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Adobe Audition CC 6.0 Build 732 Portable by Punsh (2013) Русский

Автор: Unix от 28-08-2013, 18:23, Посмотрело: 8 670, Обсуждения: 0

Adobe Audition CC 6.0 Build 732 Portable by Punsh (2013) Русский

Версия программы: 6.0 build 732
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Лечение: не требуется

Системные требования:
Intel® Core™2 Duo или AMD Phenom® II
Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) or Windows 8 (64 bit)
2GB на HDD
Разрешение экрана 1280x800
OpenGL 2.0–совместимая система

Программа для работы с аудио-данными Adobe Audition представляет собой профессиональный инструмент для специалистов, которые работают в сфере обработки аудио и видеопродукции, предлагая им практически неограниченные возможности. Простота использования прекрасно сочетается с гибкостью работы, позволяя создавать мастер-копии высочайшего класса, редактировать, микшировать, обрабатывать, накладывать разнообразные звуковые спецэффекты. По сути пользователь получает на своем компьютере полноценную мощную студию звукозаписи с простыми в использовании и, одновременно, достаточно профессиональными инструментами.

Продукт предлагает пользователям следующие возможности:
Создавать высококачественную аудио-продукцию - Adobe Audition поддерживает файлы с глубиной оцифровки до 32-бит и частотой дискретизации более 192 КГц, и запись на любые носители (включая магнитную пленку, CD, DVD или DVD-Audio диски). Вся обработка выполняется в 32-битном разрешении, что позволяет достичь высоко профессиональных результатов.
Добейтесь максимальной эффективности в работе - Adobe Audition предоставит в ваше распоряжение все средства, необходимые для быстрой и эффективной работы. Удобный интерфейс позволит вам выполнять необходимые операции в кратчайшие сроки, а плавающие рабочие панели обеспечат быст-рую настройку рабочего прос-транства с учетом ваших личных предпочтений.
Использовать интегрированные инструменты - Adobe Audition предлагает целостное решение для редактирования и микширо-вания аудио-файлов. Встроенные режимы просмотра (многодорожечный и предназначенный для редакти-рования), спецэффекты в режиме реального времени, поддержка лупов, средства анализа, функция восстановления и поддержка видеоряда обеспечат вам неограниченные возможности в области обработки аудио-файлов.
Мощные инструменты, на основе технологии DSP - Используйте более 45 эффектов, основанных на технологии DSP, инструменты для создания мастер-копий, аналитические средства, а также функцию восстановления аудио-файлов.
Создание звукового сопровождения к фильмам - Редактируйте, микшируйте и добавляйте эффекты к фонограммам в формате AVI, во время просмотра видеоряда.
Расширенная поддержка различных аудио-форматов - Работайте с аудио-файлами во всех распространенных форматах (включая WAV, AIFF, MP3, mp3PRO и WMA).
Интуитивный пользовательский интерфейс - Благодаря удобному и понятному интерфейсу, вы сможете приступить к работе немедленно, не тратя лишнего времени на обучение.

Что нового появилось в звуковом редакторе Adobe Audition:
Инструменты для быстрого и точного редактирования звука в Adobe Audition. Ускоряйте процесс редактирования звука при помощи новых и усовершенствованных инструментов Adobe Audition®. Повышайте качество звука, с легкостью совмещайте и редактируйте диалоги, изменяйте высоту звука и скорость воспроизведения, автоматизируйте процессы микширования и выполняйте другие функции.
Automatic Speech Alignment: автоматические выравнивание речи / диалогов, быстро и легко можно заменить звук на студийный без рассинхрона.
Новая функция Clip Grouping: это группировка смежных или несмежных клипов в один трек, или нескольких треков в Multitrack Editor. Это позволяет одновременно выполнять различные операции над клипами в группе. Есть возможность легко добавлять и удалять клипы из группы.
Поддержка VST3.
Red Book Audio CD burning.
Поддержка аппаратных контроллеров, включая Avid EUCON и Mackie MCU.
Медиа браузер с возможностью превью файлов.
Автоматические режимы Write/Touch/Latch.
Session Templates and Enhancements.
Расширенная поддержка форматов файлов (Native, libsndfile, DLMS).
Новая команда: Effects > Time and Pitch > Manual Pitch Correction (process).
Реалтаймовая работа с клипами: stretching, pitch и speed control.
Растягивание клипов в реальном времени в Adobe Audition. Выполняйте обратимое растягивание аудиоклипов в реальном времени. Выполняйте предварительный просмотр изменений и настроек, используйте визуализацию для получения высококачественных результатов. Легко настраивайте высоту звука и скорость воспроизведения в режиме varispeed.
