Торрент софт » Графика » Редакторы » Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En] скачать торрент файл бесплатно


Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En]

Автор: Baguvix от 3-12-2022, 22:00, Посмотрело: 1 651, Обсуждения: 0

Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En]
Версия программы: 6.2.2
Официальный сайт: Topaz Labs
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)

Системные требования:
  • Software Requirements:
    • Operating System: Windows 10, 11 (x64); Win7 не поддерживается!!!
    • OpenGL version 3.3 or later

  • Hardware Requirements:
    • CPU: Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 equivalent or above (3.0 GHz and above)
      AVX Instructions required
    • GPU-Dedicated Graphics Memory (VRAM): 4GB (6GB or more for optimum performance) (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or greater / AMD Radeon RX 460 or greater)
    • RAM: 8GB (16GB and higher is recommended for improved performance)
    • Monitor: A monitor that outputs at a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 is recommended.

Topaz A.I. Gigapixel — это первое и единственное приложение, использующее силу искусственного интеллекта для увеличения ваших изображений, добавляя естественные детали для удивительного результата. Используя технологию глубокого обучения, A.I.Gigapixel ™ может увеличить изображение и заполнить детали, которые другие продукты для изменения размеров не учитываются.
Эти традиционные методы создают изображения, которые размыты, не реалистично живописны и не имеют деталей, которые присутствуют в изображениях с высоким разрешением.

Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En] Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En] Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En] Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM [En]

