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Adobe Photoshop Collection (2013) Portable by PortableAppz

Автор: Unix от 7-01-2014, 22:42, Посмотрело: 6 298, Обсуждения: 1

Adobe Photoshop Collection (2013) Portable by PortableAppz

Разработчик: Adobe
Язык интерфейса: Multi / Русский
Лечение: Не требуется

Системные требования:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8

Adobe Photoshop — программа для обработки растровой графики. Поддерживается множество графических форматов. Adobe Photoshop позволяет как создавать новые изображения, так и редактировать их. Фотошоп применяют для создания фотореалистических изображений, для работы с цветными отсканированными изображениями, для ретуширования, цветокоррекции, коллажирования, трансформации графики, цветоделения и т.д. Adobe Photoshop располагает всеми методами работы с точечными изображениями, при этом имеет возможность работы со слоями и использует контуры. Программа является безусловным лидером среди профессиональных графических редакторов за счет своих широчайших возможностей, высокой эффективности и скорости работы. Adobe Photoshop предоставляет все необходимые средства для коррекции, монтажа, подготовки изображений к печати и высококачественного вывода.

Загрузил: Unix (7 января 2014 20:42)
Взяли: 7420 | Размер: 1,2 Gb
Последняя активность: 21 марта 2016 17:07
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 21 Качают: 51 Скачали: 40
Adobe Photoshop PortableAppz Collection (3793 файла)
App (8 файлов)
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file appicon.ico (18,28 Kb)
png appicon_16.png (623 b)
png appicon_32.png (1,28 Kb)
file appinfo.ini (523 b)
DefaultData (2 файла)
Adobe (1 файл)
Lightroom (1 файл)
Preferences (1 файл)
file Lightroom 4 Preferences.agprefs (164 b)
PhotoshopCS6 (1 файл)
CommonFiles (1 файл)
Adobe (3 файла)
OOBE (1 файл)
PDApp (1 файл)
core (1 файл)
exe PDapp.exe (2,02 Mb)
PCF (10 файлов)
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file {74EB3499-8B95-4B5C-96EB-7B342F3FD0C6}.Photoshop-CS6-Win-GM.xml (981 b)
file {784B5277-7B8A-4058-8F5D-A146F8BA5F7B}..xml (238 b)
file {9124DF4E-617D-486B-A970-8FA632244F24}.Photoshop-CS6-Win-GM.xml (1,53 Kb)
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file {CFC3110A-491C-4DBF-A97D-66C567600A2F}.Camera_Raw-7-Win-GM.xml (1,01 Kb)
file {DE7C6FA1-AF75-48A8-B495-CFAD529BCC3D}..xml (238 b)
file {EFBC1075-F890-4293-A0D1-04BE66EE2AB3}..xml (2,07 Kb)
SLCache (10 файлов)
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file QUNDRVNTX0NIRUNL.slc (297 b)
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file RkFfU2V0.slc (322 b)
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file UGhvdG9zaG9wLUNTNi1XaW4tR017fH0zMzA=.slc (308 b)
file UGhvdG9zaG9wLUNTNi1XaW4tR017fH1BTEw=.slc (537 b)
file UGhvdG9zaG9wLUNTNi1XaW4tR017fH1MaWNMb2M=.slc (323 b)
file UGhvdG9zaG9wLUNTNi1XaW4tR017fH1lbl9BRQ==.slc (329 b)
file X19zbGNfZmVhdHVyZXNfXw==.slc (710 b)
Lightroom (145 файлов)
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file HTMLharness-app.xml (1,31 Kb)
file HTMLharness.swf (21,71 Kb)
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file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (742 b)
en_us (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (727 b)
es_es (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (737 b)
fr_fr (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (743 b)
it_it (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (739 b)
ja_jp (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (778 b)
ko_kr (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (722 b)
nl_nl (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (735 b)
pt_br (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (746 b)
sv_se (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (735 b)
zh_cn (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (727 b)
zh_tw (1 файл)
file Lightroom_4.0.helpcfg (731 b)
Legal (12 файлов)
de_de (2 файла)
file license.html (98,99 Kb)
file license.rtf (83,2 Kb)
en_us (2 файла)
file license.html (81,82 Kb)
file license.rtf (71,69 Kb)
es_es (2 файла)
file license.html (97,96 Kb)
file license.rtf (80,19 Kb)
fr_fr (2 файла)
file license.html (113,02 Kb)
file license.rtf (91,8 Kb)
it_it (2 файла)
file license.html (95,55 Kb)
file license.rtf (81,24 Kb)
ja_jp (2 файла)
file license.html (230 Kb)
file license.rtf (228,52 Kb)
ko_kr (2 файла)
file license.html (199,18 Kb)
file license.rtf (183,57 Kb)
nl_nl (2 файла)
file license.html (93,3 Kb)
file license.rtf (81,3 Kb)
pt_br (2 файла)
file license.html (103,88 Kb)
file license.rtf (81,51 Kb)
sv_se (2 файла)
file license.html (98,59 Kb)
file license.rtf (80,8 Kb)
zh_cn (2 файла)
file license.html (141,08 Kb)
file license.rtf (141,07 Kb)
zh_tw (2 файла)
file license.html (140,6 Kb)
file license.rtf (138,57 Kb)
moxplugins (4 файла)
file AppManagerLR.mox (92 Kb)
file usbmanager.mox (92 Kb)
file wiamanager.mox (64 Kb)
file wpdmanager.mox (156 Kb)
Resources (11 файлов)
de (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (732,44 Kb)
es (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (808,54 Kb)
fr (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (822,96 Kb)
it (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (792,45 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (811,62 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (792,87 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (772,3 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (737,86 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (742,25 Kb)
Shared (1 файл)
webengines (5 файлов)
autoviewer.lrwebengine (11 файлов)
strings (12 файлов)
de (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,99 Kb)
en (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,9 Kb)
es (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,21 Kb)
fr (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,21 Kb)
it (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,16 Kb)
ja (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,24 Kb)
ko (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,24 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,11 Kb)
pt (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,14 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,07 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,91 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,92 Kb)
file about.html (1,97 Kb)
file galleryInfo.lrweb (6,54 Kb)
file iconic_preview.swf (10,34 Kb)
file index.html (1,37 Kb)
file manifest.lrweb (137 b)
txt readme.txt (765 b)
file swfobject.js (6,73 Kb)
png version_info.png (2,63 Kb)
file viewer.swf (10,92 Kb)
file xmlTransformer.xslt (1,67 Kb)
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file iconic_preview.as (7,33 Kb)
file iconic_preview.fla (20,9 Kb)
file iconic_preview.swf (3,65 Kb)
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file AC_RunActiveContent.js (3,4 Kb)
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file localText.xml (2,6 Kb)
file gallery.swf (339,25 Kb)
file playerProductInstall.swf (657 b)
png version_info.png (2,53 Kb)
strings (12 файлов)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (5,8 Kb)
en (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,69 Kb)
es (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (5,08 Kb)
fr (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (5,01 Kb)
it (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,94 Kb)
ja (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (5,16 Kb)
ko (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,96 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,89 Kb)
pt (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (5,01 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,81 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,64 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,7 Kb)
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file greenStyle.xml (2,94 Kb)
file about.html (864 b)
file galleryInfo.lrweb (26,52 Kb)
file index.html (8,76 Kb)
file manifest.lrweb (241 b)
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file flash_gallery_preview.swf (5,96 Kb)
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file ie7.css (312 b)
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file pngfix.js (1,64 Kb)
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gif shadow-grid.gif (56 b)
png shadow.png (39,06 Kb)
png version_info.png (2,53 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,92 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,03 Kb)
es (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,4 Kb)
fr (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,38 Kb)
it (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,27 Kb)
ja (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,5 Kb)
ko (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,28 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,25 Kb)
pt (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,3 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,24 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,95 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (4,04 Kb)
file about.html (809 b)
file detail.html (3,93 Kb)
file foot.html (568 b)
file galleryInfo.lrweb (19,78 Kb)
file grid.html (3,3 Kb)
file head.html (3,58 Kb)
file kuler.html (5,48 Kb)
png kuler_blog_badge.png (4,08 Kb)
file manifest.lrweb (738 b)
postcardviewer.lrwebengine (10 файлов)
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de (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,27 Kb)
en (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,56 Kb)
es (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,77 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,77 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,72 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,64 Kb)
pt (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,69 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,61 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,52 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (2,55 Kb)
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file index.html (1,46 Kb)
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file viewer.swf (18,33 Kb)
file xmlTransformer.xslt (2 Kb)
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de (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,95 Kb)
en (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,04 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,34 Kb)
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txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,4 Kb)
it (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,24 Kb)
ja (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,46 Kb)
ko (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,31 Kb)
nl (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,19 Kb)
pt (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,27 Kb)
sv (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,2 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
txt TranslatedStrings.txt (3,04 Kb)
file about.html (2,09 Kb)
file gallery.xml (339 b)
file galleryInfo.lrweb (7,6 Kb)
file iconic_preview.swf (7,48 Kb)
file index.html (1,28 Kb)
file manifest.lrweb (137 b)
txt readme.txt (728 b)
file swfobject.js (6,73 Kb)
png version_info.png (2,63 Kb)
file viewer.swf (17,06 Kb)
file xmlTransformer.xslt (2,48 Kb)
tether_canon.lrplugin (4 файла)
file EDSDK.dll (456 Kb)
file EdsImage.dll (1 Mb)
exe tether_canon.exe (142 Kb)
file tether_canon.lrplugin (23 Kb)
tether_leica.lrplugin (6 файлов)
file LeicaTetherSupport.dll.metagen (4,23 Kb)
file LeicaTetherSupport.dll (104 Kb)
file WpdApi.dll.metagen (4,15 Kb)
file WpdApi.dll (66 Kb)
exe tether_leica.exe (49,5 Kb)
file tether_leica.lrplugin (19,5 Kb)
tether_nikon.lrplugin (8 файлов)
file NkdPTP.dll (204 Kb)
file Type0001.md3 (1,14 Mb)
file Type0002.md3 (1,05 Mb)
file Type0003.md3 (1 Mb)
file Type0004.md3 (935 Kb)
file Type0005.md3 (667 Kb)
exe tether_nikon.exe (153,5 Kb)
file tether_nikon.lrplugin (12,5 Kb)
file ACE.dll (1,87 Mb)
file AGM.dll (5,58 Mb)
file ARE.dll (321,17 Kb)
file AXE16SharedExpat.dll (167,17 Kb)
file AXE8SharedExpat.dll (165,67 Kb)
file AXEDOMCore.dll (650,17 Kb)
file AXSLE.dll (583,67 Kb)
file AdobeLinguistic.dll (1,75 Mb)
file AdobePDFL.dll (6,41 Mb)
file AdobePIP.dll (676,67 Kb)
file AdobePiStd.otf (87,56 Kb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (289,17 Kb)
file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (573,17 Kb)
file AdobeXMPScript.dll (105,17 Kb)
file AgKernel.dll (378,88 Kb)
file BIB.dll (297,17 Kb)
file BIBUtils.dll (242,17 Kb)
file Book.lrmodule (6 Kb)
file BridgeTalk.dll (196,38 Kb)
file CameraRaw.dll (14,43 Mb)
file Carousel.lrplugin (62 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (2,86 Mb)
file Develop.lrmodule (1,28 Mb)
file DiscBurning.dll (106,88 Kb)
file Email.dll (174,88 Kb)
file Export.lrmodule (534 Kb)
file Facebook.lrplugin (79 Kb)
file Flickr.lrplugin (56 Kb)
file GlobalResources (172,03 Kb)
file Headlights.dll (40,38 Kb)
file Help.dll (105,88 Kb)
file Import.lrmodule (1,1 Mb)
file JP2KLib.dll (645,67 Kb)
file Layout.lrmodule (957,5 Kb)
file Library.lrmodule (1,92 Mb)
file LibraryToolkit.dll (1,45 Mb)
file LightroomSDK.dll (71,38 Kb)
file Location.lrmodule (1,44 Mb)
file LogSession.dll (308,17 Kb)
exe LogTransport2.exe (325,17 Kb)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1,81 Kb)
file Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest (2,3 Kb)
file Microsoft.VC90.MFCLOC.manifest (5,25 Kb)
file MultipleMonitor.lrmodule (97,5 Kb)
file MyriadProTT-Black.ttf (279,39 Kb)
file MyriadWebPro-Bold.ttf (243,19 Kb)
file MyriadWebPro-Condensed.ttf (295,91 Kb)
file MyriadWebPro-Italic.ttf (305,99 Kb)
file MyriadWebPro.ttf (295,57 Kb)
file Print.lrmodule (639 Kb)
file Slideshow.lrmodule (453 Kb)
file StoreProvider.dll (1,05 Mb)
file WRServices.dll (1,2 Mb)
file Web.lrmodule (1,1 Mb)
file adbeape.dll (30,67 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (100,5 Kb)
file ape_toolkit.dll (155,38 Kb)
file archiving_toolkit.dll (69,88 Kb)
exe arh.exe (73,3 Kb)
file asneu.dll (124 Kb)
file boost_date_time.dll (65 Kb)
file boost_signals.dll (66,5 Kb)
file boost_system.dll (17 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (58 Kb)
file catalog_converters.dll (106,38 Kb)
file coretech_toolkit.dll (2,75 Mb)
file curculio.dll (26,88 Kb)
file dvaaudiodevice.dll (814 Kb)
file dvacore.dll (1,98 Mb)
file dvamarshal.dll (369,5 Kb)
file dvamediatypes.dll (222,5 Kb)
file dvaplayer.dll (1,02 Mb)
file dvatransport.dll (548,5 Kb)
file dvaunittesting.dll (190 Kb)
file dynamiclink.dll (1,81 Mb)
file ftp_client.dll (423,88 Kb)
file iac.dll (54,88 Kb)
file libeay32.dll (1004,5 Kb)
exe lightroom.exe (1,87 Mb)
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file lightroom_3.sif (1,22 Kb)
file lightroom_4.sif (1,5 Kb)
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file mfc100kor.dll (42,33 Kb)
file mfc100rus.dll (59,33 Kb)
file mfc100u.dll (4,17 Mb)
file mfc90.dll (1,1 Mb)
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file mfc90cht.dll (41 Kb)
file mfc90deu.dll (59,5 Kb)
file mfc90enu.dll (53 Kb)
file mfc90esn.dll (58 Kb)
file mfc90esp.dll (58 Kb)
file mfc90fra.dll (59 Kb)
file mfc90ita.dll (58 Kb)
file mfc90jpn.dll (46 Kb)
file mfc90kor.dll (45,5 Kb)
file mfc90u.dll (1,11 Mb)
file mfcm100.dll (78,33 Kb)
file mfcm100u.dll (78,83 Kb)
file mfcm90.dll (58,5 Kb)
file mfcm90u.dll (58,5 Kb)
file monitor_module.dll (20,38 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (219,5 Kb)
file msvcp100.dll (411,33 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (555,5 Kb)
file msvcr100.dll (752,33 Kb)
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file xml_toolkit.dll (53,88 Kb)
Photoshop (71 файл)
AMT (39 файлов)
ar_ae (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,71 Kb)
Core key files (6 файлов)
file ConflictingProcesses (37 b)
file CreatePSPrefsDir (37 b)
file CreatePanelsDir (37 b)
file MergeModules (37 b)
file Registry (37 b)
png ps.png (2,36 Kb)
cs_cz (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,18 Kb)
da_dk (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,19 Kb)
de_de (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,6 Kb)
el_gr (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,5 Kb)
en_gb (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,17 Kb)
en_us (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,17 Kb)
en_xm (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,17 Kb)
es_es (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,46 Kb)
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file AMT.zdct (4,52 Kb)
fr_xm (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,51 Kb)
he_il (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,45 Kb)
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file AMT.zdct (4,37 Kb)
it_it (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,37 Kb)
ja_jp (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,19 Kb)
