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FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский

Автор: Unix от 20-10-2017, 09:09, Посмотрело: 72 124, Обсуждения: 0

FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский
Версия программы: (build 5)
Официальный сайт: Image-Line
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: замена файлов (r4e)

Системные требования:
Процессор : 2Ghz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 (or later) compatible CPU with full SSE2 support.
Операционные системы : 32 or 64 Bit versions of Windows 10/8.0/8.1/7, Vista, XP (service pack 3)
Running XP (service pack 3), Vista or Windows 10/8.0/8.1/7 (in 32 or 64 Bit)
Оперативная память : 1 Gb or more RAM recommended
Жесткий диск : 1 Gb free disk space
Звуковая карта: Soundcard with DirectSound drivers. ASIO/ASIO2 compatible required for audio recording (FL Studio installs with generic ASIO4ALL drivers)

FL Studio Producer Edition 12 - это новая версия одной из лучших программ для создания собственной музыки, с её помощью вы можете создавать собственные треки любого стиля. Программа имеет все необходимые функции для работы со звуком : запись, сведение, мастеринг а также имеет большое количество синтезаторов и виртуальных плагинов.

FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский FL Studio Producer Edition (build 5) Signature Bundle (2017) Английский

Загрузил: Unix (20 октября 2017 09:07)
Взяли: 24936 | Размер: 913.97 Mb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 120 Качают: 86 Скачали: 1958
FL Studio (r4e) (733 файла)
r4e (3 файла)
FL Studio 12.5 (4 файла)
Plugins (1 файл)
Fruity (2 файла)
Effects (9 файлов)
Edison (5 файлов)
Data (6 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
file EQ.bmp (1,55 Kb)
Maps (16 файлов)
file Blur - alt.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - default.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Blur - narrow.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - pulse.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - triangle.fnv (104 b)
file Denoiser - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - 15Hz - 18kHz cut.fnv (176 b)
file EQ - 40Hz cut.fnv (128 b)
file EQ - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - key points.fnv (560 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Spectral mask - default.fnv (80 b)
MIDI (1 файл)
txt GM Drums.txt (780 b)
Samples (2 файла)
mp3 untitled.mp3 (484,38 Kb)
file untitled.wav (188 b)
Scripts (7 файлов)
Amp (1 файл)
file Amp.edscript (633 b)
Examples (10 файлов)
file Dialog.edscript (712 b)
file FuncInDll.edscript (224 b)
file Hello world.edscript (111 b)
file HelloWorld.wav (21,91 Kb)
file JavaScript Amp.edscript (637 b)
file JavaScript Load and Amp.edscript (698 b)
file MyUnit.pas (159 b)
file Unit test.edscript (75 b)
file testdll.dll (28,5 Kb)
file testdll_x64.dll (44 Kb)
FX (7 файлов)
file Bit reduction.edscript (783 b)
file DSP_Lookahead.pas (2,9 Kb)
file DSP_Smoothing.pas (3 Kb)
file Destructoid.edscript (1,96 Kb)
file Limiter.edscript (2,95 Kb)
file Old school.edscript (710 b)
file Ring modulation.edscript (1,44 Kb)
Generation (4 файла)
file Pulse generator.edscript (2,11 Kb)
file Saw generator.edscript (2,04 Kb)
file Silence generator.edscript (733 b)
file Sine generator.edscript (1,23 Kb)
Regions (2 файла)
file Convert markers.edscript (479 b)
file Random regions.edscript (1,09 Kb)
User (1 файл)
file LP24DB_RELEASE1.edscript (1,28 Kb)
txt Reference.txt (8,7 Kb)
Spectrum gradients (7 файлов)
file 12dB steps.bmp (1,52 Kb)
