Red Pastel Paper.jpg (89,25 Kb)
Charcoal on Paper.jpg (126,21 Kb)
Dirt.jpg (151,88 Kb)
Feathers.psd (263,78 Kb)
Footprints.psd (265,62 Kb)
Frosted Glass.psd (263,54 Kb)
Granite.jpg (139,57 Kb)
Grass.jpg (128,49 Kb)
Lambswool.jpg (109,85 Kb)
Leafy Bush.jpg (117,2 Kb)
Linen.jpg (123,28 Kb)
Lines.psd (212,98 Kb)
Mountains 1.psd (257,96 Kb)
Purple Daisies.jpg (163,91 Kb)
Purple Pastels.jpg (101,15 Kb)
Puzzle.psd (156,78 Kb)
Rust Flakes.psd (249,6 Kb)
Sepia Marble Paper.jpg (68,56 Kb)
Snake Skin.psd (229,9 Kb)
Spiky Bush.jpg (160,6 Kb)
Strands 1.psd (266,04 Kb)
Stucco 2.psd (253,13 Kb)
Stucco Color.jpg (128,58 Kb)
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Wrinkle Wood Paper.jpg (129 Kb)
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IndexPage.htm (8,25 Kb)
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Simple (4 файла)
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SubPage.htm (1,92 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (166 b)
IndexPage.htm (1,14 Kb)
SubPage.htm (1,92 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (166 b)
Simple - Horizontal Thumbnails (5 файлов)
images (8 файлов)
Thumbs.db (20 Kb)
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ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
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galleryStyle.css (1,63 Kb)
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SubPage.htm (1,56 Kb)
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Simple - Thumbnail Table (4 файла)
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galleryStyle.css (1,65 Kb)
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galleryStyle.css (1,65 Kb)
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wh_bot_lt.gif (328 b)
wh_rt.gif (111 b)
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SubPage.htm (1,97 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (626 b)
Simple - Vertical Thumbnails (5 файлов)
images (8 файлов)
Thumbs.db (20 Kb)
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ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
ds_bot_lt.gif (229 b)
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ds_top_rt.gif (209 b)
galleryStyle.css (1,64 Kb)
spacer.gif (43 b)
ds_bot.gif (106 b)
ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
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galleryStyle.css (1,64 Kb)
spacer.gif (43 b)
IndexPage.htm (513 b)
SubPage.htm (1,43 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (626 b)
Table - Minimal (4 файла)
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arrow_next.gif (65 b)
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galleryStyle.css (1,75 Kb)
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left.gif (82 b)
right.gif (81 b)
spacer.gif (43 b)
up.gif (78 b)
SubPage.htm (4,16 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (358 b)
Table 1 (4 файла)
images (22 файла)
background.jpg (6,57 Kb)
galleryStyle.css (761 b)
home.gif (691 b)
innerBL.gif (49 b)
innerBR.gif (48 b)
innerTL.gif (49 b)
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next.gif (683 b)
outerBL.gif (49 b)
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slideEdgeSW.gif (98 b)
slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
spacer.gif (43 b)
galleryStyle.css (761 b)
home.gif (691 b)
innerBL.gif (49 b)
innerBR.gif (48 b)
innerTL.gif (49 b)
innerTR.gif (49 b)
next.gif (683 b)
outerBL.gif (49 b)
outerBR.gif (48 b)
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outerTR.gif (49 b)
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slideEdgeE.gif (48 b)
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slideEdgeSW.gif (98 b)
slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
spacer.gif (43 b)
SubPage.htm (8,12 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (1,47 Kb)
Table 2 (4 файла)
images (32 файла)
background.jpg (6,57 Kb)
galleryStyle.css (758 b)
home.gif (691 b)
innerB.gif (54 b)
innerBL.gif (99 b)
innerBR.gif (99 b)
innerL.gif (55 b)
innerR.gif (54 b)
innerT.gif (54 b)
innerTL.gif (99 b)
innerTR.gif (99 b)
next.gif (683 b)
outerB.gif (53 b)
outerBL.gif (69 b)
outerBR.gif (69 b)
outerCorner.gif (46 b)
outerL.gif (54 b)
outerR.gif (54 b)
outerT.gif (53 b)
outerTL.gif (69 b)
outerTR.gif (70 b)
previous.gif (685 b)
slideEdgeE.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeL.gif (55 b)
slideEdgeN.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeNE.gif (64 b)
slideEdgeNW.gif (65 b)
slideEdgeS.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeSE.gif (65 b)
slideEdgeSW.gif (64 b)
slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
spacer.gif (43 b)
galleryStyle.css (758 b)
home.gif (691 b)
innerB.gif (54 b)
innerBL.gif (99 b)
innerBR.gif (99 b)
innerL.gif (55 b)
innerR.gif (54 b)
innerT.gif (54 b)
innerTL.gif (99 b)
innerTR.gif (99 b)
next.gif (683 b)
outerB.gif (53 b)
outerBL.gif (69 b)
outerBR.gif (69 b)
outerCorner.gif (46 b)
outerL.gif (54 b)
outerR.gif (54 b)
outerT.gif (53 b)
outerTL.gif (69 b)
outerTR.gif (70 b)
previous.gif (685 b)
slideEdgeE.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeL.gif (55 b)
slideEdgeN.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeNE.gif (64 b)
slideEdgeNW.gif (65 b)
slideEdgeS.gif (54 b)
slideEdgeSE.gif (65 b)
slideEdgeSW.gif (64 b)
slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
spacer.gif (43 b)
SubPage.htm (9,12 Kb)
Thumbnail.htm (1,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (27 файлов)
plug_ins3d (6 файлов)
2d.x3d (525 Kb)
3difr.x3d (168 Kb)
3dsps.x3d (68,5 Kb)
drvDX9.x3d (728 Kb)
drvSOFT.x3d (166 Kb)
tesselate.x3d (15 Kb)
3difr.x3d (168 Kb)
3dsps.x3d (68,5 Kb)
drvDX9.x3d (728 Kb)
drvSOFT.x3d (166 Kb)
tesselate.x3d (15 Kb)
ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
ASDataStream.apl (144 Kb)
Default Actions.atn (19,63 Kb)
Default Brushes.abr (640,71 Kb)
Default Contours.shc (882 b)
Default Custom Shapes.csh (33,66 Kb)
Default Filter Colors.aco (952 b)
Default Gradients.grd (15,15 Kb)
Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (2,86 Kb)
Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
Default New Doc Sizes.txt (20,5 Kb)
Default Patterns.pat (150,92 Kb)
Default Styles.asl (125,42 Kb)
Default Swatches.aco (6,18 Kb)
Default Tool Presets.tpl (55,23 Kb)
Droplet Template.exe (321,5 Kb)
Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
GlobalResources (153,81 Kb)
MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (26,18 Kb)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
PNGIcons.apl (68 Kb)
SaveForWebStrings.txt (178,68 Kb)
Uninstall.exe (79,58 Kb)
rt3d.dll (1,75 Mb)
tw10428.dat (2,61 Mb)
AGM.dll (3,05 Mb)
ARE.dll (305,5 Kb)
AXE8SharedExpat.dll (164 Kb)
AXEDOMCore.dll (652,5 Kb)
AdobeLinguistic.dll (2,93 Mb)
AdobeOwl.dll (861,5 Kb)
AdobePDFL.dll (4,44 Mb)
AdobeXMP.dll (384 Kb)
BIBUtils.dll (237,5 Kb)