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file AMT.zdct (3,13 Kb)
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file license.html (71,92 Kb)
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file license.html (345,03 Kb)
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file license.html (59,95 Kb)
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file license.html (82,62 Kb)
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file license.html (82,62 Kb)
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file license.html (297,21 Kb)
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file license.html (68,17 Kb)
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file license.html (104,81 Kb)
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file license.html (71,92 Kb)
ja_jp (1 файл)
file license.html (188,84 Kb)
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file license.html (157,02 Kb)
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file license.html (81,27 Kb)
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file license.html (88,04 Kb)
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file license.html (67 Kb)
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file license.html (68,18 Kb)
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file license.html (85,77 Kb)
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file license.html (76,98 Kb)
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file license.html (81,59 Kb)
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file license.html (385,54 Kb)
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file license.html (98,56 Kb)
sl_si (1 файл)
file license.html (71,39 Kb)
sv_se (1 файл)
file license.html (71,64 Kb)
tr_tr (1 файл)
file license.html (93,72 Kb)
uk_ua (1 файл)
file license.html (350,88 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
file license.html (114,6 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
file license.html (119,66 Kb)
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png background.png (31,76 Kb)
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file AMT.zdct (4,25 Kb)
nl_nl (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,49 Kb)
pl_pl (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,23 Kb)
pt_br (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,17 Kb)
ro_ro (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,23 Kb)
ru_ru (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,29 Kb)
sv_se (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,1 Kb)
tr_tr (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,1 Kb)
uk_ua (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,26 Kb)
zh_cn (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (2,66 Kb)
zh_tw (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (2,67 Kb)
file AUMProduct.cer (1,23 Kb)
file AdobeConfig.xml (56,09 Kb)
file application.sif (48,32 Kb)
file application.xml (1,52 Kb)
file aul.xml (17,53 Kb)
file reg_custom_background.bmp (1,42 Mb)
Configuration (2 файла)
png PS_exman_24px.png (2,07 Kb)
file XManConfig.xml (5,83 Kb)
Locales (3 файла)
en_US (4 файла)
Additional Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Win (1 файл)
Filters (1 файл)
file Variations.8BF (63 Kb)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
file Basic.mnu (2,58 Kb)
file What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
file Basic (129,25 Kb)
file What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
file Advanced 3D (126,9 Kb)
file Analysis (126,91 Kb)
file Automation (126,83 Kb)
file Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
file Painting (126,86 Kb)
file Proofing (126,93 Kb)
file Typography (126,93 Kb)
file Video (126,93 Kb)
file Web (126,79 Kb)
Help (1 файл)
file howto.dat (10,44 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Feature Help (1 файл)
file featureSearch.xml (739,98 Kb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,15 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (20,53 Kb)
file pack.inf (90 b)
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file Variations.8BF (63 Kb)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
file Basic.mnu (2,46 Kb)
file What's New in CS4.mnu (2,25 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
file Basic (120,51 Kb)
file What's New in CS4 (2,28 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
file Advanced 3D (116,38 Kb)
file Analysis (116,38 Kb)
file Automation (116,31 Kb)
file Color and Tone (116,31 Kb)
file Painting (116,33 Kb)
file Proofing (116,38 Kb)
file Typography (116,4 Kb)
file Video (116,38 Kb)
file Web (116,24 Kb)
Help (1 файл)
file howto.dat (11,76 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,03 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (62 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (20,13 Kb)
file pack.inf (108 b)
file tw10428.dat (3,38 Mb)
ru_RU (4 файла)
Additional Plug-Ins (1 файл)
Win (1 файл)
Filters (1 файл)
file Variations.8BF (64 Kb)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (2 файла)
file Basic.mnu (2,58 Kb)
file What's New in CS4.mnu (2,22 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (2 файла)
file Basic (129,25 Kb)
file What's New in CS4 (2,25 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (9 файлов)
file Advanced 3D (126,9 Kb)
file Analysis (126,91 Kb)
file Automation (126,83 Kb)
file Color and Tone (126,84 Kb)
file Painting (126,86 Kb)
file Proofing (126,93 Kb)
file Typography (126,93 Kb)
file Video (126,93 Kb)
file Web (126,79 Kb)
Help (1 файл)
file howto.dat (10,7 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,15 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (18,77 Kb)
file pack.inf (90 b)
file tw10428.dat (2,66 Mb)
Plug-ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
file Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (732 Kb)
ADM (1 файл)
file ADMPlugin.apl (1,32 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
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file HDRMergeUI.8BF (1,89 Mb)
file WIASupport.8LI (64 Kb)
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file Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,57 Kb)
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file Localizable.strings (3,29 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,57 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,38 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,5 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,6 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,41 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,76 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,48 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
no.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,68 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,63 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,54 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,9 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,34 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,54 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,88 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,12 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,09 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
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file Localizable.strings (6,76 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
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file Localizable.strings (6,24 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,51 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,7 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,02 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,68 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,42 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,88 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,72 Kb)
no.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,37 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,93 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,88 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,56 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,42 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,87 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,93 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,08 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,12 Kb)
file DigiRead.8bf (1 Mb)
file DigiSign.8bf (1,15 Mb)
Effects (1 файл)
file Filter Gallery.8BF (3,88 Mb)
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file MMXCore.8BX (220 Kb)
file MultiProcessor Support.8BX (272 Kb)
file ScriptingSupport.8li (2,34 Mb)
File Formats (16 файлов)
file BMP.8BI (38 Kb)
file Cineon.8BI (28 Kb)
file Dicom.8BI (3,51 Mb)
file FXG.8BI (180 Kb)
file FilmStrip.8BI (15,5 Kb)
file GIF.8BI (25 Kb)
file IFF Format.8BI (30,5 Kb)
file OpenEXR.8BI (804 Kb)
file PBM.8BI (18,5 Kb)
file PCX.8BI (21 Kb)
file PNG.8BI (96 Kb)
file Pixar.8BI (14 Kb)
file Radiance.8BI (19 Kb)
file Targa.8BI (26 Kb)
file U3D.8BI (7,38 Mb)
file WBMP.8BI (12,5 Kb)
Filters (33 файла)
Lighting Styles (17 файлов)
file 2 O'clock Spotlight (64 b)
file Blue Omni (64 b)
file Circle of Light (148 b)
file Crossing Down (92 b)
file Crossing (92 b)
file Default (64 b)
file Five Lights Down (176 b)
file Five Lights Up (176 b)
file Flashlight (64 b)
file Flood Light (64 b)
file Parallel Directional (92 b)
file RGB Lights (120 b)
file Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
file Soft Omni (64 b)
file Soft Spotlight (64 b)
file Three Down (120 b)
file Triple Spotlight (120 b)
file Average.8BF (13,5 Kb)
file ChannelPort.8BF (19 Kb)
file Clouds.8BF (22,5 Kb)
file Color Halftone.8BF (34 Kb)
file CropPhotos.8BF (116 Kb)
file Crystallize.8BF (84 Kb)
file De-Interlace.8BF (18,5 Kb)
file Displace.8BF (52 Kb)
file Extrude.8BF (36 Kb)
file Fibers.8BF (72 Kb)
file Lens Blur.8BF (2,01 Mb)
file Lens Correction.8BF (2,11 Mb)
file Lens Flare.8BF (92 Kb)
file LightingEffects.8BF (392 Kb)
file Liquify.8BF (2,29 Mb)
file Mezzotint.8BF (26 Kb)
file NTSC Colors.8BF (16 Kb)
file Pinch.8BF (64 Kb)
file Pointillize.8BF (84 Kb)
file Polar Coordinates.8BF (64 Kb)
file Radial Blur.8BF (108 Kb)
file Ripple.8BF (184 Kb)
file Shear.8BF (29,5 Kb)
file Smart Blur.8BF (76 Kb)
file Solarize.8BF (12 Kb)
file Spherize.8BF (59,5 Kb)
file Tiles.8BF (28 Kb)
file Twirl.8BF (72 Kb)
file VanishingPoint.8BF (2,88 Mb)
file Wave.8BF (56 Kb)
file Wind.8BF (96 Kb)
file ZigZag.8BF (76 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
file statistics.8BA (58 Kb)
Import-Export (5 файлов)
file FireWire Export.8BE (56 Kb)
file FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
file Paths to Illustrator.8BE (27 Kb)
file Save for Web.8BE (5,64 Mb)
file Twain_32.8BA (22,5 Kb)
Measurements (1 файл)
file MeasurementCore.8ME (92 Kb)
Presets (29 файлов)
Actions (7 файлов)
file Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
file Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
file Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
file Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
file Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
file Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
file Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
file Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file Darker.blw (294 b)
file Green Filter.blw (318 b)
file High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
file Infrared.blw (294 b)
file Lighter.blw (294 b)
file Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
file Maximum White.blw (294 b)
file Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
file Red Filter.blw (314 b)
file Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (12 файлов)
file Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
file Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
file Calligraphic Brushes.abr (10,19 Kb)
file Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
file Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,05 Mb)
file Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
file Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
file Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
file Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
file Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
file Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
file Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,02 Mb)
Camera Profiles (1 файл)
file Camera Profiles.xml (11,75 Kb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
file Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
file ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
file HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
file HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
file TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
file ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
pdf DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
file HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
file Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
file TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
pdf Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
file VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
file VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
file Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
file Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
file Contours.shc (5,02 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
file Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
file Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
file Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (14 файлов)
file All.csh (377,61 Kb)
file Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
file Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
file Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
file Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
file Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
file Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
file Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
file Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
file Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
file Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
file Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
file Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
file Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
file 424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (53 файла)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file 144 orange bl 80% shad.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
file cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 75% 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
file CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
file Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (7 файлов)
file Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 50% 25%.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
file BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
file Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Gradients (8 файлов)
file Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
file Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
file Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
file Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
file Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
file Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
file Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
file Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
file Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Old Style.ahu (100 b)
file Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
file Sepia.ahu (100 b)
file Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
file Darker.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
file Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
file Lighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lights (9 файлов)
file Blue Lights.p3l (30,7 Kb)
file CAD Optimized.p3l (32,33 Kb)
file Cube Lights.p3l (32,59 Kb)
file Day Lights.p3l (30,27 Kb)
file Hard Lights.p3l (29,76 Kb)
file Night Lights.p3l (31,92 Kb)
file Primary Colors.p3l (28,88 Kb)
file Red Lights.p3l (30,97 Kb)
file White Lights.p3l (32,13 Kb)
Materials (12 файлов)
file Brick.p3m (376,52 Kb)
file Brushed Steel.p3m (139,1 Kb)
file Bumpy Plastic.p3m (136,37 Kb)
file Concrete.p3m (145,29 Kb)
file Fabric.p3m (402,53 Kb)
file Metal Plate.p3m (373,45 Kb)
file Pink Granite.p3m (306,26 Kb)
file Rusty Metal.p3m (307,69 Kb)
file Slate Tile.p3m (421,86 Kb)
file Slate.p3m (404,64 Kb)
file Stucco.p3m (174,64 Kb)
file Wood.p3m (550,04 Kb)
Meshes (11 файлов)
file Cone.dae (89,43 Kb)
file Cube.dae (40,34 Kb)
file Cylinder.dae (53,35 Kb)
file Donut.dae (269,36 Kb)
file Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
file Pyramid.dae (27,53 Kb)
file Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
file Soda.dae (298,36 Kb)
file Sphere.dae (276,33 Kb)
file SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
file Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
file Black - White.act (772 b)
file Grayscale.act (772 b)
file Mac OS.act (768 b)
file Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
file Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
file Default Settings.iros (41 b)
file XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
file GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
file JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
file PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
file PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (9 файлов)
file Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
file Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
file Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
file Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
file Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
file Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
file Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
file Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
file Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (17 файлов)
file Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
file Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Ray Traced.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
file Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
file Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
file Solid.p3r (34,41 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
file Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Scripts (16 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
file Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
file Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
file Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
file Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
file Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
file Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
file Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
file Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (18 файлов)
file CreateImageStack.jsx (36,23 Kb)
file Geometry.jsx (17,75 Kb)
file LatteUI.jsx (11,4 Kb)
file LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
file M2HDR.exv (2,28 Kb)
file PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
file PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
file PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
file StackSupport.jsx (27,06 Kb)
file Statistics.exv (2,47 Kb)
file Terminology.jsx (10,21 Kb)
file Conditional Mode Change.jsx (33,88 Kb)
file Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,34 Kb)
file Fit Image.jsx (18,2 Kb)
file Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,46 Kb)
file Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,51 Kb)
file Image Processor.jsx (81,89 Kb)
file Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,03 Kb)
file Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,37 Kb)
file Load DICOM.jsx (7,71 Kb)
file Load Files into Stack.jsx (4,03 Kb)
file Merge To HDR.jsx (14,22 Kb)
file Photomerge.jsx (36,75 Kb)
file Script Events Manager.jsx (48,85 Kb)
file Statistics.jsx (6,96 Kb)
Styles (10 файлов)
file Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
file Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
file Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
file Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
file Image Effects.asl (180,24 Kb)
file Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
file Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
file Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
file Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
file Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (4 файла)
file Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
file Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
file Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
file Text.tpl (187,06 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
file Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
file Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
file High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
file High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
file Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
file MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
file Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
file Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
file Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
file White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
file X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
file X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
file AxisWidget.dae (274,43 Kb)
file InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
file PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
file SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
file Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (17 файлов)
OWL (5 файлов)
file appbar.adm (2,77 Kb)
file appbar.eve (2,75 Kb)
file grid.eve (9,53 Kb)
file screenmode.eve (3,33 Kb)
file viewoptions.eve (3,22 Kb)
file ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
file Default Actions.atn (21,44 Kb)
file Default Brushes.abr (655,81 Kb)
file Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
file Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
file Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
file Default Gradients.grd (16,18 Kb)
file Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
file Default Patterns.pat (28,47 Kb)
file Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
file Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
file Default Tool Presets.tpl (62,36 Kb)
exe Droplet Template.exe (416 Kb)
file Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
file GlobalResources (154,42 Kb)
file MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,35 Kb)
file ACE.dll (934 Kb)
file AFlamingo.dll (891 Kb)
file AGM.dll (3,39 Mb)
file ARE.dll (310,5 Kb)
file AXE8SharedExpat.dll (164,5 Kb)
file AXEDOMCore.dll (658 Kb)
file AdobeLM.dll (2,63 Mb)
file AdobeLM_libFNP.dll (2,46 Mb)
file AdobeLinguistic.dll (3,64 Mb)
file AdobeOwl.dll (1,2 Mb)
file AdobeOwlCanvas.dll (2,14 Mb)
file AdobePDFL.dll (5,75 Mb)
file AdobeUpdater.dll (509,87 Kb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (415 Kb)
file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (490,5 Kb)
file AdobeXMPScript.dll (163 Kb)
file AlignmentLib.dll (1,57 Mb)
file BIBUtils.dll (238 Kb)
file Bib.dll (270,5 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (2,62 Mb)
file ExtendScript.dll (684 Kb)
file FNP_Act_Installer.dll (930,26 Kb)
file FileInfo.dll (871 Kb)
file JP2KLib.dll (660 Kb)
pdf LegalNotices.pdf (135,25 Kb)
file MPS.dll (4,21 Mb)
file Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
file PSArt.dll (2,64 Mb)
file PSViews.dll (2,18 Mb)
pdf Photoshop CS4 - Lisez-moi.pdf (105,8 Kb)
pdf Photoshop CS4 Read Me.pdf (64,15 Kb)
file Photoshop.dll (2,67 Mb)
exe Photoshop.exe (48,49 Mb)
file Photoshop.exp (37,19 Kb)
file Photoshop.lib (59,34 Kb)
file PlugPlug.dll (332 Kb)
file Plugin.dll (43 Kb)
file QuickTimeGlue.dll (48 Kb)
file SCCore.dll (536 Kb)
file TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
file VersionCue.dll (1,35 Mb)
file WRServices.dll (676 Kb)
file adobe_caps.dll (210 Kb)
file adobe_epic.dll (454,5 Kb)
file adobe_eula.dll (351 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (168 Kb)
file aif_core.dll (381 Kb)
file aif_ogl.dll (1,78 Mb)
file amtservices.dll (608 Kb)
file asneu.dll (124 Kb)
file authplay.dll (4,55 Mb)
file cg.dll (2,59 Mb)
file cgGL.dll (296 Kb)
file data_flow.dll (148,5 Kb)
file icucnv36.dll (664 Kb)
file icudt36.dll (92 Kb)
file image_flow.dll (631 Kb)
file image_runtime.dll (113 Kb)
file libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
file msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
file msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
file pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
file registration.dll (592 Kb)
file shfolder.dll (22,27 Kb)
PhotoshopCS3 (43 файла)
AMT (1 файл)
file application.xml (232 b)
Plug-Ins (11 файлов)
Automate (6 файлов)
file ContactSheetII.8LI (184 Kb)
file CropPhotosAuto.8LI (16,5 Kb)
file HDRMergeUI.8bf (1,88 Mb)
file ScriptingSupport.8li (2,82 Mb)
file WIASupport.8LI (60 Kb)
file WebContactSheetII.8LI (1,23 Mb)
Digimarc (2 файла)
file DigiRead.8bf (180 Kb)
file DigiSign.8bf (220 Kb)
Displacement Maps (12 файлов)
file 12 sided (25%).psd (3,18 Kb)
file Cees (10%).psd (1,38 Kb)
file Crumbles.psd (16,92 Kb)
file Fragment layers.psd (20,83 Kb)
file Honeycomb (10%).psd (1,68 Kb)
file Mezzo effect.psd (19,66 Kb)
file Pentagons (10%).psd (1,64 Kb)
file Random strokes(25%).psd (13,99 Kb)
file Rectangular tiles (10%).psd (6,34 Kb)
file Schnable Effect.psd (20,07 Kb)
file Streaks pattern.psd (20,8 Kb)
file Twirl pattern.psd (19,19 Kb)
Effects (1 файл)
file Filter Gallery.8bf (3,86 Mb)
Extensions (4 файла)
Bigger Tiles (2 файла)
file About Bigger Tiles.html (980 b)
file ~Bigger Tiles.8BX (11,5 Kb)
file FastCore.8BX (32 Kb)
file MMXCore.8BX (240 Kb)
file MultiProcessor Support.8BX (256 Kb)
File Formats (18 файлов)
file 3DS.8BI (92 Kb)
file BMP.8BI (39,5 Kb)
file Cineon.8bi (28,5 Kb)
file DAE.8BI (1,03 Mb)
file Dicom.8bi (3,61 Mb)
file FilmStrip.8BI (16 Kb)
file Gif.8bi (26,5 Kb)
file KMZ.8BI (1,05 Mb)
file OBJ.8BI (88 Kb)
file OpenEXR.8BI (528 Kb)
file PBM.8BI (19 Kb)
file PCX.8BI (22 Kb)
file Pixar.8BI (15,5 Kb)
file Png.8bi (96 Kb)
file Radiance.8BI (20 Kb)
file Targa.8BI (27 Kb)
file U3D.8BI (256 Kb)
file WBMP.8BI (13,5 Kb)
Filters (36 файлов)
file Average.8BF (14,5 Kb)
file ChannelPort.8BF (20 Kb)
file Clouds.8BF (23,5 Kb)
file Color Halftone.8BF (35 Kb)
file CropPhotos.8BF (116 Kb)
file Crystallize.8BF (84 Kb)
file De-Interlace.8BF (20 Kb)
file Displace.8BF (52 Kb)
file ExtractPlus.8BF (308 Kb)
file Extrude.8BF (37,5 Kb)
file Fibers.8BF (76 Kb)
file Lens Correction.8bf (2,09 Mb)
file Lens Flare.8BF (92 Kb)
file Lens blur.8bf (1,99 Mb)
file LightingEffects.8BF (332 Kb)
file Liquify.8BF (2,27 Mb)
file Mezzotint.8BF (27,5 Kb)
file NTSC Colors.8BF (17 Kb)
file PatternMaker.8BF (160 Kb)
file PhotomergeUI.8BF (472 Kb)
file Pinch.8BF (68 Kb)
file Pointillize.8BF (84 Kb)
file Polar Coordinates.8BF (51,5 Kb)
file Radial Blur.8BF (100 Kb)
file Ripple.8BF (184 Kb)
file Shear.8BF (31 Kb)
file Smart Blur.8BF (76 Kb)
file Solarize.8BF (13 Kb)
file Spherize.8BF (76 Kb)
file Tiles.8BF (29 Kb)
file Twirl.8BF (72 Kb)
file VanishingPoint.8bf (2,86 Mb)
file Variations.8BF (64,5 Kb)
file Wave.8BF (45 Kb)
file Wind.8BF (92 Kb)
file ZigZag.8BF (76 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
file statistics.8BA (59,5 Kb)
Import-Export (5 файлов)
file FireWire Export.8BE (56 Kb)
file FireWire.dll (56 Kb)
file Paths to Illustrator.8BE (26,5 Kb)
file Save for Web.8be (5,89 Mb)
file Twain_32.8BA (24 Kb)
Measurements (1 файл)
file MeasurementCore.8ME (92 Kb)
Parser (1 файл)
file EPS Parser.8BY (17,5 Kb)
Presets (24 файла)
Actions (7 файлов)
file Commands.atn (3,09 Kb)
file Frames.atn (41,32 Kb)
file Image Effects.atn (23,22 Kb)
file Production.atn (7,87 Kb)
file Text Effects.atn (40,11 Kb)
file Textures.atn (52,76 Kb)
file Video Actions.atn (39,04 Kb)
Black and White (10 файлов)
file Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file Green Filter.blw (318 b)
file High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
file Infrared.blw (294 b)
file Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
file Maximum White.blw (294 b)
file Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
file Red Filter.blw (314 b)
file Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (12 файлов)
file Assorted Brushes.abr (19,93 Kb)
file Basic Brushes.abr (24,63 Kb)
file Calligraphic Brushes.abr (736 b)
file Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (13,27 Kb)
file Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,04 Mb)
file Faux Finish Brushes.abr (116,73 Kb)
file Natural Brushes 2.abr (75,52 Kb)
file Natural Brushes.abr (20,11 Kb)
file Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,52 Mb)
file Square Brushes.abr (2,27 Kb)
file Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (226,42 Kb)
file Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,01 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
file Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
file ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
file HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
file HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,67 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,19 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,73 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,09 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,11 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.acb (69,52 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,54 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,7 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,69 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,73 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,71 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,72 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
file TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
file ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
txt DIC Swatch ReadMe.txt (812 b)
file FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
file HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
file Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file Photo Filter Colors.aco (952 b)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
file TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
txt VisiBone ReadMe.txt (417 b)
file VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
file VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
file Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
file Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
file Contours.shc (2,32 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
file Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
file Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
file Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (14 файлов)
file All.csh (355,55 Kb)
file Animals.csh (9,03 Kb)
file Arrows.csh (14,71 Kb)
file Banners and Awards.csh (9,68 Kb)
file Frames.csh (15,14 Kb)
file Music.csh (7,16 Kb)
file Nature.csh (56,8 Kb)
file Objects.csh (74,74 Kb)
file Ornaments.csh (51,61 Kb)
file Shapes.csh (24,57 Kb)
file Symbols.csh (53,42 Kb)
file Talk Bubbles.csh (8,06 Kb)
file Tiles.csh (14,22 Kb)
file Web.csh (25,12 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
file 423-1.ADO (524 b)
file 423-2.ADO (524 b)
file 423-3.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 424 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 424 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 424 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (53 файла)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 144 orange (25%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
file 144 orange bl 80% shad.ado (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 4.ado (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 327 aqua (50%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 478 brown (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 506 burgundy (75%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 1.ado (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 2.ado (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 3.ado (524 b)
file 527 purple (100%) bl 4.ado (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file green 349 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file green 349 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file green 349 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file green 349 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 4.ado (524 b)
file red 485 bl 1.ado (524 b)
file red 485 bl 2.ado (524 b)
file red 485 bl 3.ado (524 b)
file red 485 bl 4.ado (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
file cyan bl 1.ado (524 b)
file cyan bl 2.ado (524 b)
file cyan bl 3.ado (524 b)
file cyan bl 4.ado (524 b)
file magenta bl 1.ado (524 b)
file magenta bl 2.ado (524 b)
file magenta bl 3.ado (524 b)
file magenta bl 4.ado (524 b)
file yellow bl 1.ado (524 b)
file yellow bl 2.ado (524 b)
file yellow bl 3.ado (524 b)
file yellow bl 4.ado (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ado (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ado (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ado (524 b)
file Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ado (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl 430 493 557.ado (524 b)
file Bl 431 492 556.ado (524 b)
file Bl 541 513 5773.ado (524 b)
file Bl 75% 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
file CMYK blue.ado (524 b)