file Charcoal.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Deeper furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Glacier.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Temperature.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file The Matrix.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Edison.dll (5,34 Mb)
file Edison_Info.rtf (234 b)
file Edison_x64.dll (8,3 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Fruity Convolver (6 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
png About.png (36,73 Kb)
Data (5 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
file EQ.bmp (1,55 Kb)
Maps (17 файлов)
file Blur - alt.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - default.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Blur - narrow.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - pulse.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - triangle.fnv (104 b)
file Denoiser - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - 15Hz - 18kHz cut.fnv (176 b)
file EQ - 40Hz cut.fnv (128 b)
file EQ - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - key points.fnv (560 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Impulse EQ - default.fnv (80 b)
file Spectral mask - default.fnv (80 b)
MIDI (1 файл)
txt GM Drums.txt (780 b)
Scripts (6 файлов)
Amp (1 файл)
file Amp.edscript (633 b)
Examples (9 файлов)
file Dialog.edscript (712 b)
file FuncInDll.edscript (224 b)
file Hello world.edscript (111 b)
file HelloWorld.wav (21,91 Kb)
file JavaScript Amp.edscript (637 b)
file JavaScript Load and Amp.edscript (698 b)
file MyUnit.pas (159 b)
file Unit test.edscript (75 b)
file testdll.dll (84,8 Kb)
FX (7 файлов)
file Bit reduction.edscript (783 b)
file DSP_Lookahead.pas (2,88 Kb)
file DSP_Smoothing.pas (3 Kb)
file Destructoid.edscript (1,96 Kb)
file Limiter.edscript (2,95 Kb)
file Old school.edscript (710 b)
file Ring modulation.edscript (1,44 Kb)
Generation (3 файла)
file Pulse generator.edscript (2,11 Kb)
file Saw generator.edscript (2,04 Kb)
file Sine generator.edscript (1,23 Kb)
User (1 файл)
file LP24DB_RELEASE1.edscript (1,28 Kb)
txt Reference.txt (8,7 Kb)
Spectrum gradients (7 файлов)
file 12dB steps.bmp (1,52 Kb)
file Charcoal.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Deeper furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Glacier.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Temperature.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file The Matrix.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Fruity Convolver.dll (5,32 Mb)
file Fruity Convolver.rtf (236 b)
file Fruity Convolver_x64.dll (8,31 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Fruity Formula Controller (5 файлов)
file DefaultInfo.rtf (3,12 Kb)
file Fruity Formula Controller.dll (2,13 Mb)
file Fruity Formula Controller_Info.rtf (241 b)
file Fruity Formula Controller_x64.dll (3,26 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Gross Beat (6 файлов)
Artwork (2 файла)
png About.png (136,6 Kb)
file Back.bmp (1,3 Mb)
Data (1 файл)
Maps (5 файлов)
file Default.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Gross Beat.dll (3,13 Mb)
file Gross Beat_Info.rtf (230 b)
file Gross Beat_x64.dll (5,01 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Maximus (6 файлов)
Artwork (2 файла)
png About.png (136,34 Kb)
file Spectrum.bmp (1,55 Kb)
Data (1 файл)
Maps (11 файлов)
file All through.fnv (80 b)
file Comp 1.fnv (104 b)
file Comp 2.fnv (104 b)
file Comp 3.fnv (104 b)
file Default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Gate.fnv (152 b)
file Maxxed out.fnv (104 b)
file Maximus.dll (3,17 Mb)
file Maximus_Info.rtf (229 b)
file Maximus_x64.dll (5,08 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Newtone (6 файлов)
Artwork (3 файла)
png About.png (53,82 Kb)