Bib.dll (270 Kb)
CoolType.dll (2,46 Mb)
ExtendScript.dll (544 Kb)
FileInfo.dll (632 Kb)
JP2KLib.dll (644 Kb)
MPS.dll (3,62 Mb)
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (522 b)
Msvcrt.dll (260 Kb)
PSArt.dll (2,76 Mb)
PSViews.dll (1,8 Mb)
Photoshop.dll (2,23 Mb)
Photoshop.exe (42,74 Mb)
Plugin.dll (41 Kb)
QuickTimeGlue.dll (48 Kb)
ScCore.dll (528 Kb)
Shfolder.dll (22 Kb)
TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
VersionCue.dll (4,36 Mb)
VersionCueUI.dll (3,34 Mb)
adobe_caps.dll (209,5 Kb)
ahclient.dll (148 Kb)
authplay.dll (2,65 Mb)
libmmd.dll (2,67 Mb)
msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
PhotoshopCS5 (90 файлов)
AMT (7 файлов)
Core key files (5 файлов)
ConflictingProcesses (33 b)
CreatePSPrefsDir (33 b)
CreatePanelsDir (33 b)
MergeModules (33 b)
Registry (33 b)
CreatePSPrefsDir (33 b)
CreatePanelsDir (33 b)
MergeModules (33 b)
Registry (33 b)
LMResources (1 файл)
ps_ribs_bgd.png (29,54 Kb)
application.sif (97,43 Kb)
application.xml (1,02 Kb)
aul.xml (32,58 Kb)
reg_custom_background.bmp (1,42 Mb)
Configuration (2 файла)
PS_exman_24px.png (1,03 Kb)
XManConfig.xml (5,97 Kb)
XManConfig.xml (5,97 Kb)
Locales (2 файла)
en_US (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
New in CS 5.mnu (1,51 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
New in CS 5 (24,05 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
3D (25,85 Kb)
Design (25,86 Kb)
Motion (25,78 Kb)
Painting (25,93 Kb)
Photography (25,78 Kb)
Design (25,86 Kb)
Motion (25,78 Kb)
Painting (25,93 Kb)
Photography (25,78 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Feature Help (1 файл)
featureSearch.xml (923,08 Kb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,25 Kb)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
pack.inf (90 b)
ru_RU (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
New in CS 5.mnu (1,49 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
New in CS 5 (21,15 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
3D (25,85 Kb)
Design (25,86 Kb)
Motion (25,78 Kb)
Painting (25,93 Kb)
Photography (25,78 Kb)
Design (25,86 Kb)
Motion (25,78 Kb)
Painting (25,93 Kb)
Photography (25,78 Kb)
Support Files (5 файлов)
Feature Help (1 файл)
featureSearch.xml (1012,83 Kb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,16 Kb)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
pack.inf (90 b)
tw10428.dat (3,34 Mb)
Plug-ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (1,33 Mb)
ADM (1 файл)
ADMPlugin.apl (1,2 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
CropPhotosAuto.8LI (21,16 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,14 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (56,66 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,14 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (56,66 Kb)
Digimarc (1 файл)
Win (4 файла)
Digiread (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,51 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,28 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,37 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,49 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,59 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,75 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,47 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,67 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,62 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,89 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,33 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,87 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,11 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,08 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,54 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,25 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,78 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,71 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,69 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,43 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,38 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,74 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,95 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,07 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,57 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,43 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,94 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,1 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,13 Kb)
DigiSign.8bf (2,02 Mb)
Effects (1 файл)
Filter Gallery.8BF (3,63 Mb)
Extensions (7 файлов)
FastCore.8BX (31,5 Kb)
MMXCore.8BX (197 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (311 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (102,62 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (556 b)
ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (501,06 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,31 Mb)
MMXCore.8BX (197 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (311 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (102,62 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (556 b)
ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (501,06 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,31 Mb)
File Formats (10 файлов)
Camera Raw.8bi (11,67 Mb)
Cineon.8BI (31,16 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,52 Mb)
JPEG2000.8BI (2,01 Mb)
PBM.8BI (22,16 Kb)
PCX.8BI (27,16 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (18,66 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (21,16 Kb)
U3D.8BI (1,7 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (15,16 Kb)
Cineon.8BI (31,16 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,52 Mb)
JPEG2000.8BI (2,01 Mb)
PBM.8BI (22,16 Kb)
PCX.8BI (27,16 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (18,66 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (21,16 Kb)
U3D.8BI (1,7 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (15,16 Kb)
Filters (13 файлов)
Lighting Styles (17 файлов)
2 O'clock Spotlight (64 b)
Blue Omni (64 b)
Circle of Light (148 b)
Crossing Down (92 b)
Crossing (92 b)
Default (64 b)
Five Lights Down (176 b)
Five Lights Up (176 b)
Flashlight (64 b)
Flood Light (64 b)
Parallel Directional (92 b)
RGB Lights (120 b)
Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
Soft Omni (64 b)
Soft Spotlight (64 b)
Three Down (120 b)
Triple Spotlight (120 b)
Blue Omni (64 b)
Circle of Light (148 b)
Crossing Down (92 b)
Crossing (92 b)
Default (64 b)
Five Lights Down (176 b)
Five Lights Up (176 b)
Flashlight (64 b)
Flood Light (64 b)
Parallel Directional (92 b)
RGB Lights (120 b)
Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
Soft Omni (64 b)
Soft Spotlight (64 b)
Three Down (120 b)
Triple Spotlight (120 b)