file CMYK brown.ado (524 b)
file CMYK cool.ado (524 b)
file CMYK ext wm.ado (524 b)
file CMYK neutral.ado (524 b)
file CMYK wm.ado (524 b)
TRITONE (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
file Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ado (524 b)
file Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ado (524 b)
file Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ado (524 b)
file Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ado (524 b)
file CG9CG2-1.ADO (524 b)
file CG9CG2-2.ADO (524 b)
file CG9CG2-3.ADO (524 b)
file CG9CG2-4.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (7 файлов)
file Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ado (524 b)
file Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ado (524 b)
file Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ado (524 b)
file Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ado (524 b)
file Bl 340 green 423 gray.ado (524 b)
file Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ado (524 b)
file Bl 50% 25%.ado (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
file BCY green 1.ado (524 b)
file BCY green 2.ado (524 b)
file BCY green 3.ado (524 b)
file BCY green 4.ado (524 b)
file BMC blue 1.ado (524 b)
file BMC blue 2.ado (524 b)
file BMC blue 3.ado (524 b)
file BMC blue 4.ado (524 b)
file BMY brown 1.ado (524 b)
file BMY brown 2.ado (524 b)
file BMY brown 3.ado (524 b)
file BMY brown 4.ado (524 b)
file BMY red 1.ado (524 b)
file BMY red 2.ado (524 b)
file BMY red 3.ado (524 b)
file BMY red 4.ado (524 b)
file BMY sepia 1.ado (524 b)
file BMY sepia 2.ado (524 b)
file BMY sepia 3.ado (524 b)
file BMY sepia 4.ado (524 b)
Gradients (8 файлов)
file Color Harmonies 1.grd (16,35 Kb)
file Color Harmonies 2.grd (21,43 Kb)
file Metals.grd (657 b)
file Noise Samples.grd (3,59 Kb)
file Pastels.grd (10,48 Kb)
file Simple.grd (10,11 Kb)
file Special Effects.grd (1,26 Kb)
file Spectrums.grd (5,96 Kb)
Keyboard Shortcuts (1 файл)
file Working with Type.kys (2,89 Kb)
Layouts (21 файл)
txt 1stFiveBySevens.txt (40 b)
txt EightByTen.txt (38 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndSmaller.txt (155 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndThreeByFive.txt (81 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndThreeByThreeH.txt (366 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndThreeH.txt (58 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndTwoByTwoH.txt (176 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndTwoH.txt (140 b)
txt FiveBySevenAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (112 b)
txt FourByFives.txt (81 b)
txt FourByFivesAndSmaller.txt (167 b)
txt FourByFivesAndTwoByTwoH.txt (188 b)
txt FourByFivesAndTwoHByThreeH.txt (124 b)
txt ReadMe.txt (2,09 Kb)
txt TenByThirteen.txt (30 b)
txt ThreeHByFive.txt (66 b)
txt TwoByTwo.txt (197 b)
txt TwoByTwoH.txt (278 b)
txt TwoHByThreeH.txt (151 b)
txt TwoHByThreeHAndTwoByTwoH.txt (228 b)
txt TwoHByThreeQ.txt (168 b)
Menu Customization (10 файлов)
file Automation.mnu (2,96 Kb)
file Basic.mnu (2,59 Kb)
file Color and Tonal Correction.mnu (4,27 Kb)
file Image Analysis.mnu (10,43 Kb)
file Painting and Retouching.mnu (11,84 Kb)
file Printing and Proofing.mnu (3,17 Kb)
file Video and Film.mnu (3,11 Kb)
file Web Design.mnu (1,73 Kb)
file What's New - CS3.mnu (4,41 Kb)
file Working with Type.mnu (2,18 Kb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
file Black & White.act (772 b)
file Grayscale.act (772 b)
file Mac OS.act (768 b)
file Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
file Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
file Default Settings.iros (41 b)
file XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
file GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
file JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
file PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
file PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (10 файлов)
PostScript Patterns (41 файл)
file 60's flowers.ai (5,98 Kb)
file Arrowheads.ai (8,5 Kb)
file Blossoms.ai (11,61 Kb)
file Borneo.ai (5,83 Kb)
file Deco.ai (3,34 Kb)
file Diamonds-cubes.ai (4,2 Kb)
file Drunkard's path.ai (7,66 Kb)
file Flowers 1.ai (18,83 Kb)
file Flowers 2.ai (46,98 Kb)
file Fractures.ai (13,9 Kb)
file Herringbone 1.ai (2,57 Kb)
file Herringbone 2.ai (12,47 Kb)
file India.ai (2,29 Kb)
file Intricate surface.ai (28,68 Kb)
file Laguna.ai (4,92 Kb)
file Mali primitive.ai (14,35 Kb)
file Mayan bricks.ai (8,43 Kb)
file Mexican tile.ai (8,36 Kb)
file Mezzotint-shape.ai (46,12 Kb)
file Optical Squares.ai (3,9 Kb)
file Optical checkerboard.ai (11,05 Kb)
file Oriental fans.ai (75,92 Kb)
file Oriental flowers.ai (74,52 Kb)
file Pinwheel.ai (5,12 Kb)
file Plaid.ai (4,87 Kb)
file Quilt.ai (160,34 Kb)
file Random V's.ai (7 Kb)
file Rough diamonds.ai (17,05 Kb)
file Scales.ai (15,17 Kb)
file Scallops.ai (4,04 Kb)
file Snake diamonds.ai (9,39 Kb)
file Spiked.ai (3,93 Kb)
file Submerged stones.ai (11,93 Kb)
file Triangles grid.ai (14,61 Kb)
file Undulating lines gradation.ai (2,3 Kb)
file Waffle Illusion.ai (4,27 Kb)
file Waffle.ai (45,34 Kb)
file Water droplets.ai (18,56 Kb)
file Waves.ai (4,54 Kb)
file Weave-Y.ai (8,65 Kb)
file Wrinkle.ai (21,2 Kb)
file Artist Surfaces.pat (443,02 Kb)
file Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
file Grayscale Paper.pat (271,07 Kb)
file Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
file Patterns 2.pat (242,34 Kb)
file Patterns.pat (298,35 Kb)
file Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
file Texture Fill 2.pat (646,58 Kb)
file Texture Fill.pat (820,13 Kb)
Scripts (15 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (6 файлов)
file Display Camera Maker.jsx (1,96 Kb)
file Resize.jsx (1,47 Kb)
file Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,54 Kb)
file Update File Info.jsx (1,91 Kb)
file Warn if RGB.jsx (3,33 Kb)
file Welcome.jsx (655 b)
Stack Scripts Only (16 файлов)
file CreateImageStack.jsx (29,31 Kb)
file Geometry.jsx (17,75 Kb)
file LatteUI.jsx (10,48 Kb)
file LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
file M2HDR.exv (2,28 Kb)
file PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
file PMDialog.exv (3,95 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
file PolyClip.jsx (5,61 Kb)
file StackSupport.jsx (21,55 Kb)
file Statistics.exv (2,47 Kb)
file Terminology.jsx (7,96 Kb)
file Conditional Mode Change.jsx (33,66 Kb)
file Export Layers To Files.jsx (42,09 Kb)
file Fit Image.jsx (16,69 Kb)
file Image Processor.jsx (70,4 Kb)
file Layer Comps To Files.jsx (37,89 Kb)
file Layer Comps to PDF.jsx (20,06 Kb)
file Layer Comps to WPG.jsx (20,36 Kb)
file Load DICOM.jsx (4,54 Kb)
file Load Files into Stack.jsx (4,04 Kb)
file Merge to HDR.jsx (9,81 Kb)
file Photomerge.jsx (34,97 Kb)
file Script Events Manager.jsx (46,84 Kb)
file Statistics.jsx (6,96 Kb)
Styles (10 файлов)
file Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
file Buttons.asl (177,58 Kb)
file Dotted Strokes.asl (39,35 Kb)
file Glass Buttons.asl (48,62 Kb)
file Image Effects.asl (178,29 Kb)
file Photographic Effects.asl (253,5 Kb)
file Text Effects 2.asl (884,51 Kb)
file Text Effects.asl (219,93 Kb)
file Textures.asl (853,27 Kb)
file Web Styles.asl (320,34 Kb)
Textures (28 файлов)
jpg Blue Pastels.jpg (107,54 Kb)
jpg Burnt Red Pastel Paper.jpg (89,25 Kb)
jpg Charcoal on Paper.jpg (126,21 Kb)
jpg Dirt.jpg (151,88 Kb)
file Feathers.psd (263,78 Kb)
file Footprints.psd (265,62 Kb)
file Frosted Glass.psd (263,54 Kb)
jpg Granite.jpg (139,57 Kb)
jpg Grass.jpg (128,49 Kb)
jpg Lambswool.jpg (109,85 Kb)
jpg Leafy Bush.jpg (117,2 Kb)
jpg Linen.jpg (123,28 Kb)
file Lines.psd (212,98 Kb)
file Mountains 1.psd (257,96 Kb)
jpg Purple Daisies.jpg (163,91 Kb)
jpg Purple Pastels.jpg (101,15 Kb)
file Puzzle.psd (156,78 Kb)
file Rust Flakes.psd (249,6 Kb)
jpg Sepia Marble Paper.jpg (68,56 Kb)
file Snake Skin.psd (229,9 Kb)
jpg Spiky Bush.jpg (160,6 Kb)
file Strands 1.psd (266,04 Kb)
file Stucco 2.psd (253,13 Kb)
jpg Stucco Color.jpg (128,58 Kb)
jpg Wild Red Flowers.jpg (139,66 Kb)
jpg Wrinkle Wood Paper.jpg (129 Kb)
jpg Yellow Green Chalk.jpg (112,53 Kb)
jpg Yellow Tan Dry Brush.jpg (92,72 Kb)
Tools (4 файла)
file Art History.tpl (703,51 Kb)
file Brushes.tpl (342,82 Kb)
file Crop and Marquee.tpl (3,3 Kb)
file Text.tpl (114,51 Kb)
Web Photo Gallery (20 файлов)
Centered Frame 1 - Basic (5 файлов)
images (11 файлов)
gif bgtile01.gif (173 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,34 Kb)
gif lineBoxE.gif (53 b)
gif lineBoxN.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxNE.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxNW.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxS.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxSE.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxSW.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxW.gif (53 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (5,12 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (516 b)
file SubPage.htm (836 b)
file Thumbnail.htm (562 b)
Centered Frame 1 - Feedback (5 файлов)
images (31 файл)
file CSScriptLib.js (5,12 Kb)
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gif feedDownFeedButton_over.gif (506 b)
gif feedDownInfoButton.gif (477 b)
gif feedDownInfoButton_over.gif (477 b)
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gif feedUpFeedButton_over.gif (492 b)
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gif feedUpImageButton_over.gif (462 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,57 Kb)
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gif saved.gif (150 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (5,25 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (4,82 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (12,25 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (655 b)
Centered Frame 1 - Info Only (5 файлов)
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file galleryStyle.css (1,26 Kb)
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gif infoEdgeSE.gif (57 b)
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gif infoUpClose.gif (220 b)
gif infoUpClose_over.gif (220 b)
gif lineBoxE.gif (53 b)
gif lineBoxN.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxNE.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxNW.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxS.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxSE.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxSW.gif (54 b)
gif lineBoxW.gif (53 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (5,13 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (810 b)
file SubPage.htm (5,24 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (544 b)
Centered Frame 2 - Feedback (5 файлов)
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file galleryStyle.css (1,7 Kb)
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gif popOpenClose.gif (404 b)
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gif popOpenFeed.gif (410 b)
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gif popOpenImage-over.gif (440 b)
gif popOpenImage.gif (434 b)
gif popOpenImageOn.gif (488 b)
gif popOpenL.gif (63 b)
gif popOpenR.gif (62 b)
gif popOpenT.gif (554 b)
gif saved.gif (356 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
gif titL.gif (112 b)
gif titR.gif (111 b)
gif titT.gif (84 b)
gif titTL.gif (160 b)
gif titTR.gif (122 b)
file FrameSet.htm (5,32 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (4,7 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (11,93 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (544 b)
Dotted Border - Black On White (4 файла)
images (8 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (29,5 Kb)
gif arrow_next.gif (57 b)
gif arrow_prev.gif (56 b)
gif dotted_horiz.gif (35 b)
gif dotted_vert.gif (35 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,75 Kb)
gif home.gif (79 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file IndexPage.htm (2,37 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (2,76 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (860 b)
Dotted Border - White on Black (4 файла)
images (8 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (29,5 Kb)
gif arrow_next.gif (65 b)
gif arrow_prev.gif (64 b)
gif dotted_horiz.gif (35 b)
gif dotted_vert.gif (35 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,75 Kb)
gif home.gif (87 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file IndexPage.htm (2,37 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (2,8 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (860 b)
Flash - Gallery 1 (4 файла)
file IndexPage.htm (2,04 Kb)
file flashobject.js (5,76 Kb)
file gallery.swf (58,45 Kb)
file galleryconfig.xml (1,82 Kb)
Flash - Gallery 2 (4 файла)
file IndexPage.htm (2,04 Kb)
file flashobject.js (5,76 Kb)
file gallery.swf (62,51 Kb)
file galleryconfig.xml (3,23 Kb)
Gray Thumbnails (5 файлов)
images (8 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (11 Kb)
gif ds_bot.gif (164 b)
gif ds_bot_corner.gif (181 b)
gif ds_bot_lt.gif (257 b)
gif ds_rt.gif (125 b)
gif ds_top_rt.gif (240 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,63 Kb)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (1,26 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (414 b)
file SubPage.htm (1,73 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (426 b)
Horizontal - Feedback (5 файлов)
images (24 файла)
gif 3dEdgeE.gif (51 b)
gif 3dEdgeN.gif (44 b)
gif 3dEdgeNE.gif (47 b)
gif 3dEdgeNW.gif (45 b)
gif 3dEdgeS.gif (48 b)
gif 3dEdgeSE.gif (48 b)
gif 3dEdgeSW.gif (48 b)
gif 3dEdgeW.gif (45 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,31 Kb)
gif innerBL.gif (47 b)
gif innerTL.gif (46 b)
gif nextArrow.gif (134 b)
gif nextArrowover.gif (157 b)
gif pattern01.gif (98 b)
gif previousArrow.gif (134 b)
gif previousArrowover.gif (159 b)
gif roundBL.gif (68 b)
gif roundBR.gif (68 b)
gif roundTL.gif (68 b)
gif roundTR.gif (68 b)
gif saved.gif (139 b)
gif shadowBottom.gif (45 b)
gif shadowTop.gif (44 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (670 b)
file IndexPage.htm (4,27 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (6,04 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (166 b)
Horizontal Gray (5 файлов)
images (15 файлов)
file galleryStyle.css (794 b)
gif innerBL.gif (47 b)
gif innerTL.gif (46 b)
gif nextArrow.gif (502 b)
gif nextArrowover.gif (502 b)
gif pattern01.gif (98 b)
gif previousArrow.gif (481 b)
gif previousArrowover.gif (481 b)
gif roundBL.gif (68 b)
gif roundBR.gif (68 b)
gif roundTL.gif (68 b)
gif roundTR.gif (68 b)
gif shadowBottom.gif (45 b)
gif shadowTop.gif (44 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (670 b)
file IndexPage.htm (551 b)
file SubPage.htm (4,74 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (168 b)
Horizontal Neutral (5 файлов)
images (7 файлов)
gif camicon02.gif (919 b)
file galleryStyle.css (285 b)
gif nextArrow.gif (112 b)
gif previousArrow.gif (121 b)
gif shadowBottom.gif (45 b)
gif shadowTop.gif (44 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (3,04 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (541 b)
file SubPage.htm (2,43 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (203 b)
Horizontal Slideshow (5 файлов)
images (32 файла)
gif doubleroundE.gif (54 b)
gif doubleroundN.gif (51 b)
gif doubleroundNE.gif (56 b)
gif doubleroundNW.gif (55 b)
gif doubleroundS.gif (51 b)
gif doubleroundSE.gif (56 b)
gif doubleroundSW.gif (56 b)
gif doubleroundW.gif (54 b)
file galleryStyle.css (877 b)
gif innerBL.gif (47 b)
gif innerTL.gif (46 b)
gif next.gif (123 b)
gif next_disabled.gif (109 b)
gif pause.gif (89 b)
gif pause_over.gif (86 b)
gif play.gif (84 b)
gif play_over.gif (86 b)
gif previous.gif (126 b)
gif previous_disabled.gif (108 b)
gif roundBL.gif (68 b)
gif roundBR.gif (68 b)
gif roundTL.gif (68 b)
gif roundTR.gif (68 b)
gif roundotE.gif (46 b)
gif roundotN.gif (46 b)
gif roundotNE.gif (48 b)
gif roundotNW.gif (49 b)
gif roundotS.gif (46 b)
gif roundotSE.gif (49 b)
gif roundotSW.gif (49 b)
gif roundotW.gif (46 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (4,55 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (8,25 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (4,18 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (648 b)
Simple (4 файла)
file Caption.htm (455 b)
file IndexPage.htm (1,14 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (1,92 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (166 b)
Simple - Horizontal Thumbnails (5 файлов)
images (8 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (20 Kb)
gif ds_bot.gif (106 b)
gif ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
gif ds_bot_lt.gif (229 b)
gif ds_rt.gif (107 b)
gif ds_top_rt.gif (209 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,63 Kb)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (3,45 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (569 b)
file SubPage.htm (1,56 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (610 b)
Simple - Thumbnail Table (4 файла)
images (16 файлов)
gif arrow_next.gif (384 b)
