Версия программы: 02.2023
Официальный сайт: Klevgrand
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: кейген
Системные требования:
- Windows 7 or later
- Host: DAW или любая другая программа поддерживающая работу с VST 2/3, AAX(Pro Tools)
Klevgrand - это компания по производству аудио-плагинов, а также и творческая студия, базирующаяся в Стокгольме (Швеция), которой управляют музыканты, разработчики программного обеспечения, музыкальные продюсеры и звукорежиссеры.
Набор Klevgrand Plug-ins включает в себя 34 инструментов и эффектов, которые внесут новые краски в ваше музыкальное творчество.
- Borsta is a new innovative percussion instrument specially designed for strokes and brushes. Its unique audio engine allows for an endless number of truly natural-sounding brushing phrases and rhythms. What sets Borsta apart from similar instruments is that its audio engine supports continuous changes in intensity. This makes it possible to create very life-like brushing phrases and patterns, something that can't be achieved with traditional sample-based instruments.
The parallel envelope and events sequencers allow you to determine exactly when to start a stroke, how the stroke's pressure/speed should evolve over time and when to end it. On top of that, all instruments also offers multi-sampled one-shots with advanced choking capabilities. Each instrument is based on more than 400 high-quality samples, recorded for playing with different velocities and round robins.
В отличие от многих других шумоподавителей на рынке, Brusfri не использует фазировку звука для подавления шума (метод, который часто сопровождается слышимыми побочными эффектами). Вместо этого используются несколько точно настроенных гейтов для подавления нежелательного шума.
- Brusfri is a highly advanced audio noise reducer, packed into a simple and straightforward interface. It is very well suited for cleaning up noisy audio recordings while retaining sound quality.
Unlike many other noise reducers on the market, Brusfri doesn’t mess with audio phasing to suppress noise (a technique that often comes with audible side effects). Instead, multiple fine-tuned gates are used to silence unwanted noise.
- DAW Cassette brings back the magic era of the 1980s by emulating the sound of a tape deck. Saturation, distortion, noise, wobble, it's all there. While there's no real rational logic to it, the sound color gives us chills down the spines, (or it might be the mullet haircut that tickles). Fresh.
Choose your preferred level of cassetteness with the different controls for input/output gain, tape/motor/head quality, and tape/noise type. Now, look in the mirror and get stunned by your new mullet haircut.
Установите уровень гула, царапин и шума, а также качество усилителя, иглы и кабеля. Точная настройка с использованием уровней входа, выхода и микширования.
- DAW LP is a vinyl player simulation plug-in. It simulates various artifacts associated with vinyl – all the way from the vinyl record surface, to the output cable of the RIAA amplifier. Tune in anything from an old 78:s player to a modern HiFi sound.
Set the level of hum, scratches & noise along with the quality of amp, needle & cable. Fine-tune using the in, out & mix level.
Поскольку все параметры полностью автоматизированы, это удобный плагин для создания уникальных и интересных дропов, разверток и других переходов.
- Degrader is a combined resampler and bit crusher plugin. It can be used to simulate the sound of vintage digital gear, as a lofi-effect or distortion unit.
Since all parameters are fully automatable it’s a handy plugin for creating unique and interesting drops, sweeps and other transitions.
Регулируемые триггеры и удобная визуализация упрощают поиск атаки вашего звука и высвобождают слабые места, в то время как фильтрация помогает дополнениям Fosfat лучше сочетаться с вашим оригинальным звуком.
- Klevgrand Fosfat is a transient enhancer plugin for mixing, perfect for adding attack or bass to percussive sounds. Fosfat follows the peaks of a given percussive element of your mix and adds both tonal and noise-based information to it, helping it stand out in even the densest productions. Adjustable triggers and easy visualisation make it simple to find your sound's attack and release sweet spots, while filtering helps Fosfat's additions sit better with your original sound.
Частотные параметры глобально синхронизируются между различными экземплярами плагина, если они установлены в одной и той же группе, что делает его действительно удобным для работы в любой DAW.
