Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: *.reg файл
Системные требования:
Операционная система : Windows 7/8/8.1/10 64 Bit
Для работы с плагинами необходима DAW ( FL Studio / Cakewalk Sonar / Steinberg Cubase и тд.)
Высококачественные плагины и синтезаторы от FabFilter:
FabFilter Pro-R - v1.00 / FabFilter Pro-Q 2 - 2.05 / FabFilter Pro-C 2 - 2.02 / FabFilter Pro-L - 1.21 / FabFilter Pro-MB - 1.13 / FabFilter Pro-DS - 1.06 / FabFilter Pro-G - 1.15 / FabFilter Saturn - 1.15 / FabFilter Twin 2 - 2.25 / FabFilter Timeless 2 - 2.25 / FabFilter Volcano 2 - 2.25 / FabFilter One - 3.25 / FabFilter Simplon - 1.25 / FabFilter Micro - 1.15 / FabFilter Pro-C - 1.23 / FabFilter Pro-Q - 1.23
Загрузил: Unix (28 ноября 2016 14:46)
Как тут скачать?
Взяли: 1264 | Размер: 83,44 Mb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
FabFilter - Total Bundle 10.11.2016 (4221 файл)
AppData (1 файл)
Roaming (1 файл)
FabFilter (16 файлов)
Micro (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
One (2 файла)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
One.tbl (4 Mb)
One.tbl (4 Mb)
Pro-C (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-C 2 (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-DS (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-G (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-L (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-MB (2 файла)
Component Presets (1 файл)
Band (16 файлов)
Aggressive Compressor.band (84 b)
Aggressive Expander.band (84 b)
Aggressive Gate.band (84 b)
Aggressive Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Aggressive Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Default.band (84 b)
Prominent Compressor.band (84 b)
Prominent Expander.band (84 b)
Prominent Gate.band (84 b)
Prominent Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Prominent Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Subtle Compressor.band (84 b)
Subtle Expander.band (84 b)
Subtle Gate.band (84 b)
Subtle Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Subtle Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Aggressive Expander.band (84 b)
Aggressive Gate.band (84 b)
Aggressive Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Aggressive Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Default.band (84 b)
Prominent Compressor.band (84 b)
Prominent Expander.band (84 b)
Prominent Gate.band (84 b)
Prominent Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Prominent Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Subtle Compressor.band (84 b)
Subtle Expander.band (84 b)
Subtle Gate.band (84 b)
Subtle Transient Enhancer.band (84 b)
Subtle Upward Compressor.band (84 b)
Pro-Q (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-Q 2 (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Pro-R (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Saturn (2 файла)
Component Presets (5 файлов)
Band (11 файлов)
Default.band (68 b)
Funky Guitar.band (68 b)
Gate.band (68 b)
Jazz Guitar.band (68 b)
Juicy Tape.band (68 b)
Lead Guitar.band (68 b)
Power Guitar.band (68 b)
Pump.band (68 b)
Smudge.band (68 b)
Total Destruction.band (68 b)
Vocal Spice.band (68 b)
Funky Guitar.band (68 b)
Gate.band (68 b)
Jazz Guitar.band (68 b)
Juicy Tape.band (68 b)
Lead Guitar.band (68 b)
Power Guitar.band (68 b)
Pump.band (68 b)
Smudge.band (68 b)
Total Destruction.band (68 b)
Vocal Spice.band (68 b)
EF (4 файла)
Default.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long.ef (24 b)
Medium.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long.ef (24 b)
Medium.ef (24 b)
EG (4 файла)
Default.eg (44 b)
Fast.eg (44 b)
Long.eg (44 b)
Medium.eg (44 b)
Fast.eg (44 b)
Long.eg (44 b)
Medium.eg (44 b)
MIDI (8 файлов)
Aftertouch.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
XLFO (23 файла)
12 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
Simplon (1 файл)
MidiControllerMap.ffm (520 b)
Timeless 2 (2 файла)
Component Presets (6 файлов)
Delays (5 файлов)
Ambiance.delays (80 b)
Default.delays (80 b)
Long stereo.delays (80 b)
Mono 350.delays (80 b)
On the beat.delays (80 b)
Default.delays (80 b)
Long stereo.delays (80 b)
Mono 350.delays (80 b)
On the beat.delays (80 b)
EF (4 файла)
Default.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long.ef (24 b)
Medium.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long.ef (24 b)
Medium.ef (24 b)
EG (4 файла)
Default.eg (44 b)
Fast.eg (44 b)
Long.eg (44 b)
Medium.eg (44 b)
Fast.eg (44 b)
Long.eg (44 b)
Medium.eg (44 b)
Filters (6 файлов)
Band pass.filters (72 b)
Band reject.filters (72 b)
High cut.filters (72 b)
Low cut.filters (72 b)
Parallel.filters (72 b)
Serial.filters (72 b)
Band reject.filters (72 b)
High cut.filters (72 b)
Low cut.filters (72 b)
Parallel.filters (72 b)
Serial.filters (72 b)
MIDI (8 файлов)
Aftertouch.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
XLFO (23 файла)
12 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
Twin 2 (3 файла)
Component Presets (7 файлов)
Delays (34 файла)
Bouncing Stereo Delay.delays (120 b)
Cathedral.delays (120 b)
Centered Echo.delays (120 b)
Claustrofobia.delays (120 b)
Clean Stereo Delay.delays (120 b)
Default.delays (120 b)
Dreamy 2.delays (120 b)
Dreamy.delays (120 b)
Extra Long Filtered Delay 2.delays (120 b)
Extra Long Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
Fast Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
From Right To Left 2.delays (120 b)
From Right To Left.delays (120 b)
HP Delay.delays (120 b)
Into the middle.delays (120 b)
LP Delay.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay 2.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay 3.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
Long delay.delays (120 b)
Mono Echo.delays (120 b)
Ping Pong.delays (120 b)
Reflection.delays (120 b)
Reflections 1.delays (120 b)
Reflections 2.delays (120 b)
Reflections 3.delays (120 b)
Room 1.delays (120 b)
Room.delays (120 b)
Short Reflections.delays (120 b)
Slow Delay 1.delays (120 b)
Stereo Enhance.delays (120 b)
Synched Stereo Delay 1.delays (120 b)
Synched To Right.delays (120 b)
Tiny Room.delays (120 b)
Cathedral.delays (120 b)
Centered Echo.delays (120 b)
Claustrofobia.delays (120 b)
Clean Stereo Delay.delays (120 b)
Default.delays (120 b)
Dreamy 2.delays (120 b)
Dreamy.delays (120 b)
Extra Long Filtered Delay 2.delays (120 b)
Extra Long Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
Fast Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
From Right To Left 2.delays (120 b)
From Right To Left.delays (120 b)
HP Delay.delays (120 b)
Into the middle.delays (120 b)
LP Delay.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay 2.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay 3.delays (120 b)
Long Filtered Delay.delays (120 b)
Long delay.delays (120 b)
Mono Echo.delays (120 b)
Ping Pong.delays (120 b)
Reflection.delays (120 b)
Reflections 1.delays (120 b)
Reflections 2.delays (120 b)
Reflections 3.delays (120 b)
Room 1.delays (120 b)
Room.delays (120 b)
Short Reflections.delays (120 b)
Slow Delay 1.delays (120 b)
Stereo Enhance.delays (120 b)
Synched Stereo Delay 1.delays (120 b)
Synched To Right.delays (120 b)
Tiny Room.delays (120 b)
EF (6 файлов)
Default.ef (20 b)
Fast Attack Slow Release.ef (20 b)
Fast.ef (20 b)
Normal.ef (20 b)
Slow Attack Fast Release.ef (20 b)
Slow.ef (20 b)
Fast Attack Slow Release.ef (20 b)
Fast.ef (20 b)
Normal.ef (20 b)
Slow Attack Fast Release.ef (20 b)
Slow.ef (20 b)
EG (11 файлов)
Default.eg (48 b)
Long Release.eg (48 b)
Medium.eg (48 b)
Peak Medium.eg (48 b)
Peak Slow.eg (48 b)
Peak.eg (48 b)
Ramp Up Only.eg (48 b)
Side Chain.eg (48 b)
Slow.eg (48 b)
Snappy.eg (48 b)
Very Slow.eg (48 b)
Long Release.eg (48 b)
Medium.eg (48 b)
Peak Medium.eg (48 b)
Peak Slow.eg (48 b)
Peak.eg (48 b)
Ramp Up Only.eg (48 b)
Side Chain.eg (48 b)
Slow.eg (48 b)
Snappy.eg (48 b)
Very Slow.eg (48 b)
Filters (10 файлов)
Default.filters (72 b)
HP + LP Parallel.filters (72 b)
HP + LP Serial.filters (72 b)
One BP.filters (72 b)
One HP.filters (72 b)
One LP.filters (72 b)
Stereo Enhance 2.filters (72 b)
Stereo Enhance.filters (72 b)
Two HP Parallel.filters (72 b)
Two LP Parallel.filters (72 b)
HP + LP Parallel.filters (72 b)
HP + LP Serial.filters (72 b)
One BP.filters (72 b)
One HP.filters (72 b)
One LP.filters (72 b)
Stereo Enhance 2.filters (72 b)
Stereo Enhance.filters (72 b)
Two HP Parallel.filters (72 b)
Two LP Parallel.filters (72 b)
MIDI (8 файлов)
Aftertouch.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
Default.midi (24 b)
Keyboard Tracking.midi (24 b)
Mod Wheel.midi (24 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (24 b)
Sustain Pedal.midi (24 b)
Velocity.midi (24 b)
Volume Controller.midi (24 b)
Oscillator (11 файлов)
Default.osc (120 b)
Sawtooth and Square.osc (120 b)
Sine and Square.osc (120 b)
Sine.osc (120 b)
Sines and Triangle.osc (120 b)
Square.osc (120 b)
Three Sawtooths.osc (120 b)
Triangle.osc (120 b)
Two Sawtooths.osc (120 b)
White Noise.osc (120 b)
White and Pink Noise.osc (120 b)
Sawtooth and Square.osc (120 b)
Sine and Square.osc (120 b)
Sine.osc (120 b)
Sines and Triangle.osc (120 b)
Square.osc (120 b)
Three Sawtooths.osc (120 b)
Triangle.osc (120 b)
Two Sawtooths.osc (120 b)
White Noise.osc (120 b)
White and Pink Noise.osc (120 b)
XLFO (23 файла)
12 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
12 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 3.xlfo (304 b)
16 Step Sequence 4.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
4 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
6 Step Sequence 2.xlfo (304 b)
8 Step Sequence 1.xlfo (304 b)
Beat 2.xlfo (304 b)
Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Default.xlfo (304 b)
Heart Beat.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Full Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold Medium Glide.xlfo (304 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (304 b)
Sawtooth.xlfo (304 b)
Sine.xlfo (304 b)
Spring.xlfo (304 b)
Square.xlfo (304 b)
Triangle.xlfo (304 b)
Twin.dat (4 Mb)
Volcano 2 (2 файла)
Component Presets (5 файлов)
EF (6 файлов)
Default.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long attack.ef (24 b)
Long release.ef (24 b)
Normal.ef (24 b)
Very slow.ef (24 b)
Fast.ef (24 b)
Long attack.ef (24 b)
Long release.ef (24 b)
Normal.ef (24 b)
Very slow.ef (24 b)
EG (4 файла)
Default.eg (44 b)
Long release.eg (36 b)
Pulse.eg (36 b)
Standard.eg (36 b)
Long release.eg (36 b)
Pulse.eg (36 b)
Standard.eg (36 b)
Filters (7 файлов)
Band pass.filters (168 b)
Default.filters (168 b)
Four-filters parallel.filters (168 b)
High pass.filters (168 b)
Low pass.filters (168 b)
Mid Side.filters (168 b)
Per Channel.filters (168 b)
Default.filters (168 b)
Four-filters parallel.filters (168 b)
High pass.filters (168 b)
Low pass.filters (168 b)
Mid Side.filters (168 b)
Per Channel.filters (168 b)
MIDI (7 файлов)
Aftertouch.midi (20 b)
Controller 1.midi (20 b)
Default.midi (20 b)
KB Track.midi (20 b)
Mod wheel.midi (20 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (20 b)
Velocity.midi (20 b)
Controller 1.midi (20 b)
Default.midi (20 b)
KB Track.midi (20 b)
Mod wheel.midi (20 b)
Pitch Bend.midi (20 b)
Velocity.midi (20 b)
XLFO (12 файлов)
50 Hz Sine.xlfo (296 b)
Bumps.xlfo (296 b)
Default.xlfo (296 b)
Heart beat.xlfo (296 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence2.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence3.xlfo (296 b)
Sine.xlfo (296 b)
Spring.xlfo (296 b)
Square.xlfo (296 b)
Triangle.xlfo (296 b)
Bumps.xlfo (296 b)
Default.xlfo (296 b)
Heart beat.xlfo (296 b)
Sample & Hold.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence2.xlfo (296 b)
Sequence3.xlfo (296 b)
Sine.xlfo (296 b)
Spring.xlfo (296 b)
Square.xlfo (296 b)
Triangle.xlfo (296 b)
FabFilter (16 файлов)
Micro (16 файлов)
Beat 'm Down.ffp (44 b)
Beat 'm Up.ffp (44 b)
Beats Only.ffp (44 b)
Broken Speakers.ffp (44 b)
Broken Totally.ffp (44 b)
Bubbly Beats.ffp (44 b)
Cymbals Only.ffp (44 b)
Default Setting.ffp (44 b)
Extreme Saturation.ffp (44 b)
Heavy Saturation.ffp (44 b)
High Pass.ffp (44 b)
Laser Gun.ffp (44 b)
Low Pass.ffp (44 b)
Squash.ffp (44 b)
Subtle Saturation.ffp (44 b)
Vintage Vocals.ffp (44 b)
Beat 'm Up.ffp (44 b)
Beats Only.ffp (44 b)
Broken Speakers.ffp (44 b)
Broken Totally.ffp (44 b)
Bubbly Beats.ffp (44 b)
Cymbals Only.ffp (44 b)
Default Setting.ffp (44 b)
Extreme Saturation.ffp (44 b)
Heavy Saturation.ffp (44 b)
High Pass.ffp (44 b)
Laser Gun.ffp (44 b)
Low Pass.ffp (44 b)
Squash.ffp (44 b)
Subtle Saturation.ffp (44 b)
Vintage Vocals.ffp (44 b)
One (10 файлов)
Basic (5 файлов)
Pink Noise.ffp (108 b)
Sawtooth.ffp (108 b)
Square.ffp (108 b)
Triangle.ffp (108 b)
White Noise.ffp (108 b)
Sawtooth.ffp (108 b)
Square.ffp (108 b)
Triangle.ffp (108 b)
White Noise.ffp (108 b)
Bass (14 файлов)
Double-U.ffp (132 b)
Dracula.ffp (132 b)
Filter Madness.ffp (108 b)
Finger Bass.ffp (132 b)
Fretless.ffp (132 b)
Head Hunter.ffp (132 b)
Outrage.ffp (108 b)
Peanuts.ffp (132 b)
Percussive Synth Bass.ffp (132 b)
Phat Bass.ffp (132 b)
Plain Magic.ffp (132 b)
Soft 'n' Moody.ffp (108 b)
Square Magic.ffp (132 b)
Subsonic.ffp (132 b)
Dracula.ffp (132 b)
Filter Madness.ffp (108 b)
Finger Bass.ffp (132 b)
Fretless.ffp (132 b)
Head Hunter.ffp (132 b)
Outrage.ffp (108 b)
Peanuts.ffp (132 b)
Percussive Synth Bass.ffp (132 b)
Phat Bass.ffp (132 b)
Plain Magic.ffp (132 b)
Soft 'n' Moody.ffp (108 b)
Square Magic.ffp (132 b)
Subsonic.ffp (132 b)
Drums (10 файлов)
Bass That.ffp (132 b)
Brush Baby.ffp (132 b)
High Tom.ffp (132 b)
Hihat.ffp (132 b)
Kickin' It.ffp (132 b)
Low Tom.ffp (132 b)
Open Hihat.ffp (132 b)
Phatness Forever.ffp (132 b)
Shake It.ffp (132 b)
Snare.ffp (132 b)
Brush Baby.ffp (132 b)
High Tom.ffp (132 b)
Hihat.ffp (132 b)
Kickin' It.ffp (132 b)
Low Tom.ffp (132 b)
Open Hihat.ffp (132 b)
Phatness Forever.ffp (132 b)
Shake It.ffp (132 b)
Snare.ffp (132 b)
Effects (14 файлов)
Big Sweep.ffp (132 b)
Can You Hear Me.ffp (132 b)
Cyber Guns.ffp (132 b)
Deep Down.ffp (132 b)
Helicopter.ffp (108 b)
High Alert.ffp (108 b)
Kickback.ffp (108 b)
Open Sesame.ffp (108 b)
Radioactivity.ffp (108 b)
Rain Drop.ffp (132 b)
Speed Boat.ffp (108 b)
Storm.ffp (132 b)
We Got 'Em.ffp (132 b)
Who's Calling.ffp (132 b)
Can You Hear Me.ffp (132 b)
Cyber Guns.ffp (132 b)
Deep Down.ffp (132 b)
Helicopter.ffp (108 b)
High Alert.ffp (108 b)
Kickback.ffp (108 b)
Open Sesame.ffp (108 b)
Radioactivity.ffp (108 b)
Rain Drop.ffp (132 b)
Speed Boat.ffp (108 b)
Storm.ffp (132 b)
We Got 'Em.ffp (132 b)
Who's Calling.ffp (132 b)
Keys (15 файлов)
Bells.ffp (132 b)
Blasted.ffp (132 b)
Cristals.ffp (132 b)
Dirty Wirl.ffp (132 b)
Electric Sunshine.ffp (132 b)
Frozen Cappuccino.ffp (132 b)
Fuzzywuzzy.ffp (132 b)
Old Piano.ffp (132 b)
Percussive Organ.ffp (132 b)
Summer Night.ffp (132 b)
Swing Organ.ffp (132 b)
The Old Days.ffp (132 b)
Tremo Bamo.ffp (132 b)
Vintage Organ.ffp (132 b)
Winding Rhodes.ffp (132 b)
Blasted.ffp (132 b)
Cristals.ffp (132 b)
Dirty Wirl.ffp (132 b)
Electric Sunshine.ffp (132 b)
Frozen Cappuccino.ffp (132 b)
Fuzzywuzzy.ffp (132 b)
Old Piano.ffp (132 b)
Percussive Organ.ffp (132 b)
Summer Night.ffp (132 b)
Swing Organ.ffp (132 b)
The Old Days.ffp (132 b)
Tremo Bamo.ffp (132 b)
Vintage Organ.ffp (132 b)
Winding Rhodes.ffp (132 b)
Lead (14 файлов)
Angry.ffp (108 b)
Animal.ffp (132 b)
Clubbin'.ffp (132 b)
Daft Funk.ffp (108 b)
Doris Day.ffp (132 b)
Eat That.ffp (108 b)
Fat 'n Funky.ffp (132 b)
Glorious Day.ffp (132 b)
Hands-Free.ffp (132 b)
Intergalactic.ffp (132 b)
Mad Guitar.ffp (132 b)
Marshall at 11.ffp (108 b)
Move It.ffp (108 b)
Sweet Seventies.ffp (132 b)
Animal.ffp (132 b)
Clubbin'.ffp (132 b)
Daft Funk.ffp (108 b)
Doris Day.ffp (132 b)
Eat That.ffp (108 b)
Fat 'n Funky.ffp (132 b)
Glorious Day.ffp (132 b)
Hands-Free.ffp (132 b)
Intergalactic.ffp (132 b)
Mad Guitar.ffp (132 b)
Marshall at 11.ffp (108 b)
Move It.ffp (108 b)
Sweet Seventies.ffp (132 b)
Orchestral (8 файлов)
Ensemble.ffp (132 b)
Flute.ffp (132 b)
Harpsichord.ffp (132 b)
Mute Guitar.ffp (132 b)
Pipe Organ.ffp (132 b)
Trumpet.ffp (132 b)
Tuba.ffp (108 b)
Violin.ffp (132 b)
Flute.ffp (132 b)
Harpsichord.ffp (132 b)
Mute Guitar.ffp (132 b)
Pipe Organ.ffp (132 b)
Trumpet.ffp (132 b)
Tuba.ffp (108 b)
Violin.ffp (132 b)
Pads (16 файлов)
Alley Cat.ffp (132 b)
Angels.ffp (132 b)
Beyond The Clouds.ffp (132 b)
Bittersweet.ffp (132 b)
Bouncer.ffp (132 b)
Dawn.ffp (132 b)
Discovery.ffp (132 b)
Eruptions.ffp (132 b)
Flawless.ffp (132 b)
Good Night Kiss.ffp (132 b)
Laughter.ffp (132 b)
Night Shift.ffp (132 b)
Progressive Rock.ffp (132 b)
Solitude.ffp (132 b)
Synthesizer Greatest.ffp (132 b)
Treasure Island.ffp (132 b)
Angels.ffp (132 b)
Beyond The Clouds.ffp (132 b)
Bittersweet.ffp (132 b)
Bouncer.ffp (132 b)
Dawn.ffp (132 b)
Discovery.ffp (132 b)
Eruptions.ffp (132 b)
Flawless.ffp (132 b)
Good Night Kiss.ffp (132 b)
Laughter.ffp (132 b)
Night Shift.ffp (132 b)
Progressive Rock.ffp (132 b)
Solitude.ffp (132 b)
Synthesizer Greatest.ffp (132 b)
Treasure Island.ffp (132 b)
Techno (12 файлов)
Dominator.ffp (108 b)
Hard Head.ffp (108 b)
Highlight.ffp (132 b)
Metal Plates.ffp (132 b)
Million Dollar Deal.ffp (132 b)
Nervous Breakdown.ffp (108 b)
Numbers.ffp (132 b)
Route 77.ffp (132 b)
Starbase 47.ffp (132 b)
System Overload.ffp (108 b)
Tribal Tricks.ffp (132 b)
Weltmeister.ffp (132 b)
Hard Head.ffp (108 b)
Highlight.ffp (132 b)
Metal Plates.ffp (132 b)
Million Dollar Deal.ffp (132 b)
Nervous Breakdown.ffp (108 b)
Numbers.ffp (132 b)
Route 77.ffp (132 b)
Starbase 47.ffp (132 b)
System Overload.ffp (108 b)
Tribal Tricks.ffp (132 b)
Weltmeister.ffp (132 b)
Pro-C (7 файлов)
Drums (9 файлов)
Basic Punch bM.ffp (136 b)
Compact.ffp (136 b)
Deep Field bM.ffp (136 b)
Extreme Pumping.ffp (136 b)
Hard Knee Crush bM.ffp (136 b)
Mid Spank bM.ffp (132 b)
Parallel Compression.ffp (136 b)
Smack bM.ffp (136 b)
Thick bM.ffp (136 b)
Compact.ffp (136 b)
Deep Field bM.ffp (136 b)
Extreme Pumping.ffp (136 b)
Hard Knee Crush bM.ffp (136 b)
Mid Spank bM.ffp (132 b)
Parallel Compression.ffp (136 b)
Smack bM.ffp (136 b)
Thick bM.ffp (136 b)
Guitar (2 файла)
Bite and Sustain bM.ffp (136 b)
Low False Tone Fix bM.ffp (136 b)
Low False Tone Fix bM.ffp (136 b)
Mastering (20 файлов)
Bass Control mk1 bM.ffp (136 b)
Bass Control mk2 bM.ffp (136 b)
Bass Control mk3 bM.ffp (136 b)
Fluffy bM.ffp (136 b)
Gentle L-R Levelling bM.ffp (136 b)
Gentle wide mastering NH.ffp (136 b)
Hard knee limit.ffp (136 b)
Kick Whacks Side bM.ffp (136 b)
Last Minute Vocal Tweak bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk1 bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk2 bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk3 bM.ffp (136 b)
M-S Parallel Glue bM.ffp (136 b)
More detail in the low NH.ffp (136 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (136 b)
Squash limit soft Opto NH.ffp (136 b)
Squash limit soft knee NH.ffp (136 b)
Tighten Classical Music NH.ffp (136 b)
Tighten Classical Warm NH.ffp (136 b)
Velvet Layer bM.ffp (136 b)
Bass Control mk2 bM.ffp (136 b)
Bass Control mk3 bM.ffp (136 b)
Fluffy bM.ffp (136 b)
Gentle L-R Levelling bM.ffp (136 b)
Gentle wide mastering NH.ffp (136 b)
Hard knee limit.ffp (136 b)
Kick Whacks Side bM.ffp (136 b)
Last Minute Vocal Tweak bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk1 bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk2 bM.ffp (136 b)
Low-Mid Control mk3 bM.ffp (136 b)
M-S Parallel Glue bM.ffp (136 b)
More detail in the low NH.ffp (136 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (136 b)
Squash limit soft Opto NH.ffp (136 b)
Squash limit soft knee NH.ffp (136 b)
Tighten Classical Music NH.ffp (136 b)
Tighten Classical Warm NH.ffp (136 b)
Velvet Layer bM.ffp (136 b)
Special (10 файлов)
Add 34ms Look-Ahead bM.ffp (136 b)
Limiting Snare in Middle bM.ffp (136 b)
Love Me Tender bM.ffp (136 b)
Mid Does Side bM.ffp (132 b)
Mid Only, Parallel bM.ffp (136 b)
Parallel compression.ffp (136 b)
Pump me to the radio NH.ffp (136 b)
Pumper NH.ffp (136 b)
Push that side.ffp (136 b)
Side Does Mid bM.ffp (136 b)
Limiting Snare in Middle bM.ffp (136 b)
Love Me Tender bM.ffp (136 b)
Mid Does Side bM.ffp (132 b)
Mid Only, Parallel bM.ffp (136 b)
Parallel compression.ffp (136 b)
Pump me to the radio NH.ffp (136 b)
Pumper NH.ffp (136 b)
Push that side.ffp (136 b)
Side Does Mid bM.ffp (136 b)
Vocals (6 файлов)
Agressive bM.ffp (136 b)
Biting bM.ffp (136 b)
Control bM.ffp (136 b)
De-essing Stereo Backing Vocals bM.ffp (136 b)
De-essing bM.ffp (136 b)
Spoken Word Squeeze bM.ffp (136 b)
Biting bM.ffp (136 b)
Control bM.ffp (136 b)
De-essing Stereo Backing Vocals bM.ffp (136 b)
De-essing bM.ffp (136 b)
Spoken Word Squeeze bM.ffp (136 b)
Default Setting.ffp (136 b)
Pro-C 2 (10 файлов)
Bass (6 файлов)
DI Attack Enhancer bM.ffp (196 b)
DI Attack Reduction bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Bass Guitar Dax.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Gentle bM.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Groovy bM.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Snappy bM.ffp (196 b)
DI Attack Reduction bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Bass Guitar Dax.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Gentle bM.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Groovy bM.ffp (196 b)
Upright Bass Snappy bM.ffp (196 b)
Drums (20 файлов)
Bus (8 файлов)
A bit of Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Big Smack bM.ffp (196 b)
Groovy Glue 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Groovy Glue 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Obnoxious Squash bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Choke bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Weight bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Peak Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Big Smack bM.ffp (196 b)
Groovy Glue 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Groovy Glue 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Obnoxious Squash bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Choke bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Weight bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Peak Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Kick (4 файла)
Anti-Punch bM.ffp (196 b)
Jazz KD Subtle Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Rock Kick 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Rock Kick 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Jazz KD Subtle Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Rock Kick 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Rock Kick 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Overheads (2 файла)
Hard Hitting bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Splash Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Splash Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Room (2 файла)
Mid Focused Punch bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Dynamics Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Subtle Dynamics Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare (7 файлов)
Crunch Punch bM.ffp (196 b)
Natural Sustain bM.ffp (196 b)
Nice n Thick bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 03 bM.ffp (196 b)
Solid bM.ffp (196 b)
Natural Sustain bM.ffp (196 b)
Nice n Thick bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Snare Snap 03 bM.ffp (196 b)
Solid bM.ffp (196 b)
Toms (4 файла)
Floor Low - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Floor Mid - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
High - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Floor Mid - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
High - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid - Sustain and Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Compact.ffp (196 b)
Deep Field bM.ffp (196 b)
Drum Smasher #1 Dax.ffp (196 b)
Extreme Pumping 1.ffp (196 b)
Extreme Pumping 2.ffp (196 b)
Extreme Pumping 3.ffp (196 b)
Extreme Pumping.ffp (136 b)
Hard Knee Crush bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Spank bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Compression.ffp (196 b)
Smack bM.ffp (196 b)
Suppress Bleed with Sidechain Dax.ffp (196 b)
Thick bM.ffp (196 b)
Guitar (2 файла)
Bite and Sustain bM.ffp (196 b)
Low False Tone Fix bM.ffp (196 b)
Low False Tone Fix bM.ffp (196 b)
Mastering (28 файлов)
Bass Control mk1 bM.ffp (196 b)
Bass Control mk2 bM.ffp (196 b)
Bass Control mk3 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Mega Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Punch 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Punch 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Fluffy bM.ffp (196 b)
Gentle L-R Levelling bM.ffp (196 b)
Gentle wide mastering NH.ffp (196 b)
Golden Transparency bM.ffp (196 b)
Hard Rock Punch Glue bM.ffp (196 b)
Hard knee limit.ffp (196 b)
Kick Whacks Side bM.ffp (196 b)
Last Minute Vocal Tweak bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk1 bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk2 bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk3 bM.ffp (196 b)
M-S Parallel Glue bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Range Tonal Calmness bM.ffp (196 b)
More detail in the low NH.ffp (196 b)
Organic Thickness bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (196 b)
Squash limit soft Opto NH.ffp (196 b)
Squash limit soft knee NH.ffp (196 b)
Tighten Classical Music NH.ffp (196 b)
Tighten Classical Warm NH.ffp (196 b)
Velvet Layer bM.ffp (196 b)
Bass Control mk2 bM.ffp (196 b)
Bass Control mk3 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Mega Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Punch 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Punch 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
Fluffy bM.ffp (196 b)
Gentle L-R Levelling bM.ffp (196 b)
Gentle wide mastering NH.ffp (196 b)
Golden Transparency bM.ffp (196 b)
Hard Rock Punch Glue bM.ffp (196 b)
Hard knee limit.ffp (196 b)
Kick Whacks Side bM.ffp (196 b)
Last Minute Vocal Tweak bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk1 bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk2 bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control mk3 bM.ffp (196 b)
M-S Parallel Glue bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Range Tonal Calmness bM.ffp (196 b)
More detail in the low NH.ffp (196 b)
Organic Thickness bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (196 b)
Squash limit soft Opto NH.ffp (196 b)
Squash limit soft knee NH.ffp (196 b)
Tighten Classical Music NH.ffp (196 b)
Tighten Classical Warm NH.ffp (196 b)
Velvet Layer bM.ffp (196 b)
Mixbus (6 файлов)
EDM Mid Side Transient Separation bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Side Enhancer 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Side Enhancer 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Subtle Pump Pulse bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Slight Transient Extraction bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Side Enhancer 01 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Side Enhancer 02 bM.ffp (196 b)
EDM Subtle Pump Pulse bM.ffp (196 b)
Low-Mid Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Slight Transient Extraction bM.ffp (196 b)
Piano (3 файла)
10 Tons of Weight bM.ffp (196 b)
Almost Choked bM.ffp (196 b)
Invisible Sustain bM.ffp (196 b)
Almost Choked bM.ffp (196 b)
Invisible Sustain bM.ffp (196 b)
Special (10 файлов)
Add 34ms Look-Ahead bM.ffp (196 b)
Limiting Snare in Middle bM.ffp (196 b)
Love Me Tender bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Does Side bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Only, Parallel bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel compression.ffp (196 b)
Pump me to the radio NH.ffp (196 b)
Pumper NH.ffp (196 b)
Push that side.ffp (196 b)
Side Does Mid bM.ffp (196 b)
Limiting Snare in Middle bM.ffp (196 b)
Love Me Tender bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Does Side bM.ffp (196 b)
Mid Only, Parallel bM.ffp (196 b)
Parallel compression.ffp (196 b)
Pump me to the radio NH.ffp (196 b)
Pumper NH.ffp (196 b)
Push that side.ffp (196 b)
Side Does Mid bM.ffp (196 b)
Vocals (11 файлов)
Agressive bM.ffp (196 b)
Biting bM.ffp (196 b)
Control bM.ffp (196 b)
De-essing Stereo Backing Vocals bM.ffp (196 b)
De-essing bM.ffp (196 b)
Pro Voice Over bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Vocals bM.ffp (196 b)
Something For Nothing Dax.ffp (196 b)
Spoken Word Squeeze bM.ffp (196 b)
Total Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Upfront.ffp (196 b)
Biting bM.ffp (196 b)
Control bM.ffp (196 b)
De-essing Stereo Backing Vocals bM.ffp (196 b)
De-essing bM.ffp (196 b)
Pro Voice Over bM.ffp (196 b)
Punchy Vocals bM.ffp (196 b)
Something For Nothing Dax.ffp (196 b)
Spoken Word Squeeze bM.ffp (196 b)
Total Control bM.ffp (196 b)
Upfront.ffp (196 b)
Default Setting.ffp (196 b)
Pro-DS (3 файла)
Mastering (2 файла)
High End Transient Limiting.ffp (92 b)
Vocal De-essing in Music.ffp (92 b)
Vocal De-essing in Music.ffp (92 b)
Single Vocal (6 файлов)
Classic 10k Split Band.ffp (92 b)
Classic 10k Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Female Split Band.ffp (92 b)
Female Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Male Split Band.ffp (92 b)
Male Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Classic 10k Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Female Split Band.ffp (92 b)
Female Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Male Split Band.ffp (92 b)
Male Wide Band.ffp (92 b)
Pro-G (7 файлов)
Bass (2 файла)
Softening Attack bM.ffp (148 b)
Tight and Clicky Attack bM.ffp (148 b)
Tight and Clicky Attack bM.ffp (148 b)
Bus (7 файлов)
Classic Channel Strip Gate.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 1.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 2.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 3.ffp (148 b)
Mastering - Subtle Stereo Expansion bM.ffp (148 b)
Mastering - Very Subtle Xpansion bM.ffp (148 b)
Upward Expansion.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 1.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 2.ffp (148 b)
Gentle Master 3.ffp (148 b)
Mastering - Subtle Stereo Expansion bM.ffp (148 b)
Mastering - Very Subtle Xpansion bM.ffp (148 b)
Upward Expansion.ffp (148 b)
Drums (26 файлов)
Added Dynamic Range bM.ffp (148 b)
Beats on the side.ffp (148 b)
Beats.ffp (148 b)
Fractured Beat MTK.ffp (148 b)
Heavy Pumping.ffp (148 b)
High Tom (Adjust Filters).ffp (148 b)
Kick Focuses Middle bM.ffp (148 b)
Kick Long.ffp (148 b)
Kick Me MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Metal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Rock MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Short.ffp (148 b)
Kick You MTK.ffp (148 b)
Low Tom (Adjust Filters).ffp (148 b)
Overheads - Expressive Sizzle bM.ffp (148 b)
Snare - Hihat leakage suppression bM.ffp (148 b)
Snare Long.ffp (148 b)
Snare Short.ffp (148 b)
Snare-it MTK.ffp (148 b)
Soft Snare MTK.ffp (148 b)
Solidify Center bM.ffp (148 b)
Straight Perc MTK.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Beats 2.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Beats.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Stereo Punch bM.ffp (148 b)
Top End MTK.ffp (148 b)
Beats on the side.ffp (148 b)
Beats.ffp (148 b)
Fractured Beat MTK.ffp (148 b)
Heavy Pumping.ffp (148 b)
High Tom (Adjust Filters).ffp (148 b)
Kick Focuses Middle bM.ffp (148 b)
Kick Long.ffp (148 b)
Kick Me MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Metal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Rock MTK.ffp (148 b)
Kick Short.ffp (148 b)
Kick You MTK.ffp (148 b)
Low Tom (Adjust Filters).ffp (148 b)
Overheads - Expressive Sizzle bM.ffp (148 b)
Snare - Hihat leakage suppression bM.ffp (148 b)
Snare Long.ffp (148 b)
Snare Short.ffp (148 b)
Snare-it MTK.ffp (148 b)
Soft Snare MTK.ffp (148 b)
Solidify Center bM.ffp (148 b)
Straight Perc MTK.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Beats 2.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Beats.ffp (148 b)
Subtle Stereo Punch bM.ffp (148 b)
Top End MTK.ffp (148 b)
FX (11 файлов)
Expand Mid Only.ffp (148 b)
Expand Side Only.ffp (148 b)
Gate Mid Only.ffp (148 b)
Gate Side Only.ffp (148 b)
Kill Tail MTK.ffp (148 b)
Mid Gates Side bM.ffp (148 b)
Nice Dynamic Sides bM.ffp (148 b)
No Mercy MTK.ffp (148 b)
Reverb - Natural Tails bM.ffp (148 b)
Reverb - Tight Gate bM.ffp (148 b)
Worn Out Playback MTK.ffp (148 b)
Expand Side Only.ffp (148 b)
Gate Mid Only.ffp (148 b)
Gate Side Only.ffp (148 b)
Kill Tail MTK.ffp (148 b)
Mid Gates Side bM.ffp (148 b)
Nice Dynamic Sides bM.ffp (148 b)
No Mercy MTK.ffp (148 b)
Reverb - Natural Tails bM.ffp (148 b)
Reverb - Tight Gate bM.ffp (148 b)
Worn Out Playback MTK.ffp (148 b)
Guitar (4 файла)
Acoustic Guitar MTK.ffp (148 b)
Guitar Before Distortion.ffp (148 b)
Hard Lead Guitar Driver MTK.ffp (148 b)
Little Guitar Accents MTK.ffp (148 b)
Guitar Before Distortion.ffp (148 b)
Hard Lead Guitar Driver MTK.ffp (148 b)
Little Guitar Accents MTK.ffp (148 b)
Vocal (6 файлов)
Broadcast Ducking.ffp (148 b)
Focused Vocals bM.ffp (148 b)
Nice And Tight Vocal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (148 b)
Smooth Vocal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Vocal Allround.ffp (148 b)
Focused Vocals bM.ffp (148 b)
Nice And Tight Vocal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Parallel Punch bM.ffp (148 b)
Smooth Vocal MTK.ffp (148 b)
Vocal Allround.ffp (148 b)
Pro-L (7 файлов)
Acoustic (6 файлов)
Film Score - Gentle and Musical bM.ffp (88 b)
Film Score - Stereo Field Manipulation bM.ffp (88 b)
Folk Music - Just a Touch of Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Detailed bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Safe Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Tight and Centered bM.ffp (88 b)
Film Score - Stereo Field Manipulation bM.ffp (88 b)
Folk Music - Just a Touch of Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Detailed bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Safe Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
Singer & Guitar - Tight and Centered bM.ffp (88 b)
Clipping (3 файла)
Almost Clipping bM.ffp (88 b)
Clipping bM.ffp (88 b)
Clipping with Linked Initial Transient bM.ffp (88 b)
Clipping bM.ffp (88 b)
Clipping with Linked Initial Transient bM.ffp (88 b)
Dance & Electronica (18 файлов)
Breakbeat - Dynamic Beats Going Loud MTK.ffp (88 b)
Down Tempo, Semi-Acoustic - Loud.ffp (88 b)
Drum & Bass - Fast Limited Breaks MTK.ffp (88 b)
Dubstep - Punchy Controlled Lows MTK.ffp (88 b)
Electronica - Big Kick bM.ffp (88 b)
Electronica - Detailed and Safe bM.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Made for Beats Xtra Wide MdH.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Yeah Even Louder bM.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Yeah It's Loud bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Loud & Punchy MdH.ffp (88 b)
House - Natural Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Phat and Punchy bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Squeezed and Stylish bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Transparent and Loud.ffp (88 b)
Minimal House - Punchy Lowend & Crispy Transients MdH.ffp (88 b)
Minimal House - Transparent Ceiling MTK.ffp (88 b)
Trance - Sharp Transients bM.ffp (88 b)
Trance - Transparent bM.ffp (88 b)
Down Tempo, Semi-Acoustic - Loud.ffp (88 b)
Drum & Bass - Fast Limited Breaks MTK.ffp (88 b)
Dubstep - Punchy Controlled Lows MTK.ffp (88 b)
Electronica - Big Kick bM.ffp (88 b)
Electronica - Detailed and Safe bM.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Made for Beats Xtra Wide MdH.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Yeah Even Louder bM.ffp (88 b)
Hip Hop - Yeah It's Loud bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Loud & Punchy MdH.ffp (88 b)
House - Natural Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Phat and Punchy bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Squeezed and Stylish bM.ffp (88 b)
House - Transparent and Loud.ffp (88 b)
Minimal House - Punchy Lowend & Crispy Transients MdH.ffp (88 b)
Minimal House - Transparent Ceiling MTK.ffp (88 b)
Trance - Sharp Transients bM.ffp (88 b)
Trance - Transparent bM.ffp (88 b)
Pop (6 файлов)
Jazzy Pop - Dynamic, Spacious and Loud.ffp (88 b)
Jazzy Pop - Safe and Transparent.ffp (88 b)
Pop - Safe and Fluffy.ffp (88 b)
Pop - Very Safe.ffp (88 b)
Pop Acoustic - Clean and Subtle.ffp (88 b)
Synth Pop - Extra Impact bM.ffp (88 b)
Jazzy Pop - Safe and Transparent.ffp (88 b)
Pop - Safe and Fluffy.ffp (88 b)
Pop - Very Safe.ffp (88 b)
Pop Acoustic - Clean and Subtle.ffp (88 b)
Synth Pop - Extra Impact bM.ffp (88 b)
Rock (10 файлов)
Ballad - Clipped with Long Release bM.ffp (88 b)
Ballad - Safe Pillowy Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Funk - Nice Musical Glue bM.ffp (88 b)
Hard Rock - Fast Release bM.ffp (88 b)
Hard Rock - Transient Priority bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Fast Transient Priority bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Natural Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Potentially Loud As FxxK bM.ffp (88 b)
Pop Rock - Transparent Glue bM.ffp (88 b)
Soft Rock - Tight Wide bM.ffp (88 b)
Ballad - Safe Pillowy Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Funk - Nice Musical Glue bM.ffp (88 b)
Hard Rock - Fast Release bM.ffp (88 b)
Hard Rock - Transient Priority bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Fast Transient Priority bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Natural Loudness bM.ffp (88 b)
Metal - Potentially Loud As FxxK bM.ffp (88 b)
Pop Rock - Transparent Glue bM.ffp (88 b)
Soft Rock - Tight Wide bM.ffp (88 b)
Single Channel (8 файлов)
Bass - Dynamic MTK.ffp (88 b)
Bass - Safe Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Drum Bus - Phatmus Maximus bM.ffp (88 b)
Drum Bus - Punchimus Maximus bM.ffp (88 b)
Guitar - Dynamic MTK.ffp (88 b)
Sound Design - Safe Limiting.ffp (88 b)
Vocal (Backings) - Natural Control bM.ffp (88 b)
Vocal - Transparent MTK.ffp (88 b)
Bass - Safe Limiting bM.ffp (88 b)
Drum Bus - Phatmus Maximus bM.ffp (88 b)
Drum Bus - Punchimus Maximus bM.ffp (88 b)
Guitar - Dynamic MTK.ffp (88 b)
Sound Design - Safe Limiting.ffp (88 b)
Vocal (Backings) - Natural Control bM.ffp (88 b)
Vocal - Transparent MTK.ffp (88 b)
Pro-MB (11 файлов)
Basic (7 файлов)
1 Full Band.ffp (612 b)
2 Full Bands.ffp (612 b)
3 Full Bands.ffp (612 b)
Full Band Compressor SM.ffp (612 b)
Full Band Expander SM.ffp (612 b)
Harshness Control 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Harshness Control 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
2 Full Bands.ffp (612 b)
3 Full Bands.ffp (612 b)
Full Band Compressor SM.ffp (612 b)
Full Band Expander SM.ffp (612 b)
Harshness Control 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Harshness Control 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
Bass (1 файл)
Upright Bass Clarity of Tone bM.ffp (612 b)
Drums (6 файлов)
Cut Through 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Low Oomph SM.ffp (612 b)
Punch It SM.ffp (612 b)
Punch Wide Love bM.ffp (612 b)
Reveal The Room bM.ffp (612 b)
Sit-in-the-mix Drum Overheads bM.ffp (612 b)
Low Oomph SM.ffp (612 b)
Punch It SM.ffp (612 b)
Punch Wide Love bM.ffp (612 b)
Reveal The Room bM.ffp (612 b)
Sit-in-the-mix Drum Overheads bM.ffp (612 b)
Gate & Expansion (1 файл)
Clean Low-End.ffp (612 b)
Guitar (2 файла)
Rhythm Guitar Clarity bM.ffp (612 b)
Steel Stringed AccGuitar Clarity bM.ffp (612 b)
Steel Stringed AccGuitar Clarity bM.ffp (612 b)
Keyboards (2 файла)
Rich Piano bM.ffp (612 b)
Rock Piano Punch bM.ffp (612 b)
Rock Piano Punch bM.ffp (612 b)
Mastering (10 файлов)
Basic 4-band punch and balance 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Basic 4-band punch and balance 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
Heavy Handed 6-band Squeeze 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Heavy Handed 6-band Squeeze 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
High Frequency Stereo Widening.ffp (612 b)
High-Frequency Limiting.ffp (612 b)
Lead Vocal Down - Zwd.ffp (612 b)
Narrow Band Dynamics.ffp (612 b)
Tighter Lows - Zwd.ffp (612 b)
Wide Band Dynamics.ffp (612 b)
Basic 4-band punch and balance 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
Heavy Handed 6-band Squeeze 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Heavy Handed 6-band Squeeze 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
High Frequency Stereo Widening.ffp (612 b)
High-Frequency Limiting.ffp (612 b)
Lead Vocal Down - Zwd.ffp (612 b)
Narrow Band Dynamics.ffp (612 b)
Tighter Lows - Zwd.ffp (612 b)
Wide Band Dynamics.ffp (612 b)
Mix Bus (16 файлов)
Dynamic Goodness bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 1 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 2 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 3 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
Expanded Side Dynamics bM.ffp (612 b)
Harsh Mix Rescue bM.ffp (612 b)
Harsh Upper-Mid and Highs Control bM.ffp (612 b)
Low-Mid Cleanup bM.ffp (612 b)
Pop Radio FM (Strong Mids) bM.ffp (612 b)
Pop Radio FM (Very Strong Mids) bM.ffp (612 b)
Punch and Levelling 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Punch and Levelling 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
Smooth Bass and Smooth Highs bM.ffp (612 b)
Tight Bass and Controlled Highs 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Tight Bass and Controlled Highs 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
UpComp HiFrq Boost bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 1 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 2 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
EDM Master Part 3 of 3 bM.ffp (612 b)
Expanded Side Dynamics bM.ffp (612 b)
Harsh Mix Rescue bM.ffp (612 b)
Harsh Upper-Mid and Highs Control bM.ffp (612 b)
Low-Mid Cleanup bM.ffp (612 b)
Pop Radio FM (Strong Mids) bM.ffp (612 b)
Pop Radio FM (Very Strong Mids) bM.ffp (612 b)
Punch and Levelling 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Punch and Levelling 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
Smooth Bass and Smooth Highs bM.ffp (612 b)
Tight Bass and Controlled Highs 01 bM.ffp (612 b)
Tight Bass and Controlled Highs 02 bM.ffp (612 b)
UpComp HiFrq Boost bM.ffp (612 b)
Sound Mangling (3 файла)
Full Band Upward Compression.ffp (612 b)
Split Band Upward Compression.ffp (612 b)
Two Band Downward Compression.ffp (612 b)
Split Band Upward Compression.ffp (612 b)
Two Band Downward Compression.ffp (612 b)
Vocals (6 файлов)
De-ess and Enhance.ffp (612 b)
De-esser.ffp (612 b)
Expanded and Sibilance Controlled bM.ffp (612 b)
Presence and Control bM.ffp (612 b)
Single Vocal Enhancement.ffp (612 b)
Single Vocal Gating.ffp (612 b)
De-esser.ffp (612 b)
Expanded and Sibilance Controlled bM.ffp (612 b)
Presence and Control bM.ffp (612 b)
Single Vocal Enhancement.ffp (612 b)
Single Vocal Gating.ffp (612 b)
Pro-Q (13 файлов)
Stereo (4 файла)
Boost High Side.ffp (720 b)
Cut Low Side.ffp (720 b)
Dim High Side.ffp (720 b)
Subtle Stereo Enhancer.ffp (720 b)
Cut Low Side.ffp (720 b)
Dim High Side.ffp (720 b)
Subtle Stereo Enhancer.ffp (720 b)
Default Setting.ffp (720 b)
Drums.ffp (720 b)
Flat 7 Bands.ffp (732 b)
High Boost.ffp (720 b)
High Cut.ffp (720 b)
High Shelf.ffp (720 b)
Low Boost.ffp (720 b)
Low Cut.ffp (720 b)
Low Shelf.ffp (720 b)
Phone.ffp (720 b)
Vocal.ffp (720 b)
Pro-Q 2 (24 файла)
Stereo (4 файла)
Boost High Side.ffp (768 b)
Cut Low Side.ffp (768 b)
Dim High Side.ffp (768 b)
Subtle Stereo Enhancer.ffp (768 b)
Cut Low Side.ffp (768 b)
Dim High Side.ffp (768 b)
Subtle Stereo Enhancer.ffp (768 b)
Band Pass Wide.ffp (768 b)
Bell Flat Top.ffp (768 b)
Bell Surgical.ffp (768 b)
Clean.ffp (768 b)
Default Setting.ffp (768 b)
Drums.ffp (768 b)
Flat 5 Bands.ffp (768 b)
Flat 6 Bands.ffp (768 b)
Flat 7 Bands.ffp (768 b)
High Boost.ffp (768 b)
High Cut Brickwall.ffp (768 b)
High Cut.ffp (768 b)
High Shelf Brickwall.ffp (768 b)
High Shelf.ffp (768 b)
Low Boost.ffp (768 b)
Low Cut Brickwall.ffp (768 b)
Low Cut.ffp (768 b)
Low Shelf Brickwall.ffp (768 b)
Low Shelf.ffp (768 b)
Phone.ffp (768 b)
Tilt Shelf.ffp (768 b)
Vocal.ffp (768 b)
Pro-R (8 файлов)
Tempo Synced (13 файлов)
16th Note Very Bright Scooped Slapback.ffp (352 b)
32th Note Bright Synth Slap.ffp (352 b)
8th Note Fat Slap.ffp (352 b)
8th Note Pleasant Filler Slapback.ffp (352 b)
Bright Cheap Slapback Hall.ffp (352 b)
Bright Wide Excitation Synced.ffp (352 b)
Drum Echo Groove.ffp (352 b)
Drum Slap.ffp (352 b)
EDM Noise Element Slapback.ffp (352 b)
EDM Open Hihat Shuffle.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Power Slapback.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Slap.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Triol Slapback Room.ffp (352 b)
32th Note Bright Synth Slap.ffp (352 b)
8th Note Fat Slap.ffp (352 b)
8th Note Pleasant Filler Slapback.ffp (352 b)
Bright Cheap Slapback Hall.ffp (352 b)
Bright Wide Excitation Synced.ffp (352 b)
Drum Echo Groove.ffp (352 b)
Drum Slap.ffp (352 b)
EDM Noise Element Slapback.ffp (352 b)
EDM Open Hihat Shuffle.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Power Slapback.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Slap.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Triol Slapback Room.ffp (352 b)
_1 Ambience (29 файлов)
Ambience for Slap Bass A.ffp (352 b)
Ambience for Slap Bass B.ffp (352 b)
Ambience for Slap Bass C.ffp (352 b)
Bathroom.ffp (352 b)
Bright Wide Excitation.ffp (352 b)
Car.ffp (352 b)
Closet.ffp (352 b)
Cool Chorus.ffp (352 b)
Deep Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Clap Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Closed HiHat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Kick Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Open HiHat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Snare Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Fat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Heavily Modulated Ambience A.ffp (352 b)
Heavily Modulated Ambience B.ffp (352 b)
Lively Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Fat.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Rich.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Wide.ffp (352 b)
Slap Back Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Subtle Chorus.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Backings Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Rich.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Warm.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections.ffp (352 b)
Warm Chorus.ffp (352 b)
Ambience for Slap Bass B.ffp (352 b)
Ambience for Slap Bass C.ffp (352 b)
Bathroom.ffp (352 b)
Bright Wide Excitation.ffp (352 b)
Car.ffp (352 b)
Closet.ffp (352 b)
Cool Chorus.ffp (352 b)
Deep Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Clap Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Closed HiHat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Kick Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Open HiHat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
EDM Snare Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Fat Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Heavily Modulated Ambience A.ffp (352 b)
Heavily Modulated Ambience B.ffp (352 b)
Lively Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Fat.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Rich.ffp (352 b)
Rhythm Guitar Wide.ffp (352 b)
Slap Back Ambience.ffp (352 b)
Subtle Chorus.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Backings Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Rich.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections Warm.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Reflections.ffp (352 b)
Warm Chorus.ffp (352 b)
_2 Small (28 файлов)
