Версия программы: 2.29.0
Официальный сайт: Krzysztof Marczak
Язык интерфейса: Английский и другие
Лечение: не требуется
Системные требования:
- теоретически Windows XP или новее
- тестировалось на windows 7 и выше
- standalone редакция только для x64 систем
- быстрый CPU (рекомендовано не менее 2GHz, 4 ядра)
Mandelbulber- экспериментальное приложение, разработанное для создания и работы с 3D - фракталами. Особенности: великолепная гибкость по работе с 3D-фракталами, работа с освещением тенями, цветом, поддержка эффектов ambient окклюзии, глубины резкости и т.д. Неограниченное разрешение изображения на 64-битных системах. Простой в использовании 3D-навигатор по фракталу. Mandelbulber творчески генерирует трехмерные фракталы. Исследуйте тригонометрические, гиперкомплексные, Mandelbox, IFS и многие другие трехмерные фракталы. Монтируйте с большой палитрой настраиваемых материалов для создания потрясающих изображений и видео. Возможности буквально бесконечны!
Загрузил: Baguvix (9 апреля 2023 07:01)
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Взяли: 73 | Размер: 352,93 Mb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Mandelbulber 2.29.0 + Standalone (3119 файлов)
mandelbulber2-win64-2.29-standalone (51 файл)
audio (4 файла)
qtaudio_wasapi.dll (95,98 Kb)
qtaudio_wasapid.dll (1,04 Mb)
qtaudio_windows.dll (62,48 Kb)
qtaudio_windowsd.dll (229,98 Kb)
qtaudio_wasapid.dll (1,04 Mb)
qtaudio_windows.dll (62,48 Kb)
qtaudio_windowsd.dll (229,98 Kb)
data (2 файла)
mandelbulber_1.21_defaults.fract (10,26 Kb)
parameterNames.txt (26,77 Kb)
parameterNames.txt (26,77 Kb)
doc (2 файла)
Mandelbulber_Manual.pdf (13,2 Mb)
NEWS (117,76 Kb)
NEWS (117,76 Kb)
examples (154 файла)
gannjondal - newton- license Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) (8 файлов)
newtonPow3-PolyFoldSym-delta-gnj-016d.fract (2,09 Kb)
newtonPow3-PolyFoldSym-delta-gnj-016e.fract (2,09 Kb)
newtonPow3-PolyFoldSym-delta-gnj-017b.fract (2,29 Kb)
newtonPow3-ScaleRot-delta-gnj-007d.fract (1,43 Kb)
newtonPow3-delta-gnj-001b.fract (1,19 Kb)
newtonPow3-delta-gnj-002h.fract (1,37 Kb)
newtonPow3-rotfold-delta-gnj-003d.fract (1,82 Kb)
newtonPow3-rotfold-delta-gnj-010g.fract (1,97 Kb)
newtonPow3-PolyFoldSym-delta-gnj-016e.fract (2,09 Kb)
newtonPow3-PolyFoldSym-delta-gnj-017b.fract (2,29 Kb)
newtonPow3-ScaleRot-delta-gnj-007d.fract (1,43 Kb)
newtonPow3-delta-gnj-001b.fract (1,19 Kb)
newtonPow3-delta-gnj-002h.fract (1,37 Kb)
newtonPow3-rotfold-delta-gnj-003d.fract (1,82 Kb)
newtonPow3-rotfold-delta-gnj-010g.fract (1,97 Kb)
Graeme McLaren collection - license Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) (243 файла)
DIFS Box DiagV1 complex primitive.fract (1,44 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV1 pseudoKl.fract (1,32 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV3 asurf.fract (1,92 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV3 complex primitive.fract (1,89 Kb)
DIFS Box Frame asa1.fract (1,13 Kb)
DIFS Box Frame asa2.fract (1017 b)
DIFS BoxV1 asurf.fract (2,27 Kb)
DIFS BoxV1 flower.fract (1,75 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder complex primitive.fract (1,97 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder rocket.fract (2,18 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder tree.fract (2,1 Kb)
DIFS GridV2 boxBulb.fract (2,55 Kb)
DIFS Hextgrid2 sphInv.fract (2,35 Kb)
DIFS Menger Ellipsoid.fract (1,82 Kb)
DIFS Polyhedra_hexgrid.fract (1,69 Kb)
DIFS Sphere MBulb a2.fract (1,4 Kb)
DIFS Sphere MBulb.fract (2,52 Kb)
DIFS Torus asurf.fract (2,24 Kb)
DIFS Torus polyhedron.fract (3,05 Kb)
DIFS Torus twist asa1.fract (977 b)
DIFS Torus twist asa2.fract (1,11 Kb)
DIFS_AmazIfs_Cyl.fract (1,46 Kb)
DIFS_AmazIfs_Hex.fract (2 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian Hybrid esc7.fract (1,98 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian Hybrid inv cos.fract (1,78 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian sphereInversion.fract (1,62 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian v3.fract (1,69 Kb)
KIFS_mandelbulb_trapLights.fract (2,19 Kb)
KochV4.fract (1,53 Kb)
MbulbAbsPow2_001.fract (1,6 Kb)
MbulbAbsPow2_002.fract (1,92 Kb)
Menger 4D Mod1.fract (1,04 Kb)
MengerV4.fract (1,19 Kb)
MengerV5.fract (894 b)
Mix Pinski 4D hybrid.fract (1,29 Kb)
OctahedronMandalayMenger.fract (1,41 Kb)
RiemannSphereMsltoeV2.fract (892 b)
Scator Spikey Imaginary Pow2.fract (2,48 Kb)
Sierpinski 4D.fract (1,19 Kb)
SphereInvBoxMenger.fract (1,79 Kb)
T-DifsBxFrame_T-DifsCayley2.fract (1,81 Kb)
T-DifsCayley2.fract (1,23 Kb)
T-DifsCayley2_coloredByChessboard.fract (1,34 Kb)
T-DifsChessboard_T-DifsSphereGrid.fract (1,2 Kb)
T-DifsChessboard_coloredBy FoldBox.fract (1,17 Kb)
T-DifsHelixMenger.fract (979 b)
T-DifsHelixMenger_001.fract (903 b)
T-DifsHelixMenger_002.fract (996 b)
T-DifsHelixV2.fract (1,22 Kb)
T-DifsHelixV2_001.fract (1,18 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger.fract (992 b)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsClipCustom.fract (1,32 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsClipCustom_001.fract (1,71 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsPiriform.fract (1,44 Kb)
T_DIFS AmazIfs torus.fract (1,33 Kb)
T_DIFS Chessboard hybrid color.fract (1,2 Kb)
T_DIFS Chessboard.fract (1,2 Kb)
T_DIFS GridV3 001.fract (1,48 Kb)
T_DIFS GridV3 002.fract (1,45 Kb)
T_DIFS Helix 001.fract (1020 b)
T_DIFS Helix 002.fract (1,12 Kb)
T_DIFS Helix Menger 001.fract (1,33 Kb)
T_DIFS SphereGrid IQ.fract (1,07 Kb)
T_DIFS Spring MixPinski.fract (2,81 Kb)
T_DIFS Spring PolyFld.fract (1,22 Kb)
T_DIFS Tri_Grid asurf.fract (1,56 Kb)
T_PolyfoldAtan2Iter_sierp.fract (1,41 Kb)
TransfDIFSEllipsoid asurf.fract (2,22 Kb)
TransfSphereCoordInv_bulbs.fract (1,25 Kb)
aBox 4D.fract (1,28 Kb)
aBox4D_addCpixel4D.fract (1,11 Kb)
abox11_aboxSurfBox.fract (1,27 Kb)
aboxMod1 V2.11.fract (1,17 Kb)
aboxMod11_001.fract (1,38 Kb)
aboxMod11_002.fract (2,08 Kb)
aboxMod11_003.fract (1,32 Kb)
aboxMod11_addCpixelRotate.fract (1,03 Kb)
aboxMod11_for8cA.fract (1,37 Kb)
aboxMod11_hybrid.fract (1,69 Kb)
aboxMod13Surf.fract (1,52 Kb)
aboxMod13_001.fract (2,01 Kb)
aboxMod13_002.fract (1,09 Kb)
aboxMod14_001.fract (799 b)
aboxMod15_001.fract (1,19 Kb)
aboxMod15_meng3.fract (2,11 Kb)
aboxMod15cpixelInvert.fract (1,38 Kb)
abox_cylinder.fract (1,67 Kb)
abox_klein.fract (897 b)
abox_mod11_rotVary.fract (4,4 Kb)
abox_mod11_rotVaryV1.fract (1,36 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 aa1.fract (1,18 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 asurf mode.fract (1,12 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 polfFoldSym.fract (1,25 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3 hexgridDIFS.fract (1,55 Kb)
abox_octahedron.fract (1,94 Kb)
abox_sphere4D.fract (1,15 Kb)
abox_tetra.fract (1,28 Kb)
amazingIFS cyl.fract (1,26 Kb)
amazingIFS hex.fract (1,25 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_PlatonicSolid.fract (1,33 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_aaa1.fract (2,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_mandelbulb.fract (1,67 Kb)
asurf julia varylimits.fract (1,54 Kb)
asurf3_mandalay.fract (1,38 Kb)
asurf4_sphere_invert.fract (1,4 Kb)
asurf4_worms.fract (1,1 Kb)
asurf_fakelights_backgroundl.fract (1,96 Kb)
asurf_foldingTetra.fract (1,2 Kb)
asurf_invert_spherical.fract (1,57 Kb)
asurf_julia.fract (1,28 Kb)
asurf_klein sph.fract (1,68 Kb)
asurf_klein.fract (1,39 Kb)
asurf_kleinV2 aa.fract (1,77 Kb)
asurf_kleinV2.fract (1,63 Kb)
asurf_polyfolds.fract (1,63 Kb)
asurf_spheroids_on_sticks.fract (1,12 Kb)
blockifyV2_PseudoKlien.fract (1,71 Kb)
boolean_boxFoldBulb_quat.fract (2,45 Kb)
box4dBulb aab5.fract (1,75 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2.fract (1,58 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2_01.fract (1,57 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2_twice.fract (1,69 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3 iridescene.fract (1,48 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3.fract (2,17 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_001.fract (1,47 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_a01.fract (1,67 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_benesiHybrid.fract (1,44 Kb)
boxWrap-bulb.fract (1,39 Kb)
bristorbrot v2.fract (1,34 Kb)
collatz mod hybrid1.fract (3,45 Kb)
fakeLights_JuliaBulb.fract (2,26 Kb)
foldbox sphereFoldParabolic ede6.fract (2,02 Kb)
ifs_gen menger.fract (855 b)
ifs_xy.fract (1,65 Kb)
low_res_mode_menger.fract (1,11 Kb)
mandalay_boxv1 meng3.fract (1,37 Kb)
mandalay_boxv1.fract (803 b)
mandalay_boxv2.fract (1,2 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.fract (811 b)
mandalay_tower.fract (787 b)
mandelbarV2_sphereGrid.fract (1,26 Kb)
mandelbox_menger_inv 001.fract (1,24 Kb)
mandelbox_rot 001.fract (1,04 Kb)
mandelbulbIqPow8.fract (871 b)
mandelbulbIqV2.fract (1,53 Kb)
mandelbulbSinCosV4_addSphInv.fract (1013 b)
mandelbulb_SinCos_V4.fract (1,08 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.fract (938 b)
mandelbulb_bermarte boxwrap.fract (1,04 Kb)
mandelbulb_boxFoldBulb_hybrid.fract (2,79 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye 001.fract (1,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_p8.fract (891 b)
mandelbulb_plusZ.fract (736 b)
mandelbulb_pow2V3 tglad.fract (1,5 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.fract (1,09 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3 hairy.fract (1,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.fract (1,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.fract (956 b)
mandelnest.fract (855 b)
mandelnest4D IQbulbV2.fract (994 b)
mandelnest4D boxframe.fract (820 b)
mandelnest_full.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelnest_full_001.fract (1,05 Kb)
mbulbCpixelInvert.fract (915 b)
mbulbPow2_v1-001.fract (1,23 Kb)
mbulbPow2_v1.fract (1,17 Kb)
mbulbPow2_v2.fract (1,21 Kb)
mbulbRiemannV2.fract (1,29 Kb)
mbulbSinCos DifsSphGrd3.fract (1,66 Kb)
mbulbTailsV2_TaddSphericalInvert;.fract (1,06 Kb)
mbulb_noC_rotateFold.fract (1,66 Kb)
menger - poly fold.fract (1006 b)
menger - pyramid.fract (1,38 Kb)
menger - smoothChebyshev.fract (1,29 Kb)
menger - smoothMod1.fract (1,11 Kb)
menger addConstCond.fract (2,62 Kb)
msltoe_ToroidalBulb_V2-001.fract (1,04 Kb)
msltoe_ToroidalBulb_V2.fract (1,22 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4 aa.fract (863 b)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.fract (1006 b)
msltoe_sym3_mod5 aa.fract (1,02 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.fract (1,02 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6 mbulb.fract (1,11 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1_sphGrd va.fract (1,04 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1_sphGrd.fract (1,5 Kb)
newtonPow3_mbulbTails.fract (2,31 Kb)
pk3Abx15.fract (1,64 Kb)
platonicSolid_menger_hybrid.fract (1,26 Kb)
poly fold atan mbulb kali.fract (1015 b)
polyfold polyhedra hexprism.fract (1,51 Kb)
polyfold sierpinski gear.fract (1,64 Kb)
pseudo kleinian maxiter10.fract (1,32 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod2 deep zoom.fract (3,48 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_DIFS.fract (1,74 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_prismDIFS.fract (1,57 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_torusDIFS.fract (1,55 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_torusTwist.fract (1,56 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod4 invert.fract (835 b)
pseudoKleinianMod4 invertSp.fract (898 b)
pseudoKleinianMod5 inv.fract (1,83 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod5.fract (1,5 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod_4D.fract (1,2 Kb)
pseudoKleinian_std_DE_flat_surfaces.fract (1,48 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6 sphInv.fract (1,53 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.fract (1,4 Kb)
sinCosMax_sierp.fract (1,97 Kb)
sinCos_abox11.fract (2,01 Kb)
sinCos_pseudoKl.fract (2,25 Kb)
sinCos_xkifs.fract (1,9 Kb)
sphere_invert_menger_sponge.fract (1002 b)
sphere_invert_pseudoKleinian.fract (2,18 Kb)
spheretree_1.fract (1,05 Kb)
spheretree_2.fract (1,35 Kb)
transfAbsRecFoldXY - sierpinski.fract (1,28 Kb)
transfAddSphericalInvert menger.fract (830 b)
transfBoxTilingV3_mandelnest.fract (1,13 Kb)
transfBoxTilingV3_mengerPyramid.fract (1,46 Kb)
transfDiagonalFold - asurf.fract (1,08 Kb)
transfDiagonalFold - pseudoKleinian.fract (1,65 Kb)
transfMengerFoldV2 difsBox.fract (1,01 Kb)
transfMengerFoldV2 difsDonut.fract (904 b)
transfRotationChebychev - torusGrid.fract (814 b)
transfSinCos_mengOcto.fract (1009 b)
transfSinYm3d_menger3.fract (1,13 Kb)
transfSinYm3d_menger3_001.fract (1,31 Kb)
transfSphericalFoldSmooth Octo Menger.fract (1,68 Kb)
transf_Zvec_axis_swap.fract (1,16 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.fract (1,78 Kb)
transf_addCpixelTile_bulb.fract (1,17 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1 Torus.fract (1,72 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1 sphereGrid.fract (925 b)
transf_difs_piriform.fract (1,15 Kb)
transf_mandalay_foldv1_asurf.fract (1,2 Kb)
transf_mandalay_foldv2_asurf.fract (1,44 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold menger4D.fract (870 b)
transf_sin_add_asurf.fract (1,26 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix.fract (939 b)
transf_sincosHelix_juliaBulb.fract (1,19 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix_menger3.fract (1,23 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix_menger3_001.fract (1,78 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2 Mbox_Menger.fract (988 b)
transf_sincos_v2 Menger.fract (997 b)
vicsek_001.fract (1,37 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV1 pseudoKl.fract (1,32 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV3 asurf.fract (1,92 Kb)
DIFS Box DiagV3 complex primitive.fract (1,89 Kb)
DIFS Box Frame asa1.fract (1,13 Kb)
DIFS Box Frame asa2.fract (1017 b)
DIFS BoxV1 asurf.fract (2,27 Kb)
DIFS BoxV1 flower.fract (1,75 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder complex primitive.fract (1,97 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder rocket.fract (2,18 Kb)
DIFS Cylinder tree.fract (2,1 Kb)
DIFS GridV2 boxBulb.fract (2,55 Kb)
DIFS Hextgrid2 sphInv.fract (2,35 Kb)
DIFS Menger Ellipsoid.fract (1,82 Kb)
DIFS Polyhedra_hexgrid.fract (1,69 Kb)
DIFS Sphere MBulb a2.fract (1,4 Kb)
DIFS Sphere MBulb.fract (2,52 Kb)
DIFS Torus asurf.fract (2,24 Kb)
DIFS Torus polyhedron.fract (3,05 Kb)
DIFS Torus twist asa1.fract (977 b)
DIFS Torus twist asa2.fract (1,11 Kb)
DIFS_AmazIfs_Cyl.fract (1,46 Kb)
DIFS_AmazIfs_Hex.fract (2 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian Hybrid esc7.fract (1,98 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian Hybrid inv cos.fract (1,78 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian sphereInversion.fract (1,62 Kb)
Jos Leys Kleinian v3.fract (1,69 Kb)
KIFS_mandelbulb_trapLights.fract (2,19 Kb)
KochV4.fract (1,53 Kb)
MbulbAbsPow2_001.fract (1,6 Kb)
MbulbAbsPow2_002.fract (1,92 Kb)
Menger 4D Mod1.fract (1,04 Kb)
MengerV4.fract (1,19 Kb)
MengerV5.fract (894 b)
Mix Pinski 4D hybrid.fract (1,29 Kb)
OctahedronMandalayMenger.fract (1,41 Kb)
RiemannSphereMsltoeV2.fract (892 b)
Scator Spikey Imaginary Pow2.fract (2,48 Kb)
Sierpinski 4D.fract (1,19 Kb)
SphereInvBoxMenger.fract (1,79 Kb)
T-DifsBxFrame_T-DifsCayley2.fract (1,81 Kb)
T-DifsCayley2.fract (1,23 Kb)
T-DifsCayley2_coloredByChessboard.fract (1,34 Kb)
T-DifsChessboard_T-DifsSphereGrid.fract (1,2 Kb)
T-DifsChessboard_coloredBy FoldBox.fract (1,17 Kb)
T-DifsHelixMenger.fract (979 b)
T-DifsHelixMenger_001.fract (903 b)
T-DifsHelixMenger_002.fract (996 b)
T-DifsHelixV2.fract (1,22 Kb)
T-DifsHelixV2_001.fract (1,18 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger.fract (992 b)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsClipCustom.fract (1,32 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsClipCustom_001.fract (1,71 Kb)
T-DifsTorusMenger_T-DifsPiriform.fract (1,44 Kb)
T_DIFS AmazIfs torus.fract (1,33 Kb)
T_DIFS Chessboard hybrid color.fract (1,2 Kb)
T_DIFS Chessboard.fract (1,2 Kb)
T_DIFS GridV3 001.fract (1,48 Kb)
T_DIFS GridV3 002.fract (1,45 Kb)
T_DIFS Helix 001.fract (1020 b)
T_DIFS Helix 002.fract (1,12 Kb)
T_DIFS Helix Menger 001.fract (1,33 Kb)
T_DIFS SphereGrid IQ.fract (1,07 Kb)
T_DIFS Spring MixPinski.fract (2,81 Kb)
T_DIFS Spring PolyFld.fract (1,22 Kb)
T_DIFS Tri_Grid asurf.fract (1,56 Kb)
T_PolyfoldAtan2Iter_sierp.fract (1,41 Kb)
TransfDIFSEllipsoid asurf.fract (2,22 Kb)
TransfSphereCoordInv_bulbs.fract (1,25 Kb)
aBox 4D.fract (1,28 Kb)
aBox4D_addCpixel4D.fract (1,11 Kb)
abox11_aboxSurfBox.fract (1,27 Kb)
aboxMod1 V2.11.fract (1,17 Kb)
aboxMod11_001.fract (1,38 Kb)
aboxMod11_002.fract (2,08 Kb)
aboxMod11_003.fract (1,32 Kb)
aboxMod11_addCpixelRotate.fract (1,03 Kb)
aboxMod11_for8cA.fract (1,37 Kb)
aboxMod11_hybrid.fract (1,69 Kb)
aboxMod13Surf.fract (1,52 Kb)
aboxMod13_001.fract (2,01 Kb)
aboxMod13_002.fract (1,09 Kb)
aboxMod14_001.fract (799 b)
aboxMod15_001.fract (1,19 Kb)
aboxMod15_meng3.fract (2,11 Kb)
aboxMod15cpixelInvert.fract (1,38 Kb)
abox_cylinder.fract (1,67 Kb)
abox_klein.fract (897 b)
abox_mod11_rotVary.fract (4,4 Kb)
abox_mod11_rotVaryV1.fract (1,36 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 aa1.fract (1,18 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 asurf mode.fract (1,12 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2 polfFoldSym.fract (1,25 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3 hexgridDIFS.fract (1,55 Kb)
abox_octahedron.fract (1,94 Kb)
abox_sphere4D.fract (1,15 Kb)
abox_tetra.fract (1,28 Kb)
amazingIFS cyl.fract (1,26 Kb)
amazingIFS hex.fract (1,25 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_PlatonicSolid.fract (1,33 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_aaa1.fract (2,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2_mandelbulb.fract (1,67 Kb)
asurf julia varylimits.fract (1,54 Kb)
asurf3_mandalay.fract (1,38 Kb)
asurf4_sphere_invert.fract (1,4 Kb)
asurf4_worms.fract (1,1 Kb)
asurf_fakelights_backgroundl.fract (1,96 Kb)
asurf_foldingTetra.fract (1,2 Kb)
asurf_invert_spherical.fract (1,57 Kb)
asurf_julia.fract (1,28 Kb)
asurf_klein sph.fract (1,68 Kb)
asurf_klein.fract (1,39 Kb)
asurf_kleinV2 aa.fract (1,77 Kb)
asurf_kleinV2.fract (1,63 Kb)
asurf_polyfolds.fract (1,63 Kb)
asurf_spheroids_on_sticks.fract (1,12 Kb)
blockifyV2_PseudoKlien.fract (1,71 Kb)
boolean_boxFoldBulb_quat.fract (2,45 Kb)
box4dBulb aab5.fract (1,75 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2.fract (1,58 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2_01.fract (1,57 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v2_twice.fract (1,69 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3 iridescene.fract (1,48 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3.fract (2,17 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_001.fract (1,47 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_a01.fract (1,67 Kb)
boxFoldBulb_v3_benesiHybrid.fract (1,44 Kb)
boxWrap-bulb.fract (1,39 Kb)
bristorbrot v2.fract (1,34 Kb)
collatz mod hybrid1.fract (3,45 Kb)
fakeLights_JuliaBulb.fract (2,26 Kb)
foldbox sphereFoldParabolic ede6.fract (2,02 Kb)
ifs_gen menger.fract (855 b)
ifs_xy.fract (1,65 Kb)
low_res_mode_menger.fract (1,11 Kb)
mandalay_boxv1 meng3.fract (1,37 Kb)
mandalay_boxv1.fract (803 b)
mandalay_boxv2.fract (1,2 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.fract (811 b)
mandalay_tower.fract (787 b)
mandelbarV2_sphereGrid.fract (1,26 Kb)
mandelbox_menger_inv 001.fract (1,24 Kb)
mandelbox_rot 001.fract (1,04 Kb)
mandelbulbIqPow8.fract (871 b)
mandelbulbIqV2.fract (1,53 Kb)
mandelbulbSinCosV4_addSphInv.fract (1013 b)
mandelbulb_SinCos_V4.fract (1,08 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.fract (938 b)
mandelbulb_bermarte boxwrap.fract (1,04 Kb)
mandelbulb_boxFoldBulb_hybrid.fract (2,79 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye 001.fract (1,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_p8.fract (891 b)
mandelbulb_plusZ.fract (736 b)
mandelbulb_pow2V3 tglad.fract (1,5 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.fract (1,09 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3 hairy.fract (1,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.fract (1,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.fract (956 b)
mandelnest.fract (855 b)
mandelnest4D IQbulbV2.fract (994 b)
mandelnest4D boxframe.fract (820 b)
mandelnest_full.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelnest_full_001.fract (1,05 Kb)
mbulbCpixelInvert.fract (915 b)
mbulbPow2_v1-001.fract (1,23 Kb)
mbulbPow2_v1.fract (1,17 Kb)
mbulbPow2_v2.fract (1,21 Kb)
mbulbRiemannV2.fract (1,29 Kb)
mbulbSinCos DifsSphGrd3.fract (1,66 Kb)
mbulbTailsV2_TaddSphericalInvert;.fract (1,06 Kb)
mbulb_noC_rotateFold.fract (1,66 Kb)
menger - poly fold.fract (1006 b)
menger - pyramid.fract (1,38 Kb)
menger - smoothChebyshev.fract (1,29 Kb)
menger - smoothMod1.fract (1,11 Kb)
menger addConstCond.fract (2,62 Kb)
msltoe_ToroidalBulb_V2-001.fract (1,04 Kb)
msltoe_ToroidalBulb_V2.fract (1,22 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4 aa.fract (863 b)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.fract (1006 b)
msltoe_sym3_mod5 aa.fract (1,02 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.fract (1,02 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6 mbulb.fract (1,11 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1_sphGrd va.fract (1,04 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1_sphGrd.fract (1,5 Kb)
newtonPow3_mbulbTails.fract (2,31 Kb)
pk3Abx15.fract (1,64 Kb)
platonicSolid_menger_hybrid.fract (1,26 Kb)
poly fold atan mbulb kali.fract (1015 b)
polyfold polyhedra hexprism.fract (1,51 Kb)
polyfold sierpinski gear.fract (1,64 Kb)
pseudo kleinian maxiter10.fract (1,32 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod2 deep zoom.fract (3,48 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_DIFS.fract (1,74 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_prismDIFS.fract (1,57 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_torusDIFS.fract (1,55 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod3_torusTwist.fract (1,56 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod4 invert.fract (835 b)
pseudoKleinianMod4 invertSp.fract (898 b)
pseudoKleinianMod5 inv.fract (1,83 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod5.fract (1,5 Kb)
pseudoKleinianMod_4D.fract (1,2 Kb)
pseudoKleinian_std_DE_flat_surfaces.fract (1,48 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6 sphInv.fract (1,53 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.fract (1,4 Kb)
sinCosMax_sierp.fract (1,97 Kb)
sinCos_abox11.fract (2,01 Kb)
sinCos_pseudoKl.fract (2,25 Kb)
sinCos_xkifs.fract (1,9 Kb)
sphere_invert_menger_sponge.fract (1002 b)
sphere_invert_pseudoKleinian.fract (2,18 Kb)
spheretree_1.fract (1,05 Kb)
spheretree_2.fract (1,35 Kb)
transfAbsRecFoldXY - sierpinski.fract (1,28 Kb)
transfAddSphericalInvert menger.fract (830 b)
transfBoxTilingV3_mandelnest.fract (1,13 Kb)
transfBoxTilingV3_mengerPyramid.fract (1,46 Kb)
transfDiagonalFold - asurf.fract (1,08 Kb)
transfDiagonalFold - pseudoKleinian.fract (1,65 Kb)
transfMengerFoldV2 difsBox.fract (1,01 Kb)
transfMengerFoldV2 difsDonut.fract (904 b)
transfRotationChebychev - torusGrid.fract (814 b)
transfSinCos_mengOcto.fract (1009 b)
transfSinYm3d_menger3.fract (1,13 Kb)
transfSinYm3d_menger3_001.fract (1,31 Kb)
transfSphericalFoldSmooth Octo Menger.fract (1,68 Kb)
transf_Zvec_axis_swap.fract (1,16 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.fract (1,78 Kb)
transf_addCpixelTile_bulb.fract (1,17 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1 Torus.fract (1,72 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1 sphereGrid.fract (925 b)
transf_difs_piriform.fract (1,15 Kb)
transf_mandalay_foldv1_asurf.fract (1,2 Kb)
transf_mandalay_foldv2_asurf.fract (1,44 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold menger4D.fract (870 b)
transf_sin_add_asurf.fract (1,26 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix.fract (939 b)
transf_sincosHelix_juliaBulb.fract (1,19 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix_menger3.fract (1,23 Kb)
transf_sincosHelix_menger3_001.fract (1,78 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2 Mbox_Menger.fract (988 b)
transf_sincos_v2 Menger.fract (997 b)
vicsek_001.fract (1,37 Kb)
Krzysztof Marczak collection - license Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) (168 файлов)
Bristorbrot.fract (3,94 Kb)
Construct by Ectoplaz 2.fract (1,4 Kb)
Construct by Ectoplaz 3.fract (4,41 Kb)
FoldIntPow2 2.fract (5,61 Kb)
FoldIntPow2 3.fract (4,45 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox01.fract (4,26 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox02.fract (4,94 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox03_2.fract (4,92 Kb)
Hybrid 1.fract (4,75 Kb)
IFS 19 - maxiter.fract (1,03 Kb)
IFS 20.fract (4,22 Kb)
IFS 21.fract (6,15 Kb)
IFS 21_2.fract (4,5 Kb)
IFS 23.fract (1,26 Kb)
IFS 25.fract (4,07 Kb)
IFS 26.fract (5,09 Kb)
IFS 27.fract (4,47 Kb)
IFS 28.fract (4,56 Kb)
IFS 29_2.fract (4,2 Kb)
IFS 30_2.fract (4,55 Kb)
IFS 31.fract (5,46 Kb)
IFS 32.fract (1,14 Kb)
IFS 33.fract (4,46 Kb)
IFS 34.fract (1,82 Kb)
Riemann Sphere Msltoe 003.fract (1,32 Kb)
aexion01.fract (3,98 Kb)
aexion02.fract (4,27 Kb)
aexion04.fract (1,38 Kb)
aexion05.fract (1,25 Kb)
benesi03.fract (4,14 Kb)
bristorbrot01.fract (3,98 Kb)
clouds 006.fract (1,72 Kb)
clouds 007.fract (2,73 Kb)
constant factor 2.0 - mandelbox scale 2.0.fract (3,98 Kb)
constant factor 2.0 - mandelbox scale 2.0 (3,98 Kb)
equirectangular mandelbox.fract (1,09 Kb)
equirectangular menger sponge.fract (1,33 Kb)
fish eye.fract (4,2 Kb)
folded mender sponge.fract (3,91 Kb)
hexgrid_v2.fract (2,03 Kb)
hybrid animacja - background.fract (4,27 Kb)
hybrid14.fract (3,74 Kb)
hybrid15.fract (4,98 Kb)
hybrid16.fract (4,33 Kb)
hybrid17.fract (4,32 Kb)
hybrid18_2.fract (1,48 Kb)
hybrid19.fract (3,94 Kb)
hybrid20.fract (3,91 Kb)
hybrid21.fract (1,4 Kb)
hybrid22 - foldigIntPow v 2.fract (4,2 Kb)
hybrid23.fract (4 Kb)
hybrid24.fract (4,14 Kb)
hybrid25.fract (4,15 Kb)
hybrid26.fract (4,19 Kb)
hybrid31.fract (3,83 Kb)
hybrid33.fract (4,18 Kb)
hybrid34.fract (3,97 Kb)
hybrid35.fract (2,35 Kb)
hybrid38.fract (2,73 Kb)
hybrid42.fract (4,17 Kb)
hypercomplex 01.fract (4,03 Kb)
hypercomplex 02.fract (3,23 Kb)
hypercomplex 03.fract (1,03 Kb)
interior - mandelbulb power 8.fract (3,84 Kb)
iter fog 002_2.fract (1,22 Kb)
iter fog 004.fract (4,19 Kb)
iter fog 005.fract (4,59 Kb)
iter fog 006.fract (4 Kb)
iter fog 007.fract (4,61 Kb)
iter fog 008.fract (2,27 Kb)
iter fog 009.fract (1,34 Kb)
iter fog 010.fract (1,29 Kb)
iter fog 1.fract (1,51 Kb)
iter fog 2.fract (4,03 Kb)
iter fog 4.fract (1,31 Kb)
jos_kleinian 002.fract (1,44 Kb)
mandelbox 22.fract (931 b)
mandelbox10.fract (3,87 Kb)
mandelbox11 - rotations.fract (4,05 Kb)
mandelbox14 - interior.fract (4,05 Kb)
mandelbox15 - rotations.fract (4,06 Kb)
mandelbox17.fract (3,97 Kb)
mandelbox18.fract (4,13 Kb)
mandelbox19.fract (4,12 Kb)
mandelbox20 - rotations.fract (4,18 Kb)
mandelbox21.fract (1014 b)
mandelbox23 rotations.fract (3,98 Kb)
mandelbox24.fract (3,84 Kb)
mandelbox25_2.fract (1,67 Kb)
mandelbox25_3.fract (4,09 Kb)
mandelbox26 - rotations.fract (4,47 Kb)
mandelbox27.fract (4,01 Kb)
mandelbox28.fract (2,13 Kb)
mandelbox29.fract (3,93 Kb)
mandelbox30.fract (3,83 Kb)
mandelbox32 - spiral.fract (3,86 Kb)
mandelbox33 - spiral.fract (3,91 Kb)
mandelbox34 - lights_2.fract (1,97 Kb)
mandelbox36.fract (1,06 Kb)
mandelbox37_2.fract (4,06 Kb)
mandelbox38_2.fract (4,38 Kb)
mandelbox40_2.fract (1,3 Kb)
mandelbox41_2.fract (1,35 Kb)
mandelbox44_2.fract (2,34 Kb)
mandelbox45.fract (1,31 Kb)
mandelbox46.fract (4,36 Kb)
mandelbox47.fract (4,23 Kb)
mandelbox48.fract (4,25 Kb)
mandelbox49.fract (4,74 Kb)
mandelbox50 - hearts.fract (4,33 Kb)
mandelbox51.fract (4,71 Kb)
mandelbox52_2.fract (4,29 Kb)
mandelbox53.fract (1,82 Kb)
mandelbox54_2.fract (4,64 Kb)
mandelbox55.fract (4,43 Kb)
mandelbox56.fract (3,98 Kb)
mandelbox57.fract (1,18 Kb)
mandelbox58.fract (4,04 Kb)
mandelbox59.fract (4,35 Kb)
mandelbox60.fract (4,18 Kb)
mandelbox61.fract (4,57 Kb)
mandelbox62.fract (4,58 Kb)
mandelbox8 - maxiter.fract (3,9 Kb)
mandelbulb powe 6 - circle.fract (1001 b)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 02.fract (1,81 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 03.fract (1,54 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 04.fract (1,5 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog.fract (1,63 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - monte carlo.fract (1,36 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 3.fract (4,11 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 4.fract (4,1 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 5.fract (4,71 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 6.fract (4,19 Kb)
mandelbulb power 4 - water.fract (4,55 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 3_2.fract (1,41 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 4_2.fract (3,99 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 5 - interior.fract (3,95 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 7 - volmetric fog.fract (4,24 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 8.fract (4,94 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8.fract (1,21 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi_001.fract (1,27 Kb)
menger sponge 001.fract (1,36 Kb)
menger sponge 002_2.fract (1,6 Kb)
menger sponge 003_2.fract (2,57 Kb)
menger sponge 004_2.fract (5,41 Kb)
modified mandelbulb 001.fract (4,57 Kb)
modulus mandelbulb.fract (1,44 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 005.fract (1,77 Kb)
msltoe donuts 001.fract (1,66 Kb)
orbitTraps 002.fract (4,62 Kb)
orbitTraps 003.fract (4,25 Kb)
orbitTraps 004.fract (4,36 Kb)
orbitTraps 005.fract (1,2 Kb)
orbitTraps 006.fract (4,17 Kb)
planet.fract (1,65 Kb)
primitive objects - inverted box.fract (4,26 Kb)
primitive objects - water.fract (4,41 Kb)
pseudo kleinian 009 mc dof.fract (1,31 Kb)
reflections 002.fract (1,85 Kb)
reflections 003.fract (1,38 Kb)
two pseudo klienian.fract (2,19 Kb)
volumetricLight001.fract (4,08 Kb)
volumetricLight002.fract (1,97 Kb)
volumetricLight003.fract (4,63 Kb)
winter.fract (2,19 Kb)
xenodreambuie.fract (4,09 Kb)
xenodreambuie2.fract (4,63 Kb)
xenodreambuie3.fract (4,56 Kb)
Construct by Ectoplaz 2.fract (1,4 Kb)
Construct by Ectoplaz 3.fract (4,41 Kb)
FoldIntPow2 2.fract (5,61 Kb)
FoldIntPow2 3.fract (4,45 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox01.fract (4,26 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox02.fract (4,94 Kb)
GeneralizedFoldBox03_2.fract (4,92 Kb)
Hybrid 1.fract (4,75 Kb)
IFS 19 - maxiter.fract (1,03 Kb)
IFS 20.fract (4,22 Kb)
IFS 21.fract (6,15 Kb)
IFS 21_2.fract (4,5 Kb)
IFS 23.fract (1,26 Kb)
IFS 25.fract (4,07 Kb)
IFS 26.fract (5,09 Kb)
IFS 27.fract (4,47 Kb)
IFS 28.fract (4,56 Kb)
IFS 29_2.fract (4,2 Kb)
IFS 30_2.fract (4,55 Kb)
IFS 31.fract (5,46 Kb)
IFS 32.fract (1,14 Kb)
IFS 33.fract (4,46 Kb)
IFS 34.fract (1,82 Kb)
Riemann Sphere Msltoe 003.fract (1,32 Kb)
aexion01.fract (3,98 Kb)
aexion02.fract (4,27 Kb)
aexion04.fract (1,38 Kb)
aexion05.fract (1,25 Kb)
benesi03.fract (4,14 Kb)
bristorbrot01.fract (3,98 Kb)
clouds 006.fract (1,72 Kb)
clouds 007.fract (2,73 Kb)
constant factor 2.0 - mandelbox scale 2.0.fract (3,98 Kb)
constant factor 2.0 - mandelbox scale 2.0 (3,98 Kb)
equirectangular mandelbox.fract (1,09 Kb)
equirectangular menger sponge.fract (1,33 Kb)
fish eye.fract (4,2 Kb)
folded mender sponge.fract (3,91 Kb)
hexgrid_v2.fract (2,03 Kb)
hybrid animacja - background.fract (4,27 Kb)
hybrid14.fract (3,74 Kb)
hybrid15.fract (4,98 Kb)
hybrid16.fract (4,33 Kb)
hybrid17.fract (4,32 Kb)
hybrid18_2.fract (1,48 Kb)
hybrid19.fract (3,94 Kb)
hybrid20.fract (3,91 Kb)
hybrid21.fract (1,4 Kb)
hybrid22 - foldigIntPow v 2.fract (4,2 Kb)
hybrid23.fract (4 Kb)
hybrid24.fract (4,14 Kb)
hybrid25.fract (4,15 Kb)
hybrid26.fract (4,19 Kb)
hybrid31.fract (3,83 Kb)
hybrid33.fract (4,18 Kb)
hybrid34.fract (3,97 Kb)
hybrid35.fract (2,35 Kb)
hybrid38.fract (2,73 Kb)
hybrid42.fract (4,17 Kb)
hypercomplex 01.fract (4,03 Kb)
hypercomplex 02.fract (3,23 Kb)
hypercomplex 03.fract (1,03 Kb)
interior - mandelbulb power 8.fract (3,84 Kb)
iter fog 002_2.fract (1,22 Kb)
iter fog 004.fract (4,19 Kb)
iter fog 005.fract (4,59 Kb)
iter fog 006.fract (4 Kb)
iter fog 007.fract (4,61 Kb)
iter fog 008.fract (2,27 Kb)
iter fog 009.fract (1,34 Kb)
iter fog 010.fract (1,29 Kb)
iter fog 1.fract (1,51 Kb)
iter fog 2.fract (4,03 Kb)
iter fog 4.fract (1,31 Kb)
jos_kleinian 002.fract (1,44 Kb)
mandelbox 22.fract (931 b)
mandelbox10.fract (3,87 Kb)
mandelbox11 - rotations.fract (4,05 Kb)
mandelbox14 - interior.fract (4,05 Kb)
mandelbox15 - rotations.fract (4,06 Kb)
mandelbox17.fract (3,97 Kb)
mandelbox18.fract (4,13 Kb)
mandelbox19.fract (4,12 Kb)
mandelbox20 - rotations.fract (4,18 Kb)
mandelbox21.fract (1014 b)
mandelbox23 rotations.fract (3,98 Kb)
mandelbox24.fract (3,84 Kb)
mandelbox25_2.fract (1,67 Kb)
mandelbox25_3.fract (4,09 Kb)
mandelbox26 - rotations.fract (4,47 Kb)
mandelbox27.fract (4,01 Kb)
mandelbox28.fract (2,13 Kb)
mandelbox29.fract (3,93 Kb)
mandelbox30.fract (3,83 Kb)
mandelbox32 - spiral.fract (3,86 Kb)
mandelbox33 - spiral.fract (3,91 Kb)