- Gaffel is a tool that splits audio into different frequency bands. Using it on multiple channels lets the user create multiband effects out of any other plugin installed.
Frequency parameters are globally synchronized between different instances of the plug-in if they’re set to the same group, which makes it really convenient to work with in any DAW.
Эквалайзер можно использовать для усиления и ослабления частот, чтобы подчистить басовые треки. С помощью динамической аттенюации и подстройки середины, плагин может использоваться в качестве де-эссера на вокале или де-харша на тарелках.
- GotoEQ is a new evolution of a vintage passive tube-based program equalizer, expanding on that classic sound with dynamic EQ bands. GotoEQ performs the classic ‘low-end trick’ with dual Boost and Attenuate controls for its low shelf, but it also offers the ability to perform a 'high-end trick', with a similar formulation of high shelving. With continuous frequency selection, you can tune each band as you like. But most importantly of all, GotoEQ’s two mid bands offer dynamic attenuation, bringing a musical approach to the classic EQ unit.
Simultaneously boost and cut the low shelf to create that low-mid scoop on bass tracks. De-ess vocals or de-harsh overheads by engaging dynamic attenuation and tuning the high-mid band. Add air to signals with the high shelf filter, and ‘scoop’ the high-mids using a ‘high-end trick’. Get control over the ‘nose’ of bass tracks with dynamic attenuation of the Low Mid and High Mid bands. Subtly EQ a whole mix or bus using light settings and mild compression.
- Grand Finale is a multi-effect plug-in designed for finalizing complete mixes, stems, buses and/or individual audio tracks. The plug-in offers several modules in a pre-routed configuration. Each module has parameters to alter, and most modules offer a set of different algorithms to select. These features come together to make Grand Finale a powerful tool for quickly finalizing a track, bus or mix.
Trim the input signal, add your desired amount of compression, multi-band compression, stereo width, EQ, blend in some add compression and/or distortion, and glue it all together by balancing the input and output trim. Use the meters to monitor and adjust your output level to whatever destination.
Haaze 2 -аудиоплагин, который делает позиционирование более естественным, понятным и приятным для слуха. Он разделяет звуковой сигнал на 16 частотных диапазонов. На каждом диапазоне вы можете задержать левый или правый сигнал, панорамировать его влево или вправо или отрегулировать общую ширину на этом диапазоне (например, сделать более низкие частоты более сфокусированными в середине, чем высокие). Haaze также может рассеивать монофонический сигнал и делать его шире.
- The upgraded Haaze v2 from Klevgrand is an elegant solution for controlling stereo width and spatially positioning a sound in a stereo mix. Regular L-R panning is a weak tool that doesn't resemble real-world acoustics, which becomes clear when trying to place a mono sound naturally in a stereo mix (especially on headphones).
The result still feels very "mono". Haaze is an audio plugin that makes the positioning feel more natural, understandable, and pleasant for the ears. It splits the audio signal into 16 frequency bands. On each band, you can delay the left or right signal (which will make the listener believe the sound arrives from the side that’s reaching the ear first), pan it to the left or right, or adjust the overall width on that band (for example, make the lower frequencies more focused in the middle than the higher). Haaze can also diffuse a mono signal and make it wider.
If this sounds complicated, Haaze comes with many presets that will help you to get started. It sounds good both in headphones and loudspeakers, and it has great mono compatibility.
Звук генерируется с помощью аналогового подхода, но не использует сэмплы или сэмплированные волновые таблицы. Hillman также имеет интуитивно понятное управление огибающей ADSR, секцию эффектов с хорусом, фазером и реверберацией, а также множество встроенных пресетов.
- Hillman is a synth-like instrument inspired by old combo-organs, string machines, and similar vintage gear. It has 4 voices per note, each with selectable waveform (transistor:ish, tube:ish, sine and special plasma), octave switch and a level control.
The sound is generated with an analog approach but does not use samples or sampled wavetables. Hillman also has an intuitive ADSR envelope control, FX section with Chorus, Phaser & Reverb, and comes with many built-in presets.