Bass Room.ffp (352 b)
Bright Medium Drum Room.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room A.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room B.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room C.ffp (352 b)
Drum Room Tight Fat.ffp (352 b)
Drum Studio.ffp (352 b)
Drum Wood Room.ffp (352 b)
Dubstep Snare - Room Punch.ffp (352 b)
Glassy Guitar Room.ffp (352 b)
Intimate Empty Club Stage.ffp (352 b)
Rich Room.ffp (352 b)
Room for Kick Click Enhancing.ffp (352 b)
Room for Kick Sustain.ffp (352 b)
Room for Natural Kick Extension.ffp (352 b)
Small Bright Room.ffp (352 b)
Small Dark Hall.ffp (352 b)
Snare Short Plate.ffp (352 b)
Studio A.ffp (352 b)
Studio B.ffp (352 b)
Studio C.ffp (352 b)
Subtle Room.ffp (352 b)
The Little Room.ffp (352 b)
The Slapback Room.ffp (352 b)
Tight Small Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Clear Space.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gloss.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Rich Space.ffp (352 b)
Bright Medium Drum Room.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room A.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room B.ffp (352 b)
Colored Room C.ffp (352 b)
Drum Room Tight Fat.ffp (352 b)
Drum Studio.ffp (352 b)
Drum Wood Room.ffp (352 b)
Dubstep Snare - Room Punch.ffp (352 b)
Glassy Guitar Room.ffp (352 b)
Intimate Empty Club Stage.ffp (352 b)
Rich Room.ffp (352 b)
Room for Kick Click Enhancing.ffp (352 b)
Room for Kick Sustain.ffp (352 b)
Room for Natural Kick Extension.ffp (352 b)
Small Bright Room.ffp (352 b)
Small Dark Hall.ffp (352 b)
Snare Short Plate.ffp (352 b)
Studio A.ffp (352 b)
Studio B.ffp (352 b)
Studio C.ffp (352 b)
Subtle Room.ffp (352 b)
The Little Room.ffp (352 b)
The Slapback Room.ffp (352 b)
Tight Small Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Clear Space.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gloss.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Rich Space.ffp (352 b)
_3 Medium (37 файлов)
Acoustic Guitar Studio.ffp (352 b)
Bright Airy Chamber for Strings.ffp (352 b)
Bright Heavily Modulated Room.ffp (352 b)
Bright Large Room.ffp (352 b)
Bright Snare Chamber.ffp (352 b)
EDM Raw Saw Benny Room.ffp (352 b)
Hall for Dum Overhead Sizzle.ffp (352 b)
Horns Plate.ffp (352 b)
Horns Studio.ffp (352 b)
Lively Medium Room.ffp (352 b)
Medium Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Medium Drum Room.ffp (352 b)
Medium Hall 1.ffp (352 b)
Medium Hall 2.ffp (352 b)
Mellow Narrow Hall for Snare.ffp (352 b)
Neutral Room.ffp (352 b)
Percussion Plate.ffp (352 b)
Percussion Studio.ffp (352 b)
Piano Room Large.ffp (352 b)
Rich Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Room for Snare A.ffp (352 b)
Room for Snare B.ffp (352 b)
Room for TomTom Sustain.ffp (352 b)
Slap Back Hall.ffp (352 b)
Small Church.ffp (352 b)
Snare Plate.ffp (352 b)
Studio 2.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can A.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can B.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can C.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gold Plate.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gold Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Wood Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal to Mix Glue.ffp (352 b)
Warm Vintage.ffp (352 b)
Warm Wide.ffp (352 b)
Wooden Recording Space.ffp (352 b)
Bright Airy Chamber for Strings.ffp (352 b)
Bright Heavily Modulated Room.ffp (352 b)
Bright Large Room.ffp (352 b)
Bright Snare Chamber.ffp (352 b)
EDM Raw Saw Benny Room.ffp (352 b)
Hall for Dum Overhead Sizzle.ffp (352 b)
Horns Plate.ffp (352 b)
Horns Studio.ffp (352 b)
Lively Medium Room.ffp (352 b)
Medium Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Medium Drum Room.ffp (352 b)
Medium Hall 1.ffp (352 b)
Medium Hall 2.ffp (352 b)
Mellow Narrow Hall for Snare.ffp (352 b)
Neutral Room.ffp (352 b)
Percussion Plate.ffp (352 b)
Percussion Studio.ffp (352 b)
Piano Room Large.ffp (352 b)
Rich Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Room for Snare A.ffp (352 b)
Room for Snare B.ffp (352 b)
Room for TomTom Sustain.ffp (352 b)
Slap Back Hall.ffp (352 b)
Small Church.ffp (352 b)
Snare Plate.ffp (352 b)
Studio 2.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can A.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can B.ffp (352 b)
Vintage Oil Can C.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gold Plate.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Gold Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Wood Room.ffp (352 b)
Vocal to Mix Glue.ffp (352 b)
Warm Vintage.ffp (352 b)
Warm Wide.ffp (352 b)
Wooden Recording Space.ffp (352 b)
_4 Large (40 файлов)
80s Synthetic Cinema Hall.ffp (352 b)
Artificial Cinematic Space.ffp (352 b)
Big Blue Hall.ffp (352 b)
Big Hall for Ballad Snare.ffp (352 b)
Chapel 1.ffp (352 b)
Chapel 2.ffp (352 b)
Choir Bright Hall.ffp (352 b)
Choir Hall.ffp (352 b)
Choir Rich Hall.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space A.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space B.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space C.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Amsterdam Classic.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Amsterdam Modern.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall LA.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Sydney.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Vienna.ffp (352 b)
Dark yet Light Space.ffp (352 b)
Digital Synth Hall.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall A.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall B.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall C.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall D.ffp (352 b)
Gold Plate.ffp (352 b)
Hall for Soft Pads and Keys.ffp (352 b)
Horns Studio Large.ffp (352 b)
Large Bright Church.ffp (352 b)
Large Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Medium Church.ffp (352 b)
Modulated Hall for Synth Strings.ffp (352 b)
Narrow Chamber for Lead Element.ffp (352 b)
Natural Concert Hall Extender.ffp (352 b)
Piano Hall.ffp (352 b)
Pure Plate.ffp (352 b)
Scooped Sparkly Space.ffp (352 b)
Spacey Long Hall for Snare.ffp (352 b)
Vanilla Concert Hall.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall Large.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall.ffp (352 b)
Artificial Cinematic Space.ffp (352 b)
Big Blue Hall.ffp (352 b)
Big Hall for Ballad Snare.ffp (352 b)
Chapel 1.ffp (352 b)
Chapel 2.ffp (352 b)
Choir Bright Hall.ffp (352 b)
Choir Hall.ffp (352 b)
Choir Rich Hall.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space A.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space B.ffp (352 b)
Comb Filtered Space C.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Amsterdam Classic.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Amsterdam Modern.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall LA.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Sydney.ffp (352 b)
Concert Hall Vienna.ffp (352 b)
Dark yet Light Space.ffp (352 b)
Digital Synth Hall.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall A.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall B.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall C.ffp (352 b)
EDM SuperSaw Anthem Hall D.ffp (352 b)
Gold Plate.ffp (352 b)
Hall for Soft Pads and Keys.ffp (352 b)
Horns Studio Large.ffp (352 b)
Large Bright Church.ffp (352 b)
Large Chamber.ffp (352 b)
Medium Church.ffp (352 b)
Modulated Hall for Synth Strings.ffp (352 b)
Narrow Chamber for Lead Element.ffp (352 b)
Natural Concert Hall Extender.ffp (352 b)
Piano Hall.ffp (352 b)
Pure Plate.ffp (352 b)
Scooped Sparkly Space.ffp (352 b)
Spacey Long Hall for Snare.ffp (352 b)
Vanilla Concert Hall.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall Bright.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall Large.ffp (352 b)
Vocal Hall.ffp (352 b)
_5 Very Large (14 файлов)
Black Hole.ffp (352 b)
Bright Delayed Synth Space.ffp (352 b)
Cathedral 1.ffp (352 b)
Cathedral 2.ffp (352 b)
Eternity.ffp (352 b)
Huge Bright Vocal Space.ffp (352 b)
Huge Synth Space.ffp (352 b)
Huge Synth Wash.ffp (352 b)
Long Plate.ffp (352 b)
Longer Plate.ffp (352 b)
Modulated Mid Domination.ffp (352 b)
Resonator.ffp (352 b)
Synth Pad Center Extension.ffp (352 b)
Very Bright and Narrow.ffp (352 b)
Bright Delayed Synth Space.ffp (352 b)
Cathedral 1.ffp (352 b)
Cathedral 2.ffp (352 b)
Eternity.ffp (352 b)
Huge Bright Vocal Space.ffp (352 b)
Huge Synth Space.ffp (352 b)
Huge Synth Wash.ffp (352 b)
Long Plate.ffp (352 b)
Longer Plate.ffp (352 b)
Modulated Mid Domination.ffp (352 b)
Resonator.ffp (352 b)
Synth Pad Center Extension.ffp (352 b)
Very Bright and Narrow.ffp (352 b)
Default Setting.ffp (352 b)
Saturn (12 файлов)
Drums (23 файла)
4x4 Hat Designer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
808 designer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
8Bit Kit bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Acoustic Drum Temper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Beat Definition 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Beat Definition 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats I - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Ducking Feedback (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Early SynDrum Robotizer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Kick Designer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Kick Shaper bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Little Spice Add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Liven up acoustic drums O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Fi Maker bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Chugging O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Modern Breaks O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Scooper bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
808 designer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
8Bit Kit bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Acoustic Drum Temper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Beat Definition 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Beat Definition 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats I - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Ducking Feedback (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Early SynDrum Robotizer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Kick Designer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Kick Shaper bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Little Spice Add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Liven up acoustic drums O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Fi Maker bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Chugging O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Modern Breaks O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Scooper bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
FX (47 файлов)
Assymetric Destruction 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Assymetric Destruction 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Big Block of Dist bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Breaker I - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Breaker II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Broken Tube 66% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Change Static Pads XY I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Cruncher 70% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Delay LA I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Destroyer I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Disturbed bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Glitch Beat 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Glitch Beat 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Glitch Beat 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hard Reality bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hard Wobble bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Add I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Mids Accent Mangle I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mayhem Softer bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mayhem bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Mechanized Groove O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mix Da Loop I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Pad Accent O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Peeler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rhythmic Rectifier bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rhythmic Smudge bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Robot Factory O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Seasick (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Serious Arps O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Shred for Emphasis O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge Add II SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Taped Mids I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Zone 01.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Zone 02.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tide Rolls In O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wall Of Sound Destruction bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wow, Flutter! O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wub Wub Wubstep (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY loopchanger I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY midphonemanipulator SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Assymetric Destruction 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Big Block of Dist bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Breaker I - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Breaker II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Broken Tube 66% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Change Static Pads XY I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Cruncher 70% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Delay LA I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Destroyer I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Disturbed bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Glitch Beat 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Glitch Beat 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Glitch Beat 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hard Reality bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hard Wobble bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Add I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Mids Accent Mangle I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mayhem Softer bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mayhem bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Mechanized Groove O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mix Da Loop I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Pad Accent O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Peeler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rhythmic Rectifier bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rhythmic Smudge bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Robot Factory O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Seasick (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Serious Arps O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Shred for Emphasis O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge Add II SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Taped Mids I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Zone 01.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Zone 02.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tide Rolls In O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wall Of Sound Destruction bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wow, Flutter! O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wub Wub Wubstep (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY loopchanger I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY midphonemanipulator SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Guitar Amps (5 файлов)
Crunchy (6 файлов)
Back in the Day O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dial Tone O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Flexible Crunch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Soft Crunch I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dial Tone O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Flexible Crunch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Soft Crunch I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lead (22 файла)
Boutique 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Buzz Bomb O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clear Hi Gain O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Close Shave Lead O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Hi Gain O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Ripple O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lead Me The Way FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power 30% SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Overdrive I - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Overdrive II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Pan Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Powered Up FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Psychedelic Razor O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rectoning O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Screamer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Screaming Split bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Snarl O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Super Soaker Drive O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthGuitar Lead with Pinch O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wrecktified O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Buzz Bomb O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clear Hi Gain O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Close Shave Lead O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Hi Gain O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Ripple O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lead Me The Way FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power 30% SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Overdrive I - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Overdrive II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Power Pan Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Powered Up FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Psychedelic Razor O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rectoning O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Screamer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Screaming Split bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Snarl O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Super Soaker Drive O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthGuitar Lead with Pinch O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wrecktified O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Rack (5 файлов)
Dream Scape bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic SSpace Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge Filter bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Stereo Space Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Versatile Rock Rhythm bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic SSpace Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smudge Filter bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Stereo Space Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Versatile Rock Rhythm bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smooth (7 файлов)
Acoustic Picking Spicer I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Big Warm Clean Ish bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Amp and Warble O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tube Amp I - 3 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tube amp II - 3 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturator I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smoothness FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Big Warm Clean Ish bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Amp and Warble O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tube Amp I - 3 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tube amp II - 3 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturator I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Smoothness FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Stomp (4 файла)
Brutal Compressor bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Finator bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Space Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Wah bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Finator bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Space Tremolo bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Wah bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mastering (19 файлов)
Big Bass Beat bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 2 bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Faster Master O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hip Hop Puncher O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Fiddler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Sharpening O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
More Exciting (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Simple MS Club Lifter O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
VariSaturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 2 bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Faster Master O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hip Hop Puncher O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Fiddler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Sharpening O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
More Exciting (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Simple MS Club Lifter O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
VariSaturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
MIDI Triggered (10 файлов)
Synth - Play Me bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Synth - Soft and Enhanced bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 05 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Synth - Soft and Enhanced bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer 05 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Rizer Returns 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturation (14 файлов)
Basic Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
De-impact (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Gentle Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hall Piano Dynamic Enhancer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lightly Driven Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mix Crunch 50% - 1 Band 1 LFO SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Modern Synth Sand O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mono Saw Lead Buzzer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Akai O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturate and Color O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Synth Buzzer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthBass Clipper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vintage Narrow Bandwith bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vinyl Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
De-impact (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Gentle Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hall Piano Dynamic Enhancer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lightly Driven Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mix Crunch 50% - 1 Band 1 LFO SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Modern Synth Sand O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mono Saw Lead Buzzer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Akai O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturate and Color O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Synth Buzzer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthBass Clipper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vintage Narrow Bandwith bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vinyl Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Sequence (11 файлов)
Break My Loop 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Digi Tal bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
IDM Looper 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Loop Destroyer bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Rough Loop bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 04 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Digi Tal bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
IDM Looper 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
IDM Looper 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Loop Destroyer bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Rough Loop bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Various (11 файлов)
Antique Public Address (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Auto Side-Chain Compression 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Auto Side-Chain Compression 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Punch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Parallel Vocal Distortion 1 (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Auto Side-Chain Compression 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Auto Side-Chain Compression 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Punch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Parallel Vocal Distortion 1 (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
_Allround (3 файла)
Allround Saturation (26 файлов)
Big Bass Beat bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 2 bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Faster Master O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Gentle Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hall Piano Dynamic Enhancer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hip Hop Puncher O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lightly Driven Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Little Spice Add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
More Exciting (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturate and Color O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Simple MS Club Lifter O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthBass Clipper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 2 bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Electro DRs Subtle Sweet 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Faster Master O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Gentle Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hall Piano Dynamic Enhancer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Hip Hop Puncher O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lightly Driven Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Little Spice Add SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
More Exciting (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Saturate and Color O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Simple MS Club Lifter O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
SynthBass Clipper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 01 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tube Transients 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Warm Tube Base II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crisp and Mid Saturation (16 файлов)
Acoustic Drum Temper O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Back in the Day O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Punch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch 1 SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
VariSaturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vinyl Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Back in the Day O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats II - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Punch bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch 1 SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 01 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 02 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Smash 04 bM.ffp (3,01 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
VariSaturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vinyl Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Fi and Broken (14 файлов)
Antique Public Address (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Broken Tube 66% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats I - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
De-impact (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Destroyer I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Fi Maker bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Add I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Fiddler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Akai O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Taped Mids I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vintage Narrow Bandwith bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wow, Flutter! O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY midphonemanipulator SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Broken Tube 66% - 2 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Clean Tape Base - 4 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Crispy Fats I - 6 Bands SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
De-impact (Dax).ffp (3,5 Kb)
Destroyer I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-Fi Maker bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Add I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LoFi Fiddler O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Akai O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Taped Mids I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Vintage Narrow Bandwith bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Wow, Flutter! O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
XY midphonemanipulator SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
_Best Of (23 файла)
8Bit Kit bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Back in the Day O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Basic Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Big Block of Dist bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Delay LA I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Early SynDrum Robotizer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Ripple O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lead Me The Way FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-finator bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Chugging O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch 1 SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Powered Up FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Back in the Day O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Basic Saturator O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Big Block of Dist bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Bit Crush Sequence 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Boutique 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Break My Loop 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Delay LA I SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Dynamic Weirdness 02 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Early SynDrum Robotizer O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Fudge Ripple O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Funky Crunch FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lead Me The Way FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Lo-finator bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Loop Chugging O.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Magic Mastering bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Mega Mauler bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Old Tape Crunch 1 SM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Phat Tape and Comp bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Powered Up FL.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Smash 03 bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Tape Transients bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
The Tube bM.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Default Setting.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Simplon (22 файла)
Add on Beat.ffp (80 b)
Add to Beat 1.ffp (80 b)
Add to Beat 2.ffp (80 b)
Amplification.ffp (80 b)
Band Reject.ffp (84 b)
Beatsweeper MW.ffp (80 b)
Boost Bass.ffp (84 b)
Boost Mid.ffp (84 b)
Clean.ffp (80 b)
Crispy.ffp (84 b)
Cut High.ffp (80 b)
Cut Low.ffp (80 b)
Default Setting.ffp (80 b)
Destruction.ffp (84 b)
Edge.ffp (80 b)
Enhancer.ffp (80 b)
Kick off.ffp (80 b)
Old Speaker.ffp (80 b)
Only Mid.ffp (80 b)
Phone.ffp (80 b)
Raw.ffp (84 b)
Slim down.ffp (84 b)
Add to Beat 1.ffp (80 b)
Add to Beat 2.ffp (80 b)
Amplification.ffp (80 b)
Band Reject.ffp (84 b)
Beatsweeper MW.ffp (80 b)
Boost Bass.ffp (84 b)
Boost Mid.ffp (84 b)
Clean.ffp (80 b)
Crispy.ffp (84 b)
Cut High.ffp (80 b)
Cut Low.ffp (80 b)
Default Setting.ffp (80 b)
Destruction.ffp (84 b)
Edge.ffp (80 b)
Enhancer.ffp (80 b)
Kick off.ffp (80 b)
Old Speaker.ffp (80 b)
Only Mid.ffp (80 b)
Phone.ffp (80 b)
Raw.ffp (84 b)
Slim down.ffp (84 b)
Timeless 2 (18 файлов)
Basic (38 файлов)
1 Bar Bounce O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
60s Psychedelica RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Analog Tape Echo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Are you notch TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beauty.ffp (612 b)
Birds of prey JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay.ffp (612 b)
Ducked Dirt bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Echo 1.ffp (612 b)
Echo 2.ffp (612 b)
Echo 3.ffp (612 b)
Fade Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Get the groove.ffp (612 b)
Hypnotic Bounce bM.ffp (2,76 Kb)
Loopa SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Make it big TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mono Tape BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ping-pong duck TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Stereo Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM.ffp (732 b)
Reverbish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rhythmicon.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple HP Panner RD.ffp (732 b)
Slightly Ducked Tape BM.ffp (732 b)
Stab Panner.ffp (732 b)
Stereo Delay 1.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 2.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 3.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay.ffp (612 b)
Stereo Ducked Tape BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Air.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Echo Free.ffp (612 b)
Tight Lipped O.ffp (732 b)
Walker BM.ffp (732 b)
Wobble.ffp (2,77 Kb)
60s Psychedelica RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Analog Tape Echo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Are you notch TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beauty.ffp (612 b)
Birds of prey JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay.ffp (612 b)
Ducked Dirt bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Echo 1.ffp (612 b)
Echo 2.ffp (612 b)
Echo 3.ffp (612 b)
Fade Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Get the groove.ffp (612 b)
Hypnotic Bounce bM.ffp (2,76 Kb)
Loopa SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Make it big TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mono Tape BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ping-pong duck TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Stereo Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM.ffp (732 b)
Reverbish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rhythmicon.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple HP Panner RD.ffp (732 b)
Slightly Ducked Tape BM.ffp (732 b)
Stab Panner.ffp (732 b)
Stereo Delay 1.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 2.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 3.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay.ffp (612 b)
Stereo Ducked Tape BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Air.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Echo Free.ffp (612 b)
Tight Lipped O.ffp (732 b)
Walker BM.ffp (732 b)
Wobble.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus (19 файлов)
Big Chorus O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Big, Fast BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
CC Flanger DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Wah DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Deep and Tingly BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dynamic chorus TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ensemble Chorus XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Envelope Triggered Spice BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Faux Fazer XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Flange.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Freaky Chorus bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gentle Metal Chorus O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hungover TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Saturated Swirl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scared TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Flanger XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
StereoriZing bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tubism.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Weary suitcase TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Big, Fast BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
CC Flanger DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Wah DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Deep and Tingly BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dynamic chorus TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ensemble Chorus XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Envelope Triggered Spice BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Faux Fazer XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Flange.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Freaky Chorus bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gentle Metal Chorus O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hungover TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Saturated Swirl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scared TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Flanger XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
StereoriZing bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tubism.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Weary suitcase TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Distortion (9 файлов)
Afuche Casaba O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Amplitude Modulation XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Damaged Robot XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Enter The Matrix BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
How Rude DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sick Vowels XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trash Your Audio XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Amplitude Modulation XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Damaged Robot XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Enter The Matrix BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
How Rude DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sick Vowels XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trash Your Audio XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dub (24 файла)
Dubby 01b bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 03 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 06 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 07 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 10 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 17 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 20 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 23 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 01 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 02 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 03 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 04 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 06 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 07 bM.ffp (732 b)
Oldish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 01a bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 01b bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trippy BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby 03 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 06 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 07 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 10 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 17 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 20 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby 23 bM.ffp (732 b)
Dubby I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 01 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 02 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 03 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 04 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 06 bM.ffp (732 b)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 07 bM.ffp (732 b)
Oldish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 01a bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 01b bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Overdriven 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trippy BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
FX (65 файлов)
4 Bar Landing O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
4 Bar Riser RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Auto Tremolo BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
BP-ed fun SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Rumbler BM DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Rumbler BM.ffp (732 b)
Bees.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bouncing Echos RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Build Up O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chopper TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Circuit Bending XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Corned Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
DJ Tricks RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Descent O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
DoubleTracked RD.ffp (732 b)
Factory.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Finger on the Tape RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Garage.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ghosts.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch Bitch RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hallucinations XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hold the flank(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Itchy & Scratchy FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
ModWheel Vinyl O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Movies SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Oddity JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Old Vinyl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pad Filter SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pan Fun II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pass the Mic.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play time.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Quarrels TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Raindrops.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Scratches.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeat after me.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rythmic Scratch RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
S s s stutter BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scratch me w XY2 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scratchmaster.ffp (612 b)
Screamer 1 DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Widener RD.ffp (732 b)
Stuttered JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Super Grain Verb BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Surrealism XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swingin S&H RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sync-LFO Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape stop.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tapesim with X1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
TechRythmics RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Worble JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Theremin LEADER SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
They're Here... XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Time n Pitch 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Time n Pitch JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tomita Talk JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Total Chaos XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tremolo lo lo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trippyletty Mayhem BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vary Delay SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vocal Filter XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wetmaker.ffp (2,77 Kb)
What the hell.ffp (612 b)
Where is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Worst DJ.ffp (612 b)
4 Bar Riser RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Auto Tremolo BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
BP-ed fun SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Rumbler BM DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Rumbler BM.ffp (732 b)
Bees.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bouncing Echos RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Build Up O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chopper TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Circuit Bending XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Corned Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
DJ Tricks RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Descent O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
DoubleTracked RD.ffp (732 b)