Более точное редактирование.
Воспроизведение HD видео.
Добавлены новые эффекты.
Добавлен улучшенный менеджер горячих клавиш.
Улучшен пакетный просчет.
Новая команда: Trim to Selection.
Добавлены новые возможности разделения сигналов.
Metronome, эффект Generate Tones.
Появилась возможность управления маркерами.

Особенности Portable:
Не требует установки
Язык интерфейса: русский

Внимание! При каждом запуске русской сборки может дважды выдаваться сообщение Your application install seems to be damaged, Please reinstall the application. Это не влияет на работоспособность программы и является побочным эффектом русификации.


Загрузил: Unix (28 августа 2013 18:22)
Взяли: 1913 | Размер: 669,52 Mb
Последняя активность: 21 марта 2016 16:59
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 11 Качают: 91 Скачали: 97
Adobe Audition CC 6.0 Build 732 Portable by Punsh (1024 файла)
App (2 файла)
Au (124 файла)
32 (1 файл)
file libmmd.dll (2,75 Mb)
AMT (1 файл)
file application.xml (185 b)
dict (22 файла)
file au_zdictionary_de_DE.txt.aub (1,27 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_de_DE.txt (1,23 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_en_GB.txt (1,23 Mb)
file au_zdictionary_en_US.txt.aub (1,18 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_en_US.txt (1,23 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_es_ES.txt (1,29 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_fr_FR.txt (1,31 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_it_IT.txt (1,28 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_ja_JP.txt (1,01 Mb)
txt au_zdictionary_ko_KR.txt (1011,31 Kb)
txt au_zdictionary_zh_CN.txt (928,3 Kb)
file dva_de_DE.dict.aub (341,76 Kb)
file dva_de_DE.dict (337,71 Kb)
file dva_en_GB.dict (337,71 Kb)
file dva_en_US.dict.aub (322,85 Kb)
file dva_en_US.dict (337,71 Kb)
file dva_es_ES.dict (348,37 Kb)
file dva_fr_FR.dict (348,28 Kb)
file dva_it_IT.dict (347,37 Kb)
file dva_ja_JP.dict (273,36 Kb)
file dva_ko_KR.dict (272,46 Kb)
file dva_zh_CN.dict (254,27 Kb)
Plug-Ins (4 файла)
Amio (7 файлов)
file AmioAiff.amio (198,9 Kb)
file AmioApe.amio (331,9 Kb)
file AmioLSF.amio (493,4 Kb)
file AmioMF.amio (976,4 Kb)
file AmioMp2.amio (338,4 Kb)
file AmioMp3.amio (837,4 Kb)
file AmioWav.amio (195,9 Kb)
ControlSurface (3 файла)
file EuCon.acsrf (943,9 Kb)
file Mackie.acsrf (522,4 Kb)
file RedRover.acsrf (68,4 Kb)
Session (5 файлов)
file FinalCutXML.ases (428,4 Kb)
file LegacyXML.ases (422,9 Kb)
file OmfSession.ases (783,5 Kb)
file PremiereProInterchange.ases (428,4 Kb)
file SesxNative.ases (362,4 Kb)
VST3 (31 файл)
Impulses (17 файлов)
file Classroom.wav (141,01 Kb)
file Empty Livingroom.wav (69,79 Kb)
file EndlessTunnel.wav (488,64 Kb)
file Gallery.wav (103,28 Kb)
file Hall.wav (686,11 Kb)
file In the Other Room.wav (158,88 Kb)
file Inside Car.wav (9,46 Kb)
file Inside Shower- Door Closed.wav (222,29 Kb)
file Large Bathroom.wav (277,01 Kb)
file Lecture Hall.wav (299,34 Kb)
file Living Room.wav (84,82 Kb)
file Locker Room.wav (313,49 Kb)
file Massive Cavern.wav (326,6 Kb)
file Medium Sized Cave.wav (654,55 Kb)
file Narrow Spiral Staircase.wav (201,63 Kb)
file Reverse Tunnel.wav (488,64 Kb)
file The Singularity.wav (324,13 Kb)
SurroundImpulses (17 файлов)
file Cathedral - long response with slow HF decay.wav (3,01 Mb)
file Deep Well - long, dense reverb.wav (3,06 Mb)
file Drum Room - sharp attack, short reverb tail.wav (598,46 Kb)
file Full-Size Auditorium - solid early reflections and long tail.wav (1,12 Mb)
file Large Concert Hall - defined early reflections.wav (988,52 Kb)
file Large Dome - long response, sparse reflections in time.wav (1,6 Mb)
file Large Metallic Cylinder - long low frequency sustain.wav (1,77 Mb)
file Large Tank - long tail, low frequency response.wav (1,29 Mb)
file Mid-Size Auditorium - slow high frequency decay.wav (1,26 Mb)
file Mid-Sized Room - smooth HF damping.wav (512,13 Kb)
file Mixed Impulses - different responses in each channel.wav (3,61 Mb)
file Octagonal Room - short, low frequency response.wav (727,42 Kb)
file Open Air Stadium - short, dense impulse response.wav (653,86 Kb)
file Open Air Theatre - short response across entire spectrum.wav (649,85 Kb)
file Small Room - short response with quick T60.wav (361,05 Kb)
file Space Capsule - fast HF damping and 800Hz sustain.wav (1,77 Mb)
file Theatre - complex reflections for depth.wav (1012,36 Kb)
file AnalogDelay.vst3 (4 Mb)
file AnalogDelayCore.dll (5,21 Mb)
file ChorusFlanger.vst3 (4 Mb)
file ChorusFlangerCore.dll (5,23 Mb)
file ConvolutionReverb.vst3 (4 Mb)
file ConvolutionReverbCore.dll (5,59 Mb)
file DeEsser.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DeEsserCore.dll (5,45 Mb)
file DeHummer.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DeHummerCore.dll (5,52 Mb)
file Distortion.vst3 (4 Mb)
file DistortionCore.dll (5,3 Mb)
file GuitarSuite.vst3 (4 Mb)
file GuitarSuiteCore.dll (5,51 Mb)
file MultibandCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file MultibandCompressorCore.dll (5,28 Mb)
file Phaser.vst3 (4 Mb)
file PhaserCore.dll (5,41 Mb)
file Radar.vst3 (1,58 Mb)
file SimpleMastering.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SimpleMasteringCore.dll (5,71 Mb)
file SingleBandCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SinglebandCompressorCore.dll (5,2 Mb)
file SurroundReverb.vst3 (4 Mb)
file SurroundReverbCore.dll (5,68 Mb)
file TubeModeledCompressor.vst3 (4 Mb)
file TubeModeledCompressorCore.dll (4,34 Mb)
file VocalEnhancer.vst3 (4 Mb)
file VocalEnhancerCore.dll (5,16 Mb)
Resources (5 файлов)
6.0all (1 файл)
Session Templates (11 файлов)
file 24 Track Music Session.sesx (301,39 Kb)
file DJ Drop.sesx (103,12 Kb)
file Empty Stereo Session.sesx (31,62 Kb)
file Film Sequence Stereo.sesx (308,72 Kb)
file Film Sequence Surround.sesx (335,56 Kb)
file Full Rock Band.sesx (267,38 Kb)
file Podcast.sesx (100,15 Kb)
file Radio VO with Music Ducking.sesx (66,1 Kb)
file Surround Stems for Music Mixdown.sesx (106,83 Kb)
file Surround Stems for Video Master.sesx (106,79 Kb)
file Vocal and Guitar with Metronome.sesx (133,08 Kb)
dynamiclink (1 файл)
7.0 (10 файлов)
file Preferences (0 b)
file boost_date_time.dll (29,9 Kb)
file boost_system.dll (16,4 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (29,4 Kb)
file dvacore.dll (603,9 Kb)
file dvamarshal.dll (72,9 Kb)
file dvamediatypes.dll (95,4 Kb)
file dvatransport.dll (161,9 Kb)
file dynamiclink.dll (553,4 Kb)
exe dynamiclinkmanager.exe (117,9 Kb)
dynamiclinkmediaserver (1 файл)
7.0 (133 файла)
32 (21 файл)
file ASLFoundation.dll (171,44 Kb)
file ASLMessaging.dll (42,94 Kb)
file ASLUnitTesting.dll (34,94 Kb)
exe Adobe QT32 Server.exe (191,94 Kb)
file ImageRenderer.dll (375,94 Kb)
exe ImporterREDServer.exe (441,94 Kb)
file MediaFoundation.dll (219,44 Kb)
file Memory.dll (17,94 Kb)
file PRM.dll (15,44 Kb)
file VideoFrame.dll (210,44 Kb)
file boost_date_time.dll (29,94 Kb)
file boost_system.dll (16,44 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (29,94 Kb)
file dvacore.dll (603,94 Kb)
file dvamarshal.dll (72,94 Kb)
file dvamediatypes.dll (95,44 Kb)
file dvatransport.dll (161,94 Kb)
file dynamiclink.dll (553,44 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (1,13 Mb)
file mc_enc_dv.dll (80 Kb)
file svml_dispmd.dll (1,01 Mb)
Dictionaries (1 файл)
file mxf_file.bin (648,82 Kb)
MediaIO (1 файл)
systempresets (31 файл)
3F3F3F3F_4A504547 (12 файлов)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_4D6F6F56 (11 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,61 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,61 Kb)
file HD 720p 24, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,51 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (62,47 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (62,58 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (62,58 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (62,57 Kb)
file NTSC, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,6 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (62,58 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (62,57 Kb)
file PAL, H.264, AAC 48kHz.epr (62,6 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_4D503320 (3 файла)
file MP3 128kbps.epr (17,94 Kb)
file MP3 192kbps High Quality.epr (11,95 Kb)
file MP3 256kbps High Quality.epr (17,95 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_504E4720 (12 файлов)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (13,61 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (13,59 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (13,6 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_574D5620 (15 файлов)
file Audio Only, 44.1kHz 64kbps.epr (45,27 Kb)
file Audio Only, 48kHz 128kbps.epr (51,45 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (51,43 Kb)
file HD 720p 24.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (51,42 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (51,42 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (51,45 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (51,43 Kb)
file NTSC Half (360x264 15fps).epr (51,45 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (51,45 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (51,44 Kb)
file PAL Half (360x264 12.5fps).epr (51,45 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_41494646 (1 файл)
file AIFF 48kHz.epr (16,03 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_41564956 (6 файлов)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (34,39 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (34,4 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (34,39 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (34,38 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (34,39 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (35,34 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_44494242 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_44505820 (32 файла)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 25p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (8bit).epr (20,28 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,29 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (8bit).epr (20,25 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (8bit).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 1920 x 1080 30p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,31 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 2048 x 1152 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,3 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Over Range (max bit depth).epr (20,27 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Standard (max bit depth).epr (20,26 Kb)
