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SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full

Автор: Unix от 3-04-2015, 21:25, Посмотрело: 14 684, Обсуждения: 1

SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full

Версия программы: 15.4
Тип издания: Драйверы с автоустановкой
Адрес официального сайта: www.SamLab.ws | www.DriverOff.net
Язык интерфейса: MULTi / Русский
Лечение: Не требуется - Бесплатный набор

Сборник драйверов от SamLab.ws - для всех 32-х и 64-битных операционных систем Windows, начиная от Windows 2000 и до Windows 10 включая серверные платформы. В качестве оболочек-установщиков для автоопределения вашего оборудования и автоматической установки необходимых драйверов использованы специализированные программы: DriverPack Solution 15.4 Revision 504 Plus / Drivers Installer Assistant 6.10.3 / Snappy Driver Installer 0.2.199 / DriverX 3.05 + оболочка бекапа драйверов Drivers Backup Solution В сборник включены самые актуальные драйверы на дату релиза собранные лично SamLab. Не путать этот пакет с драйвер-паками Bashrat'a - сборник SamDrivers новее и стабильнее! SamLab давно являясь членом команды Bashrat имеет возможность зная о всех проблемах аналогичных пакетов драйверов создавать свой набор наиболее полным и бесконфликтным!

SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full SamDrivers 15.4 - Сборник драйверов для Windows (2015) Full

Загрузил: Unix (3 апреля 2015 20:25)
Взяли: 4407 | Размер: 9,84 Gb
Последняя активность: 21 марта 2016 17:10
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 296 Качают: 233 Скачали: 348
SamDrivers_15.4_Full (1999 файлов)
Drivers (45 файлов)
Manually (2 файла)
AMD_HDMI (6 файлов)
7x64 (5 файлов)
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file delayapo.dll (107,5 Kb)
7x86 (5 файлов)
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file atihdw73.inf (50,36 Kb)
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file atihdw73.sys (76 Kb)
file delayapo.dll (82,5 Kb)
8x64 (6 файлов)
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msi AtihdW86.msi (83,5 Kb)
file amdacpksl.sys (139 Kb)
file atihdw86.cat (16,1 Kb)
file atihdw86.sys (210 Kb)
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8x86 (6 файлов)
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file atihdw83.sys (192,5 Kb)
file delayapo.dll (82,5 Kb)
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file amdacpksl.sys (111,5 Kb)
file atihdwb3.cat (15,82 Kb)
file atihdwb3.sys (196 Kb)
file delayapo.dll (82,5 Kb)
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041D (1 файл)
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041E (1 файл)
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0401 (1 файл)
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0404 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (3 Kb)
0405 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0406 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0407 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0408 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0409 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0410 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0411 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (4 Kb)
0412 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (4 Kb)
0413 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0414 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0415 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0416 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0419 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0424 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (5,5 Kb)
0804 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (3 Kb)
0816 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
file iusb3mon.dll (72 Kb)
exe iusb3mon.exe (285,24 Kb)
Drivers (2 файла)
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txt license.txt (45,29 Kb)
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txt license.txt (46,6 Kb)
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txt license.txt (22,11 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (16,5 Kb)
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txt license.txt (47,88 Kb)
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txt license.txt (38,75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (22 Kb)
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txt license.txt (47,73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (27 Kb)
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file setup.exe.mui (28 Kb)
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file setup.exe.mui (19 Kb)
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nb-NO (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45,53 Kb)
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txt license.txt (49,71 Kb)
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txt license.txt (47,06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (28 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48,85 Kb)
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file setup.exe.mui (15,5 Kb)
zh-TW (2 файла)
txt license.txt (29,86 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (16 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
file DIFxAPI.dll (513,47 Kb)
exe Drv64.exe (180,74 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311,97 Kb)
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file USB3Ver.dll (41 Kb)
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040C (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
040D (1 файл)
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040E (1 файл)
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041B (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
041D (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
041E (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (5 Kb)
041F (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0401 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (5,5 Kb)
0404 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (3 Kb)
0405 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0406 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0407 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0408 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0409 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0410 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0411 (1 файл)
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0412 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (4 Kb)
0413 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6,5 Kb)
0414 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0415 (1 файл)
file iusb3mon.exe.mui (6 Kb)
0416 (1 файл)
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file iusb3hcs.inf (27,93 Kb)
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file iusb3hcs.inf (27,91 Kb)
file iusb3hcs.sys (18,77 Kb)
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file iusb3hub.sys (379,77 Kb)
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file iusb3xhc.man (457,87 Kb)
file iusb3xhc.sys (780,77 Kb)
x86 (8 файлов)
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file iusb3hub.cat (8,33 Kb)
file iusb3hub.inf (27,73 Kb)
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file iusb3xhc.cat (9,55 Kb)
file iusb3xhc.inf (20,73 Kb)
file iusb3xhc.man (457,87 Kb)
file iusb3xhc.sys (789,77 Kb)
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cs-CZ (2 файла)