mandelbox34 - lights_2.fract (1,97 Kb)
mandelbox36.fract (1,06 Kb)
mandelbox37_2.fract (4,06 Kb)
mandelbox38_2.fract (4,38 Kb)
mandelbox40_2.fract (1,3 Kb)
mandelbox41_2.fract (1,35 Kb)
mandelbox44_2.fract (2,34 Kb)
mandelbox45.fract (1,31 Kb)
mandelbox46.fract (4,36 Kb)
mandelbox47.fract (4,23 Kb)
mandelbox48.fract (4,25 Kb)
mandelbox49.fract (4,74 Kb)
mandelbox50 - hearts.fract (4,33 Kb)
mandelbox51.fract (4,71 Kb)
mandelbox52_2.fract (4,29 Kb)
mandelbox53.fract (1,82 Kb)
mandelbox54_2.fract (4,64 Kb)
mandelbox55.fract (4,43 Kb)
mandelbox56.fract (3,98 Kb)
mandelbox57.fract (1,18 Kb)
mandelbox58.fract (4,04 Kb)
mandelbox59.fract (4,35 Kb)
mandelbox60.fract (4,18 Kb)
mandelbox61.fract (4,57 Kb)
mandelbox62.fract (4,58 Kb)
mandelbox8 - maxiter.fract (3,9 Kb)
mandelbulb powe 6 - circle.fract (1001 b)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 02.fract (1,81 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 03.fract (1,54 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog 04.fract (1,5 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - iter fog.fract (1,63 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - monte carlo.fract (1,36 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 3.fract (4,11 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 4.fract (4,1 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 5.fract (4,71 Kb)
mandelbulb power 2 - slice 6.fract (4,19 Kb)
mandelbulb power 4 - water.fract (4,55 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 3_2.fract (1,41 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 4_2.fract (3,99 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 5 - interior.fract (3,95 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 7 - volmetric fog.fract (4,24 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8 - 8.fract (4,94 Kb)
mandelbulb power 8.fract (1,21 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi_001.fract (1,27 Kb)
menger sponge 001.fract (1,36 Kb)
menger sponge 002_2.fract (1,6 Kb)
menger sponge 003_2.fract (2,57 Kb)
menger sponge 004_2.fract (5,41 Kb)
modified mandelbulb 001.fract (4,57 Kb)
modulus mandelbulb.fract (1,44 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 005.fract (1,77 Kb)
msltoe donuts 001.fract (1,66 Kb)
orbitTraps 002.fract (4,62 Kb)
orbitTraps 003.fract (4,25 Kb)
orbitTraps 004.fract (4,36 Kb)
orbitTraps 005.fract (1,2 Kb)
orbitTraps 006.fract (4,17 Kb)
planet.fract (1,65 Kb)
primitive objects - inverted box.fract (4,26 Kb)
primitive objects - water.fract (4,41 Kb)
pseudo kleinian 009 mc dof.fract (1,31 Kb)
reflections 002.fract (1,85 Kb)
reflections 003.fract (1,38 Kb)
two pseudo klienian.fract (2,19 Kb)
volumetricLight001.fract (4,08 Kb)
volumetricLight002.fract (1,97 Kb)
volumetricLight003.fract (4,63 Kb)
winter.fract (2,19 Kb)
xenodreambuie.fract (4,09 Kb)
xenodreambuie2.fract (4,63 Kb)
xenodreambuie3.fract (4,56 Kb)
Robert Pancoast collection - license Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) (30 файлов)
Abox4D8K.fract (1,76 Kb)
Caves-PseudoKleinianMod2.fract (1,64 Kb)
Caves2-PseudoKleinianMod2.fract (1,53 Kb)
IFS31_anim.fract (72,68 Kb)
RoadToExascale.fract (3,81 Kb)
box-deuce-deuce.fract (1,41 Mb)
coastalbrot_bear.fract (768 b)
coastalbrot_smilin.fract (681 b)
continuum.fract (2,56 Kb)
hybrid77-stereo.fract (2,1 Kb)
hybrid77.fract (1,92 Kb)
icoastahedron.fract (1,44 Mb)
mandelbox22_anim.fract (34,86 Kb)
menger-4D.fract (3,29 Kb)
menger-BoxFold4D.fract (1,37 Kb)
menger-FabsAddConditional4D.fract (1,26 Kb)
menger-FabsAddTgladFold4D.fract (1,31 Kb)
menger-IterationWeight4D.fract (1,32 Kb)
menger-Rotation4D.fract (1005 b)
menger-Scale4D.fract (801 b)
menger-SphericalFold4Dtransform.fract (778 b)
menger-coastn.fract (53,53 Kb)
menger-fatbackstrokin.fract (3,61 Mb)
menger-mod1_001_8k.fract (1,13 Kb)
mountains_and_valleys.fract (1,51 Kb)
msltoeDonut-coastn.fract (53,6 Kb)
neuron.fract (2,58 Kb)
pine-Bulb.fract (1,02 Kb)
sponged.fract (1,6 Kb)
toastn_stonemen_anim.fract (319,84 Kb)
Caves-PseudoKleinianMod2.fract (1,64 Kb)
Caves2-PseudoKleinianMod2.fract (1,53 Kb)
IFS31_anim.fract (72,68 Kb)
RoadToExascale.fract (3,81 Kb)
box-deuce-deuce.fract (1,41 Mb)
coastalbrot_bear.fract (768 b)
coastalbrot_smilin.fract (681 b)
continuum.fract (2,56 Kb)
hybrid77-stereo.fract (2,1 Kb)
hybrid77.fract (1,92 Kb)
icoastahedron.fract (1,44 Mb)
mandelbox22_anim.fract (34,86 Kb)
menger-4D.fract (3,29 Kb)
menger-BoxFold4D.fract (1,37 Kb)
menger-FabsAddConditional4D.fract (1,26 Kb)
menger-FabsAddTgladFold4D.fract (1,31 Kb)
menger-IterationWeight4D.fract (1,32 Kb)
menger-Rotation4D.fract (1005 b)
menger-Scale4D.fract (801 b)
menger-SphericalFold4Dtransform.fract (778 b)
menger-coastn.fract (53,53 Kb)
menger-fatbackstrokin.fract (3,61 Mb)
menger-mod1_001_8k.fract (1,13 Kb)
mountains_and_valleys.fract (1,51 Kb)
msltoeDonut-coastn.fract (53,6 Kb)
neuron.fract (2,58 Kb)
pine-Bulb.fract (1,02 Kb)
sponged.fract (1,6 Kb)
toastn_stonemen_anim.fract (319,84 Kb)
Sebastian Jennen collection - license Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) (8 файлов)
aexion blue-sky-two-suns.fract (2,26 Kb)
hybrid 01 - mandelbox sponge with sphere.fract (2,9 Kb)
hybrid 02 - rectangle hieroglyphs animation.fract (9,69 Kb)
hybrid 02 - rectangle hieroglyphs.fract (1,5 Kb)
hybrid 03 - christmas ornaments.fract (2,6 Kb)
inverse-reciprocal-iqbulb mechanical-ribs.fract (1,53 Kb)
menger smooth mod 1 - iron man close up.fract (2,19 Kb)
pseudo kleinian std de 001 plus mandelbox.fract (1,96 Kb)
hybrid 01 - mandelbox sponge with sphere.fract (2,9 Kb)
hybrid 02 - rectangle hieroglyphs animation.fract (9,69 Kb)
hybrid 02 - rectangle hieroglyphs.fract (1,5 Kb)
hybrid 03 - christmas ornaments.fract (2,6 Kb)
inverse-reciprocal-iqbulb mechanical-ribs.fract (1,53 Kb)
menger smooth mod 1 - iron man close up.fract (2,19 Kb)
pseudo kleinian std de 001 plus mandelbox.fract (1,96 Kb)
IFS_001.fract (1,42 Kb)
IFS_002.fract (1,66 Kb)
Makin3D-Julia_001.fract (1,17 Kb)
aboxmod1_001.fract (953 b)
aboxvsicen1_001.fract (1,14 Kb)
aexion001.fract (1,43 Kb)
aexion002.fract (1,8 Kb)
aexion_octopus_001.fract (1,4 Kb)
amazing surf mod1 001.fract (1,24 Kb)
amazing surf multi 001.fract (1,85 Kb)
amazing_surf 001.fract (1,24 Kb)
amazing_surf 002.fract (2,29 Kb)
amoxmodkali_001.fract (768 b)
benchmark-GPU 2.fract (1,86 Kb)
benchmark-GPU.fract (1,29 Kb)
benchmark.fract (1,89 Kb)
benesi 001.fract (883 b)
benesi pwr2 mandelbulbs 001.fract (993 b)
benesi_mag_transforms_001.fract (1,84 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree_001.fract (970 b)
benesi_t1_pine_tree_001.fract (1,03 Kb)
boolean001.fract (1,31 Kb)
boolean002.fract (1,18 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_001.fract (941 b)
bristorbrot001.fract (1,64 Kb)
buffalo003_2.fract (1,26 Kb)
chromatic_aberration.fract (1,93 Kb)
clouds 001.fract (1,84 Kb)
clouds 002.fract (1,91 Kb)
clouds 003.fract (1,81 Kb)
clouds 004.fract (2,06 Kb)
clouds 005.fract (2,13 Kb)
clouds 006.fract (2,17 Kb)
diFS square grid.fract (1,39 Kb)
difs_tree.fract (2,66 Kb)
fabs_box_mod1_001.fract (1,71 Kb)
flight_anim_menger sponge_3.fract (386,33 Kb)
glow.fract (1,22 Kb)
gradients - reflectance and transparency.fract (2,06 Kb)
gradients - specular highlights.fract (1,74 Kb)
hex grid 001.fract (1,09 Kb)
hex grid 002.fract (1,62 Kb)
hybrid001.fract (1,17 Kb)
hybrid002.fract (891 b)
hybrid003.fract (1,91 Kb)
hybrid004.fract (972 b)
hybrid005.fract (1,28 Kb)
hybrid006.fract (1,29 Kb)
hybrid007.fract (961 b)
hybrid008 - collatz.fract (1,8 Kb)
hypercomplex001.fract (1,23 Kb)
ides1_001.fract (1,26 Kb)
ides2_001.fract (1,22 Kb)
iq_bulb_001.fract (1,09 Kb)
iteration fog.fract (1,3 Kb)
jos_kleinian 001.fract (1,51 Kb)
kaliset001.fract (1,03 Kb)
keyframe_anim_mandelbox_boxes.fract (8,94 Kb)
keyframe_anim_mandelbulb.fract (5,92 Kb)
light - projection.fract (1,45 Kb)
light types.fract (1,69 Kb)
lkmitch001.fract (1,27 Kb)
mandelbox001.fract (1,12 Kb)
mandelbox002.fract (1,19 Kb)
mandelbox003.fract (1,18 Kb)
mandelbox22_anim.fract (3,77 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.fract (917 b)
mandelbox_menger_morph.fract (2,59 Kb)
mandelbox_menger_with_textures.fract (3,33 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale_4D_001.fract (1,01 Kb)
mandelbulb - 256iters.fract (1020 b)
mandelbulb001.fract (946 b)
mandelbulb002.fract (1,17 Kb)
mandelbulb2_001.fract (762 b)
mandelbulb3_001.fract (1019 b)
mandelbulb4_001.fract (1,04 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte 001.fract (1,37 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.fract (771 b)
mandelbulb_kali 001.fract (1,02 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi 001.fract (1,26 Kb)
mandelbulb_power_2_001.fract (1,14 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_001.fract (1,15 Kb)
mandelnest pow 5.fract (3 Kb)
menger 4D 001.fract (1,78 Kb)
menger cross kifs 001.fract (1,26 Kb)
menger cross mod1 001.fract (1021 b)
menger middle mod.fract (1,46 Kb)
menger octo 001.fract (1,46 Kb)
menger prism shape2 001.fract (1,19 Kb)
menger pwr2 polynomial 001.fract (1,45 Kb)
menger smooth 001.fract (1,39 Kb)
menger smooth mod1.fract (1,25 Kb)
menger sponge_with_orbit_trap_lights.fract (992 b)
menger-mod1_001.fract (1,02 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 001.fract (1,29 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 002.fract (1,83 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 003.fract (1,78 Kb)
monte carlo DOF 004.fract (2,04 Kb)
monte carlo global illumination - cube scene.fract (3,59 Kb)
monte carlo global illumination - emmisive materials.fract (2,61 Kb)
monte carlo global illumination - luminosity gradient.fract (1,68 Kb)
monte carlo global illumination by volumetric effects.fract (2,01 Kb)
monte carlo global illumination.fract (3,49 Kb)
msltoe toroidal bulb 001.fract (1,57 Kb)
msltoe toroidal multi 001.fract (1,79 Kb)
msltoe_donut_001.fract (1,61 Kb)
msltoe_julia_bulb_eiffie_001.fract (1,14 Kb)
msltoe_julia_bulb_mod2_001.fract (1,02 Kb)
msltoe_julia_bulb_mod3_001.fract (1,13 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod 001.fract (1,58 Kb)
msltoesym2_mod_001.fract (1,01 Kb)
msltoesym2_mod_002.fract (1,55 Kb)
msltoesym3_mod_001.fract (1,29 Kb)
octahedron with box foldig_2.fract (2,06 Kb)
orbittrap001.fract (1,14 Kb)
orbittrap002.fract (1,11 Kb)
orbittrap003.fract (1,39 Kb)
orbittrap004.fract (1,03 Kb)
orbittrap005.fract (1,09 Kb)
primitives001.fract (3,35 Kb)
primitives002.fract (3,6 Kb)
pseudo kleinian 001.fract (1,57 Kb)
pseudo kleinian 002.fract (1,67 Kb)
pseudo kleinian mod 001.fract (1,28 Kb)
pseudo kleinian std de 001.fract (1,28 Kb)
pseudo kleinian std de 002.fract (1,95 Kb)
quaternion_001.fract (1,11 Kb)
quaternion_3DE_001.fract (1,15 Kb)
quick-dudley_001.fract (1,12 Kb)
quick-dudley_mod_001.fract (1,17 Kb)
random lights.fract (1,05 Kb)
riemann bulb msltoe mod2 001.fract (935 b)
riemann sphere 001.fract (697 b)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_001.fract (1005 b)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1_001.fract (1,14 Kb)
sierpinski 3D 002.fract (1,47 Kb)
smooth_mandelbox_001.fract (1,2 Kb)
stereoscopic 001.fract (4,25 Kb)
stereoscopic 002.fract (4,86 Kb)
stereoscopic 003.fract (1,08 Kb)
stereoscopic 004.fract (1,3 Kb)
subsurface scattering 001.fract (1,3 Kb)
subsurface scattering 002.fract (1,57 Kb)
the grid 002.fract (3 Kb)
transparency reflectance roughness textures.fract (2,06 Kb)
transparent001.fract (1,51 Kb)
transparent002.fract (1,09 Kb)
voxel_export_with_Bristorbrot4D.fract (2,12 Kb)
formula (4 файла)
definition (431 файл)
COPYING (34,32 Kb)
abstract_fractal.cpp (1,73 Kb)
abstract_fractal.h (3,87 Kb)
all_fractal_definitions.h (17,02 Kb)
all_fractal_list.cpp (25,69 Kb)
all_fractal_list.hpp (4,37 Kb)
all_fractal_list_enums.hpp (15,54 Kb)
fractal_abox4d.cpp (4,85 Kb)
fractal_abox_klein.cpp (3,66 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod1.cpp (5,02 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod11.cpp (8,71 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod12.cpp (9,35 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod13.cpp (7,61 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod14.cpp (5,36 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod15.cpp (7,54 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod2.cpp (5,2 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_eiffie.cpp (4,61 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_v2.cpp (3,81 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_v3.cpp (1,68 Kb)
fractal_abox_smooth.cpp (8,16 Kb)
fractal_abox_sphere4d.cpp (5,17 Kb)
fractal_abox_surf_box.cpp (7,47 Kb)
fractal_abox_tetra.cpp (6,52 Kb)
fractal_abox_tetra4d.cpp (5,25 Kb)
fractal_abox_vs_icen1.cpp (3,16 Kb)
fractal_aexion.cpp (1,73 Kb)
fractal_aexion4d_v2.cpp (2,04 Kb)
fractal_aexion_octopus_mod.cpp (2,35 Kb)
fractal_amazing_ifs.cpp (5,77 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf.cpp (2,47 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_klein.cpp (4,14 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_klein_v2.cpp (5,28 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_m3d.cpp (3,21 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod1.cpp (4,63 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod2.cpp (11,12 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod3.cpp (11,73 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod4.cpp (3,96 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_multi.cpp (8,54 Kb)
fractal_benesi.cpp (1,58 Kb)
fractal_benesi_mag_transforms.cpp (9,33 Kb)
fractal_benesi_pine_tree.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.cpp (5,15 Kb)
fractal_benesi_t1_pine_tree.cpp (3,85 Kb)
fractal_box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.cpp (7,8 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_menger.cpp (7,41 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.cpp (4,69 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.cpp (8,06 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_v4.cpp (2,95 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_quat.cpp (7,38 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot.cpp (1,28 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot2.cpp (2,63 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot4d.cpp (1,4 Kb)
fractal_buffalo.cpp (1,59 Kb)
fractal_coastalbrot.cpp (1,25 Kb)
fractal_collatz.cpp (1,32 Kb)
fractal_collatz_mod.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_custom.cpp (1,02 Kb)
fractal_difs_amazing_ifs.cpp (4,05 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_diagonal_v1.cpp (5,44 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_diagonal_v3.cpp (7,13 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_v1.cpp (6,85 Kb)
fractal_difs_cylinder.cpp (7,81 Kb)
fractal_difs_ellipsoid.cpp (7,35 Kb)
fractal_difs_hextgrid2.cpp (4,38 Kb)
fractal_difs_menger.cpp (6,98 Kb)
fractal_difs_msltoe_donut.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_difs_multi_v1.cpp (8,68 Kb)
fractal_difs_prism.cpp (7,11 Kb)
fractal_difs_sphere.cpp (6,62 Kb)
fractal_difs_torus.cpp (7,32 Kb)
fractal_eiffie_msltoe.cpp (2,92 Kb)
fractal_fold_box_mod1.cpp (4,82 Kb)
fractal_fold_cut_cube.cpp (3,36 Kb)
fractal_generalized_fold_box.cpp (6,93 Kb)
fractal_hypercomplex.cpp (1,51 Kb)
fractal_hypercomplex_v2.cpp (3,59 Kb)
fractal_ides.cpp (1,57 Kb)
fractal_ides2.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_ifs_gen.cpp (2,79 Kb)
fractal_ifs_xy.cpp (4,93 Kb)
fractal_iq_bulb.cpp (1,53 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian.cpp (2,46 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v2.cpp (4,84 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v3.cpp (6,94 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v4.cpp (7,66 Kb)
fractal_kaleidoscopic_ifs.cpp (2,45 Kb)
fractal_kalisets1.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_knot_v1.cpp (3,22 Kb)
fractal_knot_v2.cpp (3,15 Kb)
fractal_koch.cpp (1,86 Kb)
fractal_koch_v2.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_koch_v3.cpp (3,03 Kb)
fractal_koch_v4.cpp (4,73 Kb)
fractal_lkmitch.cpp (1,35 Kb)
fractal_makin3d2.cpp (1,45 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_box_v1.cpp (2,84 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_box_v2.cpp (5,19 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_kifs.cpp (5,04 Kb)
fractal_mandelbar.cpp (1,76 Kb)
fractal_mandelbar_v2.cpp (1,91 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox.cpp (3,42 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_fast.cpp (1,74 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_menger.cpp (6,96 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_smooth.cpp (3,08 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_variable.cpp (11,89 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_vary_scale4d.cpp (4,31 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb.cpp (1,56 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb2.cpp (1,51 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb3.cpp (1,48 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb4.cpp (1,49 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_abs.cpp (2,16 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_abs_power2.cpp (4,69 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_atan2_power2.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_bermarte.cpp (3,68 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_eye.cpp (2,17 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_iq_pow8.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_iq_v2.cpp (1,92 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_juliabulb.cpp (6,7 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kali.cpp (2,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kali_multi.cpp (6,81 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kosalos.cpp (2,65 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.cpp (3,23 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_lambda.cpp (3,97 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_multi.cpp (4,35 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_multi2.cpp (5,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_plus_z.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v1.cpp (3,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v2.cpp (6,42 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v3.cpp (3,44 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_power1234.cpp (6,44 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_power2.cpp (1,43 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_quadrat.cpp (3,4 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_quat.cpp (7,45 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos.cpp (2,41 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.cpp (3,73 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.cpp (5,45 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.cpp (5,18 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_tails.cpp (2,81 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_tails_v2.cpp (3,39 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.cpp (2,11 Kb)
fractal_mandelcup.cpp (4,35 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest.cpp (2,41 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest4d.cpp (4,12 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest_full.cpp (2,62 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest_v2.cpp (3,17 Kb)
fractal_mandeltorus.cpp (2,68 Kb)
fractal_mandeltorus_v2.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_menger3.cpp (1,95 Kb)
fractal_menger3_m3d.cpp (2,02 Kb)
fractal_menger4d.cpp (4,52 Kb)
fractal_menger4d_mod1.cpp (5,38 Kb)
fractal_menger4d_mod2.cpp (4,82 Kb)
fractal_menger_chebyshev.cpp (3,54 Kb)
fractal_menger_cross_kifs.cpp (3,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_cross_mod1.cpp (3,43 Kb)
fractal_menger_middle_mod.cpp (6,21 Kb)
fractal_menger_mod1.cpp (2,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_octo.cpp (6,86 Kb)
fractal_menger_poly_fold.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_menger_prism_shape.cpp (5,46 Kb)
fractal_menger_prism_shape2.cpp (10,43 Kb)
fractal_menger_pwr2_poly.cpp (5,02 Kb)
fractal_menger_pyramid.cpp (7,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth.cpp (2,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth_chebyshev.cpp (4,54 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth_mod1.cpp (3,44 Kb)
fractal_menger_sponge.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_menger_v2.cpp (3,94 Kb)
fractal_menger_v3.cpp (3,62 Kb)
fractal_menger_v4.cpp (5,07 Kb)
fractal_menger_v5.cpp (5,22 Kb)
fractal_mix_pinski4d.cpp (4,25 Kb)
fractal_modulus_mandelbulb.cpp (1,7 Kb)
fractal_modulus_menger_sponge.cpp (1,55 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_donut.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym2_mod.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod.cpp (3,35 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod2.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod3.cpp (3,32 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod4.cpp (3,15 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod5.cpp (3,66 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod6.cpp (4,8 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym4_mod.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym4_mod1.cpp (4,02 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal.cpp (2,63 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal_multi.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal_v2.cpp (3,5 Kb)
fractal_newton_pow3.cpp (3,36 Kb)
fractal_none.cpp (1016 b)
fractal_octahedron.cpp (3,03 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian.cpp (4,44 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian4d.cpp (4,99 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod1.cpp (7,08 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod2.cpp (11,6 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod3.cpp (4,9 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod4.cpp (5,11 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod5.cpp (8,12 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod6.cpp (6,6 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_std_de.cpp (7,02 Kb)
fractal_quaternion.cpp (1,27 Kb)
fractal_quaternion3d.cpp (1,73 Kb)
fractal_quaternion4d.cpp (2,78 Kb)
fractal_quaternion_cubic4d.cpp (3,52 Kb)
fractal_quick_dudley.cpp (1,37 Kb)
fractal_quick_dudley_mod.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.cpp (2,53 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.cpp (4,24 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.cpp (3,59 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe.cpp (1,8 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2.cpp (5,19 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_imaginary.cpp (1,65 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_real.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_std_r.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_scator_test.cpp (1,76 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v2.cpp (3,75 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v3.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v4.cpp (3,47 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski4d.cpp (3,56 Kb)
fractal_spheretree.cpp (4,26 Kb)
fractal_spheretree_v2.cpp (5,46 Kb)
fractal_testing.cpp (5,91 Kb)
fractal_testing4d.cpp (10,06 Kb)
fractal_testing_log.cpp (3,91 Kb)
fractal_testing_transform.cpp (3,96 Kb)
fractal_testing_transform2.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional.cpp (1,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional2.cpp (1,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional4d.cpp (1,85 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_constant.cpp (1,55 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_constant4d.cpp (1,44 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_multi.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_multi4d.cpp (2,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.cpp (3,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.cpp (2,86 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.cpp (1,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant.cpp (1,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant4d.cpp (1,09 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod1.cpp (2,4 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod2.cpp (2,4 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod3.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_rot_v1.cpp (1,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_vary_v1.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel.cpp (1,07 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel4d.cpp (2,03 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.cpp (1,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_invert.cpp (2,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_rotated.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_scator.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.cpp (2,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.cpp (2,67 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_tile.cpp (2,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_exp2_z.cpp (3,79 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_norm.cpp (1,39 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_scale_rotate.cpp (1,45 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_spherical_invert.cpp (1,6 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_cube_sphere.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_mag_backward.cpp (1,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_mag_forward.cpp (1,35 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_sphere_cube.cpp (1,86 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t1.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t1_mod.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t2.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t3.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t4.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t5b.cpp (2,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_blockify.cpp (2,56 Kb)
fractal_transf_blockify_v2.cpp (3,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold.cpp (3,28 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold4d.cpp (2,15 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold4d_tglad.cpp (3,84 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold_vary_v1.cpp (2,59 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold_xyz.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_offset.cpp (1,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling4d.cpp (2,81 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling_v2.cpp (2,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling_v3.cpp (4,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_wrap4d.cpp (2,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_cayley2_v1.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_clamp4d.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_de_controls.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_de_linear_cube.cpp (1,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_diagonal_fold.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_amazing_ifs.cpp (4,25 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box.cpp (1,32 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_frame.cpp (4,58 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_v2.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_v3.cpp (3,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cayley2.cpp (4,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_chessboard.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_clip_custom.cpp (4,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_clip_plane.cpp (5,41 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cylinder.cpp (1,8 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cylinder_v2.cpp (3,46 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_diamond.cpp (4,18 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_ellipsoid.cpp (1,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_gear_v1.cpp (4,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid_v2.cpp (2,74 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid_v3.cpp (6,91 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_heart.cpp (3,34 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix.cpp (4,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix_menger.cpp (5,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix_v2.cpp (4,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hexprism.cpp (2,26 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hexprism_v2.cpp (3,82 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hextgrid2.cpp (2,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hybrid_color.cpp (2,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_piriform.cpp (3,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_polyhedra.cpp (4,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.cpp (4,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_prism.cpp (1,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_prism_v2.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere.cpp (1,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid.cpp (4,34 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.cpp (3,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.cpp (4,98 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_spring.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus.cpp (1,56 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_grid.cpp (2,03 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_menger.cpp (5,44 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_twist.cpp (4,73 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_v2.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_v3.cpp (2,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_tri_grid.cpp (3,3 Kb)
fractal_transf_folding_tetra3d.cpp (1,68 Kb)
fractal_transf_gnarl.cpp (2,99 Kb)
fractal_transf_hybrid_color.cpp (4,48 Kb)
fractal_transf_hybrid_color2.cpp (3,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_initial4d.cpp (1,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_inv_cylindrical.cpp (1,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_iteration_weight.cpp (1,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_iteration_weight4d.cpp (1,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_lin_combine_cxyz.cpp (3,01 Kb)
fractal_transf_low_res_mode.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold4d.cpp (2,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold_v1.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold_v2.cpp (2,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_menger_fold.cpp (2,54 Kb)
fractal_transf_menger_fold_v2.cpp (3,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_multiple_angle.cpp (1,28 Kb)
fractal_transf_neg_abs_add_constant.cpp (1,33 Kb)
fractal_transf_octo_fold.cpp (1,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_offset_s_curve4d.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_parab_fold.cpp (2,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_platonic_solid.cpp (2,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan.cpp (2,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan2.cpp (2,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.cpp (3,09 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.cpp (3,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_pwr2_polynomial.cpp (2,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_quadratic_fold4d.cpp (2,08 Kb)
fractal_transf_quaternion_fold.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_r_power.cpp (1,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_reciprocal3.cpp (4,98 Kb)