Factory.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Finger on the Tape RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Garage.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ghosts.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch Bitch RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hallucinations XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hold the flank(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Itchy & Scratchy FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
ModWheel Vinyl O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Movies SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Oddity JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Old Vinyl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pad Filter SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pan Fun II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pass the Mic.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play time.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Quarrels TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Raindrops.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Scratches.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeat after me.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rythmic Scratch RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
S s s stutter BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scratch me w XY2 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Scratchmaster.ffp (612 b)
Screamer 1 DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Widener RD.ffp (732 b)
Stuttered JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Super Grain Verb BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Surrealism XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swingin S&H RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sync-LFO Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape stop.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tapesim with X1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
TechRythmics RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Worble JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Theremin LEADER SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
They're Here... XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Time n Pitch 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Time n Pitch JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tomita Talk JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Total Chaos XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tremolo lo lo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Trippyletty Mayhem BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vary Delay SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vocal Filter XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wetmaker.ffp (2,77 Kb)
What the hell.ffp (612 b)
Where is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Worst DJ.ffp (612 b)
General (55 файлов)
A Funny Feeling O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
BP Sweeper RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Busted Deck O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chatter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Clean up the mids TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Clearout O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Cone Tear O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Delayed Scream (1 bar Loops).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Double Up O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Hammer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Nails O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 1 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 2 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 3 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feeded Tap.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Find a Cab O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Good as Ever O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Good as Never O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
HonkyTonk O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Interloper O.ffp (732 b)
LFO'd Echo JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Longer Move.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Melanger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mod Machine TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Modwheel Varispeed.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Nervous Talk O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Open the gate TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phasted TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pressured LFO 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pressured LFO JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Punching In O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rotathor.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD.ffp (732 b)
SangerknabenTK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shaking Like Tremelo DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shimmer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Side to Side Parade O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Emphasis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Pong O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Trot O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Trot Odjm.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Single Bouncer RD.ffp (732 b)
Squeeky time JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stefan Austin O.ffp (732 b)
Stepper.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Subtly(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swirl Baby 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swirl Baby JN.ffp (732 b)
Tech Commercials O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tin Foil O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Too Much Coffee O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Way Off Center BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Whazzup! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Who is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
BP Sweeper RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Busted Deck O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chatter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Clean up the mids TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Clearout O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Cone Tear O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Delayed Scream (1 bar Loops).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Double Up O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Hammer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Nails O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 1 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 2 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 3 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feeded Tap.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Find a Cab O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Good as Ever O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Good as Never O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
HonkyTonk O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Interloper O.ffp (732 b)
LFO'd Echo JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Longer Move.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Melanger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mod Machine TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Modwheel Varispeed.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Nervous Talk O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Open the gate TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phasted TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pressured LFO 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pressured LFO JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Punching In O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rotathor.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD.ffp (732 b)
SangerknabenTK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shaking Like Tremelo DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shimmer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Side to Side Parade O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Emphasis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Pong O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Trot O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Trot Odjm.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Single Bouncer RD.ffp (732 b)
Squeeky time JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stefan Austin O.ffp (732 b)
Stepper.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Subtly(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swirl Baby 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swirl Baby JN.ffp (732 b)
Tech Commercials O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tin Foil O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Too Much Coffee O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Way Off Center BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Whazzup! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Who is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Guitar (6 файлов)
Driven Delay 2.ffp (732 b)
Driven Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Delay.ffp (732 b)
Guitar Side Ping 01 bM.ffp (732 b)
How Soon Is, Nah O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Where Streets Have No O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Delay.ffp (732 b)
Guitar Side Ping 01 bM.ffp (732 b)
How Soon Is, Nah O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Where Streets Have No O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Long (22 файла)
Basic Stereo Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Blood BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Constant Movement RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Deep Sea.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Eons Of Time BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Fright.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hazy Memories XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Opium XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Plates.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pulsetar O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeater 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rich rythm.ffp (612 b)
Sea Shore.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Tube SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sweeet Mary Of BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Cool One JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Transforming Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Traveler.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unpredictable.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wide delay.ffp (612 b)
Blood BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Constant Movement RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Deep Sea.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Eons Of Time BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Fright.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hazy Memories XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Opium XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Plates.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pulsetar O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeater 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rich rythm.ffp (612 b)
Sea Shore.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Tube SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sweeet Mary Of BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Cool One JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Transforming Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Traveler.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unpredictable.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wide delay.ffp (612 b)
Percussion (22 файла)
A Funny Feeling O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Slobber O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Streak O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Breaks Drum Loops RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Came To Get Down O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Digitalis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drunken DJ TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubbpleganger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Drummer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Drummer2 O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Sashay O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky in the Back O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Grunched O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lost count(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Machine Press O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Power and the passion O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rhythm Section Wanted O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stomper O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing My Distortion 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing My Distortion 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tighten up TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Turn the Table O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Slobber O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beat Streak O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Breaks Drum Loops RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Came To Get Down O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Digitalis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drunken DJ TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubbpleganger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Drummer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Drummer2 O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky Sashay O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Funky in the Back O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Grunched O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lost count(ms) TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Machine Press O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Power and the passion O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rhythm Section Wanted O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stomper O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing My Distortion 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing My Distortion 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tighten up TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Turn the Table O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonator (22 файла)
16s Panadub.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Back My Bitch Slap BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Big BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bubble Aura O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feed Me Something BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filetered Trashecho 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filetered Trashecho JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Ya Beat BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hair Trigger BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
In The Bottle BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Jurassic Park.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lazer BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lost BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mechanic Fly.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonance XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Screaming Biaatch BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shepard'sTone BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Slap Back Reso BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unpredictable BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wild Card XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Zang hu TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Back My Bitch Slap BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Big BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bubble Aura O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feed Me Something BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filetered Trashecho 2 JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filetered Trashecho JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Ya Beat BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hair Trigger BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
In The Bottle BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Jurassic Park.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lazer BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lost BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mechanic Fly.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonance XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Screaming Biaatch BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shepard'sTone BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Slap Back Reso BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unpredictable BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wild Card XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Zang hu TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reverb (16 файлов)
Ambianzee BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
D-Lay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Mono Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Stereo Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Grain Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Harshverb DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Live Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Minimal Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Not Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Drum Room O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple MidSid Encode O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Space BM.ffp (716 b)
TC Eat-Your-Heart-Out! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Ambience 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Ambience 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
D-Lay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Mono Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Stereo Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Grain Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Harshverb DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Live Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Minimal Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Not Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Drum Room O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple MidSid Encode O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Space BM.ffp (716 b)
TC Eat-Your-Heart-Out! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Ambience 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Ambience 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sequence (19 файлов)
Arpeggio Fun 01 bM.ffp (732 b)
Arpeggio Fun 04 bM.ffp (732 b)
Chop My Beat bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Don't Need No Input FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
FSU I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
FSU with XY1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filter Da Beat SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mod me dead SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeater 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rollin Round bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Arpeggio Fun 04 bM.ffp (732 b)
Chop My Beat bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Don't Need No Input FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
FSU I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
FSU with XY1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filter Da Beat SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fun Beats III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gate X III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated I SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated II SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Gated III SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mod me dead SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Repeater 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Rollin Round bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Short (26 файлов)
Add My Beat BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
All Over The Place 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bubbles bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drummasheen O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feeling Queezy RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Groovy.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Guitar Americana DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Guitar Amplifier.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hallway.ffp (2,77 Kb)
House Groove.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Less Time.ffp (732 b)
Metal.ffp (2,77 Kb)
My Mid Side bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
One two.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phazer Bleu BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Power Slap BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reflection.ffp (612 b)
Riff Raff bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sizzling.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Smoothness.ffp (612 b)
Speakerbox.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Stereo bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stuttering Halves 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stuttering Halves 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
X Factor JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
All Over The Place 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bubbles bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drummasheen O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feeling Queezy RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Groovy.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Guitar Americana DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Guitar Amplifier.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hallway.ffp (2,77 Kb)
House Groove.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Less Time.ffp (732 b)
Metal.ffp (2,77 Kb)
My Mid Side bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
One two.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phazer Bleu BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Power Slap BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reflection.ffp (612 b)
Riff Raff bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sizzling.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Smoothness.ffp (612 b)
Speakerbox.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Stereo bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stuttering Halves 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stuttering Halves 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
X Factor JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Synths & Keys (37 файлов)
Accede O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Accompanist O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Airfoil O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
At heel O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Blue Jelly XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chiptune Wide XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Distorted Twitch Tripplet BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dronescape XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Entrophy XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Basses XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Hits and Stabs XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch Synth XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hard Times O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Just Add A Bass XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Key Brightener O.ffp (732 b)
Key Punch O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lunar Departure O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lunar Lander O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mucking Out O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Padmaker O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 03 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 04 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pleasant Synth Ring O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 1 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 2 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Returning Fog O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
She Plays Games XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Slow Lead XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Space Gurgle XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Spectral Impulsivity O.ffp (732 b)
Spectral Relativity O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing Hardstyle XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Synth Decay O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Techno Slapback XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wah Delay XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Accompanist O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Airfoil O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
At heel O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Blue Jelly XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chiptune Wide XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Distorted Twitch Tripplet BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dronescape XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Entrophy XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Basses XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
For Hits and Stabs XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Glitch Synth XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hard Times O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Just Add A Bass XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Key Brightener O.ffp (732 b)
Key Punch O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lunar Departure O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Lunar Lander O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Mucking Out O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Padmaker O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 02 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 03 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play Me C1-C3 04 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Pleasant Synth Ring O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 1 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 2 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Returning Fog O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
She Plays Games XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Slow Lead XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Space Gurgle XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Spectral Impulsivity O.ffp (732 b)
Spectral Relativity O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swing Hardstyle XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Synth Decay O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Techno Slapback XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Wah Delay XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
_Allround (5 файлов)
Basic Long (20 файлов)
Analog Tape Echo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Basic Stereo Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beauty.ffp (612 b)
Echo 3.ffp (612 b)
Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Long Stereo Delay 1(control feedback with mod. wheel).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 1 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 2 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM.ffp (732 b)
Rich rythm.ffp (612 b)
Simple Emphasis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Pong O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Tube SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 1.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 2.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay.ffp (612 b)
Tape Mono BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Echo Free.ffp (612 b)
Wide delay.ffp (612 b)
Basic Stereo Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Beauty.ffp (612 b)
Echo 3.ffp (612 b)
Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Filtered Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Long Stereo Delay 1(control feedback with mod. wheel).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 1 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Psytrance 2 XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Resonant Ping Pong BM.ffp (732 b)
Rich rythm.ffp (612 b)
Simple Emphasis O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Pong O.ffp (732 b)
Simple Tube SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 1.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 2.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay.ffp (612 b)
Tape Mono BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Echo Free.ffp (612 b)
Wide delay.ffp (612 b)
Basic Short (10 файлов)
Echo 1.ffp (612 b)
Echo 2.ffp (612 b)
Plates.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shimmer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Short mono Delay 1(control feedback with mod. wheel).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 3.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Mono II BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Too Much Coffee O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Typical Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Typical Chorus Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Echo 2.ffp (612 b)
Plates.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shimmer O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Short mono Delay 1(control feedback with mod. wheel).ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Delay 3.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape Mono II BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Too Much Coffee O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Typical Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Typical Chorus Delay.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reflection & Reverbs (11 файлов)
Driven Mono Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 1 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 3 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Harshverb DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Not Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reverbish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Space BM.ffp (716 b)
The Ambience 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 1 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 3 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Harshverb DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 01 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Metallic Verb 02 BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Not Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Reverbish SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Strange Space BM.ffp (716 b)
The Ambience 01 bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Room & Ambience (8 файлов)
Ambianzee BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Stereo Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Live Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Make it big TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Minimal Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Drum Room O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Widener RD.ffp (732 b)
TC Eat-Your-Heart-Out! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Driven Stereo Slap Back Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Live Room BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Make it big TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Minimal Ambience BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Simple Drum Room O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Stereo Widener RD.ffp (732 b)
TC Eat-Your-Heart-Out! BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Special FX (24 файла)
Accede O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Descent O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Entrophy XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Old Vinyl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play time.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Practice that Jazzguitar MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Raindrops.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Scratches.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD.ffp (732 b)
Sea Shore.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shaking Like Tremelo DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Single Bouncer RD.ffp (732 b)
Stuttered JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Surrealism XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swingin S&H RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sync-LFO Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape stop.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tapesim with X1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tech Commercials O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Worble JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Transforming Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Traveler.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vibrato MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Descent O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Entrophy XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Old Vinyl BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Play time.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Practice that Jazzguitar MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Raindrops.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Random Scratches.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD.ffp (732 b)
Sea Shore.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Shaking Like Tremelo DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Single Bouncer RD.ffp (732 b)
Stuttered JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Surrealism XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Swingin S&H RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sync-LFO Filter.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tape stop.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tapesim with X1 SM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Tech Commercials O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
The Worble JN.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Transforming Echo.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Traveler.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Vibrato MdB.ffp (2,77 Kb)
_Best Of (27 файлов)
Analog Tape Echo RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bouncing Echos RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
CC Flanger DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Circuit Bending XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Nails O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Ducked Dirt bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ensemble Chorus XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Eons of Time BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fade Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Faux Fazer XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 2 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Garage.ffp (2,77 Kb)
How Rude DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hypnotic Bounce bM.ffp (2,76 Kb)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Melanger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
My Mid Side bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Open the gate TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Opium XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phasted TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ping-pong duck TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Air.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Where is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Bouncing Echos RD.ffp (2,77 Kb)
CC Flanger DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Chorus Delay DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Circuit Bending XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Drop the Nails O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Dubby 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Ducked Dirt bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ensemble Chorus XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Eons of Time BM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Fade Side Delay bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Faux Fazer XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Feedback Follows 2 FS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Garage.ffp (2,77 Kb)
How Rude DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Hypnotic Bounce bM.ffp (2,76 Kb)
Lo-Fi Delay Box 05 bM.ffp (732 b)
Melanger O.ffp (2,77 Kb)
My Mid Side bM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Open the gate TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Opium XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Phasted TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Ping-pong duck TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Sacred Circles RD DJM.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Thin Air.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Unstable Verb XS.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Where is it TK.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Default Setting.ffp (2,77 Kb)
Twin 2 (17 файлов)
Arpeggio (2 файла)
Dance (56 файлов)
1 Finger Wunder A DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
1 Finger Wunder B DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bach Fugue DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic Seq Example -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat and bassline.ffp (2,88 Kb)
Beat.ffp (2,88 Kb)
Bonfire DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
By Random Trance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carolina Sequence 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chirpper TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DoubleGate TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doubleback Sequence -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dual Arps TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 04 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 05 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 06 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Beat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Heat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Meat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate and Arp TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate-n-hat Velo SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 4 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GaterBait TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gold Member DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp-2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp-3 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hatnshake SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Interstellar Highway FS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Intrigue TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lil Krazy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Make It Dance bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mayhem bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtaken -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Panzer X 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Panzer X 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SQ-Me On The D-Floor 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SQ-Me On The D-Floor 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shreddy Gate 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shreddy Gate SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stump Runner -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
1 Finger Wunder B DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bach Fugue DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic Seq Example -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat and bassline.ffp (2,88 Kb)
Beat.ffp (2,88 Kb)
Bonfire DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
By Random Trance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carolina Sequence 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chirpper TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DoubleGate TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doubleback Sequence -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dual Arps TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 04 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 05 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic 06 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Beat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Heat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Meat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gabberish 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate Lite SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate and Arp TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gate-n-hat Velo SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gated 4 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GaterBait TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gold Member DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp-2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardarp-3 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hatnshake SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Interstellar Highway FS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Intrigue TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lil Krazy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Make It Dance bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mayhem bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtaken -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Panzer X 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Panzer X 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SQ-Me On The D-Floor 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SQ-Me On The D-Floor 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shreddy Gate 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shreddy Gate SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stump Runner -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Other (69 файлов)
Action DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Anagate SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blue Revival DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Broken Triangles TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chaos DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chop Bro bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chop Sis bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Fusion 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Fusion 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazy Walk SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Droplets Evolved bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Droplets bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Give a Little Beat Rev I SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goodness Sake DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Starch DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jam With My Noise 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jam With My Noise 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Krazy Keys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Layered Pluck DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Not Lost DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Occupied 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Occupied 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
On The Street DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Over 2k SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pick Up Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Play 1 Note TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsex TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire Part Deux bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire Part Trois bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 1 Alt SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
RisePulse TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ruth Ann DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ryder TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Saw Palmetto DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Scratchup SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq-Joyful TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shipped Out DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Put DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow 1 Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snatched Away DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snowglobe Musician -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SyKils TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syspense TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Take A Walk DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Journey TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tidy Shop -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
