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Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 [En]

Автор: Baguvix от 30-03-2022, 22:00, Посмотрело: 1 562, Обсуждения: 0

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 [En]
Версия программы:
Официальный сайт: Autodesk
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: замена файлов

Системные требования:
• Операционная система: Windows 11 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit) сборка 1809 и выше
• Свободное место на диске: 20 ГБ
• .NET Framework 4.8 или более поздней версии

• Процессор: с тактовой частотой 2,5–2,9 ГГц
• Оперативная память: 8 ГБ
• Видеокарта: с объемом видеопамяти 1 ГБ и пропускной способностью 29 Гбит/с, совместимый с DirectX 11

• Процессор: с тактовой частотой 3 ГГц и выше
• Оперативная память: 16 ГБ
• Видеокарта: с объемом видеопамяти 4 ГБ и пропускной способностью 106 Гбит/с, совместимый с DirectX 12

AutoCAD Architecture является специальной версией AutoCAD для эффективной работы над архитектурными чертежами и документацией с системой геометрических и размерных ограничений и инструментами реконструкции. Решение AutoCAD Architecture предоставляет современные средства работы с параметрическими зависимостями и гарантирует совершенство процесса создания пересечений стен с опцией аккуратной подчистки. Специализированные функции архитектурного проектирования и черчения и привычная среда обеспечивают оптимизацию процесса выпуска рабочей документации.

Приложение AutoCAD Architecture поддерживает возможность совместной работы и позволяет обмениваться данными со специалистами по проектированию инженерных систем зданий и строительных конструкций в формате файлов DWG. Функции Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture позволяют эффективно разрабатывать архитектурные и строительные проекты и формировать рабочую документацию в привычной среде AutoCAD.

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 [En] Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 [En] Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 [En]

Загрузил: Baguvix (30 марта 2022 07:07)
Взяли: 262 | Размер: 5 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2023 (5351 файл)
Crack (1 файл)
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exe dotNetFx48LP_Full_x86_x64_1041.exe (5,53 Mb)
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31 (3 файла)
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2012UPD4 (3 файла)
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exe vcredist_x64.exe (24 Mb)
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x86 (1 файл)
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file pkg.vcredist2012x86upd4.xml (1,82 Kb)
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file pkg.vcredist2017x86.xml (1,8 Kb)
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file pkg.vcredist2019x86.xml (1,85 Kb)
exe vcredist_x86.exe (13,14 Mb)
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CM (3 файла)
msi MaterialLibrary2023.msi (2,13 Mb)
file Materi~1.cab (142,11 Mb)
file pkg.MaterialLibrary2023.xml (2 Kb)
ILB (3 файла)
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file Base_T~1.cab (68,15 Mb)
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file AecXDcContentLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXGuiArch.dll (433,34 Kb)
file AecXGuiArchLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXGuiUtilities.dll (200,34 Kb)
file AecXGuiUtilitiesHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXGuiUtilitiesLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXProject.dll (144,34 Kb)
file AecXProjectLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXSchedule.dll (583,84 Kb)
file AecXScheduleHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXScheduleLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXUIArchBase.dll (213,84 Kb)
file AecXUIArchBaseHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXUIArchBaseLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
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file AecbPlumbingBaseMgd.dll (240,84 Kb)
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file Autodesk.AEC.Interop.ArchBase.dll (278,34 Kb)
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file Autodesk.AEC.Interop.UIArchBase.dll (52,84 Kb)
Support (1 файл)
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png logoLight.png (13,76 Kb)
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Autodesk (1 файл)
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file National84(02.07.01).gsb (12,04 Mb)
Gda94 (2 файла)
file GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsb (79,18 Mb)
file GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb (79,18 Mb)
Canada (1 файл)
txt ReadMe.txt (4,26 Kb)
France (1 файл)
txt gr3df97a.txt (1,29 Mb)
Germany (1 файл)
file BETA2007.gsb (81,73 Kb)
Japan (3 файла)
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file JGD2011V100._par (1,84 Mb)
file TKY2JGD._par (4,49 Mb)
NewZealand (1 файл)
file nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb (311 Kb)
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file DLX_ETRS89_geo.gsb (922,39 Kb)
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UK (5 файлов)
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file OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb (14,53 Mb)
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file ostn02.gsb (14,53 Mb)
Usa (5 файлов)
Harn (102 файла)
file 48hpgn.las (98,55 Kb)
file 48hpgn.los (98,55 Kb)
file alhpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file alhpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
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file azhpgn.los (4,52 Kb)
file cahpgn.las (5,39 Kb)
file cahpgn.los (5,39 Kb)
file cnhpgn.las (5,39 Kb)
file cnhpgn.los (5,39 Kb)
file cohpgn.las (3,86 Kb)
file cohpgn.los (3,86 Kb)
file cshpgn.las (3,27 Kb)
file cshpgn.los (3,27 Kb)
file emhpgn.las (6,23 Kb)
file emhpgn.los (6,23 Kb)
file eshpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file eshpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file ethpgn.las (8,37 Kb)
file ethpgn.los (8,37 Kb)
file flhpgn.las (4,52 Kb)
file flhpgn.los (4,52 Kb)
file gahpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file gahpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file guhpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file guhpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file hihpgn.las (3,45 Kb)
file hihpgn.los (3,45 Kb)
file iahpgn.las (2,67 Kb)
file iahpgn.los (2,67 Kb)
file ilhpgn.las (3,52 Kb)
file ilhpgn.los (3,52 Kb)
file inhpgn.las (5,06 Kb)
file inhpgn.los (5,06 Kb)
file kshpgn.las (3,27 Kb)
file kshpgn.los (3,27 Kb)
file kyhpgn.las (2,67 Kb)
file kyhpgn.los (2,67 Kb)
file lahpgn.las (3,52 Kb)
file lahpgn.los (3,52 Kb)
file mdhpgn.las (1,83 Kb)
file mdhpgn.los (1,83 Kb)
file mehpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file mehpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file mihpgn.las (4,45 Kb)
file mihpgn.los (4,45 Kb)
file mnhpgn.las (4,92 Kb)
file mnhpgn.los (4,92 Kb)
file mohpgn.las (4,45 Kb)
file mohpgn.los (4,45 Kb)
file mshpgn.las (3,05 Kb)
file mshpgn.los (3,05 Kb)
file nbhpgn.las (2,95 Kb)
file nbhpgn.los (2,95 Kb)
file nchpgn.las (3,61 Kb)
file nchpgn.los (3,61 Kb)
file ndhpgn.las (3,61 Kb)
file ndhpgn.los (3,61 Kb)
file nehpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file nehpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file njhpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file njhpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file nmhpgn.las (4,45 Kb)
file nmhpgn.los (4,45 Kb)
file nvhpgn.las (3,98 Kb)
file nvhpgn.los (3,98 Kb)
file nyhpgn.las (4,67 Kb)
file nyhpgn.los (4,67 Kb)
file ohhpgn.las (2,23 Kb)
file ohhpgn.los (2,23 Kb)
file okhpgn.las (3,61 Kb)
file okhpgn.los (3,61 Kb)
file pahpgn.las (2,92 Kb)
file pahpgn.los (2,92 Kb)
file pvhpgn.las (1,63 Kb)
file pvhpgn.los (1,63 Kb)
file schpgn.las (2,23 Kb)
file schpgn.los (2,23 Kb)
file sdhpgn.las (4,27 Kb)
file sdhpgn.los (4,27 Kb)
file tnhpgn.las (2,3 Kb)
file tnhpgn.los (2,3 Kb)
file uthpgn.las (3,98 Kb)
file uthpgn.los (3,98 Kb)
file vahpgn.las (2,67 Kb)
file vahpgn.los (2,67 Kb)
file wihpgn.las (3,45 Kb)
file wihpgn.los (3,45 Kb)
file wmhpgn.las (6,23 Kb)
file wmhpgn.los (6,23 Kb)
file wohpgn.las (5,64 Kb)
file wohpgn.los (5,64 Kb)
file wshpgn.las (2,64 Kb)
file wshpgn.los (2,64 Kb)
file wthpgn.las (6,64 Kb)
file wthpgn.los (6,64 Kb)
file wvhpgn.las (2,66 Kb)
file wvhpgn.los (2,66 Kb)
file wyhpgn.las (2,92 Kb)
file wyhpgn.los (2,92 Kb)
Nadcon (14 файлов)
file alaska.las (517,58 Kb)
file alaska.los (517,58 Kb)
file conus.las (130,58 Kb)
file conus.los (130,58 Kb)
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file hawaii.los (222,52 Kb)
file prvi.las (13,45 Kb)
file prvi.los (13,45 Kb)
file stgeorge.las (29,55 Kb)
file stgeorge.los (29,55 Kb)
file stlrnc.las (13,45 Kb)
file stlrnc.los (13,45 Kb)
file stpaul.las (3,61 Kb)
file stpaul.los (3,61 Kb)
NSRS2007 (9 файлов)
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file dslap.b (256,7 Kb)
file dslo.b (21,1 Mb)
file dsloa.b (28,13 Mb)
file dslop.b (256,7 Kb)
file dsv.b (21,1 Mb)
file dsva.b (28,13 Mb)
file dsvp.b (256,7 Kb)
NSRS2011 (9 файлов)
file dsla11.b (21,1 Mb)
file dslaa11.b (28,13 Mb)
file dslap11.b (256,7 Kb)
file dslo11.b (21,1 Mb)
file dsloa11.b (28,13 Mb)
file dslop11.b (256,7 Kb)
file dsv11.b (21,1 Mb)
file dsva11.b (28,13 Mb)
file dsvp11.b (256,7 Kb)
Vertcon (3 файла)
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file VERTCONE.94 (942,05 Kb)
file VERTCONW.94 (942,05 Kb)
file Category.CSD (286,51 Kb)
file Coordsys.CSD (5,91 Mb)
file Datums.CSD (347,54 Kb)
file Elipsoid.CSD (25,8 Kb)
file GeodeticPath.CSD (105 Kb)
file GeodeticTransform.CSD (13,26 Mb)
file GeoidHeight.gdc (3,62 Kb)
file NameMapper.csv (1,82 Mb)
file OSTN02._02 (6,69 Mb)
txt OSTN02.txt (36,2 Mb)
file OSTN97._nt (7,49 Mb)
file Vertcon.gdc (2,74 Kb)
txt version.txt (4 b)
PF (2 файла)
CF (1 файл)
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AcDwgFilter (29 файлов)
file ASMBASE228A.dll (1,16 Mb)
file ASMCSTR228A.dll (1,48 Mb)
file ASMDEFM228A.dll (168,86 Kb)
file ASMFCT228A.dll (1,29 Mb)
file ASMFREC228A.dll (996,36 Kb)
file ASMINTR228A.dll (4,13 Mb)
file ASMKERN228A.dll (13,11 Mb)
file ASMLAW228A.dll (753,17 Kb)
file ASMTOPT228A.dll (1,14 Mb)
file AcDs.dll (280,34 Kb)
file AcDwgFilter16.dll (73,34 Kb)
file AcDwgFilter16.tlb (1,54 Kb)
exe AcDwgFilterImp16.exe (138,84 Kb)
file AcDwgFilterImp16.tlb (2,26 Kb)
file AcGeomentObj.dbx (3,45 Mb)
file AcGradient24.dll (27,34 Kb)
file AcSceneOE.dbx (685,34 Kb)
file AcUt.dll (91,84 Kb)
file AdImaging.dll (8,62 Mb)
file AdIntImgServices.dll (152,34 Kb)
file AdSpatialReference.dll (1,34 Mb)
file ac1st24.dll (346,84 Kb)
file acdb24.dll (17,07 Mb)
file acge24.dll (1,43 Mb)
file acismobj24.dbx (336,84 Kb)
file acpal.dll (2,3 Mb)
file dcu2d72.dll (8,03 Mb)
file modlr24.dll (932,34 Kb)
file tsplines10A.dll (12,16 Mb)
AcShellEx (2 файла)
exe AcLauncher.exe (375,84 Kb)
file AcShellExtension.dll (225,34 Kb)
MsiKeyFile (52 файла)
file MsiKeyFile_AcApp.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcAuthEnviron.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcDimStyles.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcHatch.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcImages.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcLayouts.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcLinetypes.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcMlsStys.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcSymbols.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcTblStys.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcTextStyles.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDcXrefs.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcDmPropertyEditors.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcEditSpinAtl.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcInetUI.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcModelDocCOM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcObjClassImp24.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcPEXCtl16.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcPi16.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcPp16.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcSceneCOM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcSignExt.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcSmNav.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStDStyle.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStETransmit.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStLay.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStLtype.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStMLeaderStyle.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStMgr.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcStTStyle.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcTable.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcTc.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AcTcTools.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AdDwfPdkCommon.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AdDwfPdkEPlotCommon.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AdDwfPdkEPlotCore.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AdDwfPdkEPlotRenderer.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AdFTP.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AutoConvertTo.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_Autodesk.Act.Content.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_Autodesk.Act.Core.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_acETransmitui17.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_acdim.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_acismui.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_acmted.arx (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_acopmExt.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_axRText24.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_axctextapp24.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_cao20ENU.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_csp16.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_vl16.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_vl16_u.dll (10,34 Kb)
Thumbnail (1 файл)
file AcThumbnail16.dll (30,84 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24chs.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24cht.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24csy.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24deu.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24enu.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24esp.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24fra.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24hun.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24ita.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24jpn.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24kor.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24plk.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24ptb.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24rus.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcCtrl.dll (151,84 Kb)
file AcDgnCOM24.dll (26,84 Kb)
file AcETransmit20.tlb (35 Kb)
file AcFocusCtrl16.dll (103,34 Kb)
exe AcHelp2.exe (95,34 Kb)
file AcInetEngine24.dll (2,49 Mb)
file AcInetEngineps24.dll (104,84 Kb)
file AcIpps17.dll (22,34 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24chs.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24cht.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24csy.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24deu.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24enu.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24esp.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24fra.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24hun.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24ita.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24jpn.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24kor.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24plk.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24ptb.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcMPolygon24rus.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AcObjClassImp24.tlb (5,41 Kb)
file AcSignCore16.dll (527,34 Kb)
file AcSmComponents24.tlb (73 Kb)
file AdComFolderWatch24.tlb (7,5 Kb)
file AdSubAwareCtrl.dll (83,84 Kb)
file WebServices1.dll (109,34 Kb)
file acax24chs.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24cht.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24csy.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24deu.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24enu.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24esp.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24fra.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24hun.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24ita.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24jpn.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24kor.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24plk.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24ptb.tlb (466 Kb)
file acax24rus.tlb (466 Kb)
file adresc16.dll (101,84 Kb)
file axRText24.tlb (2,99 Kb)
file axctextapp24.tlb (3,66 Kb)
file axdb24chs.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24cht.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24csy.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24deu.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24enu.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24esp.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24fra.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24hun.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24ita.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24jpn.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24kor.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24plk.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24ptb.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24rus.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file cao20chs.tlb (0 b)
file cao20cht.tlb (0 b)
file cao20csy.tlb (0 b)
file cao20deu.tlb (0 b)
file cao20enu.tlb (23,5 Kb)
file cao20esp.tlb (0 b)
file cao20fra.tlb (0 b)
file cao20hun.tlb (0 b)
file cao20ita.tlb (0 b)
file cao20jpn.tlb (0 b)
file cao20kor.tlb (0 b)
file cao20plk.tlb (0 b)
file cao20ptb.tlb (0 b)
file cao20rus.tlb (0 b)
exe mtstack16.exe (63,34 Kb)
Root (89 файлов)
en-US (23 файла)
file AecArchBaseRes.dll (282,34 Kb)
file AecAreaCalculationBaseRes.dll (83,84 Kb)
file AecBaseExRes.dll (43,84 Kb)
file AecBaseRes.dll (763,34 Kb)
file AecCoreRes.dll (231,34 Kb)
file AecDACHMigratorDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecProjectBaseRes.dll (26,84 Kb)
file AecRenovationDbRes.dll (12,34 Kb)
file AecResMgrRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecResUIRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookDbRes.dll (23,34 Kb)
file AecScheduleRes.dll (34,34 Kb)
file AecScriptRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceExDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecUIWindows.resources.dll (825,34 Kb)
file AecbBldSrvRes.dll (156,84 Kb)
file AecbColRes.dll (27,84 Kb)
file AecbElecBaseRes.dll (119,84 Kb)
file AecbHvacBaseRes.dll (62,34 Kb)
file AecbPartBaseRes.dll (410,84 Kb)
file AecbPipeBaseRes.dll (74,34 Kb)
file AecbPlumbingBaseRes.dll (64,34 Kb)
file AecbToolsRes.dll (41,84 Kb)
Express (115 файлов)
file AcExpressRes.dll (53,34 Kb)
file RText.arx (66,34 Kb)
file acadinfo.lsp (35,46 Kb)
file acet-wmf.lsp (43,22 Kb)
file acet1501.pgc (883 b)
file acetauto.lsp (23,84 Kb)
file acetess.lsp (13,85 Kb)
file acetftp.arx (34,84 Kb)
file acetmail.arx (42,84 Kb)
file acettest.fas (23,18 Kb)
file acettxt.lsp (32,24 Kb)
file aceturl.dcl (3,73 Kb)
file aceturl.lsp (27,81 Kb)
file acetutil.arx (96,34 Kb)
file acetutil.fas (49,8 Kb)
file acetutil2.fas (34,57 Kb)
file acetutil3.fas (44,95 Kb)
file acetutil4.fas (32,31 Kb)
exe alias.exe (419,84 Kb)
file alias.pgc (23,15 Kb)
file aliasedit.lsp (5,4 Kb)
file architec.lay (4,04 Kb)
file aspace.lsp (11,13 Kb)
file attout.lsp (18,24 Kb)
file axRText.dll (145,84 Kb)
file axctextapp.dll (106,34 Kb)
file blockq.lsp (8,36 Kb)
file blocktoxref.lsp (11,67 Kb)
file blocktoxrefsup.lsp (18,52 Kb)
file breakl.lsp (23,96 Kb)
file brkline.dwg (47,28 Kb)
file bscale.lsp (18,01 Kb)
file burst.lsp (12,31 Kb)
file cdorder.dcl (3,17 Kb)
file cdorder.lsp (32,9 Kb)
file civil.lay (2,69 Kb)
file clipit.lsp (30,63 Kb)
file copym.lsp (17,16 Kb)
file count.lsp (7,2 Kb)
file ctextapp.arx (128,34 Kb)
file ddins2.dcl (4,34 Kb)
file ddins2.lsp (28,68 Kb)
file defaults.scr (14,72 Kb)
file defaults.svf (5,27 Kb)
file dimassoc.lsp (6,42 Kb)
file dimsio.arx (95,84 Kb)
exe dumpshx.exe (82,34 Kb)
file dwglog.arx (27,34 Kb)
file dwglog.lsp (5,95 Kb)
file edittime.arx (40,34 Kb)
file electric.lay (3,58 Kb)
file etbug.lsp (14,41 Kb)
file exoffset.lsp (19,72 Kb)
file explan.lsp (8,62 Kb)
file extrim.lsp (24,3 Kb)
file fastsel.lsp (17,31 Kb)
file fireprot.lay (1,66 Kb)
file flatten.lsp (5,74 Kb)
file flattensup.lsp (86,99 Kb)
file gatte.lsp (11 Kb)
file getsel.lsp (7,28 Kb)
file hatchutil.lsp (40,98 Kb)
file ix_edit.lsp (14,54 Kb)
file julian.lsp (19,22 Kb)
file landscpe.lay (1,85 Kb)
file layoutmerge.lsp (24,22 Kb)
file leaderex.arx (76,34 Kb)
file lman.dcl (7,29 Kb)
file lman.lsp (75,02 Kb)
file lspdata.lsp (74,52 Kb)
exe lspsurf.exe (411,84 Kb)
file lspsurf.lsp (5,45 Kb)
file mechanic.lay (3,48 Kb)
file mkltype.lsp (35,38 Kb)
file mkshape.lsp (51,19 Kb)
file movebak.lsp (6,59 Kb)
file mpedit.lsp (14,56 Kb)
file mstretch.lsp (20,23 Kb)
file pljoinsup.lsp (39,08 Kb)