gif arrow_prev.gif (385 b)
gif arrow_up.gif (390 b)
file ds.psd (60,32 Kb)
gif ds_bot.gif (106 b)
gif ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
gif ds_bot_lt.gif (229 b)
gif ds_rt.gif (107 b)
gif ds_top_rt.gif (209 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,65 Kb)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
gif wh_bot.gif (115 b)
gif wh_bot_corner.gif (179 b)
gif wh_bot_lt.gif (328 b)
gif wh_rt.gif (111 b)
gif wh_top_rt.gif (331 b)
file IndexPage.htm (1,21 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (1,97 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (626 b)
Simple - Vertical Thumbnails (5 файлов)
images (8 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (20 Kb)
gif ds_bot.gif (106 b)
gif ds_bot_corner.gif (120 b)
gif ds_bot_lt.gif (229 b)
gif ds_rt.gif (107 b)
gif ds_top_rt.gif (209 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,64 Kb)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file FrameSet.htm (3,4 Kb)
file IndexPage.htm (513 b)
file SubPage.htm (1,43 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (626 b)
Table - Minimal (4 файла)
images (12 файлов)
file Thumbs.db (33,5 Kb)
gif arrow_next.gif (65 b)
gif arrow_prev.gif (64 b)
gif dotted_horiz.gif (35 b)
gif dotted_vert.gif (35 b)
gif ds_bot.gif (228 b)
file galleryStyle.css (1,75 Kb)
gif home.gif (87 b)
gif left.gif (82 b)
gif right.gif (81 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
gif up.gif (78 b)
file IndexPage.htm (3,3 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (4,16 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (358 b)
Table 1 (4 файла)
images (22 файла)
jpg background.jpg (6,57 Kb)
file galleryStyle.css (761 b)
gif home.gif (691 b)
gif innerBL.gif (49 b)
gif innerBR.gif (48 b)
gif innerTL.gif (49 b)
gif innerTR.gif (49 b)
gif next.gif (683 b)
gif outerBL.gif (49 b)
gif outerBR.gif (48 b)
gif outerTL.gif (49 b)
gif outerTR.gif (49 b)
gif previous.gif (685 b)
gif slideEdgeE.gif (48 b)
gif slideEdgeN.gif (53 b)
gif slideEdgeNE.gif (99 b)
gif slideEdgeNW.gif (100 b)
gif slideEdgeS.gif (46 b)
gif slideEdgeSE.gif (99 b)
gif slideEdgeSW.gif (98 b)
gif slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file IndexPage.htm (5 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (8,12 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (1,47 Kb)
Table 2 (4 файла)
images (32 файла)
jpg background.jpg (6,57 Kb)
file galleryStyle.css (758 b)
gif home.gif (691 b)
gif innerB.gif (54 b)
gif innerBL.gif (99 b)
gif innerBR.gif (99 b)
gif innerL.gif (55 b)
gif innerR.gif (54 b)
gif innerT.gif (54 b)
gif innerTL.gif (99 b)
gif innerTR.gif (99 b)
gif next.gif (683 b)
gif outerB.gif (53 b)
gif outerBL.gif (69 b)
gif outerBR.gif (69 b)
gif outerCorner.gif (46 b)
gif outerL.gif (54 b)
gif outerR.gif (54 b)
gif outerT.gif (53 b)
gif outerTL.gif (69 b)
gif outerTR.gif (70 b)
gif previous.gif (685 b)
gif slideEdgeE.gif (54 b)
gif slideEdgeL.gif (55 b)
gif slideEdgeN.gif (54 b)
gif slideEdgeNE.gif (64 b)
gif slideEdgeNW.gif (65 b)
gif slideEdgeS.gif (54 b)
gif slideEdgeSE.gif (65 b)
gif slideEdgeSW.gif (64 b)
gif slideEdgeW.gif (54 b)
gif spacer.gif (43 b)
file IndexPage.htm (5,34 Kb)
file SubPage.htm (9,12 Kb)
file Thumbnail.htm (1,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
file Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (27 файлов)
plug_ins3d (6 файлов)
file 2d.x3d (525 Kb)
file 3difr.x3d (168 Kb)
file 3dsps.x3d (68,5 Kb)
file drvDX9.x3d (728 Kb)
file drvSOFT.x3d (166 Kb)
file tesselate.x3d (15 Kb)
file ADMPlugin.apl (1,27 Mb)
file ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
file ASDataStream.apl (144 Kb)
file Default Actions.atn (19,63 Kb)
file Default Brushes.abr (640,71 Kb)
file Default Contours.shc (882 b)
file Default Custom Shapes.csh (33,66 Kb)
file Default Filter Colors.aco (952 b)
file Default Gradients.grd (15,15 Kb)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (2,86 Kb)
file Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (20,5 Kb)
file Default Patterns.pat (150,92 Kb)
file Default Styles.asl (125,42 Kb)
file Default Swatches.aco (6,18 Kb)
file Default Tool Presets.tpl (55,23 Kb)
exe Droplet Template.exe (321,5 Kb)
file Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
file GlobalResources (153,81 Kb)
file MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (26,18 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
file PNGIcons.apl (68 Kb)
txt SaveForWebStrings.txt (178,68 Kb)
exe Uninstall.exe (79,58 Kb)
file rt3d.dll (1,75 Mb)
file tw10428.dat (2,61 Mb)
file ACE.dll (826,5 Kb)
file AGM.dll (3,05 Mb)
file ARE.dll (305,5 Kb)
file AXE8SharedExpat.dll (164 Kb)
file AXEDOMCore.dll (652,5 Kb)
file AdobeLinguistic.dll (2,93 Mb)
file AdobeOwl.dll (861,5 Kb)
file AdobePDFL.dll (4,44 Mb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (384 Kb)
file BIBUtils.dll (237,5 Kb)
file Bib.dll (270 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (2,46 Mb)
file ExtendScript.dll (544 Kb)
file FileInfo.dll (632 Kb)
file JP2KLib.dll (644 Kb)
file MPS.dll (3,62 Mb)
file Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (522 b)
file Msvcrt.dll (260 Kb)
file PSArt.dll (2,76 Mb)
file PSViews.dll (1,8 Mb)
file Photoshop.dll (2,23 Mb)
exe Photoshop.exe (42,74 Mb)
file Plugin.dll (41 Kb)
file QuickTimeGlue.dll (48 Kb)
file ScCore.dll (528 Kb)
file Shfolder.dll (22 Kb)
file TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
file VersionCue.dll (4,36 Mb)
file VersionCueUI.dll (3,34 Mb)
file adobe_caps.dll (209,5 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (148 Kb)
file authplay.dll (2,65 Mb)
file libmmd.dll (2,67 Mb)
file msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
file msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
file msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
file pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
PhotoshopCS5 (90 файлов)
AMT (7 файлов)
Core key files (5 файлов)
file ConflictingProcesses (33 b)
file CreatePSPrefsDir (33 b)
file CreatePanelsDir (33 b)
file MergeModules (33 b)
file Registry (33 b)
LMResources (1 файл)
png ps_ribs_bgd.png (29,54 Kb)
file SLConfig.xml (35,16 Kb)
file application.sif (97,43 Kb)
file application.xml (1,02 Kb)
file aul.xml (32,58 Kb)
file reg_custom_background.bmp (1,42 Mb)
Configuration (2 файла)
png PS_exman_24px.png (1,03 Kb)
file XManConfig.xml (5,97 Kb)
Locales (2 файла)
en_US (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
file New in CS 5.mnu (1,51 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
file New in CS 5 (24,05 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
file 3D (25,85 Kb)
file Design (25,86 Kb)
file Motion (25,78 Kb)
file Painting (25,93 Kb)
file Photography (25,78 Kb)
Support Files (4 файла)
Feature Help (1 файл)
file featureSearch.xml (923,08 Kb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,25 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (20,53 Kb)
file pack.inf (90 b)
ru_RU (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
file New in CS 5.mnu (1,49 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
file New in CS 5 (21,15 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
file 3D (25,85 Kb)
file Design (25,86 Kb)
file Motion (25,78 Kb)
file Painting (25,93 Kb)
file Photography (25,78 Kb)
Support Files (5 файлов)
Feature Help (1 файл)
file featureSearch.xml (1012,83 Kb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (3,16 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (18,98 Kb)
file pack.inf (90 b)
file tw10428.dat (3,34 Mb)
Plug-ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
file Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (1,33 Mb)
ADM (1 файл)
file ADMPlugin.apl (1,2 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
file CropPhotosAuto.8LI (21,16 Kb)
file HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,14 Mb)
file WIASupport.8LI (56,66 Kb)
Digimarc (1 файл)
Win (4 файла)
Digiread (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,51 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,28 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,37 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,49 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,59 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,75 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,47 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,67 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,62 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,89 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,33 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,87 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,11 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,08 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,54 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,25 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,78 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,71 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,69 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,43 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,38 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,74 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,95 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,07 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,57 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,43 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,94 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,1 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,13 Kb)
file DigiRead.8bf (1,13 Mb)
file DigiSign.8bf (2,02 Mb)
Effects (1 файл)
file Filter Gallery.8BF (3,63 Mb)
Extensions (7 файлов)
file FastCore.8BX (31,5 Kb)
file MMXCore.8BX (197 Kb)
file MultiProcessor Support.8BX (311 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (102,62 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (556 b)
file ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (501,06 Kb)
file ScriptingSupport.8li (2,31 Mb)
File Formats (10 файлов)
file Camera Raw.8bi (11,67 Mb)
file Cineon.8BI (31,16 Kb)
file Dicom.8BI (3,52 Mb)
file JPEG2000.8BI (2,01 Mb)
file PBM.8BI (22,16 Kb)
file PCX.8BI (27,16 Kb)
file Pixar.8BI (18,66 Kb)
file Radiance.8BI (21,16 Kb)
file U3D.8BI (1,7 Mb)
file WBMP.8BI (15,16 Kb)
Filters (13 файлов)
Lighting Styles (17 файлов)
file 2 O'clock Spotlight (64 b)
file Blue Omni (64 b)
file Circle of Light (148 b)
file Crossing Down (92 b)
file Crossing (92 b)
file Default (64 b)
file Five Lights Down (176 b)
file Five Lights Up (176 b)
file Flashlight (64 b)
file Flood Light (64 b)
file Parallel Directional (92 b)
file RGB Lights (120 b)
file Soft Direct Lights (92 b)
file Soft Omni (64 b)
file Soft Spotlight (64 b)
file Three Down (120 b)
file Triple Spotlight (120 b)
file Average.8BF (14,66 Kb)
file ChannelPort.8BF (24,66 Kb)
file Clouds.8BF (24,16 Kb)
file Lens Blur.8BF (2,02 Mb)
file Lens Correction.8BF (2,48 Mb)
file LightingEffects.8BF (377,66 Kb)
file Liquify.8BF (2,3 Mb)
file NTSC Colors.8BF (18,66 Kb)
file Solarize.8BF (13,16 Kb)
file Standard MultiPlugin.8BF (3,52 Mb)
file VanishingPoint.8BF (2,91 Mb)
file Variations.8BF (71,16 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
file statistics.8BA (61,16 Kb)
Import-Export (4 файла)
file EazelAcquire.8BA (106,66 Kb)
file FireWire Export.8BE (46,66 Kb)
file FireWire.dll (40,5 Kb)
file Save for Web.8BE (5,38 Mb)
Measurements (1 файл)
file MeasurementCore.8ME (72,16 Kb)
Presets (30 файлов)
Actions (9 файлов)
file Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
file Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
file Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
file LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
file Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
file Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
file Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
file Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
file Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
file Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file Darker.blw (294 b)
file Green Filter.blw (318 b)
file High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
file Infrared.blw (294 b)
file Lighter.blw (294 b)
file Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
file Maximum White.blw (294 b)
file Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
file Red Filter.blw (314 b)
file Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (15 файлов)
file Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
file Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
file Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
file DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
file Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
file Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
file Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
file M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
file Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
file Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
file Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
file Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
file Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
file Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
file Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
file Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (27 файлов)
file ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
file HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
file HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb (25,84 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.acb (26,28 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.acb (25,91 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.acb (7,29 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.acb (4,12 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.acb (4,14 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.acb (69,53 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.acb (69,56 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.acb (26,82 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb (25,91 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.acb (25,8 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
file TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (38 файлов)
file ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
pdf DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
file HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
file Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK PC.aco (49,45 Kb)
file PANTONE color bridge CMYK UP.aco (48,22 Kb)
file PANTONE metallic coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel coated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE pastel uncoated.aco (6,71 Kb)
file PANTONE process coated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE process uncoated.aco (151,02 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid matte.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process EURO.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid to process.aco (48,24 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
file Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
file TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
pdf Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
file VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
file VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
file Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
file Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
file Contours.shc (5,03 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
file Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
file Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
file Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (18 файлов)
file All.csh (377,61 Kb)
file Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
file Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
file Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
file Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
file Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
file Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
file Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
file LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
file Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
file Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
file Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
file Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
file Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
file Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
file Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
file Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
file Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
file 424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (32 файла)
file 159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
file cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (3 файла)
file Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
file CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
file Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (6 файлов)
file Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
file BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
file Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Gradients (9 файлов)
file Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
file Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
file Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
file Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
file Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
file Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
file Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
file Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
file Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
HDR Toning (13 файлов)
file Flat.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic artistic.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
file Monochromatic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
file More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
file Photorealistic high contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Photorealistic low contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
file Saturated.hdt (112 b)
file Surrealistic high contrast.hdt (122 b)
file Surrealistic low contrast.hdt (117 b)
file Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
file Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Old Style.ahu (100 b)
file Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
file Sepia.ahu (100 b)
file Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
file Darker.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
file Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
file Lighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lights (15 файлов)
file Blue Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
file Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
file Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
file Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
file Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
file Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
file Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
file Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
file Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Materials (3 файла)
file Default (for Ray Tracer).p3m (13,82 Mb)
file Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
file MaterialPreview.dae (233,64 Kb)
Meshes (12 файлов)
file Cone.dae (89,38 Kb)
file Cube.dae (40,22 Kb)
file CubeWrap.dae (6,38 Kb)
file Cylinder.dae (53,29 Kb)
file Donut.dae (269,34 Kb)
file Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
file Pyramid.dae (27,43 Kb)
file Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
file Soda.dae (298,32 Kb)
file Sphere.dae (276,31 Kb)
file SphericalPanorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
file Wine.dae (1,48 Mb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
file Black - White.act (772 b)
file Grayscale.act (772 b)
file Mac OS.act (768 b)
file Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
file Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
file Default Settings.iros (41 b)
file XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
file GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
file JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
file PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
file PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (9 файлов)
file Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
file Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
file Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
file Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
file Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
file Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
file Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
file Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
file Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (16 файлов)
file Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
file Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
file Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
file Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
file Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
file Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Repousse (1 файл)
file Default Repousse Presets.p3e (172,46 Kb)
Scripts (18 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
file Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
file Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
file Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
file Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
file Save Extra JPEG.jsx (4,62 Kb)
file Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
file Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
file Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (19 файлов)
file CreateImageStack.jsx (38,71 Kb)
file Geometry.jsx (17,37 Kb)
file LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
file LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
file LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
file M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
file PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
file PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
file PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
file StackSupport.jsx (31,85 Kb)
file Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
file Terminology.jsx (12,45 Kb)
file Conditional Mode Change.jsx (32,81 Kb)
file Delete All Empty Layers.jsx (9,4 Kb)
file Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,91 Kb)
file Fit Image.jsx (19,58 Kb)
file Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,27 Kb)
file Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,34 Kb)
file Image Processor.jsx (80,9 Kb)
file Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,6 Kb)
file Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,15 Kb)
file Lens Correct.jsx (27,35 Kb)
file Load DICOM.jsx (7,36 Kb)
file Load Files into Stack.jsx (3,84 Kb)
file Merge To HDR.jsx (15,4 Kb)
file Photomerge.jsx (37,84 Kb)
file Script Events Manager.jsx (48,64 Kb)
file Statistics.jsx (6,76 Kb)
Styles (12 файлов)
file Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
file Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
file DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
file Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
file Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
file Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
file KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
file Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
file Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
file Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
file Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
file Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (8 файлов)
file Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
file Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
file Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
file DP Presets.tpl (1,76 Mb)
file M Tool Presets.tpl (284,32 Kb)
file Mixer Brush Tool.tpl (23,2 Kb)
file Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
file Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
file Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
file Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
file High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
file High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
file Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
file MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
file Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
file Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
file Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
file White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
file X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
file X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
file AxisWidget.dae (524,56 Kb)
file InfiniteLightWidget.dae (27,82 Kb)
file PointLightWidget.dae (14,9 Kb)
file SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
file Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (1,77 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (1,76 Kb)
file zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (23 файла)
CgShaders (7 файлов)
file brushPreview.cg (12,78 Kb)
file constantcolor_shaders.cg (2 Kb)
file dof_shaders.cg (1,41 Kb)
file environment_shaders.cg (2,29 Kb)
file surface_shaders.cg (20,4 Kb)
file uv_shaders.cg (12,74 Kb)
file volume_shaders.cg (4,85 Kb)
DBrush (2 файла)
file BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrsb (248,89 Kb)
file BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
OWL (7 файлов)
file appbar.adm (3,01 Kb)
file appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
file grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
file screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
file searchbar.adm (155 b)
file searchbar.eve (754 b)
file viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
file ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
file Default Actions.atn (21,44 Kb)
file Default Brushes.abr (668,6 Kb)
file Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
file Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
file Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
file Default Gradients.grd (16,96 Kb)
file Default Materials.p3m (44,41 Mb)
file Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
file Default Patterns.pat (28,47 Kb)
file Default Repousse Presets.p3e (172,46 Kb)
file Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
file Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
file Default Tool Presets.tpl (62,36 Kb)
exe Droplet Template.exe (100 Kb)
file Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
file GlobalResources (172,03 Kb)
file HDRToning.jsx (4,72 Kb)
file MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,53 Kb)
file Straighten.jsx (7,21 Kb)
file A3DLIBS.dll (1,82 Mb)
file ACE.dll (979,5 Kb)
file AFlame.dll (7,07 Mb)
file AFlamingo.dll (2,02 Mb)
file AGM.dll (3,23 Mb)
file ARE.dll (308 Kb)
file AXE8SharedExpat.dll (170,67 Kb)
file AXEDOMCore.dll (646,67 Kb)
file AdobeLinguistic.dll (1,62 Mb)
file AdobeOwl.dll (1,31 Mb)
file AdobeOwlCanvas.dll (276,47 Kb)
file AdobePDFL.dll (5,94 Mb)
file AdobePIP.dll (735,67 Kb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (295,97 Kb)
file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (460,97 Kb)
file AdobeXMPScript.dll (101,97 Kb)
file AlignmentLib.dll (3,68 Mb)
file BIBUtils.dll (237 Kb)
file Bib.dll (272,5 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (2,9 Mb)
file ExtendScript.dll (655,67 Kb)
file FileInfo.dll (564,97 Kb)
file JP2KLib.dll (654,5 Kb)
file LogSession.dll (367,17 Kb)
exe LogTransport2.exe (308,67 Kb)
file MPS.dll (4,48 Mb)
file Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1,81 Kb)
file PSArt.dll (3,69 Mb)
file PSViews.dll (1,9 Mb)
file Photoshop.dll (1,16 Mb)
exe Photoshop.exe (33,94 Mb)
file Photoshop.exp (201,2 Kb)
file Photoshop.lib (266,81 Kb)
file PlugPlug.dll (1,08 Mb)
file Plugin.dll (48,16 Kb)
file QuickTimeGlue.dll (32,5 Kb)
file SCCore.dll (573,67 Kb)
file TFKGEOM.dll (4,54 Mb)
file TFUGEOM.dll (1,19 Mb)
file TfFontMgr.dll (536,5 Kb)
file TfKernel.dll (9 Mb)
file TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
file WRServices.dll (1,15 Mb)
file adbeape.dll (29,67 Kb)
file adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll (229,63 Kb)
file adobe_caps.dll (414,14 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (224,37 Kb)
file aif_core.dll (420,5 Kb)
file aif_ogl.dll (2,21 Mb)
file amtlib.dll (934,63 Kb)
file amtservices.dll (1,05 Mb)
exe arh.exe (73,3 Kb)
file asneu.dll (146,63 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (50,47 Kb)
file cg.dll (2,59 Mb)
file cgGL.dll (296 Kb)
file data_flow.dll (107,5 Kb)
file dvaadameve.dll (3,32 Mb)
file dvacore.dll (1,49 Mb)
file dvaui.dll (3,49 Mb)
file icucnv36.dll (664 Kb)
file icudt36.dll (92 Kb)
file image_flow.dll (690 Kb)
file image_runtime.dll (145,5 Kb)
file libcurl.dll (180 Kb)
file libeay32.dll (1008,5 Kb)
file libexpat.dll (101,5 Kb)
file libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
file msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
file msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
file msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
file pdfsettings.dll (216 Kb)
file shfolder.dll (22,27 Kb)
file ssleay32.dll (184 Kb)
file tbb.dll (169 Kb)
file updaternotifications.dll (567,2 Kb)
file wu3d.dll (414,5 Kb)
PhotoshopCS6 (103 файла)
AMT (44 файла)
ar_AE (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,71 Kb)
Core key files (5 файлов)
file ConflictingProcesses (37 b)
file CreatePSPrefsDir (37 b)
file CreatePanelsDir (37 b)
file MergeModules (37 b)
file Registry (37 b)
cs_CZ (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,7 Kb)
da_DK (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,68 Kb)
de_DE (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,14 Kb)
el_GR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,5 Kb)
en_AE (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_GB (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_IL (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_US (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,53 Kb)
en_xm (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,54 Kb)
es_ES (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
es_la (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
es_MX (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,11 Kb)
es_na (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,18 Kb)
fi_FI (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,84 Kb)
fr_CA (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,06 Kb)
fr_FR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,13 Kb)
fr_MA (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,13 Kb)
fr_xm (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,05 Kb)
he_IL (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,45 Kb)
hr_HR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,88 Kb)
hu_HU (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,99 Kb)
it_IT (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,11 Kb)
ja_JP (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,38 Kb)
ko_KR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (4,32 Kb)
LMResources (1 файл)
png ps_ribs_bgd.png (29,54 Kb)
LMResources s (4 файла)
png 16ps.png (662 b)
png 24ps.png (1000 b)
file ps.ico (278,79 Kb)
png ps.png (1,37 Kb)
nb_NO (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,65 Kb)
nl_NL (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (6,05 Kb)
pl_PL (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,96 Kb)
pt_BR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,82 Kb)
ro_RO (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,83 Kb)
ru_RU (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,86 Kb)
sk_SK (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,83 Kb)
sl_SI (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,86 Kb)
sv_SE (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,61 Kb)
tr_TR (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,7 Kb)
uk_UA (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (5,84 Kb)
zh_CN (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,71 Kb)
zh_TW (1 файл)
file AMT.zdct (3,73 Kb)
file SLConfig.xml (22,16 Kb)
file application.xml (1,53 Kb)
file reg_custom_background.bmp (1,42 Mb)
Configuration (2 файла)
png PS_exman_24px.png (1000 b)
file XManConfig.xml (5,96 Kb)
Locales (1 файл)
en_AE (2 файла)
Additional Presets (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
Menu Customization (1 файл)
file New in CS 6.mnu (11,83 Kb)
Workspaces (2 файла)
1-Basic Workspaces (1 файл)
file New in CS 6 (30,9 Kb)
2-Task-based Workspaces (5 файлов)
file 3D (20,27 Kb)
file Motion (18,73 Kb)
file Painting (18,8 Kb)
file Photography (18,73 Kb)
file Typography (18,73 Kb)
Support Files (5 файлов)
Feature Help (1 файл)
file featureSearch.xml (1,27 Mb)
Shortcuts (1 файл)
Win (2 файла)
file Default Keyboard Shortcuts.kys (15,11 Kb)
txt OS Shortcuts.txt (96 b)
txt Default New Doc Sizes.txt (21,7 Kb)
file pack.inf (122 b)
file tw10428.ru_RU (3,45 Mb)
Plug-ins (1 файл)
File Formats (1 файл)
file Camera Raw.8bi (21,25 Mb)
Presets (35 файлов)
3DLUTs (19 файлов)
file 2Strip.look (14,35 Kb)
file 3Strip.look (14,35 Kb)
file Bleach Bypass.look (14,77 Kb)
file Candlelight.CUBE (134,56 Kb)
file Crisp_Warm.look (21,35 Kb)
file Crisp_Winter.look (14,38 Kb)
file DropBlues.3DL (72,79 Kb)
file EdgyAmber.3DL (65,17 Kb)
file FallColors.look (113,23 Kb)
file FoggyNight.3DL (72,76 Kb)
