Торрент софт » Графика » Редакторы » CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition RePack by A.L.E.X. (2013) [Eng/Rus] скачать торрент файл бесплатно


CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition RePack by A.L.E.X. (2013) [Eng/Rus]

Автор: Unix от 31-03-2013, 22:33, Посмотрело: 10 125, Обсуждения: 0

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition RePack by A.L.E.X. (2013) [Eng/Rus]

Название программы: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition
Версия программы: SP3
Последняя Версия программы: SP3
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский
Лечение: не требуется

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 — надежное программное решение для графического дизайна, которое подойдет как начинающим, так и опытным пользователям. Пакет включает в себя среду с обширным контентом и профессиональные приложения для графического дизайна, редактирования фотографий и веб-дизайна. С ним вы получите безграничные возможности, чтобы проявить себя и реализовать ваши творческие идеи. Встроенная справка, обучающие видеоматериалы и профессиональные шаблоны помогут вам быстро освоиться с программами пакета. Затем вы сможете с уверенностью создавать все что угодно — например, впечатляющие логотипы и вывески, веб-сайты и элементы веб-графики, афиши, декоративные наклейки для автомобилей, буклеты и многое другое!

Системные требования:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions) , Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), or Windows® XP (32-bit), all with latest service packs installed
Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
1.5GB hard disk space (for typical installation without content - additional disk space is required during installation)
Mouse or tablet
1024 x 768 screen resolution
DVD drive
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher


Загрузил: Unix (31 марта 2013 21:32)
Взяли: 3096 | Размер: 2.44 Gb
Последняя активность: 20 марта 2016 22:06
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 105 Качают: 107 Скачали: 85
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file Success.htm (1,3 Kb)
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file Success.htm (1,27 Kb)
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file Property.xml (4,09 Kb)
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file FinErr.htm (2,89 Kb)
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file Style.css (4,03 Kb)
file TR.htm (49,75 Kb)
file Welcome.htm (5,99 Kb)
file WelcomeA.htm (3,26 Kb)
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file Style.css (1,31 Kb)
file Success.htm (1,3 Kb)
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file Property.xml (4,12 Kb)
_XX (1 файл)
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png BackGrd1.png (32,37 Kb)
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file CloseBtn_sm.htc (875 b)
file Refresh.htc (401 b)
file Setup.js (3,04 Kb)
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file 161_Apps.msp (8,03 Mb)
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file 161_Langs_T3_x64.msp (1,19 Mb)
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file 161_Setup_x64.msp (284 Kb)
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file 162_Utilities.msp (524 Kb)
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file 162_Utilities_x64.msp (536 Kb)
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file GetMsgs.ini (120 b)
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file Readme.html (13,04 Kb)
x64 (16 файлов)
CGS16 (40 файлов)
Administrator (18 файлов)
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file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CS.sms (449 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CT.sms (449 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CZ.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite DE.sms (463 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite EN.sms (458 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ES.sms (459 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite FR.sms (462 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite IT.sms (465 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite JP.sms (457 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite KR.sms (443 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite MA.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite NL.sms (468 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite PL.sms (462 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite RU.sms (460 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SU.sms (457 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SV.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.zap (1,63 Kb)
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msi Vba71_1033.MSI (2,68 Mb)
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Language Packs (9 файлов)
1028 Chinese - Taiwan (5 файлов)
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file trin_artl.cab (21,05 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (214 Kb)
1031 German - Germany (5 файлов)
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file trin_adtl.cab (12,21 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,91 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (224 Kb)
1036 French - France (5 файлов)
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file trin_artl.cab (21,58 Kb)
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1040 Italian - Italy (5 файлов)
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file trin_artl.cab (21,18 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (222,5 Kb)
1041 Japanese - Japan (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,83 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (14,8 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,89 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (221,5 Kb)
1042 Korean - Korea (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (13,81 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,24 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,16 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (218,5 Kb)
1046 Portuguese - Brazil (2 файла)
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msi trin_artl.msi (221,5 Kb)
2052 Chinese - People's Republic of China (5 файлов)
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file trin_adtl.cab (13,06 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,24 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,03 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (214 Kb)
3082 Spanish - Modern Sort - Spain (5 файлов)
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file trin_adtl.cab (11,93 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,31 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (223 Kb)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
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msi trin_aide.msi (3,81 Mb)
file trin_art.cab (629,03 Kb)
msi trin_art.msi (559,5 Kb)
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file Common_x64.cab (70,52 Mb)
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file Redist_x64.cab (8,11 Mb)
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file RestMan.htm (4,72 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,98 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,46 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
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file RestMan.htm (3,87 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,74 Kb)
CS (4 файла)
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png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
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file License.htm (6,4 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,58 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,51 Kb)
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file RebootPending.htm (3 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,9 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,77 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,27 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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file Progress.htm (1,61 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,05 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,59 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (31,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (21,88 Kb)
CT (4 файла)
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file MinSysD.htm (6,61 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,52 Kb)
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file RestMan.htm (4,88 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,77 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,31 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
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file Progress.htm (1,61 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,91 Kb)
file Success.htm (1,6 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (32,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (21,88 Kb)
CZ (4 файла)