To The Ounce DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ursa Major TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Why Does It Click SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Youformia -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 04 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Anagate SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Picking 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blue Revival DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Broken Triangles TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chaos DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chop Bro bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chop Sis bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Fusion 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Fusion 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazy Walk SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Droplets Evolved bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Droplets bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Give a Little Beat Rev I SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goodness Sake DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Starch DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jam With My Noise 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jam With My Noise 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Krazy Keys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Layered Pluck DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Need No Arp SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Not Lost DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Occupied 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Occupied 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
On The Street DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Over 2k SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pick Up Line DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Play 1 Note TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsex TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire Part Deux bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire Part Trois bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 1 Alt SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resona 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
RisePulse TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ruth Ann DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ryder TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Saw Palmetto DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Scratchup SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seq-Joyful TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shipped Out DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Put DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow 1 Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snatched Away DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snowglobe Musician -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SyKils TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syspense TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Take A Walk DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Journey TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tidy Shop -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
To The Ounce DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ursa Major TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Why Does It Click SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Youformia -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zimmer 04 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic (5 файлов)
Noise Pink.ffp (796 b)
Noise White.ffp (796 b)
Sawtooth.ffp (796 b)
Square.ffp (796 b)
Triangle.ffp (796 b)
Noise White.ffp (796 b)
Sawtooth.ffp (796 b)
Square.ffp (796 b)
Triangle.ffp (796 b)
Bass (6 файлов)
Acid (37 файлов)
Acid Bass Marimba DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Acid Dose PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
As Seen On TV DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Octaves DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Avenged -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BassLead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Moist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bedpan Bass DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bob Barker O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Throat Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gentle Knurl -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gremlins DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ignorant Phatter SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ignorant SDG.ffp (796 b)
Liquid Saw BM.ffp (800 b)
Low Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meanie bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mr Wupple DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Obvious Choice O.ffp (796 b)
Plucked JN.ffp (796 b)
Pow Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pure Evil bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Vel Decay DM.ffp (796 b)
Sequenz RD.ffp (796 b)
ShutDown Bass TEK.ffp (796 b)
Silky 303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Stereo 303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Sugar Cube DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swiss Army Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Screamer RD.ffp (796 b)
Thick Synth JN.ffp (796 b)
Tomita Synctalk 2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Tsunami Bottom DM.ffp (796 b)
Unsettled DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velo303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Wormy RD.ffp (796 b)
Acid Dose PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
As Seen On TV DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Auto Octaves DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Avenged -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BassLead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Moist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bedpan Bass DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bob Barker O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Throat Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gentle Knurl -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gremlins DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ignorant Phatter SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ignorant SDG.ffp (796 b)
Liquid Saw BM.ffp (800 b)
Low Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meanie bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mr Wupple DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Obvious Choice O.ffp (796 b)
Plucked JN.ffp (796 b)
Pow Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pure Evil bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Vel Decay DM.ffp (796 b)
Sequenz RD.ffp (796 b)
ShutDown Bass TEK.ffp (796 b)
Silky 303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Stereo 303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Sugar Cube DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swiss Army Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Screamer RD.ffp (796 b)
Thick Synth JN.ffp (796 b)
Tomita Synctalk 2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Tsunami Bottom DM.ffp (796 b)
Unsettled DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velo303 RD.ffp (796 b)
Wormy RD.ffp (796 b)
Acoustic (29 файлов)
Acoust Meets Elect DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ana-s SM.ffp (796 b)
Buzzy Upright DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chocobass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choked SDG.ffp (796 b)
Dancy SM.ffp (796 b)
Deep Vibe SM.ffp (796 b)
Finger Picked Dub PS.ffp (796 b)
Fully SM.ffp (796 b)
Glass Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
House Bass RD.ffp (796 b)
Lovely SM.ffp (796 b)
Mic'ed Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naukuva BM.ffp (796 b)
Phase PickBass MR.ffp (796 b)
Quartet Jam O.ffp (800 b)
Quartet O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quartet Slap O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quartet Slide O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Self Righteous O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simplicity RD.ffp (796 b)
Slap P-Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slider SM.ffp (796 b)
Slider2 SM.ffp (796 b)
String Bass DM.ffp (796 b)
Sub Stereo BM.ffp (796 b)
Subber SM.ffp (796 b)
Swiffer PS.ffp (796 b)
Watch Yer BassBins RD.ffp (796 b)
Ana-s SM.ffp (796 b)
Buzzy Upright DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chocobass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choked SDG.ffp (796 b)
Dancy SM.ffp (796 b)
Deep Vibe SM.ffp (796 b)
Finger Picked Dub PS.ffp (796 b)
Fully SM.ffp (796 b)
Glass Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
House Bass RD.ffp (796 b)
Lovely SM.ffp (796 b)
Mic'ed Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naukuva BM.ffp (796 b)
Phase PickBass MR.ffp (796 b)
Quartet Jam O.ffp (800 b)
Quartet O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quartet Slap O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quartet Slide O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Self Righteous O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simplicity RD.ffp (796 b)
Slap P-Bass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slider SM.ffp (796 b)
Slider2 SM.ffp (796 b)
String Bass DM.ffp (796 b)
Sub Stereo BM.ffp (796 b)
Subber SM.ffp (796 b)
Swiffer PS.ffp (796 b)
Watch Yer BassBins RD.ffp (796 b)
Dance A-M (61 файл)
1osc SM.ffp (796 b)
1osc2 SM.ffp (796 b)
ArpBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bashful DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic Bounce -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass - Hard One BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Ace O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Deuce O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Eight O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Jack O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass King O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Nine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Queen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Sevens O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Six O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Ten O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass'n'hat-1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Mellow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Saw Rez DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beatbassie 2 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beatbassie FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big BM.ffp (796 b)
Big Cousin BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Biggus Diggus BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blasterd DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bone Crusher Bass PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Booty Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bump Square BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ceiling Dance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Click Sub -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deliverance O.ffp (796 b)
Disturbed Hybrid Kick bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass 2 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass 3 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Don't Fret DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drippy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elected Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elimabass Moist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elimabass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FatBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fatt Bottom DM.ffp (796 b)
Flat Eric RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Frenetic O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fudge Chunk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gangsta Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GreasyHollow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard One BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hip-Hop Blockz PS.ffp (796 b)
Junglist RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kitten Killer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lady Killer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Legion DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mightybass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mildly Arped-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moggerfogger FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Molasses O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Monopoly FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Monotic SM.ffp (796 b)
Mr. Klean -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
1osc2 SM.ffp (796 b)
ArpBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bashful DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic Bounce -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass - Hard One BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Ace O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Deuce O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Eight O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Jack O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass King O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Nine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Queen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Sevens O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Six O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass Ten O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass'n'hat-1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Mellow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic Saw Rez DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beatbassie 2 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beatbassie FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big BM.ffp (796 b)
Big Cousin BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Biggus Diggus BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blasterd DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bone Crusher Bass PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Booty Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bump Square BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ceiling Dance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Click Sub -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deliverance O.ffp (796 b)
Disturbed Hybrid Kick bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass 2 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass 3 FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB Bass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Don't Fret DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drippy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elected Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elimabass Moist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elimabass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FatBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fatt Bottom DM.ffp (796 b)
Flat Eric RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Frenetic O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fudge Chunk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gangsta Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GreasyHollow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard One BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hip-Hop Blockz PS.ffp (796 b)
Junglist RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kitten Killer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lady Killer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Legion DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mightybass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mildly Arped-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moggerfogger FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Molasses O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Monopoly FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Monotic SM.ffp (796 b)
Mr. Klean -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dance N-Z (53 файла)
Not So Bad DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PWM Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phat Philter PS.ffp (796 b)
Phatbass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plebe O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plod O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plucky O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plum O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plush O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pugilist -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rancid Marshmallow -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rocky Top -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Roll On Silicon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rubber Band DM.ffp (796 b)
Sherpy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Bottle Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Angry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Brash O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Slick O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Wet O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Confused O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Wrong O.ffp (800 b)
Skinny Jeans-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth Electro RD.ffp (796 b)
Smooth Pedpoint Bend SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sode Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Softie mw SM.ffp (796 b)
Solid State RD.ffp (796 b)
Space Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Space Drop Bass MR.ffp (796 b)
Sponge Bill DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squeaker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squelch mw SM.ffp (796 b)
Stab My Rubber 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stab My Rubber 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strutting SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sync Stab BM.ffp (796 b)
Taurus Bass.ffp (796 b)
Tearing Plastic Bags -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Soup Bass RD.ffp (796 b)
Total Square bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Under the Bed -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
UnisBass DM.ffp (796 b)
Velocifilter JN.ffp (796 b)
Velociter SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warpbass Digital O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warpbass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wheely Chameleon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whisper Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zilch PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PWM Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phat Philter PS.ffp (796 b)
Phatbass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plebe O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plod O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plucky O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plum O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plush O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pugilist -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rancid Marshmallow -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rocky Top -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Roll On Silicon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rubber Band DM.ffp (796 b)
Sherpy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Bottle Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Angry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Brash O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Slick O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Wet O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Confused O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simply Wrong O.ffp (800 b)
Skinny Jeans-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth Electro RD.ffp (796 b)
Smooth Pedpoint Bend SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sode Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Softie mw SM.ffp (796 b)
Solid State RD.ffp (796 b)
Space Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Space Drop Bass MR.ffp (796 b)
Sponge Bill DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squeaker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squelch mw SM.ffp (796 b)
Stab My Rubber 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stab My Rubber 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strutting SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sync Stab BM.ffp (796 b)
Taurus Bass.ffp (796 b)
Tearing Plastic Bags -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Soup Bass RD.ffp (796 b)
Total Square bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Under the Bed -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
UnisBass DM.ffp (796 b)
Velocifilter JN.ffp (796 b)
Velociter SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warpbass Digital O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warpbass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wheely Chameleon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whisper Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zilch PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Other (11 файлов)
Akoostix SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doubleliner FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dubsub SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fastmod 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fastmod 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollix SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lightdrive SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loveon (deep) SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Offdrove SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subdub SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wasp Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doubleliner FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dubsub SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fastmod 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fastmod 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollix SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lightdrive SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loveon (deep) SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Offdrove SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subdub SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wasp Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage (34 файла)
Bassic FM DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic O.ffp (800 b)
Dirty BM.ffp (796 b)
Examine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funkybass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grand Pa Grump bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Legacy Bass TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Maple Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
My Old Kay-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Narcissus O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PlainBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetish Bass Stab 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetish Bass Stab 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Punchy Bass TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Razor (Rusty) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Razor O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Semilar bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Saw -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth PWM Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Something to Disprove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Something to Prove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squarely Rooted DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sub Asheville DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SynBass-02 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triple Saw DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
VeloCity DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Von Funk DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bassic O.ffp (800 b)
Dirty BM.ffp (796 b)
Examine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funkybass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grand Pa Grump bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Legacy Bass TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Maple Bass -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Me 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
My Old Kay-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Narcissus O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PlainBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetish Bass Stab 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetish Bass Stab 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Punchy Bass TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Razor (Rusty) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Razor O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Semilar bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Saw -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth PWM Bass bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Something to Disprove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Something to Prove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squarely Rooted DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sub Asheville DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet n Low 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SynBass-02 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triple Saw DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
VeloCity DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Von Funk DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chimes (13 файлов)
Aluminum Bells -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BellString DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belles DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CaliBells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Childs Play DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chime Charm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chimes of Discord -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Computer Bell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fairy Chimes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Light Tines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MaBell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Marimbells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
They Are Belles Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BellString DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belles DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CaliBells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Childs Play DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chime Charm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chimes of Discord -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Computer Bell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fairy Chimes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Light Tines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MaBell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Marimbells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
They Are Belles Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drums (18 файлов)
Hihats (10 файлов)
Auto Sweeping Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazy Hats DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
E-hihat SM.ffp (796 b)
Effected Metal DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HHats 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Some hats SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syncopated Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Top Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage Hat -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
eHHat-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazy Hats DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
E-hihat SM.ffp (796 b)
Effected Metal DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HHats 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Some hats SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syncopated Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Top Hat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage Hat -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
eHHat-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kicks (27 файлов)
Anime -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic Sine Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clicky -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Kick BM.ffp (796 b)
Elekick SM.ffp (788 b)
Elekick2 SM.ffp (788 b)
Elekick3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Elekick4 SM.ffp (796 b)
Floppy Head DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Set DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kick 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Kick 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Kick FL.ffp (692 b)
Kick It DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kicker SM.ffp (796 b)
Kicker2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Longdeep-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morph Kick 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morph Kick 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Major Thud bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Natural Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SiddyKick JZ.ffp (796 b)
Slowkick SM.ffp (796 b)
Sub Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Sine Bip -MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Kick BM.ffp (796 b)
Basic Sine Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clicky -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Kick BM.ffp (796 b)
Elekick SM.ffp (788 b)
Elekick2 SM.ffp (788 b)
Elekick3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Elekick4 SM.ffp (796 b)
Floppy Head DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Set DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kick 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Kick 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Kick FL.ffp (692 b)
Kick It DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kicker SM.ffp (796 b)
Kicker2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Longdeep-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morph Kick 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morph Kick 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Major Thud bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Natural Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SiddyKick JZ.ffp (796 b)
Slowkick SM.ffp (796 b)
Sub Kick -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Sine Bip -MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Kick BM.ffp (796 b)
Other (26 файлов)
Bang the Skins -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bang the Skins.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Shaker BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Typewriter BM.ffp (796 b)
Hand Drum djm.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Island Band DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodic Snappy MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phasey Electro Stick BM.ffp (796 b)
Play That Drum FL.ffp (796 b)
Reso Querk BM.ffp (796 b)
Shaker 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Shaker 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Side Stick 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Side Stick 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Steel Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steel Fusion DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subrocker O.ffp (796 b)
Tambourin BM.ffp (796 b)
Tomkicksnare SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Woody's 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zappy 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bang the Skins.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cabasa Shake 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Shaker BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Typewriter BM.ffp (796 b)
Hand Drum djm.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Island Band DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodic Snappy MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phasey Electro Stick BM.ffp (796 b)
Play That Drum FL.ffp (796 b)
Reso Querk BM.ffp (796 b)
Shaker 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Shaker 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Side Stick 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Side Stick 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Steel Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steel Fusion DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subrocker O.ffp (796 b)
Tambourin BM.ffp (796 b)
Tomkicksnare SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Woody's 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zappy 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snares (20 файлов)
Comedian Snare DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dead Ringer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Snare 1 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare 3 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare BM.ffp (796 b)
Electrosnare DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funny Tail DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oh Snap DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piccollo Snare SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pop Tart DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simmons Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snare 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Snared SM.ffp (796 b)
Snared2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Some snares SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Longing DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage Snare -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dead Ringer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Snare 1 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare 3 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Snare BM.ffp (796 b)
Electrosnare DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funny Tail DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oh Snap DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piccollo Snare SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pop Tart DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simmons Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snare 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Snared SM.ffp (796 b)
Snared2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Some snares SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Longing DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage Snare -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toms (11 файлов)
Delay tom SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electro Tom 1 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Tom 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Tom 3 BM.ffp (796 b)
Lazer Tom bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silly Toms -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Some toms SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tommy Knockers DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tommy Tom DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toms 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Toms 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Electro Tom 1 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Tom 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Electro Tom 3 BM.ffp (796 b)
Lazer Tom bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silly Toms -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Some toms SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tommy Knockers DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tommy Tom DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toms 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Toms 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
DnB 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DnB 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Kit 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Kit 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Kit 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Kit 4 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tight Bitkit Clsd Hat PS.ffp (796 b)
Tight Bitkit Kick C1 PS.ffp (796 b)
Tight Bitkit Open Hat PS.ffp (796 b)
Tight Bitkit Rvrs Cymb PS.ffp (796 b)
Tight Bitkit Snare C1 PS.ffp (796 b)
Tight Bitkit Toms PS.ffp (796 b)
Effects (5 файлов)
Natural (17 файлов)
Deep Fryer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Distant Crickets SDG.ffp (796 b)
Electric Storm (play C2) BM.ffp (800 b)
Hello Pretty Bird SDG.ffp (796 b)
Horse Gallop DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MotorCycle PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Old Transformers O.ffp (800 b)
RadioWaves PS.ffp (796 b)
Seascape O.ffp (796 b)
Shorthitta SM.ffp (796 b)
Solar Winds TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stormy 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stormy SM.ffp (796 b)
Stormy Weather RD.ffp (796 b)
Surfside Beach DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whispering Winds PS.ffp (796 b)
Winter Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Distant Crickets SDG.ffp (796 b)
Electric Storm (play C2) BM.ffp (800 b)
Hello Pretty Bird SDG.ffp (796 b)
Horse Gallop DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MotorCycle PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Old Transformers O.ffp (800 b)
RadioWaves PS.ffp (796 b)
Seascape O.ffp (796 b)
Shorthitta SM.ffp (796 b)
Solar Winds TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stormy 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stormy SM.ffp (796 b)
Stormy Weather RD.ffp (796 b)
Surfside Beach DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whispering Winds PS.ffp (796 b)
Winter Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Noise (15 файлов)
Broken Drone BM.ffp (796 b)
Distant Band On The Winds SDG.ffp (796 b)
Drill Madness BM.ffp (796 b)
El Bizzaro PS.ffp (796 b)
Good Karma DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HP Noise BD.ffp (800 b)
Highwire O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit short SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Machine 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Machine 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Mashine Pad O.ffp (800 b)
Skitterbit -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Telemarketer O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Too wild ;-) SM.ffp (796 b)
background machinery O.ffp (796 b)
Distant Band On The Winds SDG.ffp (796 b)
Drill Madness BM.ffp (796 b)
El Bizzaro PS.ffp (796 b)
Good Karma DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HP Noise BD.ffp (800 b)
Highwire O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit short SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Machine 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Machine 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Mashine Pad O.ffp (800 b)
Skitterbit -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Telemarketer O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Too wild ;-) SM.ffp (796 b)
background machinery O.ffp (796 b)
Other (39 файлов)
401K DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Acid Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Babble DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Caved Bat SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chase Scene O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppers at Dawn O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppers at Dusk O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Discord PS.ffp (796 b)
Dream Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dub Delay 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dub Delay 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dubzapp SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
E-scratch SM.ffp (796 b)
Echotic SM.ffp (796 b)
Fallen Bells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Forever Falling RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gnomes BM.ffp (796 b)
Kicking The Woofer PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lowpass Bounce BD.ffp (692 b)
Mod me Scream SM.ffp (796 b)
Moshun TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
NoiseCrap SM.ffp (796 b)
Off and On BD.ffp (796 b)
Paisley O.ffp (796 b)
Revelry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ricocet PS.ffp (796 b)
Singing Geiger bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Skat O.ffp (800 b)
Speakup SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tatatoum SM.ffp (796 b)
Technossomy JZ.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TenPenny O.ffp (800 b)
Trading Places.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Train-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Train-ed SM.ffp (796 b)
Tuning bagpipes O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wheasy LFOs JN.ffp (796 b)
Acid Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Babble DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Caved Bat SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chase Scene O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppers at Dawn O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppers at Dusk O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Discord PS.ffp (796 b)
Dream Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dub Delay 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dub Delay 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dubzapp SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
E-scratch SM.ffp (796 b)
Echotic SM.ffp (796 b)
Fallen Bells DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Forever Falling RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gnomes BM.ffp (796 b)
Kicking The Woofer PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lowpass Bounce BD.ffp (692 b)
Mod me Scream SM.ffp (796 b)
Moshun TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
NoiseCrap SM.ffp (796 b)
Off and On BD.ffp (796 b)
Paisley O.ffp (796 b)
Revelry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ricocet PS.ffp (796 b)
Singing Geiger bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Skat O.ffp (800 b)
Speakup SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tatatoum SM.ffp (796 b)
Technossomy JZ.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TenPenny O.ffp (800 b)
Trading Places.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Train-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Train-ed SM.ffp (796 b)
Tuning bagpipes O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wheasy LFOs JN.ffp (796 b)
Sci-Fi (35 файлов)
50's SciFi O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
64Forever FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
8bit O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AlienBell JZ.ffp (796 b)
C64 Doubleliner FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64juggler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CosmicNoise IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Creature DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Descender DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doaum Plop bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Does Not Compute RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fly in the Ambient O.ffp (796 b)
Haunted Kat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HearingAid IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lazer Blip RD.ffp (796 b)
Morse Code DM.ffp (796 b)
Neptune DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Noise Pollution DM.ffp (796 b)
Not OK, Computer BD.ffp (692 b)
One Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Peeow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
R3D3 RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sample n Hold Synth 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
Sonar IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spacehawk JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid 2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid 3 JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid JN.ffp (796 b)
Synth Orch Tunning JN.ffp (796 b)
The Vapourizer RD.ffp (796 b)
Unknown Origions DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wild Wave SM.ffp (796 b)
XLFO Alarm 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XLFO Alarm JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
c64 blubberfield FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
64Forever FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
8bit O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AlienBell JZ.ffp (796 b)
C64 Doubleliner FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64juggler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CosmicNoise IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Creature DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Descender DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Doaum Plop bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Does Not Compute RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fly in the Ambient O.ffp (796 b)
Haunted Kat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HearingAid IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lazer Blip RD.ffp (796 b)
Morse Code DM.ffp (796 b)
Neptune DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Noise Pollution DM.ffp (796 b)
Not OK, Computer BD.ffp (692 b)
One Finger TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Peeow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
R3D3 RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sample n Hold Synth 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
Sonar IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spacehawk JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid 2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid 3 JN.ffp (796 b)
Spacestroid JN.ffp (796 b)
Synth Orch Tunning JN.ffp (796 b)
The Vapourizer RD.ffp (796 b)
Unknown Origions DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wild Wave SM.ffp (796 b)
XLFO Alarm 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XLFO Alarm JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
c64 blubberfield FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweeps (11 файлов)