fractal_transf_reciprocal4d.cpp (3,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotate_about_vec3.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation.cpp (1,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation4d.cpp (2,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_chebyshev.cpp (3,67 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_folding.cpp (3,29 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_folding_plane.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_iter_controls.cpp (2,11 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_m3d.cpp (1,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_vary_v1.cpp (2,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_rpow3.cpp (1,26 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale.cpp (1,23 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale3d.cpp (1,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale4d.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_offset.cpp (1,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_offset_v2.cpp (1,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_multi.cpp (3,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_v1.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_v212.cpp (2,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_vcl.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_add.cpp (2,46 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_and_cos.cpp (2,65 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_and_cos_max.cpp (3,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_or_cos.cpp (2,29 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_tan.cpp (1,85 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_y_m3d.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos.cpp (1,6 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos_helix.cpp (6,48 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos_v2.cpp (2,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_smooth.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_smooth_v2.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_coord_invs.cpp (1,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold4d.cpp (1,82 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.cpp (2,3 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_abox.cpp (1,74 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_chs.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.cpp (2,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_parab.cpp (4,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_smooth.cpp (3,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v1.cpp (1,57 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v2.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v3.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.cpp (2,79 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.cpp (3,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.cpp (2,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv.cpp (2,19 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_c.cpp (1,84 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_v2.cpp (4,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_offset.cpp (1,33 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_offset_vcl.cpp (3,54 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_pwr_fold.cpp (2,02 Kb)
fractal_transf_step_xy.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_transf_supershape.cpp (4,04 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold.cpp (4,68 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold_v2.cpp (3,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.cpp (3,01 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_fold_multi.cpp (3,41 Kb)
fractal_transf_zvector_axis_swap.cpp (2,05 Kb)
fractal_vicsek.cpp (5,6 Kb)
fractal_xenodreambuie.cpp (1,57 Kb)
legacy_fractal_transforms.hpp (2,46 Kb)
legacy_fractal_transforrms.cpp (3,28 Kb)
abstract_fractal.cpp (1,73 Kb)
abstract_fractal.h (3,87 Kb)
all_fractal_definitions.h (17,02 Kb)
all_fractal_list.cpp (25,69 Kb)
all_fractal_list.hpp (4,37 Kb)
all_fractal_list_enums.hpp (15,54 Kb)
fractal_abox4d.cpp (4,85 Kb)
fractal_abox_klein.cpp (3,66 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod1.cpp (5,02 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod11.cpp (8,71 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod12.cpp (9,35 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod13.cpp (7,61 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod14.cpp (5,36 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod15.cpp (7,54 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod2.cpp (5,2 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_eiffie.cpp (4,61 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_v2.cpp (3,81 Kb)
fractal_abox_mod_kali_v3.cpp (1,68 Kb)
fractal_abox_smooth.cpp (8,16 Kb)
fractal_abox_sphere4d.cpp (5,17 Kb)
fractal_abox_surf_box.cpp (7,47 Kb)
fractal_abox_tetra.cpp (6,52 Kb)
fractal_abox_tetra4d.cpp (5,25 Kb)
fractal_abox_vs_icen1.cpp (3,16 Kb)
fractal_aexion.cpp (1,73 Kb)
fractal_aexion4d_v2.cpp (2,04 Kb)
fractal_aexion_octopus_mod.cpp (2,35 Kb)
fractal_amazing_ifs.cpp (5,77 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf.cpp (2,47 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_klein.cpp (4,14 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_klein_v2.cpp (5,28 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_m3d.cpp (3,21 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod1.cpp (4,63 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod2.cpp (11,12 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod3.cpp (11,73 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_mod4.cpp (3,96 Kb)
fractal_amazing_surf_multi.cpp (8,54 Kb)
fractal_benesi.cpp (1,58 Kb)
fractal_benesi_mag_transforms.cpp (9,33 Kb)
fractal_benesi_pine_tree.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.cpp (5,15 Kb)
fractal_benesi_t1_pine_tree.cpp (3,85 Kb)
fractal_box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.cpp (7,8 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_menger.cpp (7,41 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.cpp (4,69 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.cpp (8,06 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_bulb_v4.cpp (2,95 Kb)
fractal_box_fold_quat.cpp (7,38 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot.cpp (1,28 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot2.cpp (2,63 Kb)
fractal_bristorbrot4d.cpp (1,4 Kb)
fractal_buffalo.cpp (1,59 Kb)
fractal_coastalbrot.cpp (1,25 Kb)
fractal_collatz.cpp (1,32 Kb)
fractal_collatz_mod.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_custom.cpp (1,02 Kb)
fractal_difs_amazing_ifs.cpp (4,05 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_diagonal_v1.cpp (5,44 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_diagonal_v3.cpp (7,13 Kb)
fractal_difs_box_v1.cpp (6,85 Kb)
fractal_difs_cylinder.cpp (7,81 Kb)
fractal_difs_ellipsoid.cpp (7,35 Kb)
fractal_difs_hextgrid2.cpp (4,38 Kb)
fractal_difs_menger.cpp (6,98 Kb)
fractal_difs_msltoe_donut.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_difs_multi_v1.cpp (8,68 Kb)
fractal_difs_prism.cpp (7,11 Kb)
fractal_difs_sphere.cpp (6,62 Kb)
fractal_difs_torus.cpp (7,32 Kb)
fractal_eiffie_msltoe.cpp (2,92 Kb)
fractal_fold_box_mod1.cpp (4,82 Kb)
fractal_fold_cut_cube.cpp (3,36 Kb)
fractal_generalized_fold_box.cpp (6,93 Kb)
fractal_hypercomplex.cpp (1,51 Kb)
fractal_hypercomplex_v2.cpp (3,59 Kb)
fractal_ides.cpp (1,57 Kb)
fractal_ides2.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_ifs_gen.cpp (2,79 Kb)
fractal_ifs_xy.cpp (4,93 Kb)
fractal_iq_bulb.cpp (1,53 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian.cpp (2,46 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v2.cpp (4,84 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v3.cpp (6,94 Kb)
fractal_jos_kleinian_v4.cpp (7,66 Kb)
fractal_kaleidoscopic_ifs.cpp (2,45 Kb)
fractal_kalisets1.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_knot_v1.cpp (3,22 Kb)
fractal_knot_v2.cpp (3,15 Kb)
fractal_koch.cpp (1,86 Kb)
fractal_koch_v2.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_koch_v3.cpp (3,03 Kb)
fractal_koch_v4.cpp (4,73 Kb)
fractal_lkmitch.cpp (1,35 Kb)
fractal_makin3d2.cpp (1,45 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_box_v1.cpp (2,84 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_box_v2.cpp (5,19 Kb)
fractal_mandalay_kifs.cpp (5,04 Kb)
fractal_mandelbar.cpp (1,76 Kb)
fractal_mandelbar_v2.cpp (1,91 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox.cpp (3,42 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_fast.cpp (1,74 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_menger.cpp (6,96 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_smooth.cpp (3,08 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_variable.cpp (11,89 Kb)
fractal_mandelbox_vary_scale4d.cpp (4,31 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb.cpp (1,56 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb2.cpp (1,51 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb3.cpp (1,48 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb4.cpp (1,49 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_abs.cpp (2,16 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_abs_power2.cpp (4,69 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_atan2_power2.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_bermarte.cpp (3,68 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_eye.cpp (2,17 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_iq_pow8.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_iq_v2.cpp (1,92 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_juliabulb.cpp (6,7 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kali.cpp (2,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kali_multi.cpp (6,81 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kosalos.cpp (2,65 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.cpp (3,23 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_lambda.cpp (3,97 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_multi.cpp (4,35 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_multi2.cpp (5,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_plus_z.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v1.cpp (3,47 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v2.cpp (6,42 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_pow2_v3.cpp (3,44 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_power1234.cpp (6,44 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_power2.cpp (1,43 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_quadrat.cpp (3,4 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_quat.cpp (7,45 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos.cpp (2,41 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.cpp (3,73 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.cpp (5,45 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.cpp (5,18 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_tails.cpp (2,81 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_tails_v2.cpp (3,39 Kb)
fractal_mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.cpp (2,11 Kb)
fractal_mandelcup.cpp (4,35 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest.cpp (2,41 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest4d.cpp (4,12 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest_full.cpp (2,62 Kb)
fractal_mandelnest_v2.cpp (3,17 Kb)
fractal_mandeltorus.cpp (2,68 Kb)
fractal_mandeltorus_v2.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_menger3.cpp (1,95 Kb)
fractal_menger3_m3d.cpp (2,02 Kb)
fractal_menger4d.cpp (4,52 Kb)
fractal_menger4d_mod1.cpp (5,38 Kb)
fractal_menger4d_mod2.cpp (4,82 Kb)
fractal_menger_chebyshev.cpp (3,54 Kb)
fractal_menger_cross_kifs.cpp (3,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_cross_mod1.cpp (3,43 Kb)
fractal_menger_middle_mod.cpp (6,21 Kb)
fractal_menger_mod1.cpp (2,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_octo.cpp (6,86 Kb)
fractal_menger_poly_fold.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_menger_prism_shape.cpp (5,46 Kb)
fractal_menger_prism_shape2.cpp (10,43 Kb)
fractal_menger_pwr2_poly.cpp (5,02 Kb)
fractal_menger_pyramid.cpp (7,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth.cpp (2,69 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth_chebyshev.cpp (4,54 Kb)
fractal_menger_smooth_mod1.cpp (3,44 Kb)
fractal_menger_sponge.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_menger_v2.cpp (3,94 Kb)
fractal_menger_v3.cpp (3,62 Kb)
fractal_menger_v4.cpp (5,07 Kb)
fractal_menger_v5.cpp (5,22 Kb)
fractal_mix_pinski4d.cpp (4,25 Kb)
fractal_modulus_mandelbulb.cpp (1,7 Kb)
fractal_modulus_menger_sponge.cpp (1,55 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_donut.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym2_mod.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod.cpp (3,35 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod2.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod3.cpp (3,32 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod4.cpp (3,15 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod5.cpp (3,66 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym3_mod6.cpp (4,8 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym4_mod.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_sym4_mod1.cpp (4,02 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal.cpp (2,63 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal_multi.cpp (3,87 Kb)
fractal_msltoe_toroidal_v2.cpp (3,5 Kb)
fractal_newton_pow3.cpp (3,36 Kb)
fractal_none.cpp (1016 b)
fractal_octahedron.cpp (3,03 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian.cpp (4,44 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian4d.cpp (4,99 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod1.cpp (7,08 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod2.cpp (11,6 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod3.cpp (4,9 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod4.cpp (5,11 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod5.cpp (8,12 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_mod6.cpp (6,6 Kb)
fractal_pseudo_kleinian_std_de.cpp (7,02 Kb)
fractal_quaternion.cpp (1,27 Kb)
fractal_quaternion3d.cpp (1,73 Kb)
fractal_quaternion4d.cpp (2,78 Kb)
fractal_quaternion_cubic4d.cpp (3,52 Kb)
fractal_quick_dudley.cpp (1,37 Kb)
fractal_quick_dudley_mod.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.cpp (2,53 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.cpp (4,24 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.cpp (3,59 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe.cpp (1,8 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2.cpp (5,19 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_imaginary.cpp (1,65 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_real.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_scator_power2_std_r.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_scator_test.cpp (1,76 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v2.cpp (3,75 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v3.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski3d_v4.cpp (3,47 Kb)
fractal_sierpinski4d.cpp (3,56 Kb)
fractal_spheretree.cpp (4,26 Kb)
fractal_spheretree_v2.cpp (5,46 Kb)
fractal_testing.cpp (5,91 Kb)
fractal_testing4d.cpp (10,06 Kb)
fractal_testing_log.cpp (3,91 Kb)
fractal_testing_transform.cpp (3,96 Kb)
fractal_testing_transform2.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional.cpp (1,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional2.cpp (1,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_conditional4d.cpp (1,85 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_constant.cpp (1,55 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_constant4d.cpp (1,44 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_multi.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_multi4d.cpp (2,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.cpp (3,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.cpp (2,86 Kb)
fractal_transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.cpp (1,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant.cpp (1,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant4d.cpp (1,09 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod1.cpp (2,4 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod2.cpp (2,4 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_mod3.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_rot_v1.cpp (1,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_constant_vary_v1.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel.cpp (1,07 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel4d.cpp (2,03 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.cpp (1,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_invert.cpp (2,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_rotated.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_scator.cpp (2,91 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.cpp (2,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.cpp (2,67 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.cpp (1,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_tile.cpp (2,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.cpp (1,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_exp2_z.cpp (3,79 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_norm.cpp (1,39 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_scale_rotate.cpp (1,45 Kb)
fractal_transf_add_spherical_invert.cpp (1,6 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_cube_sphere.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_mag_backward.cpp (1,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_mag_forward.cpp (1,35 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_sphere_cube.cpp (1,86 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t1.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t1_mod.cpp (1,9 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t2.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t3.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t4.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_benesi_t5b.cpp (2,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_blockify.cpp (2,56 Kb)
fractal_transf_blockify_v2.cpp (3,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold.cpp (3,28 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold4d.cpp (2,15 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold4d_tglad.cpp (3,84 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold_vary_v1.cpp (2,59 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_fold_xyz.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_offset.cpp (1,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling4d.cpp (2,81 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling_v2.cpp (2,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_tiling_v3.cpp (4,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_box_wrap4d.cpp (2,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_cayley2_v1.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_clamp4d.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_de_controls.cpp (3,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_de_linear_cube.cpp (1,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_diagonal_fold.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_amazing_ifs.cpp (4,25 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box.cpp (1,32 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_frame.cpp (4,58 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_v2.cpp (2,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_box_v3.cpp (3,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cayley2.cpp (4,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_chessboard.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_clip_custom.cpp (4,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_clip_plane.cpp (5,41 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cylinder.cpp (1,8 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_cylinder_v2.cpp (3,46 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_diamond.cpp (4,18 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_ellipsoid.cpp (1,52 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_gear_v1.cpp (4,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid_v2.cpp (2,74 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_grid_v3.cpp (6,91 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_heart.cpp (3,34 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix.cpp (4,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix_menger.cpp (5,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_helix_v2.cpp (4,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hexprism.cpp (2,26 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hexprism_v2.cpp (3,82 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hextgrid2.cpp (2,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_hybrid_color.cpp (2,13 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_piriform.cpp (3,95 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_polyhedra.cpp (4,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.cpp (4,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_prism.cpp (1,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_prism_v2.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere.cpp (1,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid.cpp (4,34 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.cpp (3,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.cpp (4,98 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_spring.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus.cpp (1,56 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_grid.cpp (2,03 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_menger.cpp (5,44 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_twist.cpp (4,73 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_v2.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_torus_v3.cpp (2,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_difs_tri_grid.cpp (3,3 Kb)
fractal_transf_folding_tetra3d.cpp (1,68 Kb)
fractal_transf_gnarl.cpp (2,99 Kb)
fractal_transf_hybrid_color.cpp (4,48 Kb)
fractal_transf_hybrid_color2.cpp (3,49 Kb)
fractal_transf_initial4d.cpp (1,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_inv_cylindrical.cpp (1,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_iteration_weight.cpp (1,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_iteration_weight4d.cpp (1,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_lin_combine_cxyz.cpp (3,01 Kb)
fractal_transf_low_res_mode.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold4d.cpp (2,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold_v1.cpp (2,2 Kb)
fractal_transf_mandalay_fold_v2.cpp (2,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_menger_fold.cpp (2,54 Kb)
fractal_transf_menger_fold_v2.cpp (3,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_multiple_angle.cpp (1,28 Kb)
fractal_transf_neg_abs_add_constant.cpp (1,33 Kb)
fractal_transf_octo_fold.cpp (1,64 Kb)
fractal_transf_offset_s_curve4d.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_parab_fold.cpp (2,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_platonic_solid.cpp (2,89 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan.cpp (2,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan2.cpp (2,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.cpp (3,09 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.cpp (3,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.cpp (2,42 Kb)
fractal_transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_pwr2_polynomial.cpp (2,72 Kb)
fractal_transf_quadratic_fold4d.cpp (2,08 Kb)
fractal_transf_quaternion_fold.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_r_power.cpp (1,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_reciprocal3.cpp (4,98 Kb)
fractal_transf_reciprocal4d.cpp (3,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotate_about_vec3.cpp (2,31 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation.cpp (1,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation4d.cpp (2,36 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_chebyshev.cpp (3,67 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_folding.cpp (3,29 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_folding_plane.cpp (2,06 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_iter_controls.cpp (2,11 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_m3d.cpp (1,1 Kb)
fractal_transf_rotation_vary_v1.cpp (2,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_rpow3.cpp (1,26 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale.cpp (1,23 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale3d.cpp (1,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale4d.cpp (1,75 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_offset.cpp (1,37 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_offset_v2.cpp (1,62 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_multi.cpp (3,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_v1.cpp (1,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_v212.cpp (2,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_scale_vary_vcl.cpp (2,96 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_add.cpp (2,46 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_and_cos.cpp (2,65 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_and_cos_max.cpp (3,22 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_or_cos.cpp (2,29 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_tan.cpp (1,85 Kb)
fractal_transf_sin_y_m3d.cpp (1,97 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos.cpp (1,6 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos_helix.cpp (6,48 Kb)
fractal_transf_sincos_v2.cpp (2,53 Kb)
fractal_transf_smooth.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_smooth_v2.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_coord_invs.cpp (1,77 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold.cpp (1,93 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold4d.cpp (1,82 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.cpp (2,3 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_abox.cpp (1,74 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_chs.cpp (2,24 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.cpp (2,88 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_parab.cpp (4,21 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.cpp (2,51 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_smooth.cpp (3,05 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v1.cpp (1,57 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v2.cpp (1,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_v3.cpp (2,5 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.cpp (2,79 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.cpp (3,69 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.cpp (2,38 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv.cpp (2,19 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_c.cpp (1,84 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.cpp (1,87 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_inv_v2.cpp (4,78 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_offset.cpp (1,33 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_offset_vcl.cpp (3,54 Kb)
fractal_transf_spherical_pwr_fold.cpp (2,02 Kb)
fractal_transf_step_xy.cpp (2,61 Kb)
fractal_transf_supershape.cpp (4,04 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold.cpp (4,68 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold_v2.cpp (3,12 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.cpp (3,01 Kb)
fractal_transf_surf_fold_multi.cpp (3,41 Kb)
fractal_transf_zvector_axis_swap.cpp (2,05 Kb)
fractal_vicsek.cpp (5,6 Kb)
fractal_xenodreambuie.cpp (1,57 Kb)
legacy_fractal_transforms.hpp (2,46 Kb)
legacy_fractal_transforrms.cpp (3,28 Kb)
img (545 файлов)
abox4d.fract (1,37 Kb)
abox4d.png (97,64 Kb)
abox_klein.png (405,06 Kb)
abox_mod1.png (125,14 Kb)
abox_mod11.fract (1,4 Kb)
abox_mod11.png (130,91 Kb)
abox_mod12.png (100,59 Kb)
abox_mod13.fract (1,83 Kb)
abox_mod13.png (110,21 Kb)
abox_mod14.png (182,12 Kb)
abox_mod15.png (336,14 Kb)
abox_mod2.png (119,76 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.png (69,8 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.png (93,56 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.fract (1,96 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.png (246,35 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.fract (1,92 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.png (287,98 Kb)
abox_smooth.png (331,94 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.png (337,83 Kb)
abox_surf_box.fract (1,09 Kb)
abox_surf_box.png (264,67 Kb)
abox_tetra.png (298,61 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.png (265,11 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.png (107,54 Kb)
add.png (412 b)
aexion.png (79,95 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.png (144,78 Kb)
aexionOctopus.png (86,06 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.png (92,54 Kb)
amazing_ifs.fract (1,43 Kb)
amazing_ifs.png (152,99 Kb)
amazing_surf.png (51,22 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.png (406,18 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.png (411,47 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.png (291,6 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.png (100,36 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.fract (1,55 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.png (299,73 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.fract (1,68 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.png (295,45 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.png (340,64 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.png (139,95 Kb)
benesi.png (67,4 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.png (90,42 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.png (56,37 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.png (107,99 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.png (107,5 Kb)
benesi_transforms.png (92,58 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.png (293,9 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.fract (2,17 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.png (275,52 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.png (78,23 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.fract (2,1 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.png (106,35 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.fract (1,76 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.png (159,76 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.png (326,22 Kb)
box_fold_quat.fract (1,86 Kb)
box_fold_quat.png (122,04 Kb)
bristorbrot.png (86,9 Kb)
bristorbrot2.png (77,62 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.png (86,44 Kb)
buffalo.png (88,31 Kb)
coastalbrot.fract (1,03 Kb)
coastalbrot.png (131,76 Kb)
collatz.png (108,48 Kb)
collatz_mod.png (101,15 Kb)
cross_menger_mod1.png (92,68 Kb)
custom.png (23,18 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.png (271,3 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.fract (1,35 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.png (310,27 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.png (281,83 Kb)
difs_box_v1.fract (1,46 Kb)
difs_box_v1.png (290,29 Kb)
difs_cylinder.fract (1,49 Kb)
difs_cylinder.png (305,69 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.fract (1,66 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.png (284,08 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.png (248,85 Kb)
difs_menger.png (303,25 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.png (317,26 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.png (249,36 Kb)
difs_prism.png (276,2 Kb)
difs_sphere.fract (1,51 Kb)
difs_sphere.png (299,47 Kb)
difs_torus.fract (1,51 Kb)
difs_torus.png (301,83 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.png (52,42 Kb)
fabsBoxMod.png (75,38 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.png (71,76 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.png (273,44 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.png (103,99 Kb)
hypercomplex.png (91,15 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.png (267,47 Kb)
ides.png (60,74 Kb)
ides2.png (53,77 Kb)
ifs_gen.png (266,94 Kb)
ifs_xy.fract (1,38 Kb)
ifs_xy.png (230 Kb)
imaginary_scator_power2.png (149,58 Kb)
iq_bulb.png (113,69 Kb)
jos_kleinian.png (103,25 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.fract (1,46 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.png (410,3 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.png (92,37 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.fract (1,76 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.png (74,8 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.png (107,2 Kb)
kalisets1.png (151,37 Kb)
knot_v1.png (251,04 Kb)
knot_v2.png (261,52 Kb)
koch.png (272,74 Kb)
koch_v2.png (236,55 Kb)
koch_v3.png (252,56 Kb)
koch_v4.png (268,29 Kb)
lkmitch.png (56,96 Kb)
makin3d2.png (72,21 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.png (311,3 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.png (284,9 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.png (341,64 Kb)
mandelbar.png (228,06 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.png (183,88 Kb)
mandelbox.png (104,64 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.png (121,93 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.png (140,93 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.png (99,98 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.fract (2,01 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.png (308,01 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.png (109,91 Kb)
mandelbulb.png (126,19 Kb)
mandelbulb2.png (98,9 Kb)
mandelbulb3.png (107,68 Kb)
mandelbulb4.png (83,65 Kb)
mandelbulb5.png (5,8 Kb)