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txt license.txt (46,6 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (26,5 Kb)
de-DE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49,51 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (28 Kb)
el-GR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (49,88 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (30 Kb)
en-US (2 файла)
txt license.txt (22,11 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (16,5 Kb)
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txt license.txt (47,15 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (28,5 Kb)
fi-FI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (45,77 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (26 Kb)
fr-FR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47,85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (29,5 Kb)
he-IL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (38,75 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (22,5 Kb)
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txt license.txt (47,73 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (27,5 Kb)
it-IT (2 файла)
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file setup.exe.mui (28 Kb)
ja-JP (2 файла)
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txt license.txt (34,26 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (18,5 Kb)
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txt license.txt (45,53 Kb)
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nl-NL (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48,23 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (29 Kb)
pl-PL (2 файла)
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pt-BR (2 файла)
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file setup.exe.mui (27 Kb)
pt-PT (2 файла)
txt license.txt (47,06 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (28 Kb)
ru-RU (2 файла)
txt license.txt (48,85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (25,5 Kb)
sk-SK (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46,03 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (27 Kb)
sl-SI (2 файла)
txt license.txt (43,92 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (27 Kb)
sv-SE (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46,21 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (25,5 Kb)
th-TH (2 файла)
txt license.txt (44,75 Kb)
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tr-TR (2 файла)
txt license.txt (46,89 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (27 Kb)
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txt license.txt (29,85 Kb)
file setup.exe.mui (16 Kb)
x64 (2 файла)
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exe Drv64.exe (141,5 Kb)
file DIFxAPI.dll (311,97 Kb)
txt Readme.txt (52,95 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (947 Kb)
file Setup.if2 (5,88 Kb)
file USB3Ver.dll (41 Kb)
file mup.xml (9,29 Kb)
file www.DriverOff.net.url (102 b)
file www.SamLab.ws.url (94 b)
file DP_Biometric_15024.7z (49,03 Mb)
file DP_Bluetooth_15035.7z (32,19 Mb)
file DP_CardReader_15035.7z (32,69 Mb)
file DP_Chipset_15035.7z (55,15 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Intel_15032.7z (14,62 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Others_15035.7z (33,44 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Realtek_15036.7z (10,72 Mb)
file DP_MassStorage_15033.7z (25,46 Mb)
file DP_Misc_15036.7z (92,92 Mb)
file DP_Modem_15021.7z (67,96 Mb)
file DP_Monitor_15035.7z (20,24 Mb)
file DP_Printer_15021.7z (604,73 Mb)
file DP_Sound_ADI_15025.7z (11,04 Mb)
file DP_Sound_CMedia_15036.7z (40,17 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Conexant_15035.7z (86,31 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Creative_15000.7z (81,84 Mb)
file DP_Sound_IDT_15036.7z (70,05 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Others_15035.7z (65,93 Mb)
file DP_Sound_VIA_15024.7z (41,95 Mb)
file DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036.7z (11,49 Mb)
file DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036.7z (114,39 Mb)
file DP_TV_Aver_15036.7z (26,44 Mb)
file DP_TV_Beholder_15000.7z (962,76 Kb)
file DP_TV_DVB_15036.7z (12,85 Mb)
file DP_TV_Others_15036.7z (62,97 Mb)
file DP_Telephone_15035.7z (45,63 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035.7z (96,56 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000.7z (17,61 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035.7z (313,81 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Others_15000.7z (34,28 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035.7z (300,93 Mb)
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txt DP_LAN_Others_15035.txt (10,29 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Realtek_15036.hwid (346,97 Kb)
txt DP_LAN_Realtek_15036.txt (21,18 Mb)
file DP_MassStorage_15033.hwid (151,46 Kb)
txt DP_MassStorage_15033.txt (4,63 Mb)
file DP_Misc_15036.hwid (158,87 Kb)
txt DP_Misc_15036.txt (4,31 Mb)
file DP_Modem_15021.hwid (97,93 Kb)
txt DP_Modem_15021.txt (844,34 Kb)
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txt DP_Monitor_15035.txt (3,16 Mb)
file DP_Printer_15021.hwid (291,74 Kb)
txt DP_Printer_15021.txt (12,41 Mb)
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file DP_Sound_CMedia_15036.hwid (91,57 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_CMedia_15036.txt (1,13 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Conexant_15035.hwid (39,32 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Conexant_15035.txt (708,33 Kb)
file DP_Sound_Creative_15000.hwid (21,21 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Creative_15000.txt (307,88 Kb)
file DP_Sound_IDT_15036.hwid (110,79 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_IDT_15036.txt (2 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Others_15035.hwid (87,62 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Others_15035.txt (708,92 Kb)
file DP_Sound_VIA_15024.hwid (66,62 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_VIA_15024.txt (1,74 Mb)
file DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036.hwid (19,18 Kb)
txt DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036.txt (327,15 Kb)
file DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036.hwid (510,74 Kb)
txt DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036.txt (6,16 Mb)
file DP_TV_Aver_15036.hwid (21,11 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Aver_15036.txt (310,59 Kb)
file DP_TV_Beholder_15000.hwid (2,27 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Beholder_15000.txt (13,51 Kb)
file DP_TV_DVB_15036.hwid (19,12 Kb)
txt DP_TV_DVB_15036.txt (320,69 Kb)
file DP_TV_Others_15036.hwid (123,02 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Others_15036.txt (1,49 Mb)
file DP_Telephone_15035.hwid (508,33 Kb)
txt DP_Telephone_15035.txt (8,23 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035.hwid (4,72 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035.txt (535,47 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000.hwid (394 b)
txt DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000.txt (78,97 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035.hwid (3,73 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035.txt (357,64 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Others_15000.hwid (66,44 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Others_15000.txt (1,53 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035.hwid (24,65 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035.txt (1,26 Mb)