Avon Lake DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Klang Theory DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bump In The Night DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fizzy Top DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Multiplied DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Partial Series DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsesweep O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Suspicious Behavior DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweep O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wicked Good DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Klang Theory DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bump In The Night DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fizzy Top DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Multiplied DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Partial Series DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsesweep O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Suspicious Behavior DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweep O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wicked Good DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Guitar (9 файлов)
Chicken Picken DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chorus Strat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grittar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Head East DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Muted Strat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Muther Plucker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nylon Guitar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sitar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stratusphere DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chorus Strat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grittar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Head East DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Muted Strat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Muther Plucker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nylon Guitar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sitar DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stratusphere DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Keys (4 файла)
Modern (56 файлов)
2Vibrant SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Alphex TEK.ffp (796 b)
Barrels SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Brightie SM.ffp (796 b)
Buzzsine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Charmed RD.ffp (796 b)
Cheap EP RD.ffp (796 b)
Clean key O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clear Digital SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Shot O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Side DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Side 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Depart O.ffp (800 b)
Digikeys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Analog JN.ffp (796 b)
Digital Metal 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Metal SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Duality DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
EelPiano SDG.ffp (796 b)
Electro Chembo bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ElectroAcousticPiaKnow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
First Strike O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky Filtered Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gilded -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandiose -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandiose Phase -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harmonium Vector 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harmonium Vector 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollow BM.ffp (796 b)
Jewelry Box O.ffp (796 b)
Kompramise DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mild Talkbox Rhodes PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MoonKeys O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pathetic Synth Organ BM.ffp (800 b)
Perc Keys TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Percussive Synth JN.ffp (796 b)
Phuture Roid 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Roid 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Roid SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Trod SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sad Mimic BM.ffp (796 b)
Steel Honk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stubby BM.ffp (796 b)
SynCkeys PS.ffp (796 b)
Sync Keys BM.ffp (796 b)
The Trill of it all JN.ffp (796 b)
Tingle Ding BM.ffp (800 b)
Toylee SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Uniklav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vibratik SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Pots Hot Key O.ffp (800 b)
Warm Pots O.ffp (800 b)
Wyrm -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY colors me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Alphex TEK.ffp (796 b)
Barrels SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Brightie SM.ffp (796 b)
Buzzsine O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Charmed RD.ffp (796 b)
Cheap EP RD.ffp (796 b)
Clean key O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clear Digital SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cold Shot O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Side DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Side 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Depart O.ffp (800 b)
Digikeys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Analog JN.ffp (796 b)
Digital Metal 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Metal SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Duality DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
EelPiano SDG.ffp (796 b)
Electro Chembo bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ElectroAcousticPiaKnow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
First Strike O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky Filtered Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gilded -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandiose -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandiose Phase -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harmonium Vector 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harmonium Vector 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollow BM.ffp (796 b)
Jewelry Box O.ffp (796 b)
Kompramise DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mild Talkbox Rhodes PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MoonKeys O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pathetic Synth Organ BM.ffp (800 b)
Perc Keys TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Percussive Synth JN.ffp (796 b)
Phuture Roid 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Roid 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Roid SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phuture Trod SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sad Mimic BM.ffp (796 b)
Steel Honk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stubby BM.ffp (796 b)
SynCkeys PS.ffp (796 b)
Sync Keys BM.ffp (796 b)
The Trill of it all JN.ffp (796 b)
Tingle Ding BM.ffp (800 b)
Toylee SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Uniklav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vibratik SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Pots Hot Key O.ffp (800 b)
Warm Pots O.ffp (800 b)
Wyrm -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY colors me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ (29 файлов)
Angel Organ-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Boards Organ-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cheezy Feat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choirboy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Church House O.ffp (800 b)
Cragee Sine Organ -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethereal Church Organ PS.ffp (796 b)
Full On DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondCheeze O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondEggs O.ffp (800 b)
IDM Organ RD.ffp (796 b)
IDM sines-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LeadBelly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lesslie To Go 01 BM.ffp (800 b)
Lesslie To Go 02 BM.ffp (800 b)
Lowdown BM.ffp (796 b)
MW Rotor 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Rotor 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Rotor 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mod Organ TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ FL.ffp (692 b)
Organic SM.ffp (796 b)
Percussive DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pop Lotto bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Popes Pipes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rock Legend DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Stop DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tech Stab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Voxy Organ MR.ffp (796 b)
Boards Organ-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cheezy Feat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choirboy -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Church House O.ffp (800 b)
Cragee Sine Organ -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethereal Church Organ PS.ffp (796 b)
Full On DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondCheeze O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondEggs O.ffp (800 b)
IDM Organ RD.ffp (796 b)
IDM sines-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LeadBelly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lesslie To Go 01 BM.ffp (800 b)
Lesslie To Go 02 BM.ffp (800 b)
Lowdown BM.ffp (796 b)
MW Rotor 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Rotor 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Rotor 3 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mod Organ TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ FL.ffp (692 b)
Organic SM.ffp (796 b)
Percussive DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pop Lotto bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Popes Pipes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rock Legend DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Stop DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tech Stab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Voxy Organ MR.ffp (796 b)
Other (45 файлов)
Aftertouch Fantasy 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Aftertouch Fantasy SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chord Morph bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Lounge O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CoughCough O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crystal RD.ffp (796 b)
Dream Tones RD.ffp (796 b)
Dreamkey SM.ffp (796 b)
FM Piano 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FM Piano 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fridge Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FunkyBrewster O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glass Smudge O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harpsichord FS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Honky Key SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Majestic Synth Organ BM.ffp (796 b)
Many Ping Soft bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organic FL.ffp (800 b)
Pianette T DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pillow Piano PS.ffp (796 b)
Plucked Square RD.ffp (796 b)
Rejected Organ -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rounded One -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silver Keys TEK.ffp (788 b)
Squee Keys TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Diffident O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Gentle O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Haunt O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey OffBeat O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Pirate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Pop O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Slight O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Teen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synth Clean Electric GTR JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Mofo bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tines Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ToyBox JZ.ffp (796 b)
VeloCut SM.ffp (796 b)
Video Game Piano PS.ffp (796 b)
Wide EP RD.ffp (796 b)
Wobble Me Softly bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand Soft bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Aftertouch Fantasy SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chord Morph bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Lounge O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CoughCough O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crystal RD.ffp (796 b)
Dream Tones RD.ffp (796 b)
Dreamkey SM.ffp (796 b)
FM Piano 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FM Piano 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fridge Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FunkyBrewster O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glass Smudge O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harpsichord FS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Honky Key SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Majestic Synth Organ BM.ffp (796 b)
Many Ping Soft bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organic FL.ffp (800 b)
Pianette T DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pillow Piano PS.ffp (796 b)
Plucked Square RD.ffp (796 b)
Rejected Organ -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rounded One -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silver Keys TEK.ffp (788 b)
Squee Keys TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Diffident O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Gentle O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Haunt O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey OffBeat O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Pirate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Pop O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Slight O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synkey Teen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synth Clean Electric GTR JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Mofo bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tines Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ToyBox JZ.ffp (796 b)
VeloCut SM.ffp (796 b)
Video Game Piano PS.ffp (796 b)
Wide EP RD.ffp (796 b)
Wobble Me Softly bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand Soft bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage (60 файлов)
Accordian Romance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BOC Keys RD.ffp (796 b)
Big 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chiff bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clavfilter JN.ffp (796 b)
Clavi Attack bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clavinet JN.ffp (796 b)
DigiCembal SM.ffp (796 b)
Driven Wurlie DM.ffp (796 b)
Easy Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Eclectrix P MR.ffp (796 b)
Embrace O.ffp (800 b)
Emode SM.ffp (796 b)
FMish Tines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fab Clav PS.ffp (796 b)
Funkyclav JN.ffp (796 b)
Gentle Wurlie DM.ffp (796 b)
Haelion Love bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harpsicore O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Herbie Funk MR.ffp (796 b)
Hi O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hohner D6 JN.ffp (796 b)
Hohner D6-2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Hohner D6-3mod JN.ffp (796 b)
IDM Keys 1 BD.ffp (800 b)
IDM Keys 2 BD.ffp (800 b)
Indianas Pride DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Laxed Loung EP PS.ffp (796 b)
Lofi Piano.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellowkeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Moody FMish Ep bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moogy Sine Singers-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Thang MR.ffp (796 b)
Oberheimish bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Four BD.ffp (800 b)
Overdriven Wurlie DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plastic Whurly RD.ffp (796 b)
Reso Sweep Keys 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reso Sweep Keys 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resonating Music-Box BM.ffp (796 b)
SineQue O.ffp (800 b)
Stickykeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Suitcase EP PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synthpiano FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TapeLooped Vox-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Temper bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TheModel IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Theatrical Piano -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Totally Synthetic BM.ffp (796 b)
Touch Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Twinkle Eyes O.ffp (796 b)
Vibeys-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
While Children Sleep RD.ffp (796 b)
Wood Tines AT Wah DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wurl FL.ffp (692 b)
Wurl2 FL.ffp (788 b)
Wurlitzer EP JN.ffp (796 b)
BOC Keys RD.ffp (796 b)
Big 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chiff bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clavfilter JN.ffp (796 b)
Clavi Attack bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clavinet JN.ffp (796 b)
DigiCembal SM.ffp (796 b)
Driven Wurlie DM.ffp (796 b)
Easy Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Eclectrix P MR.ffp (796 b)
Embrace O.ffp (800 b)
Emode SM.ffp (796 b)
FMish Tines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fab Clav PS.ffp (796 b)
Funkyclav JN.ffp (796 b)
Gentle Wurlie DM.ffp (796 b)
Haelion Love bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harpsicore O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Herbie Funk MR.ffp (796 b)
Hi O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hohner D6 JN.ffp (796 b)
Hohner D6-2 JN.ffp (796 b)
Hohner D6-3mod JN.ffp (796 b)
IDM Keys 1 BD.ffp (800 b)
IDM Keys 2 BD.ffp (800 b)
Indianas Pride DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Laxed Loung EP PS.ffp (796 b)
Lofi Piano.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellowkeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Moody FMish Ep bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moogy Sine Singers-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Thang MR.ffp (796 b)
Oberheimish bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Four BD.ffp (800 b)
Overdriven Wurlie DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plastic Whurly RD.ffp (796 b)
Reso Sweep Keys 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reso Sweep Keys 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resonating Music-Box BM.ffp (796 b)
SineQue O.ffp (800 b)
Stickykeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Suitcase EP PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synthpiano FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TapeLooped Vox-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Temper bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TheModel IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Theatrical Piano -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thick Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Totally Synthetic BM.ffp (796 b)
Touch Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Twinkle Eyes O.ffp (796 b)
Vibeys-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
While Children Sleep RD.ffp (796 b)
Wood Tines AT Wah DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wurl FL.ffp (692 b)
Wurl2 FL.ffp (788 b)
Wurlitzer EP JN.ffp (796 b)
Lead (8 файлов)
Dance A-M (57 файлов)
5th Synths O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AT Lez JN.ffp (796 b)
Adiabatic O.ffp (796 b)
Arper1 SM.ffp (796 b)
Arper2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Assimilated -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic PWM Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass or Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beating Osc JN.ffp (796 b)
Boogie Man DM.ffp (788 b)
Break the Ice DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Broken BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Buster O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64 Rubber Wobble BM.ffp (800 b)
Can Of Worms bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Short -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Wide -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbonated -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cherokee DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DancePlugger FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dancinator DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
De-tuna SM.ffp (796 b)
Destabilized -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Didjeri SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital-ish PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Dr Dre RD.ffp (796 b)
Dual-Pass Trance PS.ffp (796 b)
Durtay O.ffp (800 b)
Eat Some Mushrooms.ffp (800 b)
Electro Tech DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Floor Leader DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky Rhythm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gansta Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Got Rhythm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Happy Dance PS.ffp (796 b)
I IV VI DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IV I iii DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
In Toyland SM.ffp (796 b)
Infect My Mushroom 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Infect My Mushroom 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Instynct O.ffp (796 b)
LFO-LFO-LFO JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LFO-LFO-LFO2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lead 2 DM.ffp (796 b)
Lo-Fi Happy Dance PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Low Fidelity BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Major Leagues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Matrix 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Miffed O.ffp (800 b)
Mini Lead 1 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Lead 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minor Leagues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mod2dream SM.ffp (796 b)
Mono 7th Pad PS.ffp (796 b)
AT Lez JN.ffp (796 b)
Adiabatic O.ffp (796 b)
Arper1 SM.ffp (796 b)
Arper2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Assimilated -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Basic PWM Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bass or Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beating Osc JN.ffp (796 b)
Boogie Man DM.ffp (788 b)
Break the Ice DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Broken BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Buster O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64 Rubber Wobble BM.ffp (800 b)
Can Of Worms bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Short -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Wide -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbonated -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cherokee DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DancePlugger FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dancinator DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
De-tuna SM.ffp (796 b)
Destabilized -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Didjeri SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital-ish PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Dr Dre RD.ffp (796 b)
Dual-Pass Trance PS.ffp (796 b)
Durtay O.ffp (800 b)
Eat Some Mushrooms.ffp (800 b)
Electro Tech DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Floor Leader DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky Rhythm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gansta Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Got Rhythm DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Happy Dance PS.ffp (796 b)
I IV VI DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IV I iii DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
In Toyland SM.ffp (796 b)
Infect My Mushroom 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Infect My Mushroom 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Instynct O.ffp (796 b)
LFO-LFO-LFO JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LFO-LFO-LFO2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lead 2 DM.ffp (796 b)
Lo-Fi Happy Dance PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Low Fidelity BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Major Leagues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Matrix 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Miffed O.ffp (800 b)
Mini Lead 1 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mini Lead 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minor Leagues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mod2dream SM.ffp (796 b)
Mono 7th Pad PS.ffp (796 b)
Dance N-Z (34 файла)
Nakuttaa BM.ffp (796 b)
Noisesynth JN.ffp (796 b)
Obligatory Lead JZ.ffp (796 b)
Octave Arp 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
On Strike O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opposing Bends SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opus -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pluckt O.ffp (800 b)
Pulsations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ravers Square RD.ffp (796 b)
Raw Analog JN.ffp (796 b)
RhL PS, Variation BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rumble In The Jungle RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Run like H... Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
RunOn O.ffp (796 b)
Saw Thru bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snapped O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Virish Pluck bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Bomba bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squash O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stab Saw SDG.ffp (796 b)
Syncing Feeling -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syncing of You O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synk TEK.ffp (796 b)
Synthetic Guitar 7th PS.ffp (796 b)
T Leipa bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
T Voi bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
To Comb with Synthi MR.ffp (796 b)
Trancemission DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Egregious O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Pushy O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We're All Onions -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We're All Onions 2 -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Worble JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Noisesynth JN.ffp (796 b)
Obligatory Lead JZ.ffp (796 b)
Octave Arp 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
On Strike O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opposing Bends SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opus -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pluckt O.ffp (800 b)
Pulsations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ravers Square RD.ffp (796 b)
Raw Analog JN.ffp (796 b)
RhL PS, Variation BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rumble In The Jungle RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Run like H... Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
RunOn O.ffp (796 b)
Saw Thru bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snapped O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Virish Pluck bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Bomba bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Squash O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stab Saw SDG.ffp (796 b)
Syncing Feeling -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Syncing of You O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synk TEK.ffp (796 b)
Synthetic Guitar 7th PS.ffp (796 b)
T Leipa bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
T Voi bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
To Comb with Synthi MR.ffp (796 b)
Trancemission DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Egregious O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Pushy O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We're All Onions -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We're All Onions 2 -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Worble JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard (61 файл)
AM Simple O.ffp (796 b)
Agression DM.ffp (788 b)
Android Groove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Band Pass Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Big Fat JN.ffp (796 b)
Big Fat Sync JN.ffp (796 b)
Brasskeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Broken Reed BM.ffp (796 b)
Cars Square Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Classic Dstd Syn Gtr PS.ffp (796 b)
Clean Cut Kid O.ffp (796 b)
Commandoore bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Consubstantiation -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Consumption -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DigiDigeridoo JZ.ffp (796 b)
Dirty Dishes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Kitchen Sink DM.ffp (796 b)
Distortion rules SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drill Drop bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ear Ring DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Harmonica DM.ffp (796 b)
Emerson Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Feedback Pad PS.ffp (796 b)
Floonish TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Growl DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Growly Bass Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hack saw O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardy SM.ffp (796 b)
Lame Key BM.ffp (796 b)
Lead me FL.ffp (796 b)
Longers SM.ffp (796 b)
Love Me SM.ffp (796 b)
Mini Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Mini Square JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty 2 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty BM.ffp (796 b)
Octave Arp 2 DM.ffp (796 b)
Out of Tune JN.ffp (796 b)
Pac Man bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phatness FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piercing BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Raw Buzz SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Raw Hollow SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Robo Raw bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rough Hoover Lead PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ryobi Ghost-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SH Thickness BD.ffp (796 b)
Sawz Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sooper Sync PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Head SDG.ffp (796 b)
Step Brother DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stinger BM.ffp (796 b)
Styx Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sync Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sync Oxide -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thin Mint DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unexcused Absence -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unison Saw Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Velocisync JN.ffp (796 b)
Why can't this be love O.ffp (796 b)
Agression DM.ffp (788 b)
Android Groove O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Band Pass Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Big Fat JN.ffp (796 b)
Big Fat Sync JN.ffp (796 b)
Brasskeys JN.ffp (796 b)
Broken Reed BM.ffp (796 b)
Cars Square Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Classic Dstd Syn Gtr PS.ffp (796 b)
Clean Cut Kid O.ffp (796 b)
Commandoore bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Consubstantiation -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Consumption -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DigiDigeridoo JZ.ffp (796 b)
Dirty Dishes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Kitchen Sink DM.ffp (796 b)
Distortion rules SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drill Drop bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ear Ring DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Harmonica DM.ffp (796 b)
Emerson Lead RD.ffp (796 b)
Feedback Pad PS.ffp (796 b)
Floonish TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Growl DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Growly Bass Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hack saw O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hardy SM.ffp (796 b)
Lame Key BM.ffp (796 b)
Lead me FL.ffp (796 b)
Longers SM.ffp (796 b)
Love Me SM.ffp (796 b)
Mini Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Mini Square JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty 2 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty BM.ffp (796 b)
Octave Arp 2 DM.ffp (796 b)
Out of Tune JN.ffp (796 b)
Pac Man bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phatness FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piercing BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Raw Buzz SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Raw Hollow SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Robo Raw bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rough Hoover Lead PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ryobi Ghost-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SH Thickness BD.ffp (796 b)
Sawz Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sooper Sync PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Head SDG.ffp (796 b)
Step Brother DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stinger BM.ffp (796 b)
Styx Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sync Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sync Oxide -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thin Mint DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unexcused Absence -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unison Saw Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Velocisync JN.ffp (796 b)
Why can't this be love O.ffp (796 b)
Modern (64 файла)
AfterTouch TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analogue Pretender O.ffp (800 b)
Basic Hit-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bicepts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bleeder O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Burn O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppin' Broccoleigh O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Analogue O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Digits O.ffp (800 b)
Clean Pierce O.ffp (800 b)
Commodore O.ffp (800 b)
Commodore, Sir! O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Computer Blues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Compy O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dekaid O.ffp (800 b)
DigiSnap O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digicomm TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirteigh O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Frontier O.ffp (800 b)
Honey Dripper -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hubba Hubba DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lothar BM.ffp (800 b)
Majestic BM.ffp (800 b)
Mouthy Kids DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mumbles O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pala Pulssia bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PeeweeM Deelay 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PeeweeM Deelay 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pizzacato O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pluggiantor FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Popt Arp O.ffp (800 b)
Put a Fork in It O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Recalcitrant O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resonancig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rusty O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Searing Sounds O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Super Saw O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow & Grandiose O.ffp (800 b)
SsS Big O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Bigger O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Broken O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Cream O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Elitist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Leader O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Matriculate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Snarl O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Thrill Me O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strike 1 O.ffp (800 b)
Strike 2 O.ffp (800 b)
Strike 3 O.ffp (800 b)
Sweet Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweeter Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tar Pounce -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tricepts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trumphet -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tubeleass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ultraman O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unify O.ffp (800 b)
Upper Deck DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vel to Portmento TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Obvious O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analogue Pretender O.ffp (800 b)
Basic Hit-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell Key -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bicepts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bleeder O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Burn O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Choppin' Broccoleigh O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Analogue O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Digits O.ffp (800 b)
Clean Pierce O.ffp (800 b)
Commodore O.ffp (800 b)
Commodore, Sir! O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Computer Blues DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Compy O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dekaid O.ffp (800 b)
DigiSnap O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digicomm TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirteigh O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Frontier O.ffp (800 b)
Honey Dripper -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hubba Hubba DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lothar BM.ffp (800 b)
Majestic BM.ffp (800 b)
Mouthy Kids DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mumbles O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pala Pulssia bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PeeweeM Deelay 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PeeweeM Deelay 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pizzacato O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pluggiantor FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Popt Arp O.ffp (800 b)
Put a Fork in It O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Recalcitrant O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resonancig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rusty O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Searing Sounds O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Super Saw O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow & Grandiose O.ffp (800 b)
SsS Big O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Bigger O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Broken O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Cream O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Elitist O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Leader O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Matriculate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Snarl O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SsS Thrill Me O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strike 1 O.ffp (800 b)
Strike 2 O.ffp (800 b)
Strike 3 O.ffp (800 b)
Sweet Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweeter Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tar Pounce -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tricepts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trumphet -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tubeleass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ultraman O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unify O.ffp (800 b)
Upper Deck DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vel to Portmento TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Obvious O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Other (33 файла)
Analo Digi SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64 Chords FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64Lead FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Trance 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dig Me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digibrass 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digibrass SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Spring Warmth -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Domino Phase -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Don't Let Go DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dream Me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fabulous Filter 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fabulous Filter 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funkyass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Indian Love Alt SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Indian Love SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knock Knock -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
My Favorite Pluck Dies -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OctaComp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Out of Bounds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phoneme -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reverberish 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Roy Clark Persists -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shorty 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shorty 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Strike -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sinus Picker -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SkidPit fn.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sprue -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet Memory DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tick Becomes bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triode Wreck -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zeriously DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64 Chords FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64Lead FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Trance 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dig Me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digibrass 3 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digibrass SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digital Spring Warmth -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Domino Phase -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Don't Let Go DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dream Me SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fabulous Filter 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fabulous Filter 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funkyass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Indian Love Alt SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Indian Love SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knock Knock -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
My Favorite Pluck Dies -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OctaComp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Out of Bounds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phoneme -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reverberish 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Roy Clark Persists -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shorty 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shorty 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Square Strike -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sinus Picker -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SkidPit fn.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sprue -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sweet Memory DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tick Becomes bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triode Wreck -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zeriously DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft (45 файлов)
Beautiful BM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Braessig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Burning Monkey O.ffp (800 b)
Crispy O.ffp (800 b)
Cristalverb SM.ffp (796 b)
Cut The Phat PS.ffp (796 b)
DarkChordler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Diedre BM.ffp (800 b)
DigiSnip O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ELP Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Easy on SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Forman SM.ffp (796 b)
Funk Wheel Lead DM.ffp (796 b)
Gentle Sync.ffp (796 b)
Gently DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gossamer Flick O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gossamer Pluck O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hymn BM.ffp (800 b)
Lost Eyes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mizmar SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modular Sine lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Nakuttaa Naapurii BM.ffp (800 b)
Near and Far BM.ffp (800 b)
Only With FabFilter! BM.ffp (800 b)
OxygyneLike FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psiuu BM.ffp (800 b)
Pulsing SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silky2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Chamber JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance 3 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Cosmos BM.ffp (800 b)
Synthlead FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Taucher IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trump Card O.ffp (800 b)
Trump Puddle O.ffp (800 b)
Ubiquitous O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velour O.ffp (800 b)
Verby SM.ffp (796 b)
Welcome To The Machine PS.ffp (796 b)
Wheel Rez DM.ffp (796 b)
Whistler SDG.ffp (796 b)
Whistlers SDG.ffp (796 b)
moogly IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Braessig FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Burning Monkey O.ffp (800 b)
Crispy O.ffp (800 b)
Cristalverb SM.ffp (796 b)
Cut The Phat PS.ffp (796 b)
DarkChordler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Diedre BM.ffp (800 b)
DigiSnip O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ELP Lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Easy on SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Forman SM.ffp (796 b)