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file FinErr.htm (3,25 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
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file License.htm (6,18 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,6 Kb)
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file RebootPending.htm (2,93 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,75 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,51 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,1 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
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file Error.htm (1,37 Kb)
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file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,6 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,92 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,53 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,28 Kb)
DE (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
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png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
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file DE.htm (48,12 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,5 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,44 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,6 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,75 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,93 Kb)
file License.htm (6,43 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,53 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,41 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,87 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,02 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,74 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,8 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,36 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,41 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,58 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,16 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,07 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,57 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (44,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,87 Kb)
EN (4 файла)
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png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
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png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9 Kb)
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file FinErr.htm (3,35 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,49 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,69 Kb)
file License.htm (6,36 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,46 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,37 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,83 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,95 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,85 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,01 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,31 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,41 Kb)
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file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,59 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,01 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,57 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (22,65 Kb)
ES (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
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png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,14 Kb)
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file ES.htm (49,88 Kb)
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file FinErr.htm (3,39 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,45 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,34 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,71 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,78 Kb)
file License.htm (6,37 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,58 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,36 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,86 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,71 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,81 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,32 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
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file Help.htm (7,15 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,04 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (44,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,88 Kb)
FR (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
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png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
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png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,33 Kb)
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file FR.htm (54,08 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,5 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,42 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,56 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,35 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,86 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,88 Kb)
file License.htm (6,44 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,73 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,49 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,87 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,1 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,77 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,08 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,55 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,42 Kb)
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file Help.htm (7,73 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,03 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,18 Kb)
IT (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
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gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,13 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,42 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,36 Kb)
file IT.htm (45,27 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,54 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,77 Kb)
file License.htm (6,32 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,5 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,36 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,84 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,98 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,72 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,86 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,34 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,44 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,53 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,11 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,59 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,02 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,6 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,7 Kb)
JP (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,45 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,71 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,49 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (11,08 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,41 Kb)
file Install.htm (38,91 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,96 Kb)
file JP.htm (52,35 Kb)
file License.htm (6,52 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,88 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,82 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,89 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,13 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (5,1 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,19 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,73 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,46 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,8 Kb)
file Help.htm (8,5 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,65 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,62 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,23 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,62 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (35,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (26,09 Kb)
MA (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
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gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,92 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,48 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,43 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,26 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,37 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,57 Kb)
file License.htm (6,17 Kb)