file DP_Vendor_15035.hwid (21,99 Kb)
txt DP_Vendor_15035.txt (360 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-NT_15036.hwid (2,92 Kb)
txt DP_Video_Intel-NT_15036.txt (211,15 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-XP_15000.hwid (2,51 Kb)
txt DP_Video_Intel-XP_15000.txt (61,48 Kb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_15035.hwid (179,21 Kb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_15035.txt (13,28 Mb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_15034.hwid (119,66 Kb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_15034.txt (2,13 Mb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_15034.hwid (13,99 Kb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_15034.txt (922,59 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-NT_15034.hwid (50,03 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD-NT_15034.txt (2,44 Mb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-XP_15000.hwid (57,95 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD-XP_15000.txt (740,88 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD_Server_15024.hwid (2,9 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD_Server_15024.txt (90,78 Kb)
file DP_Videos_Others_15000.hwid (48,84 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_Others_15000.txt (582,8 Kb)
file DP_WLAN_15036.hwid (279,56 Kb)
txt DP_WLAN_15036.txt (15,11 Mb)
file DP_WebCam_15036.hwid (133,54 Kb)
txt DP_WebCam_15036.txt (3,98 Mb)
file DP_xUSB_15034.hwid (19,34 Kb)
txt DP_xUSB_15034.txt (365,98 Kb)
file DevDBVersions.ini (1,49 Kb)
DPS (88 файлов)
file DP_Biometric_15024_Drivers.hash (67,16 Kb)
txt DP_Biometric_15024_Drivers.txt (565,61 Kb)
file DP_Bluetooth_15035_Drivers.hash (260,66 Kb)
txt DP_Bluetooth_15035_Drivers.txt (2,28 Mb)
file DP_CardReader_15035_Drivers.hash (313,99 Kb)
txt DP_CardReader_15035_Drivers.txt (2,84 Mb)
file DP_Chipset_15035_Drivers.hash (223,87 Kb)
txt DP_Chipset_15035_Drivers.txt (1,94 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Intel_15032_Drivers.hash (102,59 Kb)
txt DP_LAN_Intel_15032_Drivers.txt (959,65 Kb)
file DP_LAN_Others_15035_Drivers.hash (779,68 Kb)
txt DP_LAN_Others_15035_Drivers.txt (7,99 Mb)
file DP_LAN_Realtek_15036_Drivers.hash (1,79 Mb)
txt DP_LAN_Realtek_15036_Drivers.txt (20,44 Mb)
file DP_MassStorage_15033_Drivers.hash (493,88 Kb)
txt DP_MassStorage_15033_Drivers.txt (4,51 Mb)
file DP_Misc_15036_Drivers.hash (484,23 Kb)
txt DP_Misc_15036_Drivers.txt (4,17 Mb)
file DP_Modem_15021_Drivers.hash (95,07 Kb)
txt DP_Modem_15021_Drivers.txt (826,89 Kb)
file DP_Monitor_15035_Drivers.hash (516,51 Kb)
txt DP_Monitor_15035_Drivers.txt (3,22 Mb)
file DP_Printer_15021_Drivers.hash (1,32 Mb)
txt DP_Printer_15021_Drivers.txt (11,71 Mb)
file DP_Sound_ADI_15025_Drivers.hash (67,49 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_ADI_15025_Drivers.txt (645,76 Kb)
file DP_Sound_CMedia_15036_Drivers.hash (127,96 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_CMedia_15036_Drivers.txt (1,12 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Conexant_15035_Drivers.hash (69,54 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Conexant_15035_Drivers.txt (676,86 Kb)
file DP_Sound_Creative_15000_Drivers.hash (32,87 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Creative_15000_Drivers.txt (292,97 Kb)
file DP_Sound_IDT_15036_Drivers.hash (214,74 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_IDT_15036_Drivers.txt (1,96 Mb)
file DP_Sound_Others_15035_Drivers.hash (82,05 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_Others_15035_Drivers.txt (695,56 Kb)
file DP_Sound_VIA_15024_Drivers.hash (178,21 Kb)
txt DP_Sound_VIA_15024_Drivers.txt (1,68 Mb)
file DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036_Drivers.hash (34,95 Kb)
txt DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036_Drivers.txt (320,23 Kb)
file DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036_Drivers.hash (652,41 Kb)
txt DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036_Drivers.txt (5,65 Mb)
file DP_TV_Aver_15036_Drivers.hash (34,82 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Aver_15036_Drivers.txt (295,36 Kb)
file DP_TV_Beholder_15000_Drivers.hash (6,26 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Beholder_15000_Drivers.txt (13,4 Kb)
file DP_TV_DVB_15036_Drivers.hash (40,29 Kb)
txt DP_TV_DVB_15036_Drivers.txt (360,06 Kb)
file DP_TV_Others_15036_Drivers.hash (161,9 Kb)
txt DP_TV_Others_15036_Drivers.txt (1,45 Mb)
file DP_Telephone_15035_Drivers.hash (1015,45 Kb)
txt DP_Telephone_15035_Drivers.txt (7,88 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035_Drivers.hash (54,32 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035_Drivers.txt (414,43 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000_Drivers.hash (10,74 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000_Drivers.txt (78,31 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035_Drivers.hash (47,4 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035_Drivers.txt (333,27 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Others_15000_Drivers.hash (189,9 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Others_15000_Drivers.txt (1,5 Mb)
file DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035_Drivers.hash (157,41 Kb)
txt DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035_Drivers.txt (1,11 Mb)
file DP_Vendor_15035_Drivers.hash (41,41 Kb)
txt DP_Vendor_15035_Drivers.txt (346,73 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-NT_15036_Drivers.hash (18,59 Kb)
txt DP_Video_Intel-NT_15036_Drivers.txt (173,36 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-XP_15000_Drivers.hash (6,26 Kb)
txt DP_Video_Intel-XP_15000_Drivers.txt (54,72 Kb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_15035_Drivers.hash (1,16 Mb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_15035_Drivers.txt (12,09 Mb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_15034_Drivers.hash (195,59 Kb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_15034_Drivers.txt (1,77 Mb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_15034_Drivers.hash (84,38 Kb)
txt DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_15034_Drivers.txt (816,98 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-NT_15034_Drivers.hash (225,59 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD-NT_15034_Drivers.txt (1,93 Mb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-XP_15000_Drivers.hash (83,98 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD-XP_15000_Drivers.txt (720,67 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD_Server_15024_Drivers.hash (8,82 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_AMD_Server_15024_Drivers.txt (75,03 Kb)
file DP_Videos_Others_15000_Drivers.hash (66,57 Kb)
txt DP_Videos_Others_15000_Drivers.txt (561,74 Kb)
file DP_WLAN_15036_Drivers.hash (1,18 Mb)
txt DP_WLAN_15036_Drivers.txt (11,51 Mb)
file DP_WebCam_15036_Drivers.hash (490,54 Kb)
txt DP_WebCam_15036_Drivers.txt (3,85 Mb)
file DP_xUSB_15034_Drivers.hash (35,98 Kb)
txt DP_xUSB_15034_Drivers.txt (304,91 Kb)
SDI (44 файла)
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file DP_Bluetooth_15035.bin (153,52 Kb)
file DP_CardReader_15035.bin (169,31 Kb)
file DP_Chipset_15035.bin (155,53 Kb)
file DP_LAN_Intel_15032.bin (63,27 Kb)
file DP_LAN_Others_15035.bin (378,8 Kb)
file DP_LAN_Realtek_15036.bin (595,96 Kb)
file DP_MassStorage_15033.bin (260,19 Kb)
file DP_Misc_15036.bin (262,28 Kb)