file plt2dwg.lsp (11,38 Kb)
file plumbing.lay (1,68 Kb)
file propulate.arx (120,34 Kb)
file qquit.lsp (7,41 Kb)
file redir.dcl (2,31 Kb)
file redir.lsp (43,98 Kb)
file revert.lsp (7,17 Kb)
file rtext.lsp (18,15 Kb)
file rtucs.lsp (30,13 Kb)
file saveall.lsp (6,59 Kb)
file shp2blk.lsp (18,38 Kb)
file sprhatch.dcl (2,75 Kb)
file sprhatch.lsp (74,44 Kb)
file ssx.lsp (12,29 Kb)
file structur.lay (1,85 Kb)
file sysvdlg.arx (84,84 Kb)
file sysvdlg.dat (394,87 Kb)
file tblname.dcl (3,73 Kb)
file tblname.lsp (36,05 Kb)
file tcase.dcl (2,22 Kb)
file tcase.lsp (13,14 Kb)
file tcaseSup.lsp (11,59 Kb)
file template.prp (934 b)
file textfit.lsp (9,08 Kb)
file textmask.lsp (43,35 Kb)
file trex.lsp (10,04 Kb)
file trexblk.lsp (24,64 Kb)
file tscale.lsp (22,8 Kb)
file txtexp.lsp (14,1 Kb)
file vpscale.lsp (8,57 Kb)
file vpsync.lsp (12,72 Kb)
file xdata.lsp (20,74 Kb)
file xlist.dcl (3,54 Kb)
file xlist.lsp (12,36 Kb)
file yes_no.dcl (4,18 Kb)
file yes_no.lsp (6,72 Kb)
Fonts (75 файлов)
file @extfont2.shx (479,38 Kb)
file AMDTSymbols.shx (1,19 Kb)
file AMGDT DWE Edits.shx (8,26 Kb)
file AMGDTANS DWE Edits.shx (8,12 Kb)
file AcadEref.shx (823 b)
file CDM_NC.shx (7,36 Kb)
file Cdm.shx (3,84 Kb)
file GENISO.shx (23,22 Kb)
file GENLTSHP.shx (77 b)
file GENPRESE.shx (1,57 Kb)
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file MONOTXT8.shx (14,83 Kb)
file SIMPLEX8.shx (13,49 Kb)
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file extslim2.shx (29,78 Kb)
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file g13f12w.shx (5 Kb)
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file iges1002.shx (4,33 Kb)
file iges1003.shx (4,33 Kb)
file isocp.shx (7,15 Kb)
file isocp2.shx (7,1 Kb)
file isocp3.shx (7,1 Kb)
file isoct.shx (7,07 Kb)
file isoct2.shx (7,07 Kb)
file isoct3.shx (7,07 Kb)
file italic.shx (26,68 Kb)
file italicc.shx (26 Kb)
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file whgtxt.shx (191,47 Kb)
file whtgtxt.shx (633,02 Kb)
file whtmtxt.shx (895,15 Kb)
GlobUPI (1 файл)
UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file upiconfig.xml (1,53 Kb)
MsiKeyFile (85 файлов)
file MsiKeyFile_ANNOMONITOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ARRAYCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ARRAYEDITSTATE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ASMRESTORE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AUDITXREFSYMB.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_BLOCKMRULIST.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_BLOCKREDEFINEMODE.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTSCALE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTYPEFILE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERMARKEXE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CenterCrossGap.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CenterCrossSize.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_DESIGNFEEDDWGID.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_DIMLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file MsiKeyFile_EXPORTPAGESETUP.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file MsiKeyFile_HPBACKGROUNDCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPTRANSPARENCY.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCONNECTSEG.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCONNECTSEGM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTMAXPOINTS.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTOUTPUTLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTOUTPUTTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTPREVIEW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_MESHTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_MIRRHATCH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLIGHTING.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLIGHTSOURCE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLOD.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDPOINTSIZE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDSHADING.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDVISRETAIN.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGEANONBLOCKS.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGESYSTEM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGEXREF.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_REFPATHTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_REVCLOUDAPPROXARCLEN.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMAUTOPREFIX.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMEXT.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMPREFERALIGNED.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SECTIONOFFSETINC.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SECTIONTHICKNESSINC.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SKTOLERANCE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_TEXTJUSTIFY.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_TEXTLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWDETAILCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWDETAILEDITOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWEDITOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWSECTIONCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWSECTIONEDITOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWSKETCHMODE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VIEWUPDATEAUTO.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VISRETAINMODE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATUREHIGH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATURELOW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATURETYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSADRAFTANGLEHIGH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSADRAFTANGLELOW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRACOLOR1.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRACOLOR2.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRADIRECTION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRASIZE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRATYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_WIPEOUTFRAME.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFOVERRIDE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFREGAPPCTL.dll (10,34 Kb)
Sample (1 файл)
Database Connectivity (3 файла)
CAO (7 файлов)
file caotest.dcl (7,04 Kb)
file caotest.dvb (102,5 Kb)
file caotest.lsp (62,81 Kb)
file caotest.vlx (28,77 Kb)
file dbcm_label.bmp (238 b)
file dbcm_link.bmp (238 b)
file dbcm_query.bmp (238 b)
file Floor Plan Sample.dwg (226,44 Kb)
file db_samples.mdb (208 Kb)
file AcApp.arx (516,84 Kb)
file AcAuthEnviron.arx (227,34 Kb)
file AcDcMlsStys.arx (115,84 Kb)
file AcDcTblStys.arx (115,84 Kb)
file AcDim.arx (765,84 Kb)
file AcDmPropertyEditors.arx (298,84 Kb)
file AcDs.dll (280,34 Kb)
file AcETransmit.dll (361,84 Kb)
file AcEditSpinAtl.dll (130,34 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationObj.dbx (170,34 Kb)
file AcGeomentObj.dbx (3,45 Mb)
file AcGradient24.dll (27,34 Kb)
file AcInetUI.dll (76,34 Kb)
file AcMPolygonCom.dll (136,84 Kb)
file AcModelDoc.arx (144,84 Kb)
file AcModelDoc.crx (1,17 Mb)
file AcModelDocCOM.dll (166,34 Kb)
file AcObjClassImp.arx (185,84 Kb)
file AcOcSchemaUtil.arx (322,34 Kb)
file AcOpmExt.arx (763,34 Kb)
file AcPEXCtl.arx (1,67 Mb)
file AcSceneCOM.dll (716,34 Kb)
file AcSceneOE.dbx (685,34 Kb)
file AcSign.arx (80,34 Kb)
exe AcSignApply.exe (512,84 Kb)
file AcSmComponents.dll (828,34 Kb)
file AcSmNav.arx (1,28 Mb)
file AcSqlData.dll (521,34 Kb)
file AcSqlEng.dll (932,34 Kb)
file AcStDStyle.dll (209,84 Kb)
file AcStETransmit.crx (62,84 Kb)
file AcStLay.dll (164,34 Kb)
file AcStLtype.dll (152,84 Kb)
file AcStMLeaderStyle.dll (178,84 Kb)
file AcStMgr.dll (226,84 Kb)
file AcStTStyle.dll (155,34 Kb)
file AcStd.arx (199,84 Kb)
file AcStdBatch.dll (625,84 Kb)
file AcTable.arx (366,34 Kb)
file AcTc.dll (341,84 Kb)
file AcTcTools.arx (1,01 Mb)
file AcTmpTbl.dll (91,84 Kb)
file AcUt.dll (91,84 Kb)
file AdComFolderWatch.dll (192,34 Kb)
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file AdFTP.dll (89,84 Kb)
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file Autodesk.Act.Content.DLL (283,84 Kb)
file Autodesk.Act.Core.DLL (27,84 Kb)
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file acDcHatch.arx (183,34 Kb)
file acDcImages.arx (87,34 Kb)
file acDcLayouts.arx (150,34 Kb)
file acDcLinetypes.arx (117,84 Kb)
file acDcSymbols.arx (368,34 Kb)
file acDcTextStyles.arx (117,84 Kb)
file acDcXrefs.arx (119,34 Kb)
file acISMui.arx (183,34 Kb)
file acdb24.dll (17,07 Mb)
file aceTransmitui.arx (649,84 Kb)
file acge24.dll (1,43 Mb)
file aclbed.dll (151,84 Kb)
file acmted.arx (356,34 Kb)
file acopm.arx (432,34 Kb)
file acpal.dll (2,3 Mb)
file acpi.arx (485,34 Kb)
file ase.arx (1,61 Mb)
file asilisp.arx (341,34 Kb)
file atlast.dxt (89,6 Kb)
file atlst24.dll (92,34 Kb)
file axdb.dll (5,24 Mb)
file cao20.dll (254,34 Kb)
file condlg.arx (1,34 Mb)
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file vl16.tlb (4,93 Kb)
file vl16_u.tlb (4,93 Kb)
file vl_u.arx (26,84 Kb)
PF86 (1 файл)
CF (1 файл)
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VBAServer (3 файла)
file Ac32BitAppServer.dll (16,84 Kb)
exe Ac32BitAppServer.exe (89,34 Kb)
file x64JetDbServer.dll (27,84 Kb)
Redist (1 файл)
MS (1 файл)
System (1 файл)
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WINDOWS (3 файла)
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file Artifakt Element Heavy.ttf (123,33 Kb)
file Artifakt Element Italic.ttf (114,84 Kb)
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file technic_.ttf (57,29 Kb)
file txt_____.ttf (36,63 Kb)
file umath.ttf (21,61 Kb)
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System32 (3 файла)
file AcSignExt.dll (40,84 Kb)
file AcSignIcon.dll (51,34 Kb)
exe AcSignOpt.exe (431,34 Kb)
SysWow64 (1 файл)
Redist (1 файл)
MS (1 файл)
System (2 файла)
file comctl32.ocx (594,19 Kb)
file comdlg32.ocx (137,2 Kb)
msi acadshared.msi (848 Kb)
file pkg.acadshared.xml (1,67 Kb)
acaoe (5 файлов)
PF (1 файл)
Root (37 файлов)
ACAOE (1 файл)
UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file UpiConfig.xml (1,83 Kb)
file AcShareViewPropsACA.dbx (79,84 Kb)
file AecADTUPI_OE.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecArchBase.dbx (10,64 Mb)
file AecArchXOE.dll (50,84 Kb)
file AecAreaCalculationBase.dbx (325,34 Kb)
file AecBase.dbx (7,07 Mb)
file AecBaseEx.dbx (518,34 Kb)
file AecCore.crx (3,52 Mb)
file AecDACHMigratorDb.dbx (98,84 Kb)
file AecLoader.arx (28,34 Kb)
file AecModeler.dbx (644,34 Kb)
file AecProjectBase.dbx (640,34 Kb)
file AecRenovationDb.dbx (1,12 Mb)
file AecResMgr.dll (62,34 Kb)
file AecResUI.dll (318,34 Kb)
file AecRoomBookConfig.xml (1,08 Kb)
file AecRoomBookDb.dbx (1,3 Mb)
file AecRoomBookStandards.xml (1,42 Kb)
file AecSchedule.dbx (434,84 Kb)
file AecScript.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecSolidModeler.dbx (554,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceExConfig.xml (1,58 Kb)
file AecSpaceExDb.dbx (156,34 Kb)
file AecSystemTools.dll (123,34 Kb)
file AecUIWindows.dll (843,84 Kb)
file AecbBldSrv.dbx (3,1 Mb)
file AecbCol.dbx (1023,84 Kb)
file AecbElecBase.dbx (1,24 Mb)
file AecbHvacBase.dbx (541,34 Kb)
file AecbPartBase.dll (228,34 Kb)
file AecbPipeBase.dbx (549,34 Kb)
file AecbPlumbingBase.dbx (461,84 Kb)
file AecbTools.dbx (315,84 Kb)
file Xalan.Aec.dll (2,25 Mb)
file XalanMessages.Aec.dll (67,84 Kb)
file xerces-ad-c_3.dll (3,74 Mb)
PF86 (1 файл)
CF (1 файл)
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file pkg.acaoe.xml (1,36 Kb)
acapv (7 файлов)
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Autodesk (1 файл)
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file ARCHDESK202300F_EX_Adlm.asr (2,36 Kb)
file ARCHDESK202300F_FL_Adlm.asr (4,04 Kb)
PD (1 файл)
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CADManagerCtrlUtility (1 файл)
file AutoCAD Architecture 2023.xml (591 b)
PF (1 файл)
Root (2 файла)
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file MsiKeyFile_LEGACYCODESEARCH.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcCopyrights.rtf (120,05 Kb)
file AcJab.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AdMigrator.xml (820,01 Kb)
file AdVMig.xml (50,5 Kb)
file AecADTUPI.dll (25,34 Kb)
file MC3Map.mlm (61,85 Kb)
file VertAdMigratorUidMapping.xml (23,87 Kb)
Help (3 файла)
file ACA_UI_Overview.html (14,88 Kb)
file ACA_UI_Overview.js (26,62 Kb)
file ACA_UI_Overview.swf (529,08 Kb)
Windows (1 файл)
Installer (1 файл)
file CustomRes.dll (23,84 Kb)
file ArchitectureConfig.pit (1,04 Kb)
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file pkg.acapv.xml (6,13 Kb)
acashared (4 файла)
PF (2 файла)
CF (1 файл)
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file ADPCatalogEditor85.tlb (107,77 Kb)
file AecDcArch85.tlb (1,73 Kb)
file AecRoomBookTool85.tlb (2,08 Kb)
file AecStandalone.dll (47,34 Kb)
file AecXBase85.tlb (119,72 Kb)
file AecXDisplayPropsData85.tlb (4,49 Kb)
file AecXDtl85.tlb (23,94 Kb)
file AecXDynProps85.tlb (7,15 Kb)
file AecXExtendedData85.tlb (6,24 Kb)
file AecXGuiBase85.tlb (21,81 Kb)
file AecXUIBase85.tlb (16,97 Kb)
Root (10 файлов)
ACA (112 файлов)
ACAShared (1 файл)
UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file UpiConfig.xml (1,87 Kb)
EDM (1 файл)
Schema (6 файлов)
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file IFC2X4_RC2.exp (364,33 Kb)
file IFC2x2_ADD1.exp (240,64 Kb)
file IFC4.exp (378,38 Kb)
file IFC4_ADD1.exp (360,2 Kb)
file IFC4x1.exp (370,64 Kb)
Space Calculation Standards (3 файла)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardBOMA.dll (31,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardDIN.dll (31,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardSIS.dll (35,84 Kb)
file ACA.dll (6,81 Mb)
file ACA_Light.dll (7,27 Mb)
file ADPCatalogEditor.dll (685,34 Kb)
file AecADTUPI_Shared.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecApp.arx (37,84 Kb)
file AecAppMgd.dll (68,34 Kb)
file AecAppMgd.xml (2,36 Kb)
file AecArchApp.arx (4,62 Mb)
file AecArchCore.crx (5,68 Mb)
file AecArchDACHMgd.dll (96,84 Kb)
file AecArchDACHMgd.xml (5,27 Kb)
file AecArchMgd.dll (1,82 Mb)
file AecArchMgd.xml (971,55 Kb)
file AecBaseMgd.dll (2,1 Mb)
file AecBaseMgd.xml (1,24 Mb)
file AecBaseUtilsMgd.dll (79,84 Kb)
file AecBaseUtilsMgd.xml (56,54 Kb)
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file AecCBTc.dll (272,84 Kb)
file AecCBUtil.dll (96,34 Kb)
file AecCER.dll (38,84 Kb)
file AecCmdLineSearcher.dll (147,84 Kb)
file AecColumnGridEx.dll (201,84 Kb)
file AecColumnGridExUtils.dll (111,84 Kb)
file AecCoreMgd.dll (154,34 Kb)
file AecCoreMgd.xml (77,59 Kb)
file AecCustomPropertyManagement.dll (163,84 Kb)
file AecDACHApp.arx (89,34 Kb)
file AecDcArch.arx (307,84 Kb)
file AecDrawingCompare.arx (630,34 Kb)
file AecGfc.dll (209,84 Kb)
file AecGuiBase.arx (2,89 Mb)
file AecGuiColumnGridEx.dll (547,84 Kb)
file AecGuiInterop.dll (196,34 Kb)
file AecIfcCommon.dll (55,84 Kb)
file AecIfcCustomized.dll (578,84 Kb)
file AecIfcFramework.dll (1,91 Mb)
file AecIfcInterop.dll (1,42 Mb)
file AecLMgrLisp.arx (46,34 Kb)
exe AecLaunchCurrentProject.exe (839,84 Kb)
file AecLayerManagerEx.dll (67,84 Kb)
file AecLayerManagerUI.arx (372,84 Kb)
file AecMath.dll (473,34 Kb)
file AecMgdReverse.dll (64,34 Kb)
file AecObjExplode.arx (53,84 Kb)
file AecProject.arx (2,62 Mb)
file AecProjectBaseMgd.dll (302,34 Kb)
file AecProjectBaseMgd.xml (91,21 Kb)
file AecProjectPalette.arx (211,34 Kb)
file AecPropDataMgd.dll (425,84 Kb)
file AecPropDataMgd.xml (220,27 Kb)
file AecPropertyManagement.dll (107,84 Kb)
file AecPublish.arx (1,01 Mb)
file AecRcpMgd.dll (140,84 Kb)
file AecRcpMgd.xml (63,73 Kb)
file AecRelGraph.dll (37,34 Kb)
file AecRenovationUI.arx (451,34 Kb)
file AecRenovationUIMgd.dll (63,84 Kb)
file AecRibbon.dll (911,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookTool.arx (59,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookToolHelp.dll (2,39 Mb)
file AecRoomBookUI.arx (619,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceExUI.arx (29,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetRulesManager.dll (401,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardBasic.dll (27,84 Kb)
file AecStandaloneMgd.dll (42,84 Kb)
file AecStandardVOBUI.arx (100,34 Kb)
file AecStartup.arx (75,84 Kb)
file AecStructureMgd.dll (192,34 Kb)
file AecStructureMgd.xml (58,64 Kb)
file AecSurface.dll (544,34 Kb)
file AecSurfaceRes.dll (27,34 Kb)
file AecUIBalloonContent.dll (51,84 Kb)
file AecUISchedule.arx (492,84 Kb)
file AecUIStatusBar.arx (62,84 Kb)
file AecUtilities.arx (3,48 Mb)
file AecWin32Utils.dll (251,34 Kb)
file AecWorkflowUtilities.arx (98,84 Kb)
file AecXBase.dll (3,05 Mb)
file AecXBaseHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXBaseLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXDisplayPropsData.dll (111,34 Kb)
file AecXDisplayPropsDataLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXDtl.dll (301,84 Kb)
file AecXDtlHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXDtlLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXDynProps.dll (87,34 Kb)
file AecXDynPropsHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXDynPropsLoader.dll (134,84 Kb)
file AecXExtendedData.dll (123,84 Kb)
file AecXExtendedDataLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXGuiBase.dll (1,22 Mb)
file AecXGuiBaseLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXToolClass.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecXToolClassLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXUIBase.dll (390,84 Kb)
file AecXUIBaseHelp.dll (2,4 Mb)
file AecXUIBaseLoader.dll (135,84 Kb)
file AecXmlBase.dll (126,84 Kb)
file Autodesk.AEC.Interop.Base.dll (213,84 Kb)
file Autodesk.AEC.Interop.Details.dll (26,84 Kb)
file Autodesk.AEC.Interop.UIBase.dll (75,84 Kb)
file CaptureLines.hdi (2,35 Mb)
file LandXMLSDK.Aec.dll (3,84 Mb)
file VerticalAdMigrator.dll (139,84 Kb)
file edm_libxml2.dll (1,13 Mb)
file edmicpp500_2015.dll (1,16 Mb)
file edmikit500.dll (9,06 Mb)
file iconv.dll (879,33 Kb)
file BuildingComponent-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (166,3 Kb)
file BuildingSite-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (113,3 Kb)
file WorkflowBase-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (264,8 Kb)
file WorkflowMgd-1_0-vc140-wt.dll (437,3 Kb)
file adp_application-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (97,3 Kb)
file adp_core-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (568,3 Kb)
file adp_service_opczip-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (1001,3 Kb)
file adp_service_reporting-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (125,3 Kb)
file adp_toolkit-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (2,67 Mb)
PF86 (1 файл)
Root32 (1 файл)
GAC (2 файла)
file Aec32BitAppServer.dll (23,34 Kb)
file AecJetDbServer.dll (31,84 Kb)
msi acashared.msi (3,23 Mb)
file pkg.acashared.xml (1,35 Kb)
appmanager (3 файла)
msi autodeskappmanager.msi (2,98 Mb)
file autodeskappmanager_bom.xml (887 b)
file pkg.autodeskappmanager.xml (1,39 Kb)
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AcDwgFilter (1 файл)
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chs (1 файл)
file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
cht (1 файл)
file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
csy (1 файл)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
ita (1 файл)
file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
jpn (1 файл)
file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
kor (1 файл)
file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file AcShellExtensionRes.dll (10,34 Kb)
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file mtstack16Res.dll (19,34 Kb)
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en-US (29 файлов)
ACADLP (1 файл)
UPI (2 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file AcSignAppRes.dll (284,34 Kb)
file AcSignRes.dll (23,34 Kb)
file AecArchBaseRes.dll (282,34 Kb)
file AecAreaCalculationBaseRes.dll (83,84 Kb)
file AecBaseExRes.dll (43,84 Kb)
file AecBaseRes.dll (763,34 Kb)
file AecCoreRes.dll (231,34 Kb)
file AecDACHMigratorDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecProjectBaseRes.dll (26,84 Kb)
file AecRenovationDbRes.dll (12,34 Kb)
file AecResMgrRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecResUIRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookDbRes.dll (23,34 Kb)
file AecScheduleRes.dll (34,34 Kb)
file AecScriptRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceExDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecUIWindows.resources.dll (825,34 Kb)
file AecbBldSrvRes.dll (156,84 Kb)
file AecbColRes.dll (27,84 Kb)
file AecbElecBaseRes.dll (119,84 Kb)
file AecbHvacBaseRes.dll (62,34 Kb)
file AecbPartBaseRes.dll (410,84 Kb)
file AecbPipeBaseRes.dll (74,34 Kb)
file AecbPlumbingBaseRes.dll (64,34 Kb)
file AecbToolsRes.dll (41,84 Kb)
file ax24res.dll (61,34 Kb)
file errRes.dll (48,34 Kb)
txt timesrvr.txt (227 b)
WINDOWS (1 файл)
System32 (3 файла)
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file plotman.cpl (2,74 Mb)
file styleman.cpl (2,74 Mb)
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file pkg.acadsharedlp.xml (1,66 Kb)
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PF (1 файл)
Root (3 файла)
ACA (1 файл)
en-US (19 файлов)
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UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file UpiConfig.xml (1,84 Kb)
file AecADTUPI_LP.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecContextualTabSelectorRules.xaml (21,43 Kb)
file AecDtlDbUI.resources.dll (882,84 Kb)
file AecDtlExRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecDtlRes.dll (30,84 Kb)
file AecRcpBaseExRes.dll (59,34 Kb)
file AecRcpBaseRes.dll (35,34 Kb)
file AecXArchBaseRes.dll (3,59 Mb)
file AecXDcContentRes.dll (23,84 Kb)