file 4096 x 2048 24p Video (max bit depth).epr (20,3 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_54494646 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_54504943 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,63 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
3F3F3F3F_57415645 (1 файл)
file Waveform Audio 48kHz 16-bit.epr (16,03 Kb)
4C4F5249_6D626420 (9 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (77,98 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (77,99 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (77,99 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (78 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (78 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (78 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
file HDV 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (78,01 Kb)
4C4F5249_6D706732 (20 файлов)
file 01 - Match Source - High bitrate.epr (103,87 Kb)
file 01 - Match Source - Medium bitrate.epr (103,88 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 480.epr (103,63 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 512.epr (103,63 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (103,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (103,65 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 25.epr (103,61 Kb)
file HDV 1080i 29.97.epr (103,62 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide.epr (103,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (103,62 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide.epr (103,66 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (103,62 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 NTSC.epr (103,71 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 PAL.epr (103,71 Kb)
4C4F5249_64766420 (9 файлов)
file NTSC 23.976p Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV Progressive.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide Progressive.epr (84,08 Kb)
file NTSC DV Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (84,06 Kb)
file PAL DV Progressive.epr (84,07 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide Progressive.epr (84,08 Kb)
file PAL DV Wide.epr (84,07 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (84,06 Kb)
4d584620_444d5846 (41 файл)
file DNX 145 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 145 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 23.976.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220 720p 59.94.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080i 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 1080p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 29.97.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 50.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 220X 720p 59.94.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 23.976.epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 24.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 25.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 36 1080p 29.97.epr (52,99 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 23.976 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 24 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 25 (RGB 444).epr (53 Kb)
file DNX 440X 1080p 29.97 (RGB 444).epr (53,01 Kb)
4E49434B_4D503420 (2 файла)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 H.263.epr (48,14 Kb)
file 3GPP 352 x 288 H.263.epr (48,15 Kb)
4E49434B_41414320 (2 файла)
file Stereo AAC, 44.1kHz 128kbps.epr (23,45 Kb)
file Stereo AAC, 48kHz 256kbps.epr (23,45 Kb)
4E49434B_48323634 (121 файл)
file 01 - Match Source - High bitrate.epr (78,35 Kb)
file 01 - Match Source - Medium bitrate.epr (78,35 Kb)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 15fps Level 1.epr (53,97 Kb)
file 3GPP 176 x 144 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 220 x 176 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 320 x 240 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 352 x 288 15fps.epr (53,96 Kb)
file 3GPP 640 x 480 15fps.epr (53,93 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 25.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Amazon Kindle Fire Native Resolution - 1024x580 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 23.976.epr (54,14 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 25.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p 29.97.epr (54,14 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 25.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 800x480 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 25.