file MA.htm (74,06 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,49 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (12,5 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,68 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,17 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,95 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,89 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,57 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,55 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,82 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,56 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,53 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,95 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,46 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (24 Kb)
NL (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
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gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
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gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,12 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,34 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,35 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,34 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,65 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,71 Kb)
file License.htm (6,44 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,47 Kb)
file NL.htm (44,08 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,35 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,83 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,01 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,73 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,67 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,2 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,51 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,86 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,63 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,6 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,04 Kb)
PL (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,84 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,44 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,29 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,3 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,21 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,51 Kb)
file License.htm (6,22 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,43 Kb)
file PL.htm (47,52 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,38 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,61 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,01 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,73 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,53 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,15 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,34 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,55 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,72 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,86 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,5 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,49 Kb)
RU (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (17,61 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (17,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (8,88 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (6,52 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (20,32 Kb)
file Init.htm (4,55 Kb)
file Install.htm (74,53 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (15,01 Kb)
file License.htm (6,43 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (12,92 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (12,82 Kb)
file Progress.htm (21,29 Kb)
file RU.htm (73,6 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (5,85 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (9,42 Kb)
file SN.htm (16,91 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,08 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,39 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,76 Kb)
file Help.htm (9,4 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,45 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,42 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,21 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,54 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (29,53 Kb)
SU (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,84 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,7 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,14 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,25 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,13 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,49 Kb)
file License.htm (6,12 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,37 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,23 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,6 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,99 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,74 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,42 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,05 Kb)
file SU.htm (50,02 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,37 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,47 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,64 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,44 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,41 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,83 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,52 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (41,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,15 Kb)
SV (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,81 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,67 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,4 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,25 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,18 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,16 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,53 Kb)
file License.htm (6,15 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,3 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,27 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,59 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,91 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,64 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,42 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,12 Kb)
file SV.htm (48,71 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,4 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,7 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,57 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,54 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,72 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,47 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,01 Kb)
TR (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,85 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,67 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,49 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,26 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,25 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,52 Kb)
file License.htm (6,2 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,47 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,31 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,62 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,96 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,76 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,6 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,19 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
file TR.htm (49,75 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,51 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,56 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,57 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,54 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,96 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,47 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,54 Kb)
_XX (2 файла)
Custom (2 файла)
Images (36 файлов)
Gallery (50 файлов)