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file AecXGuiUtilitiesRes.dll (13,84 Kb)
file AecXScheduleRes.dll (38,34 Kb)
file AecXUIArchBaseRes.dll (14,84 Kb)
file AecbBldSrvMgd.resources.dll (217,84 Kb)
file AecbElecBaseMgd.resources.dll (35,84 Kb)
file AecbHvacBaseMgd.resources.dll (13,84 Kb)
file AecbPipeBaseMgd.resources.dll (11,84 Kb)
file AecbPlumbingBaseMgd.resources.dll (25,84 Kb)
en-US (23 файла)
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file AecAreaCalculationBaseRes.dll (83,84 Kb)
file AecBaseExRes.dll (43,84 Kb)
file AecBaseRes.dll (763,34 Kb)
file AecCoreRes.dll (231,34 Kb)
file AecDACHMigratorDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecProjectBaseRes.dll (26,84 Kb)
file AecRenovationDbRes.dll (12,34 Kb)
file AecResMgrRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecResUIRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookDbRes.dll (23,34 Kb)
file AecScheduleRes.dll (34,34 Kb)
file AecScriptRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecSpaceExDbRes.dll (10,84 Kb)
file AecUIWindows.resources.dll (825,34 Kb)
file AecbBldSrvRes.dll (156,84 Kb)
file AecbColRes.dll (27,84 Kb)
file AecbElecBaseRes.dll (119,84 Kb)
file AecbHvacBaseRes.dll (62,34 Kb)
file AecbPartBaseRes.dll (410,84 Kb)
file AecbPipeBaseRes.dll (74,34 Kb)
file AecbPlumbingBaseRes.dll (64,34 Kb)
file AecbToolsRes.dll (41,84 Kb)
Support (1 файл)
ApplicationHome (1 файл)
config (1 файл)
ACA (1 файл)
en-US (1 файл)
file strings.resjson (877 b)
msi acalp.msi (2,77 Mb)
file pkg.acalp.xml (1,64 Kb)
acalpshared (3 файла)
PF (1 файл)
Root (2 файла)
ACA (1 файл)
en-US (51 файл)
ACALPShared (1 файл)
UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file UpiConfig.xml (1,88 Kb)
file AecADTUPI_LPShared.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecAppRes.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecArchAppRes.dll (5,9 Mb)
file AecArchCoreRes.dll (458,84 Kb)
file AecArchDACHMgd.resources.dll (12,34 Kb)
file AecArchMgd.resources.dll (278,34 Kb)
file AecBaseMgd.resources.dll (212,34 Kb)
file AecCBrowserRes.dll (63,84 Kb)
file AecCmdLineSearcher.resources.dll (122,84 Kb)
file AecCustomPropertyManagement.resources.dll (21,34 Kb)
file AecDACHAppRes.dll (35,84 Kb)
file AecDcArchRes.dll (78,34 Kb)
file AecDrawingCompareRes.dll (225,34 Kb)
file AecGuiBaseRes.dll (485,84 Kb)
file AecGuiColumnGridEx.resources.dll (294,84 Kb)
file AecIfcInterop.resources.dll (362,34 Kb)
file AecLMgrLispRes.dll (27,34 Kb)
file AecLaunchCurrentProject.resources.dll (411,34 Kb)
file AecLayerManagerEx.resources.dll (42,84 Kb)
file AecLayerManagerUIRes.dll (89,34 Kb)
file AecObjExplodeRes.dll (29,34 Kb)
file AecProjectPaletteRes.dll (171,84 Kb)
file AecProjectRes.dll (1,69 Mb)
file AecPublishRes.dll (91,34 Kb)
file AecRenovationUIRes.dll (57,84 Kb)
file AecRibbon.resources.dll (737,34 Kb)
file AecRoomBookToolRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecRoomBookUIRes.dll (59,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceExUIRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardBOMA.resources.dll (12,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardBasic.resources.dll (11,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardDIN.resources.dll (12,84 Kb)
file AecSpaceOffsetStandardSIS.resources.dll (12,84 Kb)
file AecStandardVOBUIRes.dll (26,84 Kb)
file AecStartupRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file AecStructureMgd.resources.dll (24,34 Kb)
file AecUIBalloonContent.resources.dll (38,34 Kb)
file AecUIScheduleRes.dll (61,34 Kb)
file AecUIStatusBarRes.dll (25,34 Kb)
file AecUtilitiesRes.dll (670,84 Kb)
file AecWorkflowUtilitiesRes.dll (29,84 Kb)
file AecXBaseRes.dll (203,34 Kb)
file AecXDisplayPropsDataRes.dll (11,84 Kb)
file AecXDtlRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecXDynPropsRes.dll (26,34 Kb)
file AecXExtendedDataRes.dll (14,34 Kb)
file AecXGuiBaseRes.dll (14,84 Kb)
file AecXUIBaseRes.dll (27,84 Kb)
file AecXmlBaseRes.dll (25,84 Kb)
file VerticalAdMigrator.resources.dll (12,34 Kb)
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file workspacecatalog.cab (1,52 Mb)
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file workspacecatalog2.cab (1,34 Mb)
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file workspacecatalog2.cab (3,5 Mb)
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file workspacecatalog2.cab (2 Mb)
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file root.cab (3,79 Mb)
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file styles.cab (2,34 Mb)
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file webfiles.cab (14,9 Kb)
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file details.cab (7,64 Mb)
file styles.cab (20,61 Mb)
file templates.cab (11,84 Mb)
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file templates.cab (10,61 Mb)
cp_BSD_Metric_Styles_Details (2 файла)
file details.cab (6,5 Mb)
file styles.cab (20,2 Mb)
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file cp_BSD_Base_C.xml (2,57 Kb)
file cp_BSD_Imperial_Base.xml (5,24 Kb)
file cp_BSD_Metric_Base.xml (1,26 Kb)
file cp_BSD_Metric_Styles_Details.xml (3,6 Kb)
file document.xsd (52,53 Kb)
exe cp.exe (6,81 Mb)
file master.aca.xml (2,07 Kb)
file master.xsd (6,13 Kb)
PF (1 файл)
Root (2 файла)
en-US (1 файл)
UPI (3 файла)
file UPI.dll (662,29 Kb)
file UPICA.dll (42,29 Kb)
file upiconfig.xml (2,09 Kb)
UserDataCache (5 файлов)
Data Links (1 файл)
file jet_dbsamples.udl (306 b)
Plotters (12 файлов)
Plot Styles (13 файлов)
file Autodesk-Color.stb (617 b)
file Autodesk-MONO.stb (636 b)
file DWF Virtual Pens.ctb (5,95 Kb)
file Fill Patterns.ctb (4,05 Kb)
file Grayscale.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file Screening 100%.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file Screening 25%.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file Screening 50%.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file Screening 75%.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file acad.ctb (4,01 Kb)
file acad.stb (442 b)
file monochrome.ctb (4,02 Kb)
file monochrome.stb (455 b)
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file PublishToWeb JPG.pc3 (879 b)
file PublishToWeb PNG.pc3 (918 b)
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Profiles (1 файл)
Unnamed Profile (1 файл)
file Profile.aws (24,9 Kb)
ToolPalette (2 файла)
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file AcTpCatalog.atc (1,89 Mb)
file AcFields.fdc (85,36 Kb)
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file AecArchxOE.mnl (5,27 Kb)
file ArCmd2StateMap.xml (1,57 Kb)
file AutoCorrectUserDB.pgp (172 b)
file Commands.atc (29,31 Kb)
file DataExtraction.xml (25,78 Kb)
file Inches.pss (352 b)
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file Sample.cus (136 b)
file Shapes.atc (17,46 Kb)
txt Sitename.txt (134,99 Kb)
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file mm.pss (350 b)
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file render.dcl (1,53 Kb)
file simplex.shx (17,4 Kb)
file support.cdc (178 Kb)
file sxf.lin (1,25 Kb)
file sxf_hatch_style_7_symbol.pat (180 b)
file sxf_hatch_style_8_symbol.pat (320 b)
Template (86 файлов)
PTWTemplates (5 файлов)
Support (23 файла)
file Autumn Fields.css (1,78 Kb)
file Classic.css (1,88 Kb)
file Cloudy Sky.css (1,88 Kb)
file Dusky Maize.css (1,88 Kb)
file Ocean Waves.css (1,88 Kb)
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file ptw_Cloudy Sky.bmp (53,65 Kb)
file ptw_Default Template Image.bmp (50,15 Kb)
file ptw_Default Theme Image.bmp (50,15 Kb)
file ptw_Dusky Maize.bmp (53,65 Kb)
file ptw_Ocean Waves.bmp (53,65 Kb)
file ptw_Rainy Day.bmp (53,65 Kb)
file ptw_Supper Club.bmp (53,65 Kb)
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Template1 (2 файла)
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Template2 (4 файла)
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file acwebpublish_frame2.htm (2,4 Kb)
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Template3 (5 файлов)
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file acwebpublish_frame2.htm (3,72 Kb)
file acwebpublish_frame3.htm (4,06 Kb)
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Template4 (6 файлов)
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file acwebpublish_frame2.htm (3,79 Kb)
file acwebpublish_frame3.htm (4,09 Kb)
file acwebpublish_frame4.htm (2,51 Kb)
file ptw_template4_preview.bmp (63,02 Kb)
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file Architectural Imperial.dwt (47,8 Kb)
file Architectural Metric.dwt (47,24 Kb)
file Civil Imperial.dwt (47,68 Kb)
file Civil Metric.dwt (45,65 Kb)
file Manufacturing Imperial.dwt (53,34 Kb)
file Manufacturing Metric.dwt (50,62 Kb)
file Architectural Imperial Sheet Set.dst (23,62 Kb)
file Architectural Metric Sheet Set.dst (22,71 Kb)
file Architectural Title Block.dwg (49,16 Kb)
file Civil Imperial Sheet Set.dst (15,82 Kb)
file Civil Metric Sheet Set.dst (15,74 Kb)
file Generic 24in x 36in Title Block.dwg (48,16 Kb)
zip LayerTemplate.ZIP (6,32 Mb)
file Manufacturing Imperial Sheet Set.dst (13,66 Kb)
file Manufacturing Metric Sheet Set.dst (13,59 Kb)
file New Sheet Set.dst (2,82 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_1.dwt (117,39 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_10.dwt (117,58 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_100.dwt (116,71 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_1000.dwt (117,65 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_20.dwt (117,36 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_200.dwt (117,3 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_2000.dwt (116,93 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_250.dwt (117,08 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_2500.dwt (116,86 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_50.dwt (117,08 Kb)
file SXF_C_Scale_500.dwt (117,21 Kb)
file SXF_C_custom.dwt (117,46 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_1.dwt (117,46 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_10.dwt (117,39 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_100.dwt (117,46 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_1000.dwt (116,86 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_20.dwt (116,93 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_200.dwt (117,11 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_2000.dwt (116,83 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_250.dwt (117,39 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_2500.dwt (117,05 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_50.dwt (117,17 Kb)
file SXF_D_Scale_500.dwt (117,74 Kb)
file SXF_D_custom.dwt (115,99 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_1.dwt (117,4 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_10.dwt (117,02 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_100.dwt (117,55 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_1000.dwt (117,08 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_20.dwt (117,49 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_200.dwt (117,05 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_2000.dwt (117,24 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_250.dwt (117,37 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_2500.dwt (117,4 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_50.dwt (117,09 Kb)
file SXF_M_Scale_500.dwt (117,62 Kb)
file SXF_M_custom.dwt (115,8 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_1.dwt (117,46 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_10.dwt (117,49 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_100.dwt (117,45 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_1000.dwt (117,65 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_20.dwt (116,8 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_200.dwt (116,93 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_2000.dwt (116,61 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_250.dwt (117,55 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_2500.dwt (117,52 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_50.dwt (117,71 Kb)
file SXF_S_Scale_500.dwt (117,49 Kb)
file SXF_S_custom.dwt (115,84 Kb)
file Tutorial-iArch.dwt (37,98 Kb)
file Tutorial-iMfg.dwt (39,15 Kb)
file Tutorial-mArch.dwt (41,14 Kb)
file Tutorial-mMfg.dwt (40,35 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Arch-01-Seed2D.dgn (20 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Arch-01-Seed3D.dgn (20 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Arch-02-Seed2D.dgn (20 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Arch-02-Seed3D.dgn (20 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Civil-01-Seed2D.dgn (17,5 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Civil-01-Seed3D.dgn (17,5 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Civil-02-Seed2D.dgn (17,5 Kb)
file V7-Imperial-Civil-02-Seed3D.dgn (17,5 Kb)
file V7-Metric-Seed2D.dgn (15 Kb)
file V7-Metric-Seed3D.dgn (15 Kb)
file V8-Imperial-Seed2D.dgn (28 Kb)
file V8-Imperial-Seed3D.dgn (28 Kb)
file V8-Metric-Seed2D.dgn (27,5 Kb)
file V8-Metric-Seed3D.dgn (28 Kb)
file acad -Named Plot Styles.dwt (31,14 Kb)
file acad -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (33,05 Kb)
file acad.dwt (31,05 Kb)
file acad3D.dwt (33,71 Kb)
file acadISO -Named Plot Styles.dwt (30,99 Kb)
file acadISO -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (31,33 Kb)
file acadiso.dwt (31,2 Kb)
file acadiso3D.dwt (32,17 Kb)
file AecArchxOE.cuix (12,29 Kb)
PTXML (2 файла)
file AutoConfigDB.xml (10,31 Kb)
file CertificationDB.xml (9,4 Kb)
WebFiles (8 файлов)
file linear_cove.ies (4 Kb)
file linear_pendant.ies (2,04 Kb)
file point_recessed_medium_75w.ies (803 b)
file point_recessed_wallwash_250w.ies (2,2 Kb)
file point_recessed_wallwash_75w.ies (3,46 Kb)
file point_stadium.ies (3,58 Kb)
file point_street.ies (4,61 Kb)
file sconce.ies (146 b)
exe AcInstCfg.exe (927,84 Kb)
msi acaps.msi (18,64 Mb)
file pkg.acaps.xml (5,93 Kb)
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msi autodeskfeaturedapps.msi (2,4 Mb)
file autodeskfeaturedapps_bom.xml (891 b)
file pkg.autodeskfeaturedapps.xml (1,4 Kb)
HIVE (3 файла)
msi adsk-hive-host.msi (1,23 Mb)
file pkg.hive.bom.xml (935 b)
file pkg.hive.xml (3,97 Kb)
IX (3 файла)
PF (1 файл)
CF (1 файл)
AdShared (2 файла)
IX (13 файлов)
Bin (556 файлов)
Addins (34 файла)
file Autodesk.BIMExchangePlugin.Inventor.addin (2,39 Kb)
file Autodesk.FCADTrans.Inventor.addin (755 b)
file Autodesk.TranslatorATFXML.Inventor.addin (3,88 Kb)
file Autodesk.TranslatorRVTImport.Inventor.addin (3,77 Kb)
file Autodesk.TranslatorSVFExport.Inventor.addin (3,91 Kb)
file Autodesk.TranslatorTUFFExport.Inventor.addin (3,82 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogicPlugin.Inventor.addin (2,07 Kb)
file autodesk.translatoralias.inventor.addin (3,91 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorcatiav4import.inventor.addin (4,65 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorcatiav5import.inventor.addin (4,62 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorcatiav5partexport.inventor.addin (4,66 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorcatiav5productexport.inventor.addin (4,76 Kb)
file autodesk.translatordwf.inventor.addin (3,48 Kb)
file autodesk.translatordwfx.inventor.addin (3,58 Kb)
file autodesk.translatordwg.inventor.addin (3,77 Kb)
file autodesk.translatordxf.inventor.addin (3,64 Kb)
file autodesk.translatoriges.inventor.addin (4,1 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorjt.inventor.addin (3,92 Kb)
file autodesk.translatornx.inventor.addin (3,84 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorobjexport.inventor.addin (4,1 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorobjimport.inventor.addin (4,11 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorparasolidbinary.inventor.addin (4,38 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorparasolidtext.inventor.addin (4,34 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorpdf.inventor.addin (3,52 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorproegranite.inventor.addin (4,69 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorproeimport.inventor.addin (5,1 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorproeneutral.inventor.addin (4,73 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorrhino.inventor.addin (3,86 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorsat.inventor.addin (3,86 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorsmt.inventor.addin (3,86 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorstep.inventor.addin (4,2 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorstlexport.inventor.addin (4,1 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorstlimport.inventor.addin (4,32 Kb)
file autodesk.translatorsw.inventor.addin (4,44 Kb)
BIM (1 файл)
Support (6 файлов)
AuthTplt (1 файл)
en-US (32 файла)
file Air Terminals.xml (1,3 Kb)
file Casework.xml (1,94 Kb)
file Categories.xml (789,97 Kb)
file Communication Devices.xml (878 b)
file Data Devices.xml (867 b)
file Doors.xml (1,05 Kb)
file Duct Accessories.xml (1,3 Kb)
file Electrical Equipment.xml (4,36 Kb)
file Electrical Fixtures.xml (874 b)
file Fire Alarm Devices.xml (873 b)
file Furniture Systems.xml (871 b)
file Furniture.xml (864 b)
file Generic Models.xml (869 b)
file Lighting Devices.xml (869 b)
file Lighting Fixtures.xml (870 b)
file Mechanical Equipment.xml (875 b)
file Nurse Call Devices.xml (873 b)
file Pipe Accessories.xml (871 b)
file Pipe Fittings.xml (1,65 Kb)
file Planting.xml (1,1 Kb)
file Plumbing Fixtures.xml (2,11 Kb)
file Railings.xml (863 b)
file Security Devices.xml (871 b)
file Site.xml (859 b)
file Specialty Equipment.xml (874 b)
file Structural Columns.xml (873 b)
file Structural Connections.xml (877 b)
file Structural Foundations.xml (1,46 Kb)
file Structural Framing.xml (1,01 Kb)
file Structural Stiffeners.xml (876 b)
file Telephone Devices.xml (872 b)
file Windows.xml (860 b)
en-US (9 файлов)
file RFATranslator.Translate.CheckReportTransform.xsl (18,4 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.ReportTransform.NativeRFA.xsl (59,51 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.ReportTransform.StaticRFA.xsl (47,66 Kb)
file cabletrayconnector.xml (766 b)
file conduitconnector.xml (1,04 Kb)
file ductconnector.xml (12,17 Kb)
file electricalconnector.xml (6,21 Kb)
file partatom.xml (651 b)
file pipeconnector.xml (17,69 Kb)
file Categories_2012.xml (1,8 Mb)
zip assets.zip (12,13 Kb)
file dwgsettings.ini (1,06 Kb)
file translationreport.xsl (16,87 Kb)
CF (1 файл)
AdShared (32 файла)
en-US (4 файла)
file AcAuthEntities24res.dll (59,84 Kb)
file AcAxDb24res.dll (477,84 Kb)
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file acadauto.chm (5,41 Mb)
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file AcAuthEntities24cht.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24csy.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24deu.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24enu.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24esp.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24fra.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24hun.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24ita.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24jpn.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24kor.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24plk.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24ptb.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcAuthEntities24rus.tlb (49 Kb)
file AcETransmit20.tlb (35 Kb)
file AcSignCore16.dll (527,34 Kb)
file AcSmComponents24.tlb (73 Kb)
file axdb24chs.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24cht.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24csy.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24deu.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24enu.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24esp.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24fra.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24hun.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24ita.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24jpn.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24kor.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24plk.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24ptb.tlb (398,5 Kb)
file axdb24rus.tlb (398,5 Kb)
chs (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
cht (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
cs-CZ (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (29,17 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (188,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (351,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (101,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (50,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (69,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (30,17 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (41,67 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (78,67 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (24,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (19,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (16,67 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (42,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (77,17 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (46,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,25 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (25,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,17 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (20,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (252,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (22,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (24,67 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,32 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (62,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (72,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (276,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (52,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (10,67 Kb)