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone & Tablet - 960x540 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Phone - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Phone - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1024x600 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 1280x800 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Android Tablet - 720p 29.97.epr (54,1 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,27 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,26 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,26 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 23.976.epr (54,24 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 25.epr (54,23 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 3G and newer - 480p 29.97.epr (54,24 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 23.976.epr (54,21 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 25.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 720p 29.97.epr (54,23 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple TV, iPad, iPhone 4 and newer - 960x540 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 23.976.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 25.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad 2, iPhone 4S - 1080p 29.97.epr (54,22 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Apple iPad and iPad 2 Native Resolution -1024x768 29.97.epr (54,16 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 23.976.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 25.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Apple iPhone, iPod - 320x240 29.97.epr (54,2 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 23.976.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 25.epr (54,12 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Color - 854x480 29.97.epr (54,13 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 23.976.epr (54,19 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 25.epr (54,18 Kb)
file Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Native Resolution - 1024x600 29.97.epr (54,19 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (53,92 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (53,94 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (60,11 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25.epr (53,92 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (53,93 Kb)
file HD 720p 25.epr (60,1 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97.epr (60,1 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p.epr (53,92 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p.epr (53,93 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen.epr (53,93 Kb)
file NTSC DV.epr (53,92 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen.epr (53,93 Kb)
file PAL DV.epr (53,92 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - HD 720p 23.976.epr (54,17 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - SD 360p 25.epr (54,16 Kb)
file TiVo Series3 HD & Series4 Premiere - SD 360p 29.97.epr (54,17 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 23.976.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 1080p 29.97.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 23.976.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 25.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo HD 720p 29.97.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 23.976.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 25.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD 29.97.epr (60,26 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 23.976.epr (60,28 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 25.epr (60,27 Kb)
file Vimeo SD Widescreen 29.97.epr (60,27 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 23.976.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 25.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 1080p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 23.976.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 25.epr (54,08 Kb)
file YouTube HD 720p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 360p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 23.976.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 25.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p 29.97.epr (54,09 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 23.976.epr (54,11 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 25.epr (54,1 Kb)
file YouTube SD 480p Widescreen 29.97.epr (54,11 Kb)
4E49434B_48323642 (9 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (44,53 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (44,52 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (44,51 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (44,51 Kb)
414D4520_6D626420 (11 файлов)
file 1 Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (48,66 Kb)
file 2 Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (48,71 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,89 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,89 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976 (1.33 PAR).epr (48,9 Kb)
file HD 1080p 23.976.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 720p 23.976.epr (48,88 Kb)
file HD 720p 50.epr (49,58 Kb)
file HD 720p 59.94.epr (49,58 Kb)
414D4520_6D706732 (15 файлов)
file 1440 x 1080i 25 High Quality .epr (79,26 Kb)
file 1440 x 1080i 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 480.epr (79,23 Kb)