png Setup_Billboard_01.png (212,46 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_02.png (92,52 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_03.png (170,09 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_04.png (73,62 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_05.png (38,27 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_06.png (47,45 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_07.png (152,96 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_08.png (135,39 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_09.png (75,38 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_10.png (187,04 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_11.png (143,38 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_12.png (78,47 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_13.png (56,85 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_14.png (94,98 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_15.png (120,55 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_16.png (62,86 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_17.png (109,86 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_18.png (184,32 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_19.png (271,37 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_20.png (207,72 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_21.png (183,3 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_22.png (79,3 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_23.png (152,33 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_24.png (83,82 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_25.png (140,7 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_26.png (136,82 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_27.png (162,04 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_28.png (116,5 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_29.png (110,47 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_30.png (181,73 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_31.png (53,5 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_32.png (208,07 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_33.png (99,28 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_34.png (166,66 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_35.png (83,62 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_36.png (83,03 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_37.png (85,14 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_38.png (205,34 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_39.png (182,95 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_40.png (177,54 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_41.png (99,84 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_42.png (77,43 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_43.png (168,94 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_44.png (215,01 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_45.png (95,33 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_46.png (146,29 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_47.png (47,85 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_48.png (117,71 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_49.png (294,06 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_50.png (110,96 Kb)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
png COL.png (13,38 Kb)
png COLOver.png (16,34 Kb)
png DRL.png (13,2 Kb)
png DRLOver.png (17,4 Kb)
gif Folder.gif (1,79 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
png PPL.png (13,01 Kb)
png PPLOver.png (16,46 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png button.png (2,76 Kb)
png buttonL.png (2,69 Kb)
png buttonM.png (2,69 Kb)
png buttonR.png (2,7 Kb)
png button_lg.png (2,85 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
gif close.gif (531 b)
gif closeovr.gif (653 b)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
js (6 файлов)
file Buttons.htc (985 b)
file CloseBtn.htc (851 b)
file Install.js (13,98 Kb)
file Menu.js (15,43 Kb)
file Refresh.htc (401 b)
file Setup.js (5,92 Kb)
Required (1 файл)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
Redist (3 файла)
DotNet (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB974373-x64.msu (432,91 Kb)
file Windows6.0-KB974373-x86.msu (427,23 Kb)
exe dotNetFx35setup.exe (2,82 Mb)
exe dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe (41,01 Mb)
exe dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe (868,57 Kb)
exe dotnetfx35.exe (231,5 Mb)
Msi (1 файл)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
MSXML (2 файла)
msi msxml6.msi (1,46 Mb)
msi msxml6_x64.msi (2,6 Mb)
file DRPCUNLR.DLL (53,93 Kb)
exe GetMsgs.EXE (1,64 Mb)
file GetMsgs.ini (144 b)
msi ICA_x64.msi (1,19 Mb)
file PsiClient.dll (772,43 Kb)
file RMPCUNLR.DLL (22,43 Kb)
file Script.dll (3,96 Mb)
file SerChckv2.DLL (2,36 Mb)
exe Setup.exe (3,08 Mb)
exe SetupARP.exe (2,67 Mb)
file SetupXML.dll (2,18 Mb)
file setup.xml (35,63 Kb)
file tBar7.dll (2,12 Mb)
x86 (16 файлов)
CGS16 (39 файлов)
Administrator (18 файлов)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite BR.sms (462 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CS.sms (449 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CT.sms (449 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CZ.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite DE.sms (463 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite EN.sms (458 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ES.sms (459 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite FR.sms (462 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite IT.sms (465 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite JP.sms (457 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite KR.sms (443 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite MA.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite NL.sms (468 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite PL.sms (462 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite RU.sms (460 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SU.sms (457 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SV.sms (461 b)
file CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.zap (1,63 Kb)
VBA (13 файлов)
msi Vba71.msi (4,63 Mb)
msi Vba71_1028.MSI (3,56 Mb)
msi Vba71_1031.msi (3,06 Mb)
msi Vba71_1033.MSI (2,68 Mb)
msi Vba71_1036.msi (3,03 Mb)
msi Vba71_1040.msi (2,95 Mb)
msi Vba71_1041.msi (3,36 Mb)
msi Vba71_1042.msi (3,9 Mb)
msi Vba71_1043.msi (2,97 Mb)
msi Vba71_1046.msi (2,95 Mb)
msi Vba71_1053.msi (2,84 Mb)
msi Vba71_2052.msi (3,52 Mb)
msi Vba71_3082.msi (2,97 Mb)
VSTA (6 файлов)
Language Packs (9 файлов)
1028 Chinese - Taiwan (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (13,34 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,24 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,05 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (214 Kb)
1031 German - Germany (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,86 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (12,21 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,91 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (224 Kb)
1036 French - France (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,85 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (12,22 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,58 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (223,5 Kb)
1040 Italian - Italy (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,85 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (12 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,18 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (222,5 Kb)
1041 Japanese - Japan (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,83 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (14,8 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,89 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (221,5 Kb)
1042 Korean - Korea (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (13,81 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,24 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,16 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (218,5 Kb)
1046 Portuguese - Brazil (2 файла)
file trin_artl.cab (21,37 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (221,5 Kb)
2052 Chinese - People's Republic of China (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (13,06 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,24 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,03 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (214 Kb)
3082 Spanish - Modern Sort - Spain (5 файлов)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,85 Mb)
file trin_adtl.cab (11,93 Mb)
msi trin_adtl.msi (2,25 Mb)
file trin_artl.cab (21,31 Kb)
msi trin_artl.msi (223 Kb)
exe expdbgsetup.exe (3,82 Mb)
file trin_aide.cab (38,15 Mb)
msi trin_aide.msi (3,81 Mb)
file trin_art.cab (629,03 Kb)
msi trin_art.msi (559,5 Kb)
msi 64BitKey.msi (890 Kb)
msi CGS_VSTA.msi (1,37 Mb)
file Capture.cab (578,61 Kb)
msi Capture.msi (1,37 Mb)
file Common.cab (68,29 Mb)
msi Common.msi (1,44 Mb)
file Connect.cab (17,76 Mb)
msi Connect.msi (1,64 Mb)
file CustomData.cab (45,96 Mb)
msi CustomData.msi (1,21 Mb)
file Draw.cab (61,01 Mb)
msi Draw.msi (1,97 Mb)
file EN.cab (87,03 Mb)
msi EN.msi (1,6 Mb)
file Filters.cab (7,59 Mb)
msi Filters.msi (1,19 Mb)
file FontNav.cab (20,88 Mb)
msi FontNav.msi (1,52 Mb)
msi Ghostscript.msi (11,48 Mb)
file IPM.cab (20,39 Mb)
msi IPM.msi (4,04 Mb)
file IPMT3.cab (7,96 Mb)
msi IPMT3.msi (3,27 Mb)
file PHOTO-PAINT.cab (35,15 Mb)
msi PHOTO-PAINT.msi (1,48 Mb)
msi Photozoom.msi (3,9 Mb)
file RU.cab (79,96 Mb)
msi RU.msi (1,57 Mb)
file Redist.cab (22,75 Mb)
msi Redist.msi (1,29 Mb)
msi Setup.msi (1,63 Mb)
msi ShellExt.msi (1,81 Mb)
msi VBA.msi (2,35 Mb)
msi VideoBrowser.msi (1,8 Mb)
file WT.cab (22,67 Mb)
msi WT.msi (1,26 Mb)
Lang (18 файлов)
BR (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
jpg custom.jpg (5,67 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,21 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,85 Kb)