csy (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
de-DE (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (30,17 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (196,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (363,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (105,67 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (52,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,67 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (71,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (20,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (32,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (49,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (97,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (28,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (49,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (92,17 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (28,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (48,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,31 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (27,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (22,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (256,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (25,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,33 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (65,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (82,67 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (280,67 Kb)
file errRes.dll (55,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
deu (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
Effects (29 файлов)
Shaders (3 файла)
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file FilterMonochrome.fx (2,33 Kb)
file Gooch.fx (5,79 Kb)
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file INV_ToneMappingMask.fx (2,13 Kb)
file SkyBox.fx (4,42 Kb)
file ZebraStripes.fx (3,31 Kb)
Direct3D10 (13 файлов)
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file AOBlurY10.fx (2,63 Kb)
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file AORender10.fx (9,24 Kb)
file FilterEdgeDetect10.fx (5,17 Kb)
file FilterMonochrome10.fx (2,29 Kb)
file Gooch10.fx (5,7 Kb)
file INV_AONDBuffer10.fx (2,1 Kb)
file INV_ToneMappingMask10.fx (2,2 Kb)
file SkyBox10.fx (4,63 Kb)
file WeightedAverageFinal10.fx (2,81 Kb)
file WeightedProductFinal10.fx (2,68 Kb)
file ZebraStripes10.fx (4,41 Kb)
RapidRT (8 файлов)
file INVBackdrop.rtsl (1,86 Kb)
file INVBackground.rtsl (3,31 Kb)
file INVBasicMaterial.rtsl (15,96 Kb)
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file INVGroundPlane.rtsl (7,98 Kb)
file INVThreadTexture.rtsl (7,4 Kb)
file Ward.rtsl (4,35 Kb)
file common.rtsl (7,59 Kb)
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file InventorBasicEffectDx10_MARK.fx (5,22 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_P.fx (3,51 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PC.fx (3,31 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PC4F.fx (3,99 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PCT.fx (3,91 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PN.fx (5,48 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PNC.fx (6,16 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PNCT.fx (5,79 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PNT.fx (8,3 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_PT.fx (3,98 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_TEXT.fx (4,02 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx10_WideLine.fx (7,69 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9.fxh (23,07 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_MARK.fx (1,34 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_P.fx (2,25 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PC.fx (1,93 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PC4F.fx (2,57 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PCT.fx (1,8 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PN.fx (3,83 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PNC.fx (3,96 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PNCT.fx (3,6 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PNT.fx (6,7 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_PT.fx (2,12 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_TEXT.fx (1,94 Kb)
file InventorBasicEffectDx9_WideLine.fx (5,34 Kb)
file ShadowMapDx10.fxh (4,57 Kb)
file ShadowMapDx9.fxh (4,49 Kb)
en-US (67 файлов)
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file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (29,84 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (186,34 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (348,34 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,84 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (99,34 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (15,7 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (16,2 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (12,2 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (18,7 Kb)
file DWFOutRes.dll (276,7 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (19,2 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DlSrvRes.dll (69,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (67,2 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,2 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (12,2 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (10,2 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (31,2 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (15,7 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (12,2 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (42,2 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (12,2 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (82,7 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (11,2 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (12,2 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (25,2 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (19,7 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (42,7 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (75,7 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,2 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (12,7 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,7 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (45,7 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,23 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (26,7 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (15,2 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (20,7 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (252,7 Kb)
file VBCRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (22,7 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (24,84 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,31 Mb)
file autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file autodesk.ilogic.common.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file autodesk.ilogic.core.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file autodesk.ilogic.exec.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file autodesk.ilogic.runtime.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file autodesk.ilogic.types.resources.dll (9,3 Kb)
file ax24res.dll (61,34 Kb)
file errRes.dll (48,34 Kb)
enu (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
es-ES (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (196,67 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (364,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (109,67 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (16,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (52,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (74,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (34,17 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (49,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (94,67 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (29,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (48,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (89,17 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,67 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (49,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,29 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (255,67 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (26,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,34 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (71,17 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (82,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (279,67 Kb)
file errRes.dll (58,67 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
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file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
fr-FR (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (197,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (369,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (111,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (16,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (52,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,67 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (73,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (20,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (33,17 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (50,67 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (95,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (29,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (50,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (92,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,67 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (50,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,32 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (22,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (256,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (25,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (27,67 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,34 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (72,17 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (86,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (280,67 Kb)
file errRes.dll (57,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
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file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
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file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (52,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (71,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (31,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (47,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (91,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (48,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (87,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,67 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (48,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,29 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (255,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (25,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (79,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (279,67 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
hun (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
it-IT (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (195,67 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (367,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (110,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (16,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (51,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,67 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (74,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (20,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (33,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (50,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (91,67 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (28,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (49,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (92,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (48,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,29 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (22,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (256,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (25,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,34 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (69,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (79,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (280,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (60,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
ita (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
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file 2dTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
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file AcModelDocRes.dll (168,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (307,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (61,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
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file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (57,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (36,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
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file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (17,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (49,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (28,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,66 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (45,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,67 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (45,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (23,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (39,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,1 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (22,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (16,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (244,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (16,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
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file AcModelDocRes.dll (167,67 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (302,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (61,67 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
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file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (53,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (36,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (13,17 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (17,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (50,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (20,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (46,67 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (29,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (45,17 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (23,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (37,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,09 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (22,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (244,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (16,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
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file errRes.dll (39,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (10,67 Kb)
kor (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
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file adsklib_ng.mtlx (41,35 Kb)
file adsklib_tr_ng.mtlx (34,8 Kb)
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file adsk_parquet_03_material.mtlx (1,04 Kb)
file README.md (0 b)
procedurals (1 файл)
file README.md (0 b)
shaders (4 файла)
brick (4 файла)
file adsk_brick_02_displacementshader.mtlx (3,78 Kb)
file adsk_brick_02_surfaceshader.mtlx (3,78 Kb)
file adsk_brick_10_displacementshader.mtlx (1,88 Kb)
file adsk_brick_10_surfaceshader.mtlx (1,96 Kb)
plastic (1 файл)
file adsk_plastic08_red_surfaceshader.mtlx (836 b)
wood (1 файл)
parquet_3 (2 файла)
file adsk_parquet_03_displacementshader.mtlx (1,9 Kb)
file adsk_parquet_03_surfaceshader.mtlx (1,98 Kb)
file README.md (0 b)
textures (4 файла)
bricks_02 (1 файл)
2k (9 файлов)
file bricks_02_ao_2k_raw.exr (91,54 Kb)
png bricks_02_ao_2k_raw.png (43,81 Kb)
file bricks_02_basecolor_2k_acescg.exr (295,72 Kb)
png bricks_02_basecolor_2k_acescg.png (119,95 Kb)
file bricks_02_height_2k_raw.exr (75,51 Kb)
file bricks_02_normal_2k_raw.exr (255,93 Kb)
png bricks_02_normal_2k_raw.png (119,9 Kb)
file bricks_02_roughness_2k_raw.exr (85,96 Kb)
png bricks_02_roughness_2k_raw.png (41,56 Kb)
bricks_10 (1 файл)
2k (9 файлов)
file bricks_10_ao_2k_raw.exr (79,33 Kb)
png bricks_10_ao_2k_raw.png (27,15 Kb)
file bricks_10_basecolor_2k_acescg.exr (306,83 Kb)
png bricks_10_basecolor_2k_acescg.png (102,74 Kb)
file bricks_10_height_2k_raw.exr (82,09 Kb)
file bricks_10_normal_2k_raw.exr (243,99 Kb)
png bricks_10_normal_2k_raw.png (112,92 Kb)
file bricks_10_roughness_2k_raw.exr (85,85 Kb)
png bricks_10_roughness_2k_raw.png (41,08 Kb)
parquet_03 (1 файл)
2k (10 файлов)
file parquet_03_ao_2k_raw.exr (63,95 Kb)
png parquet_03_ao_2k_raw.png (7,13 Kb)
file parquet_03_basecolor_2k_acescg.exr (298,27 Kb)
png parquet_03_basecolor_2k_acescg.png (119,57 Kb)
file parquet_03_height_2k_raw.exr (52,76 Kb)
png parquet_03_height_2k_raw.png (8,6 Kb)
file parquet_03_normal_2k_raw.exr (237,47 Kb)
png parquet_03_normal_2k_raw.png (80,89 Kb)
file parquet_03_roughness_2k_raw.exr (132,36 Kb)
png parquet_03_roughness_2k_raw.png (44,21 Kb)
file README.md (0 b)
user (1 файл)
file README.md (0 b)
bxdf (6 файлов)
lama (10 файлов)
file lama_add.mtlx (2,56 Kb)
file lama_conductor.mtlx (9,51 Kb)
file lama_dielectric.mtlx (9,56 Kb)
file lama_diffuse.mtlx (2,49 Kb)
file lama_emission.mtlx (749 b)
file lama_layer.mtlx (1,69 Kb)
file lama_mix.mtlx (1,97 Kb)
file lama_sheen.mtlx (2,07 Kb)
file lama_sss.mtlx (6,69 Kb)
file lama_translucent.mtlx (2 Kb)
translation (1 файл)
file standard_surface_to_usd.mtlx (4,77 Kb)
file disney_brdf_2012.mtlx (1,01 Kb)
file disney_brdf_2015.mtlx (1,41 Kb)
file standard_surface.mtlx (24,63 Kb)
file usd_preview_surface.mtlx (16,26 Kb)
lights (2 файла)
genglsl (4 файла)
file lights_genglsl_impl.mtlx (663 b)
file mx_directional_light.glsl (181 b)
file mx_point_light.glsl (370 b)
file mx_spot_light.glsl (624 b)
file lights_defs.mtlx (2,38 Kb)
pbrlib (5 файлов)
genglsl (23 файла)
lib (9 файлов)
file mx_environment_fis.glsl (2,74 Kb)
file mx_environment_none.glsl (254 b)
file mx_environment_prefilter.glsl (997 b)
file mx_microfacet.glsl (2,26 Kb)
file mx_microfacet_diffuse.glsl (3,08 Kb)
file mx_microfacet_sheen.glsl (2,92 Kb)
file mx_microfacet_specular.glsl (13,33 Kb)
file mx_shadow.glsl (756 b)
file mx_table.glsl (434 b)
ogsfx (2 файла)
file mx_lighting_functions.glsl (3,88 Kb)
file mx_lighting_uniforms.glsl (11,1 Kb)
file mx_add_bsdf.glsl (338 b)
file mx_add_edf.glsl (94 b)
file mx_artistic_ior.glsl (573 b)
file mx_burley_diffuse_bsdf.glsl (1017 b)
file mx_conductor_bsdf.glsl (2,18 Kb)
file mx_dielectric_bsdf.glsl (3,93 Kb)
file mx_generalized_schlick_bsdf.glsl (3,61 Kb)
file mx_mix_bsdf.glsl (425 b)
file mx_mix_edf.glsl (123 b)
file mx_multiply_bsdf_color.glsl (422 b)
file mx_multiply_bsdf_float.glsl (425 b)
file mx_multiply_edf_color.glsl (106 b)
file mx_multiply_edf_float.glsl (107 b)
file mx_oren_nayar_diffuse_bsdf.glsl (935 b)
file mx_roughness_anisotropy.glsl (445 b)
file mx_roughness_dual.glsl (268 b)
file mx_sheen_bsdf.glsl (1,54 Kb)
file mx_subsurface_bsdf.glsl (1,01 Kb)
file mx_translucent_bsdf.glsl (859 b)
file mx_uniform_edf.glsl (88 b)
file pbrlib_genglsl_impl.mtlx (4,33 Kb)
genmdl (1 файл)
file pbrlib_genmdl_impl.mtlx (7,46 Kb)
genosl (23 файла)
arnold (5 файлов)
file mx_conductor_bsdf.osl (240 b)
file mx_dielectric_bsdf.osl (1,14 Kb)
file mx_generalized_schlick_bsdf.osl (1,2 Kb)
file mx_sheen_bsdf.osl (4 Kb)
file mx_subsurface_bsdf.osl (194 b)
lib (3 файла)
file mx_microfacet.osl (2,92 Kb)
file mx_microfacet_sheen.osl (549 b)
file mx_microfacet_specular.osl (4,13 Kb)
file mx_add.inline (25 b)
file mx_artistic_ior.osl (592 b)
file mx_burley_diffuse_bsdf.osl (207 b)
file mx_conductor_bsdf.osl (1,08 Kb)
file mx_dielectric_bsdf.osl (1,36 Kb)
file mx_displacement_float.osl (141 b)
file mx_displacement_vector3.osl (136 b)
file mx_generalized_schlick_bsdf.osl (1,34 Kb)
file mx_mix.inline (29 b)
file mx_multiply_bsdf.inline (35 b)
file mx_multiply_edf.inline (18 b)
file mx_oren_nayar_diffuse_bsdf.inline (63 b)
file mx_roughness_anisotropy.osl (451 b)
file mx_roughness_dual.osl (296 b)
file mx_sheen_bsdf.osl (814 b)
file mx_subsurface_bsdf.osl (243 b)
file mx_surface.osl (222 b)
file mx_translucent_bsdf.inline (49 b)
file mx_uniform_edf.inline (23 b)
file pbrlib_genosl_arnold_impl.mtlx (1,16 Kb)
file pbrlib_genosl_impl.mtlx (4,28 Kb)
file pbrlib_defs.mtlx (22,6 Kb)
file pbrlib_ng.mtlx (6,84 Kb)
stdlib (6 файлов)
genglsl (151 файл)
lib (7 файлов)
file mx_hsv.glsl (3,4 Kb)
file mx_math.glsl (159 b)
file mx_noise.glsl (10,72 Kb)
file mx_sampling.glsl (2,77 Kb)
file mx_transform_color.glsl (851 b)
file mx_transform_uv.glsl (116 b)
file mx_transform_uv_vflip.glsl (136 b)