file Back.bmp (171,23 Kb)
png WarpBack.png (6,35 Kb)
file NewTone_Engine.dll (4,88 Mb)
file Newtone.dll (2,78 Mb)
file Newtone_Engine_x64.dll (5,4 Mb)
file Newtone_x64.dll (4,5 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Patcher (2 файла)
file Patcher.dll (2,93 Mb)
file Patcher_x64.dll (4,6 Mb)
Transient Processor (5 файлов)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file Transient Processor.dll (2,2 Mb)
file Transient Processor_x64.dll (3,34 Mb)
file engine.dll (158,27 Kb)
file engine_x64.dll (126,77 Kb)
Vocodex (7 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
png About.png (142,96 Kb)
Data (4 файла)
Maps (14 файлов)
file Band distribution - Bark scale (24 bands).fnv (608 b)
file Band distribution - clearer.fnv (80 b)
file Band distribution - default.fnv (80 b)
file Band distribution - mel scale.fnv (1,6 Kb)
file Band distribution - semitones (96 bands).fnv (80 b)
file Band distribution - third octave (32 bands).fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Flat (bottom).fnv (80 b)
file Flat (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Flat (top).fnv (56 b)
file Modulator pass-through - sibilance.fnv (104 b)
Random (12 файлов)
file 0.wv (27,16 Kb)
file 1.wv (31,03 Kb)
file 10.wv (25,59 Kb)
file 11.wv (21,1 Kb)
file 2.wv (21,43 Kb)
file 3.wv (33,44 Kb)
file 4.wv (31,2 Kb)
file 5.wv (30,33 Kb)
file 6.wv (21,09 Kb)
file 7.wv (23,83 Kb)
file 8.wv (35,74 Kb)
file 9.wv (20,38 Kb)
file SG.dat (1,31 Kb)
file Vocodex.wv (52,36 Kb)
Synthesizer (3 файла)
Data (2 файла)
Presets (25 файлов)
file Bright.fst (4,33 Kb)
file Car horn.fst (1,55 Kb)
file Chip.fst (3,46 Kb)
file Elderly.fst (1,46 Kb)
file Ensemble.fst (1,97 Kb)
file Flanged pulse.fst (1,45 Kb)
file Flanged saw.fst (1,45 Kb)
file Gargling.fst (3,47 Kb)
file Growling.fst (3,52 Kb)
file Harsh.fst (1,43 Kb)
file Machine 2.fst (1,48 Kb)
file Machine.fst (2,55 Kb)
file Organ.fst (1,39 Kb)
file PWM.fst (1,63 Kb)
file Panner.fst (1,65 Kb)
file Phased 2.fst (1,43 Kb)
file Phased.fst (4,4 Kb)
file Power.fst (1,53 Kb)
file Pulse.fst (1,44 Kb)
file Robot saw.fst (1,44 Kb)
file Saw.fst (1,44 Kb)
file Scythe.fst (2 Kb)
file Supersaw.fst (2,57 Kb)
file Tube.fst (1,82 Kb)
file Weird.fst (1,5 Kb)
file Default.dat (1,79 Kb)
file Sytrus.dll (3,46 Mb)
file Sytrus_x64.dll (5,45 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file Vocodex.dll (3,2 Mb)
file Vocodex.rtf (232 b)
file Vocodex_x64.dll (5,12 Mb)
Generators (14 файлов)
Fruity DrumSynth Live (7 файлов)
Data (1 файл)
file Default.dsl (4,13 Kb)
file Fruity DrumSynth Live.dll (2,23 Mb)
file Fruity DrumSynth Live_Info.rtf (198 b)
file Fruity DrumSynth Live_x64.dll (3,38 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file drumsynth_eng.dll (694,27 Kb)
file drumsynth_eng_x64.dll (702,77 Kb)
Fruity DX10 (5 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
file Back.bmp (388,55 Kb)
file Fruity DX10.dll (2,09 Mb)
file Fruity DX10_Info.rtf (237 b)
file Fruity DX10_x64.dll (3,19 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Fruity Soundfont Player (6 файлов)
Data (1 файл)
file Default.sf2 (39,95 Kb)
file FLSPro.dll (255,27 Kb)
file Fruity SoundFont Player_x64.dll (3 Mb)
file Fruity Soundfont Player.dll (2,58 Mb)
file Fruity Soundfont Player_Info.rtf (207 b)
file Plugin.nfo (41 b)
Fruity Video Player (4 файла)
file Fruity Video Player.dll (2,35 Mb)
file Fruity Video Player_Info.rtf (227 b)
file Fruity Video Player_x64.dll (3,58 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Harmless (6 файлов)
Artwork (2 файла)
png About.png (137,75 Kb)
png AboutChan.png (247,54 Kb)
Data (1 файл)
Compression (4 файла)
file 1.fst (1,41 Kb)
file 2.fst (1,36 Kb)
file 3.fst (1,41 Kb)
file 4.fst (1,31 Kb)