file BR.htm (50,81 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,43 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,42 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,44 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,34 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,73 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,87 Kb)
file License.htm (6,33 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,59 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,47 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,84 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,03 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,72 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,98 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,46 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,54 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,5 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,64 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,6 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,87 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,74 Kb)
CS (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,13 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,97 Kb)
file CS.htm (33,52 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,57 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,38 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,37 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,88 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,7 Kb)
file License.htm (6,4 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,58 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,51 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,84 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,9 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,77 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,27 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,57 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,52 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,64 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,61 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,05 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,59 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (31,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (21,88 Kb)
CT (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,08 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,91 Kb)
file CT.htm (32,74 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,56 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,38 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,37 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,85 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,69 Kb)
file License.htm (6,36 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,61 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,52 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,83 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,03 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,88 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,77 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,31 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (8 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,39 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,56 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,55 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,64 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,61 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,91 Kb)
file Success.htm (1,6 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (32,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (21,88 Kb)
CZ (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,82 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,72 Kb)
file CZ.htm (57,95 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,47 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,25 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,18 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,49 Kb)
file License.htm (6,18 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,6 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,41 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,62 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,93 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,75 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,51 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,1 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,37 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,57 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,64 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,6 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,92 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,53 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,28 Kb)
DE (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,21 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,86 Kb)
file DE.htm (48,12 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,5 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,44 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,6 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,75 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,93 Kb)
file License.htm (6,43 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,53 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,41 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,87 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,02 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,74 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,8 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,36 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,41 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,58 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,16 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,07 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,57 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (44,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,87 Kb)
EN (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
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png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9 Kb)
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file EN.htm (38,86 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,53 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,35 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,28 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,49 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,69 Kb)
file License.htm (6,36 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,46 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,37 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,83 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,95 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,85 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,01 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,31 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,41 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,53 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,2 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,59 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,01 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,57 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (22,65 Kb)
ES (4 файла)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
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gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
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png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,14 Kb)
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file ES.htm (49,88 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,39 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,45 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,34 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,71 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,78 Kb)
file License.htm (6,37 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,58 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,36 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,86 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,71 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,81 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,32 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,56 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,15 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,04 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (44,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,88 Kb)
FR (4 файла)
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Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
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gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,33 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (9,01 Kb)