file mx_aastep.glsl (200 b)
file mx_absval.inline (12 b)
file mx_acos.inline (13 b)
file mx_add.inline (18 b)
file mx_add_surfaceshader.glsl (241 b)
file mx_ap1_to_rec709_color3.glsl (151 b)
file mx_ap1_to_rec709_color4.glsl (168 b)
file mx_asin.inline (13 b)
file mx_atan2.inline (23 b)
file mx_burn_color3.glsl (266 b)
file mx_burn_color4.glsl (315 b)
file mx_burn_float.glsl (223 b)
file mx_ceil.inline (13 b)
file mx_cellnoise2d_float.glsl (152 b)
file mx_cellnoise3d_float.glsl (152 b)
file mx_clamp.inline (33 b)
file mx_constant.inline (10 b)
file mx_cos.inline (12 b)
file mx_crossproduct.inline (24 b)
file mx_determinant.inline (20 b)
file mx_difference.inline (56 b)
file mx_disjointover_color4.glsl (594 b)
file mx_divide.inline (18 b)
file mx_dodge.inline (57 b)
file mx_dodge_color3.glsl (271 b)
file mx_dodge_color4.glsl (323 b)
file mx_dodge_float.glsl (222 b)
file mx_dot.inline (7 b)
file mx_dotproduct.inline (22 b)
file mx_exp.inline (12 b)
file mx_floor.inline (14 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector2.glsl (290 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector3.glsl (287 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector4.glsl (390 b)
file mx_fractal3d_float.glsl (285 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector2.glsl (286 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector3.glsl (283 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector4.glsl (392 b)
file mx_g22_ap1_to_lin_rec709_color3.glsl (191 b)
file mx_g22_ap1_to_lin_rec709_color4.glsl (208 b)
file mx_gamma18_to_linear_color3.glsl (114 b)
file mx_gamma18_to_linear_color4.glsl (153 b)
file mx_gamma22_to_linear_color3.glsl (114 b)
file mx_gamma22_to_linear_color4.glsl (153 b)
file mx_gamma24_to_linear_color3.glsl (114 b)
file mx_gamma24_to_linear_color4.glsl (153 b)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color3.glsl (129 b)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color4.glsl (144 b)
file mx_image_color3.glsl (491 b)
file mx_image_color4.glsl (487 b)
file mx_image_float.glsl (490 b)
file mx_image_vector2.glsl (491 b)
file mx_image_vector3.glsl (492 b)
file mx_image_vector4.glsl (488 b)
file mx_in_color4.inline (57 b)
file mx_inside.inline (18 b)
file mx_invert.inline (20 b)
file mx_invertM.inline (16 b)
file mx_ln.inline (12 b)
file mx_luminance_color3.glsl (114 b)
file mx_luminance_color4.glsl (131 b)
file mx_magnitude.inline (15 b)
file mx_mask_color4.inline (57 b)
file mx_matte_color4.inline (132 b)
file mx_max.inline (22 b)
file mx_min.inline (22 b)
file mx_minus.inline (53 b)
file mx_mix.inline (29 b)
file mx_mix_surfaceshader.glsl (234 b)
file mx_modulo.inline (22 b)
file mx_multiply.inline (18 b)
file mx_multiply_surfaceshader_color3.glsl (211 b)
file mx_multiply_surfaceshader_float.glsl (225 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector2.glsl (230 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector3.glsl (227 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector4.glsl (294 b)
file mx_noise2d_float.glsl (225 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector2.glsl (226 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector3.glsl (223 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector4.glsl (290 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector2.glsl (230 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector3.glsl (227 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector4.glsl (298 b)
file mx_noise3d_float.glsl (225 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector2.glsl (226 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector3.glsl (223 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector4.glsl (294 b)
file mx_normalize.inline (18 b)
file mx_normalmap.glsl (432 b)
file mx_out_color2.inline (63 b)
file mx_out_color4.inline (63 b)
file mx_outside.inline (26 b)
file mx_over_color2.inline (70 b)
file mx_over_color4.inline (71 b)
file mx_overlay.glsl (596 b)
file mx_overlay_color3.glsl (172 b)
file mx_overlay_color4.glsl (172 b)
file mx_overlay_float.inline (139 b)
file mx_plus.inline (53 b)
file mx_power.inline (22 b)
file mx_power_color3_float.inline (28 b)
file mx_power_color4_float.inline (28 b)
file mx_power_vector2_float.inline (28 b)
file mx_power_vector3_float.inline (28 b)
file mx_power_vector4_float.inline (28 b)
file mx_premult_color4.glsl (97 b)
file mx_ramplr_float.glsl (151 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector2.glsl (150 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector3.glsl (150 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector4.glsl (150 b)
file mx_ramptb_float.glsl (151 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector2.glsl (150 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector3.glsl (150 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector4.glsl (150 b)
file mx_remap.inline (90 b)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color3.glsl (129 b)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color4.glsl (144 b)
file mx_rotate_vector2.glsl (249 b)
file mx_rotate_vector3.glsl (892 b)
file mx_screen.inline (77 b)
file mx_sign.inline (13 b)
file mx_sin.inline (12 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float.glsl (225 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec2.glsl (242 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec2FA.glsl (238 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec3.glsl (299 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec3FA.glsl (291 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec4.glsl (356 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vec4FA.glsl (344 b)
file mx_splitlr_float.glsl (208 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector2.glsl (207 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector3.glsl (207 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector4.glsl (207 b)
file mx_splittb_float.glsl (208 b)
file mx_splittb_vector2.glsl (207 b)
file mx_splittb_vector3.glsl (207 b)
file mx_splittb_vector4.glsl (207 b)
file mx_sqrt.inline (13 b)
file mx_srgb_texture_to_lin_rec709_color3.glsl (177 b)
file mx_srgb_texture_to_lin_rec709_color4.glsl (194 b)
file mx_subtract.inline (18 b)
file mx_tan.inline (12 b)
file mx_transformmatrix.inline (17 b)
file mx_transformmatrix_vector2M3.glsl (141 b)
file mx_transformmatrix_vector3M4.glsl (142 b)
file mx_transpose.inline (18 b)
file mx_unpremult_color4.glsl (99 b)
file stdlib_genglsl_cm_impl.mtlx (2,45 Kb)
file stdlib_genglsl_impl.mtlx (75,13 Kb)
file stdlib_genglsl_unit_impl.mtlx (881 b)
genmdl (3 файла)
file stdlib_genmdl_cm_impl.mtlx (2,03 Kb)
file stdlib_genmdl_impl.mtlx (85,07 Kb)
file stdlib_genmdl_unit_impl.mtlx (865 b)
genosl (158 файлов)
lib (4 файла)
file mx_sampling.osl (5,33 Kb)
file mx_transform_color.osl (834 b)
file mx_transform_uv.osl (67 b)
file mx_transform_uv_vflip.osl (96 b)
file mx_absval.inline (12 b)
file mx_acos.inline (13 b)
file mx_add.inline (25 b)
file mx_ambientocclusion_float.osl (183 b)
file mx_ap1_to_rec709_color3.osl (496 b)
file mx_ap1_to_rec709_color4.osl (538 b)
file mx_asin.inline (13 b)
file mx_atan2.inline (23 b)
file mx_bitangent_vector3.inline (27 b)
file mx_burn_color3.osl (267 b)
file mx_burn_color4.osl (352 b)
file mx_burn_float.osl (217 b)
file mx_ceil.inline (13 b)
file mx_cellnoise2d_float.osl (117 b)
file mx_cellnoise3d_float.osl (102 b)
file mx_clamp.inline (33 b)
file mx_constant.inline (10 b)
file mx_contrast.inline (40 b)
file mx_cos.inline (12 b)
file mx_crossproduct.inline (24 b)
file mx_determinant.inline (20 b)
file mx_difference.inline (56 b)
file mx_disjointover_color4.osl (578 b)
file mx_divide.inline (18 b)
file mx_dodge_color3.osl (272 b)
file mx_dodge_color4.osl (361 b)
file mx_dodge_float.osl (207 b)
file mx_dot.inline (7 b)
file mx_dotproduct.inline (22 b)
file mx_exp.inline (12 b)
file mx_floor.inline (14 b)
file mx_fractal3d_color3.osl (230 b)
file mx_fractal3d_color4.osl (283 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_color3.osl (232 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_color4.osl (234 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector2.osl (237 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector3.osl (235 b)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector4.osl (237 b)
file mx_fractal3d_float.osl (228 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector2.osl (236 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector3.osl (233 b)
file mx_fractal3d_vector4.osl (236 b)
file mx_frame_float.osl (80 b)
file mx_g22_ap1_to_lin_rec709_color3.osl (643 b)
file mx_g22_ap1_to_lin_rec709_color4.osl (718 b)
file mx_gamma18_to_linear_color3.osl (167 b)
file mx_gamma18_to_linear_color4.osl (194 b)
file mx_gamma22_to_linear_color3.osl (167 b)
file mx_gamma22_to_linear_color4.osl (194 b)
file mx_gamma24_to_linear_color3.osl (167 b)
file mx_gamma24_to_linear_color4.osl (194 b)
file mx_geomcolor_color3.osl (96 b)
file mx_geomcolor_color4.osl (231 b)
file mx_geomcolor_float.osl (95 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_boolean.osl (151 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_color3.osl (153 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_color4.osl (368 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_float.osl (174 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_integer.osl (151 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_string.osl (156 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector2.osl (266 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector3.osl (156 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector4.osl (318 b)
file mx_heighttonormal_vector3.osl (173 b)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color3.osl (105 b)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color4.osl (122 b)
file mx_image_color3.osl (708 b)
file mx_image_color4.osl (880 b)
file mx_image_float.osl (738 b)
file mx_image_vector2.osl (790 b)
file mx_image_vector3.osl (711 b)
file mx_image_vector4.osl (942 b)
file mx_in.inline (56 b)
file mx_inside.inline (18 b)
file mx_invert.inline (20 b)
file mx_invertM.inline (11 b)
file mx_ln.inline (12 b)
file mx_luminance_color3.osl (112 b)
file mx_luminance_color4.osl (132 b)
file mx_magnitude.inline (15 b)
file mx_mask.inline (57 b)
file mx_matte_color4.inline (132 b)
file mx_max.inline (22 b)
file mx_min.inline (22 b)
file mx_minus.inline (53 b)
file mx_mix.inline (29 b)
file mx_modulo.inline (22 b)
file mx_modulo_color3FA.inline (45 b)
file mx_modulo_vector3FA.inline (46 b)
file mx_multiply.inline (18 b)
file mx_noise2d_color3.osl (196 b)
file mx_noise2d_color4.osl (255 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_color3.osl (198 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_color4.osl (200 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector2.osl (203 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector3.osl (201 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector4.osl (203 b)
file mx_noise2d_float.osl (194 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector2.osl (202 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector3.osl (199 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector4.osl (202 b)
file mx_noise3d_color3.osl (181 b)
file mx_noise3d_color4.osl (234 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_color3.osl (183 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_color4.osl (185 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector2.osl (188 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector3.osl (186 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector4.osl (188 b)
file mx_noise3d_float.osl (179 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector2.osl (187 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector3.osl (184 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector4.osl (187 b)
file mx_normal_vector3.inline (24 b)
file mx_normalize.inline (18 b)
file mx_normalmap.osl (511 b)
file mx_out.inline (62 b)
file mx_outside.inline (26 b)
file mx_over.inline (70 b)
file mx_overlay.inline (139 b)
file mx_overlay_color3.osl (390 b)
file mx_overlay_color4.osl (518 b)
file mx_plus.inline (53 b)
file mx_position_vector3.inline (24 b)
file mx_power.inline (22 b)
file mx_premult_color4.osl (102 b)
file mx_ramplr.inline (57 b)
file mx_ramptb.inline (57 b)
file mx_remap.inline (65 b)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color3.osl (105 b)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color4.osl (122 b)
file mx_rotate_vector2.osl (261 b)
file mx_rotate_vector3.osl (1,04 Kb)
file mx_screen.inline (75 b)
file mx_sign.inline (13 b)
file mx_sin.inline (12 b)
file mx_smoothstep.inline (37 b)
file mx_splitlr.inline (64 b)
file mx_splittb.inline (64 b)
file mx_sqrt.inline (13 b)
file mx_srgb_texture_to_lin_rec709_color3.osl (180 b)
file mx_srgb_texture_to_lin_rec709_color4.osl (201 b)
file mx_subtract.inline (25 b)
file mx_tan.inline (12 b)
file mx_tangent_vector3.inline (27 b)
file mx_texcoord_vector2.inline (13 b)
file mx_texcoord_vector3.inline (13 b)
file mx_time_float.osl (136 b)
file mx_transformmatrix.inline (27 b)
file mx_transformmatrix_vector2M3.osl (186 b)
file mx_transformnormal.inline (54 b)
file mx_transformpoint.inline (53 b)
file mx_transformvector.inline (46 b)
file mx_transpose.inline (18 b)
file mx_unpremult_color4.osl (104 b)
file stdlib_genosl_cm_impl.mtlx (2,4 Kb)
file stdlib_genosl_impl.mtlx (73,65 Kb)
file stdlib_genosl_unit_impl.mtlx (865 b)
osl (524 файла)
file README.md (529 b)
file color4.h (5,66 Kb)
file matrix33.h (2,63 Kb)
file mx_absval_color.osl (459 b)
file mx_absval_color4.osl (494 b)
file mx_absval_float.osl (459 b)
file mx_absval_vector.osl (462 b)
file mx_absval_vector2.osl (473 b)
file mx_absval_vector4.osl (481 b)
file mx_acos_color.osl (408 b)
file mx_acos_color4.osl (444 b)
file mx_acos_float.osl (408 b)
file mx_acos_vector.osl (412 b)
file mx_acos_vector2.osl (424 b)
file mx_acos_vector4.osl (432 b)
file mx_add_color.osl (457 b)
file mx_add_color4.osl (510 b)
file mx_add_float.osl (457 b)
file mx_add_float_color.osl (464 b)
file mx_add_float_color4.osl (500 b)
file mx_add_float_matrix33.osl (488 b)
file mx_add_float_matrix44.osl (488 b)
file mx_add_float_vector.osl (468 b)
file mx_add_float_vector2.osl (480 b)
file mx_add_float_vector4.osl (488 b)
file mx_add_matrix33.osl (490 b)
file mx_add_matrix44.osl (490 b)
file mx_add_surfaceshader.osl (497 b)
file mx_add_vector.osl (462 b)
file mx_add_vector2.osl (479 b)
file mx_add_vector4.osl (491 b)
file mx_ambientocclusion_float.osl (585 b)
file mx_asin_color.osl (408 b)
file mx_asin_color4.osl (444 b)
file mx_asin_float.osl (408 b)
file mx_asin_vector.osl (412 b)
file mx_asin_vector2.osl (424 b)
file mx_asin_vector4.osl (432 b)
file mx_atan2_color.osl (444 b)
file mx_atan2_color4.osl (497 b)
file mx_atan2_float.osl (444 b)
file mx_atan2_float_color.osl (452 b)
file mx_atan2_float_color4.osl (488 b)
file mx_atan2_float_vector.osl (456 b)
file mx_atan2_float_vector2.osl (468 b)
file mx_atan2_float_vector4.osl (476 b)
file mx_atan2_vector.osl (449 b)
file mx_atan2_vector2.osl (466 b)
file mx_atan2_vector4.osl (478 b)
file mx_bitangent_vector.osl (486 b)
file mx_blur_color.osl (507 b)
file mx_blur_color4.osl (542 b)
file mx_blur_float.osl (507 b)
file mx_blur_vector.osl (510 b)
file mx_blur_vector2.osl (521 b)
file mx_blur_vector4.osl (529 b)
file mx_burn_color.osl (512 b)
file mx_burn_color4.osl (565 b)
file mx_burn_float.osl (512 b)
file mx_ceil_color.osl (463 b)
file mx_ceil_color4.osl (499 b)
file mx_ceil_float.osl (463 b)
file mx_ceil_vector.osl (467 b)
file mx_ceil_vector2.osl (479 b)
file mx_ceil_vector4.osl (487 b)
file mx_cellnoise2d_float.osl (552 b)
file mx_cellnoise3d_float.osl (581 b)
file mx_clamp_color.osl (505 b)
file mx_clamp_color4.osl (575 b)
file mx_clamp_float.osl (505 b)
file mx_clamp_float_color.osl (515 b)
file mx_clamp_float_color4.osl (551 b)
file mx_clamp_float_vector.osl (519 b)
file mx_clamp_float_vector2.osl (531 b)
file mx_clamp_float_vector4.osl (539 b)
file mx_clamp_vector.osl (511 b)
file mx_clamp_vector2.osl (533 b)
file mx_clamp_vector4.osl (549 b)
file mx_combine2_vector2.osl (636 b)
file mx_combine3_color.osl (628 b)
file mx_combine3_vector.osl (630 b)
file mx_combine4_color4.osl (646 b)
file mx_combine4_vector4.osl (640 b)
file mx_combine_cf_color4.osl (607 b)
file mx_combine_vf_vector4.osl (648 b)
file mx_combine_vv_vector4.osl (658 b)
file mx_compare_color.osl (808 b)
file mx_compare_color4.osl (860 b)
file mx_compare_float.osl (808 b)
file mx_compare_vector.osl (812 b)
file mx_compare_vector2.osl (828 b)
file mx_compare_vector4.osl (840 b)
file mx_constant_bool.osl (404 b)
file mx_constant_color.osl (409 b)
file mx_constant_color4.osl (444 b)
file mx_constant_filename.osl (430 b)
file mx_constant_float.osl (409 b)
file mx_constant_int.osl (403 b)
file mx_constant_matrix33.osl (430 b)
file mx_constant_matrix44.osl (430 b)
file mx_constant_string.osl (428 b)
file mx_constant_vector.osl (412 b)
file mx_constant_vector2.osl (423 b)
file mx_constant_vector4.osl (431 b)
file mx_cos_color.osl (405 b)
file mx_cos_color4.osl (441 b)
file mx_cos_float.osl (405 b)
file mx_cos_vector.osl (409 b)
file mx_cos_vector2.osl (421 b)
file mx_cos_vector4.osl (429 b)
file mx_crossproduct_vector.osl (470 b)
file mx_determinant_matrix33.osl (457 b)
file mx_determinant_matrix44.osl (457 b)
file mx_disjointover_color4.osl (948 b)
file mx_divide_color.osl (467 b)
file mx_divide_color4.osl (520 b)
file mx_divide_float.osl (467 b)
file mx_divide_float_color.osl (480 b)
file mx_divide_float_color4.osl (516 b)
file mx_divide_float_matrix33.osl (504 b)
file mx_divide_float_matrix44.osl (504 b)
file mx_divide_float_vector.osl (484 b)
file mx_divide_float_vector2.osl (496 b)
file mx_divide_float_vector4.osl (504 b)
file mx_divide_matrix33.osl (533 b)
file mx_divide_matrix44.osl (533 b)
file mx_divide_vector.osl (472 b)
file mx_divide_vector2.osl (489 b)
file mx_divide_vector4.osl (501 b)
file mx_dodge_color.osl (505 b)
file mx_dodge_color4.osl (558 b)
file mx_dodge_float.osl (505 b)
file mx_dot_bool.osl (394 b)
file mx_dot_color.osl (400 b)
file mx_dot_color4.osl (436 b)
file mx_dot_displacementshader.osl (451 b)
file mx_dot_filename.osl (424 b)
file mx_dot_float.osl (400 b)
file mx_dot_int.osl (392 b)
file mx_dot_lightshader.osl (414 b)
file mx_dot_matrix33.osl (424 b)
file mx_dot_matrix44.osl (424 b)
file mx_dot_string.osl (420 b)
file mx_dot_surfaceshader.osl (432 b)
file mx_dot_vector.osl (404 b)
file mx_dot_vector2.osl (416 b)
file mx_dot_vector4.osl (424 b)
file mx_dot_volumeshader.osl (429 b)
file mx_dotproduct_vector.osl (484 b)
file mx_dotproduct_vector2.osl (496 b)
file mx_dotproduct_vector4.osl (504 b)
file mx_exp_color.osl (400 b)
file mx_exp_color4.osl (436 b)
file mx_exp_float.osl (400 b)
file mx_exp_vector.osl (404 b)
file mx_exp_vector2.osl (416 b)
file mx_exp_vector4.osl (424 b)
file mx_exponent_float.osl (504 b)
file mx_exponent_vector.osl (509 b)
file mx_exponent_vector2.osl (526 b)
file mx_exponent_vector4.osl (538 b)
file mx_extract_color.osl (482 b)
file mx_extract_color4.osl (500 b)
file mx_extract_vector.osl (484 b)
file mx_extract_vector2.osl (490 b)
file mx_extract_vector4.osl (494 b)
file mx_floor_color.osl (464 b)
file mx_floor_color4.osl (500 b)
file mx_floor_float.osl (464 b)
file mx_floor_vector.osl (468 b)
file mx_floor_vector2.osl (480 b)
file mx_floor_vector4.osl (488 b)
file mx_fractal3d_color.osl (1,07 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_color4.osl (1,1 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_color.osl (1,08 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_color4.osl (1,1 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector.osl (1,08 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector2.osl (1,09 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_fa_vector4.osl (1,09 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_float.osl (1,07 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_vector.osl (1,07 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_vector2.osl (1,08 Kb)
file mx_fractal3d_vector4.osl (1,09 Kb)
file mx_frame_float.osl (447 b)
file mx_funcs.h (21,78 Kb)
file mx_geomcolor_color.osl (438 b)
file mx_geomcolor_color4.osl (456 b)
file mx_geomcolor_float.osl (438 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_bool.osl (521 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_color.osl (526 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_color4.osl (561 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_float.osl (526 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_int.osl (520 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_string.osl (539 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector.osl (529 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector2.osl (540 b)
file mx_geompropvalue_vector4.osl (548 b)
file mx_heighttonormal_vector.osl (545 b)
file mx_hsvadjust_color.osl (1,05 Kb)
file mx_hsvadjust_color4.osl (1,09 Kb)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color.osl (486 b)
file mx_hsvtorgb_color4.osl (520 b)
file mx_hueshift_color.osl (933 b)
file mx_hueshift_color4.osl (968 b)
file mx_image_color.osl (1,64 Kb)
file mx_image_color4.osl (1,67 Kb)
file mx_image_float.osl (1,64 Kb)
file mx_image_vector.osl (1,64 Kb)
file mx_image_vector2.osl (1,65 Kb)
file mx_image_vector4.osl (1,66 Kb)
file mx_in_color4.osl (621 b)
file mx_inside_color.osl (564 b)
file mx_inside_color4.osl (600 b)
file mx_inside_float.osl (564 b)
file mx_invert_color.osl (496 b)
file mx_invert_color4.osl (549 b)
file mx_invert_float.osl (496 b)
file mx_invert_float_color.osl (504 b)
file mx_invert_float_color4.osl (540 b)
file mx_invert_float_vector.osl (508 b)
file mx_invert_float_vector2.osl (520 b)
file mx_invert_float_vector4.osl (528 b)
file mx_invert_vector.osl (501 b)