file DG FastChannel 512.epr (79,23 Kb)
file HDTV 1080i 25 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 1080i 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 23.976 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 25 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 23.976 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 25 High Quality.epr (79,25 Kb)
file HDTV 720p 29.97 High Quality.epr (79,26 Kb)
file NTSC DV High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file PAL DV High Quality.epr (79,27 Kb)
file TiVo Series2 (NTSC).epr (79,22 Kb)
414D4520_464C564E (16 файлов)
file FLV - Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (41,67 Kb)
file FLV - Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (41,69 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Mobile - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,3 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 1800kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 2500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 3500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 4500kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 5500kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 7500kbps.epr (42,33 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 320x240, 4x3, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,29 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 600kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 640x480, 4x3, Project Framerate, 800kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
file FLV - Web - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,32 Kb)
414D4520_4634564E (23 файла)
file F4V - Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (42,05 Kb)
file F4V - Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (42,06 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Mobile - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, HD, High, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, HD, Low, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, SD, High, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - PC & TV, SD, Med, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, 3G, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, Low, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Phone & Tablet, WiFi, 16x9.epr (42,74 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 1800kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1024x576, 16x9, Project Framerate, 2500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 3500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1280x720, 16x9, Project Framerate, 4500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 5500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 1920x1080, 16x9, Project Framerate, 7500kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 256x144, 16x9, Project Framerate, 300kbps.epr (42,67 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 320x240, 4x3, Project Framerate, 500kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 512x288, 16x9, Project Framerate, 600kbps.epr (42,72 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 640x480, 4x3, Project Framerate, 800kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
file F4V - Web - 768x432, 16x9, Project Framerate, 900kbps.epr (42,71 Kb)
414D4520_64766420 (12 файлов)
file Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (44,83 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Highest Quality).epr (44,91 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Medium or Draft Quality).epr (44,83 Kb)
file NTSC 23.976p Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
file NTSC High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file NTSC Progressive High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file NTSC Progressive Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,8 Kb)
file NTSC Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
file PAL High Quality.epr (44,77 Kb)
file PAL Progressive High Quality.epr (44,78 Kb)
file PAL Progressive Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,8 Kb)
file PAL Widescreen High Quality.epr (44,79 Kb)
414D4520_68626420 (2 файла)
file Match Source Attributes (High Quality).epr (48,6 Kb)
file Match Source Attributes (Medium Quality).epr (47,69 Kb)
564C4144_666C7620 (6 файлов)
file Web - 1920x1080, 24fps, 7500kbps.epr (38,83 Kb)
file Web - 1920x1080, 25fps, 7500kbps.epr (45,01 Kb)
file Web - 1920x1080, 29.97fps, 7500kbps.epr (38,83 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 24fps, 800kbps.epr (38,79 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 25fps, 800kbps.epr (44,97 Kb)
file Web - 640x480, 29.97fps, 800kbps.epr (38,8 Kb)
50324D58_4D584620 (16 файлов)
file AVCINTRA Class100 1080.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class100 720.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class50 1080.epr (28 Kb)
file AVCINTRA Class50 720.epr (27,99 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 50.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 1080i 60.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 24.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 30.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 50.epr (27,41 Kb)