file Harmless.dll (2,61 Mb)
file Harmless.rtf (231 b)
file Harmless_x64.dll (3,99 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Harmor (7 файлов)
Artwork (9 файлов)
png About.png (183,36 Kb)
png AboutChan.png (1,45 Mb)
file Back.bmp (2,23 Mb)
file Back_ADV.bmp (503,68 Kb)
file Back_FX.bmp (503,68 Kb)
file Back_IMG.bmp (503,68 Kb)
png BigWheelIL.png (73,96 Kb)
file Info.rtf (370 b)
png SmallWheelIL.png (53,53 Kb)
Data (5 файлов)
Envelopes (55 файлов)
file Arp - 1 1 2 3.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - 1 2 1 3.fnv (208 b)
file Arp - 2 notes M.fnv (160 b)
file Arp - big chaos.fnv (288 b)
file Arp - blade runner.fnv (208 b)
file Arp - classic down.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - classic up-down.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - classic up.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - double and hold.fnv (176 b)
file Arp - flat.fnv (120 b)
file Arp - gated up.fnv (112 b)
file Arp - held up.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - little chaos.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - pattern 1.fnv (256 b)
file Arp - pattern 2.fnv (304 b)
file Arp - pattern 3.fnv (416 b)
file Arp - pattern 4.fnv (240 b)
file Arp - pattern 5.fnv (272 b)
file Arp - pattern 6.fnv (288 b)
file Default ADSR.fnv (96 b)
file Gate - basic 10.fnv (324 b)
file Gate - basic 11.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 12.fnv (288 b)
file Gate - basic 13.fnv (336 b)
file Gate - basic 14.fnv (216 b)
file Gate - basic 15.fnv (204 b)
file Gate - basic 16.fnv (156 b)
file Gate - basic 17.fnv (480 b)
file Gate - basic 2.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 3.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 4.fnv (696 b)
file Gate - basic 5.fnv (168 b)
file Gate - basic 6.fnv (396 b)
file Gate - basic 7.fnv (348 b)
file Gate - basic 8.fnv (432 b)
file Gate - basic 9.fnv (408 b)
file Gate - basic switch.fnv (108 b)
file Gate - basic.fnv (204 b)
file Gate - pulse.fnv (132 b)
file Loop - noise.fnv (24,07 Kb)
file Loop - smooth noise.fnv (24,07 Kb)
file No attack.fnv (72 b)
file Phaser offset - cycle.fnv (120 b)
file Pitch arpeggiato 2.fnv (264 b)
file Pitch arpeggiato.fnv (444 b)
file Pitch smooth arpeggiato.fnv (4,52 Kb)
file Pluck on release.fnv (96 b)
file Plucked.fnv (96 b)
file Porta - basic.fnv (96 b)
file Porta - curved.fnv (96 b)
file Short burst.fnv (72 b)
file Short decay.fnv (80 b)
file Shortest attack.fnv (96 b)
file Smoothing for FX.fnv (80 b)
file Strings.fnv (96 b)
Images (13 файлов)
png Basic - mosaic.png (2,75 Kb)
png Calibration - WBGBW.png (157 b)
png Calibration - checker.png (144 b)
png Calibration - decay.png (710 b)
png Calibration - each odd.png (533 b)
png Calibration - interpolation check.png (158 b)
png Calibration - switch.png (133 b)
png Calibration - time freq alt decay.png (20,87 Kb)
png Calibration - time freq decay.png (1,87 Kb)
png Fake speech.png (136,93 Kb)
png Random chirps.png (2,07 Kb)
png Random flakes.png (12,21 Kb)
png Random goo.png (65,45 Kb)
Images (beta) (25 файлов)
MetaloidSet1 (25 файлов)
jpg aar.jpg (105,82 Kb)
jpg abbhoru.jpg (63,15 Kb)
jpg amasi.jpg (79,33 Kb)
jpg angus.jpg (119,99 Kb)
jpg aquam.jpg (67,67 Kb)
jpg aron.jpg (106,26 Kb)
jpg artos.jpg (121,78 Kb)
jpg bayida.jpg (83,89 Kb)
jpg beremia.jpg (108,33 Kb)
jpg berrg.jpg (105,65 Kb)
jpg berron.jpg (100,89 Kb)
jpg bigor.jpg (145,58 Kb)
jpg bocha.jpg (69,2 Kb)
jpg bondu.jpg (62,41 Kb)
jpg borabora.jpg (119,51 Kb)
jpg brynn.jpg (83,03 Kb)
jpg bue.jpg (76,46 Kb)
jpg bunun.jpg (102,39 Kb)
jpg camilla.jpg (141,83 Kb)
jpg cello.jpg (78,43 Kb)
jpg charg.jpg (123,73 Kb)
jpg chet.jpg (101,83 Kb)
jpg chloe.jpg (190,07 Kb)