ChannelPort.8BF (24,66 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (24,16 Kb)
Lens Blur.8BF (2,02 Mb)
Lens Correction.8BF (2,48 Mb)
LightingEffects.8BF (377,66 Kb)
Liquify.8BF (2,3 Mb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (18,66 Kb)
Solarize.8BF (13,16 Kb)
Standard MultiPlugin.8BF (3,52 Mb)
VanishingPoint.8BF (2,91 Mb)
Variations.8BF (71,16 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
statistics.8BA (61,16 Kb)
Import-Export (4 файла)
EazelAcquire.8BA (106,66 Kb)
FireWire Export.8BE (46,66 Kb)
FireWire.dll (40,5 Kb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,38 Mb)
FireWire Export.8BE (46,66 Kb)
FireWire.dll (40,5 Kb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,38 Mb)
Measurements (1 файл)
MeasurementCore.8ME (72,16 Kb)
Presets (30 файлов)
Actions (9 файлов)
Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (15 файлов)
Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (38 файлов)
ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
Contours.shc (5,03 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (18 файлов)
All.csh (377,61 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (32 файла)
159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (3 файла)
Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (6 файлов)
Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Gradients (9 файлов)
Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
HDR Toning (13 файлов)
Flat.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic artistic.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
Monochromatic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
Photorealistic high contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
Saturated.hdt (112 b)
Surrealistic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
Surrealistic low contrast.hdt (117 b)
Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Monochromatic artistic.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
Monochromatic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
Photorealistic high contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
Saturated.hdt (112 b)
Surrealistic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
Surrealistic low contrast.hdt (117 b)
Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lights (15 файлов)
Blue Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Materials (3 файла)
Default (for Ray Tracer).p3m (13,82 Mb)
Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
MaterialPreview.dae (233,64 Kb)
Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
MaterialPreview.dae (233,64 Kb)
Meshes (12 файлов)
Cone.dae (89,38 Kb)
Cube.dae (40,22 Kb)
CubeWrap.dae (6,38 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (53,29 Kb)
Donut.dae (269,34 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (27,43 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (298,32 Kb)
Sphere.dae (276,31 Kb)
SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Cube.dae (40,22 Kb)
CubeWrap.dae (6,38 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (53,29 Kb)
Donut.dae (269,34 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (27,43 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (298,32 Kb)
Sphere.dae (276,31 Kb)
SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
Black - White.act (772 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (9 файлов)
Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (16 файлов)
Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Repousse (1 файл)
Default Repousse Presets.p3e (172,46 Kb)
Scripts (18 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (19 файлов)
CreateImageStack.jsx (38,71 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (17,37 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (31,85 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (12,45 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (17,37 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (31,85 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (12,45 Kb)
Delete All Empty Layers.jsx (9,4 Kb)
Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,91 Kb)
Fit Image.jsx (19,58 Kb)
Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,27 Kb)
Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,34 Kb)
Image Processor.jsx (80,9 Kb)
Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,6 Kb)
Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,15 Kb)
Lens Correct.jsx (27,35 Kb)
Load DICOM.jsx (7,36 Kb)
Load Files into Stack.jsx (3,84 Kb)
Merge To HDR.jsx (15,4 Kb)
Photomerge.jsx (37,84 Kb)
Script Events Manager.jsx (48,64 Kb)
Statistics.jsx (6,76 Kb)
Styles (12 файлов)
Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (8 файлов)
Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
DP Presets.tpl (1,76 Mb)
M Tool Presets.tpl (284,32 Kb)
Mixer Brush Tool.tpl (23,2 Kb)
Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
DP Presets.tpl (1,76 Mb)
M Tool Presets.tpl (284,32 Kb)
Mixer Brush Tool.tpl (23,2 Kb)
Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
AxisWidget.dae (524,56 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (23 файла)
CgShaders (7 файлов)
brushPreview.cg (12,78 Kb)
constantcolor_shaders.cg (2 Kb)
dof_shaders.cg (1,41 Kb)
environment_shaders.cg (2,29 Kb)
surface_shaders.cg (20,4 Kb)
uv_shaders.cg (12,74 Kb)
volume_shaders.cg (4,85 Kb)
constantcolor_shaders.cg (2 Kb)
dof_shaders.cg (1,41 Kb)
environment_shaders.cg (2,29 Kb)
surface_shaders.cg (20,4 Kb)
uv_shaders.cg (12,74 Kb)
volume_shaders.cg (4,85 Kb)
DBrush (2 файла)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrsb (248,89 Kb)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
OWL (7 файлов)
appbar.adm (3,01 Kb)
appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
searchbar.adm (155 b)
searchbar.eve (754 b)
viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
searchbar.adm (155 b)
searchbar.eve (754 b)
viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
Default Actions.atn (21,44 Kb)
Default Brushes.abr (668,6 Kb)
Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
Default Gradients.grd (16,96 Kb)
Default Materials.p3m (44,41 Mb)
Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
Default Patterns.pat (28,47 Kb)
Default Repousse Presets.p3e (172,46 Kb)
Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
Default Tool Presets.tpl (62,36 Kb)
Droplet Template.exe (100 Kb)
Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
GlobalResources (172,03 Kb)
HDRToning.jsx (4,72 Kb)
MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,53 Kb)
Straighten.jsx (7,21 Kb)
ACE.dll (979,5 Kb)
AFlame.dll (7,07 Mb)
AFlamingo.dll (2,02 Mb)
AGM.dll (3,23 Mb)
ARE.dll (308 Kb)
AXE8SharedExpat.dll (170,67 Kb)
AXEDOMCore.dll (646,67 Kb)
AdobeLinguistic.dll (1,62 Mb)
AdobeOwl.dll (1,31 Mb)
AdobeOwlCanvas.dll (276,47 Kb)
AdobePDFL.dll (5,94 Mb)
AdobePIP.dll (735,67 Kb)