file FuturisticBleak.3DL (75,82 Kb)
file HorrorBlue.3DL (71,61 Kb)
file LateSunset.3DL (71,52 Kb)
file Moonlight.3DL (65,19 Kb)
file NightFromDay.CUBE (134,55 Kb)
file Soft_Warming.look (14,1 Kb)
file TealOrangePlusContrast.3DL (69,47 Kb)
file TensionGreen.3DL (73,31 Kb)
file filmstock_50.3dl (70,4 Kb)
Actions (9 файлов)
file Commands.atn (5,15 Kb)
file Frames.atn (43,68 Kb)
file Image Effects.atn (25,23 Kb)
file LAB - Black & White Technique.atn (2,46 Kb)
file Production.atn (9,89 Kb)
file Stars Trails.atn (15,38 Kb)
file Text Effects.atn (42,6 Kb)
file Textures.atn (51,24 Kb)
file Video Actions.atn (43,67 Kb)
Black and White (12 файлов)
file Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file Darker.blw (294 b)
file Green Filter.blw (318 b)
file High Contrast Blue Filter.blw (294 b)
file High Contrast Red Filter.blw (294 b)
file Infrared.blw (294 b)
file Lighter.blw (294 b)
file Maximum Black.blw (294 b)
file Maximum White.blw (294 b)
file Neutral Density.blw (294 b)
file Red Filter.blw (314 b)
file Yellow Filter.blw (310 b)
Brushes (15 файлов)
file Assorted Brushes.abr (53,98 Kb)
file Basic Brushes.abr (29,76 Kb)
file Calligraphic Brushes.abr (12,08 Kb)
file DP Brushes.abr (431,41 Kb)
file Drop Shadow Brushes.abr (31,97 Kb)
file Dry Media Brushes.abr (1,11 Mb)
file Faux Finish Brushes.abr (140,75 Kb)
file M Brushes.abr (170,1 Kb)
file Natural Brushes 2.abr (77,7 Kb)
file Natural Brushes.abr (44,74 Kb)
file Round Brushes with Size.abr (31,59 Kb)
file Special Effect Brushes.abr (2,53 Mb)
file Square Brushes.abr (20,86 Kb)
file Thick Heavy Brushes.abr (228,59 Kb)
file Wet Media Brushes.abr (1,03 Mb)
Channel Mixer (6 файлов)
file Black & White Infrared (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Blue Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Green Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Orange Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Red Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
file Black & White with Yellow Filter (RGB).cha (44 b)
Color Books (26 файлов)
file ANPA Color.acb (6,94 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.acb (29,07 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE.acb (18,57 Kb)
file HKS E Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS E.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS K.acb (2,04 Kb)
file HKS N Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS N.acb (2 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.acb (2,02 Kb)
file HKS Z.acb (1,37 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.acb (26,83 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.acb (26,85 Kb)
file PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.acb (67,17 Kb)
file PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.acb (67,2 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.acb (30,53 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.acb (30,54 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.acb (7,32 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.acb (5,21 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.acb (5,23 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.acb (7,4 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Solid Coated.acb (31,55 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.acb (31,57 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.acb (21,99 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.acb (27,38 Kb)
file TRUMATCH.acb (48,01 Kb)
Color Swatches (37 файлов)
file ANPA Colors.aco (13,97 Kb)
file DIC Color Guide.aco (42,42 Kb)
pdf DIC Swatch ReadMe.pdf (313,79 Kb)
file FOCOLTONE Colors.aco (35,67 Kb)
file HKS E Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS E.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS K Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS K.aco (2,74 Kb)
file HKS N Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS N.aco (2,68 Kb)
file HKS Z Process.aco (2,69 Kb)
file HKS Z.aco (1,55 Kb)
file Mac OS.aco (2,5 Kb)
file PANTONE solid coated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE solid uncoated.aco (48,4 Kb)
file PANTONE+ CMYK Coated.aco (139,18 Kb)
file PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated.aco (139,18 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.aco (58,3 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.aco (58,3 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Metallic Coated.aco (12,92 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated.aco (9 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated.aco (9 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated.aco (13,48 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Solid Coated.aco (57,73 Kb)
file PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.aco (57,73 Kb)
file Paint Color Swatches.aco (9,16 Kb)
file Photo Filter Colors.aco (3,2 Kb)
file TOYO 94 COLOR FINDER.aco (34,94 Kb)
file TOYO COLOR FINDER.aco (35,14 Kb)
file TRUMATCH Colors.aco (88,39 Kb)
pdf Visi Bone ReadMe.pdf (283,3 Kb)
file VisiBone.aco (3,29 Kb)
file VisiBone2.aco (2,5 Kb)
file Web Hues.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Safe Colors.aco (2,11 Kb)
file Web Spectrum.aco (3,33 Kb)
file Windows.aco (2,5 Kb)
Contours (1 файл)
file Contours.shc (5,03 Kb)
Curves (9 файлов)
file Color Negative (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Cross Process (RGB).acv (86 b)
file Darker (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Increase Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
file Lighter (RGB).acv (58 b)
file Linear Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Medium Contrast (RGB).acv (62 b)
file Negative (RGB).acv (54 b)
file Strong Contrast (RGB).acv (66 b)
Custom Shapes (18 файлов)
file All.csh (739,52 Kb)
file Animals.csh (9,87 Kb)
file Arrows.csh (16,43 Kb)
file Artistic Textures.csh (76,73 Kb)
file Banners and Awards.csh (11,03 Kb)
file Film.csh (19,89 Kb)
file Frames.csh (15,82 Kb)
file Grime Vector Pack.csh (179,89 Kb)
file LightBulb.csh (73,3 Kb)
file Music.csh (8,05 Kb)
file Nature.csh (59,6 Kb)
file Objects.csh (78,26 Kb)
file Ornaments.csh (53,85 Kb)
file Shapes.csh (27,91 Kb)
file Symbols.csh (57,65 Kb)
file Talk Bubbles.csh (9,63 Kb)
file Tiles.csh (14,86 Kb)
file Web.csh (26,95 Kb)
Deco (5 файлов)
file Brick Fill.jsx (4,28 Kb)
file Cross Weave.jsx (4,64 Kb)
file Random Fill.jsx (3,79 Kb)
file Spiral.jsx (2,85 Kb)
file Symmetry Fill.jsx (10,73 Kb)
Duotones (3 файла)
Duotones (3 файла)
Gray-Black Duotones (23 файла)
file 424 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 424 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 7 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Cool Gray 9 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 11 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file Warm Gray 8 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl very soft.ADO (524 b)
file gray 423 bl.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Duotones (32 файла)
file 159 dk orange bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file 159 dk orange bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 072 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file blue 286 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file brown 464 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 3405 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file green 349 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file mauve 4655 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file red 485 bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Process Duotones (12 файлов)
file cyan bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file cyan bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file magenta bl 4.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 1.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 2.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 3.ADO (524 b)
file yellow bl 4.ADO (524 b)
Quadtones (3 файла)
Gray Quadtones (4 файла)
file Bl CG10 CG4 WmG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG3 CG1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl CG10 WmG4 CG3.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmG9 CG6 CG3.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Quadtones (3 файла)
file Bl 430 493 557.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 431 492 556.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 541 513 5773.ADO (524 b)
Process Quadtones (6 файлов)
file CMYK cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK ext wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK neutral.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very cool.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK very wm.ADO (524 b)
file CMYK wm.ADO (524 b)
Tritones (3 файла)
Gray Tritones (8 файлов)
file Bl 404 WmGray 401 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 409 WmGray 407 WmGray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl Cool Gray 10 WmGray 1.ADO (524 b)
file Bl WmGray 7 WmGray 2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for dark CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl for low con CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl normal CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
file Bl soft CG9 CG2.ADO (524 b)
PANTONE(R) Tritones (6 файлов)
file Bl 165 red orange 457 brown.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 172 orange 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 313 aqua 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 334 green 437 mauve.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 340 green 423 gray.ADO (524 b)
file Bl 437 burgundy 127 gold.ADO (524 b)
Process Tritones (20 файлов)
file BCY green 1.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 2.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 3.ADO (524 b)
file BCY green 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMC blue 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY brown 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY red 4.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 1.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 2.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 3.ADO (524 b)
file BMY sepia 4.ADO (524 b)
Exposure (4 файла)
file Minus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Minus 2.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 1.0.eap (14 b)
file Plus 2.0.eap (14 b)
Flash 3D (3 файла)
file Flash 3D.zvt (5,05 Kb)
file Flash3DViewer.swf (668,45 Kb)
file swfobject.js (25,73 Kb)
Gradients (10 файлов)
file Color Harmonies 1.grd (18,21 Kb)
file Color Harmonies 2.grd (22,87 Kb)
file Metals.grd (6,02 Kb)
file Neutral Density.grd (20,62 Kb)
file Noise Samples.grd (4,64 Kb)
file Pastels.grd (11,26 Kb)
file Photographic Toning.grd (54,66 Kb)
file Simple.grd (11,22 Kb)
file Special Effects.grd (10,69 Kb)
file Spectrums.grd (6,34 Kb)
HDR Toning (16 файлов)
file City Twilight.hdt (127 b)
file Flat.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic Artistic.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
file Monochromatic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Monochromatic.hdt (122 b)
file More Saturated.hdt (117 b)
file Photorealistic High Contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Photorealistic Low Contrast.hdt (112 b)
file Photorealistic.hdt (112 b)
file RC5.hdt (117 b)
file Saturated.hdt (112 b)
file Scott5.hdt (127 b)
file Surrealistic High Contrast.hdt (122 b)
file Surrealistic Low Contrast.hdt (117 b)
file Surrealistic.hdt (117 b)
Hue and Saturation (8 файлов)
file Cyanotype.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation More.ahu (100 b)
file Increase Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Old Style.ahu (100 b)
file Red Boost.ahu (100 b)
file Sepia.ahu (100 b)
file Strong Saturation.ahu (100 b)
file Yellow Boost.ahu (100 b)
Levels (8 файлов)
file Darker.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 1.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 2.alv (630 b)
file Increase Contrast 3.alv (630 b)
file Lighten Shadows.alv (630 b)
file Lighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Brighter.alv (630 b)
file Midtones Darker.alv (630 b)
Lighting Effects (17 файлов)
file 2 O'clock Spotlight.ple (21,17 Kb)
file Blue Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
file Circle Of Light.ple (23,74 Kb)
file Crossing Down.ple (22,06 Kb)
file Crossing.ple (22 Kb)
file Default.ple (21,14 Kb)
file Five Lights Down.ple (24,6 Kb)
file Five Lights Up.ple (24,59 Kb)
file Flashlight.ple (21,15 Kb)
file Flood Light.ple (21,15 Kb)
file Parallel Directional.ple (22,04 Kb)
file RGB Lights.ple (22,86 Kb)
file Soft Direct Lights.ple (22,03 Kb)
file Soft Omni.ple (21,15 Kb)
file Soft Spotlight.ple (24,24 Kb)
file Three Down.ple (25,96 Kb)
file Triple Spotlight.ple (22,88 Kb)
Lights (15 файлов)
file Blue Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file CAD Optimized.p3l (22,77 Kb)
file Cold.p3l (21,77 Kb)
file Dawn.p3l (22,15 Kb)
file Day Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Default Lights.p3l (21,78 Kb)
file Fire.p3l (21,77 Kb)
file Hard Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Lush.p3l (23,32 Kb)
file Mardi Gras.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Night Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file Primary Colors.p3l (22,29 Kb)
file Purple Faze.p3l (21,79 Kb)
file Red Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
file White Lights.p3l (22,28 Kb)
Materials (3 файла)
file Default (for Ray Tracer).p3m (13,82 Mb)
file Default.p3m (44,41 Mb)
file MaterialPreview.dae (221,93 Kb)
Meshes (12 файлов)
file Cone.dae (112,71 Kb)
file Cube Wrap.dae (4,68 Kb)
file Cube.dae (23,57 Kb)
file Cylinder.dae (37,4 Kb)
file Donut.dae (291,85 Kb)
file Hat.dae (2,48 Mb)
file Pyramid.dae (10,07 Kb)
file Ring.dae (3,42 Mb)
file Soda.dae (654,13 Kb)
file Sphere.dae (371,49 Kb)
file Spherical Panorama.dae (714,76 Kb)
file Wine Bottle.dae (1016,44 Kb)
Optimized Colors (4 файла)
file Black - White.act (772 b)
file Grayscale.act (772 b)
file Mac OS.act (768 b)
file Windows.act (768 b)
Optimized Output Settings (3 файла)
file Background Image.iros (1,61 Kb)
file Default Settings.iros (41 b)
file XHTML.iros (1,61 Kb)
Optimized Settings (12 файлов)
file GIF 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 128 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 32 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF 64 No Dither.irs (1,08 Kb)
file GIF Restrictive.irs (1,08 Kb)
file JPEG High.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Low.irs (1,12 Kb)
file JPEG Medium.irs (1,12 Kb)
file PNG-24.irs (1,08 Kb)
file PNG-8 128 Dithered.irs (1,08 Kb)
Patterns (11 файлов)
file Artist Surfaces.pat (445,31 Kb)
file Artists Brushes Canvas.pat (2,53 Mb)
file Color Paper.pat (1,47 Mb)
file Erodible Textures.pat (3,19 Mb)
file Grayscale Paper.pat (272,83 Kb)
file Nature Patterns.pat (1,02 Mb)
file Patterns 2.pat (243,39 Kb)
file Patterns.pat (300,4 Kb)
file Rock Patterns.pat (1,04 Mb)
file Texture Fill 2.pat (648,2 Kb)
file Texture Fill.pat (822,33 Kb)
Render Settings (20 файлов)
file Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Default.p3r (34,41 Kb)
file Depth Map.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Hidden Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Line Illustration.p3r (35,08 Kb)
file Normals.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Paint Mask.p3r (6,66 Kb)
file Shaded Illustration.p3r (34,69 Kb)
file Shaded Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Shaded Wireframe.p3r (35,06 Kb)
file Sketch Grass.p3r (2,69 Mb)
file Sketch Scattered.p3r (1,02 Mb)
file Sketch Thick Pencil.p3r (1,02 Mb)
file Sketch Thin Pencil.p3r (2,64 Mb)
file Solid Wireframe.p3r (34,49 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box Outline.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Transparent Bounding Box.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Two-Sided.p3r (22,48 Kb)
file Vertices.p3r (7,73 Kb)
file Wireframe.p3r (7,73 Kb)
Repousse (1 файл)
file Default Repousse Presets.p3e (142,57 Kb)
Scripts (20 файлов)
Event Scripts Only (8 файлов)
file Clean Listener.jsx (10,86 Kb)
file Display Camera Maker.jsx (2,05 Kb)
file Open As Layer.jsx (962 b)
file Resize.jsx (1,54 Kb)
file Save Extra JPEG.jsx (6,23 Kb)
file Update File Info.jsx (2 Kb)
file Warn If RGB.jsx (3,4 Kb)
file Welcome.jsx (724 b)
Stack Scripts Only (19 файлов)
file CreateImageStack.jsx (41,45 Kb)
file Geometry.jsx (18,85 Kb)
file LatteUI.jsx (11,08 Kb)
file LensCorrect.exv (4,63 Kb)
file LoadLayers.exv (2,37 Kb)
file M2HDR.exv (2,24 Kb)
file PMBlendingProgress.exv (336 b)
file PMDialog.exv (5,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Automatic_87x38.png (4,17 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Collage_87x38.png (6,94 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Cylindrical_87x38.png (5,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Interactive_87x38.png (3,89 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Perspective_87x38.png (5,64 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Reposition_87x38.png (5,47 Kb)