С тремя различными настройками размера комнаты (маленькая, средняя, большая), выбираемым фильтром для ранних и поздних отражений, модуляцией, демпфированием, диффузией и многим другим, можно смоделировать практически любое помещение. Также имеется дакер, который использует необработанный сигнал в качестве боковой цепи. Очень полезно, чтобы вокал или другие сольные инструменты оставались отчетливыми, даже когда они промокли. 64 заводских пресета охватывают большинство функций Kleverb.
- Kleverb is a high quality algorithmic reverb effect. An intuitive UI combined with a carefully calibrated network of filters and delays makes this a powerful effect useful in any context; all from acoustic jazz to EDM.
With three different room size setups (small, medium, large), selectable filter on both early and late reflections, modulation, damping, diffusion and much more, almost any kind of room can be simulated. There is also a ducker included that uses the dry signal as side-chain. Very useful to keep vocals or other solo instruments distinct even when they're soaking wet. The 64 factory presets covers most of the Kleverb features.
Базовый алгоритм использует комбинацию фильтрации, амплитудной и частотной модуляции для обработки входящего звука. Knorr разработан с учетом басовых звуков, но может использоваться на любом монофоническом источнике звука, если есть аудиоконтент, доступный в низких частотах (и ниже).
- Knorr is a plugin that adds intensity and edge to a monophonic low frequency audio source (like a bass). The algorithm adds overtones to an existing sound in a way that isn’t possible with ordinary distortion or filtering.
The underlying algorithm uses a combination of filtering, amplitude- and frequency modulation to process incoming audio. Knorr is developed with bass sounds in mind, but can be used on any monophonic sound source as long as there is audio content available in the low mids (and below).
Korvpressor — это адаптивный компрессор/лимитер, разработанный для всех целей обработки звука. Он имеет очень простой пользовательский интерфейс с уникальным подходом к тому, как приручить и визуализировать компрессор, а теперь также с некоторыми дополнительными элементами управления, чтобы сделать его еще более универсальным. Основные элементы управления по-прежнему минималистичны — установите входное усиление, уровень сжатия и выходное усиление. Алгоритм сжатия был разработан с учетом прозрачности, и Korvpressor будет отлично звучать практически на любом звуке; все от вокального трека до полноценного микса. Если надавить еще сильнее, получится приятный эффект выдавливания.
- If you work with audio, you will eventually need a good compressor in your toolbox. Korvpressor is an adaptive compressor / limiter, designed for all purposes in audio treatment. It has a super-simple UI with a unique approach on how to tame and visualize a compressor, now also with some added controls to make it even more versatile. The basic controls are still minimalistic – set the input gain, level of compression, and the output gain. The compression algorithm was designed with transparency in mind, and Korvpressor will sound great on almost any kind of sound; all from a vocal track to a full blown mix. If you push it even harder, it gives a nice squeezing effect.
LUXE очень прост в использовании – просто выберите между алгоритмами LUXE или FINESSE и установите желаемый уровень обработки. Пусть вас не вводят в заблуждение скромные возможности управления - под капотом находится очень сложный набор параметров, которые будут относиться к вашему входящему звуку с большой заботой, музыкальностью и теплотой.
- LUXE is an effect plugin that compresses and saturates an audio signal in a quite subtle but musical way. It is very useful for making a track "fit in the mix", and can be used with very good results on a drum bus, a vocal track, or anything in between.
LUXE is very easy to use – simply choose between the LUXE or FINESSE algorithms, and set the desired processing level. Don't be fooled by the modest control possibilities - under the hood is a very sophisticated set of parameters that will treat your incoming audio with great care, musicality, and warmth.
The slider sets the amount of the effect. Under the hood, this parameter controls a set of internal (non-visible) parameters which makes LUXE an easy tool to use for quick results. The OUT knob sets the output volume and ranges from silence to +6 dB.
The alternate FINESSE algorithm offers a slightly different frequency response, and also adds some edge to the internal saturation module.