Загрузил: Baguvix (1 декабря 2022 06:01)
Взяли: 286 | Размер: 2.14 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Topaz Gigapixel AI 6.2.2 Portable by NNM (571 файл)
Topaz Gigapixel AI (2 файла)
App (3 файла)
AppInfo (2 файла)
file appicon.ico (299,51 Kb)
file appinfo.ini (666 b)
Topaz Gigapixel AI (92 файла)
curl (16 файлов)
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file curl-ca-bundle.crt (222,23 Kb)
exe curl.exe (3,86 Mb)
file libcurl-x64.dll (1,03 Mb)
docs (38 файлов)
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txt ABI.txt (2,55 Kb)
txt symbols-in-versions.txt (38,6 Kb)
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file BINDINGS.md (5,13 Kb)
file BUG-BOUNTY.md (4,35 Kb)
txt BUGS.txt (12,91 Kb)
file CHECKSRC.md (6 Kb)
file CIPHERS.md (11,05 Kb)
file CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (1,6 Kb)
file CODE_STYLE.md (7,56 Kb)
file CONTRIBUTE.md (11,42 Kb)
file DEPRECATE.md (1,53 Kb)
file EXPERIMENTAL.md (860 b)
txt FAQ.txt (67,04 Kb)
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file LICENSE-MIXING.md (4,65 Kb)
txt MAIL-ETIQUETTE.txt (11,98 Kb)
file PARALLEL-TRANSFERS.md (2,09 Kb)
file README.md (523 b)
file RELEASE-PROCEDURE.md (2,77 Kb)
txt RESOURCES.txt (2,39 Kb)
file ROADMAP.md (1,76 Kb)
file SECURITY-PROCESS.md (5,48 Kb)
file SSL-PROBLEMS.md (3,52 Kb)
file SSLCERTS.md (8,31 Kb)
txt THANKS.txt (30,99 Kb)
txt TODO.txt (41,08 Kb)
txt TheArtOfHttpScripting.txt (29,27 Kb)
txt VERSIONS.txt (2,34 Kb)
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file system.h (18,58 Kb)
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txt CHANGES.txt (227,54 Kb)
txt COPYING-brotli.txt (1,08 Kb)
txt COPYING-libssh2.txt (1,88 Kb)
txt COPYING-nghttp2.txt (1,15 Kb)
txt COPYING-zlib.txt (5,18 Kb)
txt COPYING.txt (1,08 Kb)
txt LICENSE-openssl.txt (6,1 Kb)
txt README.txt (1,75 Kb)
txt RELEASE-NOTES.txt (9,34 Kb)
file mk-ca-bundle.pl (19,44 Kb)
imageformats (4 файла)
file qgif.dll (47,39 Kb)
file qico.dll (45,89 Kb)
file qjpeg.dll (446,39 Kb)
file qsvg.dll (39,89 Kb)
platforms (28 файлов)
W10 (1 файл)
file aiengine.dll (637 Kb)
Win7.8.1 (1 файл)
file aiengine.dll (564 Kb)
file concrt140.dll (301,88 Kb)
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file TabButton.qml (3,16 Kb)
file TextArea.qml (4,38 Kb)
file TextField.qml (4,36 Kb)
file ToolBar.qml (2,48 Kb)
file ToolButton.qml (3,38 Kb)
file ToolSeparator.qml (2,7 Kb)
file ToolTip.qml (3,03 Kb)
file Tumbler.qml (3,4 Kb)
file VerticalHeaderView.qml (3,07 Kb)
file plugins.qmltypes (8,79 Kb)
file qmldir (3,33 Kb)
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Windows (17 файлов)
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file ComboBox.qml (5,46 Kb)
file Frame.qml (2,02 Kb)
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file Slider.qml (2,02 Kb)
file SpinBox.qml (5,04 Kb)
file TextArea.qml (2,02 Kb)
file TextField.qml (2,02 Kb)
file plugins.qmltypes (223 b)
file qmldir (1,08 Kb)
file qtquickcontrols2windowsstyleplugin.dll (194,89 Kb)
file plugins.qmltypes (223 b)
file qmldir (591 b)
file qtquickcontrols2plugin.dll (35,89 Kb)
Layouts (3 файла)
file plugins.qmltypes (13 Kb)
file qmldir (245 b)
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file DefaultTreeViewDelegate.qml (3,44 Kb)
file plugins.qmltypes (8,87 Kb)
file qmldir (1,69 Kb)
file qtquickcontrols2nativestyleplugin.dll (593,39 Kb)
Shapes (3 файла)
file plugins.qmltypes (12,35 Kb)
file qmldir (202 b)
file qmlshapesplugin.dll (29,89 Kb)
Templates (3 файла)
file plugins.qmltypes (317,61 Kb)
file qmldir (237 b)
file qtquicktemplates2plugin.dll (31,39 Kb)
Window (3 файла)
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file quickwindow.qmltypes (223 b)
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file TBase.dll (341,5 Kb)
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TEImageIO (2 файла)
file TEImageIO.dll (2,18 Mb)
file qmldir (116 b)
TElements (2 файла)
file TElements.dll (927 Kb)
file qmldir (8,89 Kb)
TEUpsampling (2 файла)
file TEUpsampling.dll (389,5 Kb)
file qmldir (2,72 Kb)
TIARS (2 файла)
file TIARS.dll (187 Kb)
file qmldir (412 b)
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TOnlineModelRepo (2 файла)
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file qmldir (839 b)
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file Qt6QuickTemplates2.dll (1,6 Mb)
file Qt6Widgets.dll (5,72 Mb)
file Qt6Xml.dll (131,39 Kb)
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file algorithms.dll (106,5 Kb)
file capi.dll (68 Kb)
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file gthread-2.0-0.dll (10,5 Kb)
file impbase.dll (6,15 Mb)
file improcs.dll (684,5 Kb)
exe installplugins.exe (38,59 Kb)
file lensfun.dll (209,5 Kb)
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file libhwloc-5.dll (1,46 Mb)
file libssl-1_1-x64.dll (673 Kb)