file FR.htm (54,08 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,5 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,42 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,56 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,35 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,86 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,88 Kb)
file License.htm (6,44 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,73 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,49 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,87 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,1 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,77 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,08 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,55 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,42 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,54 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,73 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,03 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,18 Kb)
IT (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
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gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,13 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,75 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,42 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,36 Kb)
file IT.htm (45,27 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,33 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,54 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,77 Kb)
file License.htm (6,32 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,5 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,36 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,84 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,98 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,72 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,86 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,34 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,44 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,53 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,11 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,62 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,59 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,02 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,6 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,7 Kb)
JP (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
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gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,45 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,71 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,49 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (11,08 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,41 Kb)
file Install.htm (38,91 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,96 Kb)
file JP.htm (52,35 Kb)
file License.htm (6,52 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,88 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,82 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,89 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,13 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (5,1 Kb)
file SN.htm (9,19 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,73 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
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gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,46 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,8 Kb)
file Help.htm (8,5 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,65 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,62 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,23 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,62 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (35,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (26,09 Kb)
MA (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
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png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,92 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (4,48 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,43 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,26 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,37 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,57 Kb)
file License.htm (6,17 Kb)
file MA.htm (74,06 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,49 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (12,5 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,68 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,17 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,95 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,89 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,57 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,55 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,82 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,56 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,53 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,95 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,46 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (24 Kb)
NL (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (9,12 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,56 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,34 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,35 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,34 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,65 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,71 Kb)
file License.htm (6,44 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,47 Kb)
file NL.htm (44,08 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,35 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,83 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,01 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,73 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,67 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,2 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,43 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,51 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,86 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,63 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,6 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,58 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,04 Kb)
PL (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,84 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,72 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,44 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,29 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,3 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,21 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,51 Kb)
file License.htm (6,22 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,43 Kb)
file PL.htm (47,52 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,38 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,61 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (3,01 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,73 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,53 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,15 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,34 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,55 Kb)
file Help.htm (7,72 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,61 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,58 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,86 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,5 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (24,49 Kb)
RU (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (17,61 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (17,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (8,88 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (6,52 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (20,32 Kb)
file Init.htm (4,55 Kb)
file Install.htm (74,53 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (15,01 Kb)
file License.htm (6,43 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (12,92 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (12,82 Kb)
file Progress.htm (21,29 Kb)
file RU.htm (73,6 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (5,85 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (9,42 Kb)
file SN.htm (16,91 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,08 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,39 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,76 Kb)
file Help.htm (9,4 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,45 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,42 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,21 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,54 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (29,53 Kb)
SU (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,84 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,7 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,45 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,14 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,25 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,13 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,49 Kb)