mandelbulb6_beta.png (6,82 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.png (304,36 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.fract (1,17 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.png (255,31 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.fract (1,15 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.png (269,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.png (112,53 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.fract (1,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.png (181,97 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.png (304,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.png (317,16 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.png (101,35 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.png (116,95 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.png (114,89 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.fract (1,08 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.png (261,85 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.fract (1022 b)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.png (283,84 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.fract (945 b)
mandelbulb_lambda.png (261,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.png (73,78 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.fract (1,39 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.png (102,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.png (256,76 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.png (198,16 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.fract (1,17 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.png (214,9 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.png (266,37 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.fract (1,31 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.png (241,48 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.png (85,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.png (275,02 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.fract (1,18 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.png (94,68 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.png (296,07 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.png (166,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.png (307,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.png (259,49 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.png (234,11 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.png (286,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.png (68,09 Kb)
mandelcup.png (265,65 Kb)
mandelnest.png (241,64 Kb)
mandelnest4d.png (227,64 Kb)
mandelnest_full.png (274,98 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.png (309,07 Kb)
mandeltorus.fract (1,24 Kb)
mandeltorus.png (306,25 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.png (305,81 Kb)
menger3.png (285,39 Kb)
menger3_m3d.png (310,86 Kb)
menger4d.fract (1,33 Kb)
menger4d.png (115,6 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.fract (1,33 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.png (126,74 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.png (344,59 Kb)
mengerMod.png (117,56 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.png (231,21 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.png (82,2 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.png (96,55 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.png (102,17 Kb)
menger_mod1.png (102,6 Kb)
menger_octo.fract (1,05 Kb)
menger_octo.png (132,66 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.fract (1,68 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.png (335,45 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.png (82,7 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.fract (1,06 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.png (98,57 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.png (90,53 Kb)
menger_pyramid.png (241,86 Kb)
menger_smooth.fract (1,23 Kb)
menger_smooth.png (96,02 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.png (329,35 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.fract (1,23 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.png (104,8 Kb)
menger_sponge.png (107,29 Kb)
menger_sponge105.png (4,77 Kb)
menger_v2.png (316,48 Kb)
menger_v3.png (272,25 Kb)
menger_v4.png (299,3 Kb)
menger_v5.png (259,48 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.fract (1,1 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.png (116,71 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.fract (1,17 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.png (159,7 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.fract (1,09 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.png (124,9 Kb)
msltoe_donut.png (87,32 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.png (84,35 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.png (75 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.png (74,52 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.png (86,58 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.png (250,33 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.png (299,43 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.png (179,17 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.png (82,34 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.png (209,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.png (127,58 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.png (93,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.png (287,15 Kb)
msltoesym2.png (59,34 Kb)
msltoesym3.png (59,22 Kb)
msltoesym4.png (107,45 Kb)
newton_pow3.png (265,32 Kb)
octahedron.png (289,46 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.png (141,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.fract (1,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.png (136,11 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.png (130,57 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.fract (1,05 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.png (155,02 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.png (400,87 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.png (411,09 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.png (408,11 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.png (188,48 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.png (166,12 Kb)
quaternion.png (65,66 Kb)
quaternion3d.png (65,81 Kb)
quaternion4d.png (34,01 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.fract (759 b)
quaternion_cubic4d.png (95,65 Kb)
quick_dudley.png (75,94 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.png (64,73 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.png (107,29 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.fract (1,56 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.png (300,41 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.fract (1,36 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.png (293,81 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.fract (1,34 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.png (319,59 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.png (89,21 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.png (297,25 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.png (118,6 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.fract (1,17 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.png (265,92 Kb)
scator_power2.fract (1,15 Kb)
scator_power2.png (225,87 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.fract (1,17 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.png (181,92 Kb)
scator_power2_real.fract (1,24 Kb)
scator_power2_real.png (130,23 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.fract (1,18 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.png (230,4 Kb)
scator_test.png (129,54 Kb)
sierpinski3d.fract (1,08 Kb)
sierpinski3d.png (90,89 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.png (210,68 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.png (201,13 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.png (280,17 Kb)
sierpinski4d.fract (1,11 Kb)
sierpinski4d.png (126,7 Kb)
spheretree.png (292,3 Kb)
spheretree_v2.png (238,67 Kb)
testing.png (3,8 Kb)
testing4d.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_log.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_transform.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_transform2.png (3,8 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.fract (961 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional.png (146,29 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.fract (987 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.png (229,16 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.fract (999 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.png (125,38 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.png (120,53 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.png (116,79 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.png (100,42 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.fract (1010 b)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.png (282,4 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.png (93,06 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.png (97,97 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.png (281,36 Kb)
transf_add_Cpixel_pos_neg.png (92,92 Kb)
transf_add_constant.png (117,6 Kb)
transf_add_constant4d.png (104,6 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod1.fract (1,29 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod1.png (268,01 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.fract (1,38 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.png (289,78 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod3.png (280,1 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.fract (1,12 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.png (254,18 Kb)
transf_add_constant_vary_v1.png (103,34 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.png (102,17 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel4d.png (300,39 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.png (86,25 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.png (106,92 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_invert.png (310,58 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.fract (1,3 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.png (282,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.fract (1,16 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.png (129,96 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.fract (1,48 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.png (273,12 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.fract (1,06 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.png (145,23 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.png (99,4 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_tile.png (279,36 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.png (121,5 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.fract (1012 b)
transf_add_exp2_z.png (82,95 Kb)
transf_add_norm.png (306,99 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.png (220,32 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.png (292,34 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.png (98,09 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.png (118,52 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.png (114,64 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.png (87,56 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.png (130,54 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.png (120,94 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.png (119,78 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.png (101,09 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.png (106,61 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.png (109,01 Kb)
transf_blockify.fract (1,18 Kb)
transf_blockify.png (114,19 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.png (209,52 Kb)
transf_box_fold.png (118,83 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.png (105,06 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.png (91,45 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.png (121,32 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.png (102,37 Kb)
transf_box_offset.png (106,31 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.fract (1,8 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.png (264,45 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.png (299,1 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.png (114,73 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.fract (765 b)
transf_box_wrap4d.png (306,43 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.png (302,96 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.fract (1,47 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.png (286,51 Kb)
transf_darkbeam_fold_v1.png (307,46 Kb)
transf_de_controls.png (2,29 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.png (287,81 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.fract (2,01 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.png (294,82 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.png (351,16 Kb)
transf_difs_box.png (180,99 Kb)
transf_difs_box_frame.png (181,27 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v2.png (237,2 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v3.png (265,8 Kb)
transf_difs_cayley2.png (1,77 Mb)
transf_difs_chessboard.png (174,84 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_custom.png (128,41 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.fract (1,45 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.png (260,52 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.png (223,42 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.png (209,05 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.png (166,94 Kb)
transf_difs_ellipsoid.png (283,29 Kb)
transf_difs_gear_v1.png (255,08 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.png (274,26 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.png (354,08 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.png (286,88 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.png (199,74 Kb)
transf_difs_helix.png (242,65 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_menger.png (216,48 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_v2.png (156,18 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism.png (192,34 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism_v2.png (278,19 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.png (275,95 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.png (249,81 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.png (186,88 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.png (269,85 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.png (259,84 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.png (185,48 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.png (198,73 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere.png (251,52 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid.png (239,77 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.png (294,26 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.png (286,41 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.png (194,85 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.png (261,55 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.png (324,69 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.png (242,46 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_twist.png (217,79 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v2.png (218,16 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.png (247,88 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.png (284,91 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.png (104,55 Kb)
transf_gnarl.fract (1,52 Kb)
transf_gnarl.png (271,34 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.png (115,07 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.fract (1,76 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.png (102,53 Kb)
transf_initial4d.png (233,46 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.png (87,62 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.png (90,67 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.png (125,41 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.png (92,93 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.png (267,7 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.png (296,19 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.png (297,67 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.png (285,12 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.png (92,79 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.png (256,39 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.png (125,33 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.png (114,17 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.fract (853 b)
transf_octo_fold.png (125,27 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.png (310,77 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.fract (764 b)
transf_parab_fold.png (111,4 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.png (126,99 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.fract (1,75 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.png (264,77 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.fract (1,83 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.png (266,95 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.png (281,13 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.fract (892 b)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.png (297 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.fract (882 b)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.png (253,19 Kb)
transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.png (335,88 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.png (99,4 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold4d.png (299,48 Kb)
transf_quaternion_fold.png (92,77 Kb)
transf_r_power.png (79,14 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.fract (1,05 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.png (118,54 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.fract (1,15 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.png (95,07 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.fract (1,51 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.png (279,34 Kb)
transf_rotation.png (122,04 Kb)
transf_rotation4d.fract (906 b)
transf_rotation4d.png (105,54 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.png (273,77 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.fract (934 b)
transf_rotation_folding.png (141,91 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.png (142,09 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.fract (1,63 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.png (303,73 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.png (296,78 Kb)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.png (98,05 Kb)
transf_rpow3.png (78,23 Kb)
transf_scale.png (95,55 Kb)
transf_scale3d.png (122,04 Kb)
transf_scale4d.png (102,45 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.png (281,57 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.png (260,59 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox.fract (981 b)
transf_scale_vary_abox.png (104,63 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox_v2.png (17,31 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.png (95,35 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.png (82,79 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.png (66,92 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.fract (1022 b)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.png (119,47 Kb)
transf_sin_add.png (254,04 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.fract (989 b)
transf_sin_and_cos.png (99,49 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.fract (1,06 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.png (117,62 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.fract (1,01 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.png (129,61 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.png (377,79 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.png (342 Kb)
transf_sincos.png (327,53 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.png (267,12 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.png (283,17 Kb)
transf_smooth.png (306,5 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.png (265,65 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.png (284,58 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.png (98,32 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.png (114,34 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.png (288,01 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.png (102,29 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.fract (912 b)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.png (80,76 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.fract (1,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.png (94,05 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.fract (1,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.png (107,16 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.png (282,47 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.png (321,2 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.png (296,81 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.png (302,6 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.png (310,12 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.png (114,22 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.fract (804 b)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.png (119,88 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.fract (1,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.png (103,91 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.png (76,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.png (79,69 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.png (262,4 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.png (203,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.png (97,46 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.fract (937 b)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.png (90,54 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.png (97,12 Kb)
transf_step_xy.png (283,08 Kb)
transf_supershape.png (268,96 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.fract (1,14 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.png (123,55 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.fract (1,33 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.png (297,52 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.fract (1,32 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.png (278,64 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.png (129,96 Kb)
transf_zvector_axis_swap.png (95,75 Kb)
vicsek.fract (1,16 Kb)
vicsek.png (290,05 Kb)
xenodreambuie.png (70,8 Kb)
abox4d.png (97,64 Kb)
abox_klein.png (405,06 Kb)
abox_mod1.png (125,14 Kb)
abox_mod11.fract (1,4 Kb)
abox_mod11.png (130,91 Kb)
abox_mod12.png (100,59 Kb)
abox_mod13.fract (1,83 Kb)
abox_mod13.png (110,21 Kb)
abox_mod14.png (182,12 Kb)
abox_mod15.png (336,14 Kb)
abox_mod2.png (119,76 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.png (69,8 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.png (93,56 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.fract (1,96 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.png (246,35 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.fract (1,92 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.png (287,98 Kb)
abox_smooth.png (331,94 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.png (337,83 Kb)
abox_surf_box.fract (1,09 Kb)
abox_surf_box.png (264,67 Kb)
abox_tetra.png (298,61 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.png (265,11 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.png (107,54 Kb)
add.png (412 b)
aexion.png (79,95 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.png (144,78 Kb)
aexionOctopus.png (86,06 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.png (92,54 Kb)
amazing_ifs.fract (1,43 Kb)
amazing_ifs.png (152,99 Kb)
amazing_surf.png (51,22 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.png (406,18 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.png (411,47 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.png (291,6 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.png (100,36 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.fract (1,55 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.png (299,73 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.fract (1,68 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.png (295,45 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.png (340,64 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.png (139,95 Kb)
benesi.png (67,4 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.png (90,42 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.png (56,37 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.png (107,99 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.png (107,5 Kb)
benesi_transforms.png (92,58 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.png (293,9 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.fract (2,17 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.png (275,52 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.png (78,23 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.fract (2,1 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.png (106,35 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.fract (1,76 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.png (159,76 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.png (326,22 Kb)
box_fold_quat.fract (1,86 Kb)
box_fold_quat.png (122,04 Kb)
bristorbrot.png (86,9 Kb)
bristorbrot2.png (77,62 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.png (86,44 Kb)
buffalo.png (88,31 Kb)
coastalbrot.fract (1,03 Kb)
coastalbrot.png (131,76 Kb)
collatz.png (108,48 Kb)
collatz_mod.png (101,15 Kb)
cross_menger_mod1.png (92,68 Kb)
custom.png (23,18 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.png (271,3 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.fract (1,35 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.png (310,27 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.png (281,83 Kb)
difs_box_v1.fract (1,46 Kb)
difs_box_v1.png (290,29 Kb)
difs_cylinder.fract (1,49 Kb)
difs_cylinder.png (305,69 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.fract (1,66 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.png (284,08 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.png (248,85 Kb)
difs_menger.png (303,25 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.png (317,26 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.png (249,36 Kb)
difs_prism.png (276,2 Kb)
difs_sphere.fract (1,51 Kb)
difs_sphere.png (299,47 Kb)
difs_torus.fract (1,51 Kb)
difs_torus.png (301,83 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.png (52,42 Kb)
fabsBoxMod.png (75,38 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.png (71,76 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.png (273,44 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.png (103,99 Kb)
hypercomplex.png (91,15 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.png (267,47 Kb)
ides.png (60,74 Kb)
ides2.png (53,77 Kb)
ifs_gen.png (266,94 Kb)
ifs_xy.fract (1,38 Kb)
ifs_xy.png (230 Kb)
imaginary_scator_power2.png (149,58 Kb)
iq_bulb.png (113,69 Kb)
jos_kleinian.png (103,25 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.fract (1,46 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.png (410,3 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.png (92,37 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.fract (1,76 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.png (74,8 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.png (107,2 Kb)
kalisets1.png (151,37 Kb)
knot_v1.png (251,04 Kb)
knot_v2.png (261,52 Kb)
koch.png (272,74 Kb)
koch_v2.png (236,55 Kb)
koch_v3.png (252,56 Kb)
koch_v4.png (268,29 Kb)
lkmitch.png (56,96 Kb)
makin3d2.png (72,21 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.png (311,3 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.png (284,9 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.png (341,64 Kb)
mandelbar.png (228,06 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.png (183,88 Kb)
mandelbox.png (104,64 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.png (121,93 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.png (140,93 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.png (99,98 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.fract (2,01 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.png (308,01 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.png (109,91 Kb)
mandelbulb.png (126,19 Kb)
mandelbulb2.png (98,9 Kb)
mandelbulb3.png (107,68 Kb)
mandelbulb4.png (83,65 Kb)
mandelbulb5.png (5,8 Kb)
mandelbulb6_beta.png (6,82 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.png (304,36 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.fract (1,17 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.png (255,31 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.fract (1,15 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.png (269,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.png (112,53 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.fract (1,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.png (181,97 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.png (304,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.png (317,16 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.fract (1,05 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.png (101,35 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.png (116,95 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.png (114,89 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.fract (1,08 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.png (261,85 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.fract (1022 b)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.png (283,84 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.fract (945 b)
mandelbulb_lambda.png (261,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.png (73,78 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.fract (1,39 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.png (102,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.png (256,76 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.png (198,16 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.fract (1,17 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.png (214,9 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.png (266,37 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.fract (1,31 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.png (241,48 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.png (85,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.png (275,02 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.fract (1,18 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.png (94,68 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.png (296,07 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.png (166,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.png (307,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.png (259,49 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.png (234,11 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.png (286,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.png (68,09 Kb)
mandelcup.png (265,65 Kb)
mandelnest.png (241,64 Kb)
mandelnest4d.png (227,64 Kb)
mandelnest_full.png (274,98 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.png (309,07 Kb)
mandeltorus.fract (1,24 Kb)
mandeltorus.png (306,25 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.png (305,81 Kb)
menger3.png (285,39 Kb)
menger3_m3d.png (310,86 Kb)
menger4d.fract (1,33 Kb)
menger4d.png (115,6 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.fract (1,33 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.png (126,74 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.png (344,59 Kb)
mengerMod.png (117,56 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.png (231,21 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.png (82,2 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.png (96,55 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.png (102,17 Kb)
menger_mod1.png (102,6 Kb)
menger_octo.fract (1,05 Kb)
menger_octo.png (132,66 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.fract (1,68 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.png (335,45 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.png (82,7 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.fract (1,06 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.png (98,57 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.png (90,53 Kb)
menger_pyramid.png (241,86 Kb)
menger_smooth.fract (1,23 Kb)
menger_smooth.png (96,02 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.png (329,35 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.fract (1,23 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.png (104,8 Kb)
menger_sponge.png (107,29 Kb)
menger_sponge105.png (4,77 Kb)
menger_v2.png (316,48 Kb)
menger_v3.png (272,25 Kb)
menger_v4.png (299,3 Kb)