file DP_Modem_15021.bin (80,33 Kb)
file DP_Monitor_15035.bin (604,94 Kb)
file DP_Printer_15021.bin (537,27 Kb)
file DP_Sound_ADI_15025.bin (53,76 Kb)
file DP_Sound_CMedia_15036.bin (82,54 Kb)
file DP_Sound_Conexant_15035.bin (53,21 Kb)
file DP_Sound_Creative_15000.bin (26,78 Kb)
file DP_Sound_IDT_15036.bin (93,03 Kb)
file DP_Sound_Others_15035.bin (66,27 Kb)
file DP_Sound_VIA_15024.bin (71,28 Kb)
file DP_Sounds_HDMI_15036.bin (19,45 Kb)
file DP_Sounds_Realtek_15036.bin (323,9 Kb)
file DP_TV_Aver_15036.bin (51,07 Kb)
file DP_TV_Beholder_15000.bin (2,11 Kb)
file DP_TV_DVB_15036.bin (35,54 Kb)
file DP_TV_Others_15036.bin (149,45 Kb)
file DP_Telephone_15035.bin (539,76 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Alps_15035.bin (27,67 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Cypress_15000.bin (5,75 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Elan_15035.bin (23,52 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Others_15000.bin (75,89 Kb)
file DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_15035.bin (85,96 Kb)
file DP_Vendor_15035.bin (55,62 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-NT_15036.bin (12,45 Kb)
file DP_Video_Intel-XP_15000.bin (7 Kb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_15035.bin (474,43 Kb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_15034.bin (129,56 Kb)
file DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_15034.bin (40,83 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-NT_15034.bin (107,46 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD-XP_15000.bin (63,63 Kb)
file DP_Videos_AMD_Server_15024.bin (7,44 Kb)
file DP_Videos_Others_15000.bin (65,04 Kb)
file DP_WLAN_15036.bin (678,03 Kb)
file DP_WebCam_15036.bin (280,8 Kb)
file DP_xUSB_15034.bin (35,54 Kb)
Soft (25 файлов)
-Tools- (4 файла)
BUG-soft (2 файла)
exe FIX_DLLs Windows.exe (109,64 Kb)
exe Fix All Windows 2.0.exe (1,5 Mb)
DRV-soft (15 файлов)
ASUS (4 файла)
exe ATK Generic.exe (8,91 Mb)
exe ATK HotKey.exe (2,1 Mb)
exe Power4GearHybrid.exe (4,55 Mb)
exe WirelessConsole.exe (7,94 Mb)
HP (2 файла)
exe HP HotKey Support.exe (19,96 Mb)
msi HP Quick Launch.msi (8,73 Mb)
MassStorage (4 файла)
exe MassStor_x64_12.5.22.exe (1,28 Mb)
exe MassStor_x64_12.9.18.exe (1,29 Mb)
exe MassStor_x86_12.5.22.exe (1,23 Mb)
exe MassStor_x86_12.9.18.exe (1,24 Mb)
nVidia (2 файла)
file DisableLogging.reg (1,19 Kb)
file EnableFullLogging.reg (7,94 Kb)
exe AMD 13.5 CAP1.exe (1,61 Mb)
exe AMD Control Center.exe (25,1 Mb)
exe AMD GPU Restarter.exe (416,2 Kb)
exe AMD Install Tool.exe (118 Kb)
exe ASIO4ALL 2.1 Ru.exe (362,25 Kb)
exe ATI TrayTool 1.79.exe (2,03 Mb)
exe Bluetooth Installer.exe (1,87 Mb)
exe DotNet CleanUpTool.exe (291,5 Kb)
exe DriverSweeper 3.2.exe (4,71 Mb)
exe HDaudioFix XPSP2.exe (705,71 Kb)
exe Rapture3D 2.51.exe (11,31 Mb)
INFO-soft (5 файлов)
exe BlueScreenView.exe (59,59 Kb)
exe ChatNoir Info Tool.exe (107 Kb)
exe List of the HWIDs.exe (122,31 Kb)
exe NET Detector.exe (774,5 Kb)
file Коды ошибок.mht (968,15 Kb)
file DriverX_3.05.7z (1,39 Mb)
-UnInst- (4 файла)
settings (5 файлов)
AMD (6 файлов)
file classroot.cfg (56 b)
file clsidleftover.cfg (116 b)
file driverfiles.cfg (3,11 Kb)
file interface.cfg (141 b)
file packages.cfg (265 b)
file services.cfg (286 b)
INTEL (6 файлов)
file classroot.cfg (160 b)
file clsidleftover.cfg (140 b)
file driverfiles.cfg (3,63 Kb)
file interface.cfg (178 b)
file packages.cfg (27 b)
file services.cfg (78 b)
Languages (24 файла)
Bulgarian (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (3,36 Kb)
txt button1.txt (83 b)
txt button2.txt (131 b)
txt button3.txt (115 b)
txt button4.txt (121 b)
txt button5.txt (44 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (101 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (93 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (22 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (30 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (26 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (98 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (46 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (114 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
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txt label11.txt (408 b)
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txt msgbox.txt (2,39 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (215 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (253 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (261 b)
txt tos.txt (937 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,57 Kb)
Chinese (Simplified) (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,43 Kb)
txt button1.txt (28 b)
txt button2.txt (50 b)
txt button3.txt (38 b)
txt button4.txt (58 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
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txt tooltip2.txt (84 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (84 b)
txt tos.txt (650 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (1,49 Kb)
Chinese (Traditional) (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,84 Kb)
txt button1.txt (37 b)
txt button2.txt (70 b)
txt button3.txt (49 b)
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txt checkbox3amd.txt (34 b)
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txt tooltip2.txt (86 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (84 b)
txt tos.txt (590 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (1,5 Kb)
Czech (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,79 Kb)
txt button1.txt (42 b)
txt button2.txt (65 b)
txt button3.txt (58 b)
txt button4.txt (64 b)
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txt tooltip2.txt (134 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (147 b)
txt tos.txt (515 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Danish (29 файлов)
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txt button2.txt (66 b)
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txt tooltip3.txt (129 b)
txt tos.txt (576 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Dutch (29 файлов)
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txt tooltip2.txt (139 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (150 b)
txt tos.txt (640 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,96 Kb)
English (29 файлов)
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txt tooltip2.txt (226 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (242 b)
txt tos.txt (1,01 Kb)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
French (29 файлов)
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txt Button2.txt (108 b)
txt Button3.txt (78 b)
txt about.txt (1,81 Kb)
txt button4.txt (63 b)
txt button5.txt (46 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (51 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (76 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (13 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (44 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (17 b)
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txt tooltip3.txt (113 b)
txt tos.txt (679 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,58 Kb)
German (29 файлов)
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txt tos.txt (684 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,87 Kb)
Greek (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (4,08 Kb)
txt button1.txt (79 b)
txt button2.txt (153 b)
txt button3.txt (132 b)