file License.htm (6,12 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,37 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,23 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,6 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,99 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,74 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,42 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,05 Kb)
file SU.htm (50,02 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,37 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,47 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,64 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,44 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,41 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,83 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,52 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (41,94 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,15 Kb)
SV (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
Images (21 файл)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,81 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,67 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,4 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,25 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,18 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,16 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,53 Kb)
file License.htm (6,15 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,3 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,27 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,59 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,91 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,64 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,42 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,12 Kb)
file SV.htm (48,71 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
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gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
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file FilesUse.htm (3,4 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,7 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,57 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,54 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,72 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,47 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (42,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,01 Kb)
TR (4 файла)
Custom (19 файлов)
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png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
file ARP.htm (8,85 Kb)
file AdminDes.htm (8,67 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (4,49 Kb)
file FinErr.htm (3,27 Kb)
file FinSuc.htm (10,26 Kb)
file Init.htm (2,27 Kb)
file Install.htm (37,25 Kb)
file InstallChoose.htm (7,52 Kb)
file License.htm (6,2 Kb)
file MinSysD.htm (6,47 Kb)
file PreInstall.htm (6,31 Kb)
file Progress.htm (10,62 Kb)
file RebootPending.htm (2,96 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (4,76 Kb)
file SN.htm (8,6 Kb)
file SNT.htm (11,19 Kb)
file Style.css (9,3 Kb)
file TR.htm (49,75 Kb)
Required (9 файлов)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
file Error.htm (1,31 Kb)
file FilesUse.htm (3,51 Kb)
file Help.htm (6,56 Kb)
file Init.htm (1,57 Kb)
file Progress.htm (1,54 Kb)
file RestMan.htm (3,96 Kb)
file Style.css (614 b)
file Success.htm (1,47 Kb)
file PCUDataIntl.DLL (43,44 Kb)
file Property.xml (23,54 Kb)
_XX (2 файла)
Custom (2 файла)
Images (36 файлов)
Gallery (50 файлов)
png Setup_Billboard_01.png (212,46 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_02.png (92,52 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_03.png (170,09 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_04.png (73,62 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_05.png (38,27 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_06.png (47,45 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_07.png (152,96 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_08.png (135,39 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_09.png (75,38 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_10.png (187,04 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_11.png (143,38 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_12.png (78,47 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_13.png (56,85 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_14.png (94,98 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_15.png (120,55 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_16.png (62,86 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_17.png (109,86 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_18.png (184,32 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_19.png (271,37 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_20.png (207,72 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_21.png (183,3 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_22.png (79,3 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_23.png (152,33 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_24.png (83,82 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_25.png (140,7 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_26.png (136,82 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_27.png (162,04 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_28.png (116,5 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_29.png (110,47 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_30.png (181,73 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_31.png (53,5 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_32.png (208,07 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_33.png (99,28 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_34.png (166,66 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_35.png (83,62 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_36.png (83,03 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_37.png (85,14 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_38.png (205,34 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_39.png (182,95 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_40.png (177,54 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_41.png (99,84 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_42.png (77,43 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_43.png (168,94 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_44.png (215,01 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_45.png (95,33 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_46.png (146,29 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_47.png (47,85 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_48.png (117,71 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_49.png (294,06 Kb)
png Setup_Billboard_50.png (110,96 Kb)
png BackGrd1.png (45,99 Kb)
png BackGrd2.png (39,96 Kb)
png COL.png (13,38 Kb)
png COLOver.png (16,34 Kb)
png DRL.png (13,2 Kb)
png DRLOver.png (17,4 Kb)
gif Folder.gif (1,79 Kb)
gif MenuOn.gif (203 b)
gif Modify.gif (2,11 Kb)
png PP.png (5,27 Kb)
png PPL.png (13,01 Kb)
png PPLOver.png (16,46 Kb)
gif Remove.gif (1,78 Kb)
gif Repair.gif (2,3 Kb)
png Shadow.png (37,33 Kb)
gif TabBlue.gif (84 b)
gif TabGreen.gif (84 b)
gif TabRed.gif (84 b)
gif TabYellow.gif (84 b)
gif Tip.gif (1,46 Kb)
png bitstream.png (4,39 Kb)
png button.png (2,76 Kb)
png buttonL.png (2,69 Kb)
png buttonM.png (2,69 Kb)
png buttonR.png (2,7 Kb)
png button_lg.png (2,85 Kb)
png capture.png (5,45 Kb)
gif close.gif (531 b)
gif closeovr.gif (653 b)
png connect.png (5,35 Kb)
png custom.png (9,77 Kb)
png draw.png (5,54 Kb)
png folder.png (3,97 Kb)
png typical.png (8,89 Kb)
png updates.png (4,29 Kb)
js (6 файлов)
file Buttons.htc (985 b)
file CloseBtn.htc (851 b)
file Install.js (13,98 Kb)
file Menu.js (15,43 Kb)
file Refresh.htc (401 b)
file Setup.js (5,92 Kb)
Required (1 файл)
Images (3 файла)
gif Error.gif (748 b)
gif Success.gif (693 b)
gif arp.gif (2,36 Kb)
Redist (3 файла)
DotNet (6 файлов)
file Windows6.0-KB974373-x64.msu (432,91 Kb)
file Windows6.0-KB974373-x86.msu (427,23 Kb)
exe dotNetFx35setup.exe (2,82 Mb)
exe dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe (41,01 Mb)
exe dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe (868,57 Kb)
exe dotnetfx35.exe (231,5 Mb)
Msi (1 файл)
exe WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe (3,17 Mb)
MSXML (2 файла)
msi msxml6.msi (1,46 Mb)
msi msxml6_x64.msi (2,6 Mb)
file DRPCUNLR.DLL (53,93 Kb)
exe GetMsgs.EXE (1,18 Mb)
file GetMsgs.ini (144 b)
msi ICA.msi (1,27 Mb)
file PsiClient.dll (421,28 Kb)
file RMPCUNLR.DLL (22,43 Kb)
file Script.dll (2,84 Mb)
file SerChckv2.DLL (1,74 Mb)
exe Setup.exe (2,37 Mb)
exe SetupARP.exe (2,06 Mb)
file SetupXML.dll (1,6 Mb)
file setup.xml (35,57 Kb)
file tBar7.dll (213,43 Kb)
file Auto.dll (1,56 Mb)
exe Autorun.exe (2,11 Mb)
file SetupXML.dll (1,6 Mb)
txt Volinfo.txt (332 b)
file autorun.inf (51 b)

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