file nvinfer.dll (428,65 Mb)
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file openvino_auto_plugin.dll (442,52 Kb)
file openvino_c.dll (232,02 Kb)
file openvino_gapi_preproc.dll (1,1 Mb)
file openvino_hetero_plugin.dll (382,52 Kb)
file openvino_intel_cpu_plugin.dll (25,27 Mb)
file openvino_intel_gna_plugin.dll (3,85 Mb)
file openvino_intel_gpu_plugin.dll (14,99 Mb)
file openvino_intel_hddl_plugin.dll (5,25 Mb)
file openvino_intel_myriad_plugin.dll (5,44 Mb)
file openvino_ir_frontend.dll (345,02 Kb)
file openvino_onnx_frontend.dll (3,03 Mb)
file openvino_paddle_frontend.dll (1,02 Mb)
file openvino_tensorflow_fe.dll (2,15 Mb)
file padlock.dll (38,5 Kb)
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file tbb_preview.dll (409,52 Kb)
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file tbbmalloc.dll (243,02 Kb)
file tensorflow.dll (79,31 Mb)
file uninstall.dat (48,04 Kb)
exe uninstall.exe (8,29 Mb)
file zip.dll (915 Kb)
Topaz Labs LLC (1 файл)
Topaz Gigapixel AI (2 файла)
lensfun (1 файл)
version_1 (1 файл)
db (57 файлов)
file 6x6.xml (3,17 Kb)
file actioncams.xml (9,35 Kb)
file compact-canon.xml (236,13 Kb)
file compact-casio.xml (6,92 Kb)
file compact-fujifilm.xml (59,3 Kb)
file compact-kodak.xml (2,1 Kb)
file compact-konica-minolta.xml (13,37 Kb)
file compact-leica.xml (4,82 Kb)
file compact-nikon.xml (39,56 Kb)
file compact-olympus.xml (33,14 Kb)
file compact-panasonic.xml (56,6 Kb)
file compact-pentax.xml (6,7 Kb)
file compact-ricoh.xml (9,27 Kb)
file compact-samsung.xml (11,78 Kb)
file compact-sigma.xml (2,43 Kb)
file compact-sony.xml (89,58 Kb)
file contax.xml (1,72 Kb)
file generic.xml (4,99 Kb)
file lensfun-database.dtd (2,44 Kb)
file lensfun-database.xsd (6,19 Kb)
file mil-canon.xml (53,51 Kb)
file mil-fujifilm.xml (125,32 Kb)
file mil-leica.xml (1,68 Kb)
file mil-nikon.xml (28,09 Kb)
file mil-olympus.xml (124,18 Kb)
file mil-panasonic.xml (202,49 Kb)
file mil-pentax.xml (1,09 Kb)
file mil-samsung.xml (8,71 Kb)
file mil-samyang.xml (16 Kb)
file mil-sigma.xml (30,33 Kb)
file mil-sony.xml (194,29 Kb)
file mil-tamron.xml (19,07 Kb)
file mil-tokina.xml (522 b)
file mil-zeiss.xml (13,11 Kb)
file misc.xml (55,32 Kb)
file rf-leica.xml (1,78 Kb)
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file slr-hasselblad.xml (670 b)
file slr-konica-minolta.xml (39,48 Kb)
file slr-leica.xml (1,68 Kb)
file slr-nikon.xml (354,3 Kb)
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file slr-panasonic.xml (437 b)
file slr-pentax.xml (191,8 Kb)
file slr-ricoh.xml (2,43 Kb)
file slr-samsung.xml (891 b)
file slr-samyang.xml (13,92 Kb)
file slr-schneider.xml (2,38 Kb)
file slr-sigma.xml (331,36 Kb)
file slr-soligor.xml (589 b)
file slr-sony.xml (85,63 Kb)
file slr-tamron.xml (139,51 Kb)
file slr-tokina.xml (30,01 Kb)
file slr-ussr.xml (19,02 Kb)
file slr-vivitar.xml (2,16 Kb)
file slr-zeiss.xml (7,65 Kb)
txt timestamp.txt (12 b)
tgrc (51 файл)
file .placehold (0 b)
png Butterfly.png (2,65 Mb)
png CGI_Enhanced.png (979,57 Kb)
png CGI_Original.png (1,04 Mb)
file Gigapixel.bin (7,19 Kb)
file Gigapixel_b.bin (126,39 Mb)
file Gigapixel_cgi.bin (7,17 Kb)
file Gigapixel_cgi_b.bin (126,39 Mb)
file Gigapixel_cmp.bin (7,16 Kb)
file Gigapixel_cmp_b.bin (126,39 Mb)
file Gigapixel_detail.bin (7,16 Kb)
file Gigapixel_detail_b.bin (126,39 Mb)
file Gigapixel_fast.bin (7,02 Kb)
file Gigapixel_fast_b.bin (70,73 Mb)
file Gigapixel_hcmp.bin (7,17 Kb)
file Gigapixel_hcmp_b.bin (126,39 Mb)
png Lines_Enhanced.png (1,17 Mb)
png Lines_Original.png (1,08 Mb)
png LowRes_Enhanced.png (1009,17 Kb)
png LowRes_Original.png (604,99 Kb)
jpeg Owl.jpeg (399,36 Kb)
jpeg Paintbrushes.jpeg (1,26 Mb)
jpg PhotoshopPlugin.jpg (186,4 Kb)
jpeg Reptile.jpeg (150,58 Kb)
png Standard_Enhanced.png (1012,98 Kb)
png Standard_Original.png (941,37 Kb)
png VeryCompressed_Enhanced.png (974,08 Kb)
png VeryCompressed_Original.png (382,27 Kb)
file gde_ap-v1-fp16-64x64-ml.tz (1,07 Mb)
file gde_ap-v1-fp32-64x64-ov.tz (1,07 Mb)
file gfclc-v1-fp32-512x512-ov-11.tz (4,24 Kb)
file gfm-v1-fp32-512x512-ov.tz (46,61 Mb)
file gfp-l-v1-fp32-2048x2048-ov.tz (96,74 Mb)
file gfp-s-v1-fp32-1024x1024-ov.tz (96,63 Mb)
file ggn_ap-v1-fp16-192x192-ml.tz (4,54 Mb)
file ggn_ap-v1-fp32-192x192-ov.tz (4,53 Mb)
file giga-cgi.json (8,23 Kb)
file giga-comp.json (8,26 Kb)
file giga-detail.json (8,25 Kb)
file giga-detail_ap.json (1,22 Kb)
file giga-face-large.json (4,67 Kb)
file giga-face-small.json (4,63 Kb)
file giga-facedetect.json (1,38 Kb)
file giga-facemask.json (956 b)
file giga-faceparse-large.json (982 b)
file giga-faceparse-small.json (982 b)
file giga-facerefine.json (1,46 Kb)
file giga-fclc.json (984 b)
file giga-hcomp.json (8,34 Kb)
file giga-normal.json (6,28 Kb)
file giga-normal_ap.json (1,23 Kb)
exe TopazGigapixelPortable.exe (425,76 Kb)

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