menger_v5.png (259,48 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.fract (1,1 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.png (116,71 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.fract (1,17 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.png (159,7 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.fract (1,09 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.png (124,9 Kb)
msltoe_donut.png (87,32 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.png (84,35 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.png (75 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.png (74,52 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.png (86,58 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.png (250,33 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.png (299,43 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.png (179,17 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.png (82,34 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.png (209,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.png (127,58 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.png (93,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.png (287,15 Kb)
msltoesym2.png (59,34 Kb)
msltoesym3.png (59,22 Kb)
msltoesym4.png (107,45 Kb)
newton_pow3.png (265,32 Kb)
octahedron.png (289,46 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.png (141,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.fract (1,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.png (136,11 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.png (130,57 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.fract (1,05 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.png (155,02 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.png (400,87 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.png (411,09 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.png (408,11 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.png (188,48 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.png (166,12 Kb)
quaternion.png (65,66 Kb)
quaternion3d.png (65,81 Kb)
quaternion4d.png (34,01 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.fract (759 b)
quaternion_cubic4d.png (95,65 Kb)
quick_dudley.png (75,94 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.png (64,73 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.png (107,29 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.fract (1,56 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.png (300,41 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.fract (1,36 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.png (293,81 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.fract (1,34 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.png (319,59 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.png (89,21 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.png (297,25 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.png (118,6 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.fract (1,17 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.png (265,92 Kb)
scator_power2.fract (1,15 Kb)
scator_power2.png (225,87 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.fract (1,17 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.png (181,92 Kb)
scator_power2_real.fract (1,24 Kb)
scator_power2_real.png (130,23 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.fract (1,18 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.png (230,4 Kb)
scator_test.png (129,54 Kb)
sierpinski3d.fract (1,08 Kb)
sierpinski3d.png (90,89 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.png (210,68 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.png (201,13 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.png (280,17 Kb)
sierpinski4d.fract (1,11 Kb)
sierpinski4d.png (126,7 Kb)
spheretree.png (292,3 Kb)
spheretree_v2.png (238,67 Kb)
testing.png (3,8 Kb)
testing4d.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_log.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_transform.png (3,8 Kb)
testing_transform2.png (3,8 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.fract (961 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional.png (146,29 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.fract (987 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.png (229,16 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.fract (999 b)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.png (125,38 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.png (120,53 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.png (116,79 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.png (100,42 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.fract (1010 b)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.png (282,4 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.png (93,06 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.png (97,97 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.png (281,36 Kb)
transf_add_Cpixel_pos_neg.png (92,92 Kb)
transf_add_constant.png (117,6 Kb)
transf_add_constant4d.png (104,6 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod1.fract (1,29 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod1.png (268,01 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.fract (1,38 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.png (289,78 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod3.png (280,1 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.fract (1,12 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.png (254,18 Kb)
transf_add_constant_vary_v1.png (103,34 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.png (102,17 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel4d.png (300,39 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.png (86,25 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.png (106,92 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_invert.png (310,58 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.fract (1,3 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.png (282,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.fract (1,16 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.png (129,96 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.fract (1,48 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.png (273,12 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.fract (1,06 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.png (145,23 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.png (99,4 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_tile.png (279,36 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.png (121,5 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.fract (1012 b)
transf_add_exp2_z.png (82,95 Kb)
transf_add_norm.png (306,99 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.png (220,32 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.png (292,34 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.png (98,09 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.png (118,52 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.png (114,64 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.png (87,56 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.png (130,54 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.png (120,94 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.png (119,78 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.png (101,09 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.png (106,61 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.png (109,01 Kb)
transf_blockify.fract (1,18 Kb)
transf_blockify.png (114,19 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.png (209,52 Kb)
transf_box_fold.png (118,83 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.png (105,06 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.png (91,45 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.png (121,32 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.png (102,37 Kb)
transf_box_offset.png (106,31 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.fract (1,8 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.png (264,45 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.png (299,1 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.png (114,73 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.fract (765 b)
transf_box_wrap4d.png (306,43 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.png (302,96 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.fract (1,47 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.png (286,51 Kb)
transf_darkbeam_fold_v1.png (307,46 Kb)
transf_de_controls.png (2,29 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.png (287,81 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.fract (2,01 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.png (294,82 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.png (351,16 Kb)
transf_difs_box.png (180,99 Kb)
transf_difs_box_frame.png (181,27 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v2.png (237,2 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v3.png (265,8 Kb)
transf_difs_cayley2.png (1,77 Mb)
transf_difs_chessboard.png (174,84 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_custom.png (128,41 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.fract (1,45 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.png (260,52 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.png (223,42 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.png (209,05 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.png (166,94 Kb)
transf_difs_ellipsoid.png (283,29 Kb)
transf_difs_gear_v1.png (255,08 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.png (274,26 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.png (354,08 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.png (286,88 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.png (199,74 Kb)
transf_difs_helix.png (242,65 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_menger.png (216,48 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_v2.png (156,18 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism.png (192,34 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism_v2.png (278,19 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.png (275,95 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.png (249,81 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.png (186,88 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.png (269,85 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.png (259,84 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.png (185,48 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.png (198,73 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere.png (251,52 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid.png (239,77 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.png (294,26 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.png (286,41 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.png (194,85 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.png (261,55 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.png (324,69 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.png (242,46 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_twist.png (217,79 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v2.png (218,16 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.png (247,88 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.png (284,91 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.png (104,55 Kb)
transf_gnarl.fract (1,52 Kb)
transf_gnarl.png (271,34 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.png (115,07 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.fract (1,76 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.png (102,53 Kb)
transf_initial4d.png (233,46 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.png (87,62 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.png (90,67 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.png (125,41 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.png (92,93 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.png (267,7 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.png (296,19 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.png (297,67 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.png (285,12 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.png (92,79 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.png (256,39 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.png (125,33 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.png (114,17 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.fract (853 b)
transf_octo_fold.png (125,27 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.png (310,77 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.fract (764 b)
transf_parab_fold.png (111,4 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.png (126,99 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.fract (1,75 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.png (264,77 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.fract (1,83 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.png (266,95 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.png (281,13 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.fract (892 b)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.png (297 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.fract (882 b)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.png (253,19 Kb)
transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.png (335,88 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.png (99,4 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold4d.png (299,48 Kb)
transf_quaternion_fold.png (92,77 Kb)
transf_r_power.png (79,14 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.fract (1,05 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.png (118,54 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.fract (1,15 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.png (95,07 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.fract (1,51 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.png (279,34 Kb)
transf_rotation.png (122,04 Kb)
transf_rotation4d.fract (906 b)
transf_rotation4d.png (105,54 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.png (273,77 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.fract (934 b)
transf_rotation_folding.png (141,91 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.png (142,09 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.fract (1,63 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.png (303,73 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.png (296,78 Kb)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.png (98,05 Kb)
transf_rpow3.png (78,23 Kb)
transf_scale.png (95,55 Kb)
transf_scale3d.png (122,04 Kb)
transf_scale4d.png (102,45 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.png (281,57 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.png (260,59 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox.fract (981 b)
transf_scale_vary_abox.png (104,63 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox_v2.png (17,31 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.png (95,35 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.png (82,79 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.png (66,92 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.fract (1022 b)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.png (119,47 Kb)
transf_sin_add.png (254,04 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.fract (989 b)
transf_sin_and_cos.png (99,49 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.fract (1,06 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.png (117,62 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.fract (1,01 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.png (129,61 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.png (377,79 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.png (342 Kb)
transf_sincos.png (327,53 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.png (267,12 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.png (283,17 Kb)
transf_smooth.png (306,5 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.png (265,65 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.png (284,58 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.png (98,32 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.png (114,34 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.png (288,01 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.png (102,29 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.fract (912 b)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.png (80,76 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.fract (1,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.png (94,05 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.fract (1,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.png (107,16 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.png (282,47 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.png (321,2 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.png (296,81 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.png (302,6 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.png (310,12 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.png (114,22 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.fract (804 b)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.png (119,88 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.fract (1,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.png (103,91 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.png (76,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.png (79,69 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.png (262,4 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.png (203,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.png (97,46 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.fract (937 b)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.png (90,54 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.png (97,12 Kb)
transf_step_xy.png (283,08 Kb)
transf_supershape.png (268,96 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.fract (1,14 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.png (123,55 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.fract (1,33 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.png (297,52 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.fract (1,32 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.png (278,64 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.png (129,96 Kb)
transf_zvector_axis_swap.png (95,75 Kb)
vicsek.fract (1,16 Kb)
vicsek.png (290,05 Kb)
xenodreambuie.png (70,8 Kb)
opencl (425 файлов)
COPYING (34,32 Kb)
abox4d.cl (4,87 Kb)
abox_klein.cl (3,49 Kb)
abox_mod1.cl (4,89 Kb)
abox_mod11.cl (8,57 Kb)
abox_mod12.cl (9,2 Kb)
abox_mod13.cl (7,47 Kb)
abox_mod14.cl (5,21 Kb)
abox_mod15.cl (7,39 Kb)
abox_mod2.cl (5,05 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.cl (2,41 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.cl (4,42 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.cl (3,64 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.cl (1,5 Kb)
abox_smooth.cl (8,01 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.cl (5,16 Kb)
abox_surf_box.cl (7,3 Kb)
abox_tetra.cl (6,51 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.cl (5,23 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.cl (3 Kb)
aexion.cl (1,56 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.cl (1,87 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.cl (2,16 Kb)
amazing_ifs.cl (5,65 Kb)
amazing_surf.cl (2,31 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.cl (3,94 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.cl (5,1 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.cl (3,06 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.cl (4,45 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.cl (10,97 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.cl (11,58 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.cl (3,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.cl (8,39 Kb)
benesi.cl (1,42 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.cl (9,32 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.cl (1,63 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.cl (5,09 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.cl (3,71 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.cl (7,78 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.cl (7,41 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.cl (2,24 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.cl (4,5 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.cl (8,05 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.cl (2,77 Kb)
box_fold_quat.cl (7,35 Kb)
bristorbrot.cl (1,09 Kb)
bristorbrot2.cl (2,44 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.cl (1,21 Kb)
buffalo.cl (1,42 Kb)
coastalbrot.cl (1,15 Kb)
collatz.cl (1,17 Kb)
collatz_mod.cl (1,73 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.cl (3,9 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.cl (5,3 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.cl (7,06 Kb)
difs_box_v1.cl (6,81 Kb)
difs_cylinder.cl (7,89 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.cl (7,29 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.cl (4,23 Kb)
difs_menger.cl (7,04 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.cl (1,72 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.cl (8,83 Kb)
difs_prism.cl (7,13 Kb)
difs_sphere.cl (6,63 Kb)
difs_torus.cl (7,36 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.cl (2,75 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.cl (4,66 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.cl (3,6 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.cl (6,74 Kb)
hypercomplex.cl (1,32 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.cl (3,57 Kb)
ides.cl (1,42 Kb)
ides2.cl (1,35 Kb)
ifs_gen.cl (2,66 Kb)
ifs_xy.cl (4,91 Kb)
imaginary_scator_power2.cl (1,38 Kb)
iq_bulb.cl (1,4 Kb)
jos_kleinian.cl (2,26 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.cl (4,72 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.cl (6,9 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.cl (7,63 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.cl (2,28 Kb)
kalisets1.cl (1,77 Kb)
knot_v1.cl (3,11 Kb)
knot_v2.cl (3,06 Kb)
koch.cl (1,83 Kb)
koch_v2.cl (3,89 Kb)
koch_v3.cl (2,98 Kb)
koch_v4.cl (4,76 Kb)
lkmitch.cl (1,18 Kb)
makin3d2.cl (1,27 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.cl (2,77 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.cl (5,13 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.cl (4,98 Kb)
mandelbar.cl (1,58 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.cl (1,75 Kb)
mandelbox.cl (3,25 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.cl (1,56 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.cl (6,97 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.cl (2,89 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.cl (11,82 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.cl (4,27 Kb)
mandelbulb.cl (1,37 Kb)
mandelbulb2.cl (1,35 Kb)
mandelbulb3.cl (1,32 Kb)
mandelbulb4.cl (1,44 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.cl (1,97 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.cl (4,52 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.cl (1,58 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.cl (3,58 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.cl (2,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.cl (1,69 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.cl (1,75 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.cl (6,71 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.cl (2,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.cl (6,75 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.cl (2,5 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.cl (3,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.cl (3,89 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.cl (4,22 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.cl (5,42 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.cl (2,46 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.cl (3,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.cl (6,26 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.cl (3,27 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.cl (6,45 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.cl (1,22 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.cl (3,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.cl (7,56 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.cl (2,26 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.cl (3,59 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.cl (5,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.cl (5,04 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.cl (2,66 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.cl (3,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.cl (1,91 Kb)
mandelcup.cl (4,2 Kb)
mandelnest.cl (2,26 Kb)
mandelnest4d.cl (4,03 Kb)
mandelnest_full.cl (2,46 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.cl (3,05 Kb)
mandeltorus.cl (2,49 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.cl (2,71 Kb)
menger3.cl (1,81 Kb)
menger3_m3d.cl (1,86 Kb)
menger4d.cl (4,76 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.cl (5,61 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.cl (4,92 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.cl (3,44 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.cl (3,63 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.cl (3,36 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.cl (6,2 Kb)
menger_mod1.cl (2,65 Kb)
menger_octo.cl (6,71 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.cl (3,75 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.cl (5,53 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.cl (10,63 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.cl (4,99 Kb)
menger_pyramid.cl (7,65 Kb)
menger_smooth.cl (2,58 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.cl (4,46 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.cl (3,32 Kb)
menger_sponge.cl (1,58 Kb)
menger_v2.cl (3,79 Kb)
menger_v3.cl (3,52 Kb)
menger_v4.cl (4,95 Kb)
menger_v5.cl (5,1 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.cl (4,25 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.cl (1,49 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.cl (1,46 Kb)
msltoe_donut.cl (1,58 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.cl (2,3 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.cl (3,16 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.cl (2,37 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.cl (3,14 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.cl (2,96 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.cl (3,48 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.cl (4,67 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.cl (2,83 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.cl (3,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.cl (2,48 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.cl (3,72 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.cl (3,37 Kb)
newton_pow3.cl (3,19 Kb)
octahedron.cl (2,85 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.cl (4,34 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.cl (4,73 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.cl (7,13 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.cl (11,5 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.cl (4,72 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.cl (4,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.cl (8 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.cl (6,44 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.cl (7,08 Kb)
quaternion.cl (1,08 Kb)
quaternion3d.cl (1,54 Kb)
quaternion4d.cl (2,75 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.cl (3,46 Kb)
quick_dudley.cl (1,18 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.cl (1,48 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.cl (2,33 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.cl (4,04 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.cl (3,33 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.cl (3,4 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.cl (1,61 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.cl (1,86 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.cl (1,65 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.cl (2,05 Kb)
scator_power2.cl (5,06 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.cl (1,42 Kb)
scator_power2_real.cl (1,29 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.cl (2,29 Kb)
scator_test.cl (1,58 Kb)
sierpinski3d.cl (2,27 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.cl (3,59 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.cl (2,45 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.cl (3,43 Kb)
sierpinski4d.cl (3,56 Kb)
spheretree.cl (4,12 Kb)
spheretree_v2.cl (5,29 Kb)
testing.cl (5,89 Kb)
testing4d.cl (10,1 Kb)
testing_log.cl (3,73 Kb)
testing_transform.cl (3,82 Kb)
testing_transform2.cl (3,36 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.cl (1,39 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.cl (1,62 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.cl (1,34 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.cl (2,01 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.cl (2,32 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.cl (3,4 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.cl (2,64 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_add_constant.cl (954 b)
transf_add_constant4d.cl (909 b)
transf_add_constant_mod1.cl (2,18 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.cl (2,2 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod3.cl (2,02 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.cl (1,75 Kb)
transf_add_constant_vary_v1.cl (1,67 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.cl (902 b)
transf_add_cpixel4d.cl (1,84 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.cl (2,2 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.cl (1,29 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_invert.cl (2,16 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.cl (2,4 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.cl (2,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.cl (2,83 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.cl (2,44 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.cl (1,26 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_tile.cl (2,15 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.cl (3,61 Kb)
transf_add_norm.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.cl (1,25 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.cl (1,37 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.cl (1,14 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.cl (1,14 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.cl (1,62 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.cl (1,82 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.cl (1,76 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.cl (1,8 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.cl (2,33 Kb)
transf_blockify.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.cl (3,34 Kb)
transf_box_fold.cl (3,1 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.cl (1,96 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.cl (3,65 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.cl (1,87 Kb)
transf_box_offset.cl (1,32 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.cl (2,62 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.cl (2,57 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.cl (4,32 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.cl (2,77 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.cl (2,13 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.cl (1,91 Kb)
transf_de_controls.cl (3,4 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.cl (2,17 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.cl (4,06 Kb)
transf_difs_aux_color.cl (1,9 Kb)
transf_difs_box.cl (1,13 Kb)
transf_difs_box_frame.cl (4,45 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v2.cl (1,92 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v3.cl (2,95 Kb)
transf_difs_cayley2.cl (4,68 Kb)
transf_difs_chessboard.cl (1,98 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_custom.cl (4,19 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.cl (5,3 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.cl (1,65 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.cl (3,3 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.cl (4,07 Kb)
transf_difs_ellipsoid.cl (1,29 Kb)
transf_difs_gear_v1.cl (3,86 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.cl (1,51 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.cl (2,57 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.cl (6,75 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.cl (3,24 Kb)