file mx_invert_vector2.osl (518 b)
file mx_invert_vector4.osl (530 b)
file mx_ln_color.osl (403 b)
file mx_ln_color4.osl (439 b)
file mx_ln_float.osl (403 b)
file mx_ln_vector.osl (407 b)
file mx_ln_vector2.osl (419 b)
file mx_ln_vector4.osl (427 b)
file mx_luminance_color.osl (872 b)
file mx_luminance_color4.osl (907 b)
file mx_magnitude_vector.osl (484 b)
file mx_magnitude_vector2.osl (491 b)
file mx_magnitude_vector4.osl (495 b)
file mx_mask_color4.osl (623 b)
file mx_matrix_invert_matrix33.osl (438 b)
file mx_matrix_invert_matrix44.osl (438 b)
file mx_matte_color4.osl (789 b)
file mx_max_color.osl (467 b)
file mx_max_color4.osl (520 b)
file mx_max_float.osl (467 b)
file mx_max_float_color.osl (474 b)
file mx_max_float_color4.osl (510 b)
file mx_max_float_vector.osl (478 b)
file mx_max_float_vector2.osl (490 b)
file mx_max_float_vector4.osl (498 b)
file mx_max_vector.osl (472 b)
file mx_max_vector2.osl (489 b)
file mx_max_vector4.osl (501 b)
file mx_min_color.osl (466 b)
file mx_min_color4.osl (519 b)
file mx_min_float.osl (466 b)
file mx_min_float_color.osl (474 b)
file mx_min_float_color4.osl (510 b)
file mx_min_float_vector.osl (478 b)
file mx_min_float_vector2.osl (490 b)
file mx_min_float_vector4.osl (498 b)
file mx_min_vector.osl (471 b)
file mx_min_vector2.osl (488 b)
file mx_min_vector4.osl (500 b)
file mx_mix_color.osl (512 b)
file mx_mix_color4.osl (565 b)
file mx_mix_float.osl (512 b)
file mx_mix_surfaceshader.osl (552 b)
file mx_mix_vector.osl (517 b)
file mx_mix_vector2.osl (534 b)
file mx_mix_vector4.osl (546 b)
file mx_modulo_color.osl (634 b)
file mx_modulo_color4.osl (687 b)
file mx_modulo_float.osl (634 b)
file mx_modulo_float_color.osl (642 b)
file mx_modulo_float_color4.osl (678 b)
file mx_modulo_float_vector.osl (646 b)
file mx_modulo_float_vector2.osl (658 b)
file mx_modulo_float_vector4.osl (666 b)
file mx_modulo_vector.osl (639 b)
file mx_modulo_vector2.osl (656 b)
file mx_modulo_vector4.osl (668 b)
file mx_mult_surfaceshader_color.osl (475 b)
file mx_mult_surfaceshader_float.osl (475 b)
file mx_multiply_color.osl (444 b)
file mx_multiply_color4.osl (497 b)
file mx_multiply_float.osl (444 b)
file mx_multiply_float_color.osl (453 b)
file mx_multiply_float_color4.osl (489 b)
file mx_multiply_float_matrix33.osl (477 b)
file mx_multiply_float_matrix44.osl (477 b)
file mx_multiply_float_vector.osl (457 b)
file mx_multiply_float_vector2.osl (469 b)
file mx_multiply_float_vector4.osl (477 b)
file mx_multiply_matrix33.osl (510 b)
file mx_multiply_matrix44.osl (510 b)
file mx_multiply_vector.osl (449 b)
file mx_multiply_vector2.osl (466 b)
file mx_multiply_vector4.osl (478 b)
file mx_noise2d_color.osl (804 b)
file mx_noise2d_color4.osl (839 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_color.osl (844 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_color4.osl (863 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector.osl (847 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector2.osl (854 b)
file mx_noise2d_fa_vector4.osl (858 b)
file mx_noise2d_float.osl (804 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector.osl (807 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector2.osl (818 b)
file mx_noise2d_vector4.osl (826 b)
file mx_noise3d_color.osl (838 b)
file mx_noise3d_color4.osl (873 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_color.osl (882 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_color4.osl (901 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector.osl (885 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector2.osl (892 b)
file mx_noise3d_fa_vector4.osl (896 b)
file mx_noise3d_float.osl (838 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector.osl (841 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector2.osl (852 b)
file mx_noise3d_vector4.osl (860 b)
file mx_normal_vector.osl (449 b)
file mx_normalize_vector.osl (477 b)
file mx_normalize_vector2.osl (489 b)
file mx_normalize_vector4.osl (497 b)
file mx_out_color4.osl (636 b)
file mx_outside_color.osl (579 b)
file mx_outside_color4.osl (615 b)
file mx_outside_float.osl (579 b)
file mx_over_color4.osl (646 b)
file mx_overlay_color.osl (849 b)
file mx_overlay_color4.osl (902 b)
file mx_overlay_float.osl (849 b)
file mx_position_vector.osl (441 b)
file mx_power_color.osl (496 b)
file mx_power_color4.osl (549 b)
file mx_power_float.osl (496 b)
file mx_power_float_color.osl (504 b)
file mx_power_float_color4.osl (540 b)
file mx_power_float_vector.osl (508 b)
file mx_power_float_vector2.osl (520 b)
file mx_power_float_vector4.osl (528 b)
file mx_power_vector.osl (501 b)
file mx_power_vector2.osl (518 b)
file mx_power_vector4.osl (530 b)
file mx_premult_color.osl (759 b)
file mx_premult_color4.osl (795 b)
file mx_ramp4_color.osl (1,06 Kb)
file mx_ramp4_color4.osl (1,15 Kb)
file mx_ramp4_float.osl (1,06 Kb)
file mx_ramp4_vector.osl (1,07 Kb)
file mx_ramp4_vector2.osl (1,09 Kb)
file mx_ramp4_vector4.osl (1,11 Kb)
file mx_ramplr_color.osl (755 b)
file mx_ramplr_color4.osl (807 b)
file mx_ramplr_float.osl (755 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector.osl (759 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector2.osl (775 b)
file mx_ramplr_vector4.osl (787 b)
file mx_ramptb_color.osl (740 b)
file mx_ramptb_color4.osl (792 b)
file mx_ramptb_float.osl (740 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector.osl (744 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector2.osl (760 b)
file mx_ramptb_vector4.osl (772 b)
file mx_remap_color.osl (1,05 Kb)
file mx_remap_color4.osl (1,13 Kb)
file mx_remap_float.osl (1,05 Kb)
file mx_remap_float_color.osl (837 b)
file mx_remap_float_color4.osl (873 b)
file mx_remap_float_vector.osl (841 b)
file mx_remap_float_vector2.osl (853 b)
file mx_remap_float_vector4.osl (861 b)
file mx_remap_vector.osl (1,05 Kb)
file mx_remap_vector2.osl (1,08 Kb)
file mx_remap_vector4.osl (1,1 Kb)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color.osl (486 b)
file mx_rgbtohsv_color4.osl (520 b)
file mx_rotate2d_vector2.osl (604 b)
file mx_rotate_vector.osl (679 b)
file mx_rotate_vector2.osl (690 b)
file mx_scale_vector.osl (560 b)
file mx_scale_vector2.osl (584 b)
file mx_screen_color.osl (522 b)
file mx_screen_color4.osl (575 b)
file mx_screen_float.osl (522 b)
file mx_separate_color.osl (1,46 Kb)
file mx_separate_color4.osl (1,47 Kb)
file mx_separate_vector.osl (1,46 Kb)
file mx_separate_vector2.osl (1,46 Kb)
file mx_separate_vector4.osl (1,47 Kb)
file mx_sign_color.osl (408 b)
file mx_sign_color4.osl (444 b)
file mx_sign_float.osl (408 b)
file mx_sign_vector.osl (412 b)
file mx_sign_vector2.osl (424 b)
file mx_sign_vector4.osl (432 b)
file mx_sin_color.osl (405 b)
file mx_sin_color4.osl (441 b)
file mx_sin_float.osl (405 b)
file mx_sin_vector.osl (409 b)
file mx_sin_vector2.osl (421 b)
file mx_sin_vector4.osl (429 b)
file mx_smoothstep_color.osl (764 b)
file mx_smoothstep_color4.osl (833 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float.osl (764 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float_color.osl (770 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float_color4.osl (805 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float_vector.osl (773 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float_vector2.osl (784 b)
file mx_smoothstep_float_vector4.osl (792 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vector.osl (769 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vector2.osl (790 b)
file mx_smoothstep_vector4.osl (806 b)
file mx_splitlr_color.osl (794 b)
file mx_splitlr_color4.osl (846 b)
file mx_splitlr_float.osl (794 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector.osl (798 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector2.osl (814 b)
file mx_splitlr_vector4.osl (826 b)
file mx_splittb_color.osl (782 b)
file mx_splittb_color4.osl (834 b)
file mx_splittb_float.osl (782 b)
file mx_splittb_vector.osl (786 b)
file mx_splittb_vector2.osl (802 b)
file mx_splittb_vector4.osl (814 b)
file mx_sqrt_color.osl (408 b)
file mx_sqrt_color4.osl (444 b)
file mx_sqrt_float.osl (408 b)
file mx_sqrt_vector.osl (412 b)
file mx_sqrt_vector2.osl (424 b)
file mx_sqrt_vector4.osl (432 b)
file mx_subtract_color.osl (469 b)
file mx_subtract_color4.osl (522 b)
file mx_subtract_float.osl (469 b)
file mx_subtract_float_color.osl (475 b)
file mx_subtract_float_color4.osl (511 b)
file mx_subtract_float_matrix33.osl (499 b)
file mx_subtract_float_matrix44.osl (499 b)
file mx_subtract_float_vector.osl (479 b)
file mx_subtract_float_vector2.osl (491 b)
file mx_subtract_float_vector4.osl (499 b)
file mx_subtract_matrix33.osl (502 b)
file mx_subtract_matrix44.osl (502 b)
file mx_subtract_vector.osl (474 b)
file mx_subtract_vector2.osl (491 b)
file mx_subtract_vector4.osl (503 b)
file mx_switch_color.osl (878 b)
file mx_switch_color4.osl (981 b)
file mx_switch_float.osl (878 b)
file mx_switch_vector.osl (885 b)
file mx_switch_vector2.osl (916 b)
file mx_switch_vector4.osl (940 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_color.osl (650 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_color4.osl (669 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_float.osl (650 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_vector.osl (653 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_vector2.osl (660 b)
file mx_swizzle_color4_vector4.osl (664 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_color.osl (604 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_color4.osl (623 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_float.osl (604 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_vector.osl (607 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_vector2.osl (614 b)
file mx_swizzle_color_vector4.osl (618 b)
file mx_swizzle_float_color.osl (611 b)
file mx_swizzle_float_color4.osl (630 b)
file mx_swizzle_float_vector.osl (614 b)
file mx_swizzle_float_vector2.osl (621 b)
file mx_swizzle_float_vector4.osl (625 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_color.osl (590 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_color4.osl (609 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_float.osl (590 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_vector.osl (593 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_vector2.osl (600 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector2_vector4.osl (604 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_color.osl (637 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_color4.osl (656 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_float.osl (637 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_vector.osl (640 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_vector2.osl (647 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector4_vector4.osl (651 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_color.osl (606 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_color4.osl (625 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_float.osl (606 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_vector.osl (609 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_vector2.osl (616 b)
file mx_swizzle_vector_vector4.osl (620 b)
file mx_tan_color.osl (405 b)
file mx_tan_color4.osl (441 b)
file mx_tan_float.osl (405 b)
file mx_tan_vector.osl (409 b)
file mx_tan_vector2.osl (421 b)
file mx_tan_vector4.osl (429 b)
file mx_tangent_vector.osl (450 b)
file mx_texcoord_vector.osl (550 b)
file mx_texcoord_vector2.osl (556 b)
file mx_tiledimage_color.osl (1,56 Kb)
file mx_tiledimage_color4.osl (1,59 Kb)
file mx_tiledimage_float.osl (1,56 Kb)
file mx_tiledimage_vector.osl (1,56 Kb)
file mx_tiledimage_vector2.osl (1,57 Kb)
file mx_tiledimage_vector4.osl (1,58 Kb)
file mx_time_float.osl (448 b)
file mx_transformnormal_vector.osl (883 b)
file mx_transformnormal_vector4.osl (901 b)
file mx_transformpoint_vector.osl (881 b)
file mx_transformpoint_vector4.osl (899 b)
file mx_transformvector_vector.osl (883 b)
file mx_transformvector_vector4.osl (901 b)
file mx_transpose_matrix33.osl (460 b)
file mx_transpose_matrix44.osl (460 b)
file mx_triplanarprojection_color.osl (2,63 Kb)
file mx_triplanarprojection_color4.osl (2,67 Kb)
file mx_triplanarprojection_float.osl (2,63 Kb)
file mx_triplanarprojection_vector.osl (2,63 Kb)
file mx_triplanarprojection_vector2.osl (2,65 Kb)
file mx_triplanarprojection_vector4.osl (2,65 Kb)
file mx_unpremult_color.osl (805 b)
file mx_unpremult_color4.osl (841 b)
file mx_viewdirection_vector.osl (384 b)
file oslutil.h (6,45 Kb)
file stdlib_osl_impl.mtlx (89,46 Kb)
file stdosl.h (36,47 Kb)
file vector2.h (5,38 Kb)
file vector4.h (8,34 Kb)
file stdlib_defs.mtlx (215,02 Kb)
file stdlib_ng.mtlx (102,8 Kb)
targets (7 файлов)
file arnold.mtlx (514 b)
file essl.mtlx (514 b)
file genglsl.mtlx (499 b)
file genmdl.mtlx (498 b)
file genosl.mtlx (498 b)
file ogsfx.mtlx (514 b)
file ogsxml.mtlx (515 b)
file README.md (4,9 Kb)
MsiKeyFile (77 файлов)
file MsiKeyFile_ANNOMONITOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ARRAYCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ARRAYEDITSTATE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_ASMRESTORE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_AUDITXREFSYMB.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_BLOCKMRULIST.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_BLOCKREDEFINEMODE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTEREXE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTSCALE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERLTYPEFILE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CENTERMARKEXE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CenterCrossGap.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_CenterCrossSize.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_DESIGNFEEDDWGID.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_DIMLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_EXPORTMODELSPACE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_EXPORTPAGESETUP.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_EXPORTPAPERSPACE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_FILLETPOLYARC.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_FILLETRAD3D.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_FRAME.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HATCHCREATION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPBACKGROUNDCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_HPTRANSPARENCY.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCOLOR.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCONNECTSEG.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTCONNECTSEGM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTMAXPOINTS.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTOUTPUTLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTOUTPUTTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTPREVIEW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_LINEEXTRACTTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_MESHTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_MIRRHATCH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLIGHTING.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLIGHTSOURCE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDLOD.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDPOINTSIZE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDSHADING.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_POINTCLOUDVISRETAIN.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGEANONBLOCKS.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGESYSTEM.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_PURGEXREF.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_REFPATHTYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_REVCLOUDAPPROXARCLEN.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMAUTOPREFIX.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMEXT.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SDIMPREFERALIGNED.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SECTIONOFFSETINC.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SECTIONTHICKNESSINC.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_SKTOLERANCE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_TEXTJUSTIFY.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_TEXTLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VISRETAINMODE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATUREHIGH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATURELOW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSACURVATURETYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSADRAFTANGLEHIGH.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSADRAFTANGLELOW.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRACOLOR1.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRACOLOR2.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRADIRECTION.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRASIZE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_VSAZEBRATYPE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_WIPEOUTFRAME.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFLAYER.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFOVERRIDE.dll (10,34 Kb)
file MsiKeyFile_XREFREGAPPCTL.dll (10,34 Kb)
pl-PL (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (29,67 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (191,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (360,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (106,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (16,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (51,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (18,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (75,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (31,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (47,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (89,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (46,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (83,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (47,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,28 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (254,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (24,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (25,67 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,33 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (70,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (78,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (278,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (54,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
plk (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
PointCloudEffects (1 файл)
Shaders (3 файла)
DX9 (2 файла)
file PointCloudStylization.fx (37,48 Kb)
file SimplePointCloud.fx (2,34 Kb)
DX10 (3 файла)
file PointCloudOcclusion10.fx (4,48 Kb)
file PointCloudStylization10.fx (52,88 Kb)
file SimplePointCloud10.fx (5,16 Kb)
DX11 (2 файла)
file PointCloudStylization11.fx (52,9 Kb)
file SimplePointCloud11.fx (5,16 Kb)
ProxyPages (14 файлов)
chs (1 файл)
file proxypage-chs.xps (131,1 Kb)
cht (1 файл)
file proxypage-cht.xps (146,58 Kb)
csy (1 файл)
file proxypage-csy.xps (96,14 Kb)
deu (1 файл)
file proxypage-deu.xps (96,89 Kb)
enu (1 файл)
file proxypage-enu.xps (92,6 Kb)
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file proxypage-esp.xps (93,72 Kb)
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file proxypage-fra.xps (123,44 Kb)
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file proxypage-hun.xps (94,78 Kb)
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file proxypage-ita.xps (94,11 Kb)
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file proxypage-jpn.xps (119,36 Kb)
kor (1 файл)
file proxypage-kor.xps (104,91 Kb)
plk (1 файл)
file proxypage-plk.xps (95,77 Kb)
ptb (1 файл)
file proxypage-ptb.xps (96,32 Kb)
rus (1 файл)
file proxypage-rus.xps (100,96 Kb)
pt-BR (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (30,17 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (194,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (361,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (108,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (51,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (74,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (33,17 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (47,67 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (92,67 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (28,17 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (17,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (47,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (85,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (48,67 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,28 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (26,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (21,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (254,67 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (25,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (26,17 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,34 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (69,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (80,67 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (278,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (53,67 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (11,17 Kb)
ptb (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