jpg chori.jpg (94,88 Kb)
jpg test.jpg (24,24 Kb)
file Ambiance.bmp (20,3 Kb)
png Calibration - decay (error).png (1,75 Kb)
file Calibration.bmp (3,85 Kb)
file Calibration2.bmp (704 b)
file Calibration3.bmp (704 b)
file Calibration4.bmp (2,59 Kb)
file Calibration5.bmp (2,59 Kb)
file Climbing.bmp (20,3 Kb)
file Default.bmp (21,15 Kb)
file Fake speech.bmp (468,8 Kb)
file Fireflies.bmp (20,3 Kb)
file Liquid.bmp (20,3 Kb)
file Noise.bmp (2,59 Kb)
file Noise2.bmp (2,59 Kb)
file PitchTest.bmp (732,48 Kb)
file PitchTest.psd (488,22 Kb)
file RampTest.bmp (732,48 Kb)
file RampTest2.bmp (732,48 Kb)
file Rippled.bmp (126,62 Kb)
file Smooth.psd (1,45 Mb)
file Speech.bmp (2,8 Mb)
file Test.bmp (704 b)
file Voice.bmp (94,05 Kb)
file Warp.bmp (20,3 Kb)
LFO (4 файла)
file 1 bar triangle.fnv (64 b)
file Default.fnv (96 b)
file Immediate.fnv (84 b)
file Pitch vibrato.fnv (72 b)
Maps (59 файлов)
file EQ - 9 bands.fnv (272 b)
file EQ - CPU saver for bass.fnv (128 b)
file EQ - gentle high fade.fnv (104 b)
file EQ - less clarity.fnv (680 b)
file EQ - smooth high fade.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Filter cutoff - kb - key compensation.fnv (64 b)
file Filter shape - bumpy road.fnv (176 b)
file Flat (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Flat (top).fnv (56 b)
file Harmonic clipping - vocal denoising.fnv (128 b)
file Harmonic prism - gritty 2.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty 3.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty 4.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty down.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty oct.fnv (512 b)
file Harmonic prism - gritty random.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty up.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty wide.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - gritty.fnv (12,03 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - metal.fnv (104 b)
file Harmonic prism - random 2.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - random.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - shrink + random.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Harmonic prism - shrink.fnv (80 b)
file Harmonic prism - smooth.fnv (128 b)
file Harmonic protection - resynthesis.fnv (176 b)
file Image formant shift - kb - less for low.fnv (104 b)
file Image formant shift - kb - less.fnv (80 b)
file Image formant shift - kb - more.fnv (80 b)
file LFO speed mod sync smooth.fnv (416 b)
file LFO speed mod sync.fnv (416 b)
file Little randomness (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Little randomness (top).fnv (56 b)
file Modulation - increasing.fnv (56 b)
file Phaser shape - sine 2.fnv (104 b)
file Phaser shape - sine.fnv (104 b)
file Pitch - kb - constant sub-oscillator.fnv (192 b)
file Pitch - kb - just intonation.fnv (5,75 Kb)
file Pitch - kb - unlink.fnv (80 b)
file Pitch - unison (order 6) - major.fnv (176 b)
file Resonance shape - for lowpass.fnv (128 b)
file Timbre - a few harmonics.fnv (296 b)
file Timbre - accordeon.fnv (128 b)
file Timbre - bassy saw 2.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - bassy saw 3.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - bassy saw.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - blade.fnv (80 b)
file Timbre - guitar.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - pink.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - pulse.fnv (80 b)
file Timbre - saw x2.fnv (12,13 Kb)
file Timbre - saw x4.fnv (9,08 Kb)
file Timbre - saw.fnv (80 b)
file Timbre - two harmonics.fnv (176 b)
file Timbre - white.fnv (12,13 Kb)
System (14 файлов)
Compression (4 файла)
file 1.fst (1,41 Kb)
file 2.fst (1,34 Kb)