png P_AutoAlign_Spherical_87x38.png (8,51 Kb)
file PolyClip.jsx (5,75 Kb)
file StackSupport.jsx (33,95 Kb)
file Statistics.exv (2,66 Kb)
file Terminology.jsx (13,19 Kb)
file Conditional Mode Change.jsx (32,81 Kb)
file ContactSheetII.jsx (340,93 Kb)
file Delete All Empty Layers.jsx (9,4 Kb)
file Export Layers To Files.jsx (56,91 Kb)
file Fit Image.jsx (19,59 Kb)
file Flatten All Layer Effects.jsx (18,27 Kb)
file Flatten All Masks.jsx (17,34 Kb)
file Image Processor.jsx (82,93 Kb)
file Layer Comps To Files.jsx (51,6 Kb)
file Layer Comps To PDF.jsx (23,16 Kb)
file Layer Comps To WPG.jsx (1,15 Kb)
file Lens Correct.jsx (28,1 Kb)
file Load DICOM.jsx (7,36 Kb)
file Load Files into Stack.jsx (3,84 Kb)
file Merge To HDR.jsx (16,84 Kb)
file Photomerge.jsx (38,02 Kb)
file Script Events Manager.jsx (48,86 Kb)
file Statistics.jsx (6,76 Kb)
Styles (12 файлов)
file Abstract Styles.asl (2,16 Mb)
file Buttons.asl (180,27 Kb)
file DP Styles.asl (7,15 Kb)
file Dotted Strokes.asl (51,36 Kb)
file Glass Buttons.asl (49,93 Kb)
file Image Effects.asl (180,25 Kb)
file KS Styles.asl (324,47 Kb)
file Photographic Effects.asl (257,23 Kb)
file Text Effects 2.asl (887,77 Kb)
file Text Effects.asl (223,41 Kb)
file Textures.asl (854,56 Kb)
file Web Styles.asl (323,74 Kb)
Tools (11 файлов)
file Airbrushes.tpl (1,55 Mb)
file Art History.tpl (705,93 Kb)
file Artists' Brushes.tpl (2,23 Mb)
file Brushes.tpl (344,77 Kb)
file Crop and Marquee.tpl (4,34 Kb)
file DP Presets.tpl (1,63 Mb)
file Dry Media.tpl (769,07 Kb)
file Pencil Brushes.tpl (206,31 Kb)
file Pencils Mixer Brush.tpl (996,49 Kb)
file Splatter Brush Tool Presets.tpl (8,68 Kb)
file Text.tpl (187,07 Kb)
Video (1 файл)
Adobe Media Encoder (3 файла)
DPX (32 файла)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,51 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,58 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,51 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,53 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (8bit).epr (20,5 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (8bit).epr (20,57 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,54 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,46 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,56 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,5 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,48 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,52 Kb)
H264 (37 файлов)
file 1_High Quality.epr (72,93 Kb)
file 2_Medium Quality.epr (72,96 Kb)
file 3_Low Quality.epr (72,93 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 24.epr (54,31 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 29.97.epr (54,29 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 24.epr (54,25 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,1 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR).epr (54,09 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24.epr (72,99 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,08 Kb)
file HD 720p 24.epr (54,08 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (72,98 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (72,99 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (54,08 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (54,09 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (54,09 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (54,08 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 25.epr (73,03 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 29.97.epr (73,03 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 29.97.epr (73,04 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 25.epr (54,13 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,15 Kb)
QuickTime (5 файлов)
file Animation High Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
file Animation Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
file JPEG 2000 High Quality.epr (73,19 Kb)
file JPEG 2000 Medium Quality.epr (73,2 Kb)
file Uncompressed.epr (73,18 Kb)
Volumes (12 файлов)
file Enhanced Boundaries-Default.p3r (81,35 Kb)
file Full Range Color Scale.p3r (68,08 Kb)
file High Range Highlights.p3r (13,66 Kb)
file High-Low.p3r (50,93 Kb)
file Low Range Highlights.p3r (67,53 Kb)
file MIP-X-Ray.p3r (38,37 Kb)
file Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).p3r (23,55 Kb)
file Red-Blue Color Scale.p3r (64,65 Kb)
file Thin Isolines.p3r (74,36 Kb)
file White-Black Color Scale.p3r (82 Kb)
file X-Ray with Boundaries.p3r (96,23 Kb)
file X-Ray.p3r (62,42 Kb)
Widgets (4 файла)
file AxisWidget.dae (524,56 Kb)
file InfiniteLightWidget.dae (191,28 Kb)
file PointLightWidget.dae (154,17 Kb)
file SpotLightWidget.dae (24,34 Kb)
Zoomify (7 файлов)
file Zoomify Viewer (Black Background).zvt (9,02 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (Gray Background).zvt (9,02 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Black Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (Gray Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
file Zoomify Viewer with Navigator (White Background).zvt (9,01 Kb)
file zoomifyViewer.swf (35,66 Kb)
Required (28 файлов)
DBrush (2 файла)
file BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrsb (248,89 Kb)
file BristleBrushCollection_CS5.dbrush (353,02 Kb)
OWL (7 файлов)
file appbar.adm (3,01 Kb)
file appbar.eve (3,26 Kb)
file grid.eve (20,95 Kb)
file screenmode.eve (7,18 Kb)
file searchbar.adm (155 b)
file searchbar.eve (754 b)
file viewoptions.eve (7,16 Kb)
Plug-Ins (11 файлов)
3D Engines (1 файл)
file Photoshop3DEngine.8BI (3,09 Mb)
ADM (1 файл)
file ADMPlugin.apl (1,47 Mb)
Automate (3 файла)
file CropPhotosAuto.8LI (29,7 Kb)
file HDRMergeUI.8BF (2,36 Mb)
file WIASupport.8LI (75,2 Kb)
Digimarc (4 файла)
Digiread (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,5 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,43 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,28 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,56 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,37 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,49 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,59 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,4 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,76 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,48 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,39 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,67 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,62 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,89 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,33 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,53 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (4,86 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,11 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (3,08 Kb)
Digisign (22 файла)
cs.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,77 Kb)
da.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,54 Kb)
de.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,06 Kb)
en_US.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,25 Kb)
es.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,78 Kb)
fi.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,52 Kb)
fr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,71 Kb)
hu.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,04 Kb)
it.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,69 Kb)
ja.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,44 Kb)
ko.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
nb.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,38 Kb)
nl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,74 Kb)
pl.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,95 Kb)
pt_BR.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
ro.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (7,07 Kb)
ru.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,57 Kb)
sv.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,43 Kb)
tr.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,89 Kb)
uk.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (9,94 Kb)
zh_CN.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,1 Kb)
zh_TW.lproj (1 файл)
file Localizable.strings (6,13 Kb)
file DigiRead.8bf (1,13 Mb)
file DigiSign.8bf (2,02 Mb)
Effects (1 файл)
file Filter Gallery.8BF (3,85 Mb)
Extensions (8 файлов)
file CSAWTemplate.tpl (5,36 Kb)
file FastCore.8BX (34 Kb)
file MMXCore.8BX (239,5 Kb)
file MultiProcessor Support.8BX (443,5 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlexPhotoshop.swf (218,77 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlexServer-app.xml (5,82 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlexServer.swf (588,29 Kb)
file ScriptingSupport.8li (2,16 Mb)
File Formats (9 файлов)
file Cineon.8BI (33,7 Kb)
file Dicom.8BI (3,91 Mb)
file JPEG2000.8BI (2,91 Mb)
file PBM.8BI (25,2 Kb)
file PCX.8BI (28,2 Kb)
file Pixar.8BI (18,7 Kb)
file Radiance.8BI (24,2 Kb)
file U3D.8BI (2,6 Mb)
file WBMP.8BI (17,7 Kb)
Filters (13 файлов)
file Adaptive Wide Angle.8BF (8,03 Mb)
file Average.8BF (14,7 Kb)
file ChannelPort.8BF (24,2 Kb)
file Clouds.8BF (24,7 Kb)
file Lens Blur.8BF (2,26 Mb)
file Lens Correction.8BF (2,62 Mb)
file Liquify.8BF (2,63 Mb)
file NTSC Colors.8BF (17,7 Kb)
file Oil Paint.8BF (2,8 Mb)
file Solarize.8BF (13,7 Kb)
file Standard MultiPlugin.8BF (3,82 Mb)
file VanishingPoint.8BF (3,11 Mb)
file Variations.8BF (74,2 Kb)
Image Stacks (1 файл)
file statistics.8BA (67,7 Kb)
Import-Export (2 файла)
file EazelAcquire.8BA (313,7 Kb)
file Save for Web.8BE (5,42 Mb)
Measurements (1 файл)
file MeasurementCore.8ME (91,7 Kb)
Smart_Auto (1 файл)
file output.binary (434,98 Kb)
file ADMUI3.fon (17 Kb)
file Default Actions.atn (28,99 Kb)
file Default Brushes.abr (744,93 Kb)
file Default Contours.shc (1,63 Kb)
file Default Custom Shapes.csh (37,34 Kb)
file Default Filter Colors.aco (3,28 Kb)
file Default Gradients.grd (16,96 Kb)
file Default Materials.p3m (44,41 Mb)
file Default Menus.mnu (39 b)
file Default Patterns.pat (429,54 Kb)
file Default Repousse Presets.p3e (142,57 Kb)
file Default Styles.asl (127,85 Kb)
file Default Swatches.aco (14,37 Kb)
file Default Tool Presets.tpl (1,89 Mb)
exe Droplet Template.exe (89,5 Kb)
file Droplet Template (9,52 Kb)
file GlobalResources (172,03 Kb)
file HDRToning.jsx (4,98 Kb)
file MeasurementScaleMarker.jsx (36,53 Kb)
file MigrateAllPresets.jsx (13,28 Kb)
file PresetImportExport.jsx (29,29 Kb)
file Straighten.jsx (8,46 Kb)
file UIColors.cel (61,28 Kb)
file WorkspaceImportExport.jsx (15,48 Kb)
file A3DLIBS.dll (1,82 Mb)
file ACE.dll (1,87 Mb)
file AGM.dll (3,32 Mb)
file ARE.dll (321,2 Kb)
file AXE8SharedExpat.dll (165,67 Kb)
file AXEDOMCore.dll (650,17 Kb)
file AdobeLinguistic.dll (1,75 Mb)
file AdobeOwl.dll (1,44 Mb)
file AdobePDFL.dll (6,41 Mb)
file AdobePIP.dll (679,17 Kb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (289,17 Kb)
file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (573,17 Kb)
file AdobeXMPScript.dll (105,17 Kb)
file AlignmentLib.dll (3,73 Mb)
file BIBUtils.dll (242,2 Kb)
file Bib.dll (297,2 Kb)
file CIT.dll (987,67 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (2,86 Mb)
file ExtendScript.dll (645,67 Kb)
file FileInfo.dll (1,89 Mb)
file JP2KLib.dll (645,67 Kb)
pdf LegalNotices.pdf (135,25 Kb)
file LogSession.dll (314,17 Kb)
exe LogTransport2.exe (324,67 Kb)
file MPS.dll (4,34 Mb)
file Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest (1,83 Kb)
file Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest (1,81 Kb)
file PSArt.dll (4,24 Mb)
file PSViews.dll (2,25 Mb)
pdf Photoshop CS6 Read Me.pdf (38,39 Kb)
file Photoshop.dll (1,44 Mb)
exe Photoshop.exe (41,01 Mb)
file Photoshop.exp (200,56 Kb)
file Photoshop.lib (265,74 Kb)
file PlugPlug.dll (1,01 Mb)
file Plugin.dll (46,2 Kb)
file SCCore.dll (573,67 Kb)
file ScriptUIFlex.dll (693,17 Kb)
file TFKGEOM.dll (4,55 Mb)
file TFUGEOM.dll (1,19 Mb)
file TfFontMgr.dll (542,2 Kb)
file TfKernel.dll (9 Mb)
file TypeLibrary.tlb (146,88 Kb)
file WRServices.dll (1,2 Mb)
file adbeape.dll (30,67 Kb)
file adobe_caps.dll (418,85 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (237,17 Kb)
file aif_core.dll (476,2 Kb)
file aif_ocl.dll (137,7 Kb)
file aif_ogl.dll (2,11 Mb)
file amtlib.dll (1,71 Mb)
file boost_date_time.dll (70,7 Kb)
file boost_signals.dll (72,2 Kb)
file boost_system.dll (23,2 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (63,7 Kb)
file cg.dll (6,08 Mb)
file cgGL.dll (354,6 Kb)
file data_flow.dll (345,2 Kb)
file dvaaudiodevice.dll (819,7 Kb)
file dvacore.dll (1,98 Mb)
file dvamarshal.dll (375,2 Kb)
file dvamediatypes.dll (227,7 Kb)
file dvaplayer.dll (1,03 Mb)
file dvatransport.dll (554,2 Kb)
file dvaunittesting.dll (196,2 Kb)
file dynamiclink.dll (1,81 Mb)
file filter_graph.dll (909,2 Kb)
file hydra_filters.dll (992,2 Kb)
file icucnv40.dll (714,62 Kb)
file icudt40.dll (94,12 Kb)
file image_compiler.dll (7,1 Mb)
file image_flow.dll (571,2 Kb)
file image_runtime.dll (146,2 Kb)
file libcurl.dll (180 Kb)
file libeay32.dll (1008,5 Kb)
file libexpat.dll (101,5 Kb)
file libifcoremd.dll (868 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
file mediacoreif.dll (1,48 Mb)
file msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
file msvcp100.dll (411,33 Kb)
file msvcp71.dll (488 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
file msvcr100.dll (755,83 Kb)
file msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
file pdfsettings.dll (221,7 Kb)
file shfolder.dll (27,96 Kb)
exe sniffer_gpu.exe (35,7 Kb)
file ssleay32.dll (189,7 Kb)
file tbb.dll (135,67 Kb)
file tbbmalloc.dll (41,17 Kb)
file updaternotifications.dll (464,43 Kb)
file wu3d.dll (420,2 Kb)
WinSxS (7 файлов)
Manifests (10 файлов)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474.cat (8,14 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474.manifest (465 b)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.cat (8,14 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700.manifest (1,83 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_91481303.cat (8,15 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_91481303.manifest (1,21 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05.cat (8,14 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05.manifest (2,32 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e.cat (9,52 Kb)
file x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e.manifest (1,81 Kb)
Policies (5 файлов)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_5f0bbcff (2 файла)
file 8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
file 8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_77c24773 (2 файла)
file 8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
file 8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_caeee150 (2 файла)
file 8.0.50727.762.cat (8,17 Kb)
file 8.0.50727.762.policy (806 b)
x86_policy.8.0.Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_0f75c32e (2 файла)
file 8.0.50727.762.cat (8,16 Kb)
file 8.0.50727.762.policy (800 b)
x86_policy.9.0.Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_x-ww_b7353f75 (6 файлов)
file 9.0.21022.8.cat (9,57 Kb)
file 9.0.21022.8.policy (662 b)
file 9.0.30411.0.cat (9,57 Kb)
file 9.0.30411.0.policy (752 b)
file 9.0.30729.1.cat (9,57 Kb)
file 9.0.30729.1.policy (752 b)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474 (1 файл)
file ATL80.dll (94 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700 (3 файла)
file msvcm80.dll (468 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_91481303 (9 файлов)
file mfc80CHS.dll (40 Kb)
file mfc80CHT.dll (44 Kb)
file mfc80DEU.dll (64 Kb)
file mfc80ENU.dll (56 Kb)
file mfc80ESP.dll (60 Kb)
file mfc80FRA.dll (60 Kb)
file mfc80ITA.dll (60 Kb)
file mfc80JPN.dll (48 Kb)
file mfc80KOR.dll (48 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC80.MFC_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_3bf8fa05 (4 файла)
file mfc80.dll (1,05 Mb)
file mfc80u.dll (1,04 Mb)
file mfcm80.dll (68 Kb)
file mfcm80u.dll (56,5 Kb)
x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_x-ww_6f74963e (3 файла)
file msvcm90.dll (220 Kb)
file msvcp90.dll (559,5 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (640,5 Kb)
Other (3 файла)
Help (2 файла)
images (4 файла)
file favicon.ico (2,49 Kb)
png help_background_footer.png (949 b)
png help_background_header.png (296 b)
png help_logo_top.png (7,12 Kb)
file style.css (2,32 Kb)
Source (3 файла)
file PhotoshopCS6.ico (14,73 Kb)
file _PhotoshopCS6Portable.nsi (38,72 Kb)
file _PhotoshopCS6PortableInstaller.nsi (8,83 Kb)
_Include (4 файла)
file Installer.bmp (51,34 Kb)
file Installer.nsh (4,4 Kb)
file Launcher.nsh (12,4 Kb)
file Splash.bmp (42,08 Kb)
exe LightroomPortable.exe (75,54 Kb)
exe PhotoshopCS3Portable.exe (75,64 Kb)
exe PhotoshopCS4Portable.exe (54,79 Kb)
exe PhotoshopCS5Portable.exe (82,54 Kb)
exe PhotoshopCS6Portable.exe (80,87 Kb)
file help.html (1,97 Kb)

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