ru-RU (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (29,67 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (191,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (359,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (106,17 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (61,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (37,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (18,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (18,17 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (72,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (19,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (45,67 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (89,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (27,17 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (18,67 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (45,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,67 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (84,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (26,67 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (48,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,28 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (25,67 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (14,17 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (253,67 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (24,67 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (25,17 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,33 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (68,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (78,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (278,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (52,67 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (10,67 Kb)
rus (1 файл)
file InvDWGShellExtensionRes.dll (11,2 Kb)
schema (94 файла)
file sch_0_15.sch_txt (13,29 Kb)
file sch_10002.sch_txt (28,52 Kb)
file sch_10004.sch_txt (28,57 Kb)
file sch_100_1000.sch_txt (13,33 Kb)
file sch_10100.sch_txt (28,88 Kb)
file sch_1022.sch_txt (16,82 Kb)
file sch_11003.sch_txt (28,95 Kb)
file sch_11004.sch_txt (28,95 Kb)
file sch_110_0.sch_txt (13,34 Kb)
file sch_12006.sch_txt (29,38 Kb)
file sch_120_0.sch_txt (13,34 Kb)
file sch_12102.sch_txt (29,44 Kb)
file sch_12103.sch_txt (29,52 Kb)
file sch_13005.sch_txt (29,52 Kb)
file sch_13006.sch_txt (29,54 Kb)
file sch_130_0.sch_txt (13,34 Kb)
file sch_14000.sch_txt (29,57 Kb)
file sch_140_0.sch_txt (13,34 Kb)
file sch_15003.sch_txt (29,68 Kb)
file sch_15102.sch_txt (29,95 Kb)
file sch_16002.sch_txt (30,04 Kb)
file sch_16003.sch_txt (30,06 Kb)
file sch_16004.sch_txt (30,13 Kb)
file sch_16100.sch_txt (30,3 Kb)
file sch_17104.sch_txt (30,93 Kb)
file sch_17105.sch_txt (31,23 Kb)
file sch_17106.sch_txt (31,16 Kb)
file sch_18005.sch_txt (31,48 Kb)
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file sch_18106.sch_txt (31,81 Kb)
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file sch_19008.sch_txt (32,25 Kb)
file sch_20000.sch_txt (32,46 Kb)
file sch_200_1009.sch_txt (15,82 Kb)
file sch_200_1010.sch_txt (15,86 Kb)
file sch_200_1011.sch_txt (15,92 Kb)
file sch_200_1012.sch_txt (15,92 Kb)
file sch_210_1012.sch_txt (15,92 Kb)
file sch_25000.sch_txt (33,25 Kb)
file sch_25001.sch_txt (33,12 Kb)
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file sch_26104.sch_txt (34,02 Kb)
file sch_26105.sch_txt (34,04 Kb)
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file sch_28101.sch_txt (35,78 Kb)
file sch_3000.sch_txt (16,82 Kb)
file sch_30000.sch_txt (36,03 Kb)
file sch_300_1022.sch_txt (16,82 Kb)
file sch_30100.sch_txt (37,3 Kb)
file sch_31001.sch_txt (37,51 Kb)
file sch_31100.sch_txt (38,24 Kb)
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file sch_33101.sch_txt (39,73 Kb)
file sch_33103.sch_txt (39,88 Kb)
file sch_4011.sch_txt (17,83 Kb)
file sch_4022.sch_txt (19,01 Kb)
file sch_4030.sch_txt (19,3 Kb)
file sch_4031.sch_txt (19,29 Kb)
file sch_4032.sch_txt (19,29 Kb)
file sch_4035.sch_txt (19,31 Kb)
file sch_4039.sch_txt (19,38 Kb)
file sch_5015.sch_txt (21,78 Kb)
file sch_5021.sch_txt (22,7 Kb)
file sch_5030.sch_txt (22,36 Kb)
file sch_5031.sch_txt (22,36 Kb)
file sch_5032.sch_txt (22,38 Kb)
file sch_5033.sch_txt (22,54 Kb)
file sch_5041.sch_txt (21,81 Kb)
file sch_5049.sch_txt (22,77 Kb)
file sch_5050.sch_txt (22,8 Kb)
file sch_5051.sch_txt (22,69 Kb)
file sch_5053.sch_txt (22,72 Kb)
file sch_5054.sch_txt (22,66 Kb)
file sch_5056.sch_txt (22,76 Kb)
file sch_5057.sch_txt (22,76 Kb)
file sch_5058.sch_txt (22,66 Kb)
file sch_5059.sch_txt (22,66 Kb)
file sch_6020.sch_txt (25,62 Kb)
file sch_6021.sch_txt (25,64 Kb)
file sch_7002.sch_txt (25,59 Kb)
file sch_7007.sch_txt (25,46 Kb)
file sch_7014.sch_txt (27,33 Kb)
file sch_7015.sch_txt (27,24 Kb)
file sch_7016.sch_txt (26,95 Kb)
file sch_8000.sch_txt (26,5 Kb)
file sch_8002.sch_txt (26,53 Kb)
file sch_8005.sch_txt (26,63 Kb)
file sch_8008.sch_txt (26,86 Kb)
file sch_8101.sch_txt (27,1 Kb)
file sch_9001.sch_txt (27,16 Kb)
file sch_9003.sch_txt (28,24 Kb)
file sch_9008.sch_txt (28,25 Kb)
file sch_9100.sch_txt (28,31 Kb)
Translation (1 файл)
file translationreport.template.xsl (30,89 Kb)
zh-CN (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (24,17 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (162,17 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (289,67 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (51,67 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (47,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (36,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (16,67 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (46,67 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (20,67 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (33,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (16,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (23,67 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (33,17 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (36,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,04 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (240,67 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (14,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (15,17 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,23 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (33,17 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (34,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (262,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (30,17 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (10,17 Kb)
zh-TW (67 файлов)
file 2dTransRes.dll (12,17 Kb)
file ATFXMLTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudDbxRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationRes.dll (24,17 Kb)
file AcModelDocRes.dll (161,67 Kb)
file AcSceneRes.dll (289,17 Kb)
file AcWipeoutRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file AdImagingRes.dll (50,67 Kb)
file AliasTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file ApiRdRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.Resources.dll (13,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.Resources.dll (47,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.Resources.dll (27,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.Resources.dll (35,17 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.resources.dll (11,17 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInRes.dll (12,67 Kb)
file CATV4TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CATV5TransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file CmRdRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file DcKernelRes.dll (16,67 Kb)
file DcKernelUnitRes.dll (51,2 Kb)
file DuRes.dll (46,17 Kb)
file DwgTransRes.dll (14,17 Kb)
file ExplicitEnvrRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file FCADTransRes.dll (9,17 Kb)
file FbRes.dll (17,67 Kb)
file GrRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file JTTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbRdRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file MbSrvRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MbUIRequestRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file MiRes.dll (33,17 Kb)
file Nmres.dll (10,17 Kb)
file OBJTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PETransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file PSTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file PfRdRes.dll (14,67 Kb)
file PmRdRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.resources.dll (16,17 Kb)
file RSeRes.dll (24,17 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.resources.dll (11,67 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.resources.dll (14,17 Kb)
file Rdres.dll (33,67 Kb)
file RevitTransRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file RhinoTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file STLTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SVFTransRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file SWTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file SatTransRes.dll (11,17 Kb)
file SmRes.dll (36,17 Kb)
file SrvRes.dll (2,04 Mb)
file TUFFTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file TransBaseRes.dll (21,17 Kb)
file TransRes.dll (11,67 Kb)
file TransUtilsRes.dll (13,67 Kb)
file TxtSrvRes.dll (10,17 Kb)
file UGTransRes.dll (10,67 Kb)
file UTxRes.dll (241,17 Kb)
file Weldres.dll (14,17 Kb)
file acETransmitRes.dll (15,67 Kb)
file acdb24res.dll (1,23 Mb)
file ax24res.dll (32,67 Kb)
file dlsrvres.dll (34,17 Kb)
file dwfOutRes.dll (262,17 Kb)
file errRes.dll (30,67 Kb)
file vbcres.dll (10,17 Kb)
_NewStylesLibrary (28 файлов)
file Balloon.xml (23 b)
file CenterMark.xml (26 b)
xls Clearance.xls (11,5 Kb)
file DatumTarget.xml (27 b)
file Dimension.xml (26 b)
file FeatureControlFrame.xml (35 b)
file Hatch.xml (21 b)
file HoleTable.xml (25 b)
file Id.xml (18 b)
file Layers.xml (22 b)
file Leader.xml (22 b)
file Lighting.xml (24 b)
file Mark.xml (20 b)
file ObjectDefaults.xml (31 b)
file PartsList.xml (25 b)
file RevisionTable.xml (29 b)
file SheetMetalRules.xml (31 b)
file SheetMetalUnfold.xml (32 b)
file Standard.xml (25 b)
file StudioLighting.xml (30 b)
file StudioScene.xml (27 b)
file SurfaceTexture.xml (30 b)
file Table.xml (21 b)
file Text.xml (20 b)
xls Thread.xls (11,5 Kb)
file ViewAnnotation.xml (30 b)
file Weld.xml (20 b)
file WeldBead.xml (24 b)
file 2dTranslator.dll (964,2 Kb)
file 7z.cgx.dll (1,61 Mb)
exe ADPClientService.exe (1,56 Mb)
file AMxBomSrv.dll (205,7 Kb)
file ANN.dll (838,36 Kb)
file ASMAHL228.dll (4,72 Mb)
file ASMAHL228A.dll (4,72 Mb)
file ASMBASE228.dll (1,16 Mb)
file ASMBASE228A.dll (1,16 Mb)
file ASMBLND228.dll (4,92 Mb)
file ASMBLND228A.dll (4,92 Mb)
file ASMBOOL228.dll (2,39 Mb)
file ASMBOOL228A.dll (2,39 Mb)
file ASMCOVR228.dll (203,17 Kb)
file ASMCOVR228A.dll (203,17 Kb)
file ASMCSTR228.dll (1,49 Mb)
file ASMCSTR228A.dll (1,48 Mb)
file ASMCT228.dll (304,86 Kb)
file ASMCT228A.dll (305,36 Kb)
file ASMDATAX228.dll (762,36 Kb)
file ASMDEFM228.dll (169,67 Kb)
file ASMDEFM228A.dll (168,86 Kb)
file ASMDatax228A.dll (762,36 Kb)
file ASMEULR228.dll (74,67 Kb)
file ASMEULR228A.dll (73,36 Kb)
file ASMFCT228.dll (1,3 Mb)
file ASMFCT228A.dll (1,29 Mb)
file ASMFREC228.dll (995,86 Kb)
file ASMFREC228A.dll (996,36 Kb)
file ASMGA228.dll (187,17 Kb)
file ASMGA228A.dll (185,86 Kb)
file ASMHEAL228.dll (1,43 Mb)
file ASMHEAL228A.dll (1,43 Mb)
file ASMIMPORT228.dll (1,67 Mb)
file ASMIMPORT228A.dll (1,66 Mb)
file ASMINTR228.dll (4,13 Mb)
file ASMINTR228A.dll (4,13 Mb)
file ASMKERN228.dll (13,14 Mb)
file ASMKERN228A.dll (13,11 Mb)
file ASMLAW228.dll (751,86 Kb)
file ASMLAW228A.dll (753,17 Kb)
file ASMLOP228.dll (3,31 Mb)
file ASMLOP228A.dll (3,31 Mb)
file ASMLOPT228.dll (747,17 Kb)
file ASMLOPT228A.dll (746,67 Kb)
file ASMNPCH228.dll (1,55 Mb)
file ASMNPCH228A.dll (1,55 Mb)
file ASMOFST228.dll (437,17 Kb)
file ASMOFST228A.dll (435,36 Kb)
file ASMOPER228.dll (148,86 Kb)
file ASMOPER228A.dll (148,86 Kb)
file ASMPID228.dll (44,67 Kb)
file ASMPID228A.dll (44,67 Kb)
file ASMRBASE228.dll (325,86 Kb)
file ASMRBASE228A.dll (325,86 Kb)
file ASMRBI228.dll (1,31 Mb)
file ASMRBI228A.dll (1,31 Mb)
file ASMREM228.dll (541,86 Kb)
file ASMREM228A.dll (541,86 Kb)
file ASMSASM228.dll (166,86 Kb)
file ASMSBAP228.dll (1,67 Mb)
file ASMSBAP228A.dll (1,68 Mb)
file ASMSBOOL228.dll (222,86 Kb)
file ASMSBOOL228A.dll (224,17 Kb)
file ASMSHL228.dll (482,86 Kb)
file ASMSHL228A.dll (483,86 Kb)
file ASMSKIN228.dll (2,46 Mb)
file ASMSKIN228A.dll (2,48 Mb)
file ASMSWP228.dll (2,4 Mb)
file ASMSWP228A.dll (2,4 Mb)
file ASMTOPT228.dll (1,14 Mb)
file ASMTOPT228A.dll (1,14 Mb)
file ASMTWK228.dll (184,36 Kb)
file ASMTWK228A.dll (186,17 Kb)
file ASMUFLD228.dll (3,03 Mb)
file ASMUFLD228A.dll (3,03 Mb)
file ASMWELD228.dll (486,67 Kb)
file ASMWELD228A.dll (485,86 Kb)
file ASSrv.dll (158,2 Kb)
file ATFXMLTrans.dll (147,7 Kb)
file AcDbPointCloudObj.dbx (763,84 Kb)
file AcDs.dll (280,34 Kb)
file AcETransmit.dll (361,84 Kb)
file AcGeoLocationObj.dbx (170,34 Kb)
file AcGeomentObj.dbx (3,45 Mb)
file AcGradient24.dll (27,34 Kb)
file AcIO.dll (302,7 Kb)
file AcIOLite.dll (46,7 Kb)
file AcIdViewObj.dbx (150,34 Kb)
file AcIvModeler.dll (659,84 Kb)
file AcIvPersSubentNaming.dll (484,84 Kb)
exe AcIvServerHost.exe (603,34 Kb)
file AcLightWeightEngine.dbx (202,34 Kb)
file AcModelDocObj.dbx (2,64 Mb)
file AcPersSubentNaming24.dll (492,84 Kb)
file AcRCEngine.dbx (74,34 Kb)
file AcSceneOE.dbx (685,34 Kb)
file AcSmComponents.dll (828,34 Kb)
file AcUt.dll (91,84 Kb)
file AcadMTrans.dll (90,7 Kb)
file AdImaging.dll (8,62 Mb)
file AdIntImgServices.dll (152,34 Kb)
file AdSpatialReference.dll (1,34 Mb)
file AdpSDK.config (188 b)
file AdpSDKCore.dll (964,57 Kb)
file AdpSDKGlobal.config (65 b)
file AdpSDKUI.dll (9,02 Mb)
file AdpSDKWrapper.dll (488,07 Kb)
file AdskRcAdp.dll (84,36 Kb)
file AdskRcCommon.dll (612,86 Kb)
file AdskRcConfig.dll (24,67 Kb)
file AdskRcData.dll (859,86 Kb)
file AdskRcDataAccess.dll (93,86 Kb)
file AdskRcDevTools.dll (44,86 Kb)
file AdskRcDispatch.dll (86,36 Kb)
file AdskRcExport.dll (2,67 Mb)
file AdskRcFileSystemUtility.dll (145,36 Kb)
file AdskRcFilter.dll (91,86 Kb)
file AdskRcFoundation.dll (43,36 Kb)
file AdskRcImageIO.dll (430,86 Kb)
file AdskRcImport.dll (2,82 Mb)
file AdskRcPointCloudEngine.dll (2,58 Mb)
file AdskRcProjectIO.dll (2,37 Mb)
file AdskRcSpatialReference.dll (42,86 Kb)
file AdskRcUtility.dll (73,86 Kb)
file AdskRealityStudioBaseAPI.dll (28,86 Kb)
file AdskRealityStudioFeatureExtraction.dll (245,67 Kb)
file AdskRealityStudioHLAPI.dll (1,81 Mb)
file AgSrv.dll (341,2 Kb)
file AliasAssociativeImporter.dll (50,7 Kb)
file AliasTrans.dll (141,7 Kb)
file AmR.dll (395,7 Kb)
file AmSrv.dll (4,62 Mb)
file AmtWrapper.dll (93,7 Kb)
file ApiFSrv.dll (118,7 Kb)
file ApiRd.dll (80,2 Kb)
file AsdkHlrApi24.dbx (203,34 Kb)
file Autodesk.Inventor.Interop.dll (3,71 Mb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Automation.dll (24,2 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Common.dll (47,2 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Core.dll (707,7 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.dll (68,2 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Interfaces.dll (66,7 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Interfaces.xml (221,79 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Plugin.dll (27,7 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.dll (104,7 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Runtime.xml (41,3 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.dll (44,7 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.Types.xml (80,89 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.UiBuilderCore.dll (43,2 Kb)
file Autodesk.iLogic.UiBuilderCore.xml (63,72 Kb)
file BIMADSKTrans.dll (215,7 Kb)
file BIMExchangeEventListeners.dll (420,2 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugIn.dll (77,7 Kb)
file BIMExchangePlugInCore.dll (904,2 Kb)
file BR.dll (388,7 Kb)
file BRepUnWrap.dll (573,36 Kb)
file BrandRes.dll (11,7 Kb)
file BrowserColorIcons.dll (848,7 Kb)
file BrowserDarkBlueIcons.dll (847,7 Kb)
file BrowserLightIcons.dll (847,7 Kb)
file BuildingComponent-1_0-vc140-x64-wt.dll (166,3 Kb)
file CATV4Trans.dll (138,7 Kb)
file CATV5Trans.dll (173,2 Kb)
file CC5Dll.dll (5,85 Mb)
file CacheGraphics.dll (147,2 Kb)
file ClrAddinLoader.dll (65,2 Kb)
file CmRd.dll (2,86 Mb)
file CmSrv.dll (4,6 Mb)
file ColorStyleNameMapping.xml (188,05 Kb)
file CrSrv.dll (528,7 Kb)
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file DBXBridgePS.dll (23,2 Kb)
file DLAnnoSrv.dll (4,78 Mb)
exe DWFBridge.exe (326,2 Kb)
file DWFBridge.tlb (56,5 Kb)
file DWFFactory.dll (593,7 Kb)
file DWFToolkitAccessLayer.dll (572,2 Kb)
file DWGCleanServer.X.manifest (604 b)
exe DWGCleanServer.exe (74,2 Kb)
file DWGCleanServer.tlb (2,12 Kb)
file DWGCleanServer_XP.X.manifest (624 b)
file DcKernel.dll (2,13 Mb)
file Default.ipj (9,24 Kb)
file DesignDescription.dll (57,84 Kb)
file DesignMetadata.dll (160,34 Kb)
file DirObjects.dll (70,7 Kb)
file DlAcSrv.dll (1,35 Mb)
file DlAcViewServer.dll.manifest (850 b)
file DlAcViewServer.dll (387,2 Kb)
file DlAcViewServer.tlb (18,21 Kb)
file DlAcViewServer_client.manifest (870 b)
file DlRequests.dll (4,83 Mb)
file DlViewSrv.dll (912,2 Kb)
file Du.dll (7,21 Mb)
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file DwgService.dll (57,2 Kb)
file DwgTrans.dll (1,96 Mb)
file DxSrv.dll (2 Mb)
file Ee.dll (129,7 Kb)
file FBPBridge.dll (46,2 Kb)
file FCADTrans.dll (268,7 Kb)
file FWx_API.dll (38,2 Kb)
file FWx_Application_Common_Srv.dll (35,7 Kb)
file FWx_Change_Definition.dll (87,2 Kb)
file FWx_Master_Events_Management_Srv.dll (241,2 Kb)
file FWx_Request_Machinery.dll (25,7 Kb)
file FWx_Utilities_Srv.dll (30,2 Kb)
file FcSrv.dll (35,2 Kb)
file FeatureExtractionCore.dll (1,57 Mb)
file FeatureRecognizeServer.dll.manifest (854 b)
file FeatureRecognizeServer.dll (75,2 Kb)
file FeatureRecognizeServer.tlb (2,54 Kb)
file FwSrv.dll (3,16 Mb)
file GBOM.dll (525,7 Kb)
file GRData.dll (80,2 Kb)
file Gr.dll (858,7 Kb)
file InvSE.dll (296,2 Kb)
file Inventor.ini (2 b)
file InventorAssociativeConsumer.dll (58,7 Kb)
file InventorConsumer.dll (927,2 Kb)
file InventorExpressProducer.dll (172,7 Kb)
exe InventorFCADServer.exe (272,2 Kb)
file InventorProducer.dll (508,2 Kb)
file InventorProducerCommon.dll (54,2 Kb)
file InventorServerLoader.dll (57,7 Kb)
exe InventorViewCompute.exe (37,2 Kb)
file JTTrans.dll (165,2 Kb)
file JtTk111.dll (6,2 Mb)
file LMVCore.dll (354,6 Kb)
file LMVPackage.dll (1,69 Mb)
file MaterialStyleNameMapping.xml (69,27 Kb)
file MbRd.dll (3,93 Mb)
file MbSrv.dll (291,2 Kb)
file MbUiRequestSrv.dll (176,2 Kb)
file MbUiSrv.dll (2,62 Mb)
file Mi-Inv.dll (3,87 Mb)
file NbSrv.dll (641,7 Kb)
file OBJTrans.dll (137,2 Kb)
file ODXSW_DLL.dll (4,93 Mb)
file ODXUG_DLL.dll (2,43 Mb)
file OGSATILIntegration.dll (8,21 Mb)
file OGSArchive.dll (68,64 Kb)
file OGSDeviceDX10.dll (567,64 Kb)
file OGSDeviceDX11.dll (1,27 Mb)
file OGSDeviceDX9.dll (554,64 Kb)
file OGSDeviceDiag.dll (54,14 Kb)
file OGSDeviceNull.dll (84,14 Kb)
file OGSDevices.dll (12,74 Mb)
file OGSFBXAssetTranslator.dll (22,14 Kb)
file OGSFactory.dll (1,67 Mb)
file OGSFragmentsLibrary.ogsf (15,11 Mb)
file OGSGDIFontDevice.dll (42,14 Kb)
file OGSGraphics.dll (6,24 Mb)
file OGSIOIntegration.dll (45,14 Kb)
file OGSMgStylization.dll (564,64 Kb)
file OGSObjects.dll (1,66 Mb)
file OGSProtein.dll (533,14 Kb)
file OGSRapidRT.dll (704,14 Kb)
file OGSRapidRTShaderInterface.dll (1,83 Mb)
file OGSRapidRTShaders.dll (269,14 Kb)
file OGSScene.dll (2,24 Mb)
file OpenImageIO_OGS.dll (17,89 Mb)
file OpenImageIO_Util_OGS.dll (954,57 Kb)
file PETrans.dll (192,2 Kb)
file PSTrans.dll (143,7 Kb)
file ParaSupt1011.dll (1,27 Mb)
file PfRd.dll (832,7 Kb)
file PfSrv.dll (581,2 Kb)
file PmRd.dll (2,47 Mb)
file PmSrv.dll (5,05 Mb)
file PublisherProducer.dll (37,7 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Component.dll (104,7 Kb)
file RFATranslator.Translate.Exchange.dll (213,7 Kb)
file RFATranslatorHost.dll (79,2 Kb)
file RP.dll (36,7 Kb)
file RVTTranslator.Application.dll (27,7 Kb)
file RceBrokerUtils.dll (56,7 Kb)
exe RegisterInventorServer.exe (39,2 Kb)
file RevitInteropBridge.dll (387,2 Kb)
file RfMi.dll (1,22 Mb)
file RfNm.dll (2,01 Mb)
file RhinoTrans.dll (133,7 Kb)
file RxAddIns.dll (133,2 Kb)
file RxAppDocView.dll (1,54 Mb)
file RxAsm.dll (296,2 Kb)
file RxAsmService.dll (429,2 Kb)
file RxAssembly.dll (1,97 Mb)
file RxAtx.dll (141,7 Kb)
file RxBRep.dll (1,66 Mb)
file RxBRepService.dll (133,2 Kb)
file RxDesignCommon.dll (8,67 Mb)
file RxDesignCommonWrite.dll (2,44 Mb)
file RxDrawing.dll (3,78 Mb)
file RxDrwService.dll (77,2 Kb)
file RxFileRef.dll (605,7 Kb)
file RxGraphics.dll (675,2 Kb)
file RxInventor.tlb (3,76 Mb)
file RxInventorImpl.impl (2,04 Mb)
file RxPart.dll (1,7 Mb)
file RxProperties.dll (125,2 Kb)
file RxRegister.dll (32,2 Kb)
file RxRegisterTLB.dll (27,2 Kb)
file RxTest.dll (184,7 Kb)
file RxUtil.dll (346,2 Kb)
file S3Srv.dll (1,56 Mb)
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file SMData.dll (2,43 Mb)
file SMTK.dll (794,07 Kb)
file STLTrans.dll (149,7 Kb)
file SVFTrans.dll (91,7 Kb)
file SWTrans.dll (149,7 Kb)
file SatTrans.dll (177,7 Kb)
file ScSrv.dll (3,43 Mb)
exe ServerHost.exe (194,2 Kb)
file SimpleShareDataWrapper.dll (50,8 Kb)
file TUFFTrans.dll (95,2 Kb)
file TestServer.dll (1,48 Mb)
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file TransBase.dll (157,2 Kb)
file TransUtils.dll (1,12 Mb)
file TsSrv.dll (582,2 Kb)
file TwodtranslatorPS.dll (120,7 Kb)
file TxtSrv.dll (337,7 Kb)
file UGTrans.dll (154,2 Kb)
file UTxShared.dll (615,2 Kb)
file UcBrObjects.dll (378,7 Kb)
file UcSmObjects.dll (3,35 Mb)
file UcSrv.dll (11,35 Mb)
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file libDataGeometryDefn.dll (2,84 Mb)
file libDataGeometryImg.dll (3,84 Mb)
file libDataGeometryVSR.dll (332,48 Kb)
file libGeometryAlg.dll (1,36 Mb)
file libGeometryDefn.dll (382,48 Kb)
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file libOpenSubdiv.dll (565,98 Kb)
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file libStudioBase.dll (545,98 Kb)
file libTesselation.dll (573,98 Kb)
file libVSR.dll (7,02 Mb)
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file libZlib.dll (128,48 Kb)