AdobeXMP.dll (295,97 Kb)
AdobeXMPFiles.dll (460,97 Kb)
AdobeXMPScript.dll (101,97 Kb)
AlignmentLib.dll (3,68 Mb)
BIBUtils.dll (237 Kb)
Bib.dll (272,5 Kb)
CoolType.dll (2,9 Mb)
ExtendScript.dll (655,67 Kb)
FileInfo.dll (564,97 Kb)
JP2KLib.dll (654,5 Kb)
LogSession.dll (367,17 Kb)
LogTransport2.exe (308,67 Kb)
MPS.dll (4,48 Mb)
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1,81 Kb)
PSArt.dll (3,69 Mb)
PSViews.dll (1,9 Mb)
Photoshop.dll (1,16 Mb)
Photoshop.exe (33,94 Mb)
Photoshop.exp (201,2 Kb)
Photoshop.lib (266,81 Kb)
PlugPlug.dll (1,08 Mb)
Plugin.dll (48,16 Kb)
QuickTimeGlue.dll (32,5 Kb)
SCCore.dll (573,67 Kb)
TFKGEOM.dll (4,54 Mb)
TFUGEOM.dll (1,19 Mb)
TfFontMgr.dll (536,5 Kb)
TfKernel.dll (9 Mb)
TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
WRServices.dll (1,15 Mb)
adbeape.dll (29,67 Kb)
adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll (229,63 Kb)
adobe_caps.dll (414,14 Kb)
ahclient.dll (224,37 Kb)
aif_core.dll (420,5 Kb)
aif_ogl.dll (2,21 Mb)
amtlib.dll (934,63 Kb)
amtservices.dll (1,05 Mb)
arh.exe (73,3 Kb)
asneu.dll (146,63 Kb)
boost_threads.dll (50,47 Kb)
cg.dll (2,59 Mb)
cgGL.dll (296 Kb)
data_flow.dll (107,5 Kb)
dvaadameve.dll (3,32 Mb)
dvacore.dll (1,49 Mb)
dvaui.dll (3,49 Mb)
icucnv36.dll (664 Kb)
icudt36.dll (92 Kb)
image_flow.dll (690 Kb)
image_runtime.dll (145,5 Kb)
libcurl.dll (180 Kb)
libeay32.dll (1008,5 Kb)
libexpat.dll (101,5 Kb)
libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
shfolder.dll (22,27 Kb)
ssleay32.dll (184 Kb)
tbb.dll (169 Kb)
updaternotifications.dll (567,2 Kb)
wu3d.dll (414,5 Kb)
PhotoshopCS6 (103 файла)
AMT (44 файла)
ar_AE (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (3,71 Kb)
Core key files (5 файлов)
ConflictingProcesses (37 b)
CreatePSPrefsDir (37 b)
CreatePanelsDir (37 b)
MergeModules (37 b)
Registry (37 b)
CreatePSPrefsDir (37 b)
CreatePanelsDir (37 b)
MergeModules (37 b)
Registry (37 b)
cs_CZ (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,7 Kb)
da_DK (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,68 Kb)
de_DE (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,14 Kb)
el_GR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,5 Kb)
en_AE (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_GB (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_IL (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_US (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_xm (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,54 Kb)
es_ES (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
es_la (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
es_MX (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,11 Kb)
es_na (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
fi_FI (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,84 Kb)
fr_CA (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,06 Kb)
fr_FR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,13 Kb)
fr_MA (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,13 Kb)
fr_xm (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,05 Kb)
he_IL (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (3,45 Kb)
hr_HR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,88 Kb)
hu_HU (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,99 Kb)
it_IT (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,11 Kb)
ja_JP (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,38 Kb)
ko_KR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (4,32 Kb)
LMResources (1 файл)
ps_ribs_bgd.png (29,54 Kb)
LMResources s (4 файла)
16ps.png (662 b)
24ps.png (1000 b)
ps.ico (278,79 Kb)
ps.png (1,37 Kb)
24ps.png (1000 b)
ps.ico (278,79 Kb)
ps.png (1,37 Kb)
nb_NO (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,65 Kb)
nl_NL (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (6,05 Kb)
pl_PL (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,96 Kb)
pt_BR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,82 Kb)
ro_RO (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,83 Kb)
ru_RU (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,86 Kb)
sk_SK (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,83 Kb)
sl_SI (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,86 Kb)
sv_SE (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,61 Kb)
tr_TR (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,7 Kb)
uk_UA (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (5,84 Kb)
zh_CN (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (3,71 Kb)
zh_TW (1 файл)
AMT.zdct (3,73 Kb)
application.xml (1,53 Kb)
reg_custom_background.bmp (1,42 Mb)
Configuration (2 файла)
PS_exman_24px.png (1000 b)
XManConfig.xml (5,96 Kb)
XManConfig.xml (5,96 Kb)
Locales (1 файл)
en_AE (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
New in CS 6.mnu (11,83 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
New in CS 6 (30,9 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
3D (20,27 Kb)
Motion (18,73 Kb)
Painting (18,8 Kb)
Photography (18,73 Kb)
Typography (18,73 Kb)
Motion (18,73 Kb)
Painting (18,8 Kb)
Photography (18,73 Kb)
Typography (18,73 Kb)
Support Files (5 файлов)
Feature Help (1 файл)
featureSearch.xml (1,27 Mb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (15,11 Kb)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
pack.inf (122 b)
tw10428.ru_RU (3,45 Mb)
Plug-ins (1 файл)
File Formats (1 файл)
Camera Raw.8bi (21,25 Mb)
Presets (35 файлов)
3DLUTs (19 файлов)
2Strip.look (14,35 Kb)
3Strip.look (14,35 Kb)
Bleach Bypass.look (14,77 Kb)
Candlelight.CUBE (134,56 Kb)
Crisp_Warm.look (21,35 Kb)
Crisp_Winter.look (14,38 Kb)
DropBlues.3DL (72,79 Kb)
EdgyAmber.3DL (65,17 Kb)
FallColors.look (113,23 Kb)
FoggyNight.3DL (72,76 Kb)
FuturisticBleak.3DL (75,82 Kb)
HorrorBlue.3DL (71,61 Kb)
LateSunset.3DL (71,52 Kb)
Moonlight.3DL (65,19 Kb)
NightFromDay.CUBE (134,55 Kb)
Soft_Warming.look (14,1 Kb)
TealOrangePlusContrast.3DL (69,47 Kb)
TensionGreen.3DL (73,31 Kb)
filmstock_50.3dl (70,4 Kb)
3Strip.look (14,35 Kb)
Bleach Bypass.look (14,77 Kb)
Candlelight.CUBE (134,56 Kb)
Crisp_Warm.look (21,35 Kb)
Crisp_Winter.look (14,38 Kb)
DropBlues.3DL (72,79 Kb)
EdgyAmber.3DL (65,17 Kb)
FallColors.look (113,23 Kb)
FoggyNight.3DL (72,76 Kb)
FuturisticBleak.3DL (75,82 Kb)
HorrorBlue.3DL (71,61 Kb)
LateSunset.3DL (71,52 Kb)
Moonlight.3DL (65,19 Kb)
NightFromDay.CUBE (134,55 Kb)
Soft_Warming.look (14,1 Kb)
TealOrangePlusContrast.3DL (69,47 Kb)
TensionGreen.3DL (73,31 Kb)
filmstock_50.3dl (70,4 Kb)
Actions (9 файлов)
Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Darker.blw (294 b)
Green Filter.blw (318 b)
High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
Infrared.blw (294 b)
Lighter.blw (294 b)
Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
Maximum White.blw (294 b)
Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
Red Filter.blw (314 b)
Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (15 файлов)
Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (26 файлов)
ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.acb (67,17 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.acb (67,2 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.acb (30,53 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.acb (30,54 Kb)
PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.acb (7,32 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.acb (5,21 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.acb (5,23 Kb)
PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.acb (7,4 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Coated.acb (31,55 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.acb (31,57 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.acb (67,17 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.acb (67,2 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.acb (30,53 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.acb (30,54 Kb)
PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.acb (7,32 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.acb (5,21 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.acb (5,23 Kb)
PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.acb (7,4 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Coated.acb (31,55 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.acb (31,57 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.aco (139,18 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.aco (139,18 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.aco (58,3 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.aco (58,3 Kb)
PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.aco (9 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.aco (9 Kb)
PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.aco (13,48 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Coated.aco (57,73 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.aco (57,73 Kb)
Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.aco (139,18 Kb)
PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.aco (139,18 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.aco (58,3 Kb)
PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.aco (58,3 Kb)
PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.aco (9 Kb)
PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.aco (9 Kb)
PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.aco (13,48 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Coated.aco (57,73 Kb)
PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.aco (57,73 Kb)
Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
Contours.shc (5,03 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (18 файлов)
All.csh (739,52 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Deco (5 файлов)
Brick Fill.jsx (4,28 Kb)
Cross Weave.jsx (4,64 Kb)
Random Fill.jsx (3,79 Kb)
Spiral.jsx (2,85 Kb)
Symmetry Fill.jsx (10,73 Kb)
Cross Weave.jsx (4,64 Kb)
Random Fill.jsx (3,79 Kb)
Spiral.jsx (2,85 Kb)
Symmetry Fill.jsx (10,73 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (32 файла)
159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (3 файла)
Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (6 файлов)
Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Flash 3D (3 файла)
Flash 3D.zvt (5,05 Kb)
Flash3DViewer.swf (668,45 Kb)
swfobject.js (25,73 Kb)
Flash3DViewer.swf (668,45 Kb)
swfobject.js (25,73 Kb)
Gradients (10 файлов)
Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Photographic Toning.grd (54,66 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
Photographic Toning.grd (54,66 Kb)
Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
HDR Toning (16 файлов)
City Twilight.hdt (127 b)
Flat.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic Artistic.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
Monochromatic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
Photorealistic High Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
RC5.hdt (117 b)
Saturated.hdt (112 b)
Scott5.hdt (127 b)
Surrealistic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
Surrealistic Low Contrast.hdt (117 b)
Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Flat.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic Artistic.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
Monochromatic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
Photorealistic High Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
RC5.hdt (117 b)
Saturated.hdt (112 b)
Scott5.hdt (127 b)
Surrealistic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
Surrealistic Low Contrast.hdt (117 b)
Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Old Style.ahu (100 b)
Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
Sepia.ahu (100 b)
Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
Lighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lighting Effects (17 файлов)
2 O'clock Spotlight.ple (21,17 Kb)
Blue Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
Circle Of Light.ple (23,74 Kb)
Crossing Down.ple (22,06 Kb)
Crossing.ple (22 Kb)
Default.ple (21,14 Kb)
Five Lights Down.ple (24,6 Kb)
Five Lights Up.ple (24,59 Kb)
Flashlight.ple (21,15 Kb)
Flood Light.ple (21,15 Kb)
Parallel Directional.ple (22,04 Kb)
RGB Lights.ple (22,86 Kb)
Soft Direct Lights.ple (22,03 Kb)
Soft Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
Soft Spotlight.ple (24,24 Kb)
Three Down.ple (25,96 Kb)
Triple Spotlight.ple (22,88 Kb)
Blue Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
Circle Of Light.ple (23,74 Kb)
Crossing Down.ple (22,06 Kb)
Crossing.ple (22 Kb)
Default.ple (21,14 Kb)
Five Lights Down.ple (24,6 Kb)
Five Lights Up.ple (24,59 Kb)
Flashlight.ple (21,15 Kb)
Flood Light.ple (21,15 Kb)
Parallel Directional.ple (22,04 Kb)
RGB Lights.ple (22,86 Kb)
Soft Direct Lights.ple (22,03 Kb)
Soft Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
Soft Spotlight.ple (24,24 Kb)
Three Down.ple (25,96 Kb)
Triple Spotlight.ple (22,88 Kb)
Lights (15 файлов)
Blue Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Materials (3 файла)
Default (for Ray Tracer).p3m (13,82 Mb)
Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
MaterialPreview.dae (221,93 Kb)
Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
MaterialPreview.dae (221,93 Kb)
Meshes (12 файлов)
Cone.dae (112,71 Kb)
Cube Wrap.dae (4,68 Kb)
Cube.dae (23,57 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (37,4 Kb)
Donut.dae (291,85 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (10,07 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (654,13 Kb)
Sphere.dae (371,49 Kb)
Spherical Panorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine Bottle.dae (1016,44 Kb)
Cube Wrap.dae (4,68 Kb)
Cube.dae (23,57 Kb)
Cylinder.dae (37,4 Kb)