Funk Wheel Lead DM.ffp (796 b)
Gentle Sync.ffp (796 b)
Gently DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gossamer Flick O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gossamer Pluck O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hymn BM.ffp (800 b)
Lost Eyes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mizmar SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modular Sine lead JN.ffp (796 b)
Nakuttaa Naapurii BM.ffp (800 b)
Near and Far BM.ffp (800 b)
Only With FabFilter! BM.ffp (800 b)
OxygyneLike FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psiuu BM.ffp (800 b)
Pulsing SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Silky2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Chamber JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance 3 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sine Dance JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Cosmos BM.ffp (800 b)
Synthlead FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Taucher IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trump Card O.ffp (800 b)
Trump Puddle O.ffp (800 b)
Ubiquitous O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velour O.ffp (800 b)
Verby SM.ffp (796 b)
Welcome To The Machine PS.ffp (796 b)
Wheel Rez DM.ffp (796 b)
Whistler SDG.ffp (796 b)
Whistlers SDG.ffp (796 b)
moogly IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Techno (66 файлов)
ADSR'd XLFO JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ATARI Rubber Wobble BM.ffp (800 b)
As Id DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AutoAcid DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat4 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat6 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat7 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat8 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beyond Repair RD.ffp (796 b)
Big Byte DM.ffp (796 b)
Biggand O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Biggand Scary O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blue light Special O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chimney Sweep DM.ffp (796 b)
Coccyx O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Coccyx Tide O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Coccyx Waste O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazi O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dancers 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Dancers 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Delayed Comb JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dript O.ffp (796 b)
Driving Force DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dum O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dume O.ffp (800 b)
Easy On The O RD.ffp (796 b)
Electricity DM.ffp (796 b)
Electronic Overdose BD.ffp (692 b)
Harsh World DM.ffp (796 b)
Havanna St. O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lead or Pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Lead or Pad2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Lil Squelch RD.ffp (796 b)
Llores Truly Phaser Stab -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OMG SM.ffp (796 b)
Pulse and Hat SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pulsing Sync DM.ffp (796 b)
Raave 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Raave 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Razor Blade DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reedy Band SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reedy High SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reedy Low SDG.ffp (796 b)
Rezo Sweep RD.ffp (796 b)
Rezzed in Piece O.ffp (800 b)
Rezzed in Piece2 O.ffp (800 b)
Spit Attack DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stricken O.ffp (800 b)
Strike Out O.ffp (800 b)
Strikeback O.ffp (796 b)
Techno 7th RD.ffp (796 b)
Tek Bass TEK.ffp (796 b)
Ten Smooth Stone Stab -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
That Old Chestnut RD.ffp (796 b)
The Gates PS.ffp (796 b)
Thorbber TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tomita Synctalk JN.ffp (796 b)
Type Ab O.ffp (800 b)
Ultratouch JN.ffp (796 b)
Upside Down DM.ffp (796 b)
Very Angry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Bitter O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Refined O.ffp (800 b)
Very Snarky O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Yores Truly Stab-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ATARI Rubber Wobble BM.ffp (800 b)
As Id DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AutoAcid DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat4 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat6 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat7 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat8 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beyond Repair RD.ffp (796 b)
Big Byte DM.ffp (796 b)
Biggand O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Biggand Scary O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Blue light Special O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chimney Sweep DM.ffp (796 b)
Coccyx O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Coccyx Tide O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Coccyx Waste O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crazi O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dancers 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Dancers 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Delayed Comb JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dript O.ffp (796 b)
Driving Force DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dum O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dume O.ffp (800 b)
Easy On The O RD.ffp (796 b)
Electricity DM.ffp (796 b)
Electronic Overdose BD.ffp (692 b)
Harsh World DM.ffp (796 b)
Havanna St. O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lead or Pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Lead or Pad2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Lil Squelch RD.ffp (796 b)
Llores Truly Phaser Stab -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OMG SM.ffp (796 b)
Pulse and Hat SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pulsing Sync DM.ffp (796 b)
Raave 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Raave 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Razor Blade DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Reedy Band SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reedy High SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reedy Low SDG.ffp (796 b)
Rezo Sweep RD.ffp (796 b)
Rezzed in Piece O.ffp (800 b)
Rezzed in Piece2 O.ffp (800 b)
Spit Attack DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stricken O.ffp (800 b)
Strike Out O.ffp (800 b)
Strikeback O.ffp (796 b)
Techno 7th RD.ffp (796 b)
Tek Bass TEK.ffp (796 b)
Ten Smooth Stone Stab -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
That Old Chestnut RD.ffp (796 b)
The Gates PS.ffp (796 b)
Thorbber TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tomita Synctalk JN.ffp (796 b)
Type Ab O.ffp (800 b)
Ultratouch JN.ffp (796 b)
Upside Down DM.ffp (796 b)
Very Angry O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Bitter O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Very Refined O.ffp (800 b)
Very Snarky O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Yores Truly Stab-O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage (57 файлов)
AT Filter Leader DM.ffp (788 b)
Analog 5ths JN.ffp (796 b)
Analogue Brazz 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analogue Brazz 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Antidote TEK.ffp (788 b)
Buy A Vowel DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Calm Noon O.ffp (800 b)
Classic Polysynth DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Square DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Down and Back TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drunk Venusian O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electrobank JZ.ffp (796 b)
Fair O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Family History DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Filtered SAW FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flicker TEK.ffp (796 b)
Fusion Lead AT DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GentleSAW IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ghospyorgan FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Innocent O.ffp (796 b)
Kitchen Sync DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lame Talker BM.ffp (796 b)
Liizu bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morpher 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morpher 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModWheeling the 70s-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModWhl Fun JN.ffp (796 b)
Mr Gruff RD.ffp (796 b)
No Sharp Objects O.ffp (800 b)
OB1 Lead DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OBX 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Oberheim Portamento 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oberheim Portamento JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Note Rhythm BD.ffp (796 b)
Phazer AT JN.ffp (796 b)
Popcorn 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Popcorn BM.ffp (796 b)
Pulsar SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed SM.ffp (796 b)
Pure Fahnkii-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quitschi fn.ffp (3,46 Kb)
R O L A N D JN.ffp (796 b)
Slow Lead TEK.ffp (796 b)
Smooth Talker BM.ffp (796 b)
Speak Softly DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stabby 5th BM.ffp (800 b)
Stacked 5ths Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synth Hero DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Moog Ish bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tony's Quadra DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unilead DM.ffp (796 b)
Velocirasper JN.ffp (796 b)
Velocirise JN.ffp (796 b)
Vintage Square -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wannabe JN+BM.ffp (800 b)
Webber BM.ffp (796 b)
Analog 5ths JN.ffp (796 b)
Analogue Brazz 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analogue Brazz 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Antidote TEK.ffp (788 b)
Buy A Vowel DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Calm Noon O.ffp (800 b)
Classic Polysynth DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Square DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Down and Back TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drunk Venusian O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electrobank JZ.ffp (796 b)
Fair O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Family History DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Filtered SAW FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flicker TEK.ffp (796 b)
Fusion Lead AT DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
GentleSAW IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ghospyorgan FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Innocent O.ffp (796 b)
Kitchen Sync DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lame Talker BM.ffp (796 b)
Liizu bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morpher 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Morpher 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModWheeling the 70s-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModWhl Fun JN.ffp (796 b)
Mr Gruff RD.ffp (796 b)
No Sharp Objects O.ffp (800 b)
OB1 Lead DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OBX 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Oberheim Portamento 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oberheim Portamento JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
One Note Rhythm BD.ffp (796 b)
Phazer AT JN.ffp (796 b)
Popcorn 2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Popcorn BM.ffp (796 b)
Pulsar SDG.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed SM.ffp (796 b)
Pure Fahnkii-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quitschi fn.ffp (3,46 Kb)
R O L A N D JN.ffp (796 b)
Slow Lead TEK.ffp (796 b)
Smooth Talker BM.ffp (796 b)
Speak Softly DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stabby 5th BM.ffp (800 b)
Stacked 5ths Lead JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synth Hero DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talkative FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Moog Ish bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tony's Quadra DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unilead DM.ffp (796 b)
Velocirasper JN.ffp (796 b)
Velocirise JN.ffp (796 b)
Vintage Square -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wannabe JN+BM.ffp (800 b)
Webber BM.ffp (796 b)
Orchestral (4 файла)
Brass (14 файлов)
Attack Trumpet DM.ffp (796 b)
Bite Marks DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
English Horn DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fr Horn Section DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn Model DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn Safari DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn on the Cob -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Low Brass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Matrix Brass DM.ffp (796 b)
Matrix Horns DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Brass DM.ffp (796 b)
Solo Brass 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Trombones DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trumpet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bite Marks DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
English Horn DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fr Horn Section DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn Model DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn Safari DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Horn on the Cob -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Low Brass DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Matrix Brass DM.ffp (796 b)
Matrix Horns DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Brass DM.ffp (796 b)
Solo Brass 1 JN.ffp (796 b)
Trombones DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trumpet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Other (19 файлов)
Gary Burton DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Going to the Chapel -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandmother Clock O.ffp (796 b)
Harmonica DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IndiaVA SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jazz Amp Guitar PS.ffp (796 b)
Lead Guitar O.ffp (796 b)
Marimba Strike DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mouth Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psudo Vibes DM.ffp (796 b)
Sea Shanty 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sea Shanty 2 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth SDG.ffp (796 b)
Soft Pizz BM.ffp (796 b)
Spy Movie DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Basses SDG.ffp (796 b)
TremoloBell JZ.ffp (796 b)
Vibes MW Tremelo DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xylophone DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Going to the Chapel -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grandmother Clock O.ffp (796 b)
Harmonica DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IndiaVA SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jazz Amp Guitar PS.ffp (796 b)
Lead Guitar O.ffp (796 b)
Marimba Strike DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mouth Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psudo Vibes DM.ffp (796 b)
Sea Shanty 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sea Shanty 2 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smooth SDG.ffp (796 b)
Soft Pizz BM.ffp (796 b)
Spy Movie DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Basses SDG.ffp (796 b)
TremoloBell JZ.ffp (796 b)
Vibes MW Tremelo DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xylophone DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strings (28 файлов)
AT Stringer SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Arp Strings JN.ffp (796 b)
Bowed Solo String PS.ffp (796 b)
Brass String Layer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chambre Separee 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chambre Separee SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classik Ambience SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Strings O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DeepString SM.ffp (796 b)
DigitalS SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drama Strings SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Egg Roll DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethnic Pluck 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethnic Pluck 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Griegs Love SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Icy Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modern Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Old String SM.ffp (796 b)
Old String2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Section Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Bow DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stringer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strings 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
SusPed Articulation Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Cellos SDG.ffp (796 b)
Trem Violas SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Violins SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Arp Strings JN.ffp (796 b)
Bowed Solo String PS.ffp (796 b)
Brass String Layer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chambre Separee 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chambre Separee SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classik Ambience SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clean Strings O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DeepString SM.ffp (796 b)
DigitalS SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drama Strings SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Egg Roll DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethnic Pluck 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ethnic Pluck 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Griegs Love SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Icy Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modern Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Old String SM.ffp (796 b)
Old String2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Section Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Harp DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Bow DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stringer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strings 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
SusPed Articulation Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Cellos SDG.ffp (796 b)
Trem Violas SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trem Violins SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wood (16 файлов)
Bassoon PS.ffp (796 b)
Breath Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chamber Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clarinet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dyna-Flute PS.ffp (796 b)
E-flute SM.ffp (796 b)
Flute Alternative -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flutico SM.ffp (796 b)
Metheny Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oboe DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oboe SDG.ffp (796 b)
Piccollo SDG.ffp (796 b)
Recorder SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reed Instrument PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Breath Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chamber Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clarinet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dyna-Flute PS.ffp (796 b)
E-flute SM.ffp (796 b)
Flute Alternative -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flutico SM.ffp (796 b)
Metheny Flute DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oboe DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Oboe SDG.ffp (796 b)
Piccollo SDG.ffp (796 b)
Recorder SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reed Instrument PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad (7 файлов)
Dance (26 файлов)
Afterglowed O.ffp (800 b)
Brightpad FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dawn Pad O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Equilateral Choir O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fat and Bright TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gentle Psyant -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Invoke O.ffp (800 b)
Mellon O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow O.ffp (800 b)
Molten O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octavious DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ole 'timey Lush O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ole 'timey O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Provoke O.ffp (800 b)
Pulsar TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulse Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
RhytmicArp IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sheen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Fluff -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SinSear O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sincere O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spitneck (Hold) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tronik TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Viscous O.ffp (800 b)
Voltrox TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wooga TEK.ffp (788 b)
Brightpad FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dawn Pad O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Equilateral Choir O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fat and Bright TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gentle Psyant -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Invoke O.ffp (800 b)
Mellon O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow O.ffp (800 b)
Molten O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octavious DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ole 'timey Lush O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ole 'timey O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Provoke O.ffp (800 b)
Pulsar TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulse Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
RhytmicArp IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sheen O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Fluff -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SinSear O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sincere O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spitneck (Hold) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tronik TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Viscous O.ffp (800 b)
Voltrox TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wooga TEK.ffp (788 b)
Hard (61 файл)
AT Lez 2 JN.ffp (796 b)
An Open Heart O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analog Dreams JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat5 SM.ffp (796 b)
Big Blue DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Pad DM.ffp (796 b)
Choir of Mallards O.ffp (796 b)
Cold Punch TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Corruscate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cream Bell PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Aurora bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DeTunaChord2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Storm 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Storm 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elegante TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epiglottis O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Filtron TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Finland DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fluid Change DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Formanted 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Formanted 2 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Generator TEK.ffp (788 b)
Give a little beat SM.ffp (796 b)
Hard Sync Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Distorted SM.ffp (796 b)
Hot Shotz 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hot Shotz DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
In my dreams SM.ffp (796 b)
In my hole SM.ffp (796 b)
Merry BM.ffp (796 b)
Midnight Sun DM.ffp (796 b)
Nagro Esrever RD.ffp (796 b)
Open Maw -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Padding SM.ffp (796 b)
Pattern Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Primivera DM.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed On O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rawness FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
S&H Madness JN.ffp (796 b)
Simply Sane DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smoothie FR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steel Darkness DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strung Along O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subsone SM.ffp (796 b)
Swallowed Bands SDG.ffp (796 b)
Tatatoum2 SM.ffp (796 b)
The Swarm bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancy SM.ffp (796 b)
VanAllen Bells TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vibrato Strings O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vocodish BM.ffp (796 b)
Wave FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Waves 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Waves 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Weathery SM.ffp (796 b)
Xlenda DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
An Open Heart O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Analog Dreams JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beat2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Beat5 SM.ffp (796 b)
Big Blue DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Pad DM.ffp (796 b)
Choir of Mallards O.ffp (796 b)
Cold Punch TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Corruscate O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cream Bell PS.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Aurora bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
DeTunaChord2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Storm 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Electric Storm 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elegante TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epiglottis O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Filtron TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Finland DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fluid Change DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Formanted 1 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Formanted 2 SDG.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Generator TEK.ffp (788 b)
Give a little beat SM.ffp (796 b)
Hard Sync Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Distorted SM.ffp (796 b)
Hot Shotz 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hot Shotz DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
In my dreams SM.ffp (796 b)
In my hole SM.ffp (796 b)
Merry BM.ffp (796 b)
Midnight Sun DM.ffp (796 b)
Nagro Esrever RD.ffp (796 b)
Open Maw -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Padding SM.ffp (796 b)
Pattern Lead TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Primivera DM.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed On O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rapidfire bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rawness FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
S&H Madness JN.ffp (796 b)
Simply Sane DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Smoothie FR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steel Darkness DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Strung Along O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Subsone SM.ffp (796 b)
Swallowed Bands SDG.ffp (796 b)
Tatatoum2 SM.ffp (796 b)
The Swarm bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancy SM.ffp (796 b)
VanAllen Bells TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vibrato Strings O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vocodish BM.ffp (796 b)
Wave FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Waves 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Waves 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Weathery SM.ffp (796 b)
Xlenda DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Other (32 файла)
Ambient 1 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bat'o'war SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell-et-triste 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell-et-triste SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Below Deck Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Bounce DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CosmicChaos IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dramesque SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fractured DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hospitality DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jack Is Back DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lakeside DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mainframe bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mothman DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddy Wagon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rhythms 1 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Savannah bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seasick Pad.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Signals TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steiner DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steppin Out DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Street Sweeper DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triple Decker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vortex DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Winter Storm bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY for Attack TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY for Osc 2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
iLab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambient 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bat'o'war SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell-et-triste 2 SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bell-et-triste SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Below Deck Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Bounce DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
CosmicChaos IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dramesque SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fractured DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hospitality DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jack Is Back DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lakeside DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mainframe bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mothman DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddy Wagon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rhythms 1 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Savannah bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seasick Pad.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Signals TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steiner DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Steppin Out DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Street Sweeper DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Triple Decker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vortex DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Winter Storm bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY for Attack TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XY for Osc 2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
iLab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow (66 файлов)
24th Century Aurora BM.ffp (796 b)
A Trip (Hold Me) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambimuuv SM.ffp (796 b)
Autumn Breeze BM.ffp (800 b)
Awakening bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beach On Mars bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bellarius DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Boy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Boys Toys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Glitch BM.ffp (800 b)
Bow Accent Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Motion BM.ffp (796 b)
Dawn Pad Lunar O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Far Away Places RD.ffp (796 b)
FilterRise TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glass Fingers DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haggis Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
High Vibe SM.ffp (796 b)
In Harmonics DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LFO Madness DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Layer1 SM.ffp (796 b)
Layer2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Layer3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Lonely At The Top RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mau5pad JZ.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meander O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meander Slowly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MeanderKomissar O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow Osc TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow Osc-2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodicalike-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mental DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModSweep SM.ffp (796 b)
Moonraker bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mother Earth DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
New Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nicerly SM.ffp (796 b)
Oblique JZ.ffp (796 b)
PWM Rez Sweeper DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pan Handling DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Personal Space DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsar TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsating BM.ffp (796 b)
Raw Analog Sweep PS.ffp (796 b)
Sine Language DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sliders DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Motion 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Slow Motion 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Slow Steel Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slower SM.ffp (796 b)
Smoosie SM.ffp (796 b)
SoulMate TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spirals TEK.ffp (788 b)
Spirit Wash TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Starlite DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept Up DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tensed -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Underlations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velociphaze JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velvet Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vision 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vision 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM (2).ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Winter Breeze BM.ffp (796 b)
A Trip (Hold Me) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambimuuv SM.ffp (796 b)
Autumn Breeze BM.ffp (800 b)
Awakening bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Beach On Mars bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bellarius DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Boy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Boys Toys DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Glitch BM.ffp (800 b)
Bow Accent Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Motion BM.ffp (796 b)
Dawn Pad Lunar O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Far Away Places RD.ffp (796 b)
FilterRise TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glass Fingers DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haggis Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
High Vibe SM.ffp (796 b)
In Harmonics DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LFO Madness DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Layer1 SM.ffp (796 b)
Layer2 SM.ffp (796 b)
Layer3 SM.ffp (796 b)
Lonely At The Top RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mau5pad JZ.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meander O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meander Slowly O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MeanderKomissar O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow Osc TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow Osc-2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodicalike-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mental DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
ModSweep SM.ffp (796 b)
Moonraker bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mother Earth DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
New Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nicerly SM.ffp (796 b)
Oblique JZ.ffp (796 b)
PWM Rez Sweeper DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pan Handling DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Personal Space DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsar TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsating BM.ffp (796 b)
Raw Analog Sweep PS.ffp (796 b)
Sine Language DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sliders DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Motion 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Slow Motion 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Slow Steel Drums DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slower SM.ffp (796 b)
Smoosie SM.ffp (796 b)
SoulMate TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Spirals TEK.ffp (788 b)
Spirit Wash TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Starlite DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept Up DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tensed -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Underlations DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velociphaze JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velvet Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vision 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vision 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM (2).ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Winter Breeze BM.ffp (796 b)
Soft A-M (42 файла)
A Trip (Play Me) O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Afterglow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Afterglowing O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambidistorpiano SM.ffp (796 b)
Ambiviolence RD.ffp (796 b)
Angels Night SM.ffp (796 b)
Athmotico SM.ffp (796 b)
Attack Ships RD.ffp (796 b)
Beat1 SM.ffp (796 b)
BirdBots TEK.ffp (796 b)
Bitabrass SM.ffp (796 b)
BroadNoise SM.ffp (796 b)
BugsAndPads FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Canadian Board Pad MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clockwork BM.ffp (796 b)
Clockwork v2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Cosy BM.ffp (796 b)
DeTunaChord SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Delay Me RD.ffp (796 b)
Desaster SM.ffp (796 b)
Dreamer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drone Ship TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elegante 2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fader FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fantasmo SM.ffp (796 b)
Filteriffic TEK.ffp (788 b)
Glaicer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glitch BM.ffp (796 b)
Groaler SM.ffp (796 b)
HiSpaces FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Honest O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IceBahn Pad MR.ffp (796 b)
Jane Says RD.ffp (796 b)
Just a pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Kinder Pad Landscape O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kinder Pad Wander O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LameOne FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lonely BM.ffp (796 b)
MW Morph 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
Meridian O.ffp (796 b)
More Boards MR.ffp (796 b)
Multitimb SM.ffp (796 b)
Afterglow O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Afterglowing O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ambidistorpiano SM.ffp (796 b)
Ambiviolence RD.ffp (796 b)
Angels Night SM.ffp (796 b)
Athmotico SM.ffp (796 b)
Attack Ships RD.ffp (796 b)
Beat1 SM.ffp (796 b)
BirdBots TEK.ffp (796 b)
Bitabrass SM.ffp (796 b)
BroadNoise SM.ffp (796 b)
BugsAndPads FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Canadian Board Pad MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clockwork BM.ffp (796 b)
Clockwork v2 BM.ffp (796 b)
Cosy BM.ffp (796 b)
DeTunaChord SM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Delay Me RD.ffp (796 b)
Desaster SM.ffp (796 b)
Dreamer bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drone Ship TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elegante 2 TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fader FL.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fantasmo SM.ffp (796 b)
Filteriffic TEK.ffp (788 b)
Glaicer DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Glitch BM.ffp (796 b)
Groaler SM.ffp (796 b)
HiSpaces FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Honest O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
IceBahn Pad MR.ffp (796 b)
Jane Says RD.ffp (796 b)
Just a pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Kinder Pad Landscape O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kinder Pad Wander O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LameOne FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lonely BM.ffp (796 b)
MW Morph 1 DM.ffp (796 b)
Meridian O.ffp (796 b)
More Boards MR.ffp (796 b)
Multitimb SM.ffp (796 b)
Soft N-Z (40 файлов)
Nervous Breakdown BM.ffp (796 b)
Ocean Size RD.ffp (796 b)
Outside the Lines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PWM Creep -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad Bottom Whirls O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pastoral DM.ffp (796 b)
Phazed 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Phazed 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Play It Low PS.ffp (796 b)
Play with feel SM.ffp (796 b)
Prism 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prism 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prosecution O.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed Off O.ffp (800 b)
Quiescent O.ffp (800 b)
Reich Breathing 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reich Breathing 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Resonant 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Resonant 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sadhana SM.ffp (796 b)
Schnauss Pad RD.ffp (796 b)
Schweller SM.ffp (796 b)
Serenity PS.ffp (796 b)
Simple Flange Setup -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Velocity Attack O.ffp (800 b)
Sine Shimmer Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snake FL.ffp (692 b)
Sweepy FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thin Pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Thinnish StrPad MR.ffp (796 b)
Tranquility DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Undiscovered Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velocifall JN.ffp (796 b)
Viscous O.ffp (796 b)
Vitreous O.ffp (796 b)
Waltzy SM.ffp (796 b)
Warm Strings Cold O.ffp (800 b)
Warm Strings Soft O.ffp (800 b)
Wonderly SM.ffp (796 b)
Worth Repeating DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ocean Size RD.ffp (796 b)
Outside the Lines DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PWM Creep -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad Bottom Whirls O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pastoral DM.ffp (796 b)
Phazed 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Phazed 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Play It Low PS.ffp (796 b)
Play with feel SM.ffp (796 b)
Prism 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prism 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prosecution O.ffp (796 b)
Pulsed Off O.ffp (800 b)
Quiescent O.ffp (800 b)
Reich Breathing 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Reich Breathing 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Resonant 1 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Resonant 2 SDG.ffp (796 b)
Sadhana SM.ffp (796 b)
Schnauss Pad RD.ffp (796 b)
Schweller SM.ffp (796 b)
Serenity PS.ffp (796 b)
Simple Flange Setup -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Simple Velocity Attack O.ffp (800 b)
Sine Shimmer Pad -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Snake FL.ffp (692 b)
Sweepy FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thin Pad SM.ffp (796 b)
Thinnish StrPad MR.ffp (796 b)
Tranquility DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Undiscovered Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velocifall JN.ffp (796 b)
Viscous O.ffp (796 b)
Vitreous O.ffp (796 b)
Waltzy SM.ffp (796 b)
Warm Strings Cold O.ffp (800 b)
Warm Strings Soft O.ffp (800 b)
Wonderly SM.ffp (796 b)
Worth Repeating DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage (51 файл)
70's Sound JN.ffp (796 b)
70's Strings JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
70s theatre O.ffp (800 b)
Blip Pulse Triangle BM.ffp (800 b)
Classic Pad O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic S H DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crossing Filters TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elka Pad-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic TEK.ffp (788 b)
Evoked O.ffp (800 b)
Evolver-Hold TEK.ffp (796 b)
Fatboy TEK.ffp (788 b)
Ghost in the Bottle BM.ffp (800 b)
Heaven waits SM.ffp (796 b)
Hyper Space.ffp (800 b)
IJl-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
J8 Lush Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kinder Pad Flauten O.ffp (800 b)
Kinder Pad O.ffp (800 b)
Liquid Filters TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lush PWM DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octave Play DM.ffp (796 b)
Ole 'timey Modern O.ffp (800 b)
Persistors O.ffp (800 b)
Pork Barrel DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Porta TEK.ffp (788 b)
Pro VS Waves 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pro VS Waves 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psykils TEK.ffp (796 b)