file 3.fst (1,36 Kb)
file 4.fst (1,41 Kb)
file Filter 1 resonance mask.fnv (104 b)
file Filter 2 resonance mask.fnv (104 b)
file Filter shape.fnv (128 b)
file Harmonic blur shape.fnv (104 b)
file Harmonic prism.fnv (128 b)
file Harmonic protection.fnv (104 b)
file Phaser shape.fnv (104 b)
file Pluck shape.fnv (80 b)
file QuickMapTo.fnv (80 b)
file RegionToKey_Volume.fnv (120 b)
file Resonance shape.fnv (152 b)
file Timbre 2 harmonic level.fnv (80 b)
file Volume.fnv (144 b)
file Harmor.dll (3,59 Mb)
file Harmor.rtf (231 b)
file Harmor_x64.dll (5,59 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Ogun (6 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
png About.png (177,31 Kb)
Data (5 файлов)
Envelopes (7 файлов)
file Default ADSR.fnv (96 b)
file Gong filter.fnv (96 b)
file Pitch base.fnv (96 b)
file Porta - basic.fnv (96 b)
file Porta - curved.fnv (96 b)
file Timbre release after half a second (forced).fnv (96 b)
file Timbre release after half a second.fnv (120 b)
LFO (3 файла)
file 1 bar triangle.fnv (64 b)
file Default.fnv (96 b)
file Immediate.fnv (84 b)
Maps (11 файлов)
file Bin shape - default.fnv (104 b)
file Bin shape - hat.fnv (104 b)
file Bin shape - tent.fnv (104 b)
file Chinese cymbal EQ.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Flat (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Flat (top).fnv (56 b)
file Forced low harmonics.fnv (104 b)
Random pad (14 файлов)
Envelopes (8 файлов)
file 1.fnv (192 b)
file 2.fnv (192 b)
file 3.fnv (120 b)
file 4.fnv (120 b)
file 5.fnv (120 b)
file 6.fnv (120 b)
file 7.fnv (144 b)
file 8.fnv (144 b)
txt 0.txt (42 b)
txt 1.txt (405 b)
txt 2.txt (366 b)
txt 3.txt (445 b)
txt 4.txt (582 b)
txt 5.txt (347 b)
txt 6.txt (541 b)
txt 7.txt (292 b)
txt 8.txt (193 b)
txt 9.txt (351 b)
file Default.dat (835 b)
file Default_C.dat (64,37 Kb)
file Info.rtf (353 b)
file Default.dat (807 b)
file Ogun.dll (3,39 Mb)
file Ogun_Info.rtf (235 b)
file Ogun_x64.dll (5,35 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
Patcher (2 файла)
file Patcher.dll (2,93 Mb)
file Patcher_x64.dll (4,6 Mb)
SimSynth (6 файлов)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file SimSynth.dll (2,12 Mb)
file SimSynth_Eng.dll (207,77 Kb)
file SimSynth_Eng_x64.dll (192,27 Kb)
file SimSynth_Info.rtf (199 b)
file SimSynth_x64.dll (3,23 Mb)
Slicex (6 файлов)
Artwork (3 файла)
png About.png (69,34 Kb)
png Ad.png (126,24 Kb)
file Kb.bmp (86,19 Kb)
Data (7 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
file EQ.bmp (1,55 Kb)
Default (6 файлов)
file Cut.fnv (96 b)
file LFO.fnv (72 b)
file Pan.fnv (72 b)
file Res.fnv (72 b)
file Speed.fnv (96 b)
file Vol.fnv (96 b)
Envelopes (6 файлов)
file Pan - default.fnv (72 b)
file Speed - basic scratching.fnv (96 b)
file Speed - none.fnv (72 b)
file Vol - ADSR.fnv (144 b)
file Vol - decay only.fnv (96 b)
file Vol - sustaining.fnv (96 b)
Maps (17 файлов)
file Blur - alt.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - default.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Blur - narrow.fnv (152 b)
file Blur - pulse.fnv (104 b)
file Blur - triangle.fnv (104 b)
file Denoiser - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - 15Hz - 18kHz cut.fnv (176 b)
file EQ - 40Hz cut.fnv (128 b)
file EQ - default.fnv (80 b)
file EQ - key points.fnv (560 b)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Rand - uniform.fnv (80 b)
file Spectral mask - default.fnv (80 b)
MIDI (1 файл)
txt GM Drums.txt (780 b)
Scripts (7 файлов)
Amp (1 файл)
file Amp.edscript (633 b)
Examples (9 файлов)
file Dialog.edscript (712 b)
file FuncInDll.edscript (224 b)
file Hello world.edscript (111 b)
file HelloWorld.wav (21,91 Kb)
file JavaScript Amp.edscript (637 b)