file libalias_api.dll (11,83 Mb)
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file whgtxt.shx (191,47 Kb)
file whtgtxt.shx (633,02 Kb)
file whtmtxt.shx (895,15 Kb)
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file ACAD -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (33,05 Kb)
file ACADISO -Named Plot Styles.dwt (30,99 Kb)
file ACADISO -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (31,33 Kb)
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file InvDIN.lin (6,3 Kb)
file InvGB.lin (6,4 Kb)
file InvISO.lin (6,42 Kb)
file InvJIS.lin (6,36 Kb)
file Metric Layout templates.dwt (196,53 Kb)
file acad.dwt (31,05 Kb)
file acad.lin (4,53 Kb)
file acad3D.dwt (33,71 Kb)
file acadiso.dwt (31,2 Kb)
file acadiso.lin (4,84 Kb)
file acadiso3D.dwt (32,17 Kb)
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file acdb.lin (5,35 Kb)
file acdb.mln (197 b)
file acdb.pat (15,8 Kb)
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file acdbiso.pat (16,95 Kb)
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file ltypeshp.shx (130 b)
file txt.shx (8,29 Kb)
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file fontmapper.xml (5,8 Kb)
file hardwarelibrary.xml (1,34 Mb)
file hardwarelibraryd3d.xml (1,08 Mb)
file hardwarelibraryd3d10.xml (3,38 Kb)
file hardwarelibrarydm.xml (12,75 Kb)
file texturefontprecision.xml (721 b)
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file PropertyMap_Catia.xml (4,51 Kb)
file PropertyMap_Creo.xml (4,38 Kb)
file PropertyMap_Fusion.xml (3,61 Kb)
file PropertyMap_NX.xml (4,48 Kb)
file PropertyMap_STEP.xml (3,76 Kb)
file PropertyMap_SW.xml (5,03 Kb)
file PropertyMap_SolidEdge.xml (3,79 Kb)
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file GraphicsUI.xml (1,88 Kb)
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file PhysMatUI.xml (3,01 Kb)
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file PhysMatSchema.xml (3,33 Kb)
file StructuralCommonSchema.xml (1,71 Kb)
file StructuralConcreteSchema.xml (1,16 Kb)
file StructuralGenericSchema.xml (616 b)
file StructuralMetalSchema.xml (723 b)
file StructuralPlasticSchema.xml (616 b)
file StructuralWoodSchema.xml (2,96 Kb)
file ThermalCommonSchema.xml (1,94 Kb)
file ThermalGasSchema.xml (1003 b)
file ThermalLiquidSchema.xml (1,47 Kb)
file ThermalSolidSchema.xml (2,57 Kb)
Structural (8 файлов)
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file BasicStructuralUI.xml (1,55 Kb)
Concrete (1 файл)
file ConcreteStructuralUI.xml (12,46 Kb)
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file FatigueStructuralUI.xml (4,51 Kb)
Gas (1 файл)
file GasStructuralUI.xml (1,81 Kb)
Generic (1 файл)
file GenericStructuralUI.xml (12,03 Kb)
Metal (1 файл)
file MetalStructuralUI.xml (12,16 Kb)
Plastic (1 файл)
file PlasticStructuralUI.xml (12,05 Kb)
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file WoodStructuralUI.xml (14,29 Kb)
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file GasThermalUI.xml (2,16 Kb)
Liquid (1 файл)
file LiquidThermalUI.xml (2,62 Kb)
Solid (1 файл)
file SolidThermalUI.xml (4,12 Kb)
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file InventorMaterialLibrary-cht.xlf (892,21 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-csy.xlf (933,75 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-deu.xlf (925,77 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-eng.xlf (902,41 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-esp.xlf (927,91 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-fra.xlf (927,76 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-hun.xlf (929,61 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-ita.xlf (935,22 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-jpn.xlf (950,71 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-kor.xlf (922,77 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-plk.xlf (939,7 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-ptb.xlf (925,28 Kb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary-rus.xlf (1,05 Mb)
file InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib (152,06 Kb)
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file dimension.xml (1,81 Mb)
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file objectdefaults.xml (283,95 Kb)
file partslist.xml (182,4 Kb)
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file Standard (in).iam (93,5 Kb)
file Standard (in).ipn (56 Kb)
file Standard (in).ipt (90,5 Kb)
file Weldment (ANSI).iam (215 Kb)
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file ANSI (mm).idw (216,5 Kb)
file BSI.dwg (159,94 Kb)
file BSI.idw (158 Kb)
file DIN.dwg (171,97 Kb)
file DIN.idw (170,5 Kb)
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file GB.idw (210 Kb)
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file GOST.idw (290,5 Kb)
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file ISO.idw (159,5 Kb)
file JIS.dwg (164,97 Kb)
file JIS.idw (206 Kb)
file Sheet Metal (DIN).ipt (95,5 Kb)
file Sheet Metal (mm).ipt (96,5 Kb)
file Standard (DIN).iam (93 Kb)
file Standard (DIN).ipn (56 Kb)
file Standard (DIN).ipt (91 Kb)
file Standard (mm).iam (101 Kb)
file Standard (mm).ipn (56 Kb)
file Standard (mm).ipt (91 Kb)
file Weldment (ANSI - mm).iam (215,5 Kb)
file Weldment (BSI).iam (215 Kb)
file Weldment (DIN).iam (215,5 Kb)
file Weldment (GB).iam (215,5 Kb)
file Weldment (ISO).iam (215,5 Kb)
file Weldment (JIS).iam (215,5 Kb)
Tex (19 файлов)
bumpmaps (53 файла)
file AlloySand2_bump.bmp (40,12 Kb)
file Asphalt2_bump.bmp (222,42 Kb)
file BlueTiles_bump.bmp (213,05 Kb)
file CARPTBLU_bump.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file CMU_Running_200x400_bump.bmp (189,05 Kb)
file CMU_Split_Face_Running_200x400_bump.bmp (65,05 Kb)
file CMU_Split_Face_Stacked_200x200_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Carbon_03_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Cardboard_bump.bmp (96,05 Kb)
file Concrete_Blocks_bump.bmp (142,55 Kb)
file Concrete_Cast-In-Place_Formwork_Holes_bump.bmp (96,05 Kb)
file Concrete_Precast Structural Concrete_Smooth_bump.bmp (136,55 Kb)
file Cork_36dpi_bump.bmp (10,82 Kb)
file Cork_bump.bmp (10,82 Kb)
file Diamond plate1 bump.bmp (215,38 Kb)
file Dirt_bump.bmp (71,98 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Diamond_Red_bump.bmp (65,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Square_Circular Mosaic_bump.bmp (174,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Square_Medium Blue_bump.bmp (65,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Plaster_Stucco_Fine_White_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Tiling_Ceramic_Mosaic_Blue_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Tiling_Ceramic_Mosaic_beige_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
png Knurl2_bump.png (86,6 Kb)
file Knurl_bump.bmp (1,17 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_Ashlar_Random_Broken Coursed_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_RockWall_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_Slate_bump.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Medrust3_bump.bmp (1,11 Mb)
file Metal_15_bump.bmp (13,6 Kb)
file Metal_15a_bump.bmp (13,6 Kb)
file Metal_1_bump.bmp (14,93 Kb)
file Metal_2_bump.bmp (5,57 Kb)
file No Skid_1_Disp.bmp (6,8 Kb)
file Pattern_7_bump.bmp (15,24 Kb)
file Pattern_7a_bump.bmp (15,24 Kb)
file Pattern_7b_bump.bmp (15,24 Kb)
file Plastic_3_bump.bmp (26,05 Kb)
file Plastic_4_bump.bmp (21,3 Kb)
file Plastic_4opp_bump.bmp (21,3 Kb)
file Plate_1_bump.bmp (3,3 Kb)
file Plate_1opp_bump.bmp (3,3 Kb)
file Plate_2_bump.bmp (3,12 Kb)
file Plateox2_bump.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file RedBrick_1_bump.bmp (28,9 Kb)
file RedBrick_2_bump.bmp (56,22 Kb)
file Steelplt_bump.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Stone_2_disp.bmp (40,12 Kb)
file Stone_3_bump.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_4_bump.bmp (40,12 Kb)
file Stucco1_bump.bmp (96,05 Kb)
file Upholstery_1_bump.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file Upholstery_2_bump.bmp (768,05 Kb)
jpg Weldcat2_bump.jpg (11,22 Kb)
srf (211 файлов)
file 102.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file 124.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file 148.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file 272.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file 283.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file 532.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file AlloySand2-Black.bmp (40,12 Kb)
file AlloySand2.bmp (40,12 Kb)
file Asphalt2.bmp (222,42 Kb)
file Asphalt3.bmp (222,42 Kb)
file Autodesk_Wood_Particle Board.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Basket_1&.bmp (19,36 Kb)
file Basket_1&_cutout.bmp (19,36 Kb)
file BlueTiles.bmp (634,4 Kb)
file BrownDirt.bmp (211,77 Kb)
file CARPTBLU.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file CARPTGRY.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file CARPTTAN.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file CMU_Running_200x400_Gray.bmp (189,05 Kb)
file CMU_Split_Face_Running_200x400_Coral.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file CMU_Split_Face_Stacked_200x200_Gray.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Carbon_02.bmp (15,24 Kb)
file Carbon_03.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Cardboard.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat01.bmp (19,99 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat02.bmp (14,61 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat03.bmp (21,13 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat04.bmp (20,48 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat05.bmp (47,22 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat06.bmp (36,58 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat07.bmp (36,15 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat08.bmp (26,77 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat09.bmp (9,08 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat10.bmp (9,08 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat11.bmp (44,01 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat12.bmp (16,75 Kb)
file Carpet_Pat13.bmp (13,4 Kb)
file CementSmall.bmp (258,77 Kb)
file Chain-link.bump&.bmp (56,66 Kb)
file Chromic.bmp (900,05 Kb)
file CleanRoomFloor.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file CleanRoomFloor_01.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Composite 1.bmp (11,77 Kb)
file Composite 2.bmp (8,26 Kb)
file Composite 3.bmp (8,06 Kb)
file Conc_DkGray.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Conc_Gray.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Conc_Pitted.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Concrete_Blocks.bmp (142,55 Kb)
file Concrete_Cast-In-Place_Formwork_Holes.bmp (96,05 Kb)
file Concrete_Precast Structural Concrete_Smooth.bmp (136,55 Kb)
file Copper.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Cork.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Cork_36dpi.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Corrugated_Tube.bmp (16,75 Kb)
file Cracks.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Diamond plate4.bmp (215,38 Kb)
file Electonics_1.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Electronics_2.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file EngineTurning.bmp (21,33 Kb)
file Fabric1.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Fabric2.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Finishes.Flooring.Rug.Braided&.bmp (192,8 Kb)
file Finishes.Flooring.Rug.Hooked&.bmp (125,96 Kb)
file Finishes.Flooring.Rug.Knotted&.bmp (122,53 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Diamond_Red.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Square_Circular Mosaic.bmp (174,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Flooring_Tile_Square_Medium Blue.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Tiling_Ceramic_Mosaic_Blue.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Finishes_Tiling_Ceramic_Mosaic_beige.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Foil1.bmp (10,05 Kb)
file Foil2.bmp (17,05 Kb)
file Furnishings.Fabrics.Burlap&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Furnishings.Fabrics.Caning.Tan&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Furnishings.Fabrics.Lace&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Furnishings.Fabrics.Mesh&.bmp (182,5 Kb)
file Furnishings.Fabrics.Netting&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Galvanized_1.bmp (13,18 Kb)
file Galvinized_2.bmp (30,94 Kb)
file Galvinized_3.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Grating5.bmp (8,33 Kb)
file GrayBrick.bmp (121,71 Kb)
file Hone.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Knurl.bmp (1,17 Kb)
file Knurl_1.bmp (4,57 Kb)
file Knurl_2.bmp (4,01 Kb)
file Knurl_3.bmp (4,57 Kb)
file Knurl_4.bmp (2,86 Kb)
file Knurl_5.bmp (1,17 Kb)
file Machined_01.bmp (263,72 Kb)
file Machined_02.bmp (65,05 Kb)
file Masonry.Unit Masonry.Brick.Modular.Screen&.bmp (188,53 Kb)
file Masonry.Unit Masonry.CMU.Screen.Stacked&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_Ashlar_Random_Broken Coursed.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_RockWall.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Masonry_Stone_Slate.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Matte.bmp (183,65 Kb)
file Medrust3.bmp (1,11 Mb)
file Metal_1.bmp (14,93 Kb)
file Metal_10.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_11.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_12.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_13.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_14.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_15.bmp (13,6 Kb)
file Metal_16.bmp (13,6 Kb)
file Metal_2.bmp (5,57 Kb)
file Metal_3.bmp (5,57 Kb)
file Metal_4.bmp (17,05 Kb)
file Metal_5.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Metal_6.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_7.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_8.bmp (6,62 Kb)
file Metal_9.bmp (5,9 Kb)
file Metals.Ornamental Metals.Plate.Mesh&.bmp (173,73 Kb)
file Metals.Ornamental Metals.Plate.Mesh.1&.bmp (72,43 Kb)
file Metals.Ornamental Metals.Plate.Mesh.White&.bmp (173,73 Kb)
file Metals.Ornamental Metals.Plate.Perforated&.bmp (167,71 Kb)
file Misc1.bmp (29,35 Kb)
file Misc2.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Misc3.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Misc4.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Misc5.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Misc6.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Misc7.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file No Skid_1.bmp (6,8 Kb)
file No Skid_2.bmp (6,8 Kb)
file Pattern_1.bmp (4,8 Kb)
file Pattern_10.bmp (7,93 Kb)
file Pattern_2.bmp (4,57 Kb)
file Pattern_3.bmp (69,12 Kb)
file Pattern_4.bmp (6,25 Kb)
file Pattern_5.bmp (16,75 Kb)
file Pattern_6.bmp (4,99 Kb)
file Pattern_7.bmp (15,24 Kb)
file Pattern_8.bmp (7,03 Kb)
file Pattern_9.bmp (18,8 Kb)
file Place_3.bmp (10,9 Kb)
file Plastic_1.bmp (8,65 Kb)
file Plastic_10.bmp (17,05 Kb)
file Plastic_11.bmp (5,05 Kb)
file Plastic_2.bmp (21,3 Kb)
file Plastic_3.bmp (26,05 Kb)
file Plastic_4.bmp (21,3 Kb)
file Plastic_5.bmp (48,05 Kb)
file Plastic_6.bmp (17,05 Kb)
file Plastic_7.bmp (21,3 Kb)
file Plastic_8.bmp (17,05 Kb)
file Plastic_9.bmp (65,05 Kb)
file Plate_1.bmp (3,3 Kb)
file Plate_2.bmp (6,05 Kb)
file Plateox2.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Plywood-GradeB.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file RedBrick_1.bmp (82,95 Kb)
file RedBrick_2.bmp (164,73 Kb)
file Rice Paper.bmp (66,26 Kb)
file Rust.bmp (18,8 Kb)
file Screen_1&.bmp (6,89 Kb)
file Screen_1&_cutout.bmp (6,89 Kb)
file Screen_2&.bmp (3,54 Kb)
file Screen_2&_cutout.bmp (3,54 Kb)
file Screen_3&.bmp (12,5 Kb)
file Screen_3&_cutout.bmp (12,5 Kb)
file Screen_4&.bmp (12,5 Kb)
file Screen_4&_cutout.bmp (12,5 Kb)
file Screen_5&.bmp (6,93 Kb)
file Screen_5&_cutout.bmp (6,93 Kb)
file Simple_Metal_Mtl_StaggeredCircles_Pattern14&.bmp (1,84 Mb)
file SiteWork.Planting.Basket.Woven.Loose&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file Sitework.Site Improvements.Fences & GatesChain-link&.bmp (165,16 Kb)
file Sitework.Site Improvements.Fences & GatesWood.Shadowbox-Trellis&.bmp (88,4 Kb)
file Sitework.Site Improvements.Fences & GatesWood.Stockade&.bmp (52,26 Kb)
file Sitework.Site Improvements.Fences - GatesWood.Shadowbox-Trellis&.bmp (88,4 Kb)
file Spiral_Wrap&.bmp (9,91 Kb)
file Spiral_Wrap&_cutout.bmp (9,91 Kb)
file Steelplt.bmp (732,47 Kb)
file Stone_1.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_2.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_3.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_4.bmp (112,14 Kb)
file Stone_5.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_6.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stone_7.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Stucco1.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Stucco2.bmp (1,11 Mb)
file Stucco3.bmp (1,11 Mb)
file Stucco4.bmp (166,47 Kb)
file UV Small.bmp (513,98 Kb)
file UV.bmp (510,71 Kb)
file Upholstery_1.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file Upholstery_2.bmp (768,05 Kb)
file Water_1.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Water_2.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Water_3.bmp (117,24 Kb)
file Wire_Sleeve&.bmp (8,36 Kb)
file Wire_Sleeve&_cutout.bmp (8,36 Kb)
file Wood_1.bmp (63,55 Kb)
file Wood_2.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Wood_3.bmp (63,55 Kb)
file Wood_4.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Wood_5.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Wood_6.bmp (284,05 Kb)
file Wood_7.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Woods & Plastics_Finish Carpentry_Wood_Cherry.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Woods & Plastics_Finish Carpentry_Wood_Red Birch.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Woods & Plastics_Finish Carpentry_Wood_Walnut.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file Woods&Plastics.Masonite.Pegbord&.bmp (193,81 Kb)
file black.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file carbon.BMP (68,33 Kb)
file maple_natural.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file weldcat0.bmp (1,93 Kb)
file Chrome.dds (96,13 Kb)
file GalileoTomb.dds (192,13 Kb)
file GraceCathedral.dds (192,13 Kb)
file GroveCube.dds (192,13 Kb)
file LobbyCube.dds (192,13 Kb)
file Millennium.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file NightSky.dds (192,13 Kb)
file ParkingLot.dds (768,13 Kb)
file Presentation.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file RenderEngine.fx (190,62 Kb)
file Sky.BMP (359,62 Kb)
file SkyWater.dds (192,13 Kb)
file StPetersBasilica.dds (192,13 Kb)
file UffiziGallery.dds (768,13 Kb)
file Winterday.bmp (192,05 Kb)
file car3.BMP (395,72 Kb)
file studio_02.dds (384,13 Kb)
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Windows (1 файл)
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file Amgdt_IV25.ttf (41,64 Kb)
file Amgdt_IV50.ttf (37,2 Kb)
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file GOST Common.ttf (132,19 Kb)
file bgothl.ttf (34,53 Kb)
file bgothm.ttf (35,07 Kb)
file chineset.shx (649,53 Kb)
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file complex_IV25.ttf (51,86 Kb)
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file italic__.ttf (51,05 Kb)
file italicc_.ttf (49,71 Kb)
file italict_.ttf (52,5 Kb)
file monos.ttf (37,09 Kb)
file monosb.ttf (39,13 Kb)
file monosbi.ttf (38,28 Kb)
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file mtproxy2.ttf (38,19 Kb)
file mtproxy3.ttf (38,19 Kb)
file mtproxy4.ttf (38,19 Kb)
file mtproxy5.ttf (38,19 Kb)
file mtproxy6.ttf (38,19 Kb)
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file scripts_.ttf (57,58 Kb)
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file scripts_IV50.ttf (47,74 Kb)
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file syastro_IV50.ttf (13,12 Kb)
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file symap___.ttf (33,16 Kb)
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file symath_IV50.ttf (11,58 Kb)
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file symeteo_IV50.ttf (10,45 Kb)
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file symusic_IV25.ttf (11,92 Kb)
file symusic_IV50.ttf (11,92 Kb)
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file technic_.ttf (57,29 Kb)
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file txt_IV50.ttf (25,91 Kb)
file txt_____.ttf (36,63 Kb)
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file vinet.ttf (66,95 Kb)
file whgdtxt.shx (218,46 Kb)
file whgtxt.shx (191,47 Kb)
file whtgtxt.shx (633,02 Kb)
file whtmtxt.shx (895,15 Kb)
file DwgTranslationClient.manifest (34,09 Kb)
file inventorserverclient_x64.manifest (7,73 Kb)
file inventorservermarshaling.manifest (326,64 Kb)
MsiKeyFile (1 файл)
file MsiKeyFile_AcIvServerHost.dll (10,34 Kb)
msi InventorServerInterop.msi (1,04 Mb)
file pkg.invsvrinterop.xml (5,38 Kb)
savetowebandmobile (3 файла)
msi autodesksavetowebandmobile.msi (4,97 Mb)
file autodesksavetowebandmobile_bom.xml (910 b)
file pkg.autodesksavetowebandmobile.xml (1,41 Kb)
webfileopen (3 файла)
file pkg.webfileopen.xml (1,39 Kb)
msi webfileopen.msi (16,09 Mb)
file webfileopen_bom.xml (898 b)
x86 (2 файла)
acperfmon (3 файла)
msi acperfmon.msi (2,7 Mb)
file acperfmon_bom.xml (946 b)
file pkg.acperfmon.xml (1,42 Kb)
Licensing (2 файла)
exe AdskLicensing-installer.exe (64,9 Mb)
file pkg.licensing.xml (1,86 Kb)
file Setup.exe.config (187 b)
exe Setup.exe (9,7 Mb)
file UPI2_BOM.xml (20,45 Kb)
file dlm.ini (107 b)
file setup.xml (7,26 Kb)

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