Идея Modley состоит в том, чтобы раздвинуть границы того, на что способен эффект задержки. В то время как Modley, безусловно, может быть использован для выполнения всех традиционных трюков - Stereo delay, Tape delay, Short slapback delay и т. д., его истинный потенциал заключается в разнообразии неожиданных модулей эффектов, которые можно применить.
- Modley is a modulation delay with effect insert capabilities, which lets you design the whole delay signal with several carefully selected effect modules to create unique signal flows.
The idea behind Modley is to push the boundaries of what a delay effect is capable of – only your imagination sets the limits! While Modley sure can be used to do all the traditional tricks - Stereo delay, Tape delay, Short slapback delay, etc., its true potential lies within the variety of unexpected effect modules that can be applied.
Pana использует комбинацию методов задержки и фильтрации для достижения более естественного позиционирования. Это делает Pana очень универсальным инструментом для большинства типов звуков, а наличие этих функций в одном плагине обеспечивает отличный опыт микширования. В довершение ко всему, есть также фильтр кроссовера, который позволяет полностью оставить низкие частоты нетронутыми, позволяя басу оставаться полностью по центру, чтобы предотвратить опрокидывание микса на одну сторону.
- Pana is a sophisticated stereo tool designed to let you do more elegant, natural audio positioning than what regular balance panning might accomplish.
Panning an audio signal can be done in several ways, where the most common is to alter the volume on one channel. This is a CPU efficient way (and many times the best) to achieve a sense of positioned audio. Almost every DAW and mixing console have this feature built-in.
Another way is to add a short delay to one of the channels – the Haas method. This renders a richer sound, but can also make a sound come off as somewhat unnatural.
A more elegant way is to apply a low pass filter to one of the channels. This maintains the audio energy on both channels, but at the same time makes it sound positioned. This works very well on transient rich sounds like drums or other percussive instruments.
Pana uses both the delaying and filtering methods in combination, to achieve a more natural positioning. This makes Pana a very versatile tool for most types of sounds – and having these features in one plug-in makes for a great mixing experience. To top it all off, there’s also a crossover filter that makes it possible to leave the low end frequencies completely untouched, letting the bass remain fully centered, to prevent the mix from tipping over on one side.
- Pipa is a singing vocal synth with a unique and different sound. It is inspired by the expression and flexibility of the human voice but does not aim to cover all the aspects of an actual voice. Instead, it focuses on an organic and musical sound where the user has the possibility to control formants and dynamics seamlessly.
The synth engine is a crossover between a wavetable- and a granulating synthesizer, which results in a very expressive and playable instrument. Instead of using ordinary samples or processing oscillators with formant filters, Pipa uses a large database of thousands of wavetables extracted from real vocal samples. The advantage of the technique being used is that it’s possible to seamlessly morph between wavetables with proper phase alignment. This enables Pipa to continuously make transitions between pitch, formants, and dynamics, which is very useful in a musical context.
- REAMP is a complex spectral saturation processor, simulating a set of different analog gear in a new and unique way. Benefits of this algorithm is that it is highly CPU efficient and adds (almost) no latency. The seven models available are based on real analog gear, individually measured in two dimensions; gain responses (-inf dB to +6 dB) at the frequency spectrum 20Hz to 20kHz. This data is used to transform input audio to output audio. A four-band spectral drive allows you to let the unit work even more.
With several models available, REAMP can be used on almost any type of audio in any genre. The character can span from lo-fi to professional high-end gear. One approach can be to put it on a bus, or a whole mix. Another is to put it on several tracks with a more subtle setting, which makes the essence of the simulated gear add up.
В дополнение к десяти мультизаписываемым комнатам (с различными настройками микрофона и персонажами, которые можно комбинировать друг с другом) имеется усовершенствованный модуль расширения стереобазы и модуляции для еще большей гибкости.
- Rum simulates different kinds of rooms – from acoustically treated studio booths to spaces found in an ordinary home. Think of this plug-in as if the audio source was recorded in stereo from the other side of the room, a common technique for recording acoustic instruments in order to breathe life into a dry sound source.