txt button4.txt (116 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (118 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (40 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (120 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (47 b)
txt label10.txt (90 b)
txt label11.txt (50 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (4 b)
txt label7.txt (54 b)
txt label9.txt (210 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (179 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (266 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (241 b)
txt tos.txt (1,41 Kb)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Hebrew (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,59 Kb)
txt button1.txt (74 b)
txt button2.txt (106 b)
txt button3.txt (92 b)
txt button4.txt (89 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (62 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (19 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (32 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (62 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (38 b)
txt label10.txt (66 b)
txt label11.txt (28 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (12 b)
txt label7.txt (44 b)
txt label9.txt (60 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (120 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (153 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (155 b)
txt tos.txt (515 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Hungarian (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,69 Kb)
txt button1.txt (54 b)
txt button2.txt (88 b)
txt button3.txt (70 b)
txt button4.txt (69 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (59 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (21 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (120 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (28 b)
txt label10.txt (44 b)
txt label11.txt (27 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (8 b)
txt label7.txt (27 b)
txt label9.txt (100 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (107 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (138 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (152 b)
txt tos.txt (650 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Italian (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,64 Kb)
txt button1.txt (36 b)
txt button2.txt (76 b)
txt button3.txt (66 b)
txt button4.txt (90 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (56 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (13 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (132 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (32 b)
txt label10.txt (52 b)
txt label11.txt (27 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (5 b)
txt label7.txt (24 b)
txt label9.txt (60 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (79 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (119 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (120 b)
txt tos.txt (567 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Japanese (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,63 Kb)
txt button1.txt (49 b)
txt button2.txt (106 b)
txt button3.txt (109 b)
txt button4.txt (82 b)
txt button5.txt (30 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (69 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (66 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (18 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (26 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (22 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (69 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (87 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (26 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (66 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (70 b)
txt label1.txt (45 b)
txt label10.txt (58 b)
txt label11.txt (318 b)
txt label4.txt (125 b)
txt label5.txt (12 b)
txt label7.txt (48 b)
txt label9.txt (98 b)
txt msgbox.txt (1,86 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (133 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (175 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (226 b)
txt tos.txt (796 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,34 Kb)
Korean (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,45 Kb)
txt button1.txt (53 b)
txt button2.txt (83 b)
txt button3.txt (74 b)
txt button4.txt (69 b)
txt button5.txt (28 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (58 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (77 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (15 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (28 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (19 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (46 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (50 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (28 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (58 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (46 b)
txt label1.txt (28 b)
txt label10.txt (56 b)
txt label11.txt (279 b)
txt label4.txt (110 b)
txt label5.txt (19 b)
txt label7.txt (34 b)
txt label9.txt (102 b)
txt msgbox.txt (1,55 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (104 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (143 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (141 b)
txt tos.txt (770 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (1,79 Kb)
Polish (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,2 Kb)
txt button1.txt (43 b)
txt button2.txt (74 b)
txt button3.txt (69 b)
txt button4.txt (78 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (63 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (14 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (22 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (18 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (55 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (90 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (26 b)
txt label10.txt (48 b)
txt label11.txt (253 b)
txt label4.txt (100 b)
txt label5.txt (21 b)
txt label7.txt (31 b)
txt label9.txt (106 b)
txt msgbox.txt (1,47 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (91 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (127 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (129 b)
txt tos.txt (683 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (1,62 Kb)
Portuguese (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,84 Kb)
txt button1.txt (46 b)
txt button2.txt (68 b)
txt button3.txt (64 b)
txt button4.txt (65 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (51 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (13 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (118 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (32 b)
txt label10.txt (53 b)
txt label11.txt (454 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (5 b)
txt label7.txt (28 b)
txt label9.txt (74 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (92 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (102 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (120 b)
txt tos.txt (582 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Russian (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,4 Kb)
txt button1.txt (101 b)
txt button2.txt (140 b)
txt button3.txt (97 b)
txt button4.txt (104 b)
txt button5.txt (58 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (20 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (44 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (24 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (146 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (128 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (24 b)