transf_difs_helix.cl (4,34 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_menger.cl (5,46 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_v2.cl (4,8 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism.cl (2,07 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism_v2.cl (3,65 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.cl (1,94 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.cl (1,93 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.cl (3,81 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.cl (3,82 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.cl (3,95 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.cl (1,27 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid.cl (4,24 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.cl (3,57 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.cl (4,9 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.cl (2,32 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.cl (1,45 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.cl (1,83 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.cl (5,26 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_twist.cl (4,6 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v2.cl (2,4 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.cl (2,49 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.cl (3,12 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_gnarl.cl (3,07 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.cl (4,23 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.cl (3,25 Kb)
transf_initial4d.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.cl (1,53 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.cl (1,15 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.cl (2,8 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.cl (1,49 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.cl (2,42 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.cl (2,1 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.cl (2,62 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.cl (2,35 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.cl (3,05 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.cl (1,09 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.cl (1,11 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.cl (1,46 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.cl (2,76 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.cl (2,78 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.cl (2,86 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.cl (2,73 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.cl (2,73 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.cl (2,93 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym.cl (1,89 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.cl (3,31 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.cl (2,21 Kb)
transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.cl (2,53 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold4d.cl (1,88 Kb)
transf_quaternion_fold.cl (2,76 Kb)
transf_r_power.cl (963 b)
transf_reciprocal3.cl (4,78 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.cl (3,04 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.cl (2,11 Kb)
transf_rotation.cl (891 b)
transf_rotation4d.cl (2,33 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.cl (3,67 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.cl (3,08 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.cl (1,86 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.cl (1,97 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.cl (929 b)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.cl (1,92 Kb)
transf_rpow3.cl (1,09 Kb)
transf_scale.cl (1,06 Kb)
transf_scale3d.cl (1,05 Kb)
transf_scale4d.cl (1,58 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.cl (1,42 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox_v2.cl (4,96 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.cl (3,02 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.cl (2,03 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.cl (2,75 Kb)
transf_sin_add.cl (2,36 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.cl (2,52 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.cl (3,07 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.cl (2,15 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.cl (1,76 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.cl (1,87 Kb)
transf_sincos.cl (1,45 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.cl (6,43 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_smooth.cl (1,79 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.cl (1,78 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.cl (1,61 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.cl (2,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.cl (1,52 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.cl (2,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.cl (2,65 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.cl (4 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.cl (2,28 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.cl (2,83 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.cl (1,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.cl (1,48 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.cl (2,27 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.cl (2,56 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.cl (3,46 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.cl (1,99 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.cl (4,57 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.cl (1,11 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.cl (3,31 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.cl (1,82 Kb)
transf_step_xy.cl (2,45 Kb)
transf_supershape.cl (3,91 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.cl (4,49 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.cl (2,89 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.cl (2,78 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.cl (3,21 Kb)
transf_zvector_axis_swap.cl (1,84 Kb)
vicsek.cl (5,59 Kb)
xenodreambuie.cl (1,42 Kb)
abox4d.cl (4,87 Kb)
abox_klein.cl (3,49 Kb)
abox_mod1.cl (4,89 Kb)
abox_mod11.cl (8,57 Kb)
abox_mod12.cl (9,2 Kb)
abox_mod13.cl (7,47 Kb)
abox_mod14.cl (5,21 Kb)
abox_mod15.cl (7,39 Kb)
abox_mod2.cl (5,05 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.cl (2,41 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.cl (4,42 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.cl (3,64 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.cl (1,5 Kb)
abox_smooth.cl (8,01 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.cl (5,16 Kb)
abox_surf_box.cl (7,3 Kb)
abox_tetra.cl (6,51 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.cl (5,23 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.cl (3 Kb)
aexion.cl (1,56 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.cl (1,87 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.cl (2,16 Kb)
amazing_ifs.cl (5,65 Kb)
amazing_surf.cl (2,31 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.cl (3,94 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.cl (5,1 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.cl (3,06 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.cl (4,45 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.cl (10,97 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.cl (11,58 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.cl (3,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.cl (8,39 Kb)
benesi.cl (1,42 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.cl (9,32 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.cl (1,63 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.cl (5,09 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.cl (3,71 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.cl (7,78 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.cl (7,41 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.cl (2,24 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.cl (4,5 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.cl (8,05 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.cl (2,77 Kb)
box_fold_quat.cl (7,35 Kb)
bristorbrot.cl (1,09 Kb)
bristorbrot2.cl (2,44 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.cl (1,21 Kb)
buffalo.cl (1,42 Kb)
coastalbrot.cl (1,15 Kb)
collatz.cl (1,17 Kb)
collatz_mod.cl (1,73 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.cl (3,9 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.cl (5,3 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.cl (7,06 Kb)
difs_box_v1.cl (6,81 Kb)
difs_cylinder.cl (7,89 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.cl (7,29 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.cl (4,23 Kb)
difs_menger.cl (7,04 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.cl (1,72 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.cl (8,83 Kb)
difs_prism.cl (7,13 Kb)
difs_sphere.cl (6,63 Kb)
difs_torus.cl (7,36 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.cl (2,75 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.cl (4,66 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.cl (3,6 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.cl (6,74 Kb)
hypercomplex.cl (1,32 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.cl (3,57 Kb)
ides.cl (1,42 Kb)
ides2.cl (1,35 Kb)
ifs_gen.cl (2,66 Kb)
ifs_xy.cl (4,91 Kb)
imaginary_scator_power2.cl (1,38 Kb)
iq_bulb.cl (1,4 Kb)
jos_kleinian.cl (2,26 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.cl (4,72 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.cl (6,9 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.cl (7,63 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.cl (2,28 Kb)
kalisets1.cl (1,77 Kb)
knot_v1.cl (3,11 Kb)
knot_v2.cl (3,06 Kb)
koch.cl (1,83 Kb)
koch_v2.cl (3,89 Kb)
koch_v3.cl (2,98 Kb)
koch_v4.cl (4,76 Kb)
lkmitch.cl (1,18 Kb)
makin3d2.cl (1,27 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.cl (2,77 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.cl (5,13 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.cl (4,98 Kb)
mandelbar.cl (1,58 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.cl (1,75 Kb)
mandelbox.cl (3,25 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.cl (1,56 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.cl (6,97 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.cl (2,89 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.cl (11,82 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.cl (4,27 Kb)
mandelbulb.cl (1,37 Kb)
mandelbulb2.cl (1,35 Kb)
mandelbulb3.cl (1,32 Kb)
mandelbulb4.cl (1,44 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.cl (1,97 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.cl (4,52 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.cl (1,58 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.cl (3,58 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.cl (2,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.cl (1,69 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.cl (1,75 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.cl (6,71 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.cl (2,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.cl (6,75 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.cl (2,5 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.cl (3,13 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.cl (3,89 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.cl (4,22 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.cl (5,42 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.cl (2,46 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.cl (3,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.cl (6,26 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.cl (3,27 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.cl (6,45 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.cl (1,22 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.cl (3,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.cl (7,56 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.cl (2,26 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.cl (3,59 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.cl (5,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.cl (5,04 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.cl (2,66 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.cl (3,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.cl (1,91 Kb)
mandelcup.cl (4,2 Kb)
mandelnest.cl (2,26 Kb)
mandelnest4d.cl (4,03 Kb)
mandelnest_full.cl (2,46 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.cl (3,05 Kb)
mandeltorus.cl (2,49 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.cl (2,71 Kb)
menger3.cl (1,81 Kb)
menger3_m3d.cl (1,86 Kb)
menger4d.cl (4,76 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.cl (5,61 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.cl (4,92 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.cl (3,44 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.cl (3,63 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.cl (3,36 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.cl (6,2 Kb)
menger_mod1.cl (2,65 Kb)
menger_octo.cl (6,71 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.cl (3,75 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.cl (5,53 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.cl (10,63 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.cl (4,99 Kb)
menger_pyramid.cl (7,65 Kb)
menger_smooth.cl (2,58 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.cl (4,46 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.cl (3,32 Kb)
menger_sponge.cl (1,58 Kb)
menger_v2.cl (3,79 Kb)
menger_v3.cl (3,52 Kb)
menger_v4.cl (4,95 Kb)
menger_v5.cl (5,1 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.cl (4,25 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.cl (1,49 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.cl (1,46 Kb)
msltoe_donut.cl (1,58 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.cl (2,3 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.cl (3,16 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.cl (2,37 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.cl (3,14 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.cl (2,96 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.cl (3,48 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.cl (4,67 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.cl (2,83 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.cl (3,85 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.cl (2,48 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.cl (3,72 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.cl (3,37 Kb)
newton_pow3.cl (3,19 Kb)
octahedron.cl (2,85 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.cl (4,34 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.cl (4,73 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.cl (7,13 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.cl (11,5 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.cl (4,72 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.cl (4,9 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.cl (8 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.cl (6,44 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.cl (7,08 Kb)
quaternion.cl (1,08 Kb)
quaternion3d.cl (1,54 Kb)
quaternion4d.cl (2,75 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.cl (3,46 Kb)
quick_dudley.cl (1,18 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.cl (1,48 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.cl (2,33 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.cl (4,04 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.cl (3,33 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.cl (3,4 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.cl (1,61 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.cl (1,86 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.cl (1,65 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.cl (2,05 Kb)
scator_power2.cl (5,06 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.cl (1,42 Kb)
scator_power2_real.cl (1,29 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.cl (2,29 Kb)
scator_test.cl (1,58 Kb)
sierpinski3d.cl (2,27 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.cl (3,59 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.cl (2,45 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.cl (3,43 Kb)
sierpinski4d.cl (3,56 Kb)
spheretree.cl (4,12 Kb)
spheretree_v2.cl (5,29 Kb)
testing.cl (5,89 Kb)
testing4d.cl (10,1 Kb)
testing_log.cl (3,73 Kb)
testing_transform.cl (3,82 Kb)
testing_transform2.cl (3,36 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.cl (1,39 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.cl (1,62 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.cl (1,34 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.cl (2,01 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.cl (2,32 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.cl (3,4 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.cl (2,64 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_add_constant.cl (954 b)
transf_add_constant4d.cl (909 b)
transf_add_constant_mod1.cl (2,18 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.cl (2,2 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod3.cl (2,02 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.cl (1,75 Kb)
transf_add_constant_vary_v1.cl (1,67 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.cl (902 b)
transf_add_cpixel4d.cl (1,84 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.cl (2,2 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.cl (1,29 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_invert.cl (2,16 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.cl (2,4 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.cl (2,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.cl (2,83 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.cl (2,44 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.cl (1,26 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_tile.cl (2,15 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.cl (3,61 Kb)
transf_add_norm.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.cl (1,25 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.cl (1,37 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.cl (1,14 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.cl (1,14 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.cl (1,68 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.cl (1,62 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.cl (1,82 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.cl (1,76 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.cl (1,8 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.cl (2,33 Kb)
transf_blockify.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.cl (3,34 Kb)
transf_box_fold.cl (3,1 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.cl (1,96 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.cl (3,65 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.cl (1,87 Kb)
transf_box_offset.cl (1,32 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.cl (2,62 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.cl (2,57 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.cl (4,32 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.cl (2,77 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.cl (2,13 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.cl (1,91 Kb)
transf_de_controls.cl (3,4 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.cl (2,17 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.cl (4,06 Kb)
transf_difs_aux_color.cl (1,9 Kb)
transf_difs_box.cl (1,13 Kb)
transf_difs_box_frame.cl (4,45 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v2.cl (1,92 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v3.cl (2,95 Kb)
transf_difs_cayley2.cl (4,68 Kb)
transf_difs_chessboard.cl (1,98 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_custom.cl (4,19 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.cl (5,3 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.cl (1,65 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.cl (3,3 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.cl (4,07 Kb)
transf_difs_ellipsoid.cl (1,29 Kb)
transf_difs_gear_v1.cl (3,86 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.cl (1,51 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.cl (2,57 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.cl (6,75 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.cl (3,24 Kb)
transf_difs_helix.cl (4,34 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_menger.cl (5,46 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_v2.cl (4,8 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism.cl (2,07 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism_v2.cl (3,65 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.cl (1,94 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.cl (1,93 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.cl (3,81 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.cl (3,82 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.cl (3,95 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.cl (1,27 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid.cl (4,24 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.cl (3,57 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.cl (4,9 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.cl (2,32 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.cl (1,45 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.cl (1,83 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.cl (5,26 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_twist.cl (4,6 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v2.cl (2,4 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.cl (2,49 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.cl (3,12 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_gnarl.cl (3,07 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.cl (4,23 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.cl (3,25 Kb)
transf_initial4d.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.cl (1,53 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.cl (1,22 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.cl (1,15 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.cl (2,8 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.cl (1,49 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.cl (2,42 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.cl (2,1 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.cl (2,62 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.cl (2,35 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.cl (3,05 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.cl (1,09 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.cl (1,11 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.cl (1,46 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.cl (2,76 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.cl (2,78 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.cl (2,86 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.cl (2,73 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.cl (2,73 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.cl (2,93 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym.cl (1,89 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.cl (3,31 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.cl (2,21 Kb)
transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.cl (2,53 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold4d.cl (1,88 Kb)
transf_quaternion_fold.cl (2,76 Kb)
transf_r_power.cl (963 b)
transf_reciprocal3.cl (4,78 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.cl (3,04 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.cl (2,11 Kb)
transf_rotation.cl (891 b)
transf_rotation4d.cl (2,33 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.cl (3,67 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.cl (3,08 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.cl (1,86 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.cl (1,97 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.cl (929 b)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.cl (1,92 Kb)
transf_rpow3.cl (1,09 Kb)
transf_scale.cl (1,06 Kb)
transf_scale3d.cl (1,05 Kb)
transf_scale4d.cl (1,58 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.cl (1,18 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.cl (1,42 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_abox_v2.cl (4,96 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.cl (3,02 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.cl (1,59 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.cl (2,03 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.cl (2,75 Kb)
transf_sin_add.cl (2,36 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.cl (2,52 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.cl (3,07 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.cl (2,15 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.cl (1,76 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.cl (1,87 Kb)
transf_sincos.cl (1,45 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.cl (6,43 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.cl (2,38 Kb)
transf_smooth.cl (1,79 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.cl (1,78 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.cl (1,73 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.cl (1,61 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.cl (2,08 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.cl (1,52 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.cl (2,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.cl (2,65 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.cl (4 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.cl (2,28 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.cl (2,83 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.cl (1,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.cl (1,48 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.cl (2,27 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.cl (2,56 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.cl (3,46 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.cl (2,14 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.cl (1,99 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.cl (1,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.cl (4,57 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.cl (1,11 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.cl (3,31 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.cl (1,82 Kb)
transf_step_xy.cl (2,45 Kb)
transf_supershape.cl (3,91 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.cl (4,49 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.cl (2,89 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.cl (2,78 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.cl (3,21 Kb)
transf_zvector_axis_swap.cl (1,84 Kb)
vicsek.cl (5,59 Kb)
xenodreambuie.cl (1,42 Kb)
ui (431 файл)
abox4d.ui (88,09 Kb)
abox_klein.ui (79,47 Kb)
abox_mod1.ui (73,69 Kb)
abox_mod11.ui (152,16 Kb)
abox_mod12.ui (152,91 Kb)
abox_mod13.ui (136,15 Kb)
abox_mod14.ui (99,18 Kb)
abox_mod15.ui (155,7 Kb)
abox_mod2.ui (76,19 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.ui (34,16 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.ui (79,45 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.ui (68,26 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.ui (22,03 Kb)
abox_smooth.ui (158,73 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.ui (97,32 Kb)
abox_surf_box.ui (126,57 Kb)
abox_tetra.ui (118,33 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.ui (102,77 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.ui (54,94 Kb)
aexion.ui (19,45 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.ui (31,62 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.ui (39,13 Kb)
amazing_ifs.ui (104,74 Kb)
amazing_surf.ui (31,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.ui (83,42 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.ui (108,01 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.ui (59,21 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.ui (64,84 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.ui (187,82 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.ui (202,65 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.ui (81,85 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.ui (145,91 Kb)
benesi.ui (15,47 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.ui (166,72 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.ui (19,07 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.ui (106,22 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.ui (72,75 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.ui (134,96 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.ui (145,87 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.ui (25,91 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.ui (73,9 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.ui (160,2 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.ui (43,09 Kb)
box_fold_quat.ui (146,49 Kb)
bristorbrot.ui (8,38 Kb)
bristorbrot2.ui (29,92 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.ui (14,57 Kb)
buffalo.ui (14,43 Kb)
coastalbrot.ui (8,83 Kb)
collatz.ui (7,72 Kb)
collatz_mod.ui (30,73 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.ui (68,66 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.ui (100,85 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.ui (144,61 Kb)
difs_box_v1.ui (131,55 Kb)
difs_cylinder.ui (131,54 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.ui (127,6 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.ui (80,51 Kb)
difs_menger.ui (121,09 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.ui (20,29 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.ui (159,28 Kb)
difs_prism.ui (123,14 Kb)
difs_sphere.ui (112,77 Kb)
difs_torus.ui (129 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.ui (38,98 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.ui (86,27 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.ui (59,38 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.ui (72,38 Kb)
hypercomplex.ui (10,25 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.ui (56,06 Kb)
ides.ui (16,5 Kb)
ides2.ui (14,88 Kb)
ifs_gen.ui (55,14 Kb)
ifs_xy.ui (109,26 Kb)
iq_bulb.ui (12,04 Kb)
jos_kleinian.ui (42,93 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.ui (86,29 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.ui (126,52 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.ui (140 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.ui (150,49 Kb)
kalisets1.ui (29,07 Kb)
knot_v1.ui (49,21 Kb)
knot_v2.ui (47,08 Kb)
koch.ui (25,18 Kb)
koch_v2.ui (66,96 Kb)
koch_v3.ui (39,59 Kb)
koch_v4.ui (81,71 Kb)
lkmitch.ui (12,42 Kb)
makin3d2.ui (11,93 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.ui (48,95 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.ui (85,86 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.ui (78,44 Kb)
mandelbar.ui (27,15 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.ui (26,29 Kb)
mandelbox.ui (76,67 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.ui (19,65 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.ui (162,63 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.ui (43,96 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.ui (202,75 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.ui (70,05 Kb)
mandelbulb.ui (13,89 Kb)
mandelbulb2.ui (12,46 Kb)
mandelbulb3.ui (11,93 Kb)
mandelbulb4.ui (14,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.ui (26,91 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.ui (82,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.ui (19,82 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.ui (44,67 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.ui (28,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.ui (21,67 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.ui (23,12 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.ui (105,11 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.ui (31,63 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.ui (95,4 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.ui (33,14 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.ui (40,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.ui (64,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.ui (60,88 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.ui (89,81 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.ui (40,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.ui (41,35 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.ui (107,3 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.ui (50,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.ui (105,03 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.ui (9,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.ui (62,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.ui (132,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.ui (37,41 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.ui (62,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.ui (101,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.ui (96,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.ui (41,53 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.ui (50,88 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.ui (19,98 Kb)