Quasi Space 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Quasi Space 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
Sampled and Held BD.ffp (692 b)
Secerts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SineWavePad-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sprinkling Pad RD.ffp (796 b)
Sputter Flies BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer BM.ffp (796 b)
Stay Pad.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Super Jupiter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SweepIn IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tender Schizophrenia BM.ffp (800 b)
Vangelis Ish 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Strings MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Strings O.ffp (800 b)
XLFO Delay 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XLFO Delay JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zounded FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
70's Strings JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
70s theatre O.ffp (800 b)
Blip Pulse Triangle BM.ffp (800 b)
Classic Pad O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Classic S H DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crossing Filters TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Elka Pad-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Epic TEK.ffp (788 b)
Evoked O.ffp (800 b)
Evolver-Hold TEK.ffp (796 b)
Fatboy TEK.ffp (788 b)
Ghost in the Bottle BM.ffp (800 b)
Heaven waits SM.ffp (796 b)
Hyper Space.ffp (800 b)
IJl-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
J8 Lush Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kinder Pad Flauten O.ffp (800 b)
Kinder Pad O.ffp (800 b)
Liquid Filters TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lush PWM DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octave Play DM.ffp (796 b)
Ole 'timey Modern O.ffp (800 b)
Persistors O.ffp (800 b)
Pork Barrel DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Porta TEK.ffp (788 b)
Pro VS Waves 1 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pro VS Waves 2 DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Psykils TEK.ffp (796 b)
Quasi Space 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Quasi Space 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
Sampled and Held BD.ffp (692 b)
Secerts DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SineWavePad-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sprinkling Pad RD.ffp (796 b)
Sputter Flies BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
Star Shimmer BM.ffp (796 b)
Stay Pad.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Super Jupiter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SweepIn IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tender Schizophrenia BM.ffp (800 b)
Vangelis Ish 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 03 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Strings MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Warm Strings O.ffp (800 b)
XLFO Delay 2 JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
XLFO Delay JN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zounded FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sonic Elements - Utopia (5 файлов)
Bass (30 файлов)
BS Acidic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Akida.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Baltic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Basis.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Bees.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Buzz.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Combo.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Depth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Destroyer of Worlds.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Erin.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Falter.ffp (3,5 Kb)
BS Foundation.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Fuana.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS GFunk.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Hit It.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Ignite.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Lucky.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Mover.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Night Life.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Pointless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Prodigal.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Pushing.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Resomorph.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Smoothest.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Sub Prodigal.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Tart.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS TriStatus.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Vaunted.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Vermuth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Zero.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Akida.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Baltic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Basis.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Bees.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Buzz.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Combo.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Depth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Destroyer of Worlds.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Erin.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Falter.ffp (3,5 Kb)
BS Foundation.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Fuana.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS GFunk.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Hit It.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Ignite.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Lucky.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Mover.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Night Life.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Pointless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Prodigal.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Pushing.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Resomorph.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Smoothest.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Sub Prodigal.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Tart.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS TriStatus.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Vaunted.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Vermuth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BS Zero.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lead (32 файла)
LD Arped.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Attack.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Buzz Lightyear.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Commander.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Cyren.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Danja.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Denver.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Flaming October.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Francais.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Gamer.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Gelatin.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Harry.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Iceberg Slim.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Just Breathe.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Lenneth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Modified.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Once Bitten.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Pain.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LD Pulsar.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Rabanastre.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Raining.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Rapport.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Raven.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Ravenclaw.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Seven.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Sly Stone.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Smooth Operator.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Soft Pulse.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Sole.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Synew.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Tali.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Zeon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Attack.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Buzz Lightyear.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Commander.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Cyren.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Danja.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Denver.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Flaming October.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Francais.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Gamer.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Gelatin.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Harry.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Iceberg Slim.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Just Breathe.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Lenneth.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Modified.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Once Bitten.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Pain.ffp (3,5 Kb)
LD Pulsar.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Rabanastre.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Raining.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Rapport.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Raven.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Ravenclaw.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Seven.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Sly Stone.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Smooth Operator.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Soft Pulse.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Sole.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Synew.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Tali.ffp (3,46 Kb)
LD Zeon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad (32 файла)
PAD Aether.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Analoq.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Becoming.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Broken.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Consequences.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Effector.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Esquire.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Feedback.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Fields.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Filler.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD First Contact.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Frigid Fire.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Gallows.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Hallows.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Hilda.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Honesty.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Ignorant.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Ithaca.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Kinkade.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Maud.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD MonoHi.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Nadia.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Old Times.ffp (3,5 Kb)
PAD Old Timey.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Presence.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Quadric.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Rank.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Sawed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Stringy.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Sylent.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Tearing.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Zeta.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Analoq.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Becoming.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Broken.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Consequences.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Effector.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Esquire.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Feedback.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Fields.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Filler.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD First Contact.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Frigid Fire.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Gallows.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Hallows.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Hilda.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Honesty.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Ignorant.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Ithaca.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Kinkade.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Maud.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD MonoHi.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Nadia.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Old Times.ffp (3,5 Kb)
PAD Old Timey.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Presence.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Quadric.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Rank.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Sawed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Stringy.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Sylent.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Tearing.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PAD Zeta.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Short (28 файлов)
KEY Claire.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY DeLune.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Eife.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Harmless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Karplus.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Madness.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Mark V.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Rag Time.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Rhodes.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY VgM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Aeon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Amanda.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Bolero.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Fantasy ROM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Faultless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Hopeful.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Legend.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Magic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Metals.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Octo.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Oregon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Pressure.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sam.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sirens.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Softness.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sonica.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Toulan.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Wonderance.ffp (3,5 Kb)
KEY DeLune.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Eife.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Harmless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Karplus.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Madness.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Mark V.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Rag Time.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY Rhodes.ffp (3,46 Kb)
KEY VgM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Aeon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Amanda.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Bolero.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Fantasy ROM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Faultless.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Hopeful.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Legend.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Magic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Metals.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Octo.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Oregon.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Pressure.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sam.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sirens.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Softness.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Sonica.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Toulan.ffp (3,46 Kb)
PLK Wonderance.ffp (3,5 Kb)
Synths_Sequences (18 файлов)
SEQ Bassis.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Bubbles.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Claustro.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Goosed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Lead.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Special.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Anthemix.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Atlantis.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Balanced.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Baltic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Em1.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Frosty.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Granted.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Mana.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Seed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Sensitive Saw.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Sue.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Tart.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Bubbles.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Claustro.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Goosed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Lead.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SEQ Special.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Anthemix.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Atlantis.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Balanced.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Baltic.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Em1.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Frosty.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Granted.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Mana.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Seed.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Sensitive Saw.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Sue.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SYN Tart.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sound Set - Dirty House by Thomas Koot (6 файлов)
Bass (21 файл)
Analog Cuddle TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clav Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Growl TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goomz TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grumpy TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kiss my balls TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knackig TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knocker TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loose Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moog's out TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nerd Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Party Popper TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pump up the pressure TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shake that cone TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sub urb TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talk Low TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Engine TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The simple things TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Two and a half bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wobble TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clav Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Growl TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goomz TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Grumpy TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Kiss my balls TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knackig TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knocker TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loose Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moog's out TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nerd Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Party Popper TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pump up the pressure TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shake that cone TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Slow Bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sub urb TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talk Low TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Engine TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The simple things TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Two and a half bass TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wobble TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Keys & Chords (28 файлов)
Asian TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
B.0.3 TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big difference TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carvin TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crowds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Everywhere TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Range TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I'm like a bird TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jump a hole in the air TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loaded Clavinet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Locomotive TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Metal Chords TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mr Hammer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Trumpet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nausea TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Needle TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
No Minors TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pick Hits TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rise Up TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft porn TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Root TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stone roses TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tear it apart TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The 5th TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Fall TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The thief TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We are family TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wickah Wickah TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
B.0.3 TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big difference TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carvin TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crowds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Everywhere TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Full Range TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I'm like a bird TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Jump a hole in the air TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loaded Clavinet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Locomotive TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Metal Chords TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mr Hammer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Trumpet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nausea TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Needle TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
No Minors TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pick Hits TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rise Up TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft porn TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Square Root TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stone roses TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tear it apart TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The 5th TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Fall TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The thief TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
We are family TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wickah Wickah TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Leads (33 файла)
2 Bananas TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
2 Stack TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AC Lelsie TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belly Dancer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crowds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crunk it up TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Metalhead TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Twins TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Distilled TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drive By TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute Lessons TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Get off the cat TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I'm like a bird TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Metal Bender TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Trumpet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nausea TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Needle TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
No Minors TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piercing Thirds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pipeline TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Racecar TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Recovery TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Screaming out loud TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sharp TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stone roses TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Super Sync TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talk Dirty TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tarzan TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The dirt TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thrumph TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toy Toy TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whole lot TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
You like it dirty TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
2 Stack TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
AC Lelsie TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Belly Dancer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crowds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Crunk it up TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Metalhead TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Twins TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Distilled TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Drive By TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flute Lessons TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Get off the cat TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I'm like a bird TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Metal Bender TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Naughty Trumpet TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nausea TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Needle TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
No Minors TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Piercing Thirds TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pipeline TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Racecar TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Recovery TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Screaming out loud TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sharp TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stone roses TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Super Sync TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Talk Dirty TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tarzan TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The dirt TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thrumph TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toy Toy TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Whole lot TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
You like it dirty TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Percussive (14 файлов)
Disco Stick TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Duality TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Metal TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I see you TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knock it off TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mrs Hammer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pop corn TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Punchline TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shakey Metal TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stumper TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Marimba TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thunk TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tonal Shot TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toy Museum TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Duality TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heavy Metal TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
I see you TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Knock it off TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mrs Hammer TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pop corn TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Punchline TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Shakey Metal TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stumper TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Marimba TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Thunk TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tonal Shot TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Toy Museum TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sequences (11 файлов)
Chopper TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dance with me TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Do the sine TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Early shooter TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky man TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Love me tender TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Play the chords TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Playah TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wash your throat TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wobble TB TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Yum Yum TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dance with me TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Do the sine TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Early shooter TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Funky man TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Love me tender TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Play the chords TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Playah TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wash your throat TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wobble TB TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Yum Yum TK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sound Set - Synth Classics by Daniel Maurer (4 файла)
Lead (49 файлов)
Atomic DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BP Expressions DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Classic DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Countdown DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dble Mod DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Decided DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digifive DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Byrd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Thoughts DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flubber Flute DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Foundation DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Garibaldi DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Getta Room DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harsh Elements DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heisler DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollow Ring DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hubert DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Junkie DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Klicked DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meeso Horny DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Funk DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Lead DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Nasty DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MonoPoly 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty Madd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octaman DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opposing DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Passed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Samtastic DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SawDance 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sax Section DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sax Tenor Lead DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sik Puppy DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Buzz DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The One Ring DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Transforming MW DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unisaw Solo DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Up Front DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Upheaval DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
BP Expressions DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Classic DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Countdown DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dble Mod DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Decided DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Digifive DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Byrd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Thoughts DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Draw Shell 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Flubber Flute DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Foundation DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Garibaldi DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Getta Room DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Harsh Elements DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Heisler DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hollow Ring DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hubert DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Junkie DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Klicked DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Meeso Horny DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Minnie 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Funk DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Lead DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mo Nasty DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MonoPoly 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nasty Madd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Nordish 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Octaman DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Opposing DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Passed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Samtastic DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SawDance 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sax Section DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sax Tenor Lead DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sik Puppy DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The Buzz DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
The One Ring DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Transforming MW DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Unisaw Solo DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Up Front DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Upheaval DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad (41 файл)
Big Blu 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Blu 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Fellow DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chama DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Circle of Life DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Detox DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Earth Tones DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Four 2 Seven DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FourFilter Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fructose DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gnome Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gotta Pulse DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Landslide String DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lurker DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mauldin DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modification DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Movie Drone DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Off Handed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ohio DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Only DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Padded Glass DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddington 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddington 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phased Strings 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsation DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Randomly DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resolution DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Head DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Pad DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SawMill DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Special Sauce DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Dust DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stillness DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Too High DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Underneath DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wrong Crowd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Blu 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Big Fellow DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chama DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Circle of Life DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Detox DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Earth Tones DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Four 2 Seven DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FourFilter Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fructose DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gnome Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Gotta Pulse DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Landslide String DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lurker DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mauldin DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modification DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Modulations 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Movie Drone DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Off Handed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ohio DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Only DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Padded Glass DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddington 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Paddington 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Phased Strings 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pulsation DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Randomly DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Resolution DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Head DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rez Pad DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
SawMill DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Special Sauce DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Dust DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Stillness DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Too High DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Underneath DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wrong Crowd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pluck-Struck (19 файлов)
Analog Timpani DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Atomic Keys DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bonita DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Composure DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cross Breed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Easy Comp DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Faux Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Green Tea DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Reeds 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Reeds 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hybrid Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Klicky Harp DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Perc Clav DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mello Mallet DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow EP DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plucked Shimmers DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synthvibe DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trill Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
What the Pluck DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Atomic Keys DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bonita DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Composure DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Cross Breed DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Easy Comp DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Faux Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Green Tea DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Reeds 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hard Reeds 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hybrid Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Klicky Harp DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MW Perc Clav DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mello Mallet DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mellow EP DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Plucked Shimmers DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synthvibe DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trill Bell DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
What the Pluck DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vintage Polysynth (42 файла)
Ate Ees DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Contempt DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dearly Beloved DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Emotion DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double Up DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Inverted DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loosely DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Memory 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Memory 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moonlight DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Brassy 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Brassy 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Layered DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Rez String DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 5 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overweight DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pin Stripes DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Brass 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Brass 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Organ DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Pulse DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Sync Pad DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polysweep DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophet Padd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Released DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seperate Journey DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 5 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 6 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