file JavaScript Load and Amp.edscript (698 b)
file MyUnit.pas (159 b)
file Unit test.edscript (75 b)
file testdll.dll (84,8 Kb)
FX (7 файлов)
file Bit reduction.edscript (783 b)
file DSP_Lookahead.pas (2,88 Kb)
file DSP_Smoothing.pas (3 Kb)
file Destructoid.edscript (1,96 Kb)
file Limiter.edscript (2,95 Kb)
file Old school.edscript (710 b)
file Ring modulation.edscript (1,44 Kb)
Generation (3 файла)
file Pulse generator.edscript (2,11 Kb)
file Saw generator.edscript (2,04 Kb)
file Sine generator.edscript (1,23 Kb)
Regions (3 файла)
file Convert markers.edscript (479 b)
file Play to end.edscript (1,18 Kb)
file Random regions.edscript (1,09 Kb)
User (1 файл)
file LP24DB_RELEASE1.edscript (1,28 Kb)
txt Reference.txt (8,7 Kb)
Spectrum gradients (7 файлов)
file 12dB steps.bmp (1,52 Kb)
file Charcoal.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Deeper furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Furnace.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Glacier.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Temperature.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file The Matrix.bmp (1,55 Kb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file Slicex.dll (5,43 Mb)
file Slicex_Info.rtf (270 b)
file Slicex_x64.dll (8,43 Mb)
Sytrus (5 файлов)
Data (5 файлов)
DX7Algos (33 файла)
file Algo1.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo10.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo11.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo12.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo13.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo14.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo15.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo16.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo17.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo18.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo19.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo2.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo20.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo21.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo22.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo23.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo24.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo25.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo26.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo27.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo28.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo29.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo3.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo30.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo31.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo32.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo4.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo5.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo6.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo7.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo8.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Algo9.dat (36,73 Kb)
file Conversion.rtf (291 b)
Envelopes (50 файлов)
file Arp - 1 1 2 3.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - 1 2 1 3.fnv (208 b)
file Arp - 2 notes M.fnv (160 b)
file Arp - big chaos.fnv (288 b)
file Arp - blade runner.fnv (208 b)
file Arp - classic down.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - classic up-down.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - classic up.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - double and hold.fnv (176 b)
file Arp - gated up.fnv (112 b)
file Arp - held up.fnv (96 b)
file Arp - little chaos.fnv (192 b)