file DVCPROHD 720p 60.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 24p.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 Widescreen 24p.epr (27,42 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50 Widescreen.epr (27,41 Kb)
file NTSC DVCPro50.epr (27,4 Kb)
file PAL DVCPro50 Widescreen.epr (27,41 Kb)
file PAL DVCPro50.epr (27,4 Kb)
47494653_47494666 (17 файлов)
file HD 1080i 25 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080i 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,66 Kb)
file HD 1080i 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 (1.33 PAR) Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file HD 1080p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 1080p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 24 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 25 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file HD 720p 29.97 Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV 24p Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen 24p Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file NTSC DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
file PAL DV Sequence.epr (12,64 Kb)
file PAL DV Widescreen Sequence.epr (12,65 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class100 1080 25p.epr (23,35 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 25p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 30p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 50i.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 1080 60i.epr (23,35 Kb)
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file AVC-Intra Class50 720 50p.epr (23,35 Kb)
file AVC-Intra Class50 720 60p.epr (23,35 Kb)
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file DV 25 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
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file IMX 30 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 40 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 40 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 50 NTSC.epr (23,14 Kb)
file IMX 50 PAL.epr (23,14 Kb)
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file XDCAMEX 35 NTSC 30p.epr (23,34 Kb)
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file XDCAMEX 35 PAL 25p.epr (23,34 Kb)
file XDCAMEX 35 PAL 50i.epr (23,34 Kb)
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file XDCAMHD 18 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 18 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 25 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 30p.epr (24,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 NTSC 60i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 PAL 25p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 35 PAL 50i.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 24p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 30p.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 60i.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 720p60.epr (23,32 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 25p.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr (23,31 Kb)
file XDCAMHD 50 PAL 720p50.epr (23,31 Kb)
Plug-ins (1 файл)
Common (19 файлов)
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file ImporterWave.prm (86,44 Kb)
file ImporterWindowsMedia.prm (142,44 Kb)
file ImporterXDCAMEX.prm (335,44 Kb)
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file AVIWriter.dll (64,94 Kb)
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file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (988,94 Kb)
file AudioRenderer.dll (711,44 Kb)
file AudioSupport.dll (305,44 Kb)
file Backend.dll (14,75 Mb)
file CodecSupport.dll (133,94 Kb)
file DNxHDCodec.dll (3,34 Mb)
file DolbyEncoder.dll (74,44 Kb)
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file EncoderHost.dll (1,46 Mb)
file ExporterHost.dll (1,07 Mb)
file FlashPlayerWrapper.dll (20,94 Kb)
file IPPMPEGDecoder.dll (804,44 Kb)
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file ImporterHost.dll (2,23 Mb)
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file MXF_SDK_Metadata_AS11_1.3.18.dll (19 Kb)
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file PRM.dll (21,94 Kb)
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exe drvins64.exe (31,14 Kb)
exe pxcpya64.exe (66,64 Kb)
exe pxinsa64.exe (67,64 Kb)
Sonic Shared (1 файл)
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file pxhlpa64.cat (9,46 Kb)
exe pxinsa64.exe (67,64 Kb)
Support Files (2 файла)
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txt cs_CZ.txt (7 b)
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txt de_DE.txt (7 b)
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txt en_US.txt (7 b)
txt es_ES.txt (5 b)
txt es_MX.txt (5 b)
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txt fr_MA.txt (5 b)
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txt ja_JP.txt (5 b)
txt ko_KR.txt (5 b)
txt nl_NL.txt (7 b)
txt pl_PL.txt (7 b)
txt pt_BR.txt (7 b)
txt ru_RU.txt (7 b)
txt sv_SE.txt (7 b)
txt tr_TR.txt (7 b)
txt zh_TW.txt (7 b)
Metronome (43 файла)
file EE_AlienAttack.wav (272,31 Kb)