String Sweeper DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synata DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tracked Trill DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Transister Organ DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zorn DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Contempt DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dearly Beloved DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Deep Emotion DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Double Up DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Inverted DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Loosely DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Memory 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Memory 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moonlight DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Brassy 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Brassy 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Layered DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OB Rez String DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Organ 5 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overweight DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pin Stripes DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Brass 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Brass 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Organ DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Pulse DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Strings DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polaris Sync Pad DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Polysweep DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophet Padd DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Released DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Seperate Journey DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 1 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 2 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 3 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 4 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 5 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Split Personality 6 DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
String Sweeper DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Synata DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Tracked Trill DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Transister Organ DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Zorn DM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
_Best of (62 файла)
Bach Fugue DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bellarius DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Boards Organ MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Booty Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
By Random Trance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64juggler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Short O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chamber Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Childs Play DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clarinet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Aurora bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Dishes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
English Horn DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Beat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FatBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fractured DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fudge Chunk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goodness Sake DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haelion Love bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondCheeze O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haunted Kat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Icy Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lil Krazy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MaBell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodicalike 2 MR DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mighty Bass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moogy Sine Singers-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mothman DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Not Lost DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OxygynLike FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetisch Bass Stab 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quasi Space 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
RhytmicArp IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rounded One O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Secrets DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Selected Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Virish Pluck bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sputter Flies BM.ffp (800 b)
Squeaker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Shimmer 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Starlite DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sugar Cube DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Surfside Beach DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept Up DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TapeLooped Vox-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Touch Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancemission DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Under the Bed O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Undiscovered Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
VeloCity DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velvet Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xlenda DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xylophone DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
iLab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Bellarius DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Boards Organ MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Booty Bass RD.ffp (3,46 Kb)
By Random Trance DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
C64juggler FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Carbon Short O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Chamber Winds DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Childs Play DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Clarinet DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dark Aurora bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Dirty Dishes DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
English Horn DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ex Life Boogie Beat bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
FatBass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fractured DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Fudge Chunk -O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Goodness Sake DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haelion Love bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
HammondCheeze O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Haunted Kat DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Hit Me Soft And Hard 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Ice Crystals 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Icy Strings DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Lil Krazy DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
MaBell DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Melodicalike 2 MR DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mighty Bass FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Moogy Sine Singers-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Mothman DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Not Lost DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Overtone Motion 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
OxygynLike FN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Pad My Glitch 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Prophetisch Bass Stab 01 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Quasi Space 2 BM.ffp (800 b)
RhytmicArp IN.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Rounded One O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Secrets DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Selected Bass O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Soft Virish Pluck bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sputter Flies BM.ffp (800 b)
Squeaker DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Glitter DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Star Shimmer 1 BM.ffp (800 b)
Starlite DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Sugar Cube DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Surfside Beach DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Swept Up DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
TapeLooped Vox-MR.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Touch Clav DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Trancemission DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Under the Bed O.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Undiscovered Moon DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Vangelis Ish 02 bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
VeloCity DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Velvet Pad TEK.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Wave Sequence DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xlenda DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Xylophone DJM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
bGrand bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
iLab bM.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Default Sound.ffp (3,46 Kb)
Volcano 2 (14 файлов)
Arp & Sequence (28 файлов)
Arpeggio 1.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 2.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 3.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 4.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 5.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 6.ffp (224 b)
Big N Dirty Stereo Arp bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Chopped O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flip.ffp (224 b)
Funkee bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash + compressor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash Complex bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Logic Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rapture 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rapture 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Shifting The Sack Twice bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Shifting The Sack bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stevie Stutter bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arpeggio 2.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 3.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 4.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 5.ffp (224 b)
Arpeggio 6.ffp (224 b)
Big N Dirty Stereo Arp bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Chopped O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flip.ffp (224 b)
Funkee bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash + compressor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash Complex bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Jumpin Jack Flash bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Logic Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rapture 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rapture 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Shifting The Sack Twice bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Shifting The Sack bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stevie Stutter bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beats (66 файлов)
4x4 O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
4x4 Only.ffp (2,61 Kb)
4xLimp O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
8Bars to Yesterday O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Add some spice FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
After Beat.ffp (224 b)
And One O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bass Compactor O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beats Only.ffp (224 b)
Bootleg Concert Tape O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Clod Hopper O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Colorful Hats Only O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Coneplosion Instrument O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Crash Expander O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cymbals Only.ffp (224 b)
Dig it.ffp (224 b)
Dipper.ffp (224 b)
Exciting Hats O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Extract.ffp (224 b)
FM Radio O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Fashionable Hats O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Further Away.ffp (224 b)
Ghost Chorus O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gnat Strainer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hand Jive Swing O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hard Side Pump O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hats in Harmony O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hats in Melody O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
In The Club bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Kick Boost.ffp (224 b)
Kill Trigger Roll-On O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
KinderGentler Drums O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Low Pass Trigger.ffp (224 b)
MindExpansion O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Noxious Clicker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
One Two.ffp (224 b)
Peripheral Involvement O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pick Me Up O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Plod Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PumperMaker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PumperRumperShaker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pumping on the Sides O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rubber Sheets O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Side Splash O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Snare Splasher O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Sploink O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Staccato.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Accents.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Pump O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Suck the Middle Out O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Triggered Bubbles.ffp (224 b)
Trouble.ffp (224 b)
Uncle Swishy O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
When Robots Invade O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Wooden Symphony O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
4x4 Only.ffp (2,61 Kb)
4xLimp O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
8Bars to Yesterday O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Add some spice FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
After Beat.ffp (224 b)
And One O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Auto-Filter Comp 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bass Compactor O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beats Only.ffp (224 b)
Bootleg Concert Tape O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Clod Hopper O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Colorful Hats Only O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Coneplosion Instrument O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Crash Expander O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cymbals Only.ffp (224 b)
Dig it.ffp (224 b)
Dipper.ffp (224 b)
Exciting Hats O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Extract.ffp (224 b)
FM Radio O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Fashionable Hats O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Further Away.ffp (224 b)
Ghost Chorus O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gnat Strainer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hand Jive Swing O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hard Side Pump O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hats in Harmony O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hats in Melody O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
In The Club bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Kick Boost.ffp (224 b)
Kill Trigger Roll-On O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
KinderGentler Drums O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Auto-Filter 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Low Pass Trigger.ffp (224 b)
MindExpansion O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Noxious Clicker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
One Two.ffp (224 b)
Peripheral Involvement O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pick Me Up O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Plod Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PumperMaker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PumperRumperShaker O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pumping on the Sides O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rubber Sheets O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Side Splash O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Snare Splasher O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Sploink O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Staccato.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Accents.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Pump O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Suck the Middle Out O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Triggered Bubbles.ffp (224 b)
Trouble.ffp (224 b)
Uncle Swishy O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
When Robots Invade O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Wooden Symphony O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compression (56 файлов)
Beat Filter with Compression 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 08 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 09 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 10 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 11 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 12 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 13 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 14 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressed Self-Osc.ffp (224 b)
Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
De-Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Ducks FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Helicopter.ffp (224 b)
Pump 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 08 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Under Control 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 08 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 09 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 10 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 11 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 12 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 13 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Buss Compressor 14 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressed Self-Osc.ffp (224 b)
Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Compressor 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
De-Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drum Smash 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Ducks FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Helicopter.ffp (224 b)
Pump 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pump 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 07 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Smooth Bus Glue 08 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Master Control 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Transient Enhancer 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Under Control 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Weird Crush 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Distortion (21 файл)
Bad Reception.ffp (224 b)
Bangin'.ffp (224 b)
Bass Munch 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bass Munch 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Broken Amplifier.ffp (224 b)
Electricity.ffp (224 b)
Filtsut Soi 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Insect Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My C64 is Singing bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Power Feed bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rawness 1.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 2.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 3.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 4.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 5.ffp (224 b)
Rush.ffp (224 b)
Bangin'.ffp (224 b)
Bass Munch 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bass Munch 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Broken Amplifier.ffp (224 b)
Electricity.ffp (224 b)
Filtsut Soi 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Filtsut Soi 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Insect Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My C64 is Singing bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Power Feed bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rawness 1.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 2.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 3.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 4.ffp (224 b)
Rawness 5.ffp (224 b)
Rush.ffp (224 b)
Enhancer (7 файлов)
4 on Floor BBE bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Enhance My Synth bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Loudness Curve bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Enhance My Synth bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Loudness Curve bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Volcano is BBE 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
FX (59 файлов)
Arcade Noises 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
At The Neighbours.ffp (224 b)
AutoDetune FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Barking.ffp (224 b)
Beam Me Up!.ffp (224 b)
Broken Tape bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bubbles And Birds.ffp (224 b)
Busy Cascade O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dirty SeeSaw O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dizzyness.ffp (224 b)
Double Fun.ffp (224 b)
Far Away.ffp (224 b)
Feeling Dizzy bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flash.ffp (224 b)
Formant Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Garage Band bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Boogey 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Boogey 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Wild On The Dance Floor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Going Mad bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Beat bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Spin bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Left On O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lo-Fi-Me-Now 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lo-Fi-Me-Now 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
March bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My Side Of The Story 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My Side Of The Story 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Near Far Near 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Near Far Near 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Nite at the Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Old Style FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Bitch 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Bitch 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Shift Wobble 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Shift Wobble 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Riddle.ffp (224 b)
Rip Ef 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Roll On Wholetones O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Saturn.ffp (224 b)
Shoot Me.ffp (224 b)
Sirens.ffp (224 b)
Sonar.ffp (224 b)
Spaceways.ffp (224 b)
Stuttee 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tape Delay.ffp (224 b)
Tin Can Calamity O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Vocal Edge FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Whobble FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Whole Tone Switcher O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Arcade Noises 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
At The Neighbours.ffp (224 b)
AutoDetune FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Barking.ffp (224 b)
Beam Me Up!.ffp (224 b)
Broken Tape bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bubbles And Birds.ffp (224 b)
Busy Cascade O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dirty SeeSaw O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dizzyness.ffp (224 b)
Double Fun.ffp (224 b)
Far Away.ffp (224 b)
Feeling Dizzy bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flash.ffp (224 b)
Formant Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Garage Band bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Boogey 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Boogey 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Wild On The Dance Floor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Going Mad bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Beat bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Spin bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Left On O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lo-Fi-Me-Now 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lo-Fi-Me-Now 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
March bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My Side Of The Story 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
My Side Of The Story 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Near Far Near 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Near Far Near 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Nite at the Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Old Style FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Bitch 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Bitch 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Shift Wobble 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Pitch Shift Wobble 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Riddle.ffp (224 b)
Rip Ef 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rip Ef 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Roll On Wholetones O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Saturn.ffp (224 b)
Shoot Me.ffp (224 b)
Sirens.ffp (224 b)
Sonar.ffp (224 b)
Spaceways.ffp (224 b)
Stuttee 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tape Delay.ffp (224 b)
Tin Can Calamity O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Vocal Edge FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Whobble FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Whole Tone Switcher O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
General (31 файл)
Boost High.ffp (224 b)
Boost Low.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid High.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid Low.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Lost bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Low Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 4.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Mid Magic.ffp (224 b)
Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Shifting Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Side Flay bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo 1.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 4.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 5.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Clip.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Deluxe 2 FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Deluxe FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Rocking.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Seventies.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Sweet.ffp (224 b)
Boost Low.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid High.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid Low.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Lost bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Low Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 4.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Mid Magic.ffp (224 b)
Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Shifting Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Side Flay bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo 1.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 4.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 5.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Clip.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Deluxe 2 FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Deluxe FL.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Peaks.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Rocking.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Seventies.ffp (224 b)
Subtle Sweet.ffp (224 b)
MIDI Triggered (12 файлов)
Anomoly Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bad Scratch Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Clean Kill Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cut the Bass Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Don't Touch the Vinyl O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hi Shuffle Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Highpass Trigger.ffp (224 b)
Kill Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
KillTrigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Middle Ground bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Puddle Trigger.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Try Your Own Scratch O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Bad Scratch Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Clean Kill Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cut the Bass Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Don't Touch the Vinyl O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Hi Shuffle Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Highpass Trigger.ffp (224 b)
Kill Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
KillTrigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Middle Ground bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Puddle Trigger.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Try Your Own Scratch O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Phaser & Flanger (18 файлов)
Beat Phase 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Vocodus 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Vocodus 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangy Phasey Thing bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazer Chorus bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Phaser bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Phaze a Hole bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Strangeness.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Phazer bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tremolo Phazer bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trig Phase 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trig Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Worn Out Flange bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 03 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Filtrus Compus 04 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Vocodus 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangus Vocodus 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Flangy Phasey Thing bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazer Chorus bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Liquid Phaser bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Phaze a Hole bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stereo Strangeness.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Subtle Phazer bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tremolo Phazer bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trig Phase 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trig Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Worn Out Flange bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Synth (57 файлов)
Agitated Side O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Alien Communication O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cornerknock O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cruising.ffp (224 b)
Doubled Swept Vocal O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dreamer.ffp (224 b)
Drop Trigger Long O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drop Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drunk Again.ffp (224 b)
Fade Ins.ffp (224 b)
Falling Stars.ffp (224 b)
Fantasy.ffp (224 b)
Fly Away.ffp (224 b)
Fundamental Enhancement O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gentle Pad Roll O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gentle Tremelo O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Heaven.ffp (224 b)
Hollow Thought O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Idling.ffp (224 b)
Inside My Head 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Inside My Head 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazers in the Jungle O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazy Contrails O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Mellow D.ffp (224 b)
Move Me Around 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Move Me Around 02 bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Overdiven Scream O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PalinDrone O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Phazee bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Plastic Toy O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Reflections 1.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 2.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 3.ffp (224 b)
Shiver.ffp (224 b)
Simple Sweeps.ffp (224 b)
Slow Roll O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Tarnce Buildup bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Turn O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Something in the Bushes O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Soundscape.ffp (224 b)
Spooky.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Sweeps 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Sweeps.ffp (224 b)
Stir to Taste O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Sweep the Room O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tar Pit O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Top Instigator O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trancegate.ffp (224 b)
Transmission Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Triple Stereo.ffp (224 b)
Triple.ffp (224 b)
Twizzler O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Underwater.ffp (224 b)
Vortex Pulse O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Vowel Pad O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Warm.ffp (224 b)
Watery O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Alien Communication O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cornerknock O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Cruising.ffp (224 b)
Doubled Swept Vocal O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Dreamer.ffp (224 b)
Drop Trigger Long O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drop Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Drunk Again.ffp (224 b)
Fade Ins.ffp (224 b)
Falling Stars.ffp (224 b)
Fantasy.ffp (224 b)
Fly Away.ffp (224 b)
Fundamental Enhancement O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gentle Pad Roll O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Gentle Tremelo O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Heaven.ffp (224 b)
Hollow Thought O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Idling.ffp (224 b)
Inside My Head 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Inside My Head 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazers in the Jungle O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Lazy Contrails O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Mellow D.ffp (224 b)
Move Me Around 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Move Me Around 02 bM.ffp (2,59 Kb)
Overdiven Scream O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
PalinDrone O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Phazee bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Plastic Toy O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Reflections 1.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 2.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 3.ffp (224 b)
Shiver.ffp (224 b)
Simple Sweeps.ffp (224 b)
Slow Roll O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Tarnce Buildup bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Turn O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Something in the Bushes O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Soundscape.ffp (224 b)
Spooky.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Sweeps 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Sweeps.ffp (224 b)
Stir to Taste O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Sweep the Room O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Tar Pit O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Top Instigator O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trancegate.ffp (224 b)
Transmission Trigger O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Triple Stereo.ffp (224 b)
Triple.ffp (224 b)
Twizzler O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Underwater.ffp (224 b)
Vortex Pulse O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Vowel Pad O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Warm.ffp (224 b)
Watery O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
_Allround (3 файла)
Basic Filtering (15 файлов)
Boost Low.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid Low.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 1.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 4.ffp (224 b)
Boost Mid Low.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
High Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Low Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 1.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 2.ffp (224 b)
Mid Cut 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 1.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 2.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 3.ffp (224 b)
Stereo 4.ffp (224 b)
Panning FX (13 файлов)
Bubbles And Birds.ffp (224 b)
Go Wild On The Dance Floor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Going Mad bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Heaven.ffp (224 b)
Mellow D.ffp (224 b)
Nite at the Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Reflections 1.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 2.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 3.ffp (224 b)
Side Splash O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Tarnce Buildup bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Go Wild On The Dance Floor bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Going Mad bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Heaven.ffp (224 b)
Mellow D.ffp (224 b)
Nite at the Disco O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Reflections 1.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 2.ffp (224 b)
Reflections 3.ffp (224 b)
Side Splash O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Slow Tarnce Buildup bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Thin Dirty Arp 02 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Rhythmic FX (15 файлов)
After Beat.ffp (224 b)
Beat Filter with Compression 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beats Only.ffp (224 b)
Chopped O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Extract.ffp (224 b)
Flip.ffp (224 b)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Beat bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Logic Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Staccato.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Accents.ffp (224 b)
Stevie Stutter bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Beats Only.ffp (224 b)
Chopped O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Extract.ffp (224 b)
Flip.ffp (224 b)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Head Beat bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Logic Gate O.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Staccato.ffp (224 b)
Stereo Accents.ffp (224 b)
Stevie Stutter bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Stuttee 01 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 05 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
Trance Gate 06 bM.ffp (2,61 Kb)
_Best of (21 файл)
Add some spice FL.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Alien Communication O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
AutoDetune FL.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beam Me Up!.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 02 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beat Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Bootleg Concert Tape O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Crash Expander O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Formant Trigger O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Gentle Pad Roll O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Go Boogey 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Hard Side Pump O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Insect Disco O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
My C64 is Singing bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
PalinDrone O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Phaze a Hole bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Plastic Toy O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Rapture 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Worn Out Flange bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Alien Communication O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
AutoDetune FL.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beam Me Up!.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beat Filter with Compression 02 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Beat Phase 02 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Bootleg Concert Tape O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Compressor 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Crash Expander O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Formant Trigger O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Gentle Pad Roll O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Go Boogey 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Hard Side Pump O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Hat Stammerer O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Insect Disco O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
My C64 is Singing bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
PalinDrone O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Phaze a Hole bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Plastic Toy O.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Rapture 01 bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Worn Out Flange bM.ffp (2,78 Kb)
Default Setting.ffp (2,78 Kb)
FabFilter x64 (33 файла)
FabFilter Micro (Mono) x64.dll (1,41 Mb)
FabFilter Micro x64.dll (1,41 Mb)
FabFilter One x64.dll (1,58 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (Mono SC) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (Mono) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (SC) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,23 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C 2 x64.dll (2,23 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-DS (Mono) x64.dll (2,02 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-DS x64.dll (2,02 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-G (Mono) x64.dll (2,3 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-G x64.dll (2,3 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-L (Mono) x64.dll (2,09 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-L x64.dll (2,09 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-MB (Mono) x64.dll (2,13 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-MB x64.dll (2,13 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q (Mono) x64.dll (1,34 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,01 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q 2 x64.dll (2,01 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q x64.dll (1,34 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-R (Mono) x64.dll (2,12 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-R x64.dll (2,12 Mb)
FabFilter Saturn (Mono) x64.dll (2,64 Mb)
FabFilter Saturn x64.dll (2,64 Mb)
FabFilter Simplon x64.dll (1,55 Mb)
FabFilter Timeless 2 (SC) x64.dll (2,44 Mb)
FabFilter Timeless 2 x64.dll (2,44 Mb)
FabFilter Twin 2 x64.dll (3,15 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (Mono SC) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (SC) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Micro x64.dll (1,41 Mb)
FabFilter One x64.dll (1,58 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (Mono SC) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (Mono) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C (SC) x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,23 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C 2 x64.dll (2,23 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-C x64.dll (1,39 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-DS (Mono) x64.dll (2,02 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-DS x64.dll (2,02 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-G (Mono) x64.dll (2,3 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-G x64.dll (2,3 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-L (Mono) x64.dll (2,09 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-L x64.dll (2,09 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-MB (Mono) x64.dll (2,13 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-MB x64.dll (2,13 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q (Mono) x64.dll (1,34 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,01 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q 2 x64.dll (2,01 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-Q x64.dll (1,34 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-R (Mono) x64.dll (2,12 Mb)
FabFilter Pro-R x64.dll (2,12 Mb)
FabFilter Saturn (Mono) x64.dll (2,64 Mb)
FabFilter Saturn x64.dll (2,64 Mb)
FabFilter Simplon x64.dll (1,55 Mb)
FabFilter Timeless 2 (SC) x64.dll (2,44 Mb)
FabFilter Timeless 2 x64.dll (2,44 Mb)
FabFilter Twin 2 x64.dll (3,15 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (Mono SC) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (Mono) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 (SC) x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
FabFilter Volcano 2 x64.dll (2,39 Mb)
Установка.txt (799 b)