file Arp - pattern 1.fnv (256 b)
file Arp - pattern 2.fnv (304 b)
file Arp - pattern 3.fnv (416 b)
file Arp - pattern 4.fnv (240 b)
file Arp - pattern 5.fnv (272 b)
file Arp - pattern 6.fnv (288 b)
file DX7.fnv (108 b)
file Default ADSR.fnv (96 b)
file Gate - basic 10.fnv (324 b)
file Gate - basic 11.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 12.fnv (288 b)
file Gate - basic 13.fnv (336 b)
file Gate - basic 14.fnv (216 b)
file Gate - basic 15.fnv (204 b)
file Gate - basic 16.fnv (156 b)
file Gate - basic 17.fnv (480 b)
file Gate - basic 2.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 3.fnv (300 b)
file Gate - basic 4.fnv (696 b)
file Gate - basic 5.fnv (168 b)
file Gate - basic 6.fnv (396 b)
file Gate - basic 7.fnv (348 b)
file Gate - basic 8.fnv (432 b)
file Gate - basic 9.fnv (408 b)
file Gate - basic switch.fnv (108 b)
file Gate - basic.fnv (204 b)
file Gate - pulse.fnv (132 b)
file No attack.fnv (72 b)
file Pitch arpeggiato 2.fnv (264 b)
file Pitch arpeggiato.fnv (444 b)
file Pitch smooth arpeggiato.fnv (4,52 Kb)
file Porta - basic.fnv (96 b)
file Porta - curved.fnv (96 b)
file Short burst.fnv (72 b)
file Short decay.fnv (80 b)
file Shortest attack.fnv (96 b)
file Smoothing for FX.fnv (80 b)
file Strings.fnv (96 b)
LFO (4 файла)
file 1 bar triangle.fnv (64 b)
file Default.fnv (96 b)
file Immediate.fnv (84 b)
file Pitch vibrato.fnv (72 b)
Maps (21 файл)
file Env filter - asymmetry.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - default.fnv (104 b)
file Env filter - flat.fnv (80 b)
file Env filter - small knee.fnv (128 b)
file Filter cutoff - key compensation.fnv (64 b)
file Flat (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Flat (top).fnv (56 b)
file Little randomness (centered).fnv (56 b)
file Little randomness (top).fnv (56 b)
file Modulation - increasing.fnv (56 b)
file Pitch - constant sub-oscillator.fnv (192 b)
file Pitch - just intonation (1 oct).fnv (2,91 Kb)
file Pitch - just intonation (2 oct).fnv (2,91 Kb)
file Plucked - default damp key mapping.fnv (56 b)
file Waveshaper - default.fnv (56 b)
file Waveshaper - degrade.fnv (304 b)
file Waveshaper - fuzz.fnv (428 b)
file Waveshaper - harsh.fnv (68 b)
file Waveshaper - limiter.fnv (68 b)
file Waveshaper - soft sat.fnv (80 b)
file Waveshaper - valve class B.fnv (116 b)
file Default.dat (1,79 Kb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file Sytrus.dll (3,45 Mb)
file Sytrus_Info.rtf (244 b)
file Sytrus_x64.dll (5,43 Mb)
Transistor Bass (6 файлов)
Artwork (1 файл)
png about.png (113,03 Kb)
file Engine.dll (1,16 Mb)
file Engine_x64.dll (1,34 Mb)
file Plugin.nfo (24 b)
file Transistor Bass.dll (2,25 Mb)
file Transistor Bass_x64.dll (3,38 Mb)
Wasp (6 файлов)
Artwork (5 файлов)
file Back.bmp (383,25 Kb)
file FilterType.bmp (6,45 Kb)
file LFO1Dest.bmp (2,7 Kb)
file LFO2Dest.bmp (2,7 Kb)
file Shape.bmp (3,71 Kb)
file Plugin.nfo (41 b)
file Wasp.dll (2,34 Mb)
file Wasp_Eng.dll (127,27 Kb)
file Wasp_Info.rtf (210 b)
file Wasp_x64.dll (3 Mb)
Wasp XT (6 файлов)
Artwork (6 файлов)
file Back.bmp (191,92 Kb)
file FilterType.bmp (5,88 Kb)
file LFO1Dest.bmp (4,74 Kb)
file LFO2Dest.bmp (4,74 Kb)
file Shape.bmp (4,1 Kb)
file VelocityFilter.bmp (1,21 Kb)
file Plugin.nfo (41 b)
file Wasp XT.dll (2,51 Mb)
file Wasp XT_Info.rtf (210 b)
file Wasp XT_x64.dll (3 Mb)
file Wasp_eng.dll (219,27 Kb)
System (1 файл)
Tools (1 файл)
Plugin Manager (1 файл)
exe PluginManager.exe (2,86 Mb)
file FLEngine.dll (7,17 Mb)
file FLEngine_x64.dll (10,24 Mb)
file Fl Studio r4e.nfo (1,07 Kb)
file Removes R2R Key.reg (256 b)
exe flstudio_12.5.1.5.exe (670,03 Mb)

Категория: Редакторы / Конвертеры

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