txt label10.txt (63 b)
txt label11.txt (49 b)
txt label4.txt (176 b)
txt label5.txt (13 b)
txt label7.txt (38 b)
txt label9.txt (174 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,75 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (225 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (278 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (264 b)
txt tos.txt (920 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,58 Kb)
Serbian (Cyrilic) (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (3,88 Kb)
txt button1.txt (84 b)
txt button2.txt (171 b)
txt button3.txt (135 b)
txt button4.txt (116 b)
txt button5.txt (60 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (130 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (106 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (21 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (44 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (25 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (64 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (107 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (30 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (127 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (46 b)
txt label1.txt (43 b)
txt label10.txt (72 b)
txt label11.txt (489 b)
txt label4.txt (137 b)
txt label5.txt (26 b)
txt label7.txt (55 b)
txt label9.txt (187 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,43 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (176 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (250 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (252 b)
txt tos.txt (1,02 Kb)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,21 Kb)
Serbian (Latin) (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,43 Kb)
txt button1.txt (49 b)
txt button2.txt (99 b)
txt button3.txt (77 b)
txt button4.txt (72 b)
txt button5.txt (39 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (82 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (72 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (15 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (31 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (19 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (48 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (73 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (24 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (79 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (40 b)
txt label1.txt (33 b)
txt label10.txt (52 b)
txt label11.txt (272 b)
txt label4.txt (84 b)
txt label5.txt (19 b)
txt label7.txt (35 b)
txt label9.txt (108 b)
txt msgbox.txt (1,53 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (99 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (142 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (142 b)
txt tos.txt (663 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (1,59 Kb)
Slovak (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,65 Kb)
txt button1.txt (49 b)
txt button2.txt (81 b)
txt button3.txt (62 b)
txt button4.txt (64 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (63 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (17 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (58 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (21 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (96 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (120 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (24 b)
txt label10.txt (46 b)
txt label11.txt (26 b)
txt label4.txt (188 b)
txt label5.txt (8 b)
txt label7.txt (28 b)
txt label9.txt (74 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,61 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (105 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (141 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (144 b)
txt tos.txt (583 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,72 Kb)
Spanish (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (2,05 Kb)
txt button1.txt (49 b)
txt button2.txt (91 b)
txt button3.txt (65 b)
txt button4.txt (82 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (70 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (17 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (30 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (21 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (63 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (124 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (35 b)
txt label10.txt (55 b)
txt label11.txt (273 b)
txt label4.txt (119 b)
txt label5.txt (14 b)
txt label7.txt (35 b)
txt label9.txt (89 b)
txt msgbox.txt (3,13 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (122 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (161 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (185 b)
txt tos.txt (588 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (3,18 Kb)
Swedish (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (1,72 Kb)
txt button1.txt (39 b)
txt button2.txt (63 b)
txt button3.txt (62 b)
txt button4.txt (79 b)
txt button5.txt (38 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (48 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (16 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (86 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (136 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (42 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (102 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (72 b)
txt label1.txt (27 b)
txt label10.txt (60 b)
txt label11.txt (32 b)
txt label4.txt (162 b)
txt label5.txt (8 b)
txt label7.txt (25 b)
txt label9.txt (66 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,57 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (92 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (113 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (134 b)
txt tos.txt (610 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,61 Kb)
Ukrainian (29 файлов)
txt about.txt (3,52 Kb)
txt button1.txt (102 b)
txt button2.txt (167 b)
txt button3.txt (122 b)
txt button4.txt (139 b)
txt button5.txt (54 b)
txt checkbox1.txt (95 b)
txt checkbox2.txt (103 b)
txt checkbox3.txt (25 b)
txt checkbox3amd.txt (46 b)
txt checkbox4.txt (29 b)
txt checkbox5.txt (110 b)
txt checkbox6.txt (108 b)
txt checkbox7amd.txt (46 b)
txt checkbox8.txt (106 b)
txt checkbox9.txt (100 b)
txt label1.txt (41 b)
txt label10.txt (88 b)
txt label11.txt (384 b)
txt label4.txt (174 b)
txt label5.txt (16 b)
txt label7.txt (54 b)
txt label9.txt (195 b)
txt msgbox.txt (2,81 Kb)
txt tooltip1.txt (213 b)
txt tooltip2.txt (269 b)
txt tooltip3.txt (275 b)
txt tos.txt (878 b)
txt updatetextmethod.txt (2,39 Kb)
NVIDIA (6 файлов)
file classroot.cfg (224 b)
file clsidleftover.cfg (273 b)
file driverfiles.cfg (2,26 Kb)
file interface.cfg (2,24 Kb)
file packages.cfg (5 b)
file services.cfg (195 b)
txt Readme.txt (944 b)
file Display Driver Uninstaller.exe.config (224 b)
exe Display Driver Uninstaller.exe (1,73 Mb)
file Display Driver Uninstaller.pdb (211,5 Kb)
Antivirus (1 файл)
exe 360ts.exe (32,05 Mb)
Browser (1 файл)
exe SlimJet.exe (40,42 Mb)
Files (3 файла)
exe 7-Zip.exe (1,82 Mb)
exe CDBurnerXP.exe (5,16 Mb)
exe HaoZip.exe (9,14 Mb)
Other (2 файла)
exe ClassicShellRu.exe (6,64 Mb)
exe PuntoSwitcher.exe (2,49 Mb)
Player (3 файла)
exe AIMP3.exe (8,51 Mb)
exe PotPlayer.exe (19,4 Mb)
file PotPlayerMini.ini (4,01 Kb)
Socials (3 файла)
exe QIP2012.exe (12,24 Mb)
exe Skype.exe (43,65 Mb)
file SkypeNoAdvert.reg (1,32 Kb)
Viewer (2 файла)
