Торрент софт » Мультимедиа » Аудио » Редакторы » Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En] скачать торрент файл бесплатно


Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En]

Автор: Baguvix от 6-04-2022, 22:00, Посмотрело: 853, Обсуждения: 0

Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En]
Версия программы: 1.4.2
Официальный сайт: Native Instruments
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: кейген

Системные требования:
  • Windows: 7, 8, 10
    Host: DAW или любая другая программа поддерживающая работу VST 2/3, AAX

Native Instruments Reverb Classics – две виртуальные модели винтажных ревербераторов.
Reverb Classics – два плагина RC24 и RC48, моделирующие классические ревербераторы 1980-х и 1990-х годов. Плагины были созданы в сотрудничестве с Softube – шведской компанией, которая известна своими работами по точной эмуляции звукового оборудования.

Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En] Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En] Native Instruments - Reverb Classics 1.4.2 VST, VST3, AAX [En]

Загрузил: Baguvix (5 апреля 2022 07:08)
Взяли: 259 | Размер: 284.56 Mb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
Native Instruments Reverb Classics 1.4.2-R2R (268 файлов)
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file Thin Vocal.nifx (2,06 Kb)
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file Small Hall Dark.nifx (2,06 Kb)
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file Club Stage.nifx (3,02 Kb)
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file Drumbus.nifx (3,01 Kb)
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file Piano Small Recital.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Reflective Drums.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Reflex Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Rhodes.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Slap Back.nifx (3,01 Kb)
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file Street Promotion.nifx (3 Kb)
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file Styled Room.nifx (3,02 Kb)
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file Tight Vocal.nifx (3,02 Kb)
92BA7D3D (10 файлов)
file Air Vent.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Bathroom.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Cellar.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Inside Car.nifx (3 Kb)
file Living Room.nifx (3,02 Kb)
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file Small & Bright.nifx (3,02 Kb)
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file Small Room.nifx (3 Kb)
file Very Small Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
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file Large Church.nifx (3 Kb)
file Large Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,04 Kb)
file Large Hall.nifx (3 Kb)
file Medium Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Medium Hall.nifx (3 Kb)
file Parking Deck.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Small Church.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Small Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Small Hall.nifx (3 Kb)
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file shortname.db (255 Kb)
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png VB_logo.png (1,14 Kb)
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file Boiler Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Broccoli.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Flanged Beats.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Fringe Event.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Ghosts in the Machine.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Glued Spring.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Grainy Echoes.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Looped Verb.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Metalverb.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Next Door.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Oil Tank.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Pumping Kick.nifx (3 Kb)
file Pumpwerk.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Reflux.nifx (3 Kb)
file Resonate.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Rhythmic Mirror.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Robot Soup.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Roundabout.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Seasick.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Shattered Voice.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Snare Roll.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Sneak Up.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Sonic Splinter.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Spooky Place.nifx (3 Kb)
file Spring Tank.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Time Shatter.nifx (2,99 Kb)
7003332A (19 файлов)
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file Bright Plate.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Dark Plate.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Factory.nifx (3 Kb)
file Fairy Tail.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Fat Synth.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Giant Hall.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Grained Canyon.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Grand Piano.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Guitar Hall.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Huge Vocal.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Magic Strings.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Mount Verberest.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Outdoor Stadium.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Piano Cloud.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file String Ensemble.nifx (3,04 Kb)
file Universal.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Wide Sensation.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Wormhole.nifx (3,01 Kb)
56605289 (15 файлов)
file Big Booty.nifx (3 Kb)
file Chorus Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Honey.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Large Rnd Chamber.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Large Rnd Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Medium Rnd Room.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Metal.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Music Club Rnd.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Oil.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Small & Bright Rnd.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Small Rnd Chamber.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Small Rnd Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Stone Wall.nifx (3 Kb)
file Very Small Rnd.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Wet & Sticky.nifx (3,01 Kb)
AA8F8C1E (10 файлов)
file Jazz Rnd Hall.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Large Rnd Church.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Large Rnd Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,05 Kb)
file Large Rnd Hall.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Medium Rnd Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,05 Kb)
file Medium Rnd Hall.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Parking Deck Rnd.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Small Rnd Church.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Small Rnd Hall & Echoes.nifx (3,05 Kb)
file Small Rnd Hall.nifx (3,02 Kb)
BBC3A94C (26 файлов)
file Classic Reflex.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Cross Vault.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Delayed Gate.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Echo Gate.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Female Vocal.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Guitar Front Row.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Guitar Presence.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Guitar Room.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Male Vocal.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Manor House.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Moderate Hall.nifx (2,99 Kb)
file Non Linear.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Nylon Guitar.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Percussion.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Piano Large Recital.nifx (3,03 Kb)
file Pop Piano.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Pop Vocal.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Reflective Walls.nifx (3,04 Kb)
file Rich Verb.nifx (3,02 Kb)
file Ricochet.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Saxophone.nifx (3 Kb)
file Snare Flair.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Staircase.nifx (3 Kb)
file Stereo Verb.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Thin Synth.nifx (3,01 Kb)
file Woodwinds.nifx (3 Kb)
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file color.meta (152 b)
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file .categories.db-conch (195 b)
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mIDEFunc.dll (1 файл)
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file NIInstallAction.dll (3,85 Mb)
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file mEXEFunc.dll (99,5 Kb)
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exe RC 48 Setup PC.exe (4,17 Mb)
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file RC 48 Setup PC.res (10,85 Mb)
file mia.lib (565,58 Kb)

Категория: Мультимедиа / Аудио / Редакторы

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