Mp3tag предоставляет пользователям мощный и простой в использовании инструмент для быстрого редактирования тегов в различных популярных аудио файлах. Позволяет осуществлять правки в ID3-тегах, в комментариях MP3 и Ogg файлах, производить замену специальных символов или слов. Из других возможностей программы можно выделить функции импорта/экспорта информации, пользовательские сценарии, создание и составление плей-листов, поддержку Unicode и работу с онлайн-базой данных freedb и осуществление группового переименовывания файлов на основе информации в тегах.
MP3tag без проблем может править мультимедийные файлы как в одиночном, так и пакетном режиме.
Ко всему прочему, Mp3tag умеет автоматически производить обновления тегов, обложек альбомов, которые встроены в них, а также обновлять их с помощью онлайн ресурсов freedb, Amazon или Discogs.
Программа переведена на 30+ языков.
[list]------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2018-01-24] REL:
VERSION 2.86 (for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/2008/Vista/2003/XP SP3)
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[2018-01-13] FIX: action "Format value" for _FILENAME caused new file directory to be set also in
cases where file cannot be renamed.
[2018-01-10] LNG: updated Bulgarian, Czech, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese-Brazil and
Slovenian language files.
[2018-01-10] FIX: vendor string was not written when updating Vorbis Comments in Opus files.
[2018-01-08] CHG: default tag panel field names are now auto-translated on language change.
(#23220, #22856, #22200)
[2018-01-08] CHG: default file view column names are now auto-translated on language change.
(#23220, #22856, #22200)
[2018-01-08] FIX: runtime error when parsing broken UFID ID3v2 frames. (#23295)
[2018-01-01] FIX: runtime error when performing library cleanup directly after enabling library
option (since 2.85i).
[2017-12-21] FIX: runtime error when performing save via keyboard shortcut while in-place editing
in the file list.
[2017-12-20] FIX: importing tags via Discogs tag source set YEAR field to 0 for releases without
[2017-12-20] FIX: file list selection mark was wrong in some cases after deleting, removing or
moving files.
[2017-12-19] NEW: added option to cleanup the database from orphaned files.
[2017-12-13] NEW: added preferences page to enable the Library and to configure included
[2017-12-11] CHG: attempting a more graceful shutdown on out-of-memory conditions.
[2017-12-10] FIX: deleting non-standard files from file view did not update file list (since
[2017-12-08] FIX: sync issue between actual file information fields (i.e., size, modification
timestamps, ...) and internal representation (since 2.85b).
[2017-12-07] FIX: runtime error when adding files to an already running instance via the Windows
Explorer context-menu extension (since 2.85b).
[2017-12-07] FIX: file renaming collision when target file was already in database but removed
externally (since 2.85b).
[2017-12-07] FIX: info fields were not updated in database when tags were written or removed (since
[2017-12-07] FIX: actions that caused a directory to be renamed did not update the database entries
(since 2.85b).
[2017-12-06] CHG: improved library reading performance on subsequent reads by using an internal
[2017-12-02] CHG: MP4 tag fields are not truncated to 255 characters anymore. (#23176)
[2017-11-26] FIX: runtime error when adding cover art to Ogg Vorbis or Opus files (since 2.85a).
[2017-11-22] CHG: improved memory consumption especially for large music libraries.
[2017-11-22] CHG: changes regarding cover art are now also part of undo information.
[2017-11-16] FIX: tag sources framework function 'json_foreach' now also works with arrays as
unnamed JSON root element. (#23165)
Полная история зменений[list]Портативная (Portable) версия от разработчика, распаковывается из установщика.[align=center]
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