exe FSImage.exe (5,87 Mb)
exe FoxitReader.exe (21,86 Mb)
WWW (2 файла)
exe TeamViewer.exe (7,6 Mb)
exe uTorrent.exe (1,25 Mb)
exe Backupper.exe (69,06 Mb)
exe DirectX.exe (26,19 Mb)
exe DotNet.exe (128,54 Mb)
exe DotNetXP.exe (90,03 Mb)
exe FlashPlayer.exe (32,71 Mb)
exe Java.exe (42,84 Mb)
exe MBAM.exe (31,57 Mb)
exe PhysX.exe (24,01 Mb)
exe RuntimePack.exe (5,59 Mb)
exe RuntimeRun.exe (104,4 Kb)
exe SAMCoDeCs.exe (24,57 Mb)
file Settings.js (22,36 Kb)
exe Shockwave.exe (12,13 Mb)
exe Silverlight.exe (12,38 Mb)
exe VisualCplus.exe (22,74 Mb)
Tools (59 файлов)
Autorun (24 файла)
file BG01.bmp (1 Mb)
file BNext.bmp (4,62 Kb)
file BRight.bmp (4,62 Kb)
file Click.wav (174,54 Kb)
file Default.bmp (58 b)
file DiskIcon.ico (1,12 Kb)
file DriverOff.net.url (102 b)
file Explorer.bmp (13,26 Kb)
file LogoBack.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoG.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoHDD.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoI.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoInst.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoP.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoUAC.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file LogoW.bmp (64,05 Kb)
file Manager.bmp (18,74 Kb)
file Panel.bmp (18,13 Kb)
file SamLab.ws.url (94 b)
file Select.wav (68,42 Kb)
file Start.wav (15,35 Kb)
file TaskMan.bmp (16,3 Kb)
file User.bmp (9,05 Kb)
file UserFon.bmp (16,05 Kb)
Branding (4 файла)
file branding.js (40 b)
png logo.png (25,06 Kb)
png logodrp.png (7,32 Kb)
png logosam.png (26,28 Kb)
CPUz (3 файла)
exe cpuz.exe (1,83 Mb)
file cpuz.ini (66 b)
exe cpuz64.exe (2,22 Mb)
DevCon (4 файла)
exe devcon.exe (76,5 Kb)
exe devcon64.exe (80,5 Kb)
file devcon_c.cmd (2,92 Kb)
exe devconw2k.exe (54,5 Kb)
DevManView (8 файлов)
file DevManView-x64.cfg (684 b)
exe DevManView-x64.exe (133,59 Kb)
file DevManView-x64_lng.ini (3,79 Kb)
file DevManView.cfg (740 b)
file DevManView.chm (18,02 Kb)
exe DevManView.exe (53,09 Kb)
file DevManView_lng.ini (3,79 Kb)
txt readme.txt (13,93 Kb)
DEVParser (5 файлов)
file dev_parser.vbs (17,02 Kb)
txt errors.txt (0 b)
txt log.txt (0 b)
file start.cmd (1,04 Kb)
file start_u.cmd (840 b)
DIA (3 файла)
Docs (2 файла)
0409 (6 файлов)
Help_files (14 файлов)
jpg image001.jpg (67,05 Kb)
jpg image002.jpg (31,38 Kb)
jpg image003.jpg (24,67 Kb)
jpg image004.jpg (32,71 Kb)
jpg image005.jpg (74,13 Kb)
jpg image006.jpg (37,27 Kb)
jpg image007.jpg (52,21 Kb)
jpg image008.jpg (8,37 Kb)
jpg image009.jpg (51,63 Kb)
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gif image020.gif (42,31 Kb)
jpg image022.jpg (15,62 Kb)
jpg image024.jpg (30,69 Kb)
jpg image026.jpg (12,95 Kb)
file Donate.rtf (2,24 Kb)
file Help.html (35,48 Kb)
file Links.html (19,25 Kb)
txt history.txt (80,51 Kb)
file licence.rtf (4,26 Kb)
0419 (6 файлов)
Help_files (33 файла)
gif image002.gif (7,59 Kb)
jpg image004.jpg (88,14 Kb)
jpg image006.jpg (9,95 Kb)
jpg image008.jpg (17,99 Kb)
jpg image010.jpg (74,75 Kb)
jpg image010_002.jpg (79,98 Kb)
jpg image012.jpg (7,87 Kb)
jpg image014.jpg (13,8 Kb)
jpg image014_002.jpg (52,91 Kb)
jpg image016.jpg (86 Kb)
jpg image016_002.jpg (9,63 Kb)
jpg image018.jpg (10,73 Kb)
jpg image018_002.jpg (65,27 Kb)
gif image020.gif (42,31 Kb)
jpg image020.jpg (81,72 Kb)
jpg image022.jpg (63,27 Kb)
jpg image022_002.jpg (15,62 Kb)
jpg image024.jpg (14,23 Kb)
jpg image024_002.jpg (30,69 Kb)
jpg image026.jpg (12,95 Kb)
jpg image026_002.jpg (13,13 Kb)
jpg image028.jpg (10,61 Kb)
jpg image030.jpg (48,63 Kb)
jpg image032.jpg (5,93 Kb)
jpg image034.jpg (48,71 Kb)
jpg image036.jpg (43,65 Kb)
jpg image038.jpg (37,89 Kb)
jpg image040.jpg (40,47 Kb)
jpg image042.jpg (18,24 Kb)
jpg image044.jpg (47,36 Kb)
jpg image046.jpg (49,03 Kb)
jpg image047.jpg (39,7 Kb)
file main.css (893 b)
file Donate.rtf (6,08 Kb)
file Help.html (212,6 Kb)
file Links.html (20,1 Kb)
txt history.txt (81,63 Kb)
file licence.rtf (13,97 Kb)
Graphics (2 файла)
Main (1 файл)
Standart (29 файлов)
file BTN_ADD.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_BACKUP.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_BREAK_UPDATE.ico (1,84 Kb)
file BTN_CHECKMARK.ico (1,84 Kb)
file BTN_DELETE.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_DONATE.ico (4,54 Kb)
file BTN_EDIT.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_EXIT.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_FONT.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_HISTORY.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_HOME.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_LICENCE.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_RENEWHW.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_RUNTASK.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_SAVE.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_UNCHECKMARK.ico (1,84 Kb)
file BTN_UPDATE.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_UPDATEFULL.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_VIEW_SEARCH.ico (3,19 Kb)
file FRAME_GROUP.ico (894 b)
file OPT_DESIGN.ico (894 b)
file OPT_DESIGN2.ico (894 b)
file OPT_DEVPARSER.ico (894 b)
file OPT_DPINST.ico (894 b)
file OPT_MAIN.ico (894 b)
file OPT_MAIN2.ico (894 b)
file OPT_OSLIST.ico (894 b)
file OPT_TOOLS_MAIN.ico (894 b)
file OPT_TOOLS_OTHER.ico (894 b)
StatusButton (3 файла)
AmigosPack (9 файлов)
file BTN_NO_DB.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_NO_DRV.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_NEW.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_OLD.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK_NEW.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_OK_OLD.ico (5,77 Kb)
file BTN_UPD_DRV.ico (5,77 Kb)
LisabonPack (9 файлов)
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file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_NEW.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_OLD.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_NEW.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_OLD.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_UPD_DRV.ico (3,19 Kb)
Standart (9 файлов)
file BTN_NO_DB.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_NO_DRV.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_NEW.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_ATTENTION_OLD.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_NEW.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_OK_OLD.ico (3,19 Kb)
file BTN_UPD_DRV.ico (3,19 Kb)
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file !AllListLNG.rtf (299,81 Kb)
txt !HistoryLng.txt (4,65 Kb)
file Arabic.lng (70,2 Kb)
file Czech.lng (73,18 Kb)
file English.lng (75,56 Kb)
file Italian.lng (75,79 Kb)
file Lithuanian.lng (74,38 Kb)
file Russian.lng (77,71 Kb)
file Turkish.lng (70,61 Kb)
file Ukrainian.lng (76,6 Kb)
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0419 (3 файла)
file Donate.rtf (5,92 Kb)
txt History.txt (7,66 Kb)
file Links.html (14,55 Kb)
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file DPInst.xml (1,15 Kb)
exe DPInst64.exe (2,38 Mb)
file license.rtf (148,25 Kb)
GraphicsDBS (1 файл)
Main (2 файла)
Standart (19 файлов)
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file BTN_CHECKMARK.ico (4,67 Kb)
file BTN_DONATE.ico (2,7 Kb)
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file FRAME_LIST.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_ARCHNAME.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_DESIGN.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_MAIN.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_OSLIST.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_TOOLS_MAIN.ico (1,37 Kb)