In addition to the ten multi-recorded rooms (with different mic settings and characters that can be cross combined) there’s an advanced stereo spread and modulation unit for even more tweakability.
This plug-in also comes with low cut and high cut filters, pre-delay (with tempo sync), a full set of factory presets, and a built-in ducker making it easy to tame transients on the wet signal.
- Skaka is a sample-based sequencer plugin for shaker percussion instruments. It has 12 slots, each with its own instrument, parameters (lots of them!), and pattern. Klevgrand has built both the sequencer and the sampler from the ground, to optimize this instrument for these types of sounds. Each pattern contains events, with individual parameters like pitch, velocity (as in how fast the instrument is shaken), and envelope.
With full control over shuffle/swing amount, an advanced humanizer function, internal awareness of in- and out shakes (yes, they sound different), using grids divided into triplets/quintuplets/septuplets, timing fine-tuning and variable sequence lengths, Skaka can get very close to how a human percussionist would sound in almost any tempo without any use of degrading time stretching or similar techniques.
To top it off, there's a nice reverb, a room simulator, and a high-shelf filter.
Skaka comes with nearly 200 ready-made patterns covering most genres and styles.
- Slammer is a multi-sampled drum plug-in that contains 30 different instruments made from a large number of carefully recorded and edited samples. Integrated custom-built real-time effects combined with some clever routing makes Slammer a versatile and flexible virtual instrument that is capable of rendering anything from natural acoustic to heavily distorted and compressed drum sounds.
Each sound can be customized with a wide array of settings like pitch, filtering, effect sends, decay time, velocity mapping, and much more.
There’s also a “Dirt” section for distortion and compression, a reverb, and tone control. The amount of “dirt” and reverb can be tweaked individually for each instrument. On top of all, Slammer comes with a set of factory presets, covering anything from light and slick to heavy and gritty.
If you're looking for a drum instrument, giving you 'instant gratification' from the first hit, this is it.
Каждая полоса также имеет регулятор скорости, который будет регулировать скорость в соответствии с входным уровнем полосы. Spinn также предлагает пользовательское моделирование усилителя (чистый или горячий) и моделирование помещения.
- Spinn is a four-band rotating modulation effect. It has similarities to, but doesn't aim to replicate, a Leslie speaker (call it a spin-off if you like). Four rotors (one per frequency band) with individual speed controls, acceleration and deceleration times, adjustable size, and modulation.
Each band also has a velocity control, which will adjust the speed according to the band's input level. Spinn also features custom amp modeling (clean or hot) and room simulation.
Основная особенность плагина в том, что каждый компонент виртуальной аудиоцепи обрабатывает аудио независимо от остальных участников. Несмотря на небольшое количество обработок (10 кабинетов, 14 эффектов, 6 комнат), такой ход позволяет использовать любые комбинаций усилителей, кабинетов и пространств, с любым количеством эффектов. Каждый компонент можно более тонко настроить, чтобы получить желаемый звук.
- STARK is a fully-fledged amplifier simulator consisting of four modules: Amplifier, Cabinet, Room, and Pedalboard. The modules are processing audio separately, which makes it possible to combine different amplifiers with different cabinets and rooms.
What separates STARK from other amp simulators is that the cab, amp, and ambiance modules are built on Klevgrand’s very own algorithms that don’t involve any convolution or FFT analysis. This approach renders a more natural response to dynamics over the whole frequency spectrum, plus the ability to fine-tune each profile in ways that just isn’t possible when using convolving methods.
Каждый звук тщательно мультисэмплируется и обрабатывается с общей целью сделать его музыкально воспроизводимым.
- Ting is an instrument providing 28 different percussive sounds originating from everyday t(h)ings laying around at home - such as silverware, a sofa, a toy drum, or a pair of car keys. Each sound is carefully multi-sampled and processed with the common goal to be musically playable.
Ting is intended to be a creative tool and a substitute for the ordinary drum and percussion instruments. Altogether ~1500 individual samples are used to make this instrument.