file EE_AlienBullet.wav (16,76 Kb)
file EE_AlienExplode.wav (35,11 Kb)
file EE_BackgroundMusic.wav (262,69 Kb)
file EE_Failure.wav (82,09 Kb)
file EE_HeroBullet.wav (41,12 Kb)
file EE_HeroExplode.wav (112,94 Kb)
file EE_Intro.wav (87,4 Kb)
file EE_PowerUp.wav (42,78 Kb)
file EE_Victory.wav (71,6 Kb)
file EE_VictoryMusic.wav (336,48 Kb)
file EE_Wilhelm.wav (97,02 Kb)
file EE_Wilhelm2.wav (71,47 Kb)
file TickAfricanA1.wav (19,98 Kb)
file TickAfricanA2.wav (23,11 Kb)
file TickAfricanA3.wav (12,14 Kb)
file TickAfricanB1.wav (16,15 Kb)
file TickAfricanB2.wav (12,85 Kb)
file TickAfricanB3.wav (11,03 Kb)
file TickBeeps1.wav (23,53 Kb)
file TickBeeps2.wav (27,06 Kb)
file TickBeeps3.wav (22,32 Kb)
file TickCymbals1.wav (34,12 Kb)
file TickCymbals2.wav (39,01 Kb)
file TickCymbals3.wav (10,59 Kb)
file TickKit1.wav (11,51 Kb)
file TickKit2.wav (19,76 Kb)
file TickKit3.wav (9,81 Kb)
file TickLatinA1.wav (16,05 Kb)
file TickLatinA2.wav (16,26 Kb)
file TickLatinA3.wav (5,9 Kb)
file TickLatinB1.wav (17,68 Kb)
file TickLatinB2.wav (13,27 Kb)
file TickLatinB3.wav (9,27 Kb)
file TickLatinC1.wav (18,17 Kb)
file TickLatinC2.wav (16,73 Kb)
file TickLatinC3.wav (11,58 Kb)
file TickSticks1.wav (7 Kb)
file TickSticks2.wav (7,88 Kb)
file TickSticks3.wav (7,14 Kb)
file TickTabla1.wav (7,26 Kb)
file TickTabla2.wav (15,81 Kb)
file TickTabla3.wav (16,38 Kb)
file ACE.dll (1,76 Mb)
file AGM.dll (7,56 Mb)
file ASLFoundation.dll (497,9 Kb)
file ASLMessaging.dll (126,4 Kb)
file ASLUnitTesting.dll (103,9 Kb)
file AS_Storage_w64.dll (6,14 Mb)
file ATL80.dll (111 Kb)
file ATL90.dll (172,32 Kb)
exe Adobe Audition CC.exe (1,36 Mb)
file AdobePIP.dll (856,9 Kb)
file AdobeXMP.dll (436,9 Kb)
file AdobeXMPFiles.dll (989,4 Kb)
file AuApplication.dll (6,51 Mb)
file AuAudioComponents.dll (1,81 Mb)
file AuAudioComponentsUI.dll.aub (2,88 Mb)
file AuAudioComponentsUI.dll (4,94 Mb)
file AuBackEnd.dll (5,95 Mb)
file AuCore.dll (99,9 Kb)
file AuDSP.dll (5,05 Mb)
file AuScripting.dll (1,71 Mb)
file AuUI.dll.aub (27,83 Mb)
file AuUI.dll (50,47 Mb)
file AuUIToolkit.dll.aub (1,94 Mb)
file AuUIToolkit.dll (2,04 Mb)
file BIB.dll (385,4 Kb)
file BIBUtils.dll (294,4 Kb)
file CoolType.dll (4,14 Mb)
file DisplaySurface.dll (563,9 Kb)
file ExtendScript.dll (778,9 Kb)
exe GPUSniffer.exe (22,9 Kb)
file ImageRenderer.dll (2,06 Mb)
file LogSession.dll (364,4 Kb)
exe LogTransport2.exe (454,9 Kb)
file MediaFoundation.dll (790,4 Kb)
file Memory.dll (27,9 Kb)
file PRM.dll (21,9 Kb)
file ScCore.dll (715,9 Kb)
exe Share on SoundCloud.exe (2,24 Mb)
file StoragePConfig.dcf (220 b)
file VideoFrame.dll (726,4 Kb)
file adobe_caps.dll (517,9 Kb)
file ahclient.dll (160,4 Kb)
file amtlib.dll (2,31 Mb)
exe arh.exe (78,9 Kb)
file boost_date_time.dll (74,4 Kb)
file boost_filesystem.dll (202,9 Kb)
file boost_regex.dll (892,4 Kb)
file boost_signals.dll (84,4 Kb)
file boost_system.dll (27,4 Kb)
file boost_threads.dll (75,4 Kb)
file dvaadameve.dll (4,69 Mb)
file dvaaudiodevice.dll (1,29 Mb)
file dvaaudiofilterhost.dll (1,03 Mb)
file dvaaudiofilterhostui.dll (673,4 Kb)
exe dvaaudiofilterscan.exe (188,4 Kb)
file dvacontrolsurfacehost.dll (534,4 Kb)
file dvacore.dll (2,65 Mb)
file dvaeve.dll (1,21 Mb)
file dvamarshal.dll (282,4 Kb)
file dvamediatypes.dll (314,4 Kb)
file dvametadata.dll.aub (955,4 Kb)
file dvametadata.dll (995,4 Kb)
file dvametadataui.dll (1,44 Mb)
file dvaplayer.dll (1,32 Mb)
file dvatemporalxmp.dll (523,9 Kb)
file dvatransport.dll (660,9 Kb)
file dvaui.dll.aub (6,54 Mb)
file dvaui.dll (6,69 Mb)
file dvaundo.dll (64,4 Kb)
file dvaunittesting.dll (223,9 Kb)
file dvaworkspace.dll.aub (1,23 Mb)
file dvaworkspace.dll (1,24 Mb)
file dynamiclink.dll.aub (2,39 Mb)
file dynamiclink.dll (2,4 Mb)
file exo.dll.aub (1,44 Mb)
file exo.dll (1,64 Mb)
file iZotope_Omega_x64.dll (1,98 Mb)
file iZotope_Radius_x64.dll (3,15 Mb)
file libimalloc.dll (9,97 Kb)
file libmmd.dll (2,79 Mb)
file libmpg123.dll (163 Kb)
file libsndfile-1.dll (2,27 Mb)
file mc_enc_dv.dll (260,5 Kb)
file mfc80.dll (1,58 Mb)
file mfc80u.dll (1,58 Mb)
file mfc90.dll (4,85 Mb)
file mfc90u.dll (4,87 Mb)
file mfcm80.dll (63,5 Kb)
file mfcm80u.dll (62 Kb)
file mfcm90.dll (65,5 Kb)
file mfcm90u.dll (65,5 Kb)
file mkl_cdft_core.dll (194,97 Kb)
file mkl_core.dll (16,13 Mb)
file mkl_def.dll (16,42 Mb)
file mkl_p4n.dll (17,3 Mb)
file mkl_sequential.dll (4,45 Mb)
file mkl_vml_avx.dll (9,84 Mb)
file mkl_vml_def.dll (4,74 Mb)
file mkl_vml_mc.dll (8,55 Mb)
file mkl_vml_mc2.dll (8,55 Mb)
file mkl_vml_mc3.dll (8,78 Mb)
file mkl_vml_p4n.dll (7,2 Mb)
file msdia100.dll (966,83 Kb)
file msdia80.dll (893,5 Kb)
file msdia90.dll (835,33 Kb)
file msvcm80.dll (503 Kb)
file msvcm90.dll (240 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (1,02 Mb)
file msvcp90.dll (833,33 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (783,83 Kb)
file msvcr90.dll (626,33 Kb)
file svml_dispmd.dll (5,87 Mb)
file twolame.dll (132 Kb)
file updaternotifications.dll (596,9 Kb)
file vcomp.dll (85,5 Kb)
file vcomp90.dll (55,33 Kb)
file vxblock.dll (98,61 Kb)
file xerces-c_3_0.dll (2,45 Mb)
file au.reg (77,23 Kb)
exe AuditionCCPortable.exe (205,22 Kb)

Категория: Мультимедиа / Аудио / Редакторы

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