Standart2 (19 файлов)
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file BTN_EXIT.ico (26,07 Kb)
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file FRAME_LIST.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_ARCHNAME.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_DESIGN.ico (1,37 Kb)
file OPT_MAIN.ico (1,37 Kb)
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file Czech.lng (23,15 Kb)
file English.lng (12,08 Kb)
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file Spanish.lng (25,76 Kb)
file Turkish.lng (22,77 Kb)
file Ukraine.lng (24,1 Kb)
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file OpenHardwareMonitorReportNet4.cmd (74 b)
exe OpenHardwareMonitorReportNet4.exe (11,7 Kb)
txt WinRing0.License.txt (1,24 Kb)
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file wpi.js (2,67 Kb)
NVidia (1 файл)
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SDI (3 файла)
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txt Romanian.txt (33,72 Kb)
txt armenian.txt (26,64 Kb)
txt azerbaijan.txt (20,25 Kb)
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txt turkish.txt (16,31 Kb)
txt ukrainian.txt (26,4 Kb)
themes (27 файлов)
classic (9 файлов)
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file ch_h.webp (150 b)
file ch_n.webp (172 b)
file dnh.webp (322 b)
file dnn.webp (140 b)
file unch_h.webp (180 b)
file unch_n.webp (192 b)
file uph.webp (352 b)
file upn.webp (946 b)
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file button_2.webp (1,55 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (2,05 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (1,67 Kb)
file button_h.webp (2,45 Kb)
file checked.webp (628 b)
file main.webp (50,23 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (210 b)
green_blue (9 файлов)
file button.webp (3,74 Kb)
file button_2.webp (3,43 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (3,62 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (3,17 Kb)
file button_h.webp (3,47 Kb)
file checked.webp (676 b)
file main.webp (9,19 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (192 b)
happy_new_year (9 файлов)
file button.webp (3,74 Kb)
file button_2.webp (3,43 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (3,62 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (3,17 Kb)
file button_h.webp (3,47 Kb)
file checked.webp (658 b)
file main.webp (37,42 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (210 b)
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file checked.webp (824 b)
file unchecked.webp (364 b)
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file button_2.webp (1,55 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (2,05 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (1,67 Kb)
file button_h.webp (2,45 Kb)
file checked.webp (628 b)
file main2.webp (5,17 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (210 b)
Nordsee (9 файлов)
file button.webp (3,74 Kb)
file button_2.webp (3,43 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (3,62 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (3,17 Kb)
file button_h.webp (3,47 Kb)
file checked.webp (628 b)
file main.webp (27,06 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (210 b)
sky_clouds (9 файлов)
file button.webp (3,74 Kb)
file button_2.webp (3,43 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (3,62 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (3,17 Kb)
file button_h.webp (3,47 Kb)
file checked.webp (676 b)
file main.webp (14,15 Kb)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (192 b)
winter (9 файлов)
file button.webp (1,52 Kb)
file button_2.webp (1,55 Kb)
file button_2d.webp (2,05 Kb)
file button_2s.webp (1,67 Kb)
file button_h.webp (2,45 Kb)
file checked.webp (628 b)
file semi.webp (126 b)
file unchecked.webp (210 b)
file winter.webp (83,11 Kb)
txt Nordsee.txt (3,96 Kb)
txt Nordsee_(big).txt (6,12 Kb)
txt classic (big).txt (7,06 Kb)
txt classic.txt (5,75 Kb)
txt grass (big).txt (6,07 Kb)
txt grass.txt (3,91 Kb)
txt green_blue.txt (4 Kb)
txt green_blue_(big).txt (6,16 Kb)
txt happy_new_year.txt (4,06 Kb)
txt happy_new_year_(big).txt (6,21 Kb)
txt metallic (big).txt (1,42 Kb)
txt metallic.txt (36,77 Kb)
txt metallic_new (big).txt (6,16 Kb)
txt metallic_new.txt (3,87 Kb)
txt sky_clouds.txt (4 Kb)
txt sky_clouds_(big).txt (6,16 Kb)
txt winter (big).txt (6,1 Kb)
txt winter.txt (3,95 Kb)
file settings.cfg (304 b)
SFX (5 файлов)
file 7zSD.sfx (253,5 Kb)
file 7zSD_RU.chm (273,6 Kb)
txt Config.txt (835 b)
txt config_en.txt (661 b)
txt readmeSFX.txt (5,38 Kb)
SIV (27 файлов)
txt MONDEVS.txt (307,32 Kb)
txt PCMDEVS.txt (98,96 Kb)
txt PNPDEVS.txt (104,19 Kb)
file SIV310.dll (16,78 Kb)
exe SIV32L.exe (2,98 Mb)
exe SIV32X.exe (3,99 Mb)
exe SIV64I.exe (7,9 Mb)
exe SIV64X.exe (4,49 Mb)
file SIVA32.sys (132,9 Kb)
file SIVDBG.bat (2,17 Kb)
txt SIVDEF.txt (79 b)
file SIVI64.sys (294,74 Kb)
file SIVNT1.sys (88,63 Kb)
file SIVNT3.sys (94,41 Kb)
file SIVNT4.sys (98,31 Kb)
file SIVRES.dll (2,52 Mb)
file SIVX32.sys (123,24 Kb)
file SIVX64.sys (154,24 Kb)
txt USBDEVS.txt (1,39 Mb)
exe mondevs.exe (108,31 Kb)
exe pcidevs.exe (152,78 Kb)
txt pcidevs.txt (3 Mb)
exe pcmdevs.exe (108,78 Kb)
exe pnpdevs.exe (96,32 Kb)
exe sentest.exe (96,78 Kb)
exe usbdevs.exe (128,78 Kb)
file xxxdevs.bat (2,62 Kb)
UDI (8 файлов)
txt License.txt (3,24 Kb)
txt MONdevs.txt (307,32 Kb)
txt PCIdevs.txt (3 Mb)
txt PCMdevs.txt (98,96 Kb)
txt PNPdevs.txt (104,19 Kb)
txt Readme.txt (2,61 Kb)
txt USBdevs.txt (1,39 Mb)
exe UnknownDeviceIdentifier.exe (1,21 Mb)
UnknownDevices (4 файла)
zip DeviceLists.zip (900,24 Kb)
txt SoftwareUsageAgreement.txt (2,22 Kb)
file UKD.ico (1,62 Kb)
exe UnknownDevices.exe (412,5 Kb)
file 7z.dll (928 Kb)
exe 7za.exe (197 Kb)
file Autorun(for_Silent_Install).hta (111,73 Kb)
file Autorun.hta (110,43 Kb)
file DIA.ini (3,57 Kb)
file DPS.chm (2,4 Mb)
file DriversBackuper.ini (1,49 Kb)
file DriversInstaller.ini (3,5 Kb)
exe DrvUpdater.exe (46,2 Kb)
file Icon.ico (207,72 Kb)
file about.hta (3,95 Kb)
exe aria2c.exe (4,09 Mb)
exe cmd64.exe (337 Kb)
file config.js (2,72 Kb)
file descript.ion (45 b)
exe devcon.exe (54,5 Kb)
exe devcon64.exe (68,5 Kb)
file drv_update.hta (8,9 Kb)
file fix_dll.cmd (1,09 Kb)
png green_ok.png (774 b)
gif indicator2.gif (10,57 Kb)
gif indicator3.gif (11,6 Kb)
gif indicator4.gif (1,42 Kb)
gif load.gif (1,51 Kb)
gif load8.gif (31,73 Kb)
exe mshta.exe (28,5 Kb)
png no.png (782 b)
png no_db.png (790 b)
png ok.png (707 b)
file pinItem.vbs (12,61 Kb)
file removePinned.vbs (3,81 Kb)
file shortcuts.js (193,22 Kb)
file shortcutsUninstaller.cmd (845 b)
file start.bat (59 b)
exe start.exe (57,42 Kb)
file start.vbs (236 b)
file style.css (8,55 Kb)
file update.js (53,33 Kb)
exe wget.exe (392 Kb)
exe Autorun.exe (935,21 Kb)
file Autorun.hta (111,62 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (60 b)
file Autorun.ini (11,23 Kb)
exe DBS-drv.exe (4,85 Mb)
exe DIA-drv.exe (5,8 Mb)
exe DPS-drv.exe (235,17 Kb)
exe SDI-drv.exe (1,01 Mb)
exe SysInfo.exe (5,28 Mb)
file www.DriverOff.net.url (102 b)
file www.SamLab.ws.url (94 b)

Категория: Драйвера / Сборники драйверов

Поделиться публикацией:
Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь.
Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.
  • 4 комментария
  • 0 публикаций
30 мая 2015 19:05


  • Группа: Посетители
  • Регистрация: 9.02.2013
  • Статус: Пользователь offline
отличная сборочка smile сидерам респект

Добавление комментария

Десять + 5 и минуснём 3 = ?