In addition to the sounds, there is an EQ, a room simulator, a reverb, and a compressor.
- Syndt is a high-quality polyphonic synthesizer with a lot of possibilities. The oscillator waveform can be morphed between pure sine to pure square and supports altering of pulse width. Both the shape and pulse width can be modulated by two independent LFOs.
With fine-tuned low pass and high pass filters combined with a separate filter attack setting, (optionally based on velocity) this synth can create some raw and interesting sounds.
The additional LFO can be shaped exactly as the oscillator, and optionally controls filters, gain, and pitch (using a modulation wheel or just automatically). This LFO can be synchronized to an AUv3 host.
Globally there’s a nice stereo chorus, ping pong stereo delay (that also can sync to an AUv3 host's BPM), and EQ.
- Pads is a thriving and organic pad synthesizer. It consists of a wavetable synth with a noise/grain generator and a high cut filter. With a carefully developed ”wobbler” that detunes the waveforms and makes very small inconsistencies to several internal parameters and a nice sounding chorus, this synthesizer is able to create some really interesting and non-statical pad sounds.
- Jussi emulates male voice vowels in a unique way. Thanks to a set of powerful parameters you can make Jussi sing anything from soft and airy choir-like vowels to hard and angry shouting. Formants are controlled by playing with different velocity, which makes it fun and easy to play using a MIDI keyboard.
- Baervaag is a fairly simple FM synthesizer with one carrier and one modulator. The oscillator waveforms can be modified seamlessly between sine wave to pure square wave with PWM (pulse width modulation).
Enkl поставляется с 93 высококачественными заводскими пресетами, созданными профессиональными музыкальными продюсерами. Конечно, можно создавать новые и сохранять их.
- This fully-featured monophonic synthesizer can create a huge variety of sounds. Fat basses, stabby leads, glitchy noises, old style chip tune sounds (including arpeggios), weird percussion, you name it. Enkl does the job!
Enkl comes with 93 high-quality factory presets, all crafted by professional music producers. Of course, it is possible to create new ones and save them.
Простой и эффективный интерфейс позволяет вам настроить оптимальное количество искажений в трех разных частотных диапазонах. В сочетании с уникальным алгоритмом искажения SquashIt стал неотъемлемой частью наборов инструментов многих музыкальных продюсеров.
- SquashIt is a powerful distortion filter, with a wide range of uses. Whether you want to completely mangle your sound to the unrecognizable, or just beef up the saturation a bit, SquashIt can be your friend.
A simple and effective interface lets you tune in the perfect amount of distortion, on three different frequency bands. Combined with a unique distortion algorithm, SquashIt has become essential in many music producers’ toolsets.
- This audio effect filter is a hybrid between a simple reverb and a very complex delay. R0Verb consists of up to 50 separate delay lines, and puts you in charge of every single delay with controls for volume, pre-delay, feedback & high shelf. It can be used for everything from simple delays to complex spaces, whatever your mix needs. It also has a nice Randomizer if you’re feeling lucky!
Эти конверты управляют различными параметрами эффекта и могут быть нарисованы свободно или на сетке. Огибающие зациклены, а входящий звук — нет (если, конечно, вы не подаете ему зацикленный материал).
Это мощный и забавный способ изменить ваши звуки, чтобы выйти на совершенно новый уровень, иногда даже неузнаваемый! Благодаря циклическому характеру плагина он очень хорошо впишется в любой музыкальный контекст. Один из способов его использования — оживить любой зацикленный материал (например, биты) всего за несколько секунд.
- Kuvert defines a whole new way of dealing with effects. In short, Kuvert allows you to draw five different envelopes.
These envelopes control different effect parameters and can be drawn freely or onto a grid. The envelopes are looped, while the incoming audio isn’t (unless you’re feeding it looped material of course).
This is a powerful & fun way of altering your sounds to reach a whole new level, sometimes not even recognizable! Thanks to the looping nature of the plug-in, it will fit very well into any musical context. One way of using it would be to revitalize any looped material (such as beats) within just a few seconds.