mandelcup.ui (61,35 Kb)
mandelnest.ui (37,9 Kb)
mandelnest4d.ui (80,32 Kb)
mandelnest_full.ui (38,72 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.ui (57,83 Kb)
mandeltorus.ui (34,93 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.ui (40,12 Kb)
menger3.ui (37,26 Kb)
menger3_m3d.ui (34,76 Kb)
menger4d.ui (78,63 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.ui (94,61 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.ui (91,27 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.ui (63,27 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.ui (79,31 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.ui (58,7 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.ui (128,97 Kb)
menger_mod1.ui (49,36 Kb)
menger_octo.ui (126,85 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.ui (73,33 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.ui (130,56 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.ui (206,85 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.ui (98,62 Kb)
menger_pyramid.ui (147,98 Kb)
menger_smooth.ui (39,67 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.ui (82,9 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.ui (62,36 Kb)
menger_sponge.ui (20,19 Kb)
menger_v2.ui (64,42 Kb)
menger_v3.ui (60,7 Kb)
menger_v4.ui (104,98 Kb)
menger_v5.ui (109,32 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.ui (70,01 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.ui (14,09 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.ui (11,83 Kb)
msltoe_donut.ui (17,34 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.ui (32,11 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.ui (46,59 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.ui (34,56 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.ui (46,63 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.ui (46,96 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.ui (60,16 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.ui (81,7 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.ui (52,31 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.ui (74,78 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.ui (36,96 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.ui (57,11 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.ui (49,95 Kb)
newton_pow3.ui (36,45 Kb)
octahedron.ui (46,09 Kb)
primitive_box.ui (22,12 Kb)
primitive_circle.ui (12,25 Kb)
primitive_cone.ui (21,31 Kb)
primitive_cylinder.ui (21,31 Kb)
primitive_plane.ui (11,96 Kb)
primitive_prism.ui (16,19 Kb)
primitive_rectangle.ui (12,91 Kb)
primitive_sphere.ui (19,94 Kb)
primitive_torus.ui (23,07 Kb)
primitive_water.ui (23,44 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.ui (92,28 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.ui (118,93 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.ui (163,02 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.ui (221,01 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.ui (113,68 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.ui (114,3 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.ui (160,39 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.ui (153,81 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.ui (162,4 Kb)
quaternion.ui (8,25 Kb)
quaternion3d.ui (23,86 Kb)
quaternion4d.ui (45,18 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.ui (57,93 Kb)
quick_dudley.ui (11,83 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.ui (20,65 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.ui (33,04 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.ui (55,05 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.ui (42,61 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.ui (43,9 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.ui (24,8 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.ui (31,28 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.ui (29,66 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.ui (31,8 Kb)
scator_power2.ui (63,92 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.ui (9,59 Kb)
scator_power2_real.ui (9,29 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.ui (28,15 Kb)
scator_test.ui (18,28 Kb)
sierpinski3d.ui (35,49 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.ui (70,08 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.ui (45,74 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.ui (63,37 Kb)
sierpinski4d.ui (55,33 Kb)
spheretree.ui (58,47 Kb)
spheretree_v2.ui (86,17 Kb)
testing.ui (106,96 Kb)
testing4d.ui (146,58 Kb)
testing_log.ui (54,81 Kb)
testing_transform.ui (73 Kb)
testing_transform2.ui (56,5 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.ui (23,76 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.ui (24,07 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.ui (28,19 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.ui (18,3 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.ui (18,49 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.ui (37,33 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.ui (44,18 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.ui (50,36 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.ui (42,71 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_foldXY.ui (42,91 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.ui (22,81 Kb)
transf_add_constant.ui (12,82 Kb)
transf_add_constant4d.ui (9,89 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod1.ui (29,26 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod2.ui (32,3 Kb)
transf_add_constant_mod3.ui (28,79 Kb)
transf_add_constant_rot_v1.ui (28,25 Kb)
transf_add_constant_vary_v1.ui (18,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.ui (9,27 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel4d.ui (32,95 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_axis_swap.ui (24,6 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_cx_cy_axis_swap.ui (13,28 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_invert.ui (32,3 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_rotated.ui (31,31 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_scator.ui (33,69 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sin_or_cos.ui (38,09 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_sphere_fold.ui (40,52 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_symmetrical.ui (13,3 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_tile.ui (38,07 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.ui (19,06 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.ui (50,99 Kb)
transf_add_norm.ui (18,62 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.ui (22,5 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.ui (19,57 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.ui (15,17 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.ui (7,03 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.ui (7,08 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.ui (15,03 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.ui (23,05 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.ui (24,41 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.ui (25,42 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.ui (28,08 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.ui (28,67 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.ui (36,97 Kb)
transf_blockify.ui (34,4 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.ui (44,99 Kb)
transf_box_fold.ui (34,74 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.ui (26,72 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.ui (65,07 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.ui (30,55 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.ui (27,15 Kb)
transf_box_offset.ui (12,92 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.ui (48,77 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.ui (49,84 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.ui (83,15 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.ui (42,94 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.ui (38,14 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.ui (40,89 Kb)
transf_de_controls.ui (46,45 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.ui (13,82 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.ui (28,38 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.ui (63,93 Kb)
transf_difs_box.ui (12,52 Kb)
transf_difs_box_frame.ui (91,25 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v2.ui (27,66 Kb)
transf_difs_box_v3.ui (52,75 Kb)
transf_difs_cayley2.ui (98,63 Kb)
transf_difs_chessboard.ui (31,28 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_custom.ui (82,53 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.ui (91,79 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.ui (16,01 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.ui (51,54 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.ui (67,15 Kb)
transf_difs_ellipsoid.ui (12,11 Kb)
transf_difs_gear_v1.ui (78,55 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.ui (19,25 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.ui (39,76 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.ui (113,93 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.ui (61,51 Kb)
transf_difs_helix.ui (84,75 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_menger.ui (107,94 Kb)
transf_difs_helix_v2.ui (85,35 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism.ui (22,16 Kb)
transf_difs_hexprism_v2.ui (63,04 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.ui (21,37 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.ui (26,78 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.ui (75,25 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.ui (50,15 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.ui (52,64 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.ui (10,52 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.ui (28,43 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere.ui (9,33 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid.ui (78,94 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.ui (65,23 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.ui (86,52 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.ui (35,34 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.ui (13,01 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.ui (26,06 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.ui (104,51 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_twist.ui (81,04 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v2.ui (34,8 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.ui (40,09 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.ui (57,45 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.ui (13,42 Kb)
transf_gnarl.ui (39,49 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.ui (74,28 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.ui (56,55 Kb)
transf_initial4d.ui (27,74 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.ui (17,36 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.ui (12,61 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.ui (12,7 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.ui (43,15 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.ui (17,84 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.ui (35,45 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.ui (27,34 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.ui (39,42 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.ui (39,83 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.ui (61,61 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.ui (9,04 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.ui (11,75 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.ui (21,78 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.ui (39,06 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.ui (44,15 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.ui (31,63 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.ui (42,42 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.ui (42,88 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.ui (44,99 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.ui (40,85 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_xy.ui (24,93 Kb)
transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.ui (36,97 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.ui (44,61 Kb)
transf_quadratic_fold4d.ui (31,92 Kb)
transf_quaternion_fold.ui (41,79 Kb)
transf_r_power.ui (7,5 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.ui (61,77 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.ui (42,13 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.ui (30,3 Kb)
transf_rotation.ui (9,04 Kb)
transf_rotation4d.ui (28,35 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.ui (51,72 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.ui (48,6 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.ui (43,74 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.ui (22,26 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.ui (9,44 Kb)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.ui (22,23 Kb)
transf_rpow3.ui (8,61 Kb)
transf_scale.ui (11,75 Kb)
transf_scale3d.ui (13,93 Kb)
transf_scale4d.ui (17,22 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.ui (15,66 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.ui (26,48 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.ui (31,83 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.ui (13,87 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.ui (22,71 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.ui (34,48 Kb)
transf_sin_add.ui (37,98 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.ui (31,72 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.ui (46,77 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.ui (28,57 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.ui (30,33 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.ui (30,56 Kb)
transf_sincos.ui (23,57 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.ui (127,8 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.ui (40,53 Kb)
transf_smooth.ui (22,38 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.ui (29,27 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.ui (17,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.ui (26,37 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.ui (19,79 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.ui (26,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.ui (18,53 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.ui (30,18 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.ui (38,23 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.ui (64,2 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.ui (37,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.ui (56,14 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.ui (19,45 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.ui (23,6 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.ui (34,96 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.ui (34,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.ui (50,82 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.ui (42 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.ui (33,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.ui (14,93 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.ui (22,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.ui (73,76 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.ui (10,57 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.ui (45,34 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.ui (18,71 Kb)
transf_step_xy.ui (45,3 Kb)
transf_supershape.ui (58,5 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.ui (66,01 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.ui (40,91 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.ui (40,61 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.ui (35,03 Kb)
transf_zvector_axis_swap.ui (20,95 Kb)
vicsek.ui (88,16 Kb)
xenodreambuie.ui (14,82 Kb)
abox_klein.ui (79,47 Kb)
abox_mod1.ui (73,69 Kb)
abox_mod11.ui (152,16 Kb)
abox_mod12.ui (152,91 Kb)
abox_mod13.ui (136,15 Kb)
abox_mod14.ui (99,18 Kb)
abox_mod15.ui (155,7 Kb)
abox_mod2.ui (76,19 Kb)
abox_mod_kali.ui (34,16 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_eiffie.ui (79,45 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v2.ui (68,26 Kb)
abox_mod_kali_v3.ui (22,03 Kb)
abox_smooth.ui (158,73 Kb)
abox_sphere4d.ui (97,32 Kb)
abox_surf_box.ui (126,57 Kb)
abox_tetra.ui (118,33 Kb)
abox_tetra4d.ui (102,77 Kb)
abox_vs_icen1.ui (54,94 Kb)
aexion.ui (19,45 Kb)
aexion4d_v2.ui (31,62 Kb)
aexion_octopus_mod.ui (39,13 Kb)
amazing_ifs.ui (104,74 Kb)
amazing_surf.ui (31,76 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein.ui (83,42 Kb)
amazing_surf_klein_v2.ui (108,01 Kb)
amazing_surf_m3d.ui (59,21 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod1.ui (64,84 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod2.ui (187,82 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod3.ui (202,65 Kb)
amazing_surf_mod4.ui (81,85 Kb)
amazing_surf_multi.ui (145,91 Kb)
benesi.ui (15,47 Kb)
benesi_mag_transforms.ui (166,72 Kb)
benesi_pine_tree.ui (19,07 Kb)
benesi_pwr2_mandelbulb.ui (106,22 Kb)
benesi_t1_pine_tree.ui (72,75 Kb)
box_fold4d_bulb_pow2.ui (134,96 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_menger.ui (145,87 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2.ui (25,91 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v2.ui (73,9 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_pow2_v3.ui (160,2 Kb)
box_fold_bulb_v4.ui (43,09 Kb)
box_fold_quat.ui (146,49 Kb)
bristorbrot.ui (8,38 Kb)
bristorbrot2.ui (29,92 Kb)
bristorbrot4d.ui (14,57 Kb)
buffalo.ui (14,43 Kb)
coastalbrot.ui (8,83 Kb)
collatz.ui (7,72 Kb)
collatz_mod.ui (30,73 Kb)
difs_amazing_ifs.ui (68,66 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v1.ui (100,85 Kb)
difs_box_diagonal_v3.ui (144,61 Kb)
difs_box_v1.ui (131,55 Kb)
difs_cylinder.ui (131,54 Kb)
difs_ellipsoid.ui (127,6 Kb)
difs_hextgrid2.ui (80,51 Kb)
difs_menger.ui (121,09 Kb)
difs_msltoe_donut.ui (20,29 Kb)
difs_multi_v1.ui (159,28 Kb)
difs_prism.ui (123,14 Kb)
difs_sphere.ui (112,77 Kb)
difs_torus.ui (129 Kb)
eiffie_msltoe.ui (38,98 Kb)
fold_box_mod1.ui (86,27 Kb)
fold_cut_cube.ui (59,38 Kb)
generalized_fold_box.ui (72,38 Kb)
hypercomplex.ui (10,25 Kb)
hypercomplex_v2.ui (56,06 Kb)
ides.ui (16,5 Kb)
ides2.ui (14,88 Kb)
ifs_gen.ui (55,14 Kb)
ifs_xy.ui (109,26 Kb)
iq_bulb.ui (12,04 Kb)
jos_kleinian.ui (42,93 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v2.ui (86,29 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v3.ui (126,52 Kb)
jos_kleinian_v4.ui (140 Kb)
kaleidoscopic_ifs.ui (150,49 Kb)
kalisets1.ui (29,07 Kb)
knot_v1.ui (49,21 Kb)
knot_v2.ui (47,08 Kb)
koch.ui (25,18 Kb)
koch_v2.ui (66,96 Kb)
koch_v3.ui (39,59 Kb)
koch_v4.ui (81,71 Kb)
lkmitch.ui (12,42 Kb)
makin3d2.ui (11,93 Kb)
mandalay_box_v1.ui (48,95 Kb)
mandalay_box_v2.ui (85,86 Kb)
mandalay_kifs.ui (78,44 Kb)
mandelbar.ui (27,15 Kb)
mandelbar_v2.ui (26,29 Kb)
mandelbox.ui (76,67 Kb)
mandelbox_fast.ui (19,65 Kb)
mandelbox_menger.ui (162,63 Kb)
mandelbox_smooth.ui (43,96 Kb)
mandelbox_variable.ui (202,75 Kb)
mandelbox_vary_scale4d.ui (70,05 Kb)
mandelbulb.ui (13,89 Kb)
mandelbulb2.ui (12,46 Kb)
mandelbulb3.ui (11,93 Kb)
mandelbulb4.ui (14,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs.ui (26,91 Kb)
mandelbulb_abs_power2.ui (82,32 Kb)
mandelbulb_atan2_power2.ui (19,82 Kb)
mandelbulb_bermarte.ui (44,67 Kb)
mandelbulb_eye.ui (28,61 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_pow8.ui (21,67 Kb)
mandelbulb_iq_v2.ui (23,12 Kb)
mandelbulb_juliabulb.ui (105,11 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali.ui (31,63 Kb)
mandelbulb_kali_multi.ui (95,4 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos.ui (33,14 Kb)
mandelbulb_kosalos_v2.ui (40,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_lambda.ui (64,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi.ui (60,88 Kb)
mandelbulb_multi2.ui (89,81 Kb)
mandelbulb_plus_z.ui (40,25 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v1.ui (41,35 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v2.ui (107,3 Kb)
mandelbulb_pow2_v3.ui (50,96 Kb)
mandelbulb_power1234.ui (105,03 Kb)
mandelbulb_power2.ui (9,33 Kb)
mandelbulb_quadrat.ui (62,29 Kb)
mandelbulb_quat.ui (132,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos.ui (37,41 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v2.ui (62,01 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v3.ui (101,23 Kb)
mandelbulb_sin_cos_v4.ui (96,57 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails.ui (41,53 Kb)
mandelbulb_tails_v2.ui (50,88 Kb)
mandelbulb_vary_power_v1.ui (19,98 Kb)
mandelcup.ui (61,35 Kb)
mandelnest.ui (37,9 Kb)
mandelnest4d.ui (80,32 Kb)
mandelnest_full.ui (38,72 Kb)
mandelnest_v2.ui (57,83 Kb)
mandeltorus.ui (34,93 Kb)
mandeltorus_v2.ui (40,12 Kb)
menger3.ui (37,26 Kb)
menger3_m3d.ui (34,76 Kb)
menger4d.ui (78,63 Kb)
menger4d_mod1.ui (94,61 Kb)
menger4d_mod2.ui (91,27 Kb)
menger_chebyshev.ui (63,27 Kb)
menger_cross_kifs.ui (79,31 Kb)
menger_cross_mod1.ui (58,7 Kb)
menger_middle_mod.ui (128,97 Kb)
menger_mod1.ui (49,36 Kb)
menger_octo.ui (126,85 Kb)
menger_poly_fold.ui (73,33 Kb)
menger_prism_shape.ui (130,56 Kb)
menger_prism_shape2.ui (206,85 Kb)
menger_pwr2_poly.ui (98,62 Kb)
menger_pyramid.ui (147,98 Kb)
menger_smooth.ui (39,67 Kb)
menger_smooth_chebyshev.ui (82,9 Kb)
menger_smooth_mod1.ui (62,36 Kb)
menger_sponge.ui (20,19 Kb)
menger_v2.ui (64,42 Kb)
menger_v3.ui (60,7 Kb)
menger_v4.ui (104,98 Kb)
menger_v5.ui (109,32 Kb)
mix_pinski4d.ui (70,01 Kb)
modulus_mandelbulb.ui (14,09 Kb)
modulus_menger_sponge.ui (11,83 Kb)
msltoe_donut.ui (17,34 Kb)
msltoe_sym2_mod.ui (32,11 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod.ui (46,59 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod2.ui (34,56 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod3.ui (46,63 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod4.ui (46,96 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod5.ui (60,16 Kb)
msltoe_sym3_mod6.ui (81,7 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod.ui (52,31 Kb)
msltoe_sym4_mod1.ui (74,78 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal.ui (36,96 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_multi.ui (57,11 Kb)
msltoe_toroidal_v2.ui (49,95 Kb)
newton_pow3.ui (36,45 Kb)
octahedron.ui (46,09 Kb)
primitive_box.ui (22,12 Kb)
primitive_circle.ui (12,25 Kb)
primitive_cone.ui (21,31 Kb)
primitive_cylinder.ui (21,31 Kb)
primitive_plane.ui (11,96 Kb)
primitive_prism.ui (16,19 Kb)
primitive_rectangle.ui (12,91 Kb)
primitive_sphere.ui (19,94 Kb)
primitive_torus.ui (23,07 Kb)
primitive_water.ui (23,44 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian.ui (92,28 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian4d.ui (118,93 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod1.ui (163,02 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod2.ui (221,01 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod3.ui (113,68 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod4.ui (114,3 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod5.ui (160,39 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_mod6.ui (153,81 Kb)
pseudo_kleinian_std_de.ui (162,4 Kb)
quaternion.ui (8,25 Kb)
quaternion3d.ui (23,86 Kb)
quaternion4d.ui (45,18 Kb)
quaternion_cubic4d.ui (57,93 Kb)
quick_dudley.ui (11,83 Kb)
quick_dudley_mod.ui (20,65 Kb)
riemann_bulb_msltoe_mod2.ui (33,04 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_multi.ui (55,05 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow4.ui (42,61 Kb)
riemann_sphere_hobold_pow8.ui (43,9 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe.ui (24,8 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_m3d.ui (31,28 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v1.ui (29,66 Kb)
riemann_sphere_msltoe_v2.ui (31,8 Kb)
scator_power2.ui (63,92 Kb)
scator_power2_imaginary.ui (9,59 Kb)
scator_power2_real.ui (9,29 Kb)
scator_power2_std_r.ui (28,15 Kb)
scator_test.ui (18,28 Kb)
sierpinski3d.ui (35,49 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v2.ui (70,08 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v3.ui (45,74 Kb)
sierpinski3d_v4.ui (63,37 Kb)
sierpinski4d.ui (55,33 Kb)
spheretree.ui (58,47 Kb)
spheretree_v2.ui (86,17 Kb)
testing.ui (106,96 Kb)
testing4d.ui (146,58 Kb)
testing_log.ui (54,81 Kb)
testing_transform.ui (73 Kb)
testing_transform2.ui (56,5 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional.ui (23,76 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional2.ui (24,07 Kb)
transf_abs_add_conditional4d.ui (28,19 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant.ui (18,3 Kb)
transf_abs_add_constant4d.ui (18,49 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi.ui (37,33 Kb)
transf_abs_add_multi4d.ui (44,18 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold.ui (50,36 Kb)
transf_abs_add_tglad_fold4d.ui (42,71 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_foldXY.ui (42,91 Kb)
transf_abs_rec_fold_xy.ui (22,81 Kb)
transf_add_constant.ui (12,82 Kb)
transf_add_constant4d.ui (9,89 Kb)
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transf_add_constant_mod2.ui (32,3 Kb)
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transf_add_constant_vary_v1.ui (18,81 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel.ui (9,27 Kb)
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transf_add_cpixel_scator.ui (33,69 Kb)
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transf_add_cpixel_tile.ui (38,07 Kb)
transf_add_cpixel_vary_v1.ui (19,06 Kb)
transf_add_exp2_z.ui (50,99 Kb)
transf_add_norm.ui (18,62 Kb)
transf_add_scale_rotate.ui (22,5 Kb)
transf_add_spherical_invert.ui (19,57 Kb)
transf_benesi_cube_sphere.ui (15,17 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_backward.ui (7,03 Kb)
transf_benesi_mag_forward.ui (7,08 Kb)
transf_benesi_sphere_cube.ui (15,03 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1.ui (23,05 Kb)
transf_benesi_t1_mod.ui (24,41 Kb)
transf_benesi_t2.ui (25,42 Kb)
transf_benesi_t3.ui (28,08 Kb)
transf_benesi_t4.ui (28,67 Kb)
transf_benesi_t5b.ui (36,97 Kb)
transf_blockify.ui (34,4 Kb)
transf_blockify_v2.ui (44,99 Kb)
transf_box_fold.ui (34,74 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d.ui (26,72 Kb)
transf_box_fold4d_tglad.ui (65,07 Kb)
transf_box_fold_vary_v1.ui (30,55 Kb)
transf_box_fold_xyz.ui (27,15 Kb)
transf_box_offset.ui (12,92 Kb)
transf_box_tiling4d.ui (48,77 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v2.ui (49,84 Kb)
transf_box_tiling_v3.ui (83,15 Kb)
transf_box_wrap4d.ui (42,94 Kb)
transf_cayley2_v1.ui (38,14 Kb)
transf_clamp4d.ui (40,89 Kb)
transf_de_controls.ui (46,45 Kb)
transf_de_linear_cube.ui (13,82 Kb)
transf_diagonal_fold.ui (28,38 Kb)
transf_difs_amazing_ifs.ui (63,93 Kb)
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transf_difs_clip_custom.ui (82,53 Kb)
transf_difs_clip_plane.ui (91,79 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder.ui (16,01 Kb)
transf_difs_cylinder_v2.ui (51,54 Kb)
transf_difs_diamond.ui (67,15 Kb)
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transf_difs_gear_v1.ui (78,55 Kb)
transf_difs_grid.ui (19,25 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v2.ui (39,76 Kb)
transf_difs_grid_v3.ui (113,93 Kb)
transf_difs_heart.ui (61,51 Kb)
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transf_difs_hexprism_v2.ui (63,04 Kb)
transf_difs_hextgrid2.ui (21,37 Kb)
transf_difs_hybrid_color.ui (26,78 Kb)
transf_difs_piriform.ui (75,25 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra.ui (50,15 Kb)
transf_difs_polyhedra_v2.ui (52,64 Kb)
transf_difs_prism.ui (10,52 Kb)
transf_difs_prism_v2.ui (28,43 Kb)
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transf_difs_sphere_grid_v2.ui (65,23 Kb)
transf_difs_sphere_grid_v3.ui (86,52 Kb)
transf_difs_spring.ui (35,34 Kb)
transf_difs_torus.ui (13,01 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_grid.ui (26,06 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_menger.ui (104,51 Kb)
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transf_difs_torus_v2.ui (34,8 Kb)
transf_difs_torus_v3.ui (40,09 Kb)
transf_difs_tri_grid.ui (57,45 Kb)
transf_folding_tetra3d.ui (13,42 Kb)
transf_gnarl.ui (39,49 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color.ui (74,28 Kb)
transf_hybrid_color2.ui (56,55 Kb)
transf_initial4d.ui (27,74 Kb)
transf_inv_cylindrical.ui (17,36 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight.ui (12,61 Kb)
transf_iteration_weight4d.ui (12,7 Kb)
transf_lin_combine_cxyz.ui (43,15 Kb)
transf_low_res_mode.ui (17,84 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold4d.ui (35,45 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v1.ui (27,34 Kb)
transf_mandalay_fold_v2.ui (39,42 Kb)
transf_menger_fold.ui (39,83 Kb)
transf_menger_fold_v2.ui (61,61 Kb)
transf_multiple_angle.ui (9,04 Kb)
transf_neg_abs_add_constant.ui (11,75 Kb)
transf_octo_fold.ui (21,78 Kb)
transf_offset_s_curve4d.ui (39,06 Kb)
transf_parab_fold.ui (44,15 Kb)
transf_platonic_solid.ui (31,63 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan.ui (42,42 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2.ui (42,88 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_atan2_iter.ui (44,99 Kb)
transf_poly_fold_sym_multi.ui (40,85 Kb)
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transf_poly_xy_fold_v1.ui (36,97 Kb)
transf_pwr2_polynomial.ui (44,61 Kb)
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transf_quaternion_fold.ui (41,79 Kb)
transf_r_power.ui (7,5 Kb)
transf_reciprocal3.ui (61,77 Kb)
transf_reciprocal4d.ui (42,13 Kb)
transf_rotate_about_vec3.ui (30,3 Kb)
transf_rotation.ui (9,04 Kb)
transf_rotation4d.ui (28,35 Kb)
transf_rotation_chebyshev.ui (51,72 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding.ui (48,6 Kb)
transf_rotation_folding_plane.ui (43,74 Kb)
transf_rotation_iter_controls.ui (22,26 Kb)
transf_rotation_m3d.ui (9,44 Kb)
transf_rotation_vary_v1.ui (22,23 Kb)
transf_rpow3.ui (8,61 Kb)
transf_scale.ui (11,75 Kb)
transf_scale3d.ui (13,93 Kb)
transf_scale4d.ui (17,22 Kb)
transf_scale_offset.ui (15,66 Kb)
transf_scale_offset_v2.ui (26,48 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_multi.ui (31,83 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v1.ui (13,87 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_v212.ui (22,71 Kb)
transf_scale_vary_vcl.ui (34,48 Kb)
transf_sin_add.ui (37,98 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos.ui (31,72 Kb)
transf_sin_and_cos_max.ui (46,77 Kb)
transf_sin_or_cos.ui (28,57 Kb)
transf_sin_tan.ui (30,33 Kb)
transf_sin_y_m3d.ui (30,56 Kb)
transf_sincos.ui (23,57 Kb)
transf_sincos_helix.ui (127,8 Kb)
transf_sincos_v2.ui (40,53 Kb)
transf_smooth.ui (22,38 Kb)
transf_smooth_v2.ui (29,27 Kb)
transf_spherical_coord_invs.ui (17,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold.ui (26,37 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d.ui (19,79 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold4d_v2.ui (26,64 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_abox.ui (18,53 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_chs.ui (30,18 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_cuboid.ui (38,23 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_parab.ui (64,2 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_pnorm.ui (37,03 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_smooth.ui (56,14 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v1.ui (19,45 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v2.ui (23,6 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_v3.ui (34,96 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_v1.ui (34,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_vary_vcl.ui (50,82 Kb)
transf_spherical_fold_xyz_bias.ui (42 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv.ui (33,36 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_c.ui (14,93 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_pnorm.ui (22,66 Kb)
transf_spherical_inv_v2.ui (73,76 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset.ui (10,57 Kb)
transf_spherical_offset_vcl.ui (45,34 Kb)
transf_spherical_pwr_fold.ui (18,71 Kb)
transf_step_xy.ui (45,3 Kb)
transf_supershape.ui (58,5 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold.ui (66,01 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v2.ui (40,91 Kb)
transf_surf_box_fold_v24d.ui (40,61 Kb)
transf_surf_fold_multi.ui (35,03 Kb)
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vicsek.ui (88,16 Kb)
xenodreambuie.ui (14,82 Kb)
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mandelbulber128.png (30,68 Kb)