Donut.dae (291,85 Kb)
Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
Pyramid.dae (10,07 Kb)
Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
Soda.dae (654,13 Kb)
Sphere.dae (371,49 Kb)
Spherical Panorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
Wine Bottle.dae (1016,44 Kb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
Black - White.act (772 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Grayscale.act (772 b)
Mac OS.act (768 b)
Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Default Settings.iros (41 b)
XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (11 файлов)
Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
Artists Brushes Canvas.pat (2,53 Mb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Erodible Textures.pat (3,19 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Artists Brushes Canvas.pat (2,53 Mb)
Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
Erodible Textures.pat (3,19 Mb)
Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (20 файлов)
Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Sketch Grass.p3r (2,69 Mb)
Sketch Scattered.p3r (1,02 Mb)
Sketch Thick Pencil.p3r (1,02 Mb)
Sketch Thin Pencil.p3r (2,64 Mb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
Sketch Grass.p3r (2,69 Mb)
Sketch Scattered.p3r (1,02 Mb)
Sketch Thick Pencil.p3r (1,02 Mb)
Sketch Thin Pencil.p3r (2,64 Mb)
Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Repousse (1 файл)
Default Repousse Presets.p3e (142,57 Kb)
Scripts (20 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (6,23 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
Save Extra JPEG.jsx (6,23 Kb)
Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (19 файлов)
CreateImageStack.jsx (41,45 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (18,85 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (33,95 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (13,19 Kb)
Geometry.jsx (18,85 Kb)
LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
StackSupport.jsx (33,95 Kb)
Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
Terminology.jsx (13,19 Kb)
ContactSheetII.jsx (340,93 Kb)
Delete All Empty Layers.jsx (9,4 Kb)
Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,91 Kb)
Fit Image.jsx (19,59 Kb)
Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,27 Kb)
Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,34 Kb)
Image Processor.jsx (82,93 Kb)
Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,6 Kb)
Layer Comps To PDF.jsx (23,16 Kb)
Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,15 Kb)
Lens Correct.jsx (28,1 Kb)
Load DICOM.jsx (7,36 Kb)
Load Files into Stack.jsx (3,84 Kb)
Merge To HDR.jsx (16,84 Kb)
Photomerge.jsx (38,02 Kb)
Script Events Manager.jsx (48,86 Kb)
Statistics.jsx (6,76 Kb)
Styles (12 файлов)
Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (11 файлов)
Airbrushes.tpl (1,55 Mb)
Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
Artists' Brushes.tpl (2,23 Mb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
DP Presets.tpl (1,63 Mb)
Dry Media.tpl (769,07 Kb)
Pencil Brushes.tpl (206,31 Kb)
Pencils Mixer Brush.tpl (996,49 Kb)
Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
Artists' Brushes.tpl (2,23 Mb)
Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
DP Presets.tpl (1,63 Mb)
Dry Media.tpl (769,07 Kb)
Pencil Brushes.tpl (206,31 Kb)
Pencils Mixer Brush.tpl (996,49 Kb)
Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Video (1 файл)
Adobe Media Encoder (3 файла)
DPX (32 файла)
1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Standard (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,46 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,56 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,5 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,48 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Standard (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 25p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
1920 x 1080 30p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,46 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
2048 x 1152 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,56 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,5 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,48 Kb)
4096 x 2048 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
H264 (37 файлов)
1_High Quality.epr (72,93 Kb)
2_Medium Quality.epr (72,96 Kb)
3_Low Quality.epr (72,93 Kb)
Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
Android Phone - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
Android Tablet - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
Android Tablet - 720p 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 24.epr (54,31 Kb)
Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 29.97.epr (54,29 Kb)
Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 24.epr (54,25 Kb)
HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
HD 1080i 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,1 Kb)
HD 1080i 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
HD 1080p 24.epr (72,99 Kb)
HD 1080p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 720p 24.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 720p 25.epr (72,98 Kb)
HD 720p 29.97.epr (72,99 Kb)
NTSC DV 24p.epr (54,08 Kb)
NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (54,09 Kb)
NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
NTSC DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
PAL DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
PAL DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
Vimeo HD 1080p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo HD 720p 25.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo HD 720p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo SD Widescreen 29.97.epr (73,04 Kb)
YouTube HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube HD 720p 25.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube HD 720p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
2_Medium Quality.epr (72,96 Kb)
3_Low Quality.epr (72,93 Kb)
Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
Android Phone - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
Android Tablet - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
Android Tablet - 720p 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 24.epr (54,31 Kb)
Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 29.97.epr (54,29 Kb)
Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 24.epr (54,25 Kb)
HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
HD 1080i 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,1 Kb)
HD 1080i 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
HD 1080p 24.epr (72,99 Kb)
HD 1080p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 720p 24.epr (54,08 Kb)