Уникальность Esspresso в том, что диапазон частот обнаружения не связан с диапазоном частот подавителей. Это означает, что вы можете слушать определенную частоту и компрессировать другую, что часто требуется от профессионального де-эссера. С быстрым и точным просмотром частотной характеристики вы легко получите полный контроль над раздражающими S-звуками, которые в противном случае могут испортить микс.
- Esspresso is a fast, beautiful & powerful de-esser for everyone doing audio recording. De-essers have previously been aimed towards highly professional audio producers that needs full control over the sibilance (high frequency noises) in their mix. These noises can bring trouble to your overall sound – for example if you want a ”crisp” tone to the voice and add the EQ, the S’s will eventually distort and make it hard to balance the mix.
The uniqueness of Esspresso is that the detection frequency range isn’t coupled with the suppressors frequency range. That means you can listen to a specific frequency and compress another one, which is often what you’ll want from a professional de-esser. With a fast and accurate frequency response view, you will easily get full control over annoying S-sounds that otherwise can ruin the mix.
Borsta 1.0.1
Brusfri 1.2.2
DAW Cassette 1.2.2
DAW LP 1.1.1
Degrader 1.0.4
Fosfat 1.1.0
Gaffel 1.0.5
GotoEQ 1.0.4
Grand Finale 2.0.1
Haaze 2 2.1.1
Hillman 1.0.3
Kleverb 1.1.2
Knorr 1.0.3
Korvpressor 2.1.1
LUXE 1.1.2
Modley 1.1.3
Pana 1.0.1
Pipa 1.0.2
REAMP 1.2.1
Rum 1.0.2
Skaka 1.1.3
Slammer 1.1.1
Spinn 1.1.1
STARK 1.0.4
Ting 1.1.1
Syndt 1.1.2
Pads 1.2.1
Jussi 1.2.1
Baervaag 1.3.1
Enkl 1.0.4
SquashIt 1.2.2
R0Verb 1.0.4
Kuvert 1.0.5
Esspresso 1.0.4
2. Запустить Klevgrand_KeyGen.exe, выбрать активируемый продукт и нажатьGenerate
3. При запуске плагина ввести полученный в KeyGen'е код активации
Каждый плагин активируется отдельно.
Все операции от имени администратора.
Не использовать кириллицу
Автор лекарства: TEAM R2R
Загрузил: Baguvix (15 февраля 2023 06:01)
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Klevgrand Plug-ins 02.2023 (35 файлов)
R2R (1 файл)
Klevgrand_KeyGen.exe (376,1 Kb)
Borsta.exe (175,49 Mb)
Brusfri.exe (7,53 Mb)
DAWCassette.exe (11,57 Mb)
DAWLP.exe (17,07 Mb)
Degrader.exe (15,96 Mb)
Enkl.exe (4,03 Mb)
Esspresso.exe (3,75 Mb)
Fosfat.exe (7,56 Mb)
Gaffel.exe (3,89 Mb)
GotoEQ.exe (4,84 Mb)
GrandFinale.exe (7,01 Mb)
Haaze2.exe (5,03 Mb)
Hillman.exe (5,1 Mb)
Jussi.exe (5,87 Mb)
Kleverb.exe (31,66 Mb)
Knorr.exe (4,51 Mb)
Korvpressor.exe (7,05 Mb)
Kuvert.exe (3,92 Mb)
LUXE.exe (8,03 Mb)
Modley.exe (29,06 Mb)
Pads.exe (15,03 Mb)
Pana.exe (6,21 Mb)
Pipa.exe (40,67 Mb)
R0Verb.exe (3,72 Mb)
REAMP.exe (17,97 Mb)
Rum.exe (26,93 Mb)
STARK.exe (35,51 Mb)
Skaka.exe (97,74 Mb)
Slammer.exe (101,12 Mb)
Spinn.exe (24,8 Mb)
SquashIt.exe (4,03 Mb)
Syndt.exe (29,49 Mb)
Ting.exe (38,89 Mb)