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qgif.dll (38,48 Kb)
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qtgad.dll (88,98 Kb)
qtiff.dll (380,98 Kb)
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qwebpd.dll (1,08 Mb)
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qicod.dll (108,98 Kb)
qjpeg.dll (411,48 Kb)
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qtga.dll (30,98 Kb)
qtgad.dll (88,98 Kb)
qtiff.dll (380,98 Kb)
qtiffd.dll (800,48 Kb)
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qwbmpd.dll (84,98 Kb)
qwebp.dll (498,48 Kb)
qwebpd.dll (1,08 Mb)
language (22 файла)
de.qm (472,92 Kb)
de.ts (1,31 Mb)
en.qm (23 b)
en.ts (682,55 Kb)
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formula_it.ts (677,6 Kb)
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pl.qm (547,51 Kb)
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metal.fract (346 b)
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blue plastic.fract (206 b)
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copper.fract (405 b)
diamond.fract (408 b)
example of textured material.fract (350 b)
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metal.fract (346 b)
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metallic with dark color palette.fract (399 b)
red glass.fract (545 b)
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wmfengined.dll (778,98 Kb)
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qtmedia_audioengine.dll (66,48 Kb)
qtmedia_audioengined.dll (262,48 Kb)
wmfengine.dll (203,48 Kb)
wmfengined.dll (778,98 Kb)
opencl (26 файлов)
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dof_phase2.cl (3,24 Kb)
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normal_vector.cl (3,92 Kb)
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qminimal.dll (824,98 Kb)
qminimald.dll (1,83 Mb)
qoffscreen.dll (736,98 Kb)
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qwindows.dll (1,41 Mb)
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qoffscreen.dll (736,98 Kb)
qoffscreend.dll (1,6 Mb)
qwindows.dll (1,41 Mb)
qwindowsd.dll (4,31 Mb)
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README.md (488 b)
mbSettings.php (10,64 Kb)
mbSettingsExamples.php (2,11 Kb)
README.md (488 b)
mbSettings.php (10,64 Kb)
mbSettingsExamples.php (2,11 Kb)
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Musopen_-_In_the_Hall_Of_The_Mountain_King.ogg (2,06 Mb)
Musopen_-_In_the_Hall_Of_The_Mountain_King.ogg (2,06 Mb)
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README.md (478 b)
anim_audio_view.cpp (3,5 Kb)
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audio_selector.cpp (15,75 Kb)
audio_selector.h (3,94 Kb)
audio_selector.ui (38,62 Kb)
buton_load_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,03 Kb)
buton_load_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
buton_random_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,21 Kb)
buton_random_settings_from_widget.h (2,4 Kb)
buton_reset_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,18 Kb)
buton_reset_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
buton_save_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,18 Kb)
buton_save_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
common_my_widget_wrapper.cpp (6,37 Kb)
common_my_widget_wrapper.h (4,09 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.cpp (20,61 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.h (3,23 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.ui (6,14 Kb)
detached_window.cpp (2,83 Kb)
detached_window.h (2,5 Kb)
detached_window.ui (1,52 Kb)
dock_animation.cpp (3,11 Kb)
dock_animation.h (2,43 Kb)
dock_animation.ui (70,39 Kb)
dock_effects.cpp (11,38 Kb)
dock_effects.h (4,08 Kb)
dock_effects.ui (214,6 Kb)
dock_fractal.cpp (15,63 Kb)
dock_fractal.h (3,99 Kb)
dock_fractal.ui (100,36 Kb)
dock_gamepad.cpp (8,8 Kb)
dock_gamepad.h (2,89 Kb)
dock_gamepad.ui (11,19 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.cpp (15,95 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.h (3,84 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.ui (41,69 Kb)
dock_measurements.cpp (3,1 Kb)
dock_measurements.h (2,59 Kb)
dock_measurements.ui (7,57 Kb)
dock_navigation.cpp (10,12 Kb)
dock_navigation.h (3,61 Kb)
dock_navigation.ui (63,43 Kb)
dock_queue.cpp (2,84 Kb)
dock_queue.h (2,62 Kb)
dock_queue.ui (9,74 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.cpp (16,05 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.h (4,51 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.ui (73,31 Kb)
dock_statistics.cpp (3,93 Kb)
dock_statistics.h (2,46 Kb)
dock_statistics.ui (6,25 Kb)
fft_view.cpp (5,6 Kb)
fft_view.h (2,85 Kb)
file_select_widget.cpp (5,88 Kb)
file_select_widget.h (2,99 Kb)
formula_combo_box.cpp (7,7 Kb)
formula_combo_box.h (3,4 Kb)
frame_slider_popup.cpp (6,41 Kb)
frame_slider_popup.h (3,48 Kb)
gradient_edit_widget.cpp (21,4 Kb)
gradient_edit_widget.h (4,23 Kb)
highlighter.cpp (9,31 Kb)
highlighter.h (5,3 Kb)
icons.qrc (9,14 Kb)
image_save_dialog.cpp (3,26 Kb)
image_save_dialog.h (2,64 Kb)
image_save_dialog.ui (25,84 Kb)
light_editor.cpp (6,85 Kb)
light_editor.h (2,88 Kb)
light_editor.ui (34,43 Kb)
light_sources_manager.cpp (11,09 Kb)
light_sources_manager.h (2,92 Kb)
light_sources_manager.ui (3,84 Kb)
light_widget.cpp (7,38 Kb)
light_widget.h (3,03 Kb)
material_editor.cpp (5,43 Kb)
material_editor.h (2,81 Kb)
material_editor.ui (234,53 Kb)
material_manager_view.cpp (8,85 Kb)
material_manager_view.h (3,05 Kb)
material_manager_view.ui (3,99 Kb)
material_selector.cpp (4,88 Kb)
material_selector.h (3,03 Kb)
material_widget.cpp (7,93 Kb)
material_widget.h (3,42 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.cpp (6,64 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.h (2,87 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.ui (20,36 Kb)
my_check_box.cpp (2,75 Kb)
my_check_box.h (2,62 Kb)
my_color_button.cpp (4,58 Kb)
my_color_button.h (2,89 Kb)
my_combo_box.cpp (2,74 Kb)
my_combo_box.h (2,55 Kb)
my_double_spin_box.cpp (9,95 Kb)
my_double_spin_box.h (3,29 Kb)
my_group_box.cpp (5,31 Kb)
my_group_box.h (2,85 Kb)
my_histogram_label.cpp (5,97 Kb)
my_histogram_label.h (3,15 Kb)
my_line_edit.cpp (15,64 Kb)
my_line_edit.h (3,46 Kb)
my_log_widget.cpp (4,26 Kb)
my_log_widget.h (2,62 Kb)
my_progress_bar.cpp (2,86 Kb)
my_progress_bar.h (2,54 Kb)
my_scrolled_area.h (2,9 Kb)
my_spin_box.cpp (5,88 Kb)
my_spin_box.h (2,95 Kb)
my_tab_bar.cpp (4,26 Kb)
my_tab_bar.h (2,42 Kb)
my_tab_bar_with_checkbox.cpp (3,03 Kb)
my_tab_bar_with_checkbox.h (2,42 Kb)
my_tab_widget.cpp (2,81 Kb)
my_tab_widget.h (2,26 Kb)
my_tab_widget_with_checkboxes.cpp (2,72 Kb)
my_tab_widget_with_checkboxes.h (2,41 Kb)
my_table_widget_anim.cpp (5,21 Kb)
my_table_widget_anim.hpp (2,41 Kb)
my_table_widget_keyframes.cpp (11,95 Kb)
my_table_widget_keyframes.hpp (2,45 Kb)
my_text_edit.cpp (4,95 Kb)
my_text_edit.h (2,31 Kb)
my_widget_with_params.cpp (631 b)
my_widget_with_params.h (902 b)
navigator_window.cpp (23,78 Kb)
navigator_window.h (2,84 Kb)
navigator_window.ui (13,77 Kb)
player_widget.cpp (7,16 Kb)
player_widget.hpp (3,12 Kb)
preferences_dialog.cpp (21,64 Kb)
preferences_dialog.h (3,59 Kb)
preferences_dialog.ui (85,48 Kb)
preview_file_dialog.cpp (7,09 Kb)
preview_file_dialog.h (2,94 Kb)
primitives_manager.cpp (18,95 Kb)
primitives_manager.h (3,16 Kb)
primitives_manager.ui (12,66 Kb)
pushbutton_anim_sound.cpp (3,43 Kb)
pushbutton_anim_sound.h (2,7 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.cpp (42,09 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.h (6,29 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.ui (23,94 Kb)
render_window.ui (55,23 Kb)
settings_cleaner.cpp (11,55 Kb)
settings_cleaner.h (2,96 Kb)
settings_cleaner.ui (3,44 Kb)
slider_popup.ui (7,07 Kb)
system_tray.cpp (5,48 Kb)
system_tray.hpp (3,06 Kb)
tab_fractal.cpp (15 Kb)
tab_fractal.h (3,92 Kb)
tab_fractal.ui (41,66 Kb)
thumbnail_widget.cpp (11,49 Kb)
thumbnail_widget.h (4,69 Kb)
time_ruler.cpp (5,27 Kb)
time_ruler.h (2,94 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.cpp (6,8 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.h (2,94 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.ui (24,93 Kb)
wave_form_view.cpp (5,35 Kb)
wave_form_view.h (2,7 Kb)
anim_audio_view.cpp (3,5 Kb)
anim_audio_view.h (2,56 Kb)
audio_selector.cpp (15,75 Kb)
audio_selector.h (3,94 Kb)
audio_selector.ui (38,62 Kb)
buton_load_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,03 Kb)
buton_load_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
buton_random_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,21 Kb)
buton_random_settings_from_widget.h (2,4 Kb)
buton_reset_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,18 Kb)
buton_reset_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
buton_save_settings_from_widget.cpp (3,18 Kb)
buton_save_settings_from_widget.h (2,39 Kb)
common_my_widget_wrapper.cpp (6,37 Kb)
common_my_widget_wrapper.h (4,09 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.cpp (20,61 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.h (3,23 Kb)
custom_formula_editor.ui (6,14 Kb)
detached_window.cpp (2,83 Kb)
detached_window.h (2,5 Kb)
detached_window.ui (1,52 Kb)
dock_animation.cpp (3,11 Kb)
dock_animation.h (2,43 Kb)
dock_animation.ui (70,39 Kb)
dock_effects.cpp (11,38 Kb)
dock_effects.h (4,08 Kb)
dock_effects.ui (214,6 Kb)
dock_fractal.cpp (15,63 Kb)
dock_fractal.h (3,99 Kb)
dock_fractal.ui (100,36 Kb)
dock_gamepad.cpp (8,8 Kb)
dock_gamepad.h (2,89 Kb)
dock_gamepad.ui (11,19 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.cpp (15,95 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.h (3,84 Kb)
dock_image_adjustments.ui (41,69 Kb)
dock_measurements.cpp (3,1 Kb)
dock_measurements.h (2,59 Kb)
dock_measurements.ui (7,57 Kb)
dock_navigation.cpp (10,12 Kb)
dock_navigation.h (3,61 Kb)
dock_navigation.ui (63,43 Kb)
dock_queue.cpp (2,84 Kb)
dock_queue.h (2,62 Kb)
dock_queue.ui (9,74 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.cpp (16,05 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.h (4,51 Kb)
dock_rendering_engine.ui (73,31 Kb)
dock_statistics.cpp (3,93 Kb)
dock_statistics.h (2,46 Kb)
dock_statistics.ui (6,25 Kb)
fft_view.cpp (5,6 Kb)
fft_view.h (2,85 Kb)
file_select_widget.cpp (5,88 Kb)
file_select_widget.h (2,99 Kb)
formula_combo_box.cpp (7,7 Kb)
formula_combo_box.h (3,4 Kb)
frame_slider_popup.cpp (6,41 Kb)
frame_slider_popup.h (3,48 Kb)
gradient_edit_widget.cpp (21,4 Kb)
gradient_edit_widget.h (4,23 Kb)
highlighter.cpp (9,31 Kb)
highlighter.h (5,3 Kb)
icons.qrc (9,14 Kb)
image_save_dialog.cpp (3,26 Kb)
image_save_dialog.h (2,64 Kb)
image_save_dialog.ui (25,84 Kb)
light_editor.cpp (6,85 Kb)
light_editor.h (2,88 Kb)
light_editor.ui (34,43 Kb)
light_sources_manager.cpp (11,09 Kb)
light_sources_manager.h (2,92 Kb)
light_sources_manager.ui (3,84 Kb)
light_widget.cpp (7,38 Kb)
light_widget.h (3,03 Kb)
material_editor.cpp (5,43 Kb)
material_editor.h (2,81 Kb)
material_editor.ui (234,53 Kb)
material_manager_view.cpp (8,85 Kb)
material_manager_view.h (3,05 Kb)
material_manager_view.ui (3,99 Kb)
material_selector.cpp (4,88 Kb)
material_selector.h (3,03 Kb)
material_widget.cpp (7,93 Kb)
material_widget.h (3,42 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.cpp (6,64 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.h (2,87 Kb)
mesh_export_dialog.ui (20,36 Kb)
my_check_box.cpp (2,75 Kb)
my_check_box.h (2,62 Kb)
my_color_button.cpp (4,58 Kb)
my_color_button.h (2,89 Kb)
my_combo_box.cpp (2,74 Kb)
my_combo_box.h (2,55 Kb)
my_double_spin_box.cpp (9,95 Kb)
my_double_spin_box.h (3,29 Kb)
my_group_box.cpp (5,31 Kb)
my_group_box.h (2,85 Kb)
my_histogram_label.cpp (5,97 Kb)
my_histogram_label.h (3,15 Kb)
my_line_edit.cpp (15,64 Kb)
my_line_edit.h (3,46 Kb)
my_log_widget.cpp (4,26 Kb)
my_log_widget.h (2,62 Kb)
my_progress_bar.cpp (2,86 Kb)
my_progress_bar.h (2,54 Kb)
my_scrolled_area.h (2,9 Kb)
my_spin_box.cpp (5,88 Kb)
my_spin_box.h (2,95 Kb)
my_tab_bar.cpp (4,26 Kb)
my_tab_bar.h (2,42 Kb)
my_tab_bar_with_checkbox.cpp (3,03 Kb)
my_tab_bar_with_checkbox.h (2,42 Kb)
my_tab_widget.cpp (2,81 Kb)
my_tab_widget.h (2,26 Kb)
my_tab_widget_with_checkboxes.cpp (2,72 Kb)
my_tab_widget_with_checkboxes.h (2,41 Kb)
my_table_widget_anim.cpp (5,21 Kb)
my_table_widget_anim.hpp (2,41 Kb)
my_table_widget_keyframes.cpp (11,95 Kb)
my_table_widget_keyframes.hpp (2,45 Kb)
my_text_edit.cpp (4,95 Kb)
my_text_edit.h (2,31 Kb)
my_widget_with_params.cpp (631 b)
my_widget_with_params.h (902 b)
navigator_window.cpp (23,78 Kb)
navigator_window.h (2,84 Kb)
navigator_window.ui (13,77 Kb)
player_widget.cpp (7,16 Kb)
player_widget.hpp (3,12 Kb)
preferences_dialog.cpp (21,64 Kb)
preferences_dialog.h (3,59 Kb)
preferences_dialog.ui (85,48 Kb)
preview_file_dialog.cpp (7,09 Kb)
preview_file_dialog.h (2,94 Kb)
primitives_manager.cpp (18,95 Kb)
primitives_manager.h (3,16 Kb)
primitives_manager.ui (12,66 Kb)
pushbutton_anim_sound.cpp (3,43 Kb)
pushbutton_anim_sound.h (2,7 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.cpp (42,09 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.h (6,29 Kb)
randomizer_dialog.ui (23,94 Kb)
render_window.ui (55,23 Kb)
settings_cleaner.cpp (11,55 Kb)
settings_cleaner.h (2,96 Kb)
settings_cleaner.ui (3,44 Kb)
slider_popup.ui (7,07 Kb)
system_tray.cpp (5,48 Kb)
system_tray.hpp (3,06 Kb)
tab_fractal.cpp (15 Kb)
tab_fractal.h (3,92 Kb)
tab_fractal.ui (41,66 Kb)
thumbnail_widget.cpp (11,49 Kb)
thumbnail_widget.h (4,69 Kb)
time_ruler.cpp (5,27 Kb)
time_ruler.h (2,94 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.cpp (6,8 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.h (2,94 Kb)
voxel_export_dialog.ui (24,93 Kb)
wave_form_view.cpp (5,35 Kb)
wave_form_view.h (2,7 Kb)
src (281 файл)
COPYING (34,32 Kb)
algebra.cpp (15,96 Kb)
algebra.hpp (17,16 Kb)
animation_flight.cpp (54,37 Kb)
animation_flight.hpp (8,09 Kb)
animation_frames.cpp (21,23 Kb)
animation_frames.hpp (6,42 Kb)
animation_keyframes.cpp (74,87 Kb)
animation_keyframes.hpp (9,67 Kb)
animation_path_data.hpp (2,63 Kb)
ao_modes.h (2,1 Kb)
audio_fft_data.cpp (2,08 Kb)
audio_fft_data.h (2,17 Kb)
audio_track.cpp (11,66 Kb)
audio_track.h (3,87 Kb)
audio_track_collection.cpp (10,22 Kb)
audio_track_collection.h (3,53 Kb)
automated_widgets.cpp (19,49 Kb)
automated_widgets.hpp (3,2 Kb)
calculate_distance.cpp (14,89 Kb)
calculate_distance.hpp (3,29 Kb)
calculation_mode.h (2,35 Kb)
camera_movement_modes.h (2,31 Kb)
camera_target.cpp (5,54 Kb)
camera_target.hpp (3,26 Kb)
cast.hpp (2,38 Kb)
cimage.cpp (33,7 Kb)
cimage.hpp (14,98 Kb)
color_gradient.cpp (10,39 Kb)
color_gradient.h (3,45 Kb)
color_structures.hpp (3,56 Kb)
command_line_interface.cpp (41,55 Kb)
command_line_interface.hpp (4,81 Kb)
common_math.cpp (8,31 Kb)
common_math.h (4,85 Kb)
common_params.hpp (2,94 Kb)
compute_fractal.cpp (15,58 Kb)
compute_fractal.hpp (3,13 Kb)
denoiser.cpp (10,78 Kb)
denoiser.h (2,82 Kb)
displacement_map.cpp (3,45 Kb)
displacement_map.hpp (2,45 Kb)
dof.cpp (11,59 Kb)
dof.hpp (2,65 Kb)
error_message.cpp (5,14 Kb)
error_message.hpp (2,81 Kb)
file_downloader.cpp (4,68 Kb)
file_downloader.hpp (2,8 Kb)
file_image.cpp (56,92 Kb)
file_image.hpp (8,73 Kb)
file_mesh.cpp (6,68 Kb)
file_mesh.hpp (4,46 Kb)
files.cpp (18,99 Kb)
files.h (3,18 Kb)
fractal.cpp (47,24 Kb)
fractal.h (18,09 Kb)
fractal_coloring.cpp (10,46 Kb)
fractal_coloring.hpp (4 Kb)
fractal_container.cpp (4,16 Kb)
fractal_container.hpp (2,71 Kb)
fractal_enums.h (3,32 Kb)
fractparams.cpp (16,65 Kb)
fractparams.hpp (7,85 Kb)
global_data.cpp (1,98 Kb)
global_data.hpp (2,11 Kb)
headless.cpp (17,65 Kb)
headless.h (3,38 Kb)
histogram.cpp (2,51 Kb)
histogram.hpp (2,67 Kb)
hsv2rgb.cpp (2,56 Kb)
hsv2rgb.h (2,18 Kb)
image_adjustments.h (2,23 Kb)
image_scale.cpp (2,6 Kb)
image_scale.hpp (2,27 Kb)
include_header_wrapper.hpp (3,71 Kb)
initparameters.cpp (110,97 Kb)
initparameters.hpp (2,92 Kb)
interface.cpp (73,5 Kb)
interface.hpp (6,49 Kb)
keyframes.cpp (8,01 Kb)
keyframes.hpp (4,03 Kb)
light.cpp (10,22 Kb)
light.h (4,16 Kb)
lights.cpp (9,15 Kb)
lights.hpp (3,36 Kb)
lzo_compression.cpp (3,85 Kb)
lzo_compression.h (2,34 Kb)
main.cpp (8,44 Kb)
main.hpp (2,01 Kb)
mandelbulb3d_settings.cpp (8,05 Kb)
mandelbulb3d_settings.hpp (2,77 Kb)
manipulations.cpp (38,43 Kb)
manipulations.h (4,38 Kb)
marchingcubes.cpp (30,03 Kb)
marchingcubes.h (5,84 Kb)
material.cpp (25,9 Kb)
material.h (5,27 Kb)
material_item_model.cpp (8,41 Kb)
material_item_model.h (3,8 Kb)
material_item_view.cpp (7,46 Kb)
material_item_view.h (3,65 Kb)
mesh_export.cpp (7,15 Kb)
mesh_export.hpp (2,82 Kb)
morph.cpp (19,26 Kb)
morph.hpp (3,93 Kb)
multi_val.cpp (7,08 Kb)
multi_val.hpp (3,09 Kb)
my_ui_loader.cpp (3,52 Kb)
my_ui_loader.h (2,33 Kb)
netrender.cpp (9,18 Kb)
netrender.hpp (8,24 Kb)
netrender_client.cpp (24,11 Kb)
netrender_client.hpp (5,31 Kb)
netrender_file_receiver.cpp (4,97 Kb)
netrender_file_receiver.hpp (2,65 Kb)
netrender_file_sender.cpp (5,62 Kb)
netrender_file_sender.hpp (2,89 Kb)
netrender_server.cpp (22,41 Kb)
netrender_server.hpp (6,67 Kb)
netrender_transport.cpp (5,4 Kb)
netrender_transport.hpp (5,55 Kb)
nine_fractals.cpp (15,1 Kb)
nine_fractals.hpp (5,77 Kb)
object_data.hpp (2,64 Kb)
object_types.hpp (2,31 Kb)
old_settings.cpp (60,56 Kb)
old_settings.hpp (11,91 Kb)
one_parameter.cpp (6,63 Kb)
one_parameter.hpp (5,54 Kb)
opencl_abstract_dynamic_data.cpp (3,36 Kb)
opencl_abstract_dynamic_data.h (2,8 Kb)
opencl_context.cpp (2,28 Kb)
opencl_context.h (2,3 Kb)
opencl_device.cpp (2,41 Kb)
opencl_device.h (3,32 Kb)
opencl_dynamic_data.cpp (32,61 Kb)
opencl_dynamic_data.hpp (3,03 Kb)
opencl_engine.cpp (21,03 Kb)
opencl_engine.h (5,07 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof.cpp (8,36 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof.h (2,93 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase1.cpp (10,14 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase1.h (3,42 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase2.cpp (10,29 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase2.h (3,46 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_fractal.cpp (81,38 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_fractal.h (9,04 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_post_filter.cpp (11,15 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_post_filter.h (3,68 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_ssao.cpp (10,59 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_ssao.h (3,43 Kb)
opencl_global.cpp (3,96 Kb)
opencl_global.h (2,65 Kb)
opencl_hardware.cpp (15,25 Kb)
opencl_hardware.h (5,28 Kb)
opencl_input_output_buffer.h (2,55 Kb)
opencl_kernel.cpp (2,31 Kb)
opencl_kernel.h (2,33 Kb)
opencl_queue.cpp (2,26 Kb)
opencl_queue.h (2,29 Kb)
opencl_scheduler.cpp (3,54 Kb)
opencl_scheduler.h (2,8 Kb)
opencl_textures_data.cpp (12,44 Kb)
opencl_textures_data.h (3,28 Kb)
opencl_worker_output_queue.cpp (2,98 Kb)
opencl_worker_output_queue.h (3 Kb)
opencl_worker_thread.cpp (13,13 Kb)
opencl_worker_thread.h (5,47 Kb)
orbit_trap_shape.cpp (4,45 Kb)
orbit_trap_shape.hpp (2,18 Kb)
parameters.cpp (23,1 Kb)
parameters.hpp (12,22 Kb)
perlin_noise_octaves.cpp (9,21 Kb)
perlin_noise_octaves.h (6,57 Kb)
post_effect_hdr_blur.cpp (4,51 Kb)
post_effect_hdr_blur.h (2,63 Kb)
primitive.cpp (21,97 Kb)
primitive.hpp (7,76 Kb)
primitive_item.h (795 b)
primitives.cpp (11,26 Kb)
primitives.h (3,94 Kb)
progress_text.cpp (4,44 Kb)
progress_text.hpp (2,64 Kb)
projection_3d.cpp (4,78 Kb)
projection_3d.hpp (2,68 Kb)
queue.cpp (23,64 Kb)
queue.hpp (6,79 Kb)
radiance_hdr.cpp (4,18 Kb)
radiance_hdr.h (2,38 Kb)
random.cpp (2,72 Kb)
random.hpp (2,41 Kb)
rectangle.hpp (2,26 Kb)
region.hpp (3,04 Kb)
render_data.hpp (3,76 Kb)
render_image.cpp (20,66 Kb)
render_image.hpp (4,26 Kb)
render_job.cpp (41,61 Kb)
render_job.hpp (6,01 Kb)
render_queue.cpp (9,46 Kb)
render_queue.hpp (3,5 Kb)
render_ssao.cpp (6,37 Kb)
render_ssao.h (2,89 Kb)
render_window.cpp (3,97 Kb)
render_window.hpp (7,74 Kb)
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render_window_menu.cpp (36,55 Kb)
render_window_slots.cpp (30,24 Kb)
render_worker.cpp (49,12 Kb)
render_worker.hpp (9,18 Kb)
rendered_image_widget.cpp (55,23 Kb)
rendered_image_widget.hpp (7,89 Kb)
rendered_tile_data.hpp (2,33 Kb)
rendering_configuration.cpp (3,28 Kb)
rendering_configuration.hpp (3,17 Kb)
resource_http_provider.cpp (4,14 Kb)
resource_http_provider.hpp (2,71 Kb)
scheduler.cpp (8,1 Kb)
scheduler.hpp (3,43 Kb)
settings.cpp (52,14 Kb)
settings.hpp (5,32 Kb)
shader_ambient_occlusion.cpp (4,1 Kb)
shader_aux_light.cpp (2,88 Kb)
shader_aux_shadow.cpp (7,58 Kb)
shader_background.cpp (7,58 Kb)
shader_calculate_normals.cpp (5,2 Kb)
shader_cloud_opacity.cpp (3,9 Kb)
shader_distance_fog_opacity.cpp (2,57 Kb)
shader_env_mapping.cpp (3,37 Kb)
shader_fake_lights.cpp (3,99 Kb)
shader_fast_ambient_occlusion.cpp (3,02 Kb)
shader_global_illumination.cpp (6,63 Kb)
shader_iridescence.cpp (2,86 Kb)
shader_iter_opacity.cpp (2,38 Kb)
shader_light_shading.cpp (4,38 Kb)
shader_normal_map_shader.cpp (3,7 Kb)
shader_object.cpp (6,42 Kb)
shader_roughess_texture.cpp (3,1 Kb)
shader_specular_highlight.cpp (3,23 Kb)
shader_specular_highlight_combined.cpp (3,17 Kb)
shader_surface_color.cpp (5,22 Kb)
shader_texture.cpp (4,8 Kb)
shader_volumetric.cpp (19,31 Kb)
shortcuts.cpp (1,78 Kb)
shortcuts.h (759 b)
ssao_worker.cpp (7,94 Kb)
ssao_worker.h (3,11 Kb)
statistics.cpp (2,39 Kb)
statistics.h (3,04 Kb)
stereo.cpp (8,24 Kb)
stereo.h (3,82 Kb)
synchronize_interface.cpp (23,15 Kb)
synchronize_interface.hpp (5,71 Kb)
system.cpp (27,32 Kb)
system.hpp (3,77 Kb)
system_data.cpp (4,85 Kb)
system_data.hpp (4,13 Kb)
system_directories.cpp (2,8 Kb)
system_directories.hpp (4,37 Kb)
test.cpp (20,4 Kb)
test.hpp (3,06 Kb)
texture.cpp (15,74 Kb)
texture.hpp (4,24 Kb)
texture_cache.cpp (1018 b)
texture_cache.h (611 b)
texture_enums.hpp (2,3 Kb)
texture_mapping.cpp (7,93 Kb)
texture_mapping.hpp (2,46 Kb)
thumbnail.cpp (3,82 Kb)
thumbnail.hpp (2,68 Kb)
trace_behind.cpp (5,05 Kb)
trace_behind.h (2,37 Kb)
tree_string_list.cpp (4,76 Kb)
tree_string_list.h (2,77 Kb)
undo.cpp (8,05 Kb)
undo.h (3,93 Kb)
voxel_export.cpp (8,44 Kb)
voxel_export.hpp (3,03 Kb)
wait.cpp (2,05 Kb)
wait.hpp (2,01 Kb)
write_log.cpp (3,81 Kb)
write_log.hpp (2,43 Kb)
algebra.cpp (15,96 Kb)
algebra.hpp (17,16 Kb)
animation_flight.cpp (54,37 Kb)
animation_flight.hpp (8,09 Kb)
animation_frames.cpp (21,23 Kb)
animation_frames.hpp (6,42 Kb)
animation_keyframes.cpp (74,87 Kb)
animation_keyframes.hpp (9,67 Kb)
animation_path_data.hpp (2,63 Kb)
ao_modes.h (2,1 Kb)
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audio_fft_data.h (2,17 Kb)
audio_track.cpp (11,66 Kb)
audio_track.h (3,87 Kb)
audio_track_collection.cpp (10,22 Kb)
audio_track_collection.h (3,53 Kb)
automated_widgets.cpp (19,49 Kb)
automated_widgets.hpp (3,2 Kb)
calculate_distance.cpp (14,89 Kb)
calculate_distance.hpp (3,29 Kb)
calculation_mode.h (2,35 Kb)
camera_movement_modes.h (2,31 Kb)
camera_target.cpp (5,54 Kb)
camera_target.hpp (3,26 Kb)
cast.hpp (2,38 Kb)
cimage.cpp (33,7 Kb)
cimage.hpp (14,98 Kb)
color_gradient.cpp (10,39 Kb)
color_gradient.h (3,45 Kb)
color_structures.hpp (3,56 Kb)
command_line_interface.cpp (41,55 Kb)
command_line_interface.hpp (4,81 Kb)
common_math.cpp (8,31 Kb)
common_math.h (4,85 Kb)
common_params.hpp (2,94 Kb)
compute_fractal.cpp (15,58 Kb)
compute_fractal.hpp (3,13 Kb)
denoiser.cpp (10,78 Kb)
denoiser.h (2,82 Kb)
displacement_map.cpp (3,45 Kb)
displacement_map.hpp (2,45 Kb)
dof.cpp (11,59 Kb)
dof.hpp (2,65 Kb)
error_message.cpp (5,14 Kb)
error_message.hpp (2,81 Kb)
file_downloader.cpp (4,68 Kb)
file_downloader.hpp (2,8 Kb)
file_image.cpp (56,92 Kb)
file_image.hpp (8,73 Kb)
file_mesh.cpp (6,68 Kb)
file_mesh.hpp (4,46 Kb)
files.cpp (18,99 Kb)
files.h (3,18 Kb)
fractal.cpp (47,24 Kb)
fractal.h (18,09 Kb)
fractal_coloring.cpp (10,46 Kb)
fractal_coloring.hpp (4 Kb)
fractal_container.cpp (4,16 Kb)
fractal_container.hpp (2,71 Kb)
fractal_enums.h (3,32 Kb)
fractparams.cpp (16,65 Kb)
fractparams.hpp (7,85 Kb)
global_data.cpp (1,98 Kb)
global_data.hpp (2,11 Kb)
headless.cpp (17,65 Kb)
headless.h (3,38 Kb)
histogram.cpp (2,51 Kb)
histogram.hpp (2,67 Kb)
hsv2rgb.cpp (2,56 Kb)
hsv2rgb.h (2,18 Kb)
image_adjustments.h (2,23 Kb)
image_scale.cpp (2,6 Kb)
image_scale.hpp (2,27 Kb)
include_header_wrapper.hpp (3,71 Kb)
initparameters.cpp (110,97 Kb)
initparameters.hpp (2,92 Kb)
interface.cpp (73,5 Kb)
interface.hpp (6,49 Kb)
keyframes.cpp (8,01 Kb)
keyframes.hpp (4,03 Kb)
light.cpp (10,22 Kb)
light.h (4,16 Kb)
lights.cpp (9,15 Kb)
lights.hpp (3,36 Kb)
lzo_compression.cpp (3,85 Kb)
lzo_compression.h (2,34 Kb)
main.cpp (8,44 Kb)
main.hpp (2,01 Kb)
mandelbulb3d_settings.cpp (8,05 Kb)
mandelbulb3d_settings.hpp (2,77 Kb)
manipulations.cpp (38,43 Kb)
manipulations.h (4,38 Kb)
marchingcubes.cpp (30,03 Kb)
marchingcubes.h (5,84 Kb)
material.cpp (25,9 Kb)
material.h (5,27 Kb)
material_item_model.cpp (8,41 Kb)
material_item_model.h (3,8 Kb)
material_item_view.cpp (7,46 Kb)
material_item_view.h (3,65 Kb)
mesh_export.cpp (7,15 Kb)
mesh_export.hpp (2,82 Kb)
morph.cpp (19,26 Kb)
morph.hpp (3,93 Kb)
multi_val.cpp (7,08 Kb)
multi_val.hpp (3,09 Kb)
my_ui_loader.cpp (3,52 Kb)
my_ui_loader.h (2,33 Kb)
netrender.cpp (9,18 Kb)
netrender.hpp (8,24 Kb)
netrender_client.cpp (24,11 Kb)
netrender_client.hpp (5,31 Kb)
netrender_file_receiver.cpp (4,97 Kb)
netrender_file_receiver.hpp (2,65 Kb)
netrender_file_sender.cpp (5,62 Kb)
netrender_file_sender.hpp (2,89 Kb)
netrender_server.cpp (22,41 Kb)
netrender_server.hpp (6,67 Kb)
netrender_transport.cpp (5,4 Kb)
netrender_transport.hpp (5,55 Kb)
nine_fractals.cpp (15,1 Kb)
nine_fractals.hpp (5,77 Kb)
object_data.hpp (2,64 Kb)
object_types.hpp (2,31 Kb)
old_settings.cpp (60,56 Kb)
old_settings.hpp (11,91 Kb)
one_parameter.cpp (6,63 Kb)
one_parameter.hpp (5,54 Kb)
opencl_abstract_dynamic_data.cpp (3,36 Kb)
opencl_abstract_dynamic_data.h (2,8 Kb)
opencl_context.cpp (2,28 Kb)
opencl_context.h (2,3 Kb)
opencl_device.cpp (2,41 Kb)
opencl_device.h (3,32 Kb)
opencl_dynamic_data.cpp (32,61 Kb)
opencl_dynamic_data.hpp (3,03 Kb)
opencl_engine.cpp (21,03 Kb)
opencl_engine.h (5,07 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof.cpp (8,36 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof.h (2,93 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase1.cpp (10,14 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase1.h (3,42 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase2.cpp (10,29 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_dof_phase2.h (3,46 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_fractal.cpp (81,38 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_fractal.h (9,04 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_post_filter.cpp (11,15 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_post_filter.h (3,68 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_ssao.cpp (10,59 Kb)
opencl_engine_render_ssao.h (3,43 Kb)
opencl_global.cpp (3,96 Kb)
opencl_global.h (2,65 Kb)
opencl_hardware.cpp (15,25 Kb)
opencl_hardware.h (5,28 Kb)
opencl_input_output_buffer.h (2,55 Kb)
opencl_kernel.cpp (2,31 Kb)
opencl_kernel.h (2,33 Kb)
opencl_queue.cpp (2,26 Kb)
opencl_queue.h (2,29 Kb)
opencl_scheduler.cpp (3,54 Kb)
opencl_scheduler.h (2,8 Kb)
opencl_textures_data.cpp (12,44 Kb)
opencl_textures_data.h (3,28 Kb)
opencl_worker_output_queue.cpp (2,98 Kb)
opencl_worker_output_queue.h (3 Kb)
opencl_worker_thread.cpp (13,13 Kb)
opencl_worker_thread.h (5,47 Kb)
orbit_trap_shape.cpp (4,45 Kb)
orbit_trap_shape.hpp (2,18 Kb)
parameters.cpp (23,1 Kb)
parameters.hpp (12,22 Kb)
perlin_noise_octaves.cpp (9,21 Kb)
perlin_noise_octaves.h (6,57 Kb)
post_effect_hdr_blur.cpp (4,51 Kb)
post_effect_hdr_blur.h (2,63 Kb)
primitive.cpp (21,97 Kb)
primitive.hpp (7,76 Kb)
primitive_item.h (795 b)
primitives.cpp (11,26 Kb)
primitives.h (3,94 Kb)
progress_text.cpp (4,44 Kb)
progress_text.hpp (2,64 Kb)
projection_3d.cpp (4,78 Kb)
projection_3d.hpp (2,68 Kb)
queue.cpp (23,64 Kb)
queue.hpp (6,79 Kb)
radiance_hdr.cpp (4,18 Kb)
radiance_hdr.h (2,38 Kb)
random.cpp (2,72 Kb)
random.hpp (2,41 Kb)
rectangle.hpp (2,26 Kb)
region.hpp (3,04 Kb)
render_data.hpp (3,76 Kb)
render_image.cpp (20,66 Kb)
render_image.hpp (4,26 Kb)
render_job.cpp (41,61 Kb)
render_job.hpp (6,01 Kb)
render_queue.cpp (9,46 Kb)
render_queue.hpp (3,5 Kb)
render_ssao.cpp (6,37 Kb)
render_ssao.h (2,89 Kb)
render_window.cpp (3,97 Kb)
render_window.hpp (7,74 Kb)
render_window_buttons.cpp (2,11 Kb)
render_window_menu.cpp (36,55 Kb)
render_window_slots.cpp (30,24 Kb)
render_worker.cpp (49,12 Kb)
render_worker.hpp (9,18 Kb)
rendered_image_widget.cpp (55,23 Kb)
rendered_image_widget.hpp (7,89 Kb)
rendered_tile_data.hpp (2,33 Kb)
rendering_configuration.cpp (3,28 Kb)
rendering_configuration.hpp (3,17 Kb)
resource_http_provider.cpp (4,14 Kb)
resource_http_provider.hpp (2,71 Kb)
scheduler.cpp (8,1 Kb)
scheduler.hpp (3,43 Kb)
settings.cpp (52,14 Kb)
settings.hpp (5,32 Kb)
shader_ambient_occlusion.cpp (4,1 Kb)
shader_aux_light.cpp (2,88 Kb)
shader_aux_shadow.cpp (7,58 Kb)
shader_background.cpp (7,58 Kb)
shader_calculate_normals.cpp (5,2 Kb)
shader_cloud_opacity.cpp (3,9 Kb)
shader_distance_fog_opacity.cpp (2,57 Kb)
shader_env_mapping.cpp (3,37 Kb)
shader_fake_lights.cpp (3,99 Kb)
shader_fast_ambient_occlusion.cpp (3,02 Kb)
shader_global_illumination.cpp (6,63 Kb)
shader_iridescence.cpp (2,86 Kb)
shader_iter_opacity.cpp (2,38 Kb)
shader_light_shading.cpp (4,38 Kb)
shader_normal_map_shader.cpp (3,7 Kb)
shader_object.cpp (6,42 Kb)
shader_roughess_texture.cpp (3,1 Kb)
shader_specular_highlight.cpp (3,23 Kb)
shader_specular_highlight_combined.cpp (3,17 Kb)
shader_surface_color.cpp (5,22 Kb)
shader_texture.cpp (4,8 Kb)
shader_volumetric.cpp (19,31 Kb)
shortcuts.cpp (1,78 Kb)
shortcuts.h (759 b)
ssao_worker.cpp (7,94 Kb)
ssao_worker.h (3,11 Kb)
statistics.cpp (2,39 Kb)
statistics.h (3,04 Kb)
stereo.cpp (8,24 Kb)
stereo.h (3,82 Kb)
synchronize_interface.cpp (23,15 Kb)
synchronize_interface.hpp (5,71 Kb)
system.cpp (27,32 Kb)
system.hpp (3,77 Kb)
system_data.cpp (4,85 Kb)
system_data.hpp (4,13 Kb)
system_directories.cpp (2,8 Kb)
system_directories.hpp (4,37 Kb)
test.cpp (20,4 Kb)
test.hpp (3,06 Kb)
texture.cpp (15,74 Kb)
texture.hpp (4,24 Kb)
texture_cache.cpp (1018 b)
texture_cache.h (611 b)
texture_enums.hpp (2,3 Kb)
texture_mapping.cpp (7,93 Kb)
texture_mapping.hpp (2,46 Kb)
thumbnail.cpp (3,82 Kb)
thumbnail.hpp (2,68 Kb)
trace_behind.cpp (5,05 Kb)
trace_behind.h (2,37 Kb)
tree_string_list.cpp (4,76 Kb)
tree_string_list.h (2,77 Kb)
undo.cpp (8,05 Kb)
undo.h (3,93 Kb)
voxel_export.cpp (8,44 Kb)
voxel_export.hpp (3,03 Kb)
wait.cpp (2,05 Kb)
wait.hpp (2,01 Kb)
write_log.cpp (3,81 Kb)
write_log.hpp (2,43 Kb)
textures (27 файлов)
background.jpg (424,18 Kb)
background2.jpg (786,62 Kb)
background3.jpg (161,2 Kb)
background4.jpg (2,24 Mb)
blurred squares low saturation.png (20,02 Kb)
color_texture.jpg (777,67 Kb)
colour palette.jpg (16,97 Kb)
diffusion_texture.jpg (712,5 Kb)
displacement_texture.jpg (459,04 Kb)
envmap.jpg (49,32 Kb)
envmap2.jpg (25,67 Kb)
envmap3.jpg (26,39 Kb)
envmap4.JPG (51,22 Kb)
envmap5.JPG (130,69 Kb)
envmap6.jpg (56,39 Kb)
grid.png (2,65 Kb)
lightmap.jpg (19,66 Kb)
lightmap2.jpg (5,69 Kb)
lightmap3.jpg (17,27 Kb)
lightmap4.jpg (8,18 Kb)
luminosity_texture.jpg (174,38 Kb)
material is not defined.png (4,16 Kb)
normal_map_texture.jpg (1,61 Mb)
reflectance_texture.jpg (895,71 Kb)
roughness_texture.jpg (502,1 Kb)
transparency_texture.jpg (820,67 Kb)
water_caustics.jpg (566,21 Kb)
background2.jpg (786,62 Kb)
background3.jpg (161,2 Kb)
background4.jpg (2,24 Mb)
blurred squares low saturation.png (20,02 Kb)
color_texture.jpg (777,67 Kb)
colour palette.jpg (16,97 Kb)
diffusion_texture.jpg (712,5 Kb)
displacement_texture.jpg (459,04 Kb)
envmap.jpg (49,32 Kb)
envmap2.jpg (25,67 Kb)
envmap3.jpg (26,39 Kb)
envmap4.JPG (51,22 Kb)
envmap5.JPG (130,69 Kb)
envmap6.jpg (56,39 Kb)
grid.png (2,65 Kb)
lightmap.jpg (19,66 Kb)
lightmap2.jpg (5,69 Kb)
lightmap3.jpg (17,27 Kb)
lightmap4.jpg (8,18 Kb)
luminosity_texture.jpg (174,38 Kb)
material is not defined.png (4,16 Kb)
normal_map_texture.jpg (1,61 Mb)
reflectance_texture.jpg (895,71 Kb)
roughness_texture.jpg (502,1 Kb)
transparency_texture.jpg (820,67 Kb)
water_caustics.jpg (566,21 Kb)
toolbar (9 файлов)
dodecahedron.fract (924 b)
icosahedron.fract (867 b)
mandelbox scale -2.fract (797 b)
mandelbox scale 2.fract (729 b)
mandelbulb_power_2.fract (786 b)
mandelbulb_power_9.fract (578 b)
menger sponge.fract (797 b)
octahedron.fract (914 b)
quaternion.fract (735 b)
icosahedron.fract (867 b)
mandelbox scale -2.fract (797 b)
mandelbox scale 2.fract (729 b)
mandelbulb_power_2.fract (786 b)
mandelbulb_power_9.fract (578 b)
menger sponge.fract (797 b)
octahedron.fract (914 b)
quaternion.fract (735 b)
OpenCL.dll (27,5 Kb)
Qt5Core.dll (5,74 Mb)
Qt5Gamepad.dll (99,98 Kb)
Qt5Gui.dll (6,68 Mb)
Qt5Multimedia.dll (728,98 Kb)
Qt5MultimediaQuick.dll (120,48 Kb)
Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll (99,98 Kb)
Qt5Network.dll (1,28 Mb)
Qt5Svg.dll (322,98 Kb)
Qt5Test.dll (239,48 Kb)
Qt5Widgets.dll (5,24 Mb)
README.txt (6,56 Kb)
Setup.iss (2,52 Kb)
TDR__disable.bat (1,1 Kb)
TDR_deprovision.bat (1,54 Kb)
TDR_enable.bat (1,33 Kb)
concrt140.dll (325,05 Kb)
libpng16.dll (232,5 Kb)
mandelbulber2.exe (13,24 Mb)
mandelbulber2.ico (16,56 Kb)
msvcp140.dll (605,27 Kb)
msvcp140_1.dll (30,05 Kb)
msvcp140_2.dll (200,05 Kb)
setup_inno.bmp (150,92 Kb)
setup_inno_small.bmp (10,02 Kb)
vcamp140.dll (462,05 Kb)
vccorlib140.dll (357,55 Kb)
vcomp140.dll (153,05 Kb)
vcruntime140.dll (83,55 Kb)
vcruntime140_1.dll (42,05 Kb)