HD 720p 25.epr (72,98 Kb)
HD 720p 29.97.epr (72,99 Kb)
NTSC DV 24p.epr (54,08 Kb)
NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (54,09 Kb)
NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
NTSC DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
PAL DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
PAL DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
Vimeo HD 1080p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo HD 720p 25.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo HD 720p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
Vimeo SD Widescreen 29.97.epr (73,04 Kb)
YouTube HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube HD 720p 25.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube HD 720p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
QuickTime (5 файлов)
Animation High Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
Animation Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
JPEG 2000 High Quality.epr (73,19 Kb)
JPEG 2000 Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
Uncompressed.epr (73,18 Kb)
Animation Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
JPEG 2000 High Quality.epr (73,19 Kb)
JPEG 2000 Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
Uncompressed.epr (73,18 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
AxisWidget.dae (524,56 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (191,28 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (154,17 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
InfiniteLightWidget.dae (191,28 Kb)
PointLightWidget.dae (154,17 Kb)
SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (9,02 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (9,02 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (9,02 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (28 файлов)
DBrush (2 файла)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrsb (248,89 Kb)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
OWL (7 файлов)
appbar.adm (3,01 Kb)
appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
searchbar.adm (155 b)
searchbar.eve (754 b)
viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
searchbar.adm (155 b)
searchbar.eve (754 b)
viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
Plug-Ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (3,09 Mb)
ADM (1 файл)
ADMPlugin.apl (1,47 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
CropPhotosAuto.8LI (29,7 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,36 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (75,2 Kb)
HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,36 Mb)
WIASupport.8LI (75,2 Kb)
Digimarc (4 файла)
Digiread (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,5 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,28 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,37 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,49 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,59 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,76 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,48 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,67 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,62 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,89 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,33 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (4,86 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,11 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (3,08 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,54 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,25 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,78 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,71 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,69 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,44 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,38 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,74 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,95 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (7,07 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,57 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,43 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (9,94 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,1 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
Localizable.strings (6,13 Kb)
DigiSign.8bf (2,02 Mb)
Effects (1 файл)
Filter Gallery.8BF (3,85 Mb)
Extensions (8 файлов)
CSAWTemplate.tpl (5,36 Kb)
FastCore.8BX (34 Kb)
MMXCore.8BX (239,5 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (443,5 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (218,77 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (5,82 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (588,29 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,16 Mb)
FastCore.8BX (34 Kb)
MMXCore.8BX (239,5 Kb)
MultiProcessor Support.8BX (443,5 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (218,77 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (5,82 Kb)
ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (588,29 Kb)
ScriptingSupport.8li (2,16 Mb)
File Formats (9 файлов)
Cineon.8BI (33,7 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,91 Mb)
JPEG2000.8BI (2,91 Mb)
PBM.8BI (25,2 Kb)
PCX.8BI (28,2 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (18,7 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (24,2 Kb)
U3D.8BI (2,6 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (17,7 Kb)
Dicom.8BI (3,91 Mb)
JPEG2000.8BI (2,91 Mb)
PBM.8BI (25,2 Kb)
PCX.8BI (28,2 Kb)
Pixar.8BI (18,7 Kb)
Radiance.8BI (24,2 Kb)
U3D.8BI (2,6 Mb)
WBMP.8BI (17,7 Kb)
Filters (13 файлов)
Adaptive Wide Angle.8BF (8,03 Mb)
Average.8BF (14,7 Kb)
ChannelPort.8BF (24,2 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (24,7 Kb)
Lens Blur.8BF (2,26 Mb)
Lens Correction.8BF (2,62 Mb)
Liquify.8BF (2,63 Mb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (17,7 Kb)
Oil Paint.8BF (2,8 Mb)
Solarize.8BF (13,7 Kb)
Standard MultiPlugin.8BF (3,82 Mb)
VanishingPoint.8BF (3,11 Mb)
Variations.8BF (74,2 Kb)
Average.8BF (14,7 Kb)
ChannelPort.8BF (24,2 Kb)
Clouds.8BF (24,7 Kb)
Lens Blur.8BF (2,26 Mb)
Lens Correction.8BF (2,62 Mb)
Liquify.8BF (2,63 Mb)
NTSC Colors.8BF (17,7 Kb)
Oil Paint.8BF (2,8 Mb)
Solarize.8BF (13,7 Kb)
Standard MultiPlugin.8BF (3,82 Mb)
VanishingPoint.8BF (3,11 Mb)
Variations.8BF (74,2 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
statistics.8BA (67,7 Kb)
Import-Export (2 файла)
EazelAcquire.8BA (313,7 Kb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,42 Mb)
Save for Web.8BE (5,42 Mb)
Measurements (1 файл)
MeasurementCore.8ME (91,7 Kb)
Smart_Auto (1 файл)
output.binary (434,98 Kb)
Default Actions.atn (28,99 Kb)
Default Brushes.abr (744,93 Kb)
Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
Default Gradients.grd (16,96 Kb)
Default Materials.p3m (44,41 Mb)
Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
Default Patterns.pat (429,54 Kb)
Default Repousse Presets.p3e (142,57 Kb)
Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
Default Tool Presets.tpl (1,89 Mb)
Droplet Template.exe (89,5 Kb)
Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
GlobalResources (172,03 Kb)
HDRToning.jsx (4,98 Kb)
MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,53 Kb)
MigrateAllPresets.jsx (13,28 Kb)
PresetImportExport.jsx (29,29 Kb)
Straighten.jsx (8,46 Kb)
UIColors.cel (61,28 Kb)
WorkspaceImportExport.jsx (15,48 Kb)
ACE.dll (1,87 Mb)
AGM.dll (3,32 Mb)
ARE.dll (321,2 Kb)
AXE8SharedExpat.dll (165,67 Kb)
AXEDOMCore.dll (650,17 Kb)
AdobeLinguistic.dll (1,75 Mb)
AdobeOwl.dll (1,44 Mb)
AdobePDFL.dll (6,41 Mb)
AdobePIP.dll (679,17 Kb)
AdobeXMP.dll (289,17 Kb)
AdobeXMPFiles.dll (573,17 Kb)
AdobeXMPScript.dll (105,17 Kb)
AlignmentLib.dll (3,73 Mb)
BIBUtils.dll (242,2 Kb)
Bib.dll (297,2 Kb)
CIT.dll (987,67 Kb)
CoolType.dll (2,86 Mb)
ExtendScript.dll (645,67 Kb)
FileInfo.dll (1,89 Mb)
JP2KLib.dll (645,67 Kb)
LegalNotices.pdf (135,25 Kb)
LogSession.dll (314,17 Kb)
LogTransport2.exe (324,67 Kb)
MPS.dll (4,34 Mb)
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1,81 Kb)
PSArt.dll (4,24 Mb)
PSViews.dll (2,25 Mb)
Photoshop CS6 Read Me.pdf (38,39 Kb)
Photoshop.dll (1,44 Mb)
Photoshop.exe (41,01 Mb)
Photoshop.exp (200,56 Kb)
Photoshop.lib (265,74 Kb)
PlugPlug.dll (1,01 Mb)
Plugin.dll (46,2 Kb)
SCCore.dll (573,67 Kb)
ScriptUIFlex.dll (693,17 Kb)
TFKGEOM.dll (4,55 Mb)
TFUGEOM.dll (1,19 Mb)
TfFontMgr.dll (542,2 Kb)
TfKernel.dll (9 Mb)
TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
WRServices.dll (1,2 Mb)
adbeape.dll (30,67 Kb)
adobe_caps.dll (418,85 Kb)
ahclient.dll (237,17 Kb)
aif_core.dll (476,2 Kb)
aif_ocl.dll (137,7 Kb)
aif_ogl.dll (2,11 Mb)
amtlib.dll (1,71 Mb)
boost_date_time.dll (70,7 Kb)
boost_signals.dll (72,2 Kb)
boost_system.dll (23,2 Kb)
boost_threads.dll (63,7 Kb)
cg.dll (6,08 Mb)
cgGL.dll (354,6 Kb)
data_flow.dll (345,2 Kb)
dvaaudiodevice.dll (819,7 Kb)
dvacore.dll (1,98 Mb)
dvamarshal.dll (375,2 Kb)
dvamediatypes.dll (227,7 Kb)
dvaplayer.dll (1,03 Mb)
dvatransport.dll (554,2 Kb)
dvaunittesting.dll (196,2 Kb)
dynamiclink.dll (1,81 Mb)
filter_graph.dll (909,2 Kb)
hydra_filters.dll (992,2 Kb)
icucnv40.dll (714,62 Kb)
icudt40.dll (94,12 Kb)
image_compiler.dll (7,1 Mb)
image_flow.dll (571,2 Kb)
image_runtime.dll (146,2 Kb)
libcurl.dll (180 Kb)
libeay32.dll (1008,5 Kb)
libexpat.dll (101,5 Kb)
libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
mediacoreif.dll (1,48 Mb)
msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
msvcp100.dll (411,33 Kb)
msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
msvcr100.dll (755,83 Kb)
msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
pdfsettings.dll (221,7 Kb)
shfolder.dll (27,96 Kb)
sniffer_gpu.exe (35,7 Kb)
ssleay32.dll (189,7 Kb)
tbb.dll (135,67 Kb)
tbbmalloc.dll (41,17 Kb)
updaternotifications.dll (464,43 Kb)
wu3d.dll (420,2 Kb)
WinSxS (7 файлов)
Manifests (10 файлов)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474.cat (8,14 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474.manifest (465 b)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.cat (8,14 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.manifest (1,83 Kb)
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x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474.manifest (465 b)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.cat (8,14 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.manifest (1,83 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_91481303.cat (8,15 Kb)
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x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05.cat (8,14 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05.manifest (2,32 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e.cat (9,52 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e.manifest (1,81 Kb)
Policies (5 файлов)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_5f0bbcff (2 файла)
8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_77c24773 (2 файла)
8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_caeee150 (2 файла)
8.0.50727.762.cat (8,17 Kb)
8.0.50727.762.policy (806 b)
8.0.50727.762.policy (806 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_0f75c32e (2 файла)
8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
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9.0.21022.8.cat (9,57 Kb)
9.0.21022.8.policy (662 b)
9.0.30411.0.cat (9,57 Kb)
9.0.30411.0.policy (752 b)
9.0.30729.1.cat (9,57 Kb)
9.0.30729.1.policy (752 b)
9.0.21022.8.policy (662 b)
9.0.30411.0.cat (9,57 Kb)
9.0.30411.0.policy (752 b)
9.0.30729.1.cat (9,57 Kb)
9.0.30729.1.policy (752 b)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474 (1 файл)
ATL80.dll (94 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700 (3 файла)
msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_91481303 (9 файлов)
mfc80CHS.dll (40 Kb)
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mfc80DEU.dll (64 Kb)
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mfc80ESP.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80FRA.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80ITA.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80JPN.dll (48 Kb)
mfc80KOR.dll (48 Kb)
mfc80CHT.dll (44 Kb)
mfc80DEU.dll (64 Kb)
mfc80ENU.dll (56 Kb)
mfc80ESP.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80FRA.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80ITA.dll (60 Kb)
mfc80JPN.dll (48 Kb)
mfc80KOR.dll (48 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05 (4 файла)
mfc80.dll (1,05 Mb)
mfc80u.dll (1,04 Mb)
mfcm80.dll (68 Kb)
mfcm80u.dll (56,5 Kb)
mfc80u.dll (1,04 Mb)
mfcm80.dll (68 Kb)
mfcm80u.dll (56,5 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e (3 файла)
msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
Other (3 файла)
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favicon.ico (2,49 Kb)
help_background_footer.png (949 b)
help_background_header.png (296 b)
help_logo_top.png (7,12 Kb)
help_background_footer.png (949 b)
help_background_header.png (296 b)
help_logo_top.png (7,12 Kb)
Source (3 файла)
PhotoshopCS6.ico (14,73 Kb)
_PhotoshopCS6Portable.nsi (38,72 Kb)
_PhotoshopCS6PortableInstaller.nsi (8,83 Kb)
_PhotoshopCS6Portable.nsi (38,72 Kb)
_PhotoshopCS6PortableInstaller.nsi (8,83 Kb)
_Include (4 файла)
Installer.bmp (51,34 Kb)
Installer.nsh (4,4 Kb)
Launcher.nsh (12,4 Kb)
Splash.bmp (42,08 Kb)
Installer.nsh (4,4 Kb)
Launcher.nsh (12,4 Kb)
Splash.bmp (42,08 Kb)
PhotoshopCS3Portable.exe (75,64 Kb)
PhotoshopCS4Portable.exe (54,79 Kb)
PhotoshopCS5Portable.exe (82,54 Kb)
PhotoshopCS6Portable.exe (80,87 Kb)
